
Improving work in the second junior group. Physical culture and health-improving work in the second junior group Plan of health-improving work in the 2nd junior group

breast cancer

The project on physical culture and health-improving work in the second junior group "Journey to the country of health"

“Caring for health is the most important job of an educator.

From the cheerfulness, cheerfulness of children depends on their

spiritual life, outlook, mental development,

strength of knowledge, faith in one's own strength.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

Preschool age is decisive in the formation of the foundation of physical and mental health. It is during this period that the intensive development of organs and the formation of the functional systems of the body are observed, the main personality traits are laid, the character, attitude towards oneself and others is formed. The significance of the formation in children of a certain knowledge base and practical skills of a healthy lifestyle, a conscious need for systematic physical education and sports is also obvious.

The upbringing of a physically healthy child has become the main core in the educational process of a preschool institution. The current socio-economic situation has led to a sharp deterioration in the health of the Russian population, mainly children. Solving the problems of physical education and development of children, reducing their incidence is possible only through the joint efforts of teachers, medical workers and parents.

According to the Research Institute of Social Hygiene and Health Organization in Russia, only about 40% of children can be considered conditionally healthy. Therefore, the improvement and education of the need for a healthy lifestyle are urgent tasks facing society.

In this regard, the teacher of the second junior group "Tumblers" developed the program "Journey to the Land of Health" for 2016-2017 for children from 3-4 years old, aimed at maintaining and strengthening the health of children, forming the motivational foundations for a healthy lifestyle .

aim of this project is the creation of a single health-saving space and the formation of healthy lifestyle skills in children of primary preschool age.

The main tasks of recreational activities:

  1. Formation in children of primary ideas about health and a healthy lifestyle.
  2. Organization of conditions for the development of children's cognitive interest in their body and its capabilities.
  3. Raising a careful and caring attitude towards one's own health and the health of others.
  4. Increasing the pedagogical competence of teachers and parents in matters of healthy lifestyle, activating the role of parents in creating a healthy lifestyle.

By the end of this project, we plan to achieve the following results:

For kids:

1) Formed habits of a healthy lifestyle.

2) Proper physical development of the child's body, increasing its resistance to infections.

3) The formation of a hygienic culture, the need for a healthy lifestyle and the possibilities for its provision.

4) Creation of a system of health-saving activities, taking into account the needs, resources, conditions of the kindergarten.

For parents:

1) Increasing the competence of parents in matters of physical development and health.

2) Active participation of parents in the life of the preschool educational institution.

For teachers:

1) High-quality mastering by teachers of innovative technologies of physical education and health improvement of children.

2) Raising the professional level of teachers.


Each month of the project is represented by a specific theme (station), which traces the integration of the activities of all participants in the educational process. It is important that both children, and parents, and teachers have a positive attitude to the events of each month, get infected with the idea and realize the importance of joint work.


Theme of the month


Idea, tasks of the month.



Hero of the month - Moydodyr. Purpose: education of cultural and hygienic skills and self-service skills in children of primary preschool age


give an idea of ​​what morning exercises, physical exercises are, how they strengthen health, cheer up.


Hero of the month - Carlson.

Purpose: To strengthen the ability of children to recognize and

correctly name vegetables and fruits, about their place of growth and benefits. To expand the knowledge of children about vitamins, their importance in human health. Develop logical thinking, memory.


The hero is Dr. Aibolit. Target:

To acquaint children with exercises that strengthen various organs and systems of the body. Give an idea of ​​the need for hardening. Give an idea of ​​the value of health; form the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle. To form the ability to report well-being to adults, to avoid situations that are harmful to health, to be aware of the need for treatment.


Hero of the month - Moidodyr. Purpose: To teach children to take care of their appearance. Continue to learn how to use a comb and handkerchief. To form elementary table behavior skills: to properly use a tablespoon and a teaspoon, a fork, a napkin; do not crumble bread, chew food with your mouth closed, do not talk with your mouth full,


The hero of the month is the Olympic bear. Target:

development of physical qualities (speed, strength, flexibility, endurance and coordination); accumulation and enrichment of motor experience of children (mastery of basic movements); formation of pupils' needs v motor activity and physical improvement.


Hero of the month "Moydodyr". Target:

1. To form children's knowledge about proper and rational nutrition.

2. Introduce children to the concepts of "harmful" and "healthy" food.

3. To instill in children the desire and need to be healthy.


Dr. Aibolit. Purpose: to introduce children to relaxation techniques, massage options and self-massage.


All characters. Purpose: summing up the results of the trip, repetition and consolidation of the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities.




Completion mark


NOD "Cleanliness is the key to health."

Reading A. Barto's poem "The Dirty Girl".

Guessing riddles about personal hygiene items.

Conversations on the topic: "Personal hygiene."

Game lesson "Queen toothbrush"

Experience-fairy tale "Soap is a superhero"

Entertainment: "Fun physical education

Drawing "My cheerful sonorous ball"

Reading by V. Berestov "Cossack"

Reading P. Efimov "Poem about physical education",

Organization of the group tradition "Motive minutes".

NOD "Vegetables and fruits - healthy products."

NOD "I love vitamins - I want to be healthy" (

Modeling "Once the hostess came from the market ..."

Creation of conditions for the role-playing game "Shop"

Reading S. Mikhalkov "About a girl who ate badly",

Creating a game situation. “Doctor Aibolit came to visit us»

Memorizing proverbs, sayings about health

Creation of conditions for the role-playing game "Hospital"

Reading K. Chukovsky "Aibolit

NOD "Bunny Ushastik got sick"

Fairy tale-conversation "In the country of Sore"

NOD "Let's Help Dunno"

Reading L. Voronkov "Masha the confused";

Reading "What is good, what is bad" V. Mayakovsky

Creation of conditions for the role-playing game "Family".

reading the fairy tale "Moydodyr" by K. Chukovsky,

NOD "Grandmother Zabavushka visiting the guys"

Construction "Sports ground"

NOD "Introduction to winter sports"

Entertainment "We are athletes"

Reading A. Bach “We must do sports”,

Collage "Young athletes".

Entertainment on the street "Winter fun"

Collage "Useful and harmful products"

NOD "Vegetables and fruits - healthy products"

NOD "Milk and porridge - our healthy food"

Quiz "Guess the Taste"

Creating a game situation

"Useful - not useful"

Reading E. Moshkovskaya "Masha and porridge"

Creation of conditions for p / and "Edible-inedible".

Situational conversation: "What can be cooked from vegetables"

Organization of the group tradition "Relaxation pause"

NOD. "I protect my health - I will help myself."

Photo exhibition "Our rest"

NOD "On the way to health"

NOD "ABC of Health"

Creation of a game situation. "Girl grimy".

Examination of illustrations, photographs about a healthy lifestyle.

Entertainment "In the country of health"


event title

Completion mark


Consultation: "Personal hygiene of a preschooler"

Folder-slider: “Morning exercises. A few simple tips."

Folder-movement: "Live vitamins"

Memo: "How to form the correct posture?"

Folder-slider: "Outdoor games with children at home and on the street."

Booklet "10 commandments of health".

Consultation: "Games that heal."

Joint entertainment "In the country of health"

Nina Stolyarova

The issues of protection and protection of children's health are currently the primary task of the state. The most important determining factor of health is a reasonable, conscious choice of means and actions for the formation of health and a healthy lifestyle.

The task of parents and teachers is to return to the true value - a healthy lifestyle, to instill in a child from an early age the right attitude towards his health, to help him choose only useful factors that are appropriate for health and to abandon harmful ones. The fulfillment of the set goals and objectives depends on the merger of the three indicators: heredity - environment - education, and education is the most changeable indicator.

Work in our group organized in a number of areas, one of which is the protection and promotion of children's health.

To save the younger generation, to ensure its healthy development, work in physical education, we build on several directions:

Creating conditions for physical development and reducing the incidence of children

Complete Solution physical culture-improving tasks in contact with medical employees

Raising a healthy child through the joint efforts of the kindergarten and the family.

Based on an exemplary general educational program of preschool education "CHILDHOOD" ed. T. I. Babaeva, A. G. Gogoberidze, O. V. Solntseva, I set myself the following tasks in physical education:

1) protecting the life and strengthening the health of children (recovery);

2) timely formation of their motor skills and abilities;

3) development of physical qualities (dexterity, speed, flexibility, endurance, strength, etc.);

4) education of cultural and hygienic skills and habits;

5) development of interest in physical exercises and outdoor games;

6) ensuring the need for a healthy lifestyle, as well as the formation of moral qualities and volitional qualities of the individual.

For the full physical development of children, the realization of the need for movement, in group necessary conditions: thoughtful placement sports corner, the availability of sports equipment (traditional and non-traditional, including for the prevention of flat feet. All this increases the interest of kids in physical education, allows children to exercise all kinds of basic indoor movements.

Of course, special importance in the upbringing of a healthy child is given to the development of movements and physical culture of children on physical education classes. Children who regularly engage in physical education, are distinguished by cheerfulness, good spirits and high working capacity.

We use a variety of options physical education classes:

Traditional lessons

Classes consisting of a set of outdoor games

Plot-game lessons


Daily morning exercises and outdoor games have become an obligatory part of the motor activity regimen.

We pay special attention to the hardening procedures, which provide for compliance:



Accounting for age and individual capabilities

Creating a positive emotional state

We use the following hardening procedures and measures to prevent postural disorders and flat feet: sleep without T-shirts; walking barefoot after sleep; trampling on a rug with spikes and others.

Relieve children's fatigue, enhance mental physical education helps me work.

To correct physical and motor development, an individual Work with children to master the basic types of movement.

“The health and happiness of our children largely depend on the establishment of physical culture in kindergarten and the family ...” - this phrase belongs to academician N. M. Amosov.

It is necessary that parents become our like-minded people in matters of physical education and health improvement of children. After all, not without reason in Art. 18 Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" It says “Parents are the first educators. They are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child's personality in early childhood.

Based on all this, I set myself the following tasks in work with parents on physical development and health improvement children:

Awaken parents' interest in organizing the motor activity of children;

To form the knowledge of parents, allowing to educate in children a conscious attitude towards a healthy lifestyle;

Increase the role of the family in the physical education and development of children.

Parent consultations were held throughout the year, such as how: "Motor Game", "Tempering Children", "To be in motion means to improve health". Twice a month, the material in the health corner is updated. A photo exhibition was organized “Mom, dad, I am a sports family!”, where parents presented their own essays and photographs about a healthy lifestyle in their family. We learned that many families have sports equipment at home, that many families play sports games, ride a bicycle, and use their free time for outdoor recreation.

Childhood is a unique period in a person's life, during which health is formed and personal development is carried out. From childhood, the child takes out what is stored later for life. Therefore, the upbringing of physically healthy and strong children depends on teachers and parents.

Related publications:

Physical culture and health improvement work in preschool educational institutions It is necessary to start work on physical education with determining the level of development of motor skills, that is, with diagnostics.

"Formation of physical culture and health work in preschool educational institutions" from work experience“A strong, but not tempered person is like a fortress with thick high walls, in which they forgot to put a gate,” says folk wisdom.

Physical culture and health work with older children Physical culture and health work in the senior group "Bees" for the 2015-2016 academic year was carried out in the following areas: creating health.

Sports and recreation work in kindergartens is now given increased attention, because a significant part of the children have problems.

Galina Ovsyannikova
Plan of summer health work in the second junior group

Plan of summer health work in the 2nd junior group"A"

Target: The main task of the wellness work– strengthening the health of children through various activities, medical and recreational activities, tempering procedures and specially organized leisure and entertainment. Continue to master and develop motor skills while walking and running, throwing, jumping, maintaining balance, crawling on your stomach, catching the ball. Take into account the age characteristics of children.

With the help of hardening, to accustom the fragile, growing body of the child to endure changes in temperature in the environment, to resist various diseases. To develop curiosity and cognitive activity, to form cultural, hygienic and labor skills.

Medical and health Events:

1. Compliance with the drinking regime, hygiene of the sandbox and the site.

2. Mode of the day for a warm period, mode of exposure to the sun.

hardening procedures:

1. Air and sun baths.

2. Water procedures (rubbing, washing).

3. Breathing exercises.

4. Gymnastics after waking up.

5. Walking on massage mats.

Free activity on site: ball games, hoops, independent outdoor games.


JUNE: 1st a week: "Hello, red summer!"

"My happy childhood!" Conversation: "Hello, red summer!"

"Let's give the globe to the children"

Reading poems about children.

P / game "My cheerful,

ringing ball"

productive activity: drawings on asphalt. Introduce children to International Children's Day, talk about when it appeared and why it is called International.

Continue to form knowledge about the signs of summer. educators:

Ovsyannikova G.S.

Gulimova Yu. A.

2nd week.

"Fairy Week"

Reading the works of A. S. Pushkin "The wind blows on the sea", "The Tale of Tsar Saltan", "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"

Examination of illustrations for works author.

P/game "Wind, wind, breeze"

productive activity:(Painting)

"Gold fish".

Guessing riddles about the water world, looking at illustrations.

P/game "Ocean is shaking", "Whose Next"-with a ball.

Product. activity. (Painting)

"Floating, swimming fish". Continue to acquaint children with the work of Russian poets.

Strengthen the ability of children to draw with brushes and paints.

To form children's knowledge about the water world and interest in the phenomena of inanimate nature.

Develop the ability to draw triangular-shaped objects, exercise in drawing with paints. caregiver:

Gulimova Yu. A.


Gulimova Yu. A.

"What Friends Are For".

Reading Russian nar. fairy tales "Teremok".

Low mobility game "Recognize a friend by voice"

productive activity: (application) "Flower to a Friend". Expand your understanding of friendship. learn to be polite to your peers.

Learn to compose a composition from ready-made forms. caregiver:

Gulimova Yu. A.

"Russia Day" Conversation "My home is my country".View presentations: "Where does the Motherland begin".

Learning a poem. about Russia and Motherland.

productive activity (application) "Flag of Russia".

Introduce children to one of the youngest state. holidays.

Educate young patriots of the country. Continue

To form the ability to depict an object consisting of several parts of a rectangular shape. caregiver:

Gulimova Yu. A.

3rd week.

"My favorite games and toys". Conversations: "My favorite toy".

P/games "Wonderful bag", "Games with skittles, balls, hoops".plot roll. the game "A toy shop".

productive activity (sculpting) "Snail".

Develop a positive attitude towards toys, continue to develop motor skills in walking, running, throwing, jumping.

Learn to sculpt a snail by folding the column and pulling back the head and horns. caregiver:

Gulimova Yu. A.

4th week.

"Patriot Week"

Conversation "They defended the Motherland".

Reading poems about the war.

D/game: "Military weapons".

Product. activity:

"Dove Bird of Peace"-coloring.

Continue to talk about V. O. V. Introduce children to the date when V. O. V. began, introduce the concept "war",

keep learning work with paints, brushes. caregiver:

Gulimova Yu. A.

5th week.

"Safety Week" Conversations: "Danger on the Road", "Fire is a dangerous game".

D/game "Road alphabet".

P/game "Car and Birds".

Prod. activity (sculpting) "Our friend traffic light". To consolidate the knowledge of children about the traffic light and its meaning, to expand the knowledge of children about the rules in everyday life with fire.

Continue to teach children to roll plasticine in a circular motion, forming balls. caregiver:

Gulimova Yu. A.

JULY: 1st week.

"July 8 - All-Russian Family Day" Conversations: "What is family", "What is a house".

Reading "Petushka with family".

P/games "Bubble", "The gray bunny washes", "Catch the ball", "Good words"- with a ball.

S. /r. the game "Family".

Productive activity - making gifts for relatives and friends. Continue to shape children's knowledge concept "family" learn to respect your family and friends.

Make a greeting card from ready-made forms, teach accuracy. caregiver:

Gulimova Yu. A.

2nd week

"Week of young ecologists" Guessing riddles about birds. Conversations about flowering plants

D/games "Guess what bird it is?", "Collect a bouquet".

productive activity (sculpting) "Flower"

Labor activity - work in the garden - weeding onions. Expand understanding of changes in the world of animals, plants in summer period. Cultivate respect for nature. To consolidate the ability to sculpt familiar flowers, using previously learned techniques, to develop initiative and independence. caregiver:

Gulimova Yu. A.

3rd week.

"Health Week" Conversations: "Vitamins I love - I want to be healthy", About health, about cleanliness.

Reading thin. lit.: V. Lebedev-Kumach "Temper up!".

S. /r. games "Polyclinic", "Pharmacy".

productive activity (Painting) "Berries and Apples". Continue to form children's ideas about a healthy lifestyle, about the importance of the profession of a doctor, continue to develop children's speech and thinking during the game. Exercise and learn to draw berries and apples, using the contrast of size and color, develop a sense of composition. caregiver:

Gulimova Yu. A.

4th week.

"Over the seas, over the waves"

Conversation: "The Fleet of Our Country".

Playing with building materials and sand "Let's Build a Ship".

P/game "We are sailors".

productive activity:(sculpting) "Boat"(Painting) "Over the seas, over the waves".

To form children's knowledge about military sailors and about the profession "sailor".

Develop physical activity.


Ovsyannikova G.S.

AUGUST: 1st week.

"Week the sun is radiant" Conversation "On the benefits and harms of sunlight".

Sun watching.

Experimentation "Water in a Vessel"(heating water by the rays of the sun)

D/games: "Guess what bird it is?", "Collect a bouquet".

productive activity (sculpting)

"Flower". Develop cognitive interest, interest in experimentation, expand ideas about the sun. caregiver:

Ovsyannikova G.S.

2nd week.

"Insect Week" Conversations about insects.

Reading thin. literature:

V. Bianchi "How the ant hurried home",TO. Chukovsky "Fly Tsokotukha".

Walking insect observation.

P/games: "Bees in the hives", "Birds and mosquitoes".

productive activity (Painting) "Butterflies in the Meadow". Expand ideas about the diversity of insects, cultivate a love for insects.

Exercise in the technique of drawing with fingers, consolidate the ability to apply evenly

dots on the entire surface of the object, draw grass of various shades. caregiver:

Ovsyannikova G.S.

3rd week

"Bread Week" Conversation "Where did the bun come from".

Dramatization of a fairy tale "Kolobok".

P/games "Mice in the pantry", "Loaf".

Watching a cartoon "About the girl who stepped on the bread".

productive activity (application) "Decorate the Bun". Introduce children to cereals.

To cultivate a respectful attitude towards the work of people who grow bread. Be careful with bread. caregiver:

Ovsyannikova G.S.

4th week

Week of the State Flag. - "August 22 - Flag Day". Album review "Russia is my Motherland".Conversation about the symbolism of Russia-Flag.

Reading a poem "Flag of Russia", guessing the riddle about the flag.

Russian folk games.

productive activity (Painting) "Flag of Russia" To introduce children to the most important symbol of our country - the Flag, to teach them to recognize it. Cultivate love for our great country of Russia. caregiver:

Ovsyannikova G.S.

"Day of my city" Album review "My city"

D/game "Finish the house".

Conversation "The city we live in".

P/game "Shaggy dog"

productive activity (application) "House". Continue to form children's knowledge about our city. caregiver:

Ovsyannikova G.S.

Final conversation: "What do you remember about summer" Continue to develop

speech, thinking, memory.

Improvement of younger preschoolers

An important moment in the harmonious development of the child is the introduction to sports and various physical exercises. A child from an early age should understand that every person on the planet is obliged to monitor their health. Non-traditional methods of improving children's health in kindergarten have become popular these days.
In recent years, the health of preschool children leaves much to be desired. The number of sick children is growing rapidly. Almost every second baby suffers from eye diseases and noticeably lags behind in physical development.
An example of a non-traditional wellness program
For the effectiveness of the results, it is recommended to carry out preventive and health programs together with the parents of the baby. From the most common non-traditional methods of improving children's health in kindergarten The following procedures were selected and agreed with the parents:
Active physical exercises;
diet food;
Breathing exercises;
Training in various sports sections (at a preschool institution);
Gymnastics of the limbs;
Culturally develop various games and activities.
Of the cultural development programs, the most optimal for development are:
Thematic walks in nature;
Various competitions;
Holiday events;
Relay races with fairy tale characters;
Games for speed of reaction;
Comic running (“Which of the turtles will get to the finish line faster?”), etc.
Together with parents, procedures for hardening children, both within the walls of a preschool institution and at home, should be agreed. Such procedures are suitable for children with reduced immunity and help the child adapt to the environment. The following manipulations were chosen here:
Hardening of the sinuses and nasopharynx with the use of garlic. (Grate a clove of garlic and pour 250 ml of warm boiled water, let it brew, perform gargling with a solution in the morning and evening, instill the nose).
Water rinsing of the nose. This procedure effectively normalizes breathing through the nose, removes mucous accumulations that cause the reproduction of viral bacteria. (You need to teach the child to draw in water through the nose, and then exhale it sharply, covering one nostril).
Healthier children should be provided with intense physical activity. For cheerfulness, emotional balance, strengthening of muscle tissues and uniform breathing, the following exercises were chosen:
Fast walk;
Morning exercises;
Walking barefoot;
Breathing exercises according to the Buteyko program;
Exercises for limbs;
Warm-up after sleep.
In addition to all children are taught how to do massage on their own:
Clock. Stroking the abdominal area clockwise;
I am the best. Smooth movements on the chest;
The car started up. Stroking the chest, make the sound "zhzhzh";
Neck like a swan. Perform rotational movements of the neck in front of the mirror;
I am a giraffe. Raising your chin, try to raise your head higher;
I have beautiful eyes, they can do everything. Do various manipulations with the eyes and eyelids: rotate the pupils, close the eyelids, blink, squint, look into the distance, etc. Non-traditional methods of healing children in kindergarten allow you to solve the problem with the physical condition of the child.
Non-traditional methods of improving children's health in kindergarten can solve the issue of the child's physical condition, reduce the risks of morbidity, instill a desire to lead a healthy lifestyle and teach them to perform the above exercises even in adulthood.
All children want and dream to be strong, dexterous, fast, courageous. All this, alas, is unattainable if there is no main thing - health, that is, one's own will, a systematic system of classes, one can really educate, not only strengthen one's health, give strength and beauty to one's body.
Physical culture permeates the life of a child, all activities, recreation. In our classes and in everyday life, we develop the child's natural need for movement without suppressing it. The child needs optimal motor activity, its lack is unfavorable: cardiac activity is weakened, metabolism is disturbed, physical development is inhibited, muscles weaken, the general condition of the child worsens. Everything should be in moderation. Preschoolers are useful: daily morning exercises, physical education, dynamic hours, and space for independent games, exercises, and entertainment should also be provided.
For younger preschoolers, GCDs are built on the basis of Russian folk tales, or travel, but the main thing remains unchanged: - to satisfy the need for movement, - to form positive emotions, - to promote independent vigorous activity, instilling elementary self-care skills. We have sports equipment: climbing bars, jumping cubes, rope, massage mats, hoops, balls, dumbbells and small sports equipment.
Among the non-traditional forms of recovery, one can distinguish such as: breathing and sound gymnastics. The goal is to teach children to breathe through the nose, to prepare for more complex breathing exercises. At the same time, the prevention of diseases of the upper respiratory tract is carried out. For older children, special exercises can be used to improve lung ventilation after running: after a flexible breath, exhalation is performed with the pronunciation of sounds, where each sound cleans the internal organs of carbon dioxide: - A - larynx; - O - bronchi; - I - heart; - U - stomach; - Sh - liver; - M - intestines.
Walking barefoot- we use it as a method to strengthen the arches of the foot and its ligaments. To increase stamina in the warm season, we do jogging with children.

Self massage. Complexes for self-massage and massage
Rubbing the palm
“We warm the handles” - the exercise is performed on the outside of the palm.
Very cold in winter
Cold hands: oh, oh, oh!
We need to warm our hands
Rub harder.
“We get fire” - we vigorously rub our palms together to make it hot.
We get the fire
They took the wand in their hand.
We twist the stick strongly -
And we'll get ourselves a fire.
“Cooking” - we imitate the rolling of koloboks, 4 times to the left and right.
Let's roll out the bun
Gingerbread man - ruddy side.
We will knead the dough hard,
We will help the nanny (mother).
Finger rubbing
Clench your hand into a fist. Unclench sharply (5 times)
"We squeeze our fingers tightly,
After sharply unclench "-
"Lighter" - with both hands at the same time we rub the rest of the fingers in turn on the thumbs (from the index to the little finger), rubbing each finger 2 times. Move your thumb towards and away from you:
"I light the lighter,
Sparks, I knock out the flame!

"Mill"- interlock your fingers and depict a mill with your thumbs.
The mill turned
Flour grinds quickly.
“Sharpener” - squeezing one hand into a fist, insert one finger of the other hand one at a time into it and twist each finger left and right 2 times.
We sharpened the pencil
We twirled the pencil.
We turned the sharpener
Got a sharp edge.

"Sharpening Knives"- active rubbing of spread fingers, hand movements up and down.
The knife must be sharp
We will sharpen it.
One two three four,
A sharp knife has been sharpened.

"Saw"- with the edge of the palm of one hand, we “saw” along the palm of the other hand.
We are sawing, we are sawing a log,
It is very thick.
You have to try hard
And be patient.
Stretch your arms forward. Raise your hands up, let them fall freely down.
“Here are all the fingers in sight!
Wow! “Now I can’t find them.”
With one hand, support the other in the wrist and shake vigorously. Exercise improves blood circulation.
“I will support the pen with a pen,
I'll shake her hard"

Rubbing the forearm
"We put on bracelets"- with one hand we depict a “worn bracelet” (all fingers fit snugly to the forearm), in a circular motion from the hand to the elbow “move the bracelet”, scrolling it left and right, - (2 times on each hand).
We wear bracelets
We twist, we twist, we advance,
Left-right, left-right,
On the other hand first.

"Spring"- spiral rubbing with the palm (fist, edge) of one hand on the forearm of the other.
We draw a spring
Long and strong.
We'll take it, stretch it
And then we pull back.

"Geese"- pinching the arm along the forearm from the hand to the elbow.
Geese nibbling grass
Loudly, cheerfully shouted:
Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha
Very juicy grass.

little people
"Little men" - with the index and middle fingers we perform point movements along the forearm (little men - "march, jump, run."
For marching:
Humans on two legs
Marching down the path
Left-right, left-right
The people are walking well.
For jumps:
Humans on two legs
They began to jump along the path,
Jump-jump, jump-jump,
Everything is faster: jump - jump.
For running:
Humans on two legs
They began to run along the path,
Let's run, let's run
Suddenly they stumbled and fell.

Self-massage of the face "Naughty Bears"
Grabbing the middle of the auricle (and not the earlobes), pull it forward and then back, counting slowly to 10. Do 1 time.
I'll pull my ears forward
And then back.
Like teddy bears
The children are sitting in a row.

Five and six and seven.
Don't Forget: Ear Massage
Everyone needs to do it.
I'll pull my ears forward
And then back.
Like teddy bears
The children are sitting in a row.
With the index and middle fingers, simultaneously intensively “draw” circles on the cheeks. Do 1 minute.
And now around the cheeks
Let's break it down together:
So forgetful bears
Let's break the memory.
One, two, three - I'll say four,
Five and six and seven.
Don't Forget: Cheek Massage
Everyone needs to do it.
With the same two fingers, simultaneously intensively “draw” circles on the chin, counting up to 30. Then - circles on the forehead, also counting up to 30. Do 1 time.
I draw a circle on the chin:
Mishka I want to help
speak clearly, quickly
Pronounce all sounds.
One, two, three - I'll say four,
Five and six and seven.
Don't forget: the massage is
Everyone needs to do it.
To think better
mischievous bears,
We stroke foreheads
Plush crooks.
One, two, three - I'll say four,
Five and six and seven.
Don't forget: the massage is
Everyone needs to do it.
Massage the upper and lower eyelids intensively at the same time with the index and middle fingers without closing the eyes. Do 1 minute.
To make the bear see better,
Became more attentive, smarter,
We are magic glasses
Let's draw quickly.
One, two, three - I'll say four,
Five and six and seven.
Don't forget: the massage is
Everyone needs to do it.

Nose massage. With the pads of the index fingers of both hands, press the points on both sides of the nose, starting from its base. Each point must be pressed and held, without releasing, counting up to 20. Do 1 minute.
We are the fingertips
Let's hit the points:
So snub-nosed bear
Let's break the nose.
One, two, three - I'll say four,
Five and six and seven.
Don't Forget: Nose Massage
Everyone needs to do it.
Open your mouth and make sharp movements with your lower jaw from left to right and vice versa. 10 times.
Bear, bear, open your mouth!
And move your cheek to the left ...
Bear, bear, open your mouth!
And move your cheek to the right ...
Lean back on the back of the chair, take a long breath and exhale, arms freely lowered along the body.
Oh, our bears are tired,
They sit quietly in a row.
Know the benefits of massage
Will be for the guys!

Self-massage "Playing with ears"

We will play with you.
There is a tubercle in the ear
Under the name "goat".
Opposite the ear we remember
And let's start counting again.
One, two, three, four, five -
We continue to play.
There is a hole in the top of the ear
You need to plow the hole.
One, two, three, four, five -
We continue to play.
It's time for the ears to rest
Here the game is over.
Massage- increase the protective means of mucous membranes, etc. During the morning procedures, self-massage of the auricles, fingers. During breathing exercises.

Relaxation- this is one of the ways to overcome internal tension, based on a more or less conscious relaxation of the muscles. Even preschoolers living in the modern civilized world experience increased mental and physical stress; constant haste, anxiety, a stream of negative information from the TV screen, frequent infectious diseases, fatigue, leading to overstrain in the future. Teaching children the relaxation method, we help them relieve internal muscle tension, calm down, thereby bringing the nervous system and psyche to a normal state of rest. The ability of children to manage their feelings and emotions is another step towards raising their self-confidence. To obtain the greatest healing effect, the following rules must be observed when selecting exercises and their implementation. Relaxation exercises are performed in a quiet, calm environment. It is better to relax with your eyes closed. Depending on the conditions for the application of these exercises, various postures are used. At runtime. Teach children to recognize feelings of tension and relaxation. Do not rush to finish the relaxation. Children can lie down if they want. You need to get out of this state slowly and calmly: first stretch, as if after waking up from a dream, then open your eyes and slowly sit down. When using exercises to relax individual parts of the body, the previous type of activity of children is taken into account (for example, if it was drawing or application, then it is advisable to perform exercises to relax the muscles of the arms, back, neck). It is advisable to use calm music when performing relaxation.
Music therapy is a medicine that is listened to. The fact that music is able to change the mental and physical state of a person was known even in ancient Greece, in other countries. At the end of the last century, the Russian physiologist I. R. Tarkhanov proved with his original research that melodies that bring joy to a person slow down the pulse, increase the strength of heart contractions, help expand blood vessels and normalize blood pressure, and annoying music gives the opposite effect.

1. Babenkova E. L., Fedorovskaya O. M., Games that heal. - Moscow 2008.
2. Borisova E. N., The system of organizing physical education and health work with preschoolers. - Moscow 2009 ..
3. Grishin V. G., Osipov N. F. Kids open sport..- Moscow 1975.
4. Kelman A. V. Theory and methods of physical education of children of preschool age. - Moscow 1975.
5. Kudryavtsev V. T., Egorov B. B. Developing pedagogy of health improvement. - Moscow 2000.
6. Morgunova O. N. Physical culture and health work in the preschool educational institution. - Voronezh 2005.
7.Nikanorova T.S., Sergienko E.M. Zdorovyachok. –Voronezh 2007.
8. Runova M. A. Motor activity of a child in kindergarten. Moscow-2000.

Sections: Working with preschoolers

The protection of life and the strengthening of the physical and mental health of children is one of the main tasks of preschool education in accordance with the Model Regulations on Preschool Education. Preschool age is the most important stage in the formation of a child's health. This task is especially acute in the adaptation period, when a significant increase in the number of cases of morbidity is observed in children, which requires the use of modern, innovative approaches to educational and recreational work.

Target: preservation and strengthening of children's health, formation of habits for a healthy lifestyle.


  • promote the health of children through a system of recreational activities;
  • to increase children's interest in a healthy lifestyle through a variety of forms and methods of physical culture and health work;
  • to increase the pedagogical competence of parents on the issue of preserving and strengthening the health of the child.

In no period of a child's life is there such a relationship between the physical and mental development of the baby. Complete care, protection from injuries, infectious and colds, sufficient physical activity, organization of special classes - this is the basis for ensuring the physical health, mental and mental development of children.

The peculiarity of pedagogical work in the field of physical, mental, moral and aesthetic education of young children is due to the specifics of the childhood period, when the fundamental principles of social, purposeful behavior are laid, and emotional reactions of pleasure, joy or grief contribute to the development of elementary feelings, the first manifestations of sympathy, empathy, kindness. In the process of communicating with adults, the child learns the form of their behavior, the nature of their relationship with the surrounding reality, gradually making them their property, and in this sense, as psychologists say, “appropriates” the knowledge and skills of adults, learns to see the world through their eyes.

Pedagogical work with young children, built taking into account the protection of their health, provides for the organization of the life of the child, the daily routine. Various types of independent activities, as well as classes.

The mode is the correct distribution in time and the correct sequence in meeting the basic needs of the child: sleep, food intake, wakefulness. The mode is the basis for the formation of basic biorhythms in the activity of the body.

The correct mode provides a balanced, vigorous state of the child, protects the nervous system from overwork, creates favorable conditions for the physical and mental development of the baby. When compiling the daily regimen, the age and individual characteristics of the child, the time of year are taken into account.

Rational nutrition is one of the conditions for preserving human life and health. The role of nutrition at a young age is especially great. Intensively flowing processes of growth and development, characteristic of a child's body, are provided only when the body receives energy substances in accordance with age-related needs.

  1. To increase the body's defenses, give the child light, but complete food, enriched with vitamins and minerals.
  2. Include dairy products in your diet.
  3. To accustom the child to salads from raw vegetables and fruits, vinaigrettes, vegetable purees, stews, vegetable casseroles.
  4. To enrich the diet of children with vitamins and minerals, instead of boiled water or tea, it is useful to give unsweetened vegetable juices, decoctions and infusions from vegetables.
  5. For the prevention of acute respiratory diseases, include onions and garlic in the diet.

The body of a small child is vulnerable, prone to diseases, therefore one of the main tasks of the children's institution and the family is to protect the health of the child, strengthen his body, and create conditions for proper development. Hygienic care, rational nutrition, walks, hardening with air, water, daily routine, massage and gymnastics. Motor activity is the most important condition for the physical development and health of the child.

In the warm season, the conditions for the development of the movement of children are significantly improved. Nature creates such a variety of conditions that the same movements can be performed in a huge number of ways: for example, walking and running along a narrow or winding path, between trees, along sand, tall grass, shallow water, from hill to hill, under low drooping tree branches. It often happens that children, moving confidently enough on the playground, in natural conditions lose their natural movements, experience difficulty, if necessary, to overcome small natural obstacles, showing courage and determination.

The use of natural conditions is also effective in that the motor capabilities of children are significantly expanded, their motor experience is enriched, forcing them to use a variety of ways to perform movements that are appropriate in these prevailing conditions.

You should not overprotect children, removing from them the obstacles available to overcome. Contributes to the improvement of various motor skills, helps to cultivate independence, courage, resourcefulness, mutual assistance, the use of natural obstacles.

As with any activity of children, in the selection of exercises, it is necessary to observe gradualness and consistency, an individual approach. Insurance and assistance when needed.

The main types of exercise:

  1. Walking and running on grass, on sand, in shallow water, along a straight and winding path, uphill and downhill, between bushes and trees. Walk along the plank, along a narrow bridge, an earthen rampart, stepping over sticks. Running after wheelchairs, hoops, one after another.
  2. Climbing: on all fours uphill and downhill. Crawl under low branches, crawl between adjacent trees.
  3. Jumps: on two legs, through a stick, a groove, from a bump to a bump.
  4. Throwing at a target. Throwing at a horizontal and vertical target, throwing cones, discs, sticks, balls at a distance, through a bush, into the water.

Hardening is a system of measures aimed at increasing the stability of the mechanisms of protection and adaptation of the child's body to many environmental factors, so that daily and seasonal, periodic and sudden changes in temperature and atmospheric pressure do not cause sharp deviations in the course of physiological processes in children, as a result of which diseases are possible.

The main features of the thermoregulatory system of a young child:

  1. Immaturity of the nervous system. This explains its still unclear activity in the regulation of heat.
  2. The skin of a child is characterized by tenderness and immaturity and immaturity of all layers.

Hardening principles:

  1. The principle of gradual increase in hardening effects.
  2. Systematic hardening.
  3. Accounting for the individual and age characteristics of the child's body.
  4. The presence of a mandatory emotionally positive reaction of the baby to any hardening procedure.
  5. Multiple hardening - the use of different physical agents: cold, heat, mechanical action of air, water.
  6. Polygradational hardening - the use of stimuli different in strength and time.

The complex of health-improving and hardening measures includes the widespread use of natural factors:

  • Air.
  • Water.
  • The sun.

And specially organized air-water procedures:

  • Body rub
  • Pouring feet
  • General douche.

Scientists note the benefits of regular physical activity. An active child has better health; less

prone to heart attacks, feels more energetic, has better weight control, has strong bones and muscles, and has normal blood pressure. Regular physical activity reduces emotional problems such as anxiety and depression, and finally, the child feels confident, happy and relaxed, and his sleep improves.

Perspective plan of physical culture and recreation activities 1 junior group

Events Work with children Periodicity Working with parents
Ensuring a healthy lifestyle Gentle adaptation mode flexible mode Compliance with sanitary and epidemiological norms and rules During a year Preparation for the academic year. Conversations on adaptation Visual agitation: “Mode of the day”, “Classes”, consultation: “Mode is important!” Methodical literature on adaptation. Parent meeting: “Adaptation of young children to the conditions of a preschool institution”
Monitoring Determination of the level of physical development.
Determining the level of physical fitness of children
2 times per year Questionnaire "Healthy lifestyle" Familiarization of parents with the plan for the year. Discussion of recommendations and wishes. Creation of a parent committee.
motor activity morning exercises Daily Updating group inventory Collection of natural and waste material. Photo newspaper “We play in kindergarten, we learn a lot!” Consultations: “Play with me mom”, “Finger gymnastics”, “Motor activity and health of children”, “Games that heal”. Organization of the photo exhibition “Winter Fun” Joint physical entertainment “Together with dad, I want to play with mom!”
Physical education 2 times per week
Outdoor games Daily
Exercise after nap Daily
Sport exercises Daily
Physical culture, holidays 1 time per month
health days 1 time per month
Relaxation daily
Additional motor activity physical education minutes breathing exercises finger gymnastics daily
Independent motor activity of children during the day The nature and duration depend on the individual data and needs of the children. Daily
Musical-rhythmic activity Music games 2 times per week “Music kiosk”, questionnaires, folders with games, musical and didactic games. Consultations: “Singing to help speech!”,
Logopedic activity Games with elements of logorhythmics;

articulation gymnastics

daily To give knowledge about the importance of speech development, how to engage in speech development at home, effective techniques. Consultations: “We read with the whole family!” , “Education with fiction!”, “Children at the screen!”, “Games with children for the development of speech”, “Characteristics of the speech of a child of 2-3 years old”. Questionnaire: “What and how do we read at home?”,
Psychological activity Games and exercises for the development of the emotional sphere Games for the suppression of negative emotions and the removal of neurotic states daily Organization of joint activities for the design of the site with winter buildings, the emotions of all participants, recovery.
Hygiene and water procedures washing daily Memo: “Education of cultural and hygienic skills in children”, “Personal hygiene of children”, “We must wash, wash ourselves”.
hand washing daily as needed
water games During a year
Preventive actions vitamin therapy autumn-spring Parent meeting: “Implementation of unified methods of recovery in kindergarten and at home” Set up parents for fruitful joint work according to the plan and rules of the group. Conversation about the health of children, individual methods of prevention and treatment. Reception of children in a group with a mandatory examination, thermometry and identification of complaints from parents. Consultations: “Health is the head of everything!”, “Prevention of influenza!”, “Rotavirus infection”, “Cough”, “Prevention of intestinal infections”, “How to protect yourself from acute respiratory infections!”, “Vitamins and their meaning”, “A disease that should not will repeat”, “Gymnastics of the legs”, “Rhinitis: either a handkerchief in your pocket, or a hole in your head”
Prevention of flu and colds During a year
Ventilation modes daily
Ensuring the temperature regime constantly
General massage By appointment
Massage in the “dry pool” During a year
Acupressure 2 times per year
germicidal lamps daily
Physiotherapy “Garlic” kinders Phytoncides (onion, garlic)

Exercises for the prevention of flat feet + individual work on the correction of flat feet and flattening of the foot

By doctor's prescription (October to April)

During a year

Non-traditional forms of recovery Music therapy (Using musical accompaniment in the classroom) During a year Consultation: “Music to help the immune system”, “Non-traditional methods of healing!”
hardening Contrasting air baths After sleep, physical Consultations: “Basic rules for hardening”, “Growing up a baby healthy”, “ABC of health” To involve in a healthy lifestyle, physical education, exercises with sports equipment. Encourage active participation in improving the health of children. Conversations: “Clothes for children in a group and on the street!”, “Marking clothes”, “In winter we walk, observe, work, play!” (about the importance of winter walks!)
washing after every meal, after a walk
Walking barefoot on massage mats After sleep
Lightweight clothing for children During the day
Clothing for the season On walks
Contrasting dousing of arms to the elbow After sleep
walks During a year
Daytime sleep with an open transom Sleep without T-shirts and pillows During a year
Breathing exercises daily
Dosed sunbathing subject to the weather
diet therapy Rational nutrition according to the menu During a year Consultations: “How to feed a child with allergies”, “Foods with different allergenic activity”, “You can temper the body of a child with food”


  1. The upbringing and education of young children. Edited by L.N. Pavlova - Moscow “Enlightenment”
  2. Children of early age in preschool institutions. K.L. Pechora, G.V. Pantyukhina, L.G. Golubeva - Moscow “Enlightenment”
  3. Preschool education №6 2006
  4. For the health of the children. R.V. Tonkova-Yampolskaya, T.Ya. Chertok - Moscow “Enlightenment”
  5. Child in kindergarten - №5, 6 2002
  6. Improve children's health. E.N. Vavalova - Moscow “Enlightenment”