
Psychological corner in the kindergarten group design. Corners of emotional unloading of children in kindergarten. Photo gallery: design sketches for the psychological relief center

Pathology of the uterus

Corners of psychological relief.

Modern preschoolers are now loaded no less than adults. In the process of growth and development, children have to receive and process a huge amount of information. An immature child's psyche may not withstand such a load - the child is naughty. That is why it is important that children in kindergarten have the opportunity to retire, recover and recover.

Therefore, in each group, a specially organized environment is simply necessary, equipped with objects that help relieve stress, expand the possibility of contacts between the child and other children and adults.

The corner of psychological relief is a space organized in a special way. This is a whole world where every child feels calm, comfortable and safe. Staying in such a corner improves the psychophysical state. In such corners, dry pools are used, a unique soft environment is created. The psychological corner is focused on the zone of proximal development of each child, the orientation of his interests, ensuring freedom of choice and expression of will. It is also useful for creating a favorable psychological and social microclimate in the group, for comfortable organization of regime moments.

Thanks to the corners of psychological relief, it became possible to control and regulate psychological, intellectual and physical stress, the well-being and mood of children, and to correct them in a timely manner.

So, for example, the presence in the corner upholstered furniture gives you the opportunity to relax, reduce the level of feelings.

The purpose of the basket with balls of multi-colored threads is to calm the naughty children, just by unwinding the balls, the children master the techniques of self-regulation, fine motor skills develop.

Important attributes of a psychological corner, the purpose of which is to teach preschoolers a variety of ways to reconcile after a quarrel - "box of peace", "pillow of reconciliation"

"mat of reconciliation" "island of reconciliation"

Help to relieve psychophysical stress, aggression “scream cups”, “anger pillow”, “bad mood piggy bank”, “aggressive rug” gives children an idea of ​​how prickly they are when they are angry.

"Corner of Solitude", is designed to solve the noble task of creating a niche of peace.

"Thinking Chair" serves to ensure that sitting on it for no more than 5 minutes, the child can remember the rules of behavior he has forgotten. For example, that we don’t take away toys, but wait for another child to put it back after playing, etc. Most importantly, the chair should not be a punishment for children. "Honorary chair" stimulates an increase in self-esteem, self-confidence, and the removal of anxiety.

"Memories of Summer" help to find peace, relax, relieve muscle tension.

The warmth and care of mother's hands feel the kids, putting on their mittens "Mom's hands".

Album with family photos allows children to relive positive emotions, to stabilize their internal state.

In the corner of psychological relief there are materials that the educator uses in his work. This selection of psycho-gymnastic games aimed at the formation of positive self-acceptance and tolerance.

The system of work to preserve and strengthen the psychological health of children using materials from psychological relief corners leads to positive results: children quarrel less, psychological corner materials help anxious and shy children open up; they all cooperate with each other with great pleasure, with an adult, they play in a team with a desire.

Psychologist's page

The material was prepared by a teacher - psychologist MDOU "Luchik"

I.A. Samoilenko

Psychologist in kindergarten is first of all knowing
and a person who deeply understands the child, who understands not only general
regularities and age-related features of the mental development of children, but
also in individual variations of these features.
Main functions psychologist in preschool
institutions are related to the protection of the physical and mental health of children, with
creating an environment that promotes their emotional well-being and
ensure the free and effective development of the abilities of each child.

I would like to dispel the widespread "myth" about psychologists
in a preschool. Most parents believe that the word
"psychologist" is derived from the word "psycho". What is further made completely
incorrect conclusion that if a psychologist works with their child in the garden,
then their son or daughter is mentally deranged. I assure you it is not.
Teacher - psychologist in kindergarten works with normal children and their individual features and not deviations.

There is another misconception what: a psychologist, a psychoneurologist, a neuropathologist, a defectologist and a neuropsychologist are everything is the same.
That is, doctors who work with mental disorders, with her
defects. Based on this, parents demand from a psychologist
impossible. Pay attention to the combination of words: teacher-psychologist. V
primarily a teacher. This tells moms and dads that this
specialist is not a doctor. The kindergarten psychologist has information
relating mainly not to the physical, but to the mental state of the child.
He can only suggest a diagnosis and refer the child to
the relevant specialist. Diagnosis and especially work with
he cannot and has no right to.

The purpose of the work of a teacher - psychologist
- to make the life of the child in the conditions of the preschool educational institution convenient, comfortable, before
from the point of view of the child's psyche, general and individual
features of its development.

Psychologist reveals
hidden causes of some childhood failures, actions, developmental disorders
mental processes, emotional sphere and behavioral characteristics. For
in order, together with parents and other specialists of the preschool educational institution, to help
child to cope with them even before school.

To solve the tasks set, the teacher-psychologist plans his work in several areas:

First direction - it consultations . They are of two types: those that the psychologist himself plans, and at the “request of parents ». First - psychologist
conducts throughout the year on topics it considers relevant to
kindergarten, age group and parent population. Consultations
"on request»
- any problems that concern the relatives of the baby. And it's optional
issues related to the development of the crumbs or his behavior. Whether it's mom
or dad, grandma or grandpa, you can and should refer to
psychologist when you think that something is wrong with the child.

Second direction - it diagnostics .
Psychological and pedagogical
diagnostics. It includes control over the assimilation of knowledge, skills and
skills of children of different age groups in accordance with the program, according to
which the kindergarten operates, If the results show that the baby “does not
manages", behaves badly, does not possess self-service skills in
according to age, additional research is being carried out on
maturity of basic mental processes. And if at this level
problems are identified, then the psychologist together with the educator and parents
trying to solve them.

Psychological support of children during the period of adaptation, also during
years, relations in the children's team are studied, leaders are identified, and those
with whom “no one is friends”, together with the educator, work is planned on
improving relationships between children.

Apart from scheduled diagnostics, which was discussed, are also carried out and case studies .
For example, the process of adaptation was delayed, fears appeared in the child,
using special tests and techniques, the cause is revealed. And carried out
corrective work.

Later, in the preparatory groups, a separate type of diagnosis is carried out - this is comprehensive assessment of the child's readiness for school . If your child is not quite ready for school, then the psychologist will tell you what exactly you need to pay attention to.

Also carried out corrective work.
Children are all different. One child develops faster, the other slower.
Mental processes are also formed spasmodically. And sometimes it happens that
the development of some mental function needs a little push,
to establish normal learning or behavior. To this end
Corrective work is planned and carried out with the child. Pre
having received your consent.

Developmental work .
In each new academic year, a direction is chosen, in which
throughout the year will be the main focus. For example, the topic of formation
interpersonal relations in the children's team and communication skills in
preschoolers. Based on the chosen topic, developmental work is planned. V
during which kids learn to communicate, play together, resolve conflicts,
avoid quarrels.

And of course, the same individual work.

Parents themselves can come to see a psychologist if they are interested in:

Adaptation of the child to kindergarten

The level of development of mental processes

The emotional state of the baby

His self esteem

The position that he occupies in the group among peers (why, for example, everyone wants to be friends with him, or vice versa)

The relationship of the child to the teachers

His level of anxiety or aggression...

If you have
a problem has arisen, and you are ready to formulate it, the teacher is a psychologist
will try to help identify the causes of its occurrence. With the help of reliable and
proven methods, tests and questionnaires, he will develop recommendations,

Organization of psychological corners in the kindergarten group

In our turbulent time of crises and social changes, more and more children appear who need psychological support. These are children with behavioral disorders, various neurological abnormalities.

We all know that correcting problems, treating neurological disorders is very difficult, sometimes it takes years, or even a lifetime. Therefore, in our work, we pay great attention to the prevention of psychological disorders.

In practice, all psychologists are faced with the fact that their efforts, no matter how diligent they may be, without the support of educators and, first of all, parents, unfortunately, do not achieve a positive result. Therefore, we pay great attention to improving the psychological literacy of parents and educators.

For parents, in addition to traditional visual information, various speeches at parent meetings, numerous individual consultations, we conduct joint parent-child trainings, where parents learn to communicate with their children and not just communicate, but better understand and love them and themselves.

In order to expand the possibility of preventive work with children, we decided to organize psychological corners in each age group. The psychological corner is a real tool in the hands of the educator for effective psychological support for children during the day.

When selecting material for psychological corners, we took into account the needs of children. Someone wants to take a break from the children's team, think about mom, sit in silence, someone needs psycho-emotional relief, some child is aggressive and he needs help to throw out aggression so as not to harm other children and not keep it in himself. After all, the containment of aggression, emotional stress leads to various disorders of the central nervous system. Therefore, we were faced with the task of teaching children acceptable forms of expression of aggression and creating all conditions for this. Thus, in the corner we got a zone for relaxation and self-regulation, which included the following materials:

privacy corner

Drop chair or upholstered furniture. Photo albums with group and family photos;

Phone Call Mom. The child can "call mom" and talk to her;

Punching bag, bits, foam pads. When a child fights, we explain to him that beating children is bad, it hurts and hurts them, but it’s very possible to beat a punching bag or a pillow;

Targets, bags of grits for throwing, which is one of the methods of expressing aggression;

A set of paper for tearing;

Rug of anger. Our children know that if they are angry, you need to stomp on the rug and the anger will pass;

Scream cups. If a child is angry or offended at someone, he can express his offense in a glass and he will feel better;

The reflection chair serves to ensure that, sitting on it for no more than 5 minutes, the child can remember the rules of behavior he has forgotten. For example, that we do not take toys away, but wait for another child to put them back after they have played, etc. The most important thing is that a chair should not be a punishment for children;

Magic plasticine. Children roll, pinch, crumple plasticine, which also helps to calm down;

Balls-"boliki" will help children to exercise in the regulation of breathing. Holding the balls in our palms, we breathe on them, warm them with our warm breath;

Didactic game "Collect the beads";

Colored balls of yarn in different sizes. Unwinding and winding the balls, children master the technique of self-regulation;

Massage balls - "hedgehogs". We teach children different ways to roll balls in their palms, on the outside and inside of their hands. Such a game with a "hedgehog" helps the child relieve muscle tension and calm down;

Mood bags. If a child is in a bad mood, he can “put” him into a “sad” bag, and “take” a good mood from a “fun” bag. And with the help of self-massage techniques - rubbing the chest with the palm of your hand, the child improves his mood.

In each group there are children with low self-esteem. Therefore, we have boxes of good deeds in the corners, where children put the “grains of goodness” received from the educator for a good deed done, whether it is a chair for a girl or helping a friend when dressing and other good deeds. At the end of the week, educators and children sum up the results, and photographs of children who have the most "grains of kindness" end up on the "Tree of Kindness" - a kind of honor roll. This helps to increase the level of self-esteem in insecure children, brings up such moral qualities as mutual assistance, kindness, responsiveness.

The problem of children's communication is very important, their ability to understand each other, to distinguish the mood of their friend, to come to the rescue, etc. Therefore, in the zone of communicative development, we have games aimed at developing communication and interaction skills, as well as emotional development:

The games "Emotional Flower" and "Mood Cube" teach children to recognize their emotional state and reflect it in facial expressions and gestures;

- "Rug of friendship" and "Box for reconciliation" help quarreled children to reconcile with each other in a funny way and after such reconciliation, children quarrel much less often;

Stand "My mood". In the morning and during the day, the child can show his mood with the help of emotional pictures. Thanks to this teacher, it is easier to find an approach to a sad, upset child and provide him with support;

Pair stickers will help kids pair up if this is a problem.

So, in the psychological corner, three zones turned out:

Self-regulation and relaxation;

To improve self-esteem;

Development of communication skills and emotional sphere.

And in order to interest the educators, the administration and I decided to hold a review competition of psychological corners and stimulate it not only with gratitude, but also financially.

The regulation of the review-competition was developed with the conditions for its conduct prescribed in it, the members of the jury and the criteria by which the corners would be evaluated were indicated. Among the criteria are the following:

Availability of material by zones;

Aesthetics and originality of design;

Expediency of use;

I would like to note that this idea attracted the attention of educators and everyone took an active part.

The jury included: the head, a teacher-psychologist, a senior educator and two educators.

During the organization of the competition, we encountered a number of problems. First, where to get a place for this corner. How to position it. The decision was made individually for each group.

The teachers showed their creativity, reacted with understanding. In some groups, the corners were placed in the bedroom, in one group they made a folding corner, somewhere the zones were smashed to different places.

Secondly, where to get the funds? The teachers did a lot themselves. The parents were a great help. Some were made with their own hands, some brought from home.

During the competition, the most difficult task for the jury was to determine the winners. Each group had its own uniqueness. Therefore, the first place was one, and the second and third two each.

The winners were awarded cash prizes and certificates. We marked all other participants of the competition by name with thank-you sheets, emphasizing the individuality of each corner.

It has only been a few months since our psychological corners have been working, but the positive result is obvious. Now children have the opportunity, as necessary, to remove an aggressive state, psycho-emotional stress, fatigue, calm down, and improve their mood. In addition, games from the psychological corner help children recognize their emotional state and analyze it. Children learn self-regulation techniques, acceptable forms of expression of aggression, and communication skills.

Many children have increased self-esteem, decreased aggressiveness, irritability. They have become friendlier and help each other.

And educators now have the opportunity to competently and timely help children and provide an alternative to “bad behavior”." width="229" height="304 src=">" width="236" height="292">

In practice, all psychologists are faced with the fact that their efforts, no matter how diligent they may be, without the support of educators, unfortunately, do not achieve a positive result. The psychological corner is a real tool in the hands of the educator for effective psychological support for children during the day.



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Slides captions:

Equipment for a psychological corner in kindergarten

Zone for psychological relief

privacy corner

Reflection chair The “Reflection chair” serves to ensure that sitting on it for no more than 5 minutes, the child can remember the rules of behavior he has forgotten. For example, that we don’t take toys away, but wait for another child to put them in their place after playing, etc. Most importantly, the chair should not be a punishment for children. The "Honorary Chair" stimulates an increase in self-esteem, self-confidence, and the removal of anxiety.

"Memories of Summer" "Memories of Summer" helps to find peace, relax, relieve muscle tension.

"Water clock" Children watch slowly falling colored drops. Shower gel is poured into plastic bottles, beads are added. Children love to watch how, when turning over the gel, an air bubble slowly runs up, and beads slowly fall down.

"Mother's hands" The warmth and care of mother's hands feel the kids, putting on their mittens "Mother's hands".

Teaching aggressive children ways to express anger in an acceptable way

Punching bag - removing aggression Removing aggression

Cups for shouting, cups of mood "A cup of mood" - when you're angry, you can say angry words into it and close the lid so that they don't fly away. “Scream Cups” If a child is angry or offended at someone, he can express his offense in a cup and he will feel better.

Targets Targets are one of the methods of expressing aggression.

"Pillow of Anger"

Aggressive spiky mat "Aggressive mat" gives kids an idea of ​​how spiky they are when they're angry. You need to stomp on the rug and the anger will pass.

Teaching children the ability to control themselves in various situations, self-regulation techniques

Colored balls The purpose of the basket with balls of multi-colored threads is to calm the naughty children, just unwinding the balls, children master the techniques of self-regulation, fine motor skills develop.

"Boxes of good deeds" "Boxes of good deeds" - each child has his own box in which he "puts" good deeds and deeds. The teacher marks each act with a chip. At the end of the week, the chips are counted and the one with the most chips in the box is given a flag that belongs to him until the next calculation of the results.

Magic items (hat, cloak, wand, shoes, etc.)

“Mood bags” - good and bad mood “Mood bags” If a child is in a bad mood, he can “put” him in a “sad” bag, and “take” a good mood from a “funny” bag. And with the help of self-massage techniques - rubbing the chest with the palm of your hand, the child improves his mood.

Teaching children conflict-free communication with the help of emotionally developing games

"ABC of moods" and "My mood" game. In the morning and during the day, the child can show his mood with the help of emotional pictures. Thanks to this teacher, it is easier to find an approach to a sad, upset child and provide him with support. There are 2 cats on the wall - "mood indicators". A child can come up and "treat a fish" to a sad or cheerful cat - in accordance with his mood. Fish with fixed flat magnets are attached to magnetic "bowls"

"Pillow of Reconciliation"

"Box of Reconciliation"

"Island of Reconciliation"

"Mood Board"

Increased self-esteem of anxious, insecure children

Stand "Hero of the day"

"Sleepy Toys"

"Splyushka pillow" anxiety relief

Teaching children the skills of cooperation and coordinated actions in a team.




Nowadays, children lack optimism, emotional calmness, the ability to rejoice, self-sufficiency and the ability to adapt to difficult life situations. A large percentage of kindergarten students are children who express emotions of anger with aggression, who do not know how to negotiate, who have difficulty adapting to life in a children's team and who do not respect the other person, his feelings, moods and emotions. Accepting yourself for who you really are is a sign of mental health and an indicator of personal growth. Self-acceptance largely determines the nature of interaction with other people. Therefore, the development of this feeling must be given serious attention and developed in children.

In practice, all psychologists are faced with the fact that their efforts, no matter how diligent they may be, without the support of educators, unfortunately, do not achieve a positive result. The psychological corner is a real tool in the hands of the educator for effective psychological support for children during the day.

The relevance of the problem of preserving and strengthening the psychological health of preschoolers is obvious. To solve it, it is necessary to create appropriate conditions, organize the subject environment. Thanks to the psychological corner, the child has the opportunity to relax, eliminate anxiety, agitation, stiffness, relieve excess tension, restore strength, increase energy, feel protected, since there is often a moment when it is necessary to retire.When selecting material for psychological corners, you need to take into account the needs of children. Someone wants to take a break from the children's team, think about their mother, sit in silence, someone needs psycho-emotional relief, some child is aggressive and he needs help to throw out aggression so as not to harm other children and not keep it in himself. Therefore, we are faced with the task of teaching children acceptable forms of expression of aggression and creating all conditions for this.


Regulations on the review-competition "The best psychological corner"

  1. Goals and objectives of the competition
  • Creation of conditions for maintaining the psychological health of each child;
  • Activation of the activities of the teaching staff in the design and competent use of materials from psychological corners for the full psychophysical development of preschoolers
  • Involving parents in providing comprehensive assistance to groups in holding a review competition
  1. Participants of the competition
  1. Educators of all age groups can take part in the competition.
  2. A prerequisite for the review of the competition is the participation of pupils of preschool educational institutions
  1. Events for the preparation of the review-competition
  1. The senior educator should prepare recommendations and samples for creating psychological corners.
  2. Conduct individual consultations with teachers.
  3. Work out the main issues for the preparation of the workshop "Preservation of the psychological health of pupils"
  1. Criteria and procedure for the work of the jury of the competition
  1. The work of the participants of the competition is evaluated by the jury, which includes:

Kindergarten President

senior educator

educational psychologist

chairman of the trade union committee of the kindergarten

  1. Each member of the jury looks through the psychological corner in each group and conducts a conversation with the children.
  2. Assessment of psychological corners is carried out according to the following criteria:
  • The presence in the group of a zone for psychological unloading
  • Material for teaching aggressive children how to express anger in an acceptable way
  • Emotionally developing games aimed at teaching children conflict-free communication
  • Material aimed at increasing self-esteem for anxious, insecure children
  • Material for teaching children the skills of cooperation and concerted action
  • Aesthetics of the design of the psychological corner
  • Presentation of the psychological corner by the teacher of the group
  • Children's story about the psychological corner
  • Working with parents.
  1. The order of the review-competition
  1. The review competition is held from ____ to ____
  2. The organizers of the review-competition have the right, if necessary, to make changes and adjustments to the procedure for its holding.
  1. Rewarding and encouraging the winners of the competition

6. 1 The winners of the review competition are awarded with diplomas and letters of thanks from the administration of the kindergarten.

Psychological equipment



Zone for psychological relief

Corner for privacy (tent, tent, etc.), upholstered furniture, "Chair of reflection", "Memories of summer" -shells, flowers, etc.,photo albums with group and family photos, "Mom's hands" - -mittens sewn by mother's hands, Stuffed Toys

Teaching aggressive children ways to express anger in an acceptable way

Punching bag, foam pillows, cups for screaming, targets, "Pillow of anger", "Piggy bank of bad mood", "Aggressive rug" - prickly., shells.

Teaching children the ability to control themselves in various situations, self-regulation techniques

Audio-video recordings(the sound of the sea, the sounds of the forest, music for rest, relaxation),colored balls, magic items(hat, cloak, wand, shoes, etc.), games with sand, water, cereals, buttons, "Mood bags" -good mood bag, bad mood bag, "Boxes of good deeds".

Teaching children conflict-free communication with the help of emotionally developing games

“ABC of moods”, “Rug of friendship”, board, didactic games: “What is good? What is bad? etc., a box with little people, "Pillow of reconciliation", "Box of reconciliation", "Island of reconciliation", "Rug of reconciliation", "Mood Board".

Increased self-esteem of anxious, insecure children

Podium, stand-"Hero of the day", medals, "Sleepy toys", "Splyushka pillow", "Honorary chair",

Teaching children the skills of cooperation and coordinated actions in a team.

"Twister", "Caterpillar", "Funny rug".

To carry out preventive work aimed at creating favorable psychological conditions in the preschool educational institution group, it is necessary to organize psychological corners in each age group, because the psychological corner is a real tool in the hands of educators for effective psychological support for children during the day.

When selecting material for psychological corners, it is necessary to take into account the various needs of children. Someone wants to take a break from the children's team, think about their mother, sit in silence, someone needs psycho-emotional relief, some child is aggressive and he needs help to throw out aggression so as not to harm other children and not keep it in himself. After all, the containment of aggression, emotional stress leads to various disorders of the central nervous system. Therefore, teachers are faced with the task of teaching children acceptable forms of expression of aggression and creating all conditions for this. Thus, in the psychological corner it is necessary to organize zones for relaxation and self-regulation.

Equipment of the psychological corner:

  1. privacy corner;
  1. drop chair or upholstered furniture. Photo albums with group and family photos;
  1. Phone "Call Mom" The child can "call mom" and talk to her;
  1. punching bag, bits, foam pads. When a child fights, we explain to him that beating children is bad, it hurts and offends them, but it’s very possible to beat a punching bag or a pillow;
  1. targets, bags with foam rubber for throwing, which is one of the methods of expressing aggression;
  1. tear paper set
  1. basket or ring for throwing paper;
  1. rug of anger. Our children know that if they are angry, you need to stomp on the rug and the anger will pass;
  1. cups "disposable" for screaming. If a child is angry or offended at someone, he can express his resentment in a glass and he will feel better
  1. the thinking chair serves to ensure that, sitting on it for no more than 5 minutes, the child can remember the rules of behavior he has forgotten. For example, that we do not take toys away, but wait for another child to put them back after they have played, etc. Most importantly, the chair should not be a punishment for children;
  1. magic plasticine. Children roll, pinch, crumple plasticine, which also helps to calm down;
  1. balls-"boliki" will help children to practice in the regulation of breathing. Holding the balls in our palms, we breathe on them, warm them with our warm breath;
  2. didactic game "Collect the beads";
  1. colored balls of yarn of different sizes. Unwinding and winding the balls, children master the technique of self-regulation;
  1. massage balls - "hedgehogs". We teach children different ways to roll balls in their palms, on the outside and inside of their hands. Such a game with a "hedgehog" helps the child relieve muscle tension and calm down;
  1. mood bags. If a child is in a bad mood, he can “put” him into a “sad” bag, and “take” a good mood from a “fun” bag. And with the help of self-massage techniques - rubbing the chest with the palm of your hand, the child improves his mood.

The problem of children's communication is very important, their ability to understand each other, to distinguish the mood of their friend, to come to the rescue, etc. Therefore, in the zone of communicative development, we have games aimed at developing communication and interaction skills, as well as emotional development:

games aimed at building communication and interaction skills, as well as emotional development:

- games "Emotional Flower" and "Mood Cube" teach children to recognize their emotional state and reflect it in facial expressions and gestures;

- "Rug of Friendship" and "Box for Reconciliation" help children who have quarreled in a funny way to reconcile with each other and after such reconciliation, children quarrel much less often;

— stand "My mood". In the morning and during the day, the child can show his mood with the help of emotional pictures. Thanks to this teacher, it is easier to find an approach to a sad, upset child and provide him with support;

- pair puzzles will help children to pair up if there is a problem with this.

So, in the psychological corner, three zones turned out:

- self-regulation and relaxation;

- to increase self-esteem;

- development of communication skills and emotional sphere.

Materials for corners are selected taking into account their main purpose, namely:



Zone for psychological relief

Privacy corner (tent, tent), upholstered furniture, photo albums with group photos with family photos, soft toys

the presence in the corner of the tent allows children to "hide" from the outside world, keep secrets, look at an album with family or group photos

Teaching aggressive children ways to express anger in an acceptable way

Punching bag, BO-bo dolls, foam pads, scream cups, targets

Punching bags and punching pillows help preschoolers to cope with negative emotions, relieve tension, throw out the accumulated energy.

Teaching children the ability to control themselves in various situations, self-regulation techniques

A variety of magical items: a hat, a wand, a cloak, shoes, etc. help the teacher, together with the children, make wonderful journeys and transformations, make communication with preschoolers fabulous, full of pleasant surprises, not only during the SD, but also in free play activities .

Teaching children conflict-free communication with the help of emotionally developing games

"ABC of Moods", "Rug of Friendship", real didactic games "What is good and what is bad?", "Pillow of reconciliation", "Box of reconciliation", "Mood Board"

Determining the emotional state of each child in the group, identifying children who need emotional support, finding out the cause of a positive or negative emotional state, and planning work to eliminate negative influences both in the family and in the pre-school institution.

Increased self-esteem of anxious, insecure children.

Podium.medals, "sleepy toys"

The systematic games of children using soft toys of various sizes after classes or during the period of manifestation of negative emotions (after conflicts, parental care, etc.) serve as a means of relaxation. "Sleepy toys" are actively used during the period of adaptation of pupils to a preschool institution, its regime and requirements, when emotional children experience feelings of anxiety, anxiety, and sometimes irritation, and show aggression.

Teaching children the skills of cooperation and coordinated actions in a team.

"Twister", "Caterpillar", "Funny rug"

On a fun rug, pupils develop dexterity, emotional responsiveness, and the ability to act in a team.

The game "Caterpillar" forms the ability of children to interact with peers, contributes to the rallying of the children's team.

When selecting the material for the corners, we used the developments of Ya.A. Pavlova, L.V. Panfilova and L.V. Kuznetsova, O.V. Khukhlaeva, G.D. Cherepanova.