
The project is the senior land of our common home. The project "Earth is our common home" The purpose of the project. Develop elementary ideas about the planet Earth. Literary support of the project


Project objectives: To develop cognitive abilities To form the prerequisites for search activity To stimulate the desire to learn as much as possible To form generalized ways of mental work and means of building one's own cognitive activity To develop communication skills. To form in children respect for people of other nationalities The need to create their own picture of the world

Environmental education is one of the main directions in the education system, it is a way of influencing the feelings of children, their consciousness, views and ideas. Children feel the need to communicate with nature. They learn to love nature, observe, empathize, understand that both plants and animals are living beings, they breathe, drink water, grow, and most importantly, feel pain like a person.

Environmental education is essential from an early age. Our task, as teachers in working with children of preschool age, is to lay the first ideas and landmarks in the natural world. The right attitude towards living beings is the end result of the project.

Expected results: Raise love for nature (through direct communication with it, perception of its beauty and diversity). To teach children to empathize with her troubles (through the perception of negative human activity). To teach how to competently protect nature and fight for its conservation (through practical social activities)

Project implementation plan: Preparatory - diagnostic stage: Collection of information on the state of environmental education of children. Diagnosis of a child through didactic, environmental games, conversations, looking at pictures, illustrations. Interviewing parents, collecting analysis. Observations. Working with documents. The main - practical stage: Practical orientation of work on the problem: conducting thematic, comprehensive classes; work with parents; production of ecological and didactic games, ecological zones in the group; visibility; targeted walks, excursions. Final stage: monitoring of project implementation; analytical materials

View the map, find the mainland Purpose: To help children learn the new concepts of "continent" and "ocean" To teach to recognize and show on the map all the continents and oceans. Develop spatial imagination, cognitive interest, thinking, memory, speech, develop the ability to work with a map

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Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Project Passport Project type: practice-oriented Participants : children 6-7 years old (preparatory group), educators,"> Паспорт проекта Вид проекта: практико-ориентированный Участники: дети 6 -7 лет (подготовительная группа), воспитатели, родители Продолжительность проекта: долгосрочный (1 год)!}

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Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Objectives: To form children's ideas about the Earth and human life on earth."> Задачи: Формировать у детей представления о Земле и жизни людей на Земле. Цель: Воспитывать интерес и уважение к людям разных стран и национальностей, к их деятельности и культуре. Прививать чувство патриотизма, любви к своей стране, к своему родному городу. Познакомить с историей развития других стран, с их достопримечательностями, традициями. Подвести к пониманию уникальности нашей планеты, так как только на Земле есть жизнь. Воспитывать стремление беречь нашу Землю.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Project implementation stages: Stage 1 - preparatory. collection and analysis of methodological literature processing"> Этапы реализации проекта: 1 этап – подготовительный. сбор и анализ методической литературы обработка периодической печати написание перспективного плана. распечатки из интернета по данной теме оформление альбомов и макетов: «Макет Земли», «Национальные костюмы», Создание уголка родного города в группе, мини-музей: «Страны мира», «Золотое кольцо России» 2 этап – основной 3 этап – итоговый предоставление разработки проекта итоговое занятие выставка продуктов детской деятельности Взаимодействие с семьёй: -Участие в анкетировании по патриотическому воспитанию; - Участие в районной выставке-конкурсе «Мир, в котором я живу»!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Cognitive development: didactic games, entertainment, viewing illustrations Social and communicative development: role-playing games, work Speech development:"> Познавательное развитие: дидактические игры, развлечение, рассматривание иллюстраций Социально-коммуникативное развитие: сюжетно-ролевые игры, труд Речевое развитие: чтение художественной литературы, коммуникативные игры Художественно-эстетическое развитие: изготовление макетов, рисование, аппликация, прослушивание музыкальных произведений, пение Физическое развитие: подвижные игры, организация здоровьесберегающей деятельности Системная паутина!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>SEPTEMBER Planet - Earth Purpose: to expand the understanding of that"> СЕНТЯБРЬ Планета - Земля Цель: расширять представление о том, что представляет собой планета Земля Беседы: «Земля и Солнце», «О материках», «Океаны, моря и суша», «Модель Земли – глобус». Рассматривание иллюстраций альбомов, знакомство с глобусом и картой мира Чтение художественной литературы: Я. Драгунский «Земля» Дидактические игры: «Материки», «Вода – суша» Рисование «Моя планета – Земля» Интеллектуальная игра «Что, где, когда? » (совместно с родителями) Подвижная игра «Солнышко и дождик» Обогащение предметно-развивающей среды – совместное изготовление макета Земли ПЕРСПЕКТИВНЫЙ ПЛАН!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>OCTOBER Roofed house blue Purpose: expand view that the earth is"> ОКТЯБРЬ Дом под крышей голубой Цель: расширять представление о том, что Земля – общий дом всех людей и всех живых существ, живущих рядом с человеком. Беседы: «Земля - наш общий дом», «Страны мира» Рассматривание иллюстраций альбомов: «Моя голубая планета-Земля», «Люди планеты Земля» Чтение художественной литературы: Л. Квитко «На песке», Т. А. Шорыгина «Волшебник с планеты Омега», «Наша кормилица-Земля», В. Орлова «Дом под крышей голубой» Сюжетно-ролевая игра «Путешествие» Музыкально-дидактическая игра «Лето в музыке» Разучивание песни: «Есть у солнышка друзья» Рисование «Люди на планете Земля» Объемная аппликация «Земля – наш дом» Подвижная игра: «Берег, море, паруса» Коммуникативная игра «Земля – планета, на которой мы живем» Проблемная ситуация «Что случится с нашей планетой, если…»!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>NOVEMBER My country is Russia Purpose: to expand knowledge children about their country (Russia),"> НОЯБРЬ Моя страна – Россия Цель: расширять знания детей о своей стране (России), воспитывать патриотические чувства, гордость за свою Родину Беседы: «Где мы живем», «Моя Родина - Россия», «Праздники в России» (День народного единства, День матери) Работа с картой Рассматривание иллюстраций альбомов: «Города России», «Москва – столица России», «Московский Кремль» Рассказы детей из личного опыта «В каком из городов России я был» Чтение русских народных сказок Развлечение «Русские богатыри» Познавательная викторина «О России» (совместно с родителями) Рисование «Флаг России» Слушание гимна России Русские народные подвижные игры: «Гуси-гуси», «У медведя во бору» и др. Обогащение предметно-развивающей среды – мини-музей «Золотое кольцо России»!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>DECEMBER Countries and peoples of the world Purpose: to expand representations children about countries and peoples"> ДЕКАБРЬ Страны и народы мира Цель: расширить представления детей о странах и народах мира, воспитывать толерантность, уважительное отношение к другим народам, расам и их традициям Подбор и оформление альбома людей разных рас. Рассматривание флагов разных стран Рассматривание глобуса, карты мира Сказки и мифы разных стран и народов. Занятие «Кто – мы» (Какие люди живут на земле). Беседы: «Как появился на земле человек», «Царство льда и снега (Арктика, Антарктида), «Страны и народы мира». Рассказы о стране, в которой были (рассказы из личного опыта) Сюжетно-ролевая игра «Путешествие» Оформление уголка путешественника в группе. Подбор иллюстраций домов разных стран. Выставка рисунков на тему «Люди, которые живут на планете - Земля». Обогащение предметно-развивающей среды – мини-музей «Страны мира»!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>JANUARY My hometown is Nizhny Novgorod Goal: expand children's knowledge about"> ЯНВАРЬ Мой родной город – Нижний Новгород Цель: расширять знания детей о своем родном городе – Нижнем Новгороде, воспитывать патриотические чувства, гордость за свой город Беседы: «История возникновения города Н.Новгорода», «Знаменитые люди нашего города» Рассматривание иллюстраций альбомов: «Мой город», «Нижегородский Кремль» Чтение П. Воронько «Лучше нет родного края» Рисование «Эмблема Нижнего Новгорода» Познавательная викторина «Знатоки родного края» (совместно с родителями) Обогащение предметно-развивающей среды - создание уголка родного города в группе Фотовыставка «Родной край – любимые места» Слушание и пение песен о Нижнем Новгороде!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>FEBRUARY Russia is a multinational country. Our heroes Goal : Expand your understanding of what"> ФЕВРАЛЬ Россия – многонациональная страна. Наши герои Цель: расширить представления о том, что Россия – многонациональная страна, воспитывать толерантность, уважение к разным народам Беседы: «Необъятная Россия (о народах России), «Традиции разных народов России», «О праздниках» (23 февраля) Рассматривание иллюстраций альбомов: «Национальные костюмы народов России», «Россия – многонациональная страна» Рисование «Национальный костюм» Просмотр мультфильмов, поставленных по сказкам разных народов. Литературное развлечение «Путешествие по сказкам» Народная подвижная игра «Лисичка и курочки». Хакасская народная подвижная игра «Козлята и волк» Прослушивание музыкальных произведений народов Татарстана, Чувашии, Мордовии, Хакассия и др. Выставка детских рисунков «Защитники Отечества» Слушание музыкальных произведений!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>MARCH International Women's Day - March 8th Goal: expand children's understanding of"> МАРТ Международный женский день – 8 марта Цель: расширить представления детей о международном женском дне Беседы: «О празднике 8 марта», «О мамах и бабушках детей всей планеты Земля» Рассматривание иллюстраций альбомов: «Национальные женские костюмы», «О праздновании женского дня в разных странах мира» Рисование «Моя мама» Прослушивание музыкальных произведений разных народов Чтение стихотворений о маме поэтов разных стран!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>APRIL Earth Day. Space Purpose: to expand knowledge children about space, to educate in children"> АПРЕЛЬ День Земли. Космос Цель: расширить знания детей о космосе, воспитывать у детей стремление беречь нашу Землю. Беседы: «Мы и космос», «Первый космонавт», «22 апреля – день Земли» Рассматривание в энциклопедиях поверхности Земли «Земля космическое чудо» Проблемная ситуация «Что бы было, если бы не было Земли…» Синтез искусств «Образ Земли в творчестве художников» «Сбережем нашу планету» (выпуск листовок и плакатов – совместно с родителями) Развлечение «День Земли» (с участием родителей) Рисование: «День Земли», «Космос» Подвижные игры: «Земля, вода, огонь, воздух», «Космонавты»!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>MAY Presentation of the project "Earth is our common home » Provision of project development Open session"> МАЙ Презентация проекта «Земля – наш общий дом» Предоставление разработки проекта. Открытое занятие «Наш дом – планета Земля». Оценка этапов реализации проекта. Оценка предметно – развивающей среды. Подведение итогов проекта. Выставка продуктов детской деятельности. Участие в районной выставке-конкурсе «Мир, в котором я живу»!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Expected results Mastering available knowledge about countries and peoples inhabiting the planet Earth, oh their"> Ожидаемые результаты Освоение доступных знаний о странах и народах, населяющий планету Земля, о их традициях, праздниках, о родной стране (города, национальные костюмы и т.д.) и родном городе.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Formation of elementary ideas about the world map, about the globe (Earth Model) Acquisition of Social Communication Skills"> Сформированность элементарных представлений о карте мира, о глобусе (модель Земли). Приобретение навыков социального общения со взрослыми и сверстниками. Умение выражать собственное мнение, анализировать, реагировать на происходящее, оказывать посильную помощь.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>The ability to show a sense of tolerance towards other nations , the realization that our planet"> Умение проявлять чувство толерантности по отношению к другим народам, осознание того, что наша планета (Земля) для всех живых существ, что к ней нужно относится бережно, заботиться о ней как о родном доме.!}

Src="" alt=">">

Project passport

Theme: "Earth is our common home."

Project type: cognitive research.

The nature of the project: cognitive, research, creative.

By the nature of contacts: children, educator, parents.

Relevance of the topic:

Nature is an amazing phenomenon, the educational impact of which on

the spiritual world of a preschool child is difficult to overestimate. Nature is

source of the first concrete knowledge and joyful experiences, often

memorable for a lifetime. The child's soul is revealed in communion with nature,

interest in the world around is awakened, the ability to make discoveries and

be surprised by them.

It's no secret that preschool children are explorers by nature.

Unquenchable thirst for new experiences, curiosity, constant striving

experiment, independently seek new information about the world traditionally

considered as the most important features of children's behavior. research,

search activity is the natural state of the child, he is tuned in to the knowledge of the world, he wants to know it. To explore, to discover, to study means to take a step into the unknown and the unknown. It is exploratory behavior that creates the conditions for the child's mental development to initially unfold as a process of self-development.

Of particular importance for the development of the personality of a preschooler is the assimilation of

ideas about the relationship between nature and man. Mastering the Ways

practical interaction with the environment ensures the formation

worldview of the child, his personal growth. An important role in this direction

plays the search-cognitive activity of preschoolers, proceeding in the form of experimental actions. In their process, children transform objects in order to reveal their hidden essential connections with natural phenomena.

Objective of the project:

To form in children environmental knowledge, respect for nature and

everything around.

Project objectives:

 To form in children a careful, responsible, emotionally benevolent attitude towards the natural world, towards living beings, in the process of communicating with them.

 To develop the skills of observation and experimentation in the process

search and cognitive activity.

 To develop children's imagination, speech, fantasy, thinking, ability to

analyze, compare and generalize.

 Raise the desire to protect and strengthen the health of children.

Stages of project implementation:

Preparatory stage

  1. Collection and analysis of literature on this topic.
  2. Setting goals based on the interests and needs of children.
  3. Planning for future activities aimed at implementation
  1. Providing a didactic complex for the implementation of the project.

main stage

  1. Organizing events in a group.
  2. Interaction with parents aimed at getting to know the project


The final stage

  1. Mini-exhibition of products of children's activities.

2 Summing up.

Expected results:

The development of a person who is not indifferent, with an emotional and valuable aesthetic attitude to the world, which combines the qualities of morality, aesthetic taste, communication, imaginative thinking, and creative abilities, continues;

A consciously correct attitude to objects and natural phenomena, ecological thinking is formed;

The mental abilities of children develop, which are manifested in the ability to experiment, analyze, draw conclusions;

The children had a desire to communicate with nature and reflect their impressions through various activities;

There comes an understanding of the need for a careful and caring attitude to nature, based on its moral, aesthetic and practical significance for humans.

Reflection of activity

The work within the framework of the project turned out to be interesting, exciting, and informative. It allowed to expand the horizon of each child, to create wider social contacts for him. The research results were highly appreciated and approved.

In the implementation of project activities, children learned to see problems, ask questions, put forward hypotheses, define concepts, classify, observe, conduct an experiment, structure the material obtained during the study, draw conclusions, conclusions, prove and defend their ideas.

It was interesting to see that the very formulation of the problem in children arose only when the problem had been solved. Young researchers, starting the search, clearly did not realize why they were doing this, and even more so did not know what they would find in the end. In doing this part of the research work with children, I was flexible in not requiring a clear understanding and formulation of the problem. Children identified the problem by simple observation and elementary analysis of reality. A child learns everything firmly and for a long time when he hears, sees and does it himself.

It was interesting to observe that during the implementation of the project, the children solved the tasks at a pace that was comfortable for them, chose partners for independent and group activities.

Thus, the interaction and communication of all project participants: the educator, children and parents, united by one problem, makes it possible to achieve high results: the development of search activity in children, intellectual initiative, the development of the ability to predict future measurements, the formation of communication skills.

As a result of the work, children have learned the norms and rules of environmentally sound interaction with the outside world, feel the need to acquire environmental knowledge, focus on their practical application, feel the need to communicate with representatives of the animal and plant world, empathize with them, feel a desire to protect nature, show sensitivity, respect for everything around. They show aesthetic skills and needs to see and understand the beautiful, the need for self-expression in creative activity, take the initiative in solving the environmental problems of the immediate environment.

The didactic meaning of project activity lies in the fact that it helps to connect learning with life, forms research skills, the ability to plan, work in a team, such qualities contribute to the successful education of children in school.

Thematic planning for the project

taking into account the integration of educational areas

Educational areas

Types and forms of work

Social and communicative development

Role-playing game "Journey to the pond", "Journey around the Earth"

Board-printed games: “Who lives where?”, “Travel of a droplet”, “From which tree a leaf”,

Didactic games on ecology: "Who is more?", "Earth and the solar system", "Wonderful bag", "I live in ..."

Thematic talks: "Journey around the globe"

“What would happen if there were no water, air, sun?”

Consideration of illustrative material: "Water in nature",

"How water works for a person"

Joint participation of children and parents in the creative exhibition "Nature is a pantry of miracles"

Making a model of a reservoir, soil.

Physical development

Outdoor games: “Droplets walk in a circle”, “Earth, water, fire”, “Sea

worries”, “Frogs and Heron”, “Fishing Rod”, “Sun Bunnies”, “Earthworm”, “Catch the Ball - Name the Word”

cognitive development

Observation of flora and fauna, natural phenomena during a walk.

Examining the globe.

Observations of seasonal precipitation

Conversations: "Journey around the globe", "What would happen if there were no ...?"

“Sources of pollution of nature. Security measures»

Geographic representations. The structure of the solar system

Studies of the properties of water, air, soil, light.

Watching videos: "What Ecology Teaches", "The Sun for Children", "Soil", "Properties of Air", "Trip of a Drop".

Experimental research activity

Water takes the form of the vessel in which it is poured; becomes colored when dye is added to it.

Water acquires the appropriate taste, smell, if salt, sugar, lemon are added to it.

A person needs clean, fresh water, dirty water can be filtered.

Some substances dissolve in water and some do not.

The sun is the source of light and heat on earth. Light is a stream of light rays, it can be reflected from objects; light can be reflected many times, i.e. see it where it shouldn't be seen.

Air is necessary for breathing, a person cannot live without air, it helps a person: fly airplanes, launch balloons, move sailing ships, turn the wheels of a mill. Air can move objects. It is invisible, transparent. All empty objects are actually filled with air. The air does not have its own smell, absolutely clean air does not smell of anything. The smell is given to it by the substances surrounding it. Air constantly presses on objects Air is light.

The soil contains nutrients for plants. It is dry, soft, loose. There is air in the soil, the soil is plastic.

Speech development

Writing environmental stories.

Writing descriptive stories.

Inventing a fairy tale "The journey of a frog (titmouse, worm, ...)"

Didactic game "Who is more?"

Compilation of the story "Take care of nature"

Reading the fairy tale "Thumbelina" by G. Andersen and the fairy tale by N. Pavlova "The Big Miracle", S. Gorodetsky "The First Snow", Mashkovskaya's poem "Let's leave some land"

Reading encyclopedias, ", guessing and guessing riddles.

Reading educational literature (from the series "Environmental disasters")

Artistic and aesthetic development

Drawing "Journey of a droplet", "Environmental signs", "On an ice floe"

Application "Starfish" (trimming)

Modeling in the technique of plasticineography "Inhabitants of rivers and seas", "Sun"

Manual labor "Steamboat" (origami)

Construction from the builder "Bridges", "Ships", "Mills"


Ivanova A. A. Ecological observations and experiments in kindergarten, TC Sphere, 2005.

  • Manevtseva L. M. The world of nature and the child. St. Petersburg: Detstvo-press, 2003.
  • Potapova T.V. Kindergarten - the standard of ecological culture. M: TsS VOOP, 2000.
  • Golitsyn M. Treasures of the Earth. I know the world
  • Pleshakov A. A. From earth to sky
  • Ivanova A. I. Ecological observations and experiments in kindergarten
  • Nikolaeva S. N. Education of ecological culture in preschool childhood. M: Enlightenment, 2005.

Analytical reference

The diagnostic examination of children was carried out on the basis of the methodology of S.N. Nikolaeva "Young Ecologist" in the form of a conversation, creating a game and problem situation.

To identify the level of knowledge about nature and its components, after creating a game and problem situation, questions were drawn up:

  • How do you understand: what is nature?
  • What components does it consist of?
  • What is light?
  • What is water and what properties does it have?
  • What is air, what is it?
  • What is soil?
  • What is man doing to protect nature?

Diagnostics was carried out with all children in an individual form. All children were placed in equivalent conditions, and diagnostic tasks were given on the same verbal and visual material. Children of the preparatory group showed a positive trend in knowledge.

NDO "Our region is a natural pantry"

Target: formation of ideas about the flora and fauna of the native land, improve environmental knowledge.


Introduce children to the ecological pyramid

To convince children of the usefulness of all types of animals and plants, their interdependence from each other.

To generalize children's knowledge about the surrounding world of their native land;

To consolidate the ability to distinguish trees by their foliage, the ability to classify into groups.

To develop in children the ability to think logically, differentiated perception, the ability to compare

To cultivate a responsible and careful attitude to natural resources, feelings of patriotism.

Material: material for games: "What tree is the leaf from?" "Groups", ecological pyramid, sound recording of birds singing.

"Our planet Earth

Very generous and rich

Mountains, forests, steppes, fields

Our dear home, guys!"

Guys, tell me, what country do we live in? (We live in Russia)

What is the name of the city where we live? (city of Egorievsk)

Guys, we live in a very beautiful place, the nature of our region is beautiful and diverse, Our region is a natural pantry.

One remarkable writer and great lover of the environment M. Prishvin wrote: "We are the masters of our nature, and it is for us a pantry with the great treasures of life."

Guys, what do you think, what treasures did M. Prishvin talk about? (children's reasoning)

That's right, these are plants, animals, birds that live next to us on our land. There are a lot of them and they are all different. I invite you to collect the treasures of our region in this amazing pyramid. Do you agree? (Yes)

Listen to the riddle: “In the spring it is fun, in the summer it is cold,

Nourishes in autumn, warms in winter

(silent music playing)

Well, we ended up in the forest with you, look how beautiful it is!

What do we see in the forest? (Trees)

How can you recognize trees? (along the bark, along the branches, along the leaves)

We observed trees at different times of the year, how attentive were you during the observations, the game "What do I know about trees?" will show.

*Which tree does not change color? (fur tree, pine tree)

* The fruit of what tree is called an acorn? (oak)

What tree turns yellow in autumn? (Birch)

*Which tree leaves can "tremble"? (aspen)

* From the fruits of which tree can scarlet beads be made? (Rowan)

Guys, let's take a break and play a game "What tree is the leaf from?" I have twigs with leaves of trees from a mixed forest on my vases, and on the board you see images of these trees. Now each of you will come up to me and take one leaf, then take this leaf to the tree on which it grows. (The teacher controls how the children complete the task).

Well done, tell the guys, what benefits do trees bring? (children's answers)

Here is the first treasure that we will insert into our pyramid - these are trees.

At first glance, the forest seems deserted, only trees. In fact, if you look closely, you will understand that it is full of life and looks like a huge house inhabited by many tenants. They chirp, chirp, whistle, squeak, growl. Who can we meet in the forest?

What animals can we meet in the forest?

How well do you know our animals, we will learn from the game called "Guess the description"

* Small, cowardly, long-eared .... (hare)

What color is a hare's coat in winter? Why? (white to be invisible in the snow)

* Red, cunning, long-tailed .... (fox)

* Small, gray, prickly, nimble ... (hedgehog)

* Huge, long-legged, horned ... (moose)

* Small, red-haired, jumpy ... (squirrel)

* Gray, angry, hungry ... (wolf)

What birds did you hear?

Do all birds stay in the forest for the winter? (no, some fly south)

What are the names of the birds that spend the winter in warm regions? (migratory)

Why are they flying away? (migratory birds feed on insects, and in autumn the insects disappear)

What migratory birds do you know?

What are the names of the birds that stay with us for the winter? (wintering)

What do winter birds eat? (rowan berries, grains, seeds and bread crumbs that people give)

How should winter birds be taken care of? (make feeders, do not forget to add food to the feeders)

What winter birds do you know?

And now, I propose to play "Split into groups"

We divide into 2 teams, on the table there are images of birds, animal insects, you need to distribute them correctly into groups: insects, birds, animals.

Here is the second treasure for our pyramid - these are animals, birds, insects, we will protect them and help them.

Guys, in order to preserve nature, birds and animals, it is necessary to treat them with care, let's remember the rules of behavior in the forest. (all together we repeat the rules of behavior in the forest: do not destroy anthills, do not litter, do not make fires, do not destroy nests, do not trample flowers and berries, do not scare birds and animals)

And we will now continue to fill the pyramid with treasures. What do you think without which all living things cannot exist?

Nature itself takes care of its "children" - animals and plants and gives them light, heat, water. And what gives us heat, light? (The sun)

Yes, the sun is the basis of life. (Places the sun at the base of the pyramid.) What else is necessary for the growth and life of plants and animals? (water, soil, air)

Yes, we need air, soil and water.

And we made a pyramid of life, a multi-storey huge house, in which all the floors were inhabited in turn. And no one can be evicted from this house.

Shall we check it out? We remove the sun (or soil, trees, insects, birds) - we destroy the pyramid. We won't do disasters. In nature, everything is interconnected, one cannot live without the other. And you think and tell me what will happen if you remove the birds?

(A lot of insects will breed that will eat the plants.)

And if you remove the insects? (There will be no one to pollinate the plants)

What if we remove the plants? (The bare earth will remain, which will also die without plants.)

Do we want it?

So let's never destroy anything in it, because one cannot exist without the other in nature. And we will always try to protect and protect everything that is created by nature.

"This truth is known from generation,

And I never melt it:

Who does not love native nature,

He does not love his country.

We understand better now year after year,

That one must be friends with nature,

After all, without us, nature would live,

We can't live without her!"

M. Romanova

GCD "The sun and its rays"

Target: contribute to the formation of children's ideas about the Sun and light.


To form an idea of ​​the sun as a hot spherical celestial body, which is a source of heat and light for all life on Earth.

Remind children about the structure of our solar system; talk about the sun.

Show children that the existence of life on the planet has its own reasons.

Contribute to the independent search for knowledge of interest to children, through experimental activities and cognitive literature.

To instill in children an interest in learning new, unknown to them.

Material: map of the solar system; containers with water, sand, pebbles; encyclopedias; model of the solar system, a table lamp, a sheet of black paper with a hole of 3-5 mm in diameter, a matryoshka doll, plasticine, planks, stacks, napkins, cardboard, a mirror.

preliminary work: reading encyclopedias; viewing illustrations; poetry reading; didactic game "Earth and the solar system".

Guys, today I want to tell you a story.

“This story happened in one distant and beautiful country. A long time ago, in ancient times, on the very edge of the earth, there was one most ordinary Kingdom - with an ordinary king and ordinary people. The only thing that distinguished this Kingdom from others was that the Sun always shone in it, and the weather was amazing. The forests emitted the scents of flowers and herbs, the streams gave cool water to the people, the birds sang amazing songs, and the animals were kind and peaceful. And all people rejoiced in life, loved each other and their sun. They took care of their Kingdom. They were kind and hardworking and always took care of each other. If someone felt sad, then there were always friends nearby who were ready to console. But once there was a trouble.

An evil sorceress has set foot on the land of the Kingdom! She lived in the realm of darkness. The evil witch hated the Sun. She convinced people that life without the Sun is much better, and no one could argue with her, because people did not know what it means to live without the Sun. In an instant, everything went dark, and each inhabitant lit a flashlight. It wasn't long before their lights went out completely, and the Kingdom was plunged into total darkness. Plants withered away without sunlight, and streams became so dirty with garbage that it became simply impossible to drink water from them. People began to be afraid to leave the house, because you can get into a ditch, or into a huge ditch in total darkness!

People became angry, darkness reigned all around! Once a Traveler appeared in the city, he had a magic flashlight, and a ray of sunshine shone from it! He had the REAL sunshine. He directed his flashlight with a sunbeam at the sorceress and the darkness instantly melted into the air, as if it had never existed.

Children with a teacher approach the model of the solar system /.


Guys, where is the sun here?

Why is the sun in the center? - What can you tell about the Sun?

What is its size? By color?

Do you think it's warm or cold there?

Do you think there is life there?

The sun is a huge fireball. The temperature on the surface of the Sun is 20 million degrees.

It seems to us that the Sun is a small circle. This is because it is located at a very large distance from the Earth. In fact, the Sun is huge. It is 109 times larger than the Earth. If you could put the Sun next to the Earth, it would look like a big soccer ball next to a pea.

From the Earth to the Sun 150 million km. Therefore, the sun's rays do not burn, but only warm and illuminate our planet.

Experience "The Sun and Life on Earth".

Purpose: to reveal the influence of sunlight on life on earth.


  • Two water containers
  • Two containers with earth
  • Two pebbles
  • Desk lamp

Move: Offer to remember what children feel when their face is turned to the Sun (warm, pleasant, cheeks warm, etc.)

Invite children to find out how sunlight affects all living things. To do this, children put one container of water, one container of earth and one pebble under the light of a lamp, and the remaining materials in the shade (you can close it with a dense material, or a box).

  1. In the "sun" the earth, water and stone warmed up, became warm, unlike materials in the shade.
  2. The sun is the source of light and heat on earth.

Plants, animals and people live only because the sun gives them life.

The sun - the luminary bubbles like a volcano,

Bubbling like a boiling cauldron, incessantly,

Prominences take off like a fountain,

Life and warmth give to all tirelessly.

The sun is a star, an enormous ball

The light radiates like a fire.

(J. Paramonova)

The sun emits light and heat like a light bulb. And the ray, the son of the sun, told us about this.

Experience "Light Beam"

Purpose: to understand that light is a stream of light rays, to introduce how you can see a ray of light.


  • desk lamp,
  • a sheet of black paper with a hole of 3-5 mm in diameter
  • mirror

Progress: Turn off the light, turn on the lamp. What appeared on the wall? (light circle) Why? Rays of light began to emanate from the lamp, the hole is round as the rays of light form a circle. The lamp is covered with black paper. What happened? (the beam of light has become thinner) A mirror is placed in the path of the light beam, the beam went in a different direction. (he bounces off the mirror)

Conclusion: light is a stream of light rays, it can be reflected from objects.

Game "Sunny Bunnies"

Experience "Scout"

Purpose: to understand that it is possible to reflect light repeatedly.


  • mirrors
  • matryoshka

Move: It is proposed to "deliver" sunlight to the matryoshka.

Conclusion: it is possible to reflect light many times, i.e. see it where it shouldn't be seen.

And now I suggest you blind yourself to the sun.

children's work. Outcome.

We have worked fruitfully, what did you learn new today? What did you like more?

GCD "Invisible"

Target: contribute to the formation of children's ideas about the air.

Program tasks:

Systematize and clarify children's ideas about the properties of air.

To expand children's ideas about the importance of air in human life.

Learn to work in a team and individually during experiments.

Develop cognitive interest in the process of experimentation.

Develop the ability to draw conclusions and reasoning.

To develop in children the ability to find a connection between inanimate nature and wildlife and the objective world.

Develop thinking, imagination, curiosity, observation.

Raise interest in the knowledge of nature through the elements of air.

To form an emotional positive attitude towards the world and nature.

Material: paper steamers, sheets of paper, a plastic bottle and a basin of water, tangerine, soap bubbles, balloons.

preliminary work: manual labor "Steamboat", "Fan", reading fiction and guessing riddles about the air.


Guys, listen carefully to the riddle about one of the factors of inanimate nature:

We need it to breathe

To inflate the balloon

With us every hour

But he is invisible to us!

What's this? (air)

That's right, it's air. What is air for? (to breathe)

Yes, we are so used to it that we don't even notice it. Well, let's take a deep breath first, and then exhale.

What did we inhale? (air)

Now try not to breathe. Take a deep breath and hold your breath.

What did you feel when you weren't breathing? Did you feel comfortable? (Badly)

What conclusion can be drawn?

Air is necessary for breathing, a person cannot live without air.

Who else breathes air? (birds, animals, plants).

What would happen if air disappeared from the earth? (there would be no life on earth)

That's right, then the planet Earth would become a lifeless celestial body.

Guys, where and how do people use air? (air helps a person: fly airplanes, launch balloons, move sailing ships, turn the wheels of a mill).

Today in the lesson we will try to answer the questions: "Is there air, where and how to detect it." And for this I suggest you become scientists and invite you to our experimental laboratory.

Experiment #1 "Feel the air."

Is there air around us? (Answers of children).

It's very easy to find out. Take a paper fan and wave it around your face.

What do you feel? (Children's answers).

Experiment #2 "Paper Races"

Air can move objects. Take the paper steamer. And with the help of a stream of air (as you exhale), move the steamer.

The game "Who is faster."

Guys, what did you see? (Answers of children).

Inflate the balloon and release it. What happened? (air escaping from the balloon causes it to move in the opposite direction)

Experiment #3 "Is there air?"

And now another focus. What's in my hand? (Glass).

Children, what's in the glass? (There is nothing).

I turn the glass over and slowly lower it into a basin of water. The glass does not fill with water.

What keeps water out of the glass? (Air)

The teacher shows the children an empty plastic bottle.

Guys, do you think this bottle is empty? Look closely, is there anything in it?

And now we will check it. Take a bottle and a basin of water. Dip the bottle into a basin of water so that it begins to fill. What do you see? (Answers of children).

Yes, bubbles come out of the neck. It is the water that displaces the air from the bottle.

Why did we initially think the bottle was empty? (Air is invisible, it's transparent)

That is why air is called invisible. And all empty objects are actually filled with air.

Experiment #4 "Does the air smell?"

Let's continue research.

Guys, what do you think the air smells like? Smell. (Not).

If the air is clean, then it has no smell. But he's good at picking up other people's scents. I'll take a tangerine and peel it. What did you feel? (smell of mandarin).

Consequently, the air does not have its own smell, absolutely clean air does not smell of anything. The smell is given to it by the substances surrounding it.

Experiment #5 "Air pressure".

Guys, the air is constantly pressing on objects. We are accustomed to air pressure and do not notice it. We will now verify this by conducting the experiment “What is faster?”.

Children conduct an experiment: they take two sheets of paper and simultaneously release them from their hands: one horizontally, the other vertically.

Air presses on a horizontal sheet from below, and a sheet of paper falls slowly, while a vertical sheet falls edgewise, there is less air under it, and it falls faster.

Guys, we conducted a series of experiments, and found out: what properties air has and how it can be detected.

Now let's summarize our research.

Air does not have

 smell;

 it is everywhere;

 And the main purpose of air is that we breathe it.

  1. The game "Soap Bubbles".

And in the end, I suggest playing with soap bubbles.

Take an ordinary glass of water,

We will blow bubbles out of soap suds.

He, inflated with air, floats through the air,

But even one minute in the world does not live.

A soap bubble is a thin film of soap foam with air inside. The air is light, so the bubbles "fly".

Kids are playing.

Great, guys, they blew a lot of bubbles.

Air is everywhere

In your city, home,

In the forest, in the mountains, in the caves,

Over the seas

And ... the continents

So you can live anywhere.

We have worked fruitfully, what did you learn new today? What did you like more?

GCD "Vodichka-sister"

Target: contribute to the formation of children's ideas about water.

Program tasks:

Generalize, clarify and expand children's knowledge about water, its properties, role in human life and living organisms,

Contribute to the accumulation of specific ideas about the properties of water,

Develop cognitive interest in the process of experimenting with water,

Develop speech, thinking, curiosity, the ability to admire the beauty of water bodies,

Develop an environmental culture

Raise respect for water as the main natural resource.

Materials: a cube and a ball, molds, a glass of water, a glass of milk, a picture, brushes, paint, sugar, salt, flour, sunflower oil, herbal infusion and mint drops, a funnel, napkins, cotton wool and water containers.

Preliminary work: observation, drawing, reading stories, talking about water

Children freely sit around the table for experiments and research. Sounds like

recording of a babbling brook. The teacher reads the poem:

Have you heard of water?

They say it's everywhere!

In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean

And at the faucet

Like an icicle, it freezes

Creeps into the forest with mist,

Boiling on the stove

The steam of the kettle hisses.

We can't wash without her

Don't eat, don't drink!

I dare to tell you:

We cannot live without her.

N. Ryzhova

Educator: If you quickly spin the globe, what color will our planet be? Why? Blue paint depicts water on the globe - all the seas, oceans. Guys, what is water for, who needs water? (children's answers). Do you want to know more about water? (children's answers). Then go to this table, where we are waiting for various items for the study of water.

Experiments with water.

What shape is the water?

There is a cube and a ball on the table. The teacher asks

what shape these objects are (answers of children). Does water have a shape? For this

Take a narrow jar and fill it with water. Let's pour this water into a wide

jar. The form that water takes is constantly changing.

Conclusion: water has no form and takes the form of the vessel in which it is located. Water is a liquid. Remember the puddles after the rain. On the pavement they spread, in the pits

collected, and they are absorbed into the ground, they are not visible, only the ground is wet. So

water has no shape.

(The teacher shows the children an algorithm that symbolizes that water has no form, and hangs it on a magnetic board.)

What color is the water?

Take two glasses - one with water and the other with milk. Take a picture and put it behind a glass of water. Can we see the picture? (children's answers) Now let's put a picture behind a glass of milk. What have we discovered? Conclusion: the pattern is visible through water, but not through milk. This means water is a clear liquid.

Clear water can be made opaque. To do this, wet the brush and dip it into the paint. We add paint little by little, observing how the transparency of the water changes. We look through it at the picture. The picture is not visible.

And so, we conclude that water is a transparent liquid (using an algorithm that symbolizes this property of water. And we post it on the board).

Water is a solvent.

Does water have a taste? Children taste the water and express their opinion. Then invite one child to stir sugar in water, the other - salt. After the substances have dissolved, offer to taste the water again. What changed? The water has a taste. The water became sweet and salty.

Conclusion: water has no taste.

What happened to the substances we put in the water? (children's answers) And now let's try to dissolve flour and sunflower oil in water. Two children complete this task. What do we see? (children's answers) The flour did not dissolve completely, and the sediment sank to the bottom of the glass. Also, the oil does not dissolve, it floats on the surface.

Conclusion: not all substances can dissolve in water.

Fizkultminutka. "The droplets go around"

Invite the children to determine if the water has a smell. (children's answers)

Then offer to stir herbal infusion and mint drops in water. And again

offer to smell the water. The water has an odor. Dissolving in water

various substances that change near water: color, taste, smell. (We use again

algorithms symbolizing that water has no taste and smell, hanging them on

Water filtration.

Guys, let's remember the fairy tale "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka." What happened to Ivanushka? (Answers of children). Why couldn't you drink this water? That's right, because it's dirty. But there is such a situation that there is no clean water nearby, but it is vitally important to take a sip of at least a sip of water. There are different ways to purify water. With the simplest ways that you can come in handy in life, we will now get acquainted. To do this, take: a funnel, napkins, cotton wool and water containers. (Together with the children we figure out how to make cleaning devices - filters.) And so, if Alyonushka and Ivanushka knew that water could be purified by passing it through a scarf, then trouble could have been avoided.

Water is our friend and helper, but it can be fraught with many dangers. What?

Rules of conduct on the water:

you can't dive from bridges,

you can't jump from the shore

can't swim far

you can not play on the water without adults,

no boats to swim

small children should not go to the ponds.

Did you enjoy being scientists and doing experiments? Today we finish work in our laboratory. We have worked fruitfully, what did you learn new today? What did you like more?

These are not recent experiences. We will do experiments and experiments more than once.

GCD "The soil is the living earth"

Target: contribute to the formation of children's ideas about the soil.

Program tasks

Continue to acquaint children with the underground habitat, with the main environmental factors acting on the soil (humidity, wind, temperature, living organisms)

Enrich children's ideas with knowledge about the characteristics of the soil (water permeability, fertility, friability, softness, hardness, plasticity).

Develop a desire for experimentation and interest in the results of the experiment.

Cultivate a desire to work with the soil

materials a letter from the Underground King, a box of earth, yogurt cups, napkins, magnifiers, trays of soil samples, cups of water, for playing: two earthworm masks

preliminary work: read G. Andersen's fairy tale "Thumbelina" and N. Pavlova's fairy tale "The Big Miracle", show illustrations depicting the soil, consider the layout of the soil, consider the soil in pots in the process of labor. read Mashkovskaya's poem "Let's leave some land"

A postman comes to the group and brings a parcel (a box with earth) and a letter.

Educator: Oh, guys, look what the postman brought us. What a big package, let's open it? What are these guys?

Children: Soil

Educator: Do you know who and why sent us this soil? Let's read the letter. "Dear guys! I hope you liked my gift. This is a magical land. Why is this land magical? Because it's not just land, it's soil. It feeds plants, and they give it their dry leaves and branches. There are a lot of inhabitants in the soil: earthworms, moles, bugs, spiders. This is a whole underground kingdom that you do not see. Do you want to get acquainted with it? Then call me loudly: "Underground king, come to us - see you in your kingdom" See you! Underground king.

(Children call the Underground King and he appears)

Underground King: Hello guys! How glad I am to see you! I want to tell you about my underground kingdom. Oh, how light you have, it’s so good underground, it’s dark, damp, cool. I love my house, and I will tell you about it. And for this you need to go to my underworld (children sit at the tables).

Guys, what do you see on the trays?

Children: earth

Underground King: To get to know her better, there are gifts for you. Look what is it?

Children: Loupe

Educator: That's right, it's a magnifying glass. Why do we need a magnifying glass?

Children: In order to examine the soil

Educator: Well done! Look at the soil, what color is it?

Children:Dark, black

Educator: There are nutrients for plants in the soil, this is fertile land (chernozem, plants are very fond of chernozem. Take a magnifying glass in your hands and carefully examine the soil. What do you see in it?

Children: Sticks, dry leaves, pebbles

Educator: Let's touch the soil with our hands, what does it feel like?

Children: Dry, soft, loose (wipe hands with a napkin)

Educator: And what do we breathe?

Children: By air

Educator: Do you know that there is also air underground? Let's check if this is true?

Experience "There is air in the soil."

Educator: Everyone has a glass of water on the table, take a lump of earth from the tray and lower it into a glass. What do you see?

Children: Air bubbles

Teacher: What does this mean?

Children: There is air in the soil

Educator: Yes, indeed, the water displaced all the air from the soil, and small bubbles appeared. So we checked that there is air in the soil. Guys, do you water the plants?

Educator: And what will happen to water if you pour it on the soil?

Children: soak into the soil

Teacher: Let's check it out. Come to me. Here I will pour water into this glass with soil. What do you see?

Children: Water has been absorbed, air bubbles are visible on the surface.

Educator: Yes, the water displaced the air from the soil and absorbed. This means that the soil absorbs water. Guys, did you enjoy the experience?

physical education minute

Educator: Guys, now we will have a little rest and play. But first you need to solve the riddle.

Long, slippery and straight

Digs minks underground. Who is this?

Children: Earthworm

Educator: And our game is called "Earthworm"

(choose two participants) Imagine that you are earthworms and have to crawl through an underground corridor. (indicate the start and end points between which the children will crawl) Which worm will crawl to the goal faster.

Well done boys! All worms are fast and agile.

Now let's take our seats.

Guys, do you like pies?

Educator:: Do you think it is possible to make a pie out of the ground?

Children: No

Educator: Let's do an experiment "Soil plasticity"

Pick up a wet lump of earth, squeeze it. What happened to him?

Children: He decreased, became small

Educator:: That's right, he has decreased. It can take any shape, and so the guys we learned that the soil is plastic.

Educator: well, now you guys know a lot about the underworld, and it's time for us to rush back to kindergarten. Goodbye Underground King.

Children: Goodbye.

Underground King: Goodbye

Educator: Did you guys like the lesson? What did you learn about the underworld? What experiments did you do?

GCD "The earth is our common home"

Target: contribute to the formation of children's ideas about the planet Earth


Summarize knowledge about the planet Earth;

To form ideas about the ecological safety of the Earth;

Develop children's logical thinking and imagination.

Develop the ability to draw conclusions and reasoning.

To develop in children the ability to find a connection between inanimate nature and wildlife and the objective world.

To cultivate love for nature, proper communication with it, the desire to study it.

Material: globe, illustrations, ball, drawing paper, color sets


preliminary work: looking at the globe, maps. Reading cognitive literature (from the series "Environmental disasters"). Look at pictures and talk to children.

(A globe is brought into the group.)

What an amazing planet - Earth! Seas and oceans splash on its surface, rivers and streams flow, wide plains spread, green forests rustle, high mountains rise. The earth is a huge ball. It rotates around its own axis and at the same time around the Sun - the star closest to us.

What shape does the earth have?

What living beings inhabit the earth?

What is necessary for all living beings on Earth? (Heat, the light of the Sun,

air and water.)

What does a person need on Earth? (Fresh air, clean water, fertile soil, plants and animals.)

Why is the Earth called a common home?

Who pollutes our planet and how?

There are a lot of "sick" places on our planet. This happened because people built many plants, factories, electric and nuclear power stations. These enterprises pollute the air - it is polluted by smoke that goes into the sky from pipes, gases from cars. Waste from factories is dumped into rivers and seas. Many plants and animals die from this, people get sick. Nature is dying. Our planet needs help.

To help her, you need to learn to love nature, to love it from childhood. Learn to

understand how all living beings live: birds, bugs, animals. This

engaged in people who are called ecologists.


The game "Catch the ball - name the word."

Children become in a circle. To whom the leader throws the ball, he must name one

from the wealth of the earth.

Game "How can we help our planet?".

Task: come up with environmental signs and draw them.

Children's work.

Viewing and discussion of drawings, summarizing.

Irina Khabalova
Ecological project "Earth is our common home!" for preschoolers

Municipal Autonomous preschool educational

institution kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 12 "Birch"

Environmental project

On the topic of: « Earth is our common home

for older children

Prepared by a speech pathologist

Khabalova Irina Stanislavovna

Domodedovo, 2015


1. Relevance of the topic project

Trouble in our time ecological education came to the fore, and they are paying more and more attention. The reason is in human activity in nature, often illiterate, wrong with environmental point of view, wasteful, leading to violation ecological balance.

Preschool age is the most important stage in development ecological culture of man. During this period, the foundations of the personality are laid, including a positive attitude towards nature, the world around.

Kindergarten is the first link in the system of continuous environmental education, therefore, it is not by chance that teachers face the task of forming preschoolers bases of culture of rational use of natural resources. Under environmental education for preschoolers understand the continuous process of learning, education and development of the individual, aimed at the formation of a system of scientific and practical knowledge, as well as value orientations for a responsible attitude towards nature.

The process is complex and lengthy, therefore, the goal ecological education should be the formation of a new type of person with a new environmental thinking able to realize the consequences of their actions in relation to the environment and able to live in relative harmony with nature

New system requirements preschool education dictate new conditions for the organization of the pedagogical process in preschool educational institutions, including organizations ecological upbringing and education.

1.1. Goal and tasks project

Target project: formation in children of the beginning ecological culture, a consciously correct attitude to nature in all its diversity, to people who protect it, an attitude towards oneself as part of nature, an understanding of the value of life and health and their dependence on the environment.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve a number of interrelated tasks in the field of training, education and development child:

Formation of a system of elementary scientific environmental knowledge accessible to the understanding of the child preschooler(primarily as a means of establishing a consciously correct attitude to nature);

Development of cognitive interest in the natural world;

Formation of initial skills and abilities environmentally competent and safe behavior for nature and for the child himself;

Education of a humane, emotionally positive, careful, caring attitude towards the natural world and the world around us as a whole; developing a sense of empathy for objects of nature;

Formation of skills and abilities of observation of natural objects and phenomena;

Formation of the initial system of value orientations (perception of oneself as part of nature, the relationship between man and nature, intrinsic value and diversity of meanings)

Mastering the elementary norms of behavior in relation to nature, the formation of skills for rational use of natural resources in everyday life;

Formation of the ability and desire to preserve nature and, if necessary, provide assistance to it (care for living objects, as well as the skills of elementary environmental activities in the immediate environment;

Formation of elementary skills to foresee the consequences of some of their actions in relation to the environment.

Ensuring continuity ecological education in system: DOW - family.

Thus, tasks ecological education in a preschool educational institution is the task of creating and implementing an educational model in which the basics are instilled ecological culture in children preparing to enter school.

Implementation timeline project: four weeks.

Members, partners project: employees of the preschool educational institution, children from 5 to 6 years old and their parents.

Means of implementation project

Ecological The situation in Russia is rather complicated. At the legislative level, there are laws and requirements that help us implement ecological education of the next generation. To them relate:

Convention on the Rights of the Child;

Convention preschool education;

Law "On education" RF and MO;

Federal state requirements for the structure of the main general education program preschool education;

The presence of variable preschool programs adapted to the Federal State Educational Standard;

Model provision on the preschool educational institution;

But along with favorable factors, there are factors that make implementation difficult. To them relate:

Complexities of the transitional period in the education system at the present stage;

Consumer attitude of people to natural resources and deterioration ecology;

Many families do not have the conditions to ensure environmental education of children.

For implementation environmental education of older preschoolers different software and methodological support is used DOW:

Program "Birth to School" ed. N. E. Veraksy, 2012

Nikolaeva S. N. "Young ecologist» ,2005

Ryzhova N. A. "Our home is nature", 1996

Solomennikova O. A. ecological upbringing in childhood garden: program and guidelines, 2008

Methodological support:

Educational literature, subscription and periodicals.

Summaries of classes and entertainment, collections ecological fairy tales.

Educational video.

Books from environmental content.

The material and technical base of the preschool educational institution fully meets modern requirements. These are corners of nature in groups, a garden on the site and on the window, visual and demonstration material: presentations, nature calendars, illustrations, photographs, paintings, slides (birds, plants, animals, seasons, etc.).

Forms of work on implementation project

Observations and ecological excursions on the ecological path;

Watching videos, presentations;

Reading stories about nature;

- “Lessons of respect for nature”;

Quiz "Do you know nature?";

- productive activity: creating a poster, release ecological wall newspaper;

Laboratory (experiments and experiments);

- environmental, mobile, didactic games.

- ecological- educational entertainment.

Also held environmental actions, involving the participation of all participants in the educational process:

- "Help Flowers";

- "Let's make the area cleaner!".

We assumed by the end project get the following results:

Creation on the territory of a preschool educational institution environmentally friendly environment;

Level up environmental knowledge and the level of environmental the culture of pupils;

Formation of pupils' sustainable interest in creative, search and research activities;

Formation in children of skills of independent creative thinking;

Improving the level of knowledge, ecological competence of parents on the topic project.

Carried out during project work on environmental raising children 5 - 6 years old led to the following results:

Children became more interested in the surrounding nature, the world of plants and animals;

Children have formed initial ideas about themselves (man is a part of nature and obeys its laws, about the inherent value of nature, a positive attitude towards it,

Children develop their first skills environmentally competent and safe behavior in nature, the desire to treat it with care.

When organizing the educational process for environmental education project the unity of purpose and continuity of all participants was ensured project and allowed, in your queue:

Teachers to improve their professional skills in environmental education of preschoolers;

Parents to understand the importance of developing children's first skills environmentally competent and safe behavior in nature and at home.

Thus, the implementation work project contributed to the development of children's ideas about a responsible attitude to their health and the state of the environment, the beginning of the formation ecological culture, which manifests itself in an emotionally positive attitude towards nature, the world around.


1. Program "Birth to School" ed. N. E. Veraksy, 2012

3. Gorbatenko O. F. System environmental education in the preschool educational institution. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008

4. Law "On education" RF and MO;

5. Zenina T. N. Observations preschoolers for plants and animals. Tutorial. - M., Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2010.

7. Comprehensive classes on Ecology for older preschoolers / Ed.. S. N. Nikolaeva. -M, 2005

9. Convention on the Rights of the Child;

10. Convention preschool education;

11. Our home is nature. // preschool education. – 1994. – №7.

12. Nikolaeva S. N., Acquaintance preschoolers with inanimate nature. Moscow: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2003.

13. Nikolaeva S. N. Program environmental education of preschoolers. M., 1995.

14. Nikolaeva S. N. Yuny ecologist. The system of working with children in kindergarten, M., MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2010.

17. Solomennikova O. A. ecological education in kindergarten. - M: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2008

18. V. A. Shishkina and M. N. Dedulevich "Walks in nature", - Moscow "Education" 2002.

20. Internet resources.


1. A. Batuev "Wonderful world", - M., Children's literature, 1990

2. Take care of the living. Part 2. In the forest, in the meadow - M., Spring-Design 2006

3. V. Bianchi "Forest Scouts", - M., Publishing house "RIPOL classic", 2011

4. V. Bianchi "Russian fairy tales about nature"»,

5. A. A. Vakhrushev and E. E. Kochemasova, Hello World! The world. Part 1 - 2, - M., publishing house: Balass, 2006

6. Egupova V. A. I study the world around. For children 5-6 years old. Part 1, 2, - M., Lomonosov school, 2009

7. Ivanov A. A. "Around the World with Homa and the Gopher"

8. D. V Panfilov, "In the World of Insects", - M., Timber industry,

9. M. Prishvin "Fox Bread"