
How to teach a child to write beautifully - tips and recommendations. Basic ways to teach a child to write beautifully What to do to make your child write beautifully


“Write different letters twith a thin feather in a notebook
They teach at schoolchat at schoolchat at school..."

Looking at the notebooks of their schoolchildren, every second mother asks the question “How to teach a child to write beautifully?” And what do we even mean by beautiful handwriting? Is it necessary at all? Is it necessary to teach a preschooler to write so that he can develop beautiful handwriting at school?

More and more often we are faced with the problem of poor handwriting in children. The trend is this: writing by hand is becoming less and less common these days. Abstracts and reports typed on a computer at school, printed notes at the institute, SMS instead of letters in envelopes, electronic cards instead of traditional congratulations on paper... But! No one has canceled writing lessons yet! The suffering of first-graders bowing their heads over copybooks is familiar to every parent. We will try to figure out how to help schoolchildren and teach children to write beautifully, competently and accurately.

Why does a child have difficulty learning to write?

Teaching a child to write is much more difficult than teaching him to read. It is a fact! First, let's figure out what causes the greatest difficulties when learning to write:

  • New requirements.

The child has to maintain the same position for a long time (sitting at a desk, you can’t stand up or turn around), look in one direction and at the same time constantly strain your brain. The activity that he is mastering (writing) is unusual for him; he must constantly control his actions, which have not yet been brought to automatism.

Should a child be taught to write before school?

Most psychologists note the benefits of early child development, but with one significant caveat. “The scope of early development includes only what a child can learn through play and without effort. And everything that requires persistent, systematic work from him is within the exclusive competence of the school.”

The question of teaching a child to write at home before school is a sensitive one. Firstly, not every parent can boast of their own beautiful handwriting and knowledge of calligraphy. Therefore, he most likely will not be able to show a worthy example of how to write correctly and beautifully. Secondly, it has been noticed that children who learn to write at an early age quickly deteriorate their handwriting. This happens because the hand has not yet become stronger.

It’s easy to teach a child to write; it can be done at four or five years old. BUT! To make handwriting beautiful, you need to practice the skill for a long time and persistently, and for kids this is an impossible task purely physically. As a rule, having learned how to write letters, the child begins to use this skill at his own discretion. Parents will no longer be able to stop or control this process. It turns out that the baby will start writing whatever and however he likes, whatever is more convenient for him and whatever he has the strength for. Handwriting will begin to deteriorate and in this form will become established as a skill.

Dear parents, do not rush to teach your child to write before school! Let the teachers do this. Believe me, no one has ever graduated from school without knowing how to write. Everything has its time!

1. Pay attention to the child’s workplace. Adjust the height of the table and chair. The child should not reach up to write a line or, conversely, bend over because the table is almost at knee level. The chair should not creak or wobble - this is unnerving and distracting. It’s better if it’s not on wheels (or fix them so they don’t roll). There should be order in the workplace: no distracting toys or unnecessary items. The light should fall from the left (for right-handers) and from the right (for left-handers). It is recommended to turn on not only the table lamp, but also the overhead light.

2. Choose the right handle. It should not bend, be too thick or, on the contrary, thin for the child’s fingers. Try to choose a pen without various raised protrusions or buttons that will distract (you really want to press the button again). The core should be of medium thickness, the ink should not smudge. It is better to have several handles, because... they have a “habit” of getting lost at the most inopportune moments.

Make sure that the child holds the pen correctly: with three fingers - thumb, index and middle, no lower than 1.5-2 cm before the nose of the rod (you can mark this level with something so that the child does not forget). If you hold the pen too low, you cannot see what you are writing, it is difficult to control the connections between letters, line height, etc. Special attachments have appeared on sale that fit the most ordinary standard pen. They are made in the form of funny animals and tell kids where to put their fingers.

Some children grip the pen tightly (even their fingers turn white) or press hard on the rod when writing. The hand gets tired quickly, and it is difficult for the child to write smoothly. Explain (and show) that the fingers should be slightly extended, the index finger should not bend. No need to strain your hand and fingers too much! In order to train your muscles, you need to write more often on a vertical plane (with chalk on a blackboard, imitate writing in the air). The elbow should be relaxed, but the shoulder muscles should be forced to work.

3. Make sure that the notebook is lying correctly: the middle of the worksheet is slightly to the right of the middle of the child’s chest; The lower left corner is slightly lowered, and the upper right is raised. In this position, there is no need to reach for the beginning or end of the line; it is easier to maintain the correct inclination of the letters, and the hand moves freely in the desired direction.

4. Very often, parents make many mistakes due to the fact that they do not know the school requirements for keeping notebooks. You can ask the teacher to draw up a Memo, which will clearly indicate how many cells/lines to indent, how to write down the number, how to format certain tasks.

What tasks should you offer children to teach them to write beautifully, competently and legibly?

The following activities help develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination:

  • coloring drawings with small details;
  • tracing by dots, shading, completing drawing of symmetrical and missing elements;
  • modeling from plasticine, clay, mastic, salt dough;
  • bead weaving, stringing beads on a cord;
  • embroidery;
  • working with small construction parts (for example, Lego);
  • assembling structures from matches, mosaics, puzzles;
  • macrame;
  • cutting with scissors;
  • tear-off appliqué;
  • origami and other types of design and modeling.

The list goes on. Any hobby that requires precise finger movements is suitable. It is important that the activity brings joy to the child - this is a guarantee that it will be performed with high quality, with desire and for a long time.

The straight road is not the shortest, take a detour

  • Do not force your child to write more than what the teacher asks.
  • Consider the physiological characteristics of the child. The phalanges of the fingers, the bones of the wrist, and the ends of the fingertips have many cartilaginous connections. The hand gets tired quickly and needs frequent rest. Take breaks, finger exercises, physical education minutes.
  • Be smarter, come up with new motivators.
  • Don’t scold, praise more for the most seemingly insignificant victories. Choose the most beautiful letter of all those written and praise it.
  • Use games.

Let's play director. Cut up small pieces of paper or take a stack of sticky notes. Invite your child to race with you to put his signature (name, maybe first and last name) on each piece of paper. Emphasize that the “director’s” signature must be legible. Important! Use a ballpoint pen rather than a pencil or felt-tip pen, where the same amount of pressure is not required as when writing with a regular pen. Little trick: do not overtake the child, give him the opportunity to practice properly.

A written skill is acquired once and remains for life (like the skill of riding a bicycle or swimming). Naturally, due to “uselessness” the skill is dulled (for example, if we type on a keyboard, our handwriting becomes worse), but after a short period of training it resumes. Even an adult has a chance to improve his handwriting (if desired, of course). Set an example for your child! You can learn to write in copybooks together! Buy an extra set and keep going! If you can’t achieve perfect handwriting, don’t worry. The main thing is that it is legible.

Dear readers! Does your child have problems with handwriting? How do you teach your child to write beautifully? Is handwriting important at all or should we not pay special attention to its “beautifulness”? We look forward to your thoughts in the comments.

Dysgraphia (impaired handwriting) is a common problem in both adults and children. But while an adult can consciously control the neatness of his handwriting and has learned to understand what other people have written, children do not have this ability. It is important in early childhood to instill in a child a desire for beautiful writing: this is useful both for him, since he will be able to make out what he has written, and for those around him - the same teachers - who will have to read sheets of paper written by a child’s hand.

Beautiful and legible handwriting is a big plus in all respects. You understand what you are writing, the people around you also understand, and from an aesthetic point of view, it’s nice to see neatly written letters, and not scribbles that even the author can’t make out.

Assess the importance of the problem

Without realizing that dysgraphia is an issue that should be seriously considered, you will initially fail. If you notice that your child writes extremely illegibly, and brushes it off, making excuses that he will learn at school, you are completely wrong! He won’t learn, because handwriting is a matter of habit. And the older a person is, the more difficult it is to somehow correct this habit.

To make sure that you need to teach your child to write beautifully, read the following:

  1. In elementary school, teachers most often give grades for calligraphy. A reduced grade for a correctly completed task raises a logical question, to which the teacher will answer that the child wrote illegibly/carelessly/made too many blots. The teacher is right in this case: after all, it is in his interests that his students write legibly. If you don’t want to see a child saddened by a low grade, teach him to write beautifully and accurately!
  2. In this age of computer technology, many people, relying on the artificial intelligence of machines that automatically correct errors and place commas, do not develop their writing skills as such. In the future, this turns into incidents with documents that must be filled out by hand: blots, “dancing” letters and “chicken paw” handwriting. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to instill in your child the habit of writing rather than typing. You can easily learn to type, since calligraphy is not important here, but learning to write is difficult, and this skill is needed in life.
  3. No matter how much teachers would like every child to write accurately and legibly, in modern schools too few hours are devoted to the basics of calligraphy, during which it is absolutely impossible to learn how to write letters correctly. Work with your child at home on your own. Believe me, he will thank you for this.

Incorrect posture is the most common cause of crooked handwriting, in our opinion. If the sitting position is incorrect, the hands, as a rule, are in an extremely uncomfortable position, so instead of beautiful letters, various kinds of squiggles appear on the piece of paper:

  • The child writes the letters “n”, “k”, “i”, “p” in such a way that they cannot be distinguished from each other;
  • The letters, despite the ruling, “fall” under the line or “fly up” above it;
  • In the letters “w” and “m” the child draws in extra curls.

Rules for proper landing:

  • the child sits with a straight back, shoulders and neck relaxed, but not twisted;
  • hands lie on the table, but elbows do not touch its surface;
  • the distance between the tabletop and the chest is equal to the palm of your hand placed parallel to the surface of the table;
  • your legs stand flat on the floor or on a special stand (you can’t cross them or throw them one on top of the other - this bends the spine).

By teaching your child the correct “sitting” position, you will initially contribute to his beautiful handwriting: the child will not be clamped in an uncomfortable position, and his hand will calmly slide across the paper, writing neat letters.

Another reason is undeveloped motor skills (especially fine motor skills). Here we are talking about somewhat inhibited movements of the fingers and hands, which is why the joints do not work at full strength, and the child lacks the flexibility to write neat letters.

  • The child displays the rounded elements of letters incorrectly;
  • The student’s letters are not just ugly, but incorrectly written;
  • All the letters are different sizes, and there are a lot of marks on the sheet.

In this case, it is worth thinking about doing gymnastics with your child for the wrists and fingers: usually in elementary schools, teachers do it before the start of classes.

Try to give your child small objects in his hands, assemble mosaics from small parts with him - all this develops fine motor skills and improves handwriting.

The following factors indicate poor spatial perception (lack of orientation in space):

  • Different spacing between letters in one word;
  • Different spacing between words in one line;
  • The child confuses the letters in a word, rearranging them, or writes them in a mirror image;
  • When writing words, the child goes beyond the margins of the notebook.

In this situation, games will again help. Ask him to repeat the movements of his right hand in the air with his left hand (for example, you can write out the same letters) or play “Find the Prize” with your child, where he must follow your instructions exactly to find a small gift.

Having dealt with the reasons for ugly handwriting, you should move on to solving them.

  1. As already mentioned, it is necessary to teach how to sit correctly and straightly.
  2. Actively develop fine motor skills: assemble mosaics, cut out, make appliqués, assemble origami, draw, hatch, weave thread bracelets, etc.
  3. Buy your child copybooks: he can write in them with both a soft pencil and a pen. Copybooks should choose those in which a pale dotted line indicates the outline of a letter or word, which the child must trace with his hand. Copybooks are also suitable, where after the printed letter or word there is a space intended for the child to repeat its spelling.
  4. Spelling and calligraphy lessons should be held every day for 15-30 minutes. Make sure that your child’s fingers do not become numb from working too hard.
  5. Teach how to hold writing utensils correctly. For the initial stage of learning, a handle with special grooves for the fingers is quite suitable. The handle rests on the upper phalanx of the middle finger, and the thumb and index fingers clasp it tightly, with the thumb above the index finger. The tip of the writing instrument is aimed strictly at the shoulder. The length of a pen or pencil should not exceed 15 cm.
  6. The notebook always lies at an angle of approximately 25º relative to the edge of the table.
  7. The desk and chair on which the child sits must correspond to his height.
  8. Never rush your child - this will only worsen his handwriting! First he must learn to write beautifully, and then quickly. Speed ​​will come with time, the main thing is to regularly devote time to calligraphy lessons.
  9. Find an incentive if your child stubbornly refuses to do calligraphy. Never force him to do anything, because it will not be successful.
  10. Never scold or punish your child for failures: not everything works out the first time. And under no circumstances start comparing him with other children - this will only lower his self-esteem and discourage him from learning.
  11. Follow the work and rest schedule.

Stages of training

  1. Stroke contours. Special copybooks contain not only letters, but also various figures, patterns, etc., printed in dotted lines.
  2. Writing letters, their combinations and individual words according to a model (special copybooks, which were discussed in paragraph 3 of the previous section);
  3. Copying individual words, sentences and texts into a lined notebook.
  4. Consolidation in the form of daily writing in a notebook of a paragraph from a story.

Never push your child: the time it takes for him to learn beautiful writing is individual. Be patient, follow the advice you read, and then your child will not have problems with calligraphy at school!

Video: a child will become an excellent student if he writes beautifully

Due to the increase in the number of electronic devices, less and less attention is paid to writing style. But no matter how insignificant a person’s handwriting may seem, it has a tremendous impact on personality development, especially in the early stages of schooling.

Why you need to learn to write beautifully in a timely manner

The ability to write accurately helps develop fine motor skills and improve brain abilities. According to statistics compiled by psychologists, children who have not learned to write accurately and evenly are more likely to lag behind their peers in academic performance. This is due to the inability or unwillingness to decipher sloppy notes by both teachers and the student himself.

Usually, the question of how to teach a child to write beautifully is asked by mothers whose children have recently started attending primary school and have shown their own writing style for the first time. And of course, parents cannot help but be upset by the fact that their precious child writes intricate scribbles.

However, they must understand that a child who has entered 1st grade is very flexible, receptive and, of course, teachable. But in order to correct the situation and teach him to write beautifully, you will have to put in a little effort, figure out why this is happening and help the first grader solve his problem.

Problematic aspects of calligraphy

Poor handwriting in children can be caused by:

  • erroneous motivation or lack thereof;
  • fear of doing something wrong, upsetting parents or teachers;
  • haste, distracted attention, lack of concentration;
  • incorrect positioning while writing;
  • lack of interest in this activity and learning in general.

Lack of accuracy can be caused by even such a banal factor as weakness of the hand muscles. Due to insufficient preparation, a first-grader’s hands quickly get tired, but at the same time he cannot drop everything and put the notebook aside right in the middle of the lesson. As a result, he does not think about the correctness and beauty of what is written, but simply does what he is told, but less carefully.

The reason for poor writing may also be that the student initially writes slower than his classmates, and the teacher, as you know, focuses on the bulk of the children when teaching a lesson. But regardless of the provoking factors, parents who notice a problem in their baby can quickly fix everything.

How to teach a child to write beautifully and accurately

To develop calligraphy skills in your child, you need to:

  1. Choose the right pen and show the student how to hold it. It should not be too long or voluminous. It is better if the handle has a raised rubber band to prevent slipping.
  2. Monitor the location of the notebook in the initial stages of learning. It should be placed at a slight angle, 10-20°.
  3. Check that the table (or school desk) is at the correct height. It should be smooth and stable, located at the level of the solar plexus.

Teaching a first-grader to write should take place in an easy, relaxed manner, without haste or fuss. It is important to choose the right moment, feel his mood and be ready to devote 20-30 minutes to the lesson every day.

To teach your child to write accurately, you will need to purchase several different copybooks with letters, geometric shapes and numbers. This will help to interest the baby and avoid monotony.

During training, the student should pay attention to the fact that the letters do not jump along the lines, but are located exactly in a row, are the same size and do not protrude beyond the margins. You can develop a reward system where he knows that he will receive a reward for correct spelling and accuracy. Or simply trace well-written letters and numbers with a green marker.

Alternative ways to help your child achieve beautiful handwriting

Accuracy of writing is determined not only by the number of hours spent on copybooks. Exercises aimed at developing vision and fine motor skills will help increase the endurance of hand muscles and improve a student’s handwriting. In addition, play-based activities will help diversify the learning process, making it exciting for a first-grader.

You can teach your child to write beautifully with the help of:

  • construction games with small parts;
  • shadow theater, when the baby’s hands take positions that create a shadow from a lamp in the form of a meaningful figure;
  • creating mosaic structures, assembling puzzles;
  • coloring pages with small details;
  • modeling from plastic materials (clay, dough, plasticine);
  • satin stitch or cross stitch embroidery;
  • beading;
  • educational workbooks for young children, in which you need to trace or complete printed pictures;
  • learning how to independently fasten buttons on clothes and tie shoelaces;
  • playing any musical instruments.

What can't you do?

Experts in the field of psychology categorically do not recommend putting pressure on a child and forcing him, turning the learning process into punishment. There is no need to tell him that he must unquestioningly fulfill all requirements. To instill interest, it is important to interest and justify the actions expected from him.

But first, three important rules:

First, don't forget to show your child how to hold a pen correctly.

In order to easily fix the correct position of the handle, the instructions in our short but very useful video can help you

Secondly, teach children to write letters and numbers correctly

For me, for example, it was a discovery that a number occupies half a cell and there is always a slope in capital numbers. And I certainly didn’t know how to pronounce writing numbers and why.

And when writing letters, I never paid attention to how many elements there are. However, as it turns out, in order for children to learn to write, things that are so obvious to us need to be explained in detail.

Like the number of elements of a letter, and the type of connection of a letter with others.

The first thing I diagnosed was that the boys write completely incorrectly. That is why they do it slowly and their hand gets tired.

And the first thing I encountered when I started “retraining children,” and what many parents face, is the reluctance of children to write the same number or letter over and over again, or to write elements of the letter beautifully and accurately.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to learn to write without many hours of practice.

And I have collected the best techniques that help me every day when teaching my children

Lifehack No. 1 Help the knight

Like most boys, my children are not at all diligent, and writing is simply boring for them! So, you need to somehow interest him. What did we start doing?

At the beginning of each line I schematically draw a knight, and at the end of the line - a dragon who is holding a princess captive in a castle. And I tell the children that in order to fight the dragon you need to build a bridge from letters to it.

It helped! The children enthusiastically began to write letters, trying to complete the bridge. And then they had to fight the dragon. So we still sometimes continue to practice writing. A crooked letter is a broken bridge element. So, the bridge will fall apart, and the knight will not get to the dragon...

Lifehack #2 Diary

Once a day, the boys fill out a diary, where they write one of the best events of the day and one of the worst. Sometimes they write only two words.

But they write.

In the diary, in the margins, be sure to draw the weather (sunny, cloudy) and write the temperature. Then it is very interesting to review the pages.

Life hack No. 3. Tic-tac-number

Using numbers, we play a kind of “Tic Tac Toe” with the boys. Only instead of X's and O's we have numbers. Sometimes they are the same. Those that we are currently training.

For example, triplets. I write “threes” in one color, Nikita in another. And our field is either 4 by 4, or even 5 by 5. It will turn out to be very exciting and interesting. And most importantly, after such games the child began to write numbers much better!

Life hack number 4. Elements of cursive writing.

Boys love to invent new letters from elements and just elements. More details in the video:

Life hack No. 5. Wolf and number.

The number should occupy half the cell. Therefore, during training, my child, dividing the cage in half, drew a “wolf” in the left half. And of course, he carefully drew out the number in the “right, right half”, so that God forbid the wolf would eat it.

Even now, when we are no longer dividing the cell in half, Nikita knows that it is better for the digital one to live in a “house,” otherwise “the wolf will eat it.” It was a life hack from Nikita) But it was easier for him to understand and remember why the number shouldn’t occupy the entire cell.

Lifehack #6. Water-water

Water practice of writing letters helps a lot. We take a brush and water, and begin to carefully draw a letter on the table with water. The water dries up - and the experiment in its place is unsuccessful.

And when the water letters begin to work out, we move on to practicing on the board with a marker. So, the child is not afraid of mistakes. And the training stage goes easily and without tears “I can’t do it”

Lifehack No. 7. Giganticles

My children and I often practice writing numbers like this. I dictate the numbers one by one, and the children write them in a row in each cell, for example: 654273292928292000298

And then we “read” what kind of gigantic number we got. To do this, you just need to show children what classes and ranks are, and how to read a super large number. The children are delighted! They consider it real magic.

Handwriting is one of the biggest primary school challenges children face.

But there are techniques to solve this problem.

This is why we created a one-day training “Beautiful handwriting. All about calligraphy in 1 day”, which will take place on April 16 from 12:00

The training includes three separate blocks from which you will learn:

Block for preschoolers

  • How to choose the right pen for a child
  • How to write numbers correctly?
  • How to write letters correctly?
  • How to teach writing?
  • What types of letter combinations are there?
  • How to teach a child to hold a pen correctly?
  • How to prevent your child's hand from getting tired?
  • How to help your child write quickly and beautifully?
  • When can you teach your child to write?

Block for schoolchildren

  • Why do children write ugly?
  • 5 rules of beautiful writing
  • Hand training exercises
  • If a child mirrors letters
  • Exercises for beautiful writing
  • Why write beautifully and quickly?
  • How to correct a child's handwriting
  • How to teach a child to write neatly
  • Handwriting and a child’s success at school

Adult block

  • How to double your writing speed
  • How to determine character by handwriting

The recording will contain all the practical materials, a complete course on the correct spelling of each letter and much more.

The training will involve a lot of practice, so have pens and paper ready.

If you have the opportunity to buy a fountain pen, great!

Join the training right now and by the end of the training you will be able to help your child learn to write quickly and learn everything about calligraphy in 1 day.

Why do we need beautiful handwriting?

Each person has an individual handwriting that is developed over many years. In the primary grades, schoolchildren learn to write, mastering calligraphy for children, and then spend a long time polishing this skill, writing dictations, essays and summaries. However, beautiful, legible handwriting in an adult is quite a rare occurrence.

Many parents of preschoolers and children of primary school age are wondering how to teach their child to write beautifully, accurately and competently. This is not an easy task, but it is quite within the capabilities of caring parents. The main thing in this matter is determination, patience and adherence to certain rules, which will be discussed below.

However, in our modern age of computer technology, the statement about the need to teach a child to write beautifully is quite controversial: the ability to type quickly is much more valued. However, answer yourself this question: do you want your child’s grades to be lowered at school because of poorly readable handwriting? I'm sure not.

What should you do if you see terrible scribbles in your student’s notebook, the letters “dance” in different directions and look, to put it mildly, not neat? You can try to correct bad handwriting by tutoring your child yourself. Teaching a child to write beautifully is a completely solvable task, the main thing is to practice regularly, and the result will not be long in coming.

Some people think that additional calligraphy classes overload the child. I think that the ability to write beautifully and accurately will never be superfluous. In addition, writing classes develop fine motor skills (the dexterity of a child’s fingers), and this helps in intellectual development.

I’ll say right away that teach your child to write beautifully- the task is much more complex than simply teaching him to write letters and words. Developing beautiful handwriting will require persistent work and daily practice from the student until the desired skill is established.

How to mark a child's handwriting?

Let's start with the fact that training should not start too early. Parents who are so proud of their 4-5 year old child’s success in penmanship often grab their heads later: after going to school, the child begins to write “like a chicken with its paw”, gets tired quickly, and does not try. The reason for this is the unpreparedness of the child’s hand for writing at such an early age. After all, it’s not for nothing that children used to go to school at the age of 7 and only study writing in the first grade. In order to learn calligraphy, a child must have sufficiently developed fine motor skills. You need to do this starting from a very early age. Fine motor skills training is any exercise that involves the fingers: drawing, modeling, appliqué, finger games, etc.

When a child opens the first copybooks, parents should be especially careful. This is the key moment in developing the skill of writing beautifully. If you miss it, it will be much more difficult to correct a child’s handwriting, because, as a rule, habits form very quickly in childhood.

So, pay attention to the following points:

    The child's seat at the desk must comply with the standards (back is straight, both hands are on the surface of the table, the head is slightly tilted).

    Make sure your child is holding the pen correctly. If the writing instrument is in the wrong position, the hand quickly gets tired, the letters turn out uneven, and the child gradually develops poor handwriting.

To teach your child to write beautifully, buy everything you need for classes.

    You will need:
    - a soft simple pencil (preferably a triangular one);
    - comfortable ballpoint, or better yet, gel pen;
    - copybooks for writing - 2 types: copybooks with letters and words written in dotted dots (or in pale gray), and copybooks where after each printed letter (word) there is a space for writing it (it) by hand;
    - a notebook with a narrow oblique ruler.

    Teach your child to hold a pen and pencil correctly.

You need to buy the most comfortable handle. Now there are special ones with indentations for the fingers. Such a pen is very helpful at the initial stage, so that the child learns to hold it correctly.

It is necessary to pay special attention to how the child holds the pen. If he gets used to holding it incorrectly, then retraining him and teaching the child to write beautifully will be much more difficult.

The pencil or pen should rest on the upper phalanx of the middle finger and be held in place by the thumb and index finger. In this case, the thumb should be higher than the index finger. Make sure the tip of the pen is pointing toward your shoulder.

    If your child has difficulties, do not scold him for it, do not raise your voice or punish him. Everyone makes mistakes, especially children during their learning period. Your task is to help overcome difficulties, and this can only be achieved with attentive attitude and practical advice.

    When your child draws sticks and circles and then begins the first letters, be there and supervise the process. In the future, also, do not let learning take its course: always check your first-grader’s homework, since it is still difficult for a child to write both beautifully and correctly, and errors may occur in his written speech.

    Constantly train your child’s ability to deftly use his fingers.

You cannot teach a child to write beautifully if he does not know how to tie shoelaces or fasten buttons.

The following activities develop fine motor skills:
- cutting out parts of different sizes with scissors and making appliqués from them;
- origami;
- coloring and shading exercises;
- drawing in any form - with a brush, chalk, pencils;
- drawing on buckwheat;
- games with small details - puzzles, mosaics, construction sets;
- lacing, braiding, embroidery, knitting, beading;
- modeling from plasticine.

Stages of learning beautiful writing

1. The first stage is outlining.

Use special copybooks with letters and words written in dotted dots. In addition to letters, such copybooks also contain various sticks, wavy lines, geometric shapes, patterns and even pictures. This is where you should start learning beautiful writing.

When the child is already good at drawing lines, ovals, curves, etc., you can move on to writing letters, numbers and words. By tracing them, the child trains his fingers and learns to write letters and their connections correctly.

Children like classes using such recipes. They enjoy watching the dots turn into beautiful letters. A little time will pass, and the child will be able to write beautifully without the help of dotted lines.

At this stage, you can add graphic dictations, when the child, on command, traces lines in a notebook in a box: 2 cells left, two cells up. etc. and so on.

2. The second stage is practicing writing letters, syllables and words according to the model.

Use copybooks in which there is a template letter (sample) before the space for writing a letter by hand. At the same time, the child will always have the correct beautiful letter before his eyes. The fact is that when writing a letter, the child looks at the previous one, and if he did not write it well enough, he will copy it.

Make it a rule to move on to mastering a new letter only after the child has learned to write the previous one beautifully. It doesn't matter how long it takes - half an hour or more than a week. It is also necessary to first teach the child to write letters beautifully, and only then move on to syllables and words.

3. The third stage is rewriting entire phrases and texts using copybooks of the first and second types. These exercises will help you approach rewriting yourself.

4. The next stage is to consolidate writing skills: let the child write a few lines every day from any story, poem or song. Of course, he must write them beautifully and accurately. To do this, buy him a notebook with a thin, oblique ruler, which will make it very easy to write letters, serving as an additional “support” for them.

This stage of training is the most difficult, because before your eyes there is no longer an ideal model to look up to.

Correction of handwriting in children

Correcting children's handwriting is much more difficult than initially learning to write. But it is possible to improve a child’s handwriting, and this should be started as soon as it begins to deteriorate. When correcting handwriting, an important point is patience, both for children and parents.

Before you start correcting handwriting, convince your child of the need for such work. Under no circumstances force your child to practice calligraphy if he doesn’t want to. Such activities will not bring results. Better think about how you can stimulate his desire to write more beautifully!

When starting classes, be prepared for the fact that not everything will work out the first time. Therefore, do not scold or punish your child for failures. It is also impossible to compare his achievements with the achievements of other children. This can completely discourage learning, and without this it is impossible to teach a child to write beautifully.

On the contrary, praise him for his diligence and for the successes he has achieved over a period of time. Save all his works, return to them, compare the results. Then the child will have an incentive to develop.

Don’t forget that your child should definitely rest between studying at school, doing homework and practicing writing. It is advisable that these be active games or a walk in the fresh air. After all, if a child is very tired, he will lose all desire to learn.

To make it easier to teach your child to write beautifully, break the learning process into several stages.

    Tracing method. Buy tracing paper and invite your child to trace the letters by placing it on top of the copybook. This has a good effect: the skill is developed to perceive and then reproduce letters correctly. Each letter needs to be “practised” long enough until the skill becomes automatic.

    Do not buy regular copybooks, but print them from the Internet. In standard copybooks, each letter is given a clearly limited number of lines, while your child may need much more. Let the child write line by line, sheet by sheet, until the hand “remembers” the movement.

    When all the copybooks have been completed, you should consolidate your skills by writing dictations.

It may take more than one month or even a year to teach a child to write beautifully, but it is worth it. After all, beautiful, neat handwriting is the face of every schoolchild!