
What to give your granddaughter on September 1. What to give a first grader? Set for experiments or creativity


Yana Volkova

There is very little time left before the start of the school year. In families where there are first-graders, preparation is in full swing. Some have already bought a briefcase, school uniform, shoes and other school supplies. And other families only think about the necessary purchases.

The first of September is an extremely important event for both the first grader and his parents. After all, a new serious stage of life begins. For parents, it symbolizes the degree of adulthood of the child, more greater independence. And for children - this is something new, unknown and exciting: the emergence of new knowledge, skills, friends.

Experts say that behind all their own experiences, parents forget to relieve their child of tension in front of school uncertainty. An excellent solution to this problem would be organization of the Knowledge Day holiday. What holiday is complete without gifts? They will leave the first positive impression of the school. Such an elegant pen will delight a first-grader:

What gifts are given to a child on Knowledge Day? Parental Presents

Many mothers and fathers want their child to remember the first day of school as a pleasant event for a long time. That is why the choice of a gift approach with all seriousness and in advance.

In most cases, school-age children are already quite well versed in their desires.

And it's easier than ever to ask your child what exactly he would like to receive on the first of September. And if such a request meets your capabilities, feel free to buy.

However, if the child can’t think of anything, or you want to surprise him, then you should consider options. useful and pleasant gifts.

  1. Flash drive. At this age, children are already familiar with gadgets. Such an accessory as a flash drive is useful for sharing school and personal files. Even more delight will happen if it is in the form of a cartoon character or other original form that is interesting to your child. When buying, pay attention to the amount of memory: the more the better.
  2. Alarm. No less useful present, from the point of view of parents. Nothing pleases so much (for the time being, of course) as your own alarm clock - a symbol of adulthood. The market offers a lot of options in form and sound.
  3. Launch Box. A modern replacement for snack bags. Bright boxes will guarantee that the child will not forget his lunch at home.
  4. Mobile phone or smart watch. When sending a child to school, every parent worries about how he got there, where he went, where he stayed. These gadgets will allow you to quickly contact and find out if everything is in order.
  5. Backpack. Do not confuse with a portfolio. A useful piece for wearing a uniform for training or a change of shoes to school.
  6. Educational materials: globes, interesting colorful maps, encyclopedias, sets of young nerds, telescope, microscope, etc.
  7. Computer, laptop, tablet. A rather expensive gift, but it will build education in step with the times and allow you to study various materials more broadly, in depth, compared to the material that is written in school books.
  8. Children's watch. Allow the child to be aware of how much time is left until the end of the lesson or recess.

If all of the above did not surprise you, make repairs to the kinder in the room. Change the interior, arrange everything in a new way. A little schoolboy or schoolgirl often brings friends to do homework together or just play. The child will show his friends the new interior with admiration.

Modern children's room for the first of September

In case it is not possible to completely update the room, create a comfortable, modern, interesting workplace. Behind him, the child will spend a large amount of time.

Despite the fact that your child has already become a schoolboy, no one has canceled toys and games. When choosing a gift, do not bypass them. It can be, for example, fashionable and educational board games, developing by age toys.

Do you think that your child is already quite independent? In this case, it's time to think about a pet. Such gifts instill responsibility in children, give positive emotions and relieve stress: dogs, cats, fish, parrots, hamsters. Just remember to have a meaningful conversation about proper animal care and responsibility.

School pet or new friend?

Small and not very amenities for the Day of Knowledge

Gifts for children on September 1 can be not only material, but also giving positive emotions. After the solemn part at school, organize a family trip:

  • to the amusement park;
  • dolphinarium;
  • circus;
  • cinema;
  • children's Cafe.

Perhaps it will be a visit to a children's master class or an entry into the long-awaited section. There are a lot of options, it is worth taking into account the interests of your child.

For memorable presents for young schoolchildren, small jewelry is also suitable.

For a first grade girl: earrings, pendants, brooches, pendants. For a first-grader boy: badges with a family coat of arms, chains, cufflinks, pins.

However, choosing this option, you should take into account that this is an expensive gift. Will you be afraid of loss or theft? After all, if you put and store, then such a present will not bring pleasure to the child.

In addition to individual surprises for your first-grader personally, you can organize general presentations in the classroom from your parents. For example, sweet gifts for schoolchildren, like themed gingerbread cookies, chocolate, marshmallows. In general, everything that parents can come up with and gobble up six-year-old children.

Gift ideas for first graders from graduates on September 1

For some time, there has been such a tradition as gifts for first-graders from graduates. The ritual symbolizes a peculiar handover in pursuit of knowledge. Surprises are given to first graders on September 1 at the end of the solemn part of the school event.

Souvenirs for the first of September will not necessarily be expensive. It's more of a symbolic gift. But if possible, do not give only what is directly related to classes: plasticine, a sketchbook, a set of pencils, folders for notebooks, encyclopedias. It's boring. Let the gift be fun or delicious. Six-seven-year-old schoolchildren are still, in fact, kids who love to play, laugh and enjoy life.

A set of gingerbread cookies in a gift box for a first grader

Whichever gift option or celebration idea you choose, in all this turmoil, don't forget take beautiful photos. Remember that this is an important event in your baby's life, and it needs to be organized in a memorable and interesting way.

August 23, 2018, 23:19

1. Mobile phone
Schoolchildren very often have to stay at home alone. So that you do not worry and can always contact him, give your child a mobile phone. This will give him a lot of pleasure, and you will be calm. If you doubt the seriousness of your baby, take an inexpensive model.

2. Computer
Schoolchildren of middle and high school in our time are hard to do without a computer, because most of the essays and manuals can be found on the Internet. Therefore, this gift will be useful and will surely please the child. Just agree right away, first study, and then entertainment.

3. A set of encyclopedias
Books have always been considered a great gift. Younger students can pick up a set of children's encyclopedias with interesting pictures, older ones - more serious publications. These books will be useful to them not only at school, the inquisitive will be able to develop their horizons.

4. Alarm clock
Yes, that's him. Most children have a hard time getting up in the morning, and parents cannot always wake up their child. Try to choose an interesting model, it is possible with a cool melody or words. Just take the one that does not turn off the first time, but works until the last, until the child gets up.

5. Globe
Do not think that elementary school students will not like such a gift. Children are very fond of this spinning object. Looking at it, many imagine themselves as travelers exploring the world.

According to my children, I can conclude that first-graders are most happy with toys after all. Sweets, books, pens, rulers are also good, but if they suddenly give a toy on September 1, this is generally happiness. Difficulties with the choice begin at the very first parent meeting. Someone says “we already have this”, for some of the parents the selected toys seem too childish.

There will be no toys in this collection. It is easier for parents to choose something really important for their first grader. I have collected gizmos that can be given to boys and girls.

Another important issue is the value of the gift. Some parents believe that it should be something symbolic, others insist on a "memorable gift." Each class deals with the issue differently. On average, as I found out from parent forums, they are ready to spend from 100 to 500 rubles on a gift.

I'll try to come up with ideas for this amount.

If you manage to find a gift that the teacher will present as a symbol or a talisman that brings good luck, you can not really worry that the little thing is not very useful in school life.

I made thematic selections:

Pleasant trifles
Useful gifts for school
Smart gifts
Creator's Kit
Delicious gifts for September 1

1. Pleasant little things

Pen toys

The teacher must immediately tell that this is a toy. That you can’t write with such pens at school, and this is just a souvenir that can stand on your desktop at home and remind you of the first school day. And you need to use a magic pen when you want to make a wish ...

2. Useful gifts for school

Magnetic bookmarks

What a handy item for a first grader! At first, half of the lesson is spent on finding the right place in the workbook or textbook. The page is laid between thin magnetic plates (the bookmarks are small - 3 cm each). Thanks to the magnets, the bookmarks do not fall out, and the child easily finds the desired page. There are several pieces in one package, the themes are different.

Board "write-erase"

On it you can write new letters, draw, write a plan for the day, play tic-tac-toe. Entries are made with a special marker, erased with the sponges that are in the set.

We use the board at home, with proper use it lasts for several years.

Children's map of the world

This is the children's card. There are familiar heroes of fairy tales, animals, plants. At first it seems that there is too much information in the image, but this is the main advantage. It is interesting to consider, study, make riddles to each other for a long time "Find on the map ..." Size 136 cm x 94 cm.

3. Smart gifts

Smart notepads

Each page of such a notebook is a page with an interesting task for the development of memory, logic, attention, and thinking. There are notebooks with puzzles, logic games, etc. The price is very attractive - 75-100 rubles.

Logic games and quizzes

There are an infinite number of logic games, puzzles and quizzes, you need to carefully choose age recommendations from publishers. You can even play together, there is an incentive to quickly learn to read and understand what you read.

It would seem that only yesterday your little one for the first time uncertainly murmured the word “mom”, broke his first cup, but today you barely got home, bending under the weight of notebooks, textbooks, felt-tip pens and sets of colored paper (how much is needed!) for the future student …

And now you have to think: how to congratulate your beloved baby who became so adult and independent in an instant? I am sure that more than one family council was devoted to this issue, more than one sleepless night was spent trying to choose something that would be both useful, interesting, affordable, unusual, multifunctional and of high quality. In a word - a real gift!

This event in a child's life undoubtedly deserves the most long-awaited and best gifts. Just be warned right away that a gift for a first grader is not just something from the list of school supplies.

As a rule, at any school, at the parent meeting, they give out more or less detailed lists of what the child needs to have when entering the first grade. The list is the compulsory school supplies that the student needs. But what is purchased above the list can already be called gifts. But even the purchase of school supplies will bring special joy to the child. Let the kid choose what he likes best - turn the purchase of school supplies into a real holiday.

A first grader simply needs:
- school bag, briefcase or backpack
- exercise books (thin and general, checkered and lined)
- sets of colored pens
- markers and pencils
- erasers
- sharpener
- covers for notebooks and books
- pencil case
- set of rulers
- paints (watercolor or gouache)
- sketchbook
- a set of brushes, etc.

In addition, things that are given to a first grader and a primary school student in general should have three main properties:
1) maximum strength;
2) maximum ease of use;
3) be easily replaceable.

It is necessary that the donated item not only serve your child faithfully, and after about twenty years, he, lovingly erasing the dust from it, proudly told his children: “But this was given to me by my parents when I went to first grade!” No, it is necessary that this gift become his first truly "adult" property. And this does not mean at all the purchase of a personal car with a driver or a laptop. Of course, if you are the great-nephew of Bill Gates or the second cousin of Rockefeller, you can surprise your student with such a gift. But, if somehow it didn’t work out for you to acquire wealthy relatives, you shouldn’t be upset: after all, the main thing is not the price of the gift at all, but ... a creative approach to choosing it! An excellent solution could be the purchase of a written (read “computer”) desk, with the appointment of the child as its full owner. The last point implies that even if sometimes you get the impression that the tornado of Lublin Ponds, the Irving tornado and Hurricane Victoria combined have swept across this very table, you, taking a position of non-intervention, simply do not notice it. Simple, right? :)

If you want to inherit your beloved table, or if the living space allows you to fit this very table in the room only if all the rest of the furniture is removed from there, do not despair! Present a bookshelf, preferably a large one, into several sections in which you can place not only school textbooks, but also find a place for your favorite soft toys, cars, comics and other knick-knacks (and which they and dad will definitely hang where "the hero of the occasion » wish). Yeah, do you already have a shelf? .. Well, then, maybe there is not enough swivel chair? Comfortable, on wheels, with a soft back ... Believe me, after acquiring it, the child's interest in the process of preparing homework can increase significantly :)

If the nursery of a son or daughter is already furnished with the latest fashion technology, or if you are simply not yet mentally or financially ready for such grandiose purchases, give something that has always been valued and at all times. Donate a book! Only, perhaps, you should not give a textbook on quantum physics or a mathematical reference book, which "will be very useful to you in high school." Despite all the obvious usefulness, it would be better to hand them over in ten years: there will be much more benefit and joy. Let it be better to be colorful children's encyclopedias that are interesting to look through if the "beginner schoolboy" still does not know how to read; children's dictionaries or collections of fairy tales. An interesting gift can be an electronic encyclopedia for a child - a children's "laptop": both informative and "cool" at the same time.

But what if loving grandparents, uncles and aunts, ready to do anything for the sake of their beloved grandson and nephew, have already provided him with all the necessary school utensils for several years ahead, without leaving you a single original idea? In this case, you will have to sit down and think: what does YOUR baby really need?

Does he like to sleep and every morning getting up is like a “heavenly punishment” for him? Give him an alarm clock with some "funny" ringtone or a tune from your favorite cartoon. Or maybe he likes to sit for hours looking at pictures in books? In this case, a table lamp will come in handy, but not a simple one (but a golden one! :)) Not in the literal sense, of course. Let this lamp be with an original photo frame, flip calendar or even a mini-aquarium!

Your child is delighted with the application, does not part with pencils and watercolors for a second, and the neighbors have long lined up for lace napkins embroidered by your little needlewoman? Then the kits for children's creativity were invented just for you. There are plenty of options: if you want - choose a set for wood carving, if you want - for making tapestries. There are also for cross-stitch, burning, modeling. In a word - whatever your heart desires!

If in abundance of gift options you are completely confused , but I really want to give something useful - do not despair. Present something that no schoolchild could do without: a set of stationery. In this case, you can be sure that the gift will really be both necessary and useful. Fortunately, now there is something to choose from: if you want - a pencil case with a thermometer, an alarm clock, a calculator and a radio, if you want - a diary with a personal horoscope, star biographies and interesting historical facts, if you want - a pencil with a built-in radio. The choice is really huge. In this case, it all depends on your taste and imagination.

If by September 1 you give something not to your own, but to a "someone else's" first-grader , you should do it very simply: go to a good stationery store, look at the counter, remember your childhood and get what you would really, really like to have as a child. Even if you buy something completely absurd in the context of the first class (for example, a cookware) - that's okay. The first-grader himself does not know what he will need, and he will be terribly happy with any beautiful thing from the "adult", school world.

And on September 1, arrange a real holiday for your child - a trip to McDonald's, an amusement park, a visit to a cinema or theater. And, of course, flowers. And of course - a cake or a pie. And of course, ice cream. Celebration! Even if the child goes not to the first, but to the second or fifth grade. Once a year is a school holiday. Everything else - weekdays, notations, diaries, deuces, dictations... Have a day off, forget that life is hard, buy flowers and... smile... smile! After all, it's so cool - "the first time in the first class"!

And, of course, flowers. And of course - a cake or a pie. And of course, ice cream. Celebration! Even if the child goes not to the first, but to the second or fifth grade. Once a year is a school holiday. Everything else - weekdays, notations, diaries, deuces, dictations ... Do you want your child to love learning? Then tighten up, take a day off, forget that life is hard, buy flowers and... smile... smile, damn it! After all, it's so cool - "the first time in the first class"!

Little psychological tricks

Younger students love to have a lot of everything. That is, the best set of pencils is the one with the most pencils. The best ballpoint pen is the ballpoint pen set. The best eraser is a series of erasers with the same type of pictures. Etc.

In addition, when sending a child "for the first time to first grade", one must take into account that even a child who is very well prepared for school ends up, in essence, in a strange and unfamiliar world. The briefcase is his property, a thing brought from the HOME, so you need to try so that, in addition to purely school, functional things, something homemade, dear, lies in the first-grader's satchel. For example, a photo of mother or sister, a small toy, etc.

If by the First of September you give something not to your own, but to a "someone else's" first-grader, you should do it very simply: go to a good stationery store, look at the counter, remember your childhood and get something that you, the child, would very, very much like to have . Even if you buy something completely absurd in the context of the first class (for example, a cookware) - that's okay. The first-grader himself does not know what he will need, and he will be terribly happy with any beautiful thing from the "adult", school world. And the cookery will come in handy. With time.

Kids who successfully celebrated their graduation in kindergarten are well aware that the time for change is coming for them, and a cloudless childhood is gradually becoming a thing of the past. Of course, they can and should be given school-related gifts, but since they are still children, they are still interested in toys. Therefore, the issue of choice is more relevant than ever and, sometimes, parents do not know what to give a first grader on September 1. The most important thing in such a situation is not to give them ordinary things, for such a celebration you need something special.

What to give a first grader on September 1

It would seem that it is simpler - on the shelves of stores there is a huge assortment of things intended for children, especially writing and other school supplies. But choosing from this multitude is not as easy as it seems. I don’t want to see disappointment on the face of my son or daughter, because it will spoil all the good impressions about the first day of school.

In this regard, many parents have the idea of ​​making a custom-made present, at least no one else will have such a gift. In general, the idea is good, you just need to know exactly what kind of gift will be desirable for the child. Perhaps he already has a dream that mom and dad can easily fulfill, but for this you need to know your baby well - his interests and hobbies.

By what criteria should you choose a toy, technology or other thing? In this regard, you can give useful advice to those who still doubt the correctness of their ideas.

Since September 1 is World Knowledge Day, you should not ignore the school theme, although many parents continue to give their children banal pens and pencils. How to get away from this stereotype? Do not buy what, for sure, everyone has.

An example is the following original products that will please the son and daughter:

  1. If it comes to stationery, you can buy a large drawing kit, which includes about five dozen different items - colored markers, pencils and wax pencils, watercolors, a paper clip, a brush, a sharpener and an elastic band.
  2. In addition to this, you can give the baby a high-quality album or paintings for coloring, which are masterpieces of famous artists.
  3. Even a donated pen can be unusual, for example, multi-colored or on a magnetic stand, an interesting option is an accessory in the form of a fishing rod, a typewriter, with a cap in the form of a cheerful fruit or a clover leaf.
  4. When choosing a pencil case, there is always an opportunity to choose a bright, colorful one with an interesting design. An example of this is a thing in the form of a suitcase, quite roomy, so you can put in it not only pens and pencils, but also a watch, a mobile phone. For girls, it is worth buying a model in the form of an animal with funny eyes. For a first-grader boy, a pencil case-book is more suitable, made of high-quality material, decorated with a colorful print, with two compartments and fasteners for the necessary writing instruments. Although, of course, you need to focus on the tastes of the child, because you must know what your child will like.
  5. A good gift, consonant with the school theme, will be the nominal diary "Educational weekdays" - this is a timely and useful present that will help the child fix homework, important things.
  • a globe with a relief surface, on which you can feel the lowlands and mountains located on different continents with your fingers;
  • an unusual alarm clock "Starry sky", which, in addition to its main functions, is a projector that can entertain a child and decorate a children's room;
  • a desktop organizer in the form of a typewriter is an unusual stand that a daughter or son has yet to assemble, so a child will surely like such a present.
  • a memorable gift will be the medal "September 1" made under gold with a beautiful ribbon in a gift box. But such a gift is best used in conjunction with a more interesting present.
  • you can present a whole set of encyclopedias with pictures as a gift to a first grader - these books will stimulate the desire to learn new things and expand the horizons of the baby.

The choice of gifts for the day of knowledge is very large, it remains only to think about the tastes and interests of the student in order to choose the right gift.

The best gifts for boys

What can surprise and delight a child of 6-7 years old on the eve of school classes, only parents of babies can know, and sons are a separate issue. At this age, this is already an established personality, perfectly aware of its position in the society of adults. In life, this is a restless little child, extremely inquisitive and adventurous. Of course, you will have to think ten times what to give a first-grader boy on September 1 before choosing something.

In fact, first-graders have little difference in tastes and interests depending on gender, first of all, this is influenced by the interests and character of children. So these gifts are perfect for girls.

It can be a gift for study, such as:

  • unusual alarm clock;
  • old-style Harry Potter pencil case;
  • tablet for drawing with light;
  • lamp in the form of a soccer ball;
  • glowing globe;
  • a bizarre desktop organizer that will help the new student to keep his desk in order;
  • set for experiments "Fexilab";
  • depending on the son's hobbies, he can be presented with developmental kits - a young technician, biologist or chemist, a microscope or a telescope if he is interested in the space theme;
  • board games will help the kid develop reaction speed, logic, thinking, spatial perception of reality - there are many worthy, interesting games that will become a truly desirable present for your son (a wooden 3D-puzzle "Safe", an educational constructor with a solar models, metal express sculptor).

When thinking about what to give a first grader on September 1, it is worth remembering that the boys love to build, so you can give your son a designer as a gift. To date, there are a lot of such games, among which there are really outstanding and very unusual in design.

A first-grader can already buy a constructor from the scientific category:

  • prefabricated models of space SUVs, robots from the DIY series;
  • electronic designers - "First Steps in Electronics", "Smart Machine", "Alternative Energy Sources", "Magic of Voice";
  • the boy can be presented with an interesting constructor "Sun Energy", the toy is powered by solar panels, a similar option is "Alternative Energy";
  • other entertaining games that involve assembly are Fixilab Magnet, Labyrinth, Miracle Squares, Code Lock.

Focusing on your son's passion for sports, you can give him as a gift on September 1:

  • children's home simulator;
  • Swedish wall;
  • punching bag with gloves;
  • games for the development of accuracy, for example, darts.

A handed tablet, a small laptop can be a valuable gift, but not all adults can afford such a present, so a simpler and more affordable technique is also suitable - a mobile device, a game console for a computer, an unusual flash drive, a computer game or a training program created in the form of a game process. Such a thing should emphasize the change in the status of the baby to the status of a first grader.

Gift for a girl

For daughters, you can also choose something interesting, useful and unusual that will please the baby and help her remember her first visit to school for a long time.

  1. A beautiful pencil case, made in an interesting way - with a beautiful picture or in the form of a shaggy dog.
  2. A girl who is fond of drawing should be presented with a large album and drawing materials to her taste - felt-tip pens, pencils, paints, crayons, etc. You can choose a coloring.
  3. A multi-layered, colorful food container that baby can carry her breakfast in.
  4. A gift that your daughter will like is a good board game, a new designer from which you can build a house for a doll, a musical instrument such as a children's synthesizer, a mobile device.
  5. If a girl has long wanted to pierce her ears, now is the time to do it. In addition, you can give charming earrings.

Pay attention to the advice on gifts for boys, because at this age gifts are universal and are not divided by gender, you need to focus solely on the interests and character of the child.

A beautiful notebook, a personalized diary and a beautiful bag will come in handy for my daughter's study.

Other gifts for children

In fact, there are a lot of interesting ideas on how to celebrate a celebration and congratulate the kids on this important event in their lives.

Gifts that will delight children of both sexes:

  • home planetarium "Solar System", which, in fact, is a projector lamp;
  • watch-toy "Omnitrix" for turning into a space character;
  • an unusual LED flashlight for a book will appeal to both a boy and a girl;
  • lamp "UFO" with a remote control;
  • nice mouse pad
  • piggy bank, made in an interesting and original style;
  • inexpensive light tablet for drawing with a pen-flashlight;
  • interactive aquarium with a fish, working in three color modes;
  • flash drive for files in the form of a child's favorite character;
  • unkillable, eternal silver pencil in a gift box;
  • flying saucer with backlight for active games;

In addition, on Knowledge Day, children can be pampered with a visit to a cafe or entertainment center, take them to rides, to a circus or to an interesting children's performance. As an additional present, kids will love a visit to the water park or a fun outdoor party outside the city. A house party is a very good end to an exciting day. For this, a table with sweets must be set, it is good if his peers come to the child. You can decorate the apartment with balloons and festive garlands, and don't forget about your son's or daughter's favorite songs and compositions.

Gifts You Shouldn't Give

There are a lot of gifts that can be made throughout the year, but they are not suitable for September 1st. These presentations include:

  • household items, dishes, bedding, ordinary clothes, which not only will not please the first grader, but will also disappoint him, like a gift, on such a significant date;
  • board and other games that are not suitable for a child by age;
  • a box of chocolates, a cake or pastries, which, in addition to a gift, should already be on the festive table on this day.

Pets, such as a cat and a dog, are also undesirable as a surprise - they will distract the first grader from the lessons, it is better for the children to get an interactive pet, an ant farm, an aquarium with fish, in worst case, a turtle that does not require much attention from the kid who needs to study. True, some parents will not agree with this - at the age of 7, children are old enough and can take care of caring for a pet, in addition, this will help them develop such important qualities as kindness and responsibility for someone else's life.

A computer is a gift that many children dream of, but, nevertheless, it is better to buy such expensive equipment for a child's birthday. It is undesirable to purchase a smartphone of the latest model, as it can cause misunderstanding and envy among other children. A cheap thing is not worth giving, a priori, on such a solemn day.

In order to adequately celebrate the Day of Knowledge and the beginning of school classes, adults should think in advance about what to give to a first grader on September 1. In some cases, you can ask the baby himself about this, however, this may not come as a surprise, however, the son or daughter will receive exactly what they dreamed of.