
Potato diet. Effective diet on potatoes and kefir Potato diet for 7 days

breast cancer

Lose weight up to 4 kg in 7 days.
The average daily calorie content is 840 Kcal.

Any person who is personally familiar with diets and has already tried to lose excess weight knows that potatoes, beloved by many, are a forbidden product in almost all weight loss methods, or its amount in the diet is recommended to be reduced to a minimum. This is true. But it’s a completely different matter if you seek help directly from the potato mono-diet, according to the rules of which this root vegetable is the main character. Of course, miracles don't happen. If you consume large quantities of fried potatoes or mashed potatoes with the addition of butter and full-fat milk, your dreams of a slim and attractive figure will probably remain just dreams.

But potatoes with minimal heat treatment contain about 70 calories per 100 grams. Is that really that much? Based on these facts, experts have developed a potato diet, variations of which last from 3 to 9 days.

Potato diet requirements

One of the shortest and at the same time quite effective methods of this type is three day potato diet, during which you can get rid of a couple of unnecessary kilograms. It can be an excellent solution after festive feasts, during which excess folds hastened to settle in the most undesirable places of the figure. According to the requirements of this diet, you need to have breakfast with low-fat (up to 1.5%) milk, for lunch with mashed potatoes (cook it in water and better not add salt), and for dinner with a salad of boiled potatoes and an apple with a spoon of vegetable oil.

In unlimited quantities, in all variants of the potato diet, it is allowed to drink plain and mineral water (preferably without gas), tea (green and herbal).

The next version of the potato diet is five-day monomethod. You can eat this vegetable exclusively on it. According to reviews of those losing weight, up to 500-600 g of excess weight is lost per day. If you need to lose just a little weight, you can stay on this diet for a shorter amount of time, but increasing the diet period is not recommended. Every day you need to eat up to 2 kilograms of potatoes (boiled or baked). You can alternate these cooking methods to add variety to your diet. It is advisable to eat small meals (at least 5 times a day), portions should be small. This will eliminate acute attacks of hunger, speed up metabolism and promote weight loss processes. It is recommended to eat 2 servings of potatoes empty, and add a little salt, vegetable oil or lemon juice to the rest. If on such a diet you are overcome by a very strong feeling of hunger, eat one or two boiled chicken eggs or a piece of rye bread. And if you understand that psychologically you are one step away from breaking your diet, eat both. These products should relieve hunger.

By the way, on such a diet (if your goal is to maintain weight), you can simply do a fasting day once a week or two. But in this case, it is better to eat all the potatoes without additives. It shouldn't be very difficult to reschedule one day.

The following potato diet can last up to 7 days. The diet of this technique is quite strict. Every day you can eat up to 7-8 boiled or baked medium-sized potatoes. It is not recommended to salt the products, and there should be 5-6 daily meals. At the same time, you can season our favorite root vegetable with parsley, green onions, dill and other herbs that you like.

Another weekly meal option is potato detox diet. If you want to not only lose two or three extra pounds, but also cleanse yourself well, we recommend taking a closer look at it. In this case, potatoes are accompanied by low-fat or low-fat milk, other non-starchy vegetables, herbs, natural yogurt, and legumes. It is recommended to avoid salt during this period, eat three times a day and be sure to provide the body with plenty of fluids.

If you need to lose weight more significantly and you have no problems with willpower, you can turn to help 9-day potato mono-diet. It consists of three diet sets lasting 3 days. So, if you decide to strive for slimness in this way, for the first 3 days you will have to eat up to 1.5 kg of oven-baked potatoes daily. It is not recommended to add oil or salt to the dish. The second three days - the same amount of potatoes, but already boiled in their jackets. From time to time you can add a little salt, lemon juice and olive oil to it. And on the last three days of the nine-day potato week, you are supposed to eat baked or steamed potatoes. You can sometimes treat yourself to mashed potatoes by adding a little olive oil and your favorite herbs to the dish. Salt is allowed, but occasionally and in small quantities. Over the course of the diet, it is quite possible to lose up to 6-7 kilograms of excess weight that burdens you. But of course, you need to take into account your initial data, as well as the individual characteristics of the body. Some people lose weight quite quickly, while others are in no hurry to lose the excess weight.

Exercising will help boost your weight loss process. Don't neglect physical activity, no matter what type of potato diet you choose.

In order for following the rules of the potato diet to not only help transform your figure, but also bring health benefits, it is important to purchase the right product. When buying potatoes, make sure that there are no greenish areas on their surface. Their presence indicates that a lot of corned beef has accumulated in this potato - a toxic compound that can harm the body. It is formed during long-term and improper storage of tubers. Potatoes should be as firm as possible and have no sprouts. If you buy new potatoes, make sure that their skin does not peel off and is easily removed. By the way, to follow the described diet, it is better to choose a young root vegetable (of course, if the time of the diet coincides with the potato season). Try to buy small or medium-sized potatoes, since large tubers have a third less nutrients.

Potato diet menu

Diet on a three-day potato diet

Breakfast: milk up to 1.5% fat (200 ml).
Lunch: mashed potatoes with water and without salt (up to 300 g).
Dinner: salad of 250 g of boiled potatoes, half an apple, a teaspoon of vegetable oil (you can add black pepper to taste, but it is better to avoid salt).

Diet on a five-day potato diet

Breakfast: a portion of empty boiled potatoes.
Snack: several baked potatoes with a drop of vegetable oil.
Lunch: baked potatoes without butter, but you can salt them or add a little freshly squeezed lemon juice for taste.
Afternoon snack: boiled potato salad, flavored with a small amount of sunflower or other vegetable oil.
Dinner: plain mashed potatoes.

Diet on the seven-day potato diet

Breakfast: 1 baked potato.
Snack: 1 boiled potato.
Lunch: 2 baked potatoes.
Afternoon snack: 1 boiled potato.
Dinner: duplicates lunch.
Before bed: if you are very hungry, eat another small boiled or baked potato.

Diet on the potato detox diet

Day 1
Breakfast: mashed potatoes from two small potatoes, to which you can add a little milk of the permitted fat content during preparation.
Lunch: several potato dumplings in lean broth.
Dinner: 2 medium-sized baked or boiled potatoes and lettuce leaves.

Day 2
Breakfast: 2-3 baked potatoes and some non-starchy vegetable.
Lunch: low-fat chicken broth; a portion of potato salad and other boiled vegetables (it is recommended to season with natural yoghurt in a small amount).
Dinner: an empty vegetable salad made from non-starchy products.

Day 3
Breakfast: 5-6 potato dumplings.
Lunch: a plate of lean potato soup.
Dinner: 2 stewed potatoes and your favorite fresh vegetables.

Day 4
Breakfast: 2 potatoes, cut into pieces, boiled in milk.
Lunch: a bowl of potato and lentil soup.
Dinner: any non-starchy fresh vegetables.

Day 5
Breakfast: boiled white beans with stewed potatoes (you are allowed to use 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil during cooking).
Lunch: puree soup made from mushrooms and potatoes.
Dinner: White cabbage salad with fresh cucumbers, drizzled with olive oil, lemon juice and soy sauce.

Day 6
Breakfast: carrot and potato casserole, to which you can add a little cottage cheese.
Lunch: potato-based soup (you can add tomato paste).
Dinner: a serving of any stewed vegetables.

Day 7
Breakfast: Potato pancakes cooked in a frying pan without oil.
Lunch: a bowl of beet soup.
Dinner: 2 jacket potatoes and an empty salad of non-starchy vegetables and herbs.

Diet on the nine-day potato diet

First 3 days We eat only baked potatoes without salt and oil.
Breakfast: 300 g.
Snack: 200 g.
Lunch: 300 g.
Afternoon snack: 200 g.
Dinner: 300 g.
Before bed: if you are hungry, eat 1-2 more baked potatoes.

Second 3 days We only eat jacket potatoes. Occasionally it is allowed to add salt, add oil and lemon juice.
Breakfast: 300 g.
Snack: 200 g.
Lunch: 350 g.
Afternoon snack: 150 g.
Dinner: 300 g.
Before bed: If desired, eat another medium-sized potato.

Third 3 days
Breakfast: 300 g baked potatoes.
Snack: 200 g steamed potatoes.
Lunch: 300 g of mashed potatoes with a drop of olive oil.
Afternoon snack: 200 g steamed potatoes.
Dinner: up to 300 g of baked or steamed or boiled potatoes.

Contraindications for the potato diet

  • Experts strongly advise against going on a potato diet if you have chronic diseases (especially during exacerbations), as well as during lactation and pregnancy.
  • People who have peptic ulcers, liver or kidney diseases, and also children and adolescents should not eat this way.
  • For a growing body, such nutrition will only be harmful, since too many useful products are excluded from the diet.

Advantages of the potato diet

  1. One of the main tangible advantages of the potato method of transforming the figure is the availability and low cost of this product. Thus, you can not only transform your figure, but also save your budget.
  2. It is also worth paying attention to the beneficial properties of this product. In particular, potatoes are famous for their diuretic properties. It helps the body get rid of excess fluid, reduces swelling, thereby improving our appearance. Not to mention how often this vegetable is used for various kinds of masks and other cosmetic tricks that help make our skin more attractive and youthful.
  3. Also, eating potatoes without harmful fatty additives helps neutralize excess harmful acids and other substances that can prevent the body from functioning normally.
  4. The introduction of dishes containing potatoes into the diet has a positive effect on the body's metabolic processes, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and helps the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Potatoes are also useful if you have any liver-related diseases.
  6. Potatoes also have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, and they also increase mental performance.
  7. As a rule, the potato diet is not accompanied by a strong feeling of hunger, and therefore people lose weight on it comfortably, eating quite nutritiously.
  8. Many are also pleased by the fact that, using this method, they do not need to spend a lot of time in the kitchen preparing culinary masterpieces. To prepare potatoes in these types you will need a minimum of time and ability.

Disadvantages of the potato diet

  • Among the disadvantages of this type of diet, it is worth noting that some people feel weak and unwell. This is due to the fact that the described technique is not considered balanced in terms of the presence of components necessary for the body. So an additional intake of a vitamin-mineral complex is highly desirable.
  • Most potato diet options are not best characterized by the monotony of the diet offered on it. Not everyone can eat one potato even for a day or two, not to mention nine days, as recommended in one of the options.
  • Also among the disadvantages is the fact that ideally you need to lose weight on young potatoes. Therefore, this can be done efficiently and correctly only during the harvest period.

Repeated potato diet

If you have been on the potato diet for up to 7 days, you can repeat it after 3-4 weeks. If you have been losing weight on potatoes for more than a week, in order to protect your body from negative consequences, try to wait at least a month and a half before the next race.

Nutritionist trainer, sports nutritionist, honored author of Evehealth


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You have been advised a potato diet, but you are at a loss. How can you lose weight by eating this? It turns out that, according to numerous reviews, you can lose 3-5 kg ​​per week on such a nutrition system, and this is not the limit.

Maria from the city of Kaliningrad Russia.

“I love potatoes very much, I cook them in any form for breakfast, lunch and dinner. And recently I was faced with the problem of being overweight, so a friend told me: “There is a potato diet for weight loss, try it. I'm sure you can do it!" I didn’t think long, because I simply adored potatoes. True, it was difficult to eat without salt and spices, but I survived for 7 days and lost almost 6 kg. Try it too. The main thing is to be decisive and not be afraid of anything!”

Potatoes contain a lot of useful substances, and the main thing is that they contain the protein tuberin, which has high biological value.

Therefore, during the diet you can not only lose a few kilograms, but also strengthen the nervous system, normalize the functioning of the heart and digestive system, strengthen the functioning of the immune system, and replenish the body’s reserves with essential minerals.

You need to carry out a potato diet during the season of its ripening, use young root vegetables in dishes, but not old potatoes.

A young vegetable contains less starch and the maximum amount of nutrients compared to an old one.

There are several types of potato diet, but before you start consuming the root vegetable en masse, you should highlight the pros and cons of this food system.

Benefits of the potato diet:

  1. No feeling of hunger during the day, potatoes are very filling and do not allow the body to feel a lack of food.
  2. There is a high threshold for improving overall health and strengthening the nervous system.
  3. Apathy, fatigue, drowsiness and fever, decreased performance is not observed.
  4. Budget saving, this is an inexpensive product and is available to everyone.
  5. Simple preparation of potato dishes. You will never have any difficulties with following your diet, because even in a cafe or restaurant you can ask them to make an individually simple dish of this vegetable.
  6. The diet, although meager during the potato diet, is healthy, nutritious and tasty.

Disadvantages of the potato diet:

  1. on potatoes is very important; if you follow it, you need to include a pharmaceutical complex of vitamins, microelements and minerals in your diet.
  2. This method of eating is not suitable for diabetics, pregnant women and breastfeeding women, as it may increase blood sugar.
  3. During a potato diet, a person may be bothered by constant thirst, so it is necessary to drink a glass of clean still water before and after eating, preferably 30 minutes later. No more than 2 sheets per day.
  4. Lack of variety in the daily diet.

Like any other potato weight loss system, it requires consultation with a specialist!

All ways to lose weight by eating potatoes come down to one fundamental rule:

  • All dishes made from root vegetables must be without salt, spices, mayonnaise and ketchup, only in their natural form.
  • Choose young, medium-sized potatoes.
  • If you can’t look at a vegetable for 3 days, you can add a boiled egg, greens, cabbage and tomatoes to your diet.
  • Drinks: still mineral water, plain liquid, green and black tea, herbal infusions. Without sugar and honey.

The first type of potato diet involves weight loss of up to 3 kg in 3 days

The diet is strict, the diet consists exclusively of potatoes, up to 2 kg per day.

The root vegetable should be baked in the oven without oil, salt or seasonings, and the resulting dish should be divided into 6 servings and consumed throughout the day. Don't forget about drinking plenty of fluids and taking vitamins.

The diet is strict, weight loss is observed in the first half of the term, doctors do not recommend staying on such a diet for more than 3-5 days.

The second type of potato diet is more varied and no less effective.

We lose weight on this diet for no more than 5 days. The diet is as follows:

  1. Breakfast- a glass of skim milk or kefir.
  2. Dinner- mashed potatoes cooked in water without adding oil or salt.
  3. Dinner- salad and one boiled egg, 250 g of potatoes and a little salt and vegetable oil.
  4. Before bedtime a glass of clean warm water.

It is possible to lose up to 4 kg in 5 days.

The third type of potato diet is designed for the enormous willpower of the person losing weight and lasts up to 14 days

Designed for those who are overweight more than 10 kg, contains the following weight loss system:

  • For the first three days we bake the potatoes in the oven without salt, pepper and oil and eat them throughout the day in even portions.
  • From the fourth to the tenth day we eat the same as on the first, but we are allowed to add a little salt and olive oil.
  • For the last 4 days, we have been reducing the portion of mashed potatoes, adding herbs, oil, pepper, vinegar, lemon juice to the diet, if desired.

This method of nutrition is very effective, guaranteed result - 7-9 kg.

The note. You cannot sit on a monotonous diet for a long time, so as not to harm the health of the person losing weight.

The following potato-kefir diet helps you get rid of 5 kg in 3 days. Yes Yes!

First day menu:

  • For breakfast- one boiled unsalted potato, a glass of low-fat kefir.
  • Dinner
  • Dinner- two glasses of low-fat kefir.

Second day menu:

  • Breakfast- one glass of kefir.
  • Dinner- two baked potatoes, a cup of green tea without sugar.
  • Dinner- one boiled potato and a glass of milk.

Third day menu:

  • For breakfast one potato.
  • For lunch two potatoes and a glass of kefir.
  • Dinner- glass of water.

During this diet, you need to drink kefir and eat boiled/baked potatoes without salt, oil or seasonings. Drink only water, 0% kefir or weak tea without sugar.

There is another version of the potato diet.

This is a very highly effective method of losing weight, 1 kg per day.

Let's consider the diet.

During the day you should consume 10 medium potatoes, 1 liter of kefir in equal portions. The last meal should be no later than 18.00.

The effectiveness of all previous methods for losing weight lies in the excess of potassium in the body, which removes excess fluid and normalizes metabolism.

  • don't overeat
  • spend time
  • conduct .

Ekaterina, 43 years old.

“I took advantage of the potato diet as prescribed by a nutritionist. I really wanted to lose weight, but my gastric tract disease did not allow me to use various diets effectively and painlessly. So, I went for a consultation with a nutritionist, thanks to Elvira Leonidovna for her assistance in losing weight. They gave me a menu for every day, a regimen - three days on a diet, a week off, and so on for a month. It was not very difficult, there was practically no feeling of hunger. And the great desire to lose weight helped me not to break down and reach the end. For a month of diet - minus 10 kg. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I put on my favorite jeans and didn’t even suck in my stomach. I’m happy with the result, now I do potato fasting days once a week and don’t forget about my morning runs around the stadium. I got my second wind back, I’m happy.”

Larisa, 19 years old.

“Even though I’m still very young, I’ve already tried a lot of diets, thanks to which I only ruined my stomach and didn’t see my ideal reflection in the mirror. But as long as the goal is visible, there is also a desire. A friend recommended a potato diet. So this is a completely different matter, there was practically no feeling of hunger, I drank 0 percent kefir, ate baked potatoes without salt. It was tolerable and satisfactory, especially when I saw the first results; in three days I lost 2 kg. I was very inspired, I also signed up for karate courses, so I combined business with pleasure. In 7 days I lost 5 kg, six months later the kilograms did not return, on the contrary, I became more toned and toned. I’m happy with my figure today, I love my body.”

Denmark, 30 years old.

“Office work led to the fact that I began to quickly gain weight, I also quit smoking, and now I just don’t know what to do. I read on the Internet about the potato diet, it’s a very meager diet, I love meat and seafood. I haven’t decided what diet I’ll be on yet, I’m looking through the menu, studying reviews. My wife supports me in everything, so in this matter I can’t do without her support. We will decide together what we should do, how to get the six-pack back on our stomach)))”

Zina and Kolya, pensioners.

“At our age it is difficult to adhere to any one diet, but it so happened that it was simply necessary. We love potatoes, we revere them, we didn’t think for a long time, we made up our minds and that’s it. We ate, let’s say, as usual, except that we didn’t add salt and spices to our dishes. Kefir is a very excellent drink, our body has been cleansed, stomach pains have stopped bothering us, and discomfort after eating has disappeared. The stool became more stable. This diet taught us to eat smaller portions and not overuse smoked and fried foods, especially at our age. Now we are happy with the result, the tests have improved. We are grateful to the family doctor for such practical and necessary advice.”

Camilla, 25 years old.

“Before the wedding, I wanted to lose a few kilos to look slimmer and more graceful. I sat on kefir and potatoes for a week. Minus 5 kg, even more than I expected. I don’t know if I will be able to maintain the stable weight I gained in the future, but at the wedding I again won the heart and soul of my betrothed.”

Video with potato diet menu option

The essence of the potato diet

In many weight loss diets, potatoes are excluded from the diet due to their high starch content. It is the starch and high calorie content of this product that is blamed for excess weight. But potatoes are not as scary as they say. Moreover, you can lose weight on it!

Autumn, when the fresh harvest is already in the bins, is the time to try the potato diet. The young root crop has not yet had time to store starch, so it is great for losing weight tasty and satisfying.

The essence of the diet is simple - young potatoes contain vitamins that disappear over a long shelf life. In addition, freshly harvested potatoes have a high amount of protein and minimal carbohydrate content. Thanks to this ratio (which changes to the opposite in spring), this root vegetable promotes weight loss while remaining satisfying and healthy.

The benefits of potatoes

  • It should be borne in mind that only young potatoes “participate” in the diet. The variety does not matter much, but it is recommended to give preference to tubers with yellow flesh. These varieties contain a lot of carotene, which has a beneficial effect on the skin, hair, nails and eyesight.
  • Vitamins C, PP, A, B1, and B2 are necessary for the proper functioning of the body.
  • Minerals - potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron are responsible for the saturation of the blood with oxygen, the nervous system and the work of the heart.
  • Potatoes are a very filling product, so hunger does not bother you for 3-4 hours. For a diet - the most suitable property. There is no need to starve yourself of herbal salads; a serving of potatoes is enough to satisfy your hunger and lose weight at the same time.

Potato diet - description and general principles

How is the weight loss effect achieved?

It's simple. The diet uses freshly harvested potatoes. Calories entering the body are converted into energy, while the body receives a sufficient amount of protein so that it does not require replenishment for a longer time. But there is not enough protein for its excess to be stored in the form of excess sugar. In addition, the body will use its own reserves to process portions of potatoes, so you will lose weight.

The diet rules are also simple:

  • If possible, exclude salt and other seasonings.
  • Preference should be given to green or herbal tea.
  • Drink enough water. Precisely water, since coffee, for example, promotes dehydration. For one cup of coffee you drink, you will pay for two cups of water lost by the body.
  • Eliminate snacking.
  • Take vitamin and mineral complexes.
  • Pay attention to your health and monitor your well-being.
  • The diet course can last 3, 5 (7) or 14 days, depending on how many kilograms of weight you need to lose. According to reviews, you can lose from 2 to 7 kg on a potato diet. There are also reviews saying that it is possible to lose 10 or more kilograms in a month.

There are several ways to lose weight by eating potatoes. From the tested ones, it’s easy to choose the one that suits you.

Pros of the potato diet

  • The diet is hypoallergenic, so it is suitable even for allergy sufferers.
  • There is no constant feeling of hunger, so losing weight on potatoes is comfortable.
  • Economy. You will be able to feed your household and not spend money on individual products for yourself.

Cons of the potato diet

  • Diet monotony.
  • Rigidity of courses.
  • The need to use fresh harvest. Although, this drawback is insignificant, since new crop potatoes can be found in stores all year round. And for the diet you need no more than 2 kg. in a day.
  • A tasty, satisfying, healthy and affordable root vegetable will help you not only satisfy your hunger, but also lose weight. Choose your option and go towards your ideal figure.


Potatoes themselves are not a product that has contraindications. But the diet regime is quite strict and is not recommended if you have:

  • chronic diseases of the digestive system,
  • skin diseases,
  • low pressure,
  • avitaminosis.

In these cases, it is better to abstain from the diet. A limited diet and lack of minerals can provoke an exacerbation of the disease and cause even greater harm to health. Then even getting rid of extra pounds will not be a joy.

Potato diet: menu for 3, 7 and 14 days

You can use several options for a diet on potatoes. For example, a weight loss program designed for 3 days is a kind of unloading for the body, tough and very monotonous.

Potato diet menu for 3 days:

  • breakfast - a glass of low-fat kefir or milk;
  • lunch - 300 g of boiled, baked or boiled potatoes with herbs and vegetable oil;
  • dinner - salad of boiled egg, boiled potatoes and fresh cabbage.

Using this method of losing weight in 3 days, it is quite possible to lose 2 - 3 extra pounds.

Potato diet for 7 days

The weekly program is less rigid and more varied. The only difficulty in following it may be the absence of the last meal (dinner), but in 7 days you can lose about 4 - 5 extra kilograms. The diet for this weight loss method will be as follows:

1 day:

  • morning – mashed potatoes with milk and butter;
  • day – potato soup with beef broth.

Day 2:

  • morning – potato casserole with vegetables;
  • day - salad of boiled potatoes, eggs and fresh vegetables with vegetable oil, chicken broth.

Day 3:

  • morning - dumplings with potatoes and sour cream;
  • day – potato soup with rice.

Day 4:

  • morning - potatoes boiled in milk;
  • day – potato soup with cereals, vegetable salad with vegetable oil.

Day 5:

  • morning – boiled beans with butter, jacket potatoes;
  • day - vegetable salad, soup - mashed potatoes with mushrooms.

Day 6:

  • morning – potato casserole with vegetables;
  • day - salad of tomatoes and herbs, seasoned with vegetable oil, potato soup with tomato paste.

Day 7:

  • morning – cucumber salad with herbs, potato pancakes with sour cream;
  • day – potato soup with chicken broth, vegetable salad dressed with biokefir.

The essence of this program is a significant calorie restriction, while a calorie deficit is achieved by eliminating evening meals.

Potato diet for 14 days

  • The daily menu for days 1 - 3 will consist of 1.5 kg of baked potatoes, divided into 6 meals without the use of spices and other flavoring additives. In addition, you can only drink non-carbonated clean water.
  • On days 4-10, consume 1.5 kg of potatoes, boiled in their jackets, and divided into 6 meals. In the morning hours, it is not allowed to season the product with anything; in the last 3-4 meals, you can add a little salt or olive oil.
  • On days 11-14, the potatoes can be boiled or baked in the oven, lightly seasoned with olive oil and a little salt.

With this weight loss program you can lose up to 7 kg of excess weight.

Popular potato diet options

There are quite a large number of options for mixed potato diets.

Potato and cabbage diet

The potato-cabbage diet is very popular among those who want to lose weight. Adding cabbage to potatoes, as the main component of a weight loss technique, increases the usefulness and nutritional value of food. You can use either white cabbage, red cabbage or broccoli. It is better to steam it or eat it fresh.

The basis of nutrition in the potato and cabbage method is a soup made from these ingredients with the addition of carrots and onions (optional). You can eat 4 baked potatoes and 500 g of cabbage during the day. Adding salt is not allowed; you can use greens and olive oil. This dietary program is designed for no more than 7 days. There should be a total of 5 meals on the menu.

An approximate diet menu for potatoes and cabbage might look like this:

  • breakfast - 1 baked potato, fresh cabbage salad, a cup of green or herbal tea;
  • second breakfast - fresh cabbage salad;
  • lunch - potato and cabbage soup, 1 baked potato;
  • afternoon snack - fresh cabbage salad;
  • dinner - 1 baked potato, stewed cabbage, a cup of green or herbal tea.

When leaving the diet, in the second week of eating, they begin to add other vegetables or fruits to breakfast, and chicken or lean fish for lunch. In a week on such a diet program you can lose 5 kg of excess weight.

Potato-kefir diet

No less interesting is the option of combining potatoes with kefir, also designed for 7 days. Its essence is that in the first half of the day they eat dishes with potatoes, and in the evening - only kefir. This weight loss technique perfectly cleanses the body of toxins. When following this rule, it is very important to drink a lot of non-carbonated mineral water.

Menu of potato-kefir diet for 7 days:

Day 1:

  • breakfast - mashed potatoes with butter;
  • lunch - soup with dumplings and potatoes in beef broth;
  • dinner - kefir.

Day 2:

  • breakfast - potatoes baked with vegetables;
  • lunch – chicken broth, jacket potatoes;
  • dinner - kefir.

Day 3:

  • breakfast – dumplings with potatoes and sour cream;
  • lunch – potato and rice soup;
  • dinner - kefir.

Day 4:

  • breakfast – baked potatoes;
  • lunch – potato soup with pasta, cucumber salad with butter;
  • dinner - kefir.

Day 5:

  • breakfast – tomato salad, potato pancakes;
  • lunch – soup with potatoes in chicken broth, vegetable salad;
  • dinner - kefir.

Day 6:

  • breakfast - baked potatoes with vegetables, cheese;
  • lunch - lean borscht;
  • dinner - kefir.

Day 7:

  • breakfast – boiled potatoes with beans and butter;
  • lunch – mashed potato and mushroom soup, vegetable salad;
  • dinner - kefir.

Potato-egg diet

Another option is a combination of potatoes and eggs, which saturates the body with proteins. An approximate diet if followed is as follows:

  • in the morning - a soft-boiled egg, unsweetened tea or coffee;
  • in the afternoon - 3 potatoes, boiled in their jackets with onions and olive oil, 1 hard-boiled egg;
  • in the evening - the same as during the day.

You can only drink drinking water. This weight loss program is designed for 7 days, each of which will take about 500 grams of excess weight.

Exit from the potato diet

It doesn’t matter how long the diet course you choose, the exit rules are the same for everyone. And the longer the course, the more strictly they must be observed.

On the first day after completing the course, the dietary diet must be followed, but you can add seasonings, include vegetable oil and herbs. For another 4-5 days, if possible, eat small portions. It is better if there are not 3 meals, but 5 or 6. Avoid high-calorie foods so that the weight does not return. Canceling a diet is just as stressful for the body as the diet itself, so there is no need to give it additional stress. Gradually introduce familiar foods to the menu and drink more.

Forget about sandwich snacks, it is better to eat a serving of vegetable salad, which has a lot of fiber - cabbage, carrot, cucumber and tomato. Be sure to add greens to salads. It will be useful to use linseed oil as a dressing.
The most important thing is to reconsider your nutritional principles and try not to eat up your bad mood with delicious desserts.

At first glance, the very idea of ​​getting rid of extra pounds by eating potatoes seems unrealistic. There is an opinion that eating potatoes can help you gain weight rather than lose weight. However, such a diet has sufficient grounds and a menu proven by experience. It gives tangible results: in a week you can lose up to 10 kg of excess weight.

Let's take a closer look at the theory and practice of the potato diet.

How to lose weight on potatoes

First of all, for every 100 g of which there are only 70 kcal. At the same time, it satisfies hunger well. Such a successful combination allows you to withstand a week of a potato diet without the languor of an empty stomach and at the same time lose noticeable weight. In addition, such food is quite inexpensive.

The peculiarity of this diet is its seasonality. It's best to be left alone with the potato menu V late summer and early autumn, during the ripening period of crumbly root crops. Exactly new potatoes contains a minimum of starch and a maximum of vitamins, as well as phosphorus, amino acids and valuable tuberin protein. The list of useful substances found in potato tubers is quite wide, but it does not cover the full list of microelements and biologically active substances necessary for the body. Therefore, during the week of potato nutrition, you should additionally take complexes of vitamins and minerals.

A potato-based diet is practically has no contraindications. The only exceptions are an individual allergy to starch, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.

At the end of the potato diet, expand the diet, moving on to normal nutrition, should be gradual, within a week.

Repeat potato weight loss courses are recommended no more than every month.

Menu potato diet for weight loss

IN strict potato diet every morning starts with a glass of water, drunk on an empty stomach. The daily amount of root crops, one and a half kilograms, is divided into 5-6 servings. Potatoes are either baked in the oven or boiled in their skins. For six days, these methods can be alternated, and at the end of the diet, on the seventh day, enjoy mashed potatoes, still made from baked or boiled potatoes in their skins, but with the addition of fresh herbs.

A mono-diet from potatoes alone is a rather complicated and even harsh option, during which, due to the extremely low calorie content, fatigue and apathy often occur.

The week goes by easier potato-kefir diet, which, moreover, perfectly cleanses the body and boosts immunity. For seven days, you need to eat potatoes in the morning, baked or boiled in their skins, and switch to the lowest fat content by dinner. Apart from kefir, only pure water is allowed as a drink. For this, also quite tough, the diet is characterized by maximum weight loss.

The next step away from a strict potato diet: daily breakfast - a glass of low-fat milk, for lunch every day 300 g of mashed potatoes, and every evening dinner - a light salad of 250 g of boiled potatoes and one boiled, sprinkled and. Salt, sugar and any drinks are still excluded, except for water and tea - green or herbal.

Most gentle, but the least effective weight loss option for a weekly diet based on potatoes requires the rejection of dinner, which is replaced by a glass of kefir with the lowest fat content. Salt, sugar and any drinks other than water, herbal and green tea are excluded. The rest of the menu of this variety of potato diet looks quite diverse:

Day Menu
First In the morning: puree with or low-fat milk. In the afternoon: soup with lean beef broth, seasoned with potato dumplings.
Second In the morning: baked potatoes or casserole. Afternoon: chicken broth, as well as potato salad with herbs and butter (best).
Third In the morning: dumplings stuffed with potatoes, with a spoonful of sour cream with minimal fat content. In the afternoon: lean potato soup and...
Fourth In the morning: boiled potatoes without salt, with chopped herbs. In the afternoon: lean soup of cereals and potatoes, cucumber salad, lightly seasoned with vegetable oil.
Fifth In the morning: potatoes cooked in their skins, boiled, seasoned with a small amount of vegetable oil. In the afternoon: mushroom potato soup, low-calorie vegetable salad with, or.
Sixth In the morning: mashed potato casserole with cheese and herbs. In the afternoon: tomato-potato soup, tomato salad.
Seventh In the morning: potato pancakes with low-fat sour cream, cucumber salad with vegetable oil. In the afternoon: potato soup boiled in chicken broth and supplemented with cucumber and cabbage kefir salad.

This potato-accented diet is the easiest to maintain, but weight loss is usually no more than 500 grams per day.

Quitting the potato diet

For a smooth exit from strict potato diets, low-fat, as well as boiled and added to the menu gradually over the week following the diet.

Usually, over the period of a seven-day potato marathon, one becomes accustomed to limited portions of food. It is very advisable to maintain this useful habit in the future. You can also practice shorter unloading periods based on potatoes with an indispensable link to the ripening season of young potatoes.

Potato diet - reviews

I love potatoes very much, I cook them for the morning, afternoon and evening. I started to gain extra weight, and a friend recommended a diet based on my favorite potatoes - she said that there was one. I found out, took it on and stuck it out for a week. It was difficult to do without spices and salt, but I lost 6 kg. I think the main thing here is to make a decision and not back down from it. At the same time, willpower will develop.


I went on this diet and lost 7 kg. I was very, very pleasantly surprised; I did not expect such a result.


On the easiest version of the diet, I lost 3.5 kg in a week. I really like that you can easily eat potatoes, even if you are on a diet, and you can prepare a lot of different dishes from them.


You just need to use young potatoes for your diet - that’s for sure. In a week, I personally lost 6 kg on baked potatoes, greens and kefir.


You can actually lose weight by eating potatoes. After I lost 7 kg in this way in a week, from time to time I arrange potato fasting days, in which I eat only 6-7 medium-sized potatoes boiled in their uniforms. I sprinkle with herbs, no salt, sometimes just a splash of oil. This is the only way water goes away.


A potato diet strictly limited in fat and calorie supplements is an effective way to lose weight, especially for those who love potatoes, no matter how they are cooked. Different options for the weekly potato menu allow you to choose an individual and the most acceptable option: from extremely strict with maximum weight loss to the softest, with smooth weight loss.

Have you ever managed to lose weight by eating potatoes? Which menu option do you think is the most effective? Do you have your own secrets for losing weight with a potato diet? Share your personal experiences, impressions and observations with us in the comments!

The potato diet belongs to the group of the most accessible and cheap dietary programs - after all, this product is not exotic in our stores and does not require large financial costs.

The diet itself is quite simple, and its menu consists of low-calorie potato dishes without the addition of salt, fats and spices.

How to lose weight with potatoes: filling, tasty and full of vitamins ^

Potatoes have never been considered a dietary product - rather, on the contrary, for the duration of various weight loss programs, as a rule, it was recommended to temporarily abandon it. However, it turned out that this was an unfortunate misconception. In fact, this vegetable (subject to proper storage and preparation) can be quite successfully used not only for dietary, but also for medical nutrition.

It must be remembered that low-calorie potatoes are only fresh. The longer it lay in your cellar or on the balcony, the more it accumulated starch in its composition and turned into a really high-calorie product.

In addition, it is very important to prepare this product correctly:

  • A vegetable fried in oil or lard, of course, will not help you lose weight. To lose weight, potatoes need to be prepared using gentle methods - steaming, boiling or baking. Potato starch quickly breaks down into simple sugars and is perfectly absorbed by the body.
  • The increased calorie content of potato dishes is due solely to the addition of oil, fatty meat, spices and various sauces.

In addition to low calorie content, young potatoes also have other beneficial properties - they contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamins C, B1, B2, PP, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, amino acids.

This entire set of useful elements has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems and metabolism in general. In addition, this vegetable contains the protein tuberin, which has high biological value. Potatoes also help normalize blood pressure and improve mood.

The potato diet has many benefits:

  • it is very filling and nutritious, so it does not cause a gnawing feeling of hunger;
  • useful (see information above);
  • affordable and helping to save your budget;
  • simple - potato dishes are not difficult to prepare;
  • does not cause decreased performance, apathy or loss of strength when followed.

Note that preference should be given to potatoes with yellow flesh, since they contain more carotene and vitamin A.

Potato diet: menu for 3, 7 and 14 days ^

You can use several options for a diet on potatoes. For example, a weight loss program designed for 3 days is a kind of unloading for the body, tough and very monotonous.

Menu for 3 days:

  • breakfast - a glass of low-fat kefir or milk;
  • lunch - 300 g of boiled, baked or boiled potatoes with herbs and vegetable oil;
  • dinner - salad of boiled egg, boiled potatoes and fresh cabbage.

Using this method of losing weight in 3 days, it is quite possible to lose 2 - 3 extra pounds.

The weekly program is less rigid and more varied. The only difficulty in following it may be the absence of the last meal (dinner), but in 7 days you can lose about 4 - 5 extra kilograms. The diet for this weight loss method will be as follows:

  • morning – mashed potatoes with milk and butter;
  • day – potato soup with beef broth.

  • morning – potato casserole with vegetables;
  • day - salad of boiled potatoes, eggs and fresh vegetables with vegetable oil, chicken broth.

  • morning - dumplings with potatoes and sour cream;
  • day – potato soup with rice.
  • morning - potatoes boiled in milk;
  • day – potato soup with cereals, vegetable salad with vegetable oil.

  • morning – boiled beans with butter, jacket potatoes;
  • day - vegetable salad, soup - mashed potatoes with mushrooms.

  • morning – potato casserole with vegetables;
  • day - salad of tomatoes and herbs, seasoned with vegetable oil, potato soup with tomato paste.

  • morning – cucumber salad with herbs, potato pancakes with sour cream;
  • day – potato soup with chicken broth, vegetable salad dressed with biokefir.

The essence of this program is a significant calorie restriction, while a calorie deficit is achieved by eliminating evening meals.

Potato diet for 14 days

  • The daily menu for 1-3 days will consist of 1.5 kg of baked potatoes, divided into 6 meals without the use of spices and other flavorings. In addition, you can only drink non-carbonated clean water.
  • On the 4th - 10th day, 1.5 kg of potatoes, boiled in their uniforms, and divided into 6 meals are consumed. In the morning, it is not allowed to season the product with anything; in the last 3-4 meals, you can add a little salt or olive oil.
  • On the 11th - 14th day, potatoes can be boiled or baked in the oven, lightly seasoned with olive oil and slightly salted.

With this weight loss program you can lose up to 7 kg of excess weight.

Popular potato diet options ^

There are quite a large number of options for mixed potato diets.

Potato-cabbage diet

Very popular among those who want to lose weight is the potato-cabbage diet. Adding cabbage to potatoes, as the main component of the weight loss technique, increases the usefulness and nutritional value of food. Cabbage can be used as white or red cabbage or broccoli. It is better to steam it or eat it fresh.

The basis of nutrition in the potato-cabbage method is a soup made from these ingredients with the addition of carrots and onions (optional). You can eat 4 baked potatoes and 500 g of cabbage during the day. Adding salt is not allowed; you can use greens and olive oil. This dietary program is designed for no more than 7 days. There should be a total of 5 meals on the menu.

An approximate diet menu for potatoes and cabbage might look like this:

  • breakfast - 1 baked potato, fresh cabbage salad, a cup of green or herbal tea;
  • second breakfast - fresh cabbage salad;
  • lunch - potato-cabbage soup, 1 baked potato;
  • afternoon snack - fresh cabbage salad;
  • dinner - 1 baked potato, stewed cabbage, a cup of green or herbal tea.

When leaving the diet, in the second week of eating, they begin to add other vegetables or fruits to breakfast, and chicken or lean fish for lunch. In a week on such a diet program you can lose 5 kg of excess weight.

Potato -

No less interesting is the option of combining potatoes with kefir, also designed for 7 days. Its essence is that in the first half of the day they eat dishes with potatoes, and in the evening - only kefir. This weight loss technique perfectly cleanses the body of toxins. When following this rule, it is very important to drink a lot of non-carbonated mineral water.

Menu for 7 days:

  • breakfast - mashed potatoes with butter;
  • lunch - soup with dumplings and potatoes in beef broth;
  • dinner - kefir.
  • breakfast - potatoes baked with vegetables;
  • lunch – chicken broth, jacket potatoes;
  • dinner - kefir.

Day 3:

  • breakfast – dumplings with potatoes and sour cream;
  • lunch – potato and rice soup;
  • dinner - kefir.

  • breakfast – baked potatoes;
  • lunch – potato soup with pasta, cucumber salad with butter;
  • dinner - kefir.

  • breakfast – tomato salad, potato pancakes;
  • lunch – soup with potatoes in chicken broth, vegetable salad;
  • dinner - kefir.

  • breakfast - baked potatoes with vegetables, cheese;
  • lunch - lean borscht;
  • dinner - kefir.

  • breakfast – boiled potatoes with beans and butter;
  • lunch – mashed potato and mushroom soup, vegetable salad;
  • dinner - kefir.

Potato-egg diet

Another option is a combination of potatoes and eggs, which saturates the body with proteins. An approximate diet if followed is as follows:

  • in the morning - a soft-boiled egg, unsweetened tea or coffee;
  • in the afternoon - 3 potatoes, boiled in their jackets with onions and olive oil, 1 hard-boiled egg;
  • in the evening - the same as during the day.

You can only drink drinking water. This weight loss program is designed for 7 days, each of which will take about 500 grams of excess weight.