
Reduxin reviews losing weight and losing weight with reduxin. Reduxil and diet and weight loss with reduxin “About the dosage regimen”


In the modern world, overweight people are found everywhere, regardless of where they live, gender and age. Not everyone can come to terms with this situation and try to lose those hated pounds by any means possible. Some go the traditional route: go on a diet or try to exercise. And others want to achieve the desired effect in easier ways, by taking special diet pills, one of which is Reduxin.

People who dream of getting a toned figure are interested in how pills help Reduxin for weight loss how and how much to take them, are there any contraindications - answers to questions will be presented in the article. Many people who are obese, especially women, believe that various means and methods, even the most absurd and far from safe, are justified in the fight against excess weight. Without fearing for their health, some begin to use completely unsafe weight loss drugs made in China or Thailand, various food additives, which can be just dummies, or can provoke the development of serious pathology.

Reduxin is a drug, it is prescribed by doctors after a thorough examination for the first stage of the fight against. This is not a harmless dietary supplement, but a full-fledged medicine and you should drink it in accordance with the instructions with all precautions, because there are restrictions on use and some side effects. Reduxin capsules dull the feeling of hunger, a person eats little and therefore loses weight - this is the main principle of action. The drug Reduxin contains only two components: sibutramine and microcrystalline cellulose. Both have unique properties that are aimed at reducing weight, stimulating metabolic processes and reducing fat accumulation. Each of the components represents the following.


The most important reason for obesity is a person’s love of eating food. Many manufacturers were looking for a substance that would give a feeling of fullness when eating a small amount of food. Sibutramine copes well with this problem because it has anorexigenic properties. Reviews of Reduxin capsules say that appetite is reduced and you can be perfectly satisfied with small portions of food. Another effect of this drug is the activation of thermogenesis.

This is important: This substance has the ability to normalize the level of glucose and uric acid in the blood. Sibutramine removes harmful cholesterol from the body.

In obese people, thermogenesis is disrupted and slowed down - the body does not consume fat to heat itself, but accumulates it. The use of Reduxin tablets for weight loss is marked by a pleasant warming warmth throughout the body, metabolic processes are restored, thermogenesis is activated, and fat gradually begins to be used to heat the body.

Microcrystalline cellulose

Saturation does not occur if the stomach is empty. It is this component that is the food that sends signals to the brain about satiety without food. Cellulose swells, taking away harmful substances along with the liquid that are found in excess in the body of an overweight person.

Mechanism of action

Reduxin is an innovative product, an improved sample and a new method of action. It has an amazing effect on the body without creating negative consequences, and leads to safe fat burning. When starting a weight loss course, most noted that body weight decreases from 500 g to 1000 g per week. Nutritionists note this indicator as the optimal rate for eliminating obesity.

The effect of the drug Reduxin on the body is complex and has the following mechanism:

  • Significant decrease in appetite. After taking Reduxin tablets for weight loss, the feeling of hunger subsides for a long time. The feeling of pleasant satiety is maintained by small portions of food.
  • Active metabolism. If metabolic processes in the body occur quickly, then this requires a lot of calories, which, when burned, accelerate active weight loss.
  • Improved overall well-being. A person feels better due to the normalization of sugar and cholesterol in the body, thanks to the pills.
  • Optimal rate of weight loss. Weight loss from Reduxin capsules is quite slow, but this is not considered a disadvantage. This pace is more comfortable for the human body and does not develop a stressful state.
  • Long lasting effect. It is gradual weight loss that provides long-lasting results. After stopping taking the capsules, the lost kilograms will not return.

To achieve proper and comfortable weight loss, you should read the instructions and user reviews. If you want to improve the effect of losing weight, then you need to eat right and choose sports as assistants - those types of sports that an obese person can do.

Instructions for use Reduxin

How to take Reduxin correctly to lose weight is of interest to many obese people. The capsule dosage regimen is very convenient, which is explained by the demand for the drug. The drug capsule should be taken once a day, regardless of the time of eating. The package contains 60 capsules of Reduxin - this is enough for two months of taking them.

This is important: Reduxin is prescribed only by highly specialized specialists in cases where traditional methods of losing weight have not yielded results or weight loss is very slow. When used correctly, the drug will help you get rid of 5 and sometimes 10 kg of excess weight per month.

Experts recommend drinking them one at a time in the morning. If a side effect occurs after taking the capsule, the dose should be reduced to half a tablet and returned to the full dosage only after a month. If you feel well when using Reduxin, a month after the start of therapy, the doctor may increase the dose of the drug to one and a half tablets. The duration of the course of therapy is one year.

Release form and cost

The drug Reduxin is produced in the form of capsules. The shell consists of gelatin, water, glycerin and citric acid. You can purchase the drug in pharmacies or order it online from special pharmacies, where the price will be significantly lower. The cost of the drug Reduxin for weight loss depends on the packaging - the more capsules it contains, the lower the price.

You can purchase the drug in the following packaging:

  • Capsules of 10 mg, 7-10 pieces on one plate, 1-6 plates per package.
  • The packaging is the same, but the substance content in the capsule is 15 mg, and the package contains 1-4 plates.
  • Capsules packed in jars of 10, 14, 28, 30 and 60 pieces.

The cost of the drug fluctuates greatly; in the table below we have tried to show the average prices that are current at the moment.

Name Price
Reduxin 10 mg (30 pcs.) from 1650 rub.
Reduxin 10 mg (60 pcs.) from 2800 rub
Reduxin 10 mg (90 pcs.) from 3800 rub.
Reduxin 15 mg (30 pcs.) from 2500 rub
Reduxin 15 mg (60 pcs.) from 4200 rub
Reduxin 15 mg (90 pcs.) from 5800 rub.
Reduxin Light (30 pcs.) from 1450 rub.
Reduxin Light (120 pcs.) from 2700 rub.
Reduxin Light (180 pcs.) from 2900 rub.
Reduxin Light Strengthened Formula (30 pcs.) from 1650 rub.
Reduxin Light Strengthened Formula (60 pcs.) from 2800 rub
Reduxin Met set (850 mg) from 1645 RUR

Expert opinion

Smirnov Viktor Petrovich
Dietitian, Samara

As in the case of Goldline, the active component of Reduxin is sibutramine. It affects the satiety center and prevents the reuptake of norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin in the structures of the central nervous system. Thus, the brain deceives itself, the feeling of satiety increases, and the need for food deceptively decreases. Who is Reduxin indicated for? Yes, it is used for weight loss, but only if a person has food, or nutritional, obesity. In this case, the body mass index is more than 30 or 27 or higher. In the second case, it is used if there is atherosclerosis (high level of atherogenic cholesterol fractions) or type 2 diabetes mellitus is diagnosed. If the patient has other causes of obesity, such as bulimia or hypothyroidism, then this is a contraindication for use. In addition, you cannot be treated with Geduxin or Goldline for cardiovascular diseases, tachycardia, as well as in the case of various cerebrovascular disorders, against the background of thyrotoxicosis, glaucoma, prostate hyperplasia, alcohol and drug addiction, persons under 18 and over 65 years of age, pregnant and lactating women. In addition, there is an extensive list of diagnoses when the drug should be used with caution.

Thus, before using Reduxin, in addition to following the indications, the patient must undergo a thorough examination. Accordingly, it is under no circumstances recommended to use it as self-medication.

Side effects

According to the results of a survey of people who went through the process of losing weight with Reduxin, side effects occur only at the beginning of taking the pills. Further appointments are easily tolerated if the patient adheres to the specialist’s recommendations. Side effects after taking Reduxin tablets include:

  • From the central nervous system - headache, dry mouth, change in taste and anxiety.
  • Cardiovascular system – increased blood pressure and increased heart rate.
  • Gastrointestinal system - nausea, loss of appetite, constipation.

Sometimes there is increased sweating, itching of the skin, pain in the back and abdomen, swelling and drowsiness.


There are also contraindications for taking Reduxin tablets for weight loss, which include:

  • Individual intolerance to components.
  • Organic nature of obesity.
  • Mental illnesses.
  • Treatment with drugs that affect the functioning of the central nervous system.
  • Serious heart and vascular diseases, arrhythmia.
  • Kidney and liver diseases.
  • Glaucoma.
  • Alcohol and drug addiction.
  • People under 18 and over 65 years of age.
  • Pathology of the coronary arteries.
  • Eating disorders such as bulimia.
  • For those whose work requires concentration.

Doctors do not advise women who are pregnant or breastfeeding to take Reduxin diet pills.

The effect of tablets on the condition and development of the fetus has not yet been confirmed by clinical trials. Before starting therapy with Reduxin tablets, you should consult your doctor about the selection of contraceptives.

Important: The drug Reduxin is prescribed only after appropriate diagnosis of the body and on an individual basis.

In order to quickly respond to side effects, from the first days of taking Reduxin tablets you need to monitor your blood pressure and pulse rate. When choosing Reduxin for weight loss, you should strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations and take the tablets in accordance with the prescribed dosage so that the weight loss process does not cause more harm to the body.

Experts recommend not to chase quick results - the process of losing weight cannot be instantaneous. It is important that weight loss be slow - only with such competent weight loss will it not be able to return. If you choose to take medications as a means of losing weight, then you should take proven and safe ones, and begin the process of fighting weight after consultation with a specialist. Reviews and results about the effectiveness of Reduxin capsules indicate that the drug is quite harmless to health, although it has some side effects. It is important that it helps to lose weight, eliminating those hated kilograms.

Reduxin is a domestically produced drug that helps in the fight against excess weight. The active component intended for the treatment of obesity is sibutramine. It is this substance that helps you feel full faster with a small amount of food.

Reduxin is a combined drug for weight loss; its effect on the human body is determined by the components included in its composition. The release form of the medicine is blue or light blue capsules, which contain white powder with a yellowish tint.

Mechanism of action of tablets

As a result of the parallel balance of sibutramine and microcrystalline cellulose, weight loss occurs while taking Reduxin, which is not accompanied by any negative effects on the human body. Weekly weight loss with Reduxin averages up to 1 kilogram.

If this seems not enough, then you should know that this is a gentle mechanism of action, because sudden weight loss will not add health to someone losing weight, but will only put the body under stress. Moreover, extreme weight loss is accompanied by the return of all burned calories in a short period of time.

Gradual weight loss with Reduxin has a big positive aspect. The fact is that the walls of the stomach consist of receptors that, when the organ is filled with food, signal the brain about satiety. Thanks to the gradual decrease in the amount of food that occurs along with taking Reduxin, the stomach adapts to food loads, shrinking in size.

Can it be used during pregnancy?

Reduxin is effective for weight loss, but it has a number of contraindications. This list includes pregnancy and breastfeeding, as there are no formal studies yet on the use of the medication in these circumstances.

Doctors recommend that women of childbearing age use contraceptives when taking Reduxin. If, nevertheless, pregnancy occurs while using the medicine for weight loss, then immediately stop taking it, since the effect of sibutramine on the fetus has not been studied.

Instructions for use

What does it help with? Klimalanin is used to eliminate the symptoms of hot flashes associated with menopause in monotherapy and in complex therapeutic programs.

The instructions for use indicate that Klimalanin tablets are indicated for oral use. Standard dosage is 1-2 tablets/day. If the effectiveness is insufficient, the dosage is increased to 3 tablets/day.

Course – 5-10 days. If symptoms recur, the course of therapy should be repeated.

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To lose weight, you need to take one tablet in the morning on an empty stomach, or you can take it during breakfast. The tablet does not need to be chewed; take it with a glass of water. You need to start with 10 mg. If you feel unwell or have any other discomfort, reduce the dose to 5 mg.

You can start taking 15 mg after a month if you tolerate the drug well and want to enhance the effect. If after three months you do not see any changes, then you should stop taking the pills. The drug can be used for no more than two years.


The drug has the following number of contraindications:

  • eating disorders (bulimia, anorexia);
  • mental illness;
  • alcoholism and drug addiction;
  • glaucoma;
  • serious disorders of the liver and kidneys;
  • cardiovascular diseases.

Side effects caused by Reduxin usually appear during the first month of taking the drug and gradually weaken towards the end of the course. These include:

  • headache;
  • dry mouth and thirst;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • constipation;
  • increased sweating.

If any of the above contraindications and restrictions to the use of the drug are identified, a specialist will carry out correction of anti-menopausal pharmacotherapy.

The drug Reduxin for weight loss should not be taken if:

  • The work of the central nervous system is disrupted;
  • Hypersensitivity to sibutramine and other components;
  • Thyrotoxicosis;
  • Pregnancy and lactation period;
  • Anorexia;
  • Heart diseases;
  • Use of tryptophan-containing drugs (sleeping pills);
  • Hypertension;
  • Kidney failure;
  • Diseases of the stomach and pancreas;
  • Liver diseases;
  • Age less than 18 years;
  • Alcohol addiction;
  • The presence of benign tumors;
  • Drug addiction.

Medical contraindications for Reduxin are extensive. Mental illnesses to which an obese person is susceptible can be considered grounds for refusing to take a weight loss drug. Contraindications to taking Reduxin include the following ailments:

  1. Heart disease.
  2. Anorexia nervosa.
  3. Ischemic disease.
  4. Heart failure.
  5. Tachycardia.
  6. Gilles syndrome (generalized tic).

Reduxil and diet

Which is caused by some too general definitions of social redux and the diet of the structure of this or that Hellenistic state. After all, it is not enough, as was clarified in the first part of this work, to prove the absence of feudal-serf relations in one or another state of the ancient world or, having discovered a certain number of slave reductions, to come to the general conclusion that we have a slave system.

During the Hellenistic era, diverse and structurally complex political systems existed in the Eastern Mediterranean. Many of them included, in turn, other systems that were once independent and retained their original forms of ownership from that time, or new formations arose based on their model cf.

For example, policies that were part of the Seleucid and Ptolemaic kingdoms, or temple communities in Asia Minor, Syria and Palestine. Since above we strongly emphasized the connection of individual forms of dependence with a more or less complex social whole, it is necessary, before moving on to the description and analysis of these forms in one of the Hellenistic states, to imagine the main political systems

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Price for Reduxin 15 mg in pharmacies

How much does Klimalanin cost? The average price in pharmacies is 500 rubles.

In online pharmacies you can find an even more interesting price, and they sell this weight loss medicine even without a doctor’s prescription and with delivery. The advantage of purchasing online is that it is easy to order Reduxin at any time of the day, and delivery throughout Russia is fast, even to a remote region for a low fee.

The drug Reduxin- the first Russian medicinal product intended for weight loss, belonging to a new generation of weight loss drugs. This drug helps reduce your diet, suppresses hunger and creates a feeling of fullness. All this contributes to a reduction in food intake, hence weight loss.

Taking this drug increases the energy consumption of the body, which will also lead to weight loss, read reduxin reviews below. In a week, a person can lose from half a kilogram to one kilogram per week; doctors believe that such a decrease in a person’s weight is painless for the body. While taking the pills, a person begins to get used to eating less food, which ensures long-term maintenance of the desired weight after completion of the intake.

Reduxin is very convenient because it is not dependent on food intake and needs to be taken once a day. The main substance of the drug is sibutramine, which is not dangerous even with long-term use and does not lead to addiction.

In addition to weight loss, Reduxin helps reduce cholesterol, blood glucose levels and normalize uric acid.

Possible side effects that the drug may have on the body.

Most often, unpleasant actions can occur at the very beginning, in the first 4 weeks:

  • from the nervous system – most often insomnia and dry mouth; sometimes – dizziness, headache and change in taste;
  • from the cardiac system: sometimes cardiac arrhythmia, increased blood pressure;
  • from the digestive system: often – constipation, loss of appetite, sometimes – nausea.

Before losing weight with reduxin, you should definitely consult a doctor and consult.

Only a doctor will be able to do the necessary examination to detect contraindications, before using the drug, select the required dosage of the drug and prescribe how and how much to take the drug.

The drug Reduxin has been tested for safety and effectiveness in the best Russian medical centers. It has been proven that the drug Reduxin is very effective, and the side effects are mild and temporary, which do not require discontinuation of the drug. And not the high price makes the drug more affordable and less expensive.

The drug Reduxin is sold: 30 pieces in a package of 15 mg - from 1200 to 1400 rubles or 30 pieces in a package of 10 mg - from 750 to 900 rubles.

Reduxin reviews losing weight


I started taking the drug Ruxin about a month ago, it was prescribed to me by a gynecologist-endocrinologist, my height is 164 centimeters, my weight is 64 kilograms, I lasted about 2 weeks, I began to have terrible insomnia, I slept about 2 hours a day, often headache. I was constantly thirsty, which caused a severe sore throat, as a result of which psychosis began, it’s even scary to remember. I took the drug for 10 days and stopped. I started to come to my senses a little bit, my sleep became a little better, but I still have a dry throat ((((. Decide for yourself whether to take this drug or not. By the way, after going to the doctor, she told me that I should have drunk more water , 2-3 liters per day.


Yesterday I also bought the drug Reduxin, a friend from work recommended it to me, she said that her appetite had decreased. I've been drinking it for the second day now. Before this, I drank LIDA for about 2 months and lost 8 kilograms. There were no side effects. True, when I stopped drinking, I gained weight. Now I decided to try Reduxin.

Before getting married, I decided to become a super slender beauty. My height is 173 centimeters and my weight is 63 kilograms, I decided to weigh no more than 50 kilograms. In one month I lost 10 kilograms. There is practically no appetite. All I need is half a cucumber and a whole tomato and I’m no longer hungry. Sometimes, because I don’t eat enough, I had to force myself to eat. After that I felt sick, nauseous, and sometimes dizzy. The main thing is that there was a result in terms of weight. Well, the result in terms of my condition too. Frequent dizziness, fainting, and sweating began. I became very fearful, my psyche began to suffer. I often fell into a stupor, my state became inhibited, but most importantly, my brain was working quite normally (I remember standing and watching a dish burn in a frying pan and I couldn’t do anything, neither say anything nor take any actions). Then, when I stopped taking the drug, almost everything returned to its place, the seizures ended, and the weight returned. But my health began to deteriorate, my hormonal system and cardiovascular system were malfunctioning, and my thermoregulation was destroyed. Here I suspect that the drug Meridia is to blame. In general, I recommend a regular diet and calorie counting to everyone.


Diet is the right way of life. It is bad to eat a poor diet, even when you are taking pills. In the future, you will have to constantly eat the same amount, because the body is accustomed to this way of life and everything that comes from above will go into reserve. Consequently, all your life you will be stuck on a menu that is minimal for your body. Or do you want to lose weight, and then stop taking pills and just “keep a diet”, and you think everything will remain that way? This will not happen! Don’t do nonsense and don’t look for simple solutions, they will later backfire on your health!


Good day everyone! I have been taking Reduxin for about 2 months and have lost 15 kg. But Meridia and Reduxin are just helpers, you still need to pull yourself together and go on a diet! With these tablets it is very easy to do, your appetite disappears immediately. The first days there are side effects, they are mentioned in the instructions and you should definitely drink a lot of water. Go ahead, let's try it, I personally really like Reduxin.


I have been taking the drug Reduxin for more than six months. Result: I lost 19 kilograms. Before that, I drank Merida and lost weight, but then I started “eating” very actively and all the weight came back. In the spring I stepped on the scales and grabbed my head - 109 kilograms, with a height of 180 centimeters. I immediately went online and started looking for a new way to get rid of the “happiness that has fallen.” Then Reduxin caught my eye, which turned out to be cheaper than Meridia. I bought 15 mg and started taking it with confidence. The kilograms began to fall, although not quickly. I started walking more, about 10 km a day. This is where progress has begun! My health improved, my body size decreased, and problems began with my belongings. I had to buy new ones))). Then I tightened my stomach by pumping my abs. Now I started to weigh 90 kilograms, I want to catch up to 85 kilograms and stop))). Conclusion: taking pills and gorging on cakes and turning gray on your butt is not an option. Reduxin just helps you go on a diet and control your “eating.” After I lost 19 kilograms, my shortness of breath went away, I stopped taking the elevator, now only up the stairs. The body is constantly in good shape.

Being slim is the key to good health, attractive appearance, good health and longevity.

Not everyone manages to avoid being overweight by maintaining their figure and body proportions throughout their lives. Very often the problem of excess weight has to be solved using pills.

Weight loss drug Reduxin prescribed for obesity as an auxiliary measure.

To increase the effectiveness of drug weight loss, the diet and lifestyle of the person losing weight must be adjusted. Reduxin copes with an important task - it helps control appetite.

Composition of the drug

One of the main reasons that causes weight gain is an uncontrollable desire to eat.

Overweight people eat a lot and quickly, slim people are selective in their diet, they need food to cover energy costs and enjoyment.

If over a long period of time a person consumes significantly more calories than he burns, then all the excess is stored in reserve in the form of fat deposits.

Reduxin Light belongs to the category of dietary supplements, it helps to normalize metabolic processes and helps regulate the amount of food eaten.

Increased appetite is a companion to many serious diseases. These include diabetes, hypertension, varicose veins, atherosclerosis, and infertility.

Reduxin contains two main active substances:
  1. Sibutramine hydrochloride monohydrate . Initially, the substance was part of antidepressant drugs, but over time their effectiveness was disproved. Sibutramine has been noted to significantly suppress appetite, which is why it has been used in weight loss medications. The action of sibutramine is due to the activation of beta adenoceptors in the brain. As a result, a person experiences a state of happy excitement, and the feeling of hunger is dulled.
  2. Microcrystalline cellulose . MCC is a natural fiber isolated from plant products. This substance has no nutritional value, but it swells in the stomach, creating a feeling of fullness, preventing overeating. The positive effect of MCC also lies in the fact that coarse fibers, passing through the intestines, help normalize its work and cleanse it.


Today you can buy Reduxin without prescriptions in Moscow and other regions of Russia.

How much Reduxin costs in a pharmacy, the price per package, will depend on the location of the retail outlet, the concentration of active substances, and the number of tablets.

The average cost of Reduxin 15 mg in pharmacies is 2-3 thousand rubles, 10 mg - 1-2 thousand rubles.

The drug is sold without prescriptions in online stores, where you can buy and immediately find out the information you are interested in about the drug.

Indications for use

Reduxin affects the central nervous system, so the use of the drug must have a medical justification.

If a person takes medicine independently and uncontrollably, then over time he may develop addiction.

Reduxin is prescribed for obesity with a high body mass index (BMI 28-30).

The drug is not suitable for self-correction of the figure.

Reduxin does not replace a properly balanced diet, a systematic reduction in its calorie content, physical activity, physiotherapeutic and health-improving procedures.

For diabetics whose pathological weight gain is associated with the diagnosis, a complex drug has been released Reduxin Met .

To understand what is the difference between Reduxin and Reduxin Met, you need to refer to the composition. The drug labeled Met contains the component metformin. This is a hypoglycemic agent used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus and prediabetes. Metformin promotes weight loss, improves blood cholesterol levels, and increases insulin sensitivity.

Instructions for use of Reduxin

The drug Reduxin is available for sale in two versions - 10 and 15 mg of the active substance.

If after a month of taking it at a dosage of 10 mg, body weight does not decrease, including by more than 5% of the original, then it is recommended increase concentrations up to 15 mg.

The best weight correction results with Reduxin are achieved if you combine drug treatment with feasible physical activity, diet.

How to take Reduxin for weight loss:

  • The capsule tablet is taken on an empty stomach once a day;
  • Do not chew the medicine, swallow it whole with water;
  • a single course of treatment lasts 3 months;
  • The total duration of therapy is 2 years.

Continuous use of the medication should not exceed three months. Then you can take a break for a month, then resume treatment again.

If, after stopping the use of Reduxin, weight begins to increase, then further use of the drug is considered inappropriate.

Contraindications and side effects

The drug is prohibited for use by children and adolescents under 18 years of age, by the elderly, during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

You cannot take Reduxin simultaneously and medications that act on the central nervous system, including antidepressants, antipsychotics, and MAO inhibitors.

Reduxin is not used for chronic heart failure or cerebrovascular accident.

Restrictions on the use of Reduxin:

  • pathological change in eating behavior - anorexia or bulimia;
  • dependence on alcohol, drugs, medicines;
  • any mental illness, neuroses, tics, depressive states;
  • established arterial hypertension;
  • liver and kidney failure;
  • individual sensitivity to sibutramine.

The doctor prescribes Reduxin to obese patients if other non-drug weight loss measures are ineffective.

Side effects are most often observed in the digestive, nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Dermatological reactions and general malaise rarely occur. A few patients reported complaints of headache, irritability, increased appetite, which worsened when the drug was discontinued or treatment was stopped.

What side effects may occur when taking Reduxin:

  • loss of appetite;
  • dry mouth;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • increased heart rate;
  • constipation;
  • nausea;
  • sweating

Undesirable symptoms are a concern only at the very beginning of treatment; over time, their frequency and severity decrease. At overdose side effects are significantly increased.

Correction of body weight using Reduxin should be carried out under the supervision of a knowledgeable and experienced specialist.

Reduxin and alcohol

Reduxin affects the brain, so combining the medication with alcohol is extremely undesirable.

Alcoholic drinks excite the nervous system, while Reduxin, on the contrary, depresses it. Concomitant use may cause intoxication, vomiting, headaches, increased heart rate, respiratory failure, anaphylactic shock, sudden deterioration in health.

Reduxin is a drug for the effective treatment of obesity. However, the use of this medication is only part of complex therapy, because in addition to it, the patient is prescribed a strict diet and physical exercise. In the process of taking Reduxin, the areas of the brain responsible for satiety are affected, and the person’s desire to constantly eat is blocked. According to reviews from those losing weight, Reduxin 15 mg promotes accelerated fat burning, but also helps normalize metabolism.

Contents [Show]

Description of the drug

Reduxin is a combined drug for weight loss, its effect on the human body is determined by the components included in its composition. The release form of the medicine is blue or light blue capsules, which contain white powder with a yellowish tint. One blister pack of Reduxin contains from 7 to 90 capsules of 10 or 15 mg each. For weight loss, Reduxin 15 mg is dispensed only as prescribed by a doctor, because it interacts with the central nervous system.

Composition of capsules

The weight loss drug Reduxin contains the main component sibutramine and microcrystalline cellulose, each of which has unique properties. Let's look at them in detail and study how these substances affect weight loss.


Since the main reason for gaining excess weight is a manic love for food, manufacturers have long been looking for a substance for effective weight loss that helps you quickly feel full after a small portion of food. And they found sibutramine, which has anorexigenic properties, therefore, solves the problem of overeating. This substance activates β3-adrenergic receptors in the human brain, helping to increase the feeling of satiety and affecting adipose tissue.

Weight loss with Reduxin is accompanied by a decrease in total cholesterol and uric acid in the body. Sibutramine promotes thermal production, so people losing weight with Reduxin claimed that while taking the drug they felt a pleasant warmth in their body. At this time, thermogenesis is activated, and fat begins to be actively consumed.

Microcrystalline cellulose

You cannot feel full if there is nothing in your stomach. Microcrystalline cellulose, which is part of Reduxin, is the main food during weight loss. Once in the stomach, the substance swells, absorbing harmful components and excess liquid. Microcrystalline cellulose has a detoxification and sorption effect. In the process of losing weight, the substance binds and removes harmful microorganisms along with waste products, excess metabolic products of the body, allergens and toxins of an endogenous nature.

Mechanism of action of tablets

As a result of the parallel balance of sibutramine and microcrystalline cellulose, weight loss occurs while taking Reduxin, which is not accompanied by any negative effects on the human body. Weekly weight loss with Reduxin averages up to 1 kilogram. If this seems not enough, then you should know that this is a gentle mechanism of action, because sudden weight loss will not add health to someone losing weight, but will only put the body under stress. Moreover, extreme weight loss is accompanied by the return of all burned calories in a short period of time.

Gradual weight loss with Reduxin has a big positive aspect. The fact is that the walls of the stomach consist of receptors that, when the organ is filled with food, signal the brain about satiety. Thanks to the gradual decrease in the amount of food that occurs along with taking Reduxin, the stomach adapts to food loads, shrinking in size. Therefore, the amount of food is also reduced and a person develops a persistent habit of eating less, not while losing weight, but for the rest of his life. Even after finishing taking Reduxin, the saturation effect lasts for a long time.

How to take Reduxin 15 mg correctly for weight loss

Start using Reduxin for weight loss under the supervision of a doctor. The specialist will prescribe the duration of the course, method of administration and dose, based on the individual clinical picture. If you decide to take the drug for weight loss on your own, then the dosage, according to the instructions, is 1 tablet 2 times a day with meals or after meals, for 2 months. The duration of taking Reduxin depends on weight, but average therapy should not last more than 3 months. In exceptional cases of obesity, the doctor may extend the course of treatment to 6 months.

A potent drug for weight loss is Reduxin 15 mg, capsules of which are taken in the morning with plenty of water and do not chew. The medicine can be combined with meals or taken on an empty stomach. If tolerance is poor, it is better to switch to a lower dosage of 10 mg, and if within 6-8 weeks it was not possible to reduce body weight by at least 5% of the initial weight, then treatment with Reduxin should not be continued.

Can it be used during pregnancy?

Reduxin is effective for weight loss, but it has a number of contraindications. This list includes pregnancy and breastfeeding, as there are no formal studies yet on the use of the medication in these circumstances. Doctors recommend that women of childbearing age use contraceptives when taking Reduxin. If, nevertheless, pregnancy occurs while using the medicine for weight loss, then immediately stop taking it, since the effect of sibutramine on the fetus has not been studied.

Alcohol compatibility

Alcoholic drinks and Reduxin 15 mg interact differently with the nervous system, so combined use can lead to disastrous results. Alcohol stimulates nerve receptors, and Reduxin, on the contrary, causes drowsiness. When taken together, the nervous system is concerned about such a compensatory effect and begins to spend too many of its resources on removing both substances from the body. This phenomenon can cause respiratory or cardiac arrest, and can result in a severe allergic reaction or anaphylactic shock.

Side effects

If you are intolerant to Reduxin or when it is combined with other medications, noticeable side effects may occur. If you experience a negative symptom while taking a weight loss medication, contact your doctor immediately.

  • Headache. Often occurs at the beginning of weight loss, but the severity and frequency weaken over time.
  • Constipation. It can be easily eliminated on your own if you introduce beets, prunes, kefir, and oatmeal into your diet while losing weight.
  • Dry mouth. The body intensively loses moisture, so it is recommended to drink up to 3 liters of water per day while taking the drug while losing weight.
  • Insomnia. If you have problems sleeping, then reduce the dosage of Reduxin.
  • Rapid pulse. If this symptom occurs, stop taking the drug and consult your doctor.


Medical contraindications for Reduxin are extensive. Mental illnesses to which an obese person is susceptible can be considered grounds for refusing to take a weight loss drug. Contraindications to taking Reduxin include the following ailments:

  1. Heart disease.
  2. Anorexia nervosa.
  3. Ischemic disease.
  4. Heart failure.
  5. Tachycardia.
  6. Gilles syndrome (generalized tic).

Price for Reduxin 15 mg in pharmacies

Any Russian can afford to buy Reduxin for weight loss, because the cost of the drug is low. The more tablets in the package, the more favorable the price. Moscow pharmacies sell:

  • Medicine dosage 15 mg (10 capsules) - 1000 rubles.
  • Packaging of Reduxin 60 capsules - 3000 rubles.

In online pharmacies you can find an even more interesting price, and they sell this weight loss medicine even without a doctor’s prescription and with delivery. The advantage of purchasing online is that it is easy to order Reduxin at any time of the day, and delivery throughout Russia is fast, even to a remote region for a low fee.

Analogues of the drug

When taking Reduxin, there is a decrease in the feeling of hunger, so the drug is popular among people during body weight correction. A low-calorie diet and physical activity do not always give quick results in losing weight, and it is sometimes useful to move the weight off with the help of such medications. But what to do if Reduxin is not currently on sale? There are medications for weight loss that are effective analogues. Reduxin light “enhanced formula”, which is a dietary supplement (dietary supplement) of Reduxin, to which linoleic acid, beneficial for the body, has been added. Analogs also include:

Weight loss results - before and after photos

If treating obesity with traditional methods does not produce results, your appetite does not sell, and the feeling of hunger continues to haunt you, then find on the Internet real reviews of people losing weight with photos who took Reduxin. The composition of the drug for weight loss contains substances that regulate the feeling of fullness with a small portion of food, so the fight against excess weight is more effective. Illustrative examples with photos will inspire you to take active steps to combat fat deposits.

Reviews from nutritionists

Maxim Pirogov (over 10 years of experience):

“I observed patients taking Reduxin for weight loss with different dosages. The process of losing weight was different for everyone, but the results within a month were always impressive: calorie consumption decreased by 2 times, 98% experienced a decrease in appetite, and, consequently, body weight.”

Larisa Azarova (5 years of experience):

“Patients ask me how to take Reduxin to lose weight. I advise you to remove excess weight by other, safer means: regular exercise, proper nutrition, visiting saunas and special massages, etc. After all, the drug Reduxin is not completely safe, and side effects can lead to depression and health problems.”

Alexandra Potapova (over 20 years of experience):

“Women, when they want to lose extra pounds, start taking weight loss drugs that have not undergone any research. I advise patients with obesity to control their weight with the help of Reduxin, which has undergone clinical trials and has few significant contraindications compared to similar medications.”

Reviews from people losing weight about the effectiveness of pills

Elena, 43 years old: “I started losing weight with Reduxin on the advice of a friend, but at first I didn’t dare because I didn’t know how much the drug cost. Surprisingly, the price turned out to be reasonable, and I bought the medicine at the first pharmacy. I read in the annotation how many tablets I should take, but the dose turned out to be too much for me: already on the second day I felt nausea, dizziness and an upset stomach. After reducing the dose, my condition returned to normal, and within a month I got rid of 7 extra kilos without difficulty.”

Alexey, 27 years old: “With Reduxin I lost 12 kilograms in a month. True, I sometimes felt side effects in the form of decreased blood pressure and sleep disturbances, but now I am happy with my physical shape and the fact that the feeling of satiety comes from a small dose of food.”

Olga, 31 years old: “I’ve been overweight all my life. I can’t give up sweet and fatty foods – it’s like a drug for me. My fat figure doesn’t even bother me anymore, but my health is failing me. The doctor said that high blood sugar can lead to diabetes and prescribed Reduxin for weight loss. The effect of the drug surprised me - I began to eat less and stopped overeating. I don’t know what the reason is, but in just 2 weeks I’ve lost 5 kg.”

Ruslan, 37 years old: “Reduxin 15 mg is an excellent product for weight loss! I began to use the medicine on my own, and took the dosage from the instructions for use in the package. Its effect is based on reducing appetite, so I began to eat less food. In 2.5 months with Reduxin I lost 15 kilograms.”

Losing weight without much effort is the dream of many people. It's easy to gain extra pounds, but it's very difficult to get rid of them. To fight excess weight, you need to constantly control yourself: eat right, lead a healthy lifestyle, and exercise. Drugs for appetite control and weight loss, for example, Reduxin, can help in the fight for a beautiful body.

Description of the drug

Reduxin is a domestically produced drug that helps in the fight against excess weight. The active component intended for the treatment of obesity is sibutramine. It is this substance that helps you feel full faster with a small amount of food.

The drug Reduxin is available in capsule form and is intended for weight loss

Operating principle and effectiveness

Reduxin affects the human body, dulling the feeling of hunger. The active substance accelerates the process of saturation, so a person only needs a small portion (one and a half to two times less than usual) to satisfy hunger. The loss of extra pounds in this case is easily explained by the smaller number of calories consumed.

In addition, Reduxin helps increase energy expenditure and improves metabolism, bringing the amount of sugar and cholesterol in the blood to normal. While taking the drug, thermogenesis is activated, and fat literally burns.

The effectiveness of this drug has been proven by many studies, and it is not for nothing that the drug has gained popularity among those losing weight. But we should not forget that capsules should be taken under the supervision of a doctor and their help should be used as a last resort. The first step to eliminating excess weight is following a diet and regular workouts in the gym, and only then taking medications.

Admission rules

Reduxin is taken on the recommendation of doctors at any convenient time and regardless of meals. If poor tolerability of the drug is detected, you should contact your doctor to review the dosage. If a month after the start of treatment the weight has remained virtually unchanged, the doctor may increase the dose. The course of treatment lasts three months, but experts recommend taking Reduxin for six months to consolidate the effect. During this time, you can lose approximately 10 kg of excess weight, and in combination with physical activity, even double this result. The maximum duration of treatment is 1 year. Reduxin is not recommended to be combined with alcohol. If you are taking other medications, be sure to tell your doctor before starting treatment.

The consonant drug Reduxin Light is somewhat different from Reduxin and is a dietary supplement, not a medicine. As an active substance, it contains conjugated polyunsaturated linoleic acid, which prevents the accumulation of fat in cells and tissues. Reduxin Light has no contraindications except pregnancy and lactation.

Many women who have taken both Reduxin and Reduxin Light claim that it is Reduxin Light that has the greatest effect. This may be due to the fact that the active substance Reduxin only reduces the feeling of hunger, and the linoleic acid Reduxin Light directly fights fat deposits.

Contraindications and side effects

The drug has the following number of contraindications:

  • eating disorders (bulimia, anorexia);
  • mental illness;
  • alcoholism and drug addiction;
  • glaucoma;
  • serious disorders of the liver and kidneys;
  • cardiovascular diseases.

Side effects caused by Reduxin usually appear during the first month of taking the drug and gradually weaken towards the end of the course. These include:

  • headache;
  • dry mouth and thirst;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • constipation;
  • increased sweating.


Reduxin is a fairly expensive drug, the cost of a package of 60 capsules ranges from 1.5 to 2 thousand rubles, but there are other products based on sibutramine.