
Is it possible for a nursing mother to sunbathe? Is it possible for a nursing mother to sunbathe? Harm from the procedure


Every mother has some questions while breastfeeding her baby: what can you eat, what medications are safe? There are no options here; for the benefit of the baby’s health, you need to limit yourself in both food and medicine. I am also interested in this point: is it possible for a nursing mother to sunbathe in the sun? Let's look into it.

Tanning while breastfeeding

Summer has come, naturally, every woman wants to enjoy the fresh air, sea and sun. We all know that tanning should be done carefully, in doses, and it is advisable to stock up in advance with an arsenal of special means that control the tanning process, then sunbathing will bring a lot of pleasure and give an irresistible shade to the skin.

But what should those who are currently watching with special trepidation not only about their own, but also about the health of their baby, do not sunbathe? But no, you can sunbathe! But it’s worth remembering a few important points and figuring out which tan can be called safe for a nursing mother.

The benefits of natural tanning

The human body needs various vitamins, including vitamin D, which is produced under the influence of sunlight. Vitamin D from foods is practically not absorbed by the body, and its necessity is undeniable, because it affects the growth and development of bones and prevents the development of rickets and osteoporosis.

Ultraviolet light also promotes the release of happiness hormones - endorphins, which is so necessary for a woman in such a difficult period of restrictions and lack of personal time.

It is also known that the sun increases the body's immunity to infections, promotes the functioning of the circulatory system and the treatment of various skin diseases.

What harm can tanning in the sun cause to a nursing mother's body?

During lactation, the body is subject to changes; growth hormone is especially actively produced, due to which the mammary glands enlarge, become much more sensitive, and prolonged exposure to the sun can threaten the development of breast cancer.

Due to the increased sensitivity of the skin, particularly aggressive and prolonged sun exposure becomes three times harmful, the skin’s protective mechanism is triggered, and it thickens. Ultraviolet light can contribute to the development of cutaneous melanoma due to its negative effect on the growth of dividing cells. Ignorance of the simple rules of sunbathing threatens to result in burns, as well as early aging of the skin.

Tanning is contraindicated during breastfeeding in three cases:

  1. A large number of age spots and moles.
  2. Sun intolerance ().
  3. Rash.

Sun safety rules

So, is it possible for a nursing mother to sunbathe in the sun? It is already clear that there are very few particularly strict prohibitions. Essentially, the rules of precaution are the same as for everyone, choosing the right time, as well as using simple products that protect the skin.

When can you sunbathe?

After the birth of a child, the female body is especially vulnerable, which is why the time allotted for tanning needs to be slightly adjusted. You should not sunbathe in the afternoon; the best option would be before 11 o'clock in the morning and after 17 o'clock in the evening; the likelihood of getting sunburn during this period is significantly reduced.

Topless sunbathing is strictly prohibited; breasts should be covered as much as possible. It is advisable to alternate sunbathing with staying in the shade, for example, after sitting in the sun for 20 minutes, you should go into the shade and give your skin a rest. Further, the time can be gradually increased up to an hour. You need to hide under trees or under an umbrella.

You should cover your head; you can wear a hat, cap or scarf. Whether such an accessory suits your face or not is absolutely not important at the moment; health for a woman, especially during breastfeeding, should come first.


When it comes to the different tanning creams, sprays and gels, there are a few things you should know about them! Of course, they help avoid burns and promote a better tan, but when feeding a baby with breast milk, it is better to avoid conventional means. Chemicals can penetrate into milk and this will result in poisoning. It is better to choose hypoallergenic creams intended for pregnant and lactating women; such a product will prevent tanning, but will keep the baby and mother healthy.

Also, do not forget about the risk of skin dehydration; using a moisturizer while tanning will not bring any benefit, it is better to drink plenty of fluids, water with lemon is perfect, but it is better to exclude coffee or tea, as they have a diuretic property.

The conclusion can be drawn as follows: it is not only possible for breastfeeding mothers to sunbathe, it turns out that it is also useful, but one should not get carried away and neglect protection.

Having a child is not something extraordinary for modern women, so they quickly begin to think about restoring the beauty of their face and body. The question of acquiring an even tan is acute. And if residents of the sea coast can use natural forces for this, then all other ladies can only rely on the solarium.

The benefits and harms of artificial tanning have been discussed by doctors and scientists for many years; opinions differ even regarding healthy people. The birth process requires quite a long rehabilitation, so the issue of visiting a solarium should be decided individually and only with a doctor.

Tanning still has some benefits for the body. Doctors know two facts that hardly anyone can dispute:

  1. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the body intensively produces vitamin D. It is necessary for the mother during the recovery period after childbirth and for the baby for the normal development of the musculoskeletal system. The baby will receive the vitamin through breast milk.
  2. During tanning, “happiness hormones” are produced, called endorphins in medicine. This moment is especially important in winter and autumn, when people already suffer from constant cloudy weather, grayness and cold.

Is it possible to go to a solarium after childbirth?

Only a gynecologist will give an exact answer to this question. The fact is that the birth process takes place differently in each case: a woman may lose a lot of blood, she may be put on, a severe inflammatory process may develop, and so on. Naturally, any complication during childbirth or during the recovery period is a contraindication to visiting a solarium.

If the birth was uncomplicated, and the woman’s body copes well with the load during recovery, then the doctor will not interfere with the “event” in question.

Particular attention is paid to what medications a woman takes, specifically about contraceptive methods. If preference is given to oral hormonal drugs, then visiting a solarium will be questionable. These drugs increase the skin's sensitivity to ultraviolet rays, so you will need to either protect the skin from this or abandon the procedures.

When can you go to the solarium after giving birth?

Experts do not recommend going to the solarium earlier than 6 weeks after giving birth. The optimal time will be 9 - 10 weeks after the birth of the baby. And these time frames are only suitable for those women who had a natural birth and without complications.

Even if no health problems arise after childbirth, before the procedure under consideration you should seek advice from a gynecologist, mammologist and dermatologist. They can identify hidden contraindications.

Rules for choosing and behavior in a solarium

After giving birth, you should not go to the first beauty salon you come across to get a tan. First of all, you need to make the right choice of an institution that provides such services. What you should pay attention to:

  • Are there certificates and permits for conducting such activities - this will help protect yourself from too aggressive exposure to ultraviolet rays in the case of, for example, poor-quality equipment;
  • To what extent are sanitary and hygienic standards observed in tanning booths - it is easy to get infected in them, and this is undesirable for a nursing mother.

As for the rules for visiting a solarium, they are as follows:

  • When tanning, you should cover your chest. It is too sensitive to ultraviolet rays and irreversible changes can occur in it.
  • If a woman is breastfeeding, then a special protective cream should be applied to the nipples. You should choose it only after consulting a pediatrician, since most cosmetics can cause a strong allergic reaction in an infant.
  • If there are large moles on the body, you need to use special stickers, covering them from ultraviolet radiation, since it enhances pigmentation, and the mole can increase in size several times.

When visiting a solarium, a woman’s body loses too much moisture. This negatively affects the quantity and quality of breast milk, so the young mother must solve the problem.

The best option is to drink large quantities of water on the days you visit the solarium, at least 2 liters per day.

Watch the video about the rules of tanning in a solarium:

Positive and negative effects of solarium on the body

If a healthy woman visits a solarium (even after childbirth), then her body will have an extremely positive effect:

  • and acne will become less noticeable;
  • oily facial skin will change its classification and become drier;
  • the body will begin to actively produce vitamin D, which is necessary to maintain the beauty of hair, nails and bone health;
  • the amount of serotonin and endophrins will increase - a good mood and a stable psycho-emotional background are guaranteed.

Unfortunately, solarium can cause quite serious harm to the body:

  • if you are overly enthusiastic about the procedure in question, age-related changes in the skin begin much earlier, it becomes dry and thin;
  • with too many moles and extensive age spots, a solarium can provoke the degeneration of healthy cells into malignant ones;
  • if there is an exacerbation of any chronic disease (even unrelated to the reproductive system), then ultraviolet rays will aggravate the situation and worsen the state of health;
  • Without proper protection, mammary glands exposed to ultraviolet radiation can reduce the amount of milk produced (important for a nursing woman).

The advisability of visiting a solarium after childbirth should be determined by a doctor.

A young mother should first visit a gynecologist, then see a therapist (he will refer you to a mammologist and endocrinologist if necessary) and a pediatrician if the baby is breastfeeding.

Only after permission from all these specialists can the procedure begin. If you follow all the rules and recommendations, then a tan will decorate mommy’s body and restore her confidence in her irresistibility.

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Nursing mothers can sunbathe only if they follow clear rules. Excess sun can negatively affect the health of both women and children.

Doctors advise breastfeeding mothers not to visit the solarium. Ultraviolet rays, created artificially, penetrate the skin much deeper than the sun. Such exposure can have a very negative impact on health.

Solarium dries out the skin greatly, it loses a large amount of moisture, as well as collagen and elastin. A decrease in the concentration of these substances in the body leads to accelerated aging. Under intense exposure to ultraviolet lamps, moles begin to grow, some of them can become malignant, leading to skin cancer.

Among the positive aspects of visiting a solarium while breastfeeding, one can note an increase in the amount of vitamin D in the body, which is necessary for bone health. This is especially true in winter. Also, under ultraviolet rays, the “joy hormone” serotonin is more actively produced.

Rules for tanning in a solarium for nursing mothers:

  • In any position in the booth you need to cover your chest. During lactation, this part of the body is very sensitive and susceptible to the influence of various external factors.
  • Moles should also be covered. For this purpose, any solarium provides special stickers. This is especially true if there are a lot of moles on the body. But doctors recommend that nursing mothers avoid solariums altogether.
  • You can sunbathe for a short time. The session lasts no more than 4 minutes.
  • Before going to the solarium, you should apply a protective agent to your skin. But after the procedure, it must be washed off thoroughly so that it does not get into the milk.
  • Immediately before the session, you should check the cleanliness of the lamps in the booth. And after leaving it, you must take a shower.

Sunbathing during lactation is possible, but only within reasonable limits.

Benefits of getting a sun tan:

  • Under the influence of rays, the body begins to synthesize vitamin D. Entering the baby’s body along with milk, it protects him from rickets and helps strengthen the skeleton.
  • Mom's skin problems will go away in the sun, her teeth will become stronger, and calcium and phosphorus will begin to be better absorbed.
  • The sun's rays affect metabolism and the process of creating new blood cells.
  • A tan helps lift a woman's mood. The resulting serotonin is especially beneficial for mothers with postpartum depression. The sun helps to overcome it faster.

Possible negative consequences:

  • During lactation, the body begins to produce special hormones that help the mammary glands increase in size. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, cells may begin to divide incorrectly. This often leads to the appearance of age spots, and in some cases to cancerous tumors.
  • If you do not lie under the rays for too long, your immunity will only strengthen. But in case of excessive exposure to the sun, the body's protective functions are reduced. This leads to frequent colds. And during lactation, the virus can be transmitted to the baby.

There is a risk group of nursing mothers who should avoid tanning: with an excessive number of moles on the body, if close relatives have breast cancer.

Among the positive aspects of visiting a solarium while breastfeeding, one can note an increase in the amount of vitamin D in the body. In winter, people don't have enough sun, so extra effort is needed to get this useful element. Solarium helps nursing mothers speed up the synthesis of vitamin D, which is necessary for bone health. Also, under ultraviolet rays, the “joy hormone” serotonin, which improves mood, is more actively produced.

A nursing mother can sunbathe in a solarium only if you follow simple rules:

  • When standing or lying under ultraviolet lamps, you need to cover your chest. During lactation, this part of the body is very sensitive and susceptible to the influence of various external factors. Therefore, nursing mothers should visit the solarium while wearing a bra or top.

Nursing mothers should visit the solarium while wearing a bra or top
  • Since ultraviolet rays can cause moles to grow, they should be covered. b. For this purpose, any solarium provides special stickers. This is especially true if there are a lot of moles on the body. But doctors recommend that nursing mothers avoid artificial tanning altogether.
  • You can't stay in the solarium for long. The session should last no more than 4 minutes.
  • Before going to the solarium, you should apply a protective product to your skin.. But after the procedure, it must be washed off thoroughly so that the baby does not refuse the breast.
  • Immediately before the session, you should check the cleanliness of the lamps in the booth, and after leaving it, you must take a shower.

Among the advantages of tanning, it can be noted that it helps to lift a woman’s mood. The sun stimulates the production of the “joy hormone” serotonin. This becomes especially helpful for moms experiencing postpartum depression. Staying under the warm rays helps to overcome it faster.

Although a nursing mother can sunbathe, this process also has negative consequences. During lactation, the body begins to produce special hormones that help the mammary glands increase in size. Excessive sunlight can negatively affect this process.

Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, cells may begin to divide incorrectly. This often leads to the appearance of age spots, and in some cases to cancerous tumors.

Excessive sun exposure can lead to skin pigmentation

It is also worth remembering the dual effect of the sun on immunity. If you don't lie under the rays for too long, it will only get stronger. But in case of excessive exposure to direct sun exposure, the body’s protective functions, on the contrary, are reduced. This leads to frequent colds. And during lactation, the virus can be transmitted to the baby.

But you shouldn’t be afraid of such consequences if you follow the tanning rules for nursing mothers. Within reasonable limits, sunbathing will only strengthen the health and immunity of the woman and child.

Expert opinion

Irina Kovaleva

Cosmetology expert

There is a risk group of nursing mothers who should avoid tanning. This includes women with an excessive number of moles on their body, as well as those who have a family history of breast cancer.

Rules for safe tanning while breastfeeding

Obtaining a beautiful dark skin tone during lactation without harm to health is possible only with strict adherence to the recommendations of specialists. You can sunbathe while breastfeeding if you follow these simple rules:

  • It is best to visit the beach at certain hours when the sun is not so aggressive: before 11 am and after 4 pm;
  • there is no need to immediately start with a long stay under the hot rays, it is better to increase the time gradually from 10 to 60 minutes;
    • you need to protect your head from sunstroke by wearing a hat, cap or scarf;
    • It is also necessary to protect your chest from direct rays; you can cover it by wearing a cotton top;
    • in order not to burn, you should apply sunscreen before going to the beach, while for the first sessions strong filters are required - SPF 30, then you can use weaker ones;
    • after sunbathing, skin care with lotions, creams and sprays is also necessary;
    • For nursing mothers, only hypoallergenic sunscreens are suitable that will not cause a negative reaction in the baby;
    • cosmetics can be applied to the skin of the entire body with the exception of the chest;
    • To replenish the fluid lost during tanning, you should drink clean water.

    We recommend reading the article about. From it you will learn about what SPF is, high and low sun protection, which creams should be chosen, the degree of protection of oil from the sun and the frequency of applying and renewing sunscreens.

    Learn more about sunscreen with zinc oxide.

    Women always, even during lactation, want to remain beautiful and therefore try to acquire a dark skin tone. But it is worth remembering that a nursing mother can sunbathe only in compliance with all the rules. If you neglect them, you can not only harm your health, but also face the fact that the baby will refuse to breastfeed. And if you strictly follow simple rules, the health of mother and child will only improve.

    Useful video

    Watch the video about the rules of tanning in a solarium:

With the onset of summer, any nursing mother who is responsible for her health and the health of her child is afraid to be under the sun's rays. Despite the many restrictions associated with the lactation period, sunbathing is not strictly prohibited. As to whether a nursing mother can sunbathe, any doctor will answer positively, but exposure to the sun must be done at certain hours and in compliance with safety rules.

Effect of sun rays: harm and benefit

Even in ancient times, the famous philosopher, doctor and folk healer Hippocrates called the sun a panacea for all ailments. In modern medicine there is even a direction - heliotherapy, which involves treatment with sunlight.

But do not forget that when it comes to sunlight, the rule “the more, the better” does not work. As useful as they are for a short stay under them, they are just as dangerous for people sunbathing for hours.

Moderate sun exposure has a positive effect on health and well-being:

  1. Your mood improves. Under the influence of sunlight, the human body produces the hormone serotonin, which is responsible for saving from depressive conditions.
  2. The body satisfies the need for vitamin D, which is synthesized under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. To do this, you don’t have to sunbathe for a long time; half an hour is enough for the body to make up for the deficiency.
  3. Women who sunbathe according to all the rules are less at risk of developing multiple sclerosis in older age than those who always prefer to remain “in the shadows.”
  4. The sun's rays help fight fungal skin infections. Ultraviolet light promotes the death of fungi - with limited but regular exposure to the sun, healthy skin appears at the site of the rash.

Abuse of sunbathing can and will give you a beautiful tan, but you need to take into account the high possibility of negative consequences:

  1. Those who sunbathe for several hours in a row significantly increase the risk of developing melanoma - skin cancer. Recently, the disease has assumed enormous proportions.
  2. A lack of sun rays reduces the immune system, but their excess is much more dangerous - the reactions of the body's defenses are inhibited. This explains why most sunbathers suffer from colds more often in the summer. In addition, the body is inhabited by many viruses in a dormant form; from excess ultraviolet radiation they can enter the active phase.
  3. Excessive exposure to the sun provokes active hair growth on the female body, it becomes thick and tough.
  4. Prolonged tanning triggers the aging process of the skin, drying it out.

Rules for tanning while breastfeeding

A nursing mother should not deny herself the pleasure of soaking up the sun. After all, they will not only help compensate for the lack of vitamin D, which is especially important during lactation, but will also help improve your mood.

Even prolonged exposure to the sun will not affect the quality and quantity of breast milk during breastfeeding; it will only have a negative impact on the health of the nursing mother.

But it is important to know that during lactation the breasts increase in size due to active tissue growth. Ultraviolet radiation has a detrimental effect on cell division and in the future this may become one of the causes of breast cancer. In addition, the body of a nursing mother after childbirth continues to synthesize growth hormones. They provoke the appearance of pigmentation and various formations on the skin; the sun significantly accelerates these processes.

To enjoy the sun's rays and a beautiful tan without harmful effects on health, during breastfeeding you must strictly adhere to the rules of sun exposure:

  • It is unacceptable to sunbathe during the daytime hours, when the sun is most aggressive; ideal intervals for a nursing mother are from 8 to 10 am and after 5 pm;
  • you need to sunbathe for no more than 1 hour, the duration of the first exposure to the sun is 20 minutes, every day it increases by 10 minutes;
  • It is recommended to be in the shade of trees - the leaves transmit ultraviolet light well, thereby you can achieve a good tan without being exposed to direct sunlight;
  • a nursing mother should sunbathe with her chest covered; the best clothing option is a white cotton top;
  • do not forget about the headdress;
  • When you are in the sun, you need to drink only clean water without carbon, you can add lemon to it.

Sunbathing is necessary using cosmetics that help protect the skin:

  • For a nursing mother, you need sunscreen/lotion/spray with a protection factor of at least 30 spf (preferably 50 on the first day), you can gradually move on to a product with a factor of 15 spf.
  • The cosmetic product must be applied in advance (at least half an hour beforehand) to clean, dry skin, re-applying every 2 hours and after each bathing;
  • during lactation It is prohibited to apply protective equipment to the chest, it is enough to cover it;
  • You must strictly follow the instructions for use and choose products marked with a hypoallergenic composition, because upon tactile contact with the baby, he may experience an allergic reaction;
  • After sunbathing you need to use moisturizing creams.

Skin and the sun: benefits and harm

During pregnancy, a woman’s body transforms significantly, and some changes do not please the expectant mother. Immediately after giving birth, many girls strive to quickly return to their previous shape. One way to transform your skin is to visit a solarium. Under the influence of “artificial sun” the integument acquires a beautiful chocolate hue. In addition, tanning helps hide minor imperfections, but the question arises: is a solarium harmful when breastfeeding? Let's figure out how the procedure affects lactation.

Using a solarium is one of the ways to quickly transform a woman’s appearance. An even golden tan visually smoothes out the appearance of cellulite, “removes” venous or capillary networks, skin unevenness, and hides rashes

How does a solarium work?

Solarium is a platform equipped with erythema lamps emitting direct or diffuse ultraviolet rays. The flasks are made of glass, which does not transmit the short part of the ultraviolet spectrum (UV-C), which poses a danger to human health.

Solarium lamps produce two types of rays - UV-A and UV-B in different percentages. The first of them are hard and aggressive, the second are soft and gentle on the skin.

Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the protective pigment melanin is synthesized in the cells of the integument, which gives them a brown-golden hue. The intensity of tanning depends on the number of lamps in the installation, their power, the balance of UV-A and UV-B, as well as exposure time. The procedure should only be carried out under the supervision of a specialist, otherwise you may get burns.

The effect of solarium on lactation

The attitude of doctors towards visiting a solarium by a nursing mother varies, but they do not give a direct ban on the procedure. Theoretically, with the right approach, an “artificial luminary” cannot negatively affect the woman’s condition, the lactation process and the health of the child. Moreover, the solarium has certain benefits.

To produce vitamin D, which is involved in the absorption of calcium, daily exposure to the sun is necessary. In the warm season, a woman can allow herself to gradually sunbathe under its rays. In autumn, winter and early spring there are not enough natural ultraviolet rays, so you should resort to synthetic ones.

Vitamin D, which passes into breast milk, is very necessary for the baby for the proper formation of the musculoskeletal system. With its deficiency, the risk of developing rickets increases. In addition, under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, endorphins are synthesized in the body - hormones of good mood. They save the mother from depression and provide a positive attitude to the child.

In the summer there is no point in going to the solarium, but in the autumn-winter period the amount of sun is catastrophically reduced, and the production of vitamin D is suspended. If the mother sunbathes in doses, it will not cause harm to her and the baby


Breastfeeding is not a contraindication to visiting a solarium. However, in some cases, artificial irradiation can worsen health conditions. For chronic diseases, you should consult a doctor before the session. Artificial tanning should be avoided if:

  • a large number of moles on the body;
  • gynecological pathologies;
  • oncological diseases;
  • problems with the mammary glands;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • tuberculosis;
  • neurological disorders;
  • kidney diseases;
  • taking certain medications - hormones, drugs for high blood pressure.

General rules for tanning

You can go to a solarium while breastfeeding, but you need to follow some general recommendations. First of all, you should choose the right beauty salon or tanning studio. It is important that the equipment is in good working order and of high quality:

  1. Lamps must be replaced after 1000 hours of operation. Neglecting this rule jeopardizes the client’s health, since such devices transmit rays that are dangerous to the skin.
  2. The solarium cabin must be cleaned after each session. Otherwise, pathogenic microorganisms may enter the nursing mother’s body, which is especially dangerous for the baby.

Ultraviolet light activates the growth of new cells, including moles. Under the influence of the “artificial light”, existing spots may increase or new ones may appear.

It is better to cover large formations with special stickers, which should be issued at the institution. If there are a lot of moles, sunbathing is not recommended. If the spots increase in size, change in color or shape after visiting a solarium, you should consult a doctor - a dermatologist or oncological surgeon.

Artificial rays can provoke the appearance of age spots. If your skin is prone to this problem, it is better to avoid the procedure. It is also important to use a quality sunscreen designed for tanning beds. It is necessary to protect the skin from intense exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Nuances for nursing mothers

When visiting a tanning studio while breastfeeding, a woman should take into account some nuances:

  • To ensure lactation, it is necessary that a sufficient amount of fluid enters the body. During the tanning process, a lot of moisture evaporates. After completing the session, you need to replenish its reserves by drinking 200-300 ml of still water.
  • All women are advised to protect their nipples while sunbathing as their skin is very sensitive. This is especially true during feeding. In addition, under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the process of cell proliferation (division) can begin, leading to the formation of tumors. You must wear a swimsuit.
  • It is necessary to apply a cream with protective filters to the skin. You should choose fragrance-free cosmetics and rinse them thoroughly from the skin after the procedure. The baby may not like the pungent smell and traces of the cream and he will refuse to latch on to the breast.
  • It is not advisable for a breastfeeding woman to stay in a solarium cabin for more than 5 minutes - this applies to both those girls who are performing a similar procedure for the first time, and those who have visited the tanning studio many times.

Visiting a solarium while breastfeeding is acceptable and brings some benefits, but it is important to take precautions and not overuse artificial tanning. Otherwise, you can provoke premature aging of the skin and the development of cancer. If possible, it is better to spend 10-15 minutes under the rays of the sun during the period of its weak activity.