
World Thank You Day! History of the holiday. International Thank You Day Ingratitude is a kind of weakness. Great people are never ungrateful."


Politeness has been valued at all times, because words of gratitude have magical power. With their help, people convey joy, positive emotions, their attention to each other. Psychologists recommend saying words of gratitude as often as possible, smiling at the same time and saying them from the heart. After all, the word "thank you" came from a combination of the words "God save", which used to be pronounced very often. You cannot thank people in a state of irritation, because then gratitude will not achieve its goal - it will not bring joy. January 11 is considered the most polite day of the year, on this day the whole world celebrates International Thank You Day.

I say "thank you" to the world
For the fact that I live, I dream, I love.
Thanks to the sky, the sun, the moon,
"Thank you" to those who live in our land.

I congratulate everyone on the "thank you" day,
The whole world knows this good word.
I wish "thank you" you do not forget
And repeat it to each other more often.

Let's say thank you to everyone
For warmth, care and kindness.
To all those who give us a smile,
And with whom it is simple and easy for us.

You express gratitude
Do not be afraid to say kind words.
And wish your loved ones well,
May each of them be healthy.

Today is a wonderful holiday. I wish everyone that this morning you wish each other not only a “good day”, but also just say “thank you”. Thank you for your family smiles, thank you for everyday help, thank you for the love and attention that your family and friends give you every day. Smile into your own eyes and thank you, just for the fact that they are. Happy International Thank You Day.

Happy Thank You Day!
Let gratitude come
In the form of bright happy days,
That only bring joy.

And let the magic word
All things will end
Only forward, to new successes
So that fate leads you!

On International Thank You Day
I thank you on my own
For the fact that you are beautiful in soul,
I sincerely give you a blessing!

Not for morals, not for manners
I respect and appreciate you
For the fact that the heart in kindness does not know the measure
A hundred thousand times "Thank you!" - I say.

Thank you day celebrating
Thank you for everything
I wish you much joy
And keep your love.

May success come to you
Congratulations to him fly
Let people help you
And say "thank you"!

polite environment,
To not know another
And wishes of fulfillment
I want to wish you!

There is something in the word "thank you"
That sometimes gives us wings behind our backs.
Let's say it more often
Over the dullness of everyday life is easy to soar.

Hurry to always be grateful
And a simple word is easy to say
After all, there is nothing more pleasant or easier.
"Thank you" let there be only more in life.

Congratulations on the day "thank you"
I'm all people in the world,
With each let our "thank you"
Life is getting better.

Thankful words
To sound all over the earth
So that resentment and evil in the heart
We never kept.

I wish that happiness
We were led by the same roads
We said "thank you"
World, sky, sun, God.

"Thank you" is not an easy word.
Everyone needs to say it
Because gratitude helps
Live happily and peacefully.

Don't forget to thank
So that fate gives you more
Love, kindness and understanding
She brought to all of you.

It's easy to say "thank you"
And how much heat is in that word,
With him all the insults and bad weather
They burn down immediately.

Say "thank you" to those
Who does good for you
Who gives you his soul
Say a couple of kind words!

"Thank you" we need to say
Relatives, friends, our colleagues,
After all, you have to pay tribute
To all those who are important in our lives!

"Merci" tell the salesman
Courier, doctor, neighbors,
After all, they are happy with a kind word
All the people that live in the world!

Happy International Thank You Day!
Well, of course, thank you.
I always wish to be happy
I wish you endless good.

Let joy and smiles surround
Let them warm tenderness, warmth.
Let there be no mistakes in business
Let nothing ever disturb.

Congratulations: 63 in verse, 16 in prose.

MOSCOW, January 11 - RIA Novosti. The most "polite" holiday International Thank You Day is celebrated all over the world on January 11th. Experts told RIA Novosti how to pronounce "magic" words correctly and why. The emergence of this word is attributed to the 16th century from the phrase "God save" and carries the idea of ​​gratitude.


Gratitude should not be conditional, and when saying "thank you", you need to look the person in the eye, historian, etiquette expert Eleonora Basmanova told RIA Novosti on the eve of the international day of Thank you.

“Just like a greeting, when saying words of gratitude, it is recommended to keep eye contact at the same time. Not to say “thank you” at all, but it is desirable to see the person’s face and his eyes. Eye contact allows you to personify your attitude and not make it so conditional, - Basmanova said.

According to her, the more often a person says "thank you", the richer intonation he does it. At the same time, like the words of greeting, the words of gratitude are not present in abundance in everyday speech. "Especially thanks," Basmanova added.

"You have to understand that gratitude is the smallest of virtues. While ingratitude is one of the most terrible vices. Therefore, the ability to say "thank you", for example, to children, to mother for breakfast, for any service rendered, any attention paid to whom -or, even if it concerns the usual current work: postmen, a concierge or a housemate who opened the door - these are actions that are aimed, as they say in psychology, at creating social unions, that is, at consolidation, at unification, and not separation," the expert explained.


As rhetoric professor Vladimir Annushkin said, "thank you" is of Russian origin. "And it comes from the traditional Russian expression" Save God. "That is, a person who has done something good, you must say" Save you Lord. And by the way, today's Orthodox people very often say instead of "thank you" - "God save you," the professor explained.

According to Annushkin, "thank you" carries the idea of ​​gratitude to fate, God, all the best, and this idea "should permeate the life of every person."

"As an example, I can cite the life of St. John Chrysostom, whose last words were these: he is being led by the arms of the soldiers who captured him and they hear that the old man says something "to himself." And he says "thank God for everything," Annushkin said.

According to the professor, it is these words - "thank God for everything", "thank you", "God save", "God save" that is the main idea for the existence of every person.

January 11 is the most "polite" date of the year. This day marks World Thank You Day (not to be confused with the American Thanksgiving Day, which is celebrated in the United States on the fourth Sunday of November).

Everyone knows from childhood that "thank you" is the word "magic". Together with the words "please", "give" and "mother" we pronounce it first and continue to pronounce it throughout our lives. The word "thank you" is a well-established abbreviation for the phrase "God save" - ​​this phrase in Russia expressed gratitude. For the first time the word "thank you" was recorded in 1586, in a phrase book published in Paris.

We are well aware of the importance of good manners, their necessity in everyday life, but most of the thanks we express, as if in passing, without thinking about their meaning. Meanwhile, the words of gratitude "thank you" and even "please" have magical properties, but they cannot be pronounced when a person is irritated. Some may say, "Well, thank you!" and so on, but no! This is not allowed, this is not an etiquette rule! Psychologists believe that words of gratitude are signs of attention, they are verbal “strokes” and are able to warm with their warmth.

Every day we say “thank you” to each other, so it is very important to remember that true gratitude is only that which comes only from a pure heart!

Today thank everyone who is close to you, everyone you love and appreciate. And remember: “thank you” is a firefly word, so warm your loved ones today!

Politeness is always good
Let it come from the soul
Constantly, hourly
She's like breathing air.
World Thank You Day
I especially want
Congratulate you politely
And pat on the back.
Well, if you let me
I can kiss
And of course very strong.
Hug you from the bottom of my heart.
And I hope you thank you
Important for all people
Don't forget to tell me
You don't cool with me. ©

Today, on World Thank You Day,
I thank all people for everything -
For joy, for the radiance of smiles!
I say "thank you" to you too

Because you are always by my side!
For giving me your love!
For inspiring even with a glance!
For the fact that I'm with you, like in paradise! ©

When we hear "thank you"
It's like distant hills
Smiles give the whole neighborhood,
Barrier setting winter blizzard.

Congratulate you on the day "thank you"
I want, wishing happiness either,
Or good luck
Together with a good mood! ©

We are the magic word
We meet many times in life.
It is ready to help us
And it just sounds, without embellishment.
We celebrate the day of the word "Thank you"
Congratulations, as always.
Good luck and patience
We all carry through the years. ©

Don't be silent like a fish
Say "thank you" to everyone!
Thank you day, no doubt
As important as a birthday!

Because the word holiday
It's not so harsh
Like any normal day.
Drive away the shadow from the sun,

This holiday came to the house,
And now it's hard to get away!
Always be polite
He will stay then! ©

The holiday is unusual, but very necessary for everyone:
About gratitude, courtesy, the solution of all problems
There is a small word, known for a long time,
It's simple to say, it will help everyone.

Sincerely, with a smile, from the heart to say:
"Thank you!" - and grace will come to the heart!
To have a desire to do good soon:
Congratulations on the day "Thank you" to all people on earth! ©

How many times do you say "thank you" per day on average?
Happy "thank you" day! It is very easy to receive "merci" in return.
For people like us, a holiday of polite manners was invented -
Gratitude will not stumble over the language barrier! ©

Gratitude is a debt to pay
but which no one has the right to expect.
Jean Jacques Rousseau

January 11 is the most "polite" date of the year. This day marks World Thank You Day.

Let it come from the soul
Constantly, hourly
She's like breathing air.
World Thank You Day
I especially want
Congratulate you politely
And pat on the back.
Well, if you let me
I can kiss
And of course very strong.
Hug you from the bottom of my heart.
And I hope you thank you
Important for all people
Don't forget to tell me
You don't get cold to me

author unknown

Everyone knows from childhood that "Thank you" - the word "magic". Along with the words " please", "give" and "mom" we pronounce it first and continue to pronounce it throughout our lives. The word "thank you" is a well-established abbreviation for the phrase "God save" - this phrase in Russia expressed gratitude. First time word "Thank you" recorded in 1586, in a phrase book published in Paris. We are well aware of the importance of good manners, their necessity in everyday life, but most of the thanks we express, as if in passing, without thinking about their meaning. In the meantime, thank you "Thank you" and even "please" have magical properties, but they cannot be pronounced when a person is irritated. Some may say, "Well, thank you!" and so on, but no! This is not allowed, this is not an etiquette rule! Psychologists believe that words of gratitude are signs of attention, they are oral “strokes” and are able to warm with their warmth.

When we hear "thank you"
It's like distant hills
Smiles give the whole neighborhood,
Barrier setting winter blizzard.

Thank you, dziakuju, dziekuje, thank you, danke, merci, toda, dank, grazie, arigato, xie xie, obrigado (a), gracias, tack, tesekkür ederim, ... - no matter how this word of gratitude sounds in different languages ​​of the world, but, said sincerely, it will certainly endow the addressee with a single, understandable feeling of joy.

All of us today so lack these real feelings of gratitude and joy, so it is not surprising that in many countries of the world a World Thank You Day has appeared. It may be called differently in different countries. For example, in the USA this holiday is called "National Thank You Day" some even devote the whole month of January to this holiday - National Thank You Month.

We are the magic word
We meet many times in life.
It is ready to help us
And it just sounds, without embellishment.
We celebrate the day of the word "Thank you"
Congratulations, as always.
Good luck and patience
We all carry through the years.
author unknown

The tradition of this holiday, in general, is one, but very deep in emotions and feelings. This day will become festive for you if you do not forget to say the magic " Thank you" to each. It is customary to exchange cute cards with the inscription "Thank you!" In which you can write what you are grateful for. And do not think that someone did not deserve this gratitude.

There is a fairly proven opinion that every person who appears in our lives either comes to give us something (more than material), or teach us something (sometimes not in a very positive situation and not always understood by us instantly). In some countries, there is even a tradition of thanking each other not only in personal life, but also in business. For example, in various ways (postcards, bonus services and programs, pleasant souvenirs), companies thank their customers and partners.

We talk to each other every day "Thank you" Therefore, it is very important to remember that true gratitude is only that which comes only from a pure heart! Today thank everyone who is close to you, everyone you love and appreciate. And remember: "thank you" is a firefly word, so warm the people close to you today!

Thank you, life, for the fact that I live!
For my days, wonderful moments!
For rain, for snow, for green grass...
For silence, for cheerful birds singing.
Thank you, life, for joy and sorrow.
For teaching me to forgive.
Thank you for being strict sometimes.
I've learned a lot from my mistakes.
Thank you life for a thousand minutes
Happy! I found them in everything.
For the clouds that float across the sky ...
For the joy that you brought me!
Thank you life, what a lot to start
I have to know and learn.
Because there is more to dream about!
For something to strive for
second unknown

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It's good that there is a special holiday dedicated to one of the most important "magic" words in the world. Of course, you can’t just miss this, one of the most “polite” memorable dates of the year.

To help you - interesting stories of teachers on the topic “How the children and I celebrated Thank You Day; abstracts and scenarios of thematic classes, entertainment and leisure activities dedicated to the original holiday. What events can be arranged in a kindergarten or school on this day, what wall newspapers and thematic exhibitions can be created, how to involve parents in the Thanks Day - all this is described in the materials of this section in great detail.

Thanks Day is a great occasion to remind people of the value of being polite.

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All sections | International Day of "thank you". January 11

Presentation "World Thank You Day" 1 slide 11 January is the most"polite" date in the year - this day World day« Thank you» . 2 slide Russian word « Thank you» was born in the 16th century from the frequently pronounced phrase « God save» which meant a very deep gratitude. 3 slide How often do we ...

"International Day of "thank you" "11 January - International Day"THANK YOU" Agaeva Kaipkhanum Gasanovna Politeness has been valued at all times, and every person is well aware of the importance of good manners and their need in everyday life, although most of the thanks ...

International Day of "thank you". January 11 - Photo report "World Thank You Day"

Publication “Photo report “World Day...” In January, the guys from the kindergarten "Lazorik" group No. 9 "Fairy Tale" celebrated the most "polite" day of the year. It's good that there is a special holiday dedicated to one of the most important words in the world, this is the word "Thank you." It has magical properties and is able to warm with its...

MAAM Pictures Library

The most polite date of the year is January 11th. January 11th is World Thank You Day. From childhood they taught us, and now we teach kids to be polite. Do not forget to say thank you for the assistance provided, for the gifts, for the services provided. Saying thanks...

Game event "Day "Thank you" in the middle group" Purpose: to introduce children to the day of January 11 - the World Day "Thank you" Tasks: to remember the "magic" words, to consolidate in colloquial speech, using a game situation; remember proverbs and sayings about kind words; to cultivate love and respect for each other and adults. Move...

PHOTO REPORT "HOW THE KIDS OF THE RAINBOW GROUP CELEBRATED THE DAY OF THANK YOU" January 11 - the International Day "THANK YOU" is celebrated This day can be called one of the most "polite" dates of the year. It is believed that the Russian word "THANK YOU" was born in the 16th century from the often pronounced ...

International Day of "thank you". January 11 - Project "January 11 - International Thank You Day"

January 11 - one of the most "polite" dates of the year - today is the International Day of "thank you" It is believed that the Russian word "thank you" was born in the 16th century from the often pronounced phrase "God save" Words of gratitude have magical properties - with their help people ...

January 11 is the most "educated" date when the peoples of the whole world celebrate the International Day of "thank you". From everywhere you can hear sparkling thanksgiving and good wishes. This is truly a bright and joyful holiday, permeated with warmth and light. When, if not today, with all my heart...