
How to eat to give birth to a boy. What should you eat when planning pregnancy? What should you give up? What products to conceive a boy


According to the chromosomal theory of heredity now accepted as the basis, a male seed carries approximately the same number of X (X) and Y (Y) chromosomes. The female egg has only the X chromosome. If, when connected, they form an XY pair, a boy is born, if XX, a girl is born. It turns out that, according to this theory, the reliability of which there is no reason to doubt, there should be an equal number of boys and girls. But in reality this is not the case.

Long-term statistics prove: for every 100 girls, 106 boys are born. No one can really explain this yet. The only thing that is beyond doubt is that in this way Nature, knowing that boys are less resilient, regulates the ratio of the two sexes on Earth. By the end of childhood, due to higher mortality among boys and more stillborn boys, the ratio between boys and girls is 103:103. By the age of 50 it’s already 85:100, and by 85 it’s 50:100. And here we see that Nature cares more about women, because their purpose is to procreate and raise children.

Let's imagine, my dear reader, that parents will eventually learn to “order” the gender of their unborn child. Wouldn't this change the 100:106 ratio? Probably it will, because many fathers of the family will insist on having boys. What will happen then?

It is difficult to predict, but most likely the consequences will be akin to the consequences of a global catastrophe, because Nature does not forgive interference in its affairs. Yes, and parents need to understand that it is not by chance that they have a child of the exact gender that they need first of all to fulfill their purpose as parents, for them to gain the necessary experience of the soul, and no one (God, Cosmos or Nature - choose what you want). I like it better) won’t pay much attention to your wishes.

Who is it - a boy or a girl? There are many theories on how to give birth to a child of the desired gender.

Once upon a time, for example, they believed that the sex of the unborn child depended on... the weather. The ancient Greek physician Empedocles believed that in the heat there is a greater chance of conceiving a boy, and in the cold - a girl. In Germany, in the old days, there was a belief that if you make love in rainy weather, a girl will be born, and in dry weather, a boy will be born.

According to New Zealand researcher Valerie Grant, energetic and determined women are more likely to give birth to boys. The body of a female leader contains more of the male hormone testosterone. It supposedly affects the egg shell in such a way that sperm with Y chromosomes are given preference. Why are more boys born after wars and epidemics? During such periods, women experience stress, and the level of male hormones in the blood increases. Scientists from the University of Auckland, after conducting a corresponding study, came to the conclusion that boys are more often born to women with high self-esteem.

Let's move on to the planning methods themselves. Let's start with the most accessible ones. :)

French diet

This method is passed down from generation to generation and our parents were fond of this method. It is called the “French Diet” because it was French scientists who established that the sex of the unborn child directly depends on the mother’s nutrition during the menstrual cycle, which precedes conception.

Joseph Stolkowski and Jacques Laurent discovered dietary patterns in families where only boys and only girls are born. Parents of boys ate large amounts of sodium and potassium, while parents of girls preferred foods rich in calcium and magnesium.

Two special diets were developed containing a specific set of products - a “diet for a boy” and a “diet for a girl.”

During the 2 months before conception, parents had to strictly adhere to the recommended diet. The success was stunning - in 80% of cases, the spouses had a child of the desired gender.

A diet that promotes the conception of a girl.

Drinks: coffee, tea, chocolate, cocoa, calcium mineral waters (canned fruit juice, Coca-Cola, carbonated drinks are not recommended).

Meat: beef, veal, pork, lamb in limited quantities. (Not recommended: sausages, ham, corned beef, smoked meats, meatballs, roasts). Fish - fresh, frozen. (Not recommended: smoked, dried and salted fish, canned fish in marinade, crustaceans, shrimp oil).

Dairy products: milk, cream cheese, cottage cheese. (Not recommended: all cheeses and ice cream).

Bread without salt, cookies without salt, homemade cakes without salt and without yeast. (Not recommended: regular bread, regular cookies, industrial confectionery products).

Vegetables: limited quantities of potatoes, eggplant, asparagus, beets, carrots, champignons, cucumbers, watercress, green beans, lettuce, peas, peppers, onions, boiled tomatoes. (crispy potatoes, canned vegetables, spinach, rhubarb, all types of cabbage, mushrooms, zucchini, raw tomatoes, dried vegetables, white beans, lentils are not recommended).

Dry fruits: unsalted almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts. (Not recommended: figs, raisins, dried apricots, dates, prunes, salted dried fruits).

Fresh fruits: apples, pears, strawberries, raspberries, pineapples, peaches, grapefruits, lemons, watermelon, mangoes, quinces, cherries. (Not recommended: plum, apricot, cherry, banana, orange, currant, melon).

Miscellaneous: sugar, honey, jam, jelly, fresh sour cream, eggs, aromatic herbs. (Not recommended: salt, yeast, soda, gherkins, olives, margarine, salted butter, ketchup.

At the same time, you should avoid salty foods, carbonated drinks, canned juices and Pepsi-Cola. It is necessary to exclude sausages, ham, smoked meats, salted and canned fish, crayfish and shrimp, all cheeses, ice cream, regular breads and industrially produced confectionery, corn and canned vegetables, fried potatoes, raw tomatoes, lentils, salted dried fruits, plums, apricots , cherries, bananas, oranges, currants, melons. During this period, you should not eat salt, yeast, soda, olives, margarine, spicy sauces, or any canned food.

A diet that promotes the conception of a boy.

Drinks: tea, coffee, beer, fruit juice, mineral water with soda. (Not recommended: milk, milk drinks, mineral waters with calcium).

Meat: all varieties, sausages.

Bread and cereals: cookies, biscuits, rice, semolina. (Not recommended: bread, pancakes, waffles, confectionery with milk).

Fresh and dry vegetables: potatoes, mushrooms, dry white beans, lentils, dried peas. (Not recommended: green salad, green beans, green beans, raw cabbage, watercress, dill).

Fresh fruits: everything, especially bananas, dates, apricots, oranges, peaches, cherries. Dried fruits and pancakes: prunes, dried apricots, dates, dark chocolate. (Not recommended: walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts, cocoa, milk chocolate).

Miscellaneous: salt all food, canned food, yeast as much as possible.

Not recommended: milk and dairy products, mineral waters with calcium, shrimp, crabs, fish roe, baked goods made with egg dough, bread, pancakes, waffles, milk-based confectionery, green salad, green beans, green beans, raw cabbage , watercress, dill, walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts, cocoa, milk chocolate.

The proposed diet is based on introducing a large amount of calcium ions into the body in order to give birth to a girl. And vice versa - limiting the administration of calcium - for the desired boy. As a result, the homeostasis of the body, its endocrine functions, and hormonal balance are probably disrupted, which ultimately affects the germ cells. But one thing is certain: temporary adherence to the proposed diet will not cause absolutely any harm to the body.

After conception, a woman can eat whatever she wants and what is good for the baby’s health.

By the way, it has been noticed that if a woman is pregnant with a girl, she “craves salty foods”: smoked meats, dried fish. If we regard the food cravings that arise during pregnancy as manifestations of the child’s needs for nutrients, the conclusion arises that there was a nutritional deficiency in the woman’s body before pregnancy, which the child “demands” to be replenished.

In general, we can say that a woman pregnant with a boy wants to adhere to a “girl” diet, and, conversely, a pregnant girl - diets for boys and a diet for gender planning are based on creating a deficiency of some nutrients in the woman’s body and a predominance of others.

This begs the question - how harmless is it? And if a child of an unplanned gender is born, how will such a deficiency affect his health?...

In contact with

Conception of a boy

The birth of a child is a great sacred act in the life of a married couple.

Let's start looking at methods and techniques that can help you with this.

First, let's understand physiology. Let's start with the man, since he is the boss in this matter. It directly determines who will be born - a boy or a girl.

Everyone knows that men have a special internal organ - the testicles, where sperm is produced and stored. The testicles are located in special scrotal sacs (scrotum), which maintain the temperature of the testicles at the same level, which is necessary for the production of sperm. This temperature is slightly lower than normal body temperature (36.63 °C). Therefore, the scrotum should not be overheated. During sexual intercourse, a man releases about 3.5 g of semen, which contains about 300,000 sperm. A man produces only two types of sperm: sperm X and sperm Y. During conception, one of the sperm connects with the egg and it is he who determines the sex of the child (a boy if sperm Y connects with the egg, and a girl if sperm X connects with the egg).

These different types of sperm have different properties. Spermatozoa Hot are distinguished by an oval head, lower speed of movement, longer life expectancy, greater strength and lower quantity in comparison with spermatozoa U.

Spermatozoa Y are distinguished by a round head, greater speed, shorter life expectancy, greater fragility, and greater quantity in comparison with spermatozoa X.

Now let's talk about the woman. Every woman has two ovaries and a uterus. The egg grows in one of the ovaries under the influence of the female hormone estrogen. Once a month, the egg is released from the ovary (this process is called ovulation), after which it moves through the fallopian tubes to the uterus. If a union with a sperm occurs (conception), the egg begins to divide, thus creating a new organism called a zygote. This is how an amazing phenomenon begins - the development of your future baby. Note also that when a woman experiences an orgasm, her body secretes a fluid that has an alkaline reaction. This may favor the union of spermatozoa Y with the egg, if the release of this fluid occurs before ejaculation.

In a woman’s body, only one type of egg is released - egg X. Sometimes several eggs are released, and if each of them is fertilized by sperm, the birth of twins or even triplets is possible. In such cases, each fertilized egg is the beginning of a related organism, a brother or sister with individual characteristics. It also happens that an already fertilized egg divides, creating an exact copy of the first organism, which leads to the birth of identical twins.

The monthly cycle in women is very important for determining the period of ovulation. It usually consists of 28 days. But its duration can sometimes get confused and decrease or increase even in the same woman. Under the influence of the female hormone estrogen, the uterus expands to create favorable conditions for fertilization of the egg. If fertilization does not occur during the cycle, the lining of the uterine walls peels off and comes out through the menstrual flow.

Let's note the main thing: the first day is usually the most bleeding. Bleeding usually lasts about five days. The fourteenth day is usually the day of ovulation if the cycle is 28 days, but this can vary. To be absolutely sure, a woman needs to measure her basal body temperature for two months.

It's best to do this in the morning, before you even get out of bed. As a rule, ovulation corresponds to the day in the chart when a woman’s body temperature gradually drops and then sharply rises by approximately 0.5 * C. Some women feel pain when the egg is released and hormones are released in large quantities. A special device for accurately measuring the peak release of hormones into the blood during ovulation can be freely purchased at any pharmacy.

In an effort to conceive a boy, we must understand that only three participants take part in this process in various variations: egg X, sperm X and sperm Y. In this case, only two options are possible: egg X is fertilized by sperm Y, which gives XY (conception of a boy) ; egg X is fertilized by sperm X, resulting in XX (conception of a girl).

To summarize: The gender of a child is physiologically entirely dependent on the father.

Preparing for conception

Nutrition. The influence of nutrition on conception is connected with the fact that sperm X and sperm Y differ in that X is more acidic, and Y has a more alkaline environment. The normal environment of the vagina and uterus is slightly acidic, which favors protection against microorganisms. Therefore, during ovulation, despite the fact that the uterus seems to secrete alkaline secretion at this time, this alkali is not enough to deactivate the acidity. As a result, alkaline sperm Y (boys) die faster, and sperm X (girls) remain much longer and fertilize the woman, giving rise to a girl. So, to increase the likelihood of having a boy, both partners need to consume alkaline foods at least three months before conception.

Women and men trying to conceive boy, should consume: fruit juices, herbal teas, mineral water, non-vegetarians - all types of meat and meat products, fish and fish products, all types of bread, cookies, grains, rice, pasta, all vegetables, potatoes, mushrooms, green beans , peas, soybeans, corn, all fruits and their fresh juices, and, first of all: bananas, apricots, oranges, peaches, cherries. Very well dried apricots, plums, dates. Dark chocolate, jam, jelly, honey, everything sweet without dairy additives, vegetable oils, pickles.

Avoid: Milk and dairy drinks. Mineral water with a high calcium content. Shrimp, crabs and other shellfish. Sweet creams based on eggs. Cottage cheese and dairy products, pancakes, pancakes. Cocoa, milk chocolate, creamy ice cream.

Those who seek to conceive girl, must consume: milk and any other fresh drinks made with milk or mixed with milk.

Apple juice (apples), grape juice (grapes), pineapple juice, mineral water with high calcium content.

Sea fish and boiled shellfish. Anything that is prepared with an egg (preferably the yolk). Unsalted cottage cheese, yogurt, unsalted confectionery.

Rice, pasta with minimal salt content.

Fresh vegetables: carrots, radishes, onions, fresh green peas, radishes, cucumbers, lettuce, spinach.

Watermelon, strawberries, raspberries, pears, peaches, pineapples, canned plums. Almonds, hazelnuts, voloshka nuts without salt. Butter without salt.
Do not consume: coffee, tea, dark chocolate, carbonated drinks, beer.

Pates, sausages, smoked meats, salted cheeses, salted confectionery.

Limit the consumption of foods such as: Celery, beets, cabbage, tomatoes, dried legumes. Bananas, peaches, apricots, cherries, oranges, avocados. Dried apricots, dates.

General preparation. If you want sperm to be present in large numbers and travel to the egg faster and easier, avoid hot baths and insulated underwear for men at least a month before conception. Sexual intercourse before conceiving a boy should be as often as possible, but without sperm getting into the vagina. Before conceiving a boy, abstinence from physical love should be no more than two to three days. You should also know that smoking before conception greatly reduces the likelihood of conceiving boys. If both parents smoke, the likelihood of having a girl increases by a third compared to non-smokers. To increase the likelihood of conceiving a boy, a woman should be calm and confident and worry less. Besides, Before conceiving, you will need to first calculate the time of ovulation and stop sexual activity for two to three days to accumulate sperm. It is known that sperm that carry the “male” Y chromosome live shorter than sperm that carry the “female” X chromosome, but they move more actively.

Therefore, if sexual intercourse occurs on the day of ovulation, the “male” sperm are the first to reach the egg, and after nine months a boy is born. If sexual intercourse occurs one or two days before ovulation (remember that sperm remain active for three days), then by the time the egg matures, the “male” sperm have time to die, and a girl develops. That's why avoid sexual intercourse for three to four days before your calculated ovulation date. Remember that conception should only happen once during ovulation. If sexual intercourse occurred at the time of ovulation or the first days after it (days 14-15 of the normal cycle), then the fast Y chromosomes will catch up with the egg first, and the result will be a boy (XY). In addition, ideally, a woman should reach orgasm before a man - this promotes the opening of the uterus and better penetration of sperm. Enjoy foreplay longer for maximum sperm release.

Position. According to the Slavs, in the north is the center of the Universe (the Alatyr stone), which is marked for us as the North Star. It is from there that the most subtle spiritual energy comes, the spirit of God is /Alive. Therefore, since ancient times, women were advised to lie with their heads to the north during conception. In addition, it is best when a man enters a woman from behind (“stallion”). At the same time, during orgasm, the man must enter the woman as deeply as possible. Remember that after sexual intercourse, the duration of sperm consolidation is 20 minutes if the woman lies quietly. In tradition, it is believed that at the very place of conception it is desirable that many male attributes be present, in particular: edged weapons on the wall (swords, daggers, axes), skins of predators, etc. The aroma of saffron, aloe wood, spikenard and other smells, with the exception of musk, should dominate there.

When trying to conceive a child (boy), remember: every cell of your body during physical love is filled with emotions and information that comes through your thoughts, words, etc. This information multiplies and remains on all organs, throughout the body, creating a strong energy field. It all depends on the man and the woman. If a woman has more sexual desire, she activates the egg with her field and gives more strength and energy to the sperm, which carries female power. At this time, the egg, like a magnet, attracts to itself the energy that is similar to it. This is how a girl is born. If, on the contrary, the man is more passionate, then the sperm with male power have more power, and boys are born.

It recently became known that the Duchess of Cambridge, Catherine, formerly known as Kate Middleton, is pregnant with a boy. Her little prince is due in July. In May, fashion models Amber Rose and Lara Stone gave birth to boys; recently, athlete Laysan Utyasheva and her husband Pavel Volya became the parents of a baby named Robert. Do you also dream of having your first child? Here is a selection of folk recipes and scientific techniques that can significantly increase your chances!

1. Goodbye missionary position!

The conception of a boy is facilitated by the position when the man is behind (standing, lying, on his side, sitting). By the way, a good way to spice up your sex life at the same time.

2. Orgasm is a must!

Conceiving a boy is facilitated by the position when the man is behind.

Now achieving orgasm is a procedure that is mandatory for you with every “approach” to conceiving a boy: vaginal orgasm makes the vaginal environment more alkaline, which is preferable for male sperm. In addition, muscle contractions of the vagina accelerate the movement of sperm to the female egg. Under the influence of these factors, male sperm rush forward and reach the final goal first, while female sperm, on the contrary, slow down their movement.

3. Let yourself be seduced

There is a strong opinion that if a man seduces a girl, they will definitely have a male child. So relax and give in to temptation.

And don’t forget about two more important points: seduction should occur exclusively at night and on the odd day of the month - this is what popular belief says.

4. Men - go ahead!

Before you yourself plunge into the bliss of numerous orgasms, you must make sure that your partner is the first to reach the finish line. How to calculate and carry out everything like this remains an open question. As well as how effective this folk method is: no scientific research has been conducted.

5. Choose the right time

The closer you are to ovulation, the more active you are in having sex: this will help male sperm get to the egg first.

According to the research of Dr. Shettles, popular since the 60s of the last century, male sperm are faster swimmers, preferring an alkaline environment, but they are less tenacious.

6. As deep as possible

During intercourse, penetration should be as deep as possible so that the sperm can get as close as possible to the entrance to the uterus, where the environment is usually the least acidic. In general, you need to help the tiny guys get as close to their destination as possible.

The closer you are to ovulation, the more active you are in having sex.

7. Check the moon

Perhaps this recipe is beyond reason, but if you are of a mystical nature, then you can take it into account: the most favorable time for conceiving a boy is when the Moon is in the first or last quarter.

8. Don't let the kids freeze!

Another common belief: in order for the “boy” sperm to become faster, during their “maturation” the male testicles need to be warmed up. Although there is also the opposite observation: in Japan, one of the reliable methods of contraception for a man was previously considered to be taking a hot bath before sex. In this case, conception almost never occurred.

9. Eat like a man

Before you allow your lover to seduce you, you need to do some work. No, not with your head, but with your jaws: in order for the result of conception to be one hundred percent predictable, as popular wisdom says, you must eat a lot, and the menu should consist exclusively of “male” products: more red meat and all sorts of chips, crackers and other salty snacks. At this time, your husband is also not idle: he has to drink soda water.

10. Worry!

Strange advice, isn't it? However, it is believed that excessive worry and even constant whining are signs that a woman is becoming more likely to give birth to a boy.

If so, then due to the constant stress in the modern world, girls will soon cease to be born at all, because - why hide it - we women have a lot of worries!

11. Check your actions with the Chinese lunar calendar!

According to the Lunar calendar, developed in ancient times, it is enough to know only two things: the month of conception and the age of the mother to determine the sex of the child. A simple table, a clear result. True, it seems that no one has established the percentage of probability for certain. But, according to probability theory, at least 50%.

12. Use the sperm sorting method

If you are serious and prefer proven methods with proven results, use the sperm sorting method: the seminal fluid is divided into two parts - “male”, with a predominance of Y chromosomes, and “female”, with X chromosomes. Then artificial insemination is carried out with the selected liquid option. Successful results were recorded in 91% of cases for girls and 76% of cases for boys.

For married couples, the birth of a child is a very important moment. But some mothers want to have a certain gender of the child. For this, scientists have developed a special diet. A diet for conceiving a boy will increase the chances of having a son, but does not provide a 100% guarantee.

Parents' food

At first glance, it seems that it is impossible to influence the gender of the child, but French scientists have proven the opposite. Joseph Stolkowski and Jacques Laurent studied the diet of couples who had boys or girls. As a result of research, it was proven that products for conceiving a boy are enriched with potassium and sodium, and for girls - with calcium and magnesium.

Eating certain foods contributes to the supply of certain vitamins to the body. Using these results, a diet was developed to get pregnant with a boy. The effectiveness has been tested by many couples. Calculating the days of ovulation and sticking to your diet will increase your chances by 70%.

Not only women, but also men should follow a diet. Products contribute to changes in vaginal pH, and in men this affects the quality of sperm.

What should you eat to conceive a boy? For women, it is recommended to eat fish, meat, potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, tomatoes, zucchini, apricots, citrus fruits, dates, apples, and pears. To conceive a boy, food should be high in salt.

You don't need to eat to have a boy: dairy products, legumes, dill, mussels, shrimp, caviar, walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts.

The diet of men is different from that of women. The diet for men to conceive a boy includes all types of meat, hot spices, mushrooms, fish, potatoes, beans, lentils, bananas, apricots and flour products. To have a boy, a man needs to eat protein foods, a lot of vegetables and fruits.

A man's diet to conceive a boy must be balanced and healthy. It is recommended to exclude alcoholic beverages, tobacco products and drugs. They have a bad effect on the body and reduce the chances of fertilization.

First signs

Since ancient times, pregnant women have been interested in who they carry under their hearts and noted signs, both external and internal. Some methods will help distinguish the sex of the child. At the moment, there is ultrasound diagnostics that solves this problem from the 15th week of pregnancy. But if you can’t wait until the due date, you can watch the first signs of pregnancy and determine the sex of the baby yourself.

What does it feel like to be pregnant with a boy?

  1. highly changeable mood;
  2. absence of toxicosis;
  3. change in taste preferences;
  4. good health.

Taste preferences change completely during pregnancy and may indicate a certain sex of the child.

What foods are you craving when pregnant with a boy? During pregnancy, expectant mothers prefer protein, spicy and salty foods. When you are pregnant with a boy, you mainly want to eat meat dishes, dairy and sour products.

If such signs exist, it can be assumed that a son will be born. Expectant mothers feel the sensations of being pregnant with a boy subconsciously. But there is a proven method of great-grandmothers that still works today - the shape of the abdomen.

What kind of belly does a woman pregnant with a boy have? As experienced mothers have noticed, the tummy is oval-shaped and goes down a little. A woman’s waist does not completely disappear during pregnancy, as it does with a girl. People around you from behind may not recognize the interesting position. A thin stripe may appear along the abdomen as a sign of pregnancy with a boy.

Older mothers claim that there are other external signs in pregnant women. A woman’s appearance improves, her hair becomes stronger, her skin becomes saturated, her mood is capricious and sexual intercourse is frequent. There is a common folk superstition - if a pregnant woman gets cold, a son will be born. But external signs are more reliable.

The color of the mammary glands becomes dark and the left breast swells, then the right. Body hair also appears. This happens due to an increase in male hormones in the body. If the baby moves on the left side of the tummy, you can expect a boy.

These signs and popular sayings do not give full power of attorney. These are observations of ancient ancestors. In any case, gender can be found out already in the second trimester, using modern technology.

Daily menu

A sample menu for every day will help you stick to your diet and exclude prohibited foods, making your diet balanced and healthy.


  • breakfast: wheat porridge, bran, apple;
  • lunch: baked salmon, rice, bread;
  • afternoon snack: coffee, ham sandwiches;
  • dinner: fried piece of meat, vitamin salad.
  • breakfast: buckwheat porridge with dried fruits, green tea;
  • lunch: boiled chicken drumstick, mashed potatoes, bread;
  • afternoon snack: fruit salad;
  • dinner: fish cutlets, stewed eggplant.
  • breakfast: ham sandwiches, black tea, banana;
  • lunch: fried veal, rice, vegetable soup;
  • afternoon snack: pumpkin casserole;
  • dinner: baked chicken breast, beet and carrot salad.
  • breakfast: oatmeal, herbal tea, peach;
  • lunch: fish baked with lime;
  • afternoon snack: green tea, cookies;
  • dinner: a piece of beef baked in foil, vegetable salad.
  • breakfast: millet porridge, banana;
  • lunch: baked potatoes with fish, bread, broth soup;
  • afternoon snack: salad with ham, tomatoes and green lettuce;
  • dinner: chicken wings in honey sauce, boiled rice, bread.
  • breakfast: oatmeal with dried fruits, apple, herbal tea;
  • lunch: rice, fried fish, bread;
  • afternoon snack: casserole with pumpkin, freshly squeezed juice;
  • dinner: baked chicken with potatoes and garlic, vegetable salad.


  • breakfast: ham sandwiches, coffee;
  • lunch: soup with meatballs, beef stroganoff, mashed potatoes, vegetable salad;
  • afternoon snack: fruit salad;
  • dinner: chicken casserole, stewed vegetables.

You need to eat only fresh foods and dishes. At the first signs of pregnancy, it is advisable to abandon this diet and eat nutritiously. Dishes can be alternated with each other. It is advisable to adhere to the diet 3 months before planning a baby.

Before following the diet, both parents are advised to consult a doctor. Perhaps he will prescribe a complex of vitamins. You need to avoid stressful situations and live only on positive emotions.

Many married couples planning to add to their family are thinking about how to conceive a child of a certain gender. The reasons for this desire of parents are different: religious, psychological, social, or even personal preferences. In order for a baby of the right gender to be born, mothers and fathers use any methods and recipes. The most curious thing is that most couples around the world strive to conceive a boy first. Probably, parents see in the little man the future heir and protector of the family. And boys are indeed born more often than girls, especially if it is the mother’s first birth.

At all times, married couples have invented various methods, sometimes strange and sophisticated, through which they hoped to conceive a boy. Chinese women who wanted to give birth to a male child lay their heads to the north during intimacy. Among the Germanic tribes, the conception of a future knight was possible only on a fine sunny day. In order for a hero to be born, the Slavs placed some male item under the pillow before sexual intercourse. And the ancient Egyptians believed that you could get pregnant with a boy during the full moon.

Of course, these are all superstitions. However, conceiving a boy can indeed be planned. There are methods by which, although not 100%, it is still quite possible to calculate the sex of the baby. These methods give very large errors, since they are based on the physiological characteristics of men and women, and the human body is capricious and often behaves unpredictably. Therefore, you shouldn’t really hope or count on them, although you can try. Having planned a boy, you should prepare not only for success, but also for failure.

First method. Conceiving a boy according to the ovulation calendar

Only a woman who knows exactly when she is ovulating can conceive a boy using this method. If the timing of egg release fluctuates from month to month, then it is better not to use this method. Male Y-sperm are more lively and active than their female X-counterparts, but they are less stable and die quickly. But it is Y-sperm that produce a male embryo when fertilizing an egg.

Therefore, in order for the conception of a boy to become most likely, you need to time sexual intercourse exactly at the time of ovulation. If you have sex before ovulation, male Y tadpoles may not live to see the egg. To reliably determine the right time for fertilization, you can buy ovulation tests or keep track of the ovulation calendar.

For the same reason, it is better not to enter into intimate relationships about five days before ovulation, so that tenacious X sperm do not hide inside the female genital organs. Also, according to the ovulation method, it is important that the woman has an orgasm first, not the man. The fact is that orgasm provokes the formation of an alkaline environment in the female organs, in which Y-sperm survive, and tadpoles with X-chromosomes die. The egg released from the ovary is found only with sperm carrying the male genome. But the next time you have sexual intercourse, you need to use condoms.

Second method. Conceiving a boy according to Shettles' theory

Couples who want to give birth to a boy can recommend the Shettles method, which is based on the different activity of sperm with Y and X chromosomes. This method of conceiving a male child is quite effective: in 80 out of 100 couples the result is successful.

The principle of operation of this method is, in general, similar to the option of fertilization according to the ovulation calendar. If you make love on the day the egg leaves the ovary, and always with a female orgasm, but ignore intimacy a week before ovulation, then the conception of a girl is unlikely to occur.

X-sperm, hidden in the genital tract of women after previous copulations, are heavy and clumsy; in an alkaline environment they do not survive until the next ovulation. And the light and nimble Y-tadpoles, having gotten rid of competitors, quickly get to a new egg.

Third method. Conceiving a boy according to the lunar calendar

The doctors of ancient India had their own ideas about what day one could most likely conceive a boy. They believed that it was useless to try to do this on the 11th and 13th lunar days. According to the lunar calendar, it is optimal to engage in sexual relations to conceive a boy when the moon is in the sky in the male zodiac signs: Sagittarius, Leo, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Aries. But if the moon is in the female zodiac, that is, in Virgo, Scorpio, Taurus, Capricorn, Pisces, Cancer, then the likelihood of becoming pregnant with a girl increases. The periods of full moon and new moon are unfavorable for conceiving a male child.

Fourth method. Conceiving a boy according to the couple's number table

This table can help you conceive a boy. You just need to find the number of the pair in it. The horizontal line indicates the month in which the man was born, and the vertical column indicates the month in which the woman was born. The pair number is at the intersection of the row and column. For example, if a woman was born in June and a man was born in March, then their pair number is 6.

On the next graph you need to find the number of the couple and see in which month it is most possible to become pregnant with a boy. It is immediately clear that a couple with a number 6 is most likely to conceive a male child in October, and least likely in March and April.

Fifth method. Conceiving a boy according to the mother's age calendar

You can try to get pregnant with a boy using the mother's age calendar. A woman just needs to find her age in the table and see when her likelihood of conceiving a male child is greatest. For example, if the expectant mother is currently 24 years old, then it is best to enter into an intimate relationship in January, March, April, June, July.

Sixth method. Conceiving a boy in Japanese

Japanese scientists claim that smoking parents have a sharply reduced chance of giving birth to a boy. According to research, married couples who smoke cigarettes more often give birth to girls, while boys prefer to be born to mothers and fathers who choose a healthy lifestyle.

Seventh method. Conceiving a boy in German

But German scientists from the World Population Institute came to the conclusion that women who are a little nervous and worried become pregnant with boys. One pattern prompted them to such an interesting thought: in turbulent years for Germany, for example, during the destruction of the Berlin Wall, much fewer boys were born than in peaceful periods of history.

Eighth method. Conceiving a boy in Italian

Italian researchers have their own opinion about the likelihood of conceiving a male child. They believe that girls are mostly born to thin women, and boys are born to plump mothers. The Italians conducted an extensive experiment, as a result of which it turned out that women weighing more than 54 kg are better able to become pregnant with a boy. Therefore, mothers who dream of having a boy can indulge in gastronomic pleasures.

Traditional methods of conceiving a boy

  • Sexual intercourse should occur at night, but not during the day.
  • Before an intimate process, both partners should not take a hot bath or shower.
  • A woman must experience an orgasm.
  • During sex, a man needs to dominate, to be in the position on top.
  • It is advisable to have sexual intercourse on odd days of the month.
  • After sex, a woman needs to completely relax, just lie down without moving.
  • Both partners should eat enough salty foods.

Diet for conceiving a boy

  1. You can eat any meat. Saltiness and smoked foods are allowed in moderation.
  2. Any fish and seafood can also be consumed. Only shellfish are undesirable.
  3. Bread and pastries without yeast. Pancakes and pancakes are prohibited.
  4. Sweets without milk or eggs. Honey, jam and jam are recommended.
  5. You can eat any kind of porridge, as well as pasta.
  6. Vegetables without restrictions. It is very good to eat potatoes, any beans, corn, and mushrooms.
  7. Fruits are a must. Oranges, plums, peaches, bananas, cherries, and apricots are recommended. It is undesirable to eat cherries and grapefruit.
  8. Tea, coffee, mineral water in moderation. Natural juices regularly. Cocoa, milk and other dairy products are prohibited.

A woman who wants to give birth to a boy needs to consume a lot of vegetable oils, as well as salt, since her body must have a sufficient supply of potassium and sodium ions. The main thing is not to overdo it with salty foods. It’s not without reason that they say that if you really crave pickled cucumbers, you’ll have a boy. In general, it is not so important who is born. It is important that the child is desired and healthy.

Video - how to calculate the sex of the baby: