
What to take with you to Greece: useful tips. What things and medicines to take with you to Greece What you need to take to Greece


that you can not pass by souvenir merchants. However, the necessary minimum of what you should take with you to Greece still exists. We decided to devote one of the last posts of the outgoing year to this topic.

Clothing and footwear

Clothes and shoes for holidays in Greece should be chosen depending on the purpose of the trip. Are you going to the beach? Check if you have put sunscreen and glasses, sunblock, one or two panamas or hats. Covering your head, using creams and wearing glasses will not hurt. And even if you only have excursions planned, the Greek summer sun spares no one.

Have you decided to show a master class in swimming in one of the Greek seas? Do not forget that you will need beach slippers not only for walking on sand or pebbles, but also when entering the water in many places: you can’t scare sea urchins and jellyfish with bare heels (although there are fewer of them here than, say, in the same Croatia ). That, what to take with you to Greece worth at least for reasons of saving time - one or two bathing suits, a large and a few small towels. However, all this can be bought on the spot. Thankfully, it's inexpensive.

Beach slippers may be needed not only for walking on sand or pebbles, but also when entering the water

It is better to leave high-heeled shoes at home, especially if excursions and hikes are planned - shoes should be comfortable. For everyday wear and visits to tourist areas from what what to take with you to Greece optional (almost everything can be bought locally), – light summer clothing: Hawaiian shirts, T-shirts, shorts, dresses, blouses, skirts, etc. If you plan to go out in the evening, then women may have to take a beautiful dress and sandals, men - a light suit and closed shoes. Some luxury hotels in Greece have a dress code for appearing in a restaurant, but this point is best checked with your travel agency.

If you are going to Greece in the summer, then you don’t have to bother with rain protection: precipitation in Hellas in summer is a rarity. But the Greek winter should not be underestimated. Although there is a saying “There is no snow in Athens”, winter in Greece can bring surprises. And although in the south of Athens the minus temperature is the exception rather than the rule, it can still be very damp and dank. Full-fledged ski resorts operate in the Greek mountains in winter, and therefore those who want to “taste the ski tracks” should equip themselves accordingly.

Personal hygiene items

Greek hotel rooms almost always have shampoos and soaps, so there is no need to waste precious luggage space on them. Understandable, except when you have some special preferences. But even if your hotel is greedy, which, however, is extremely rare, then it is inexpensive on the spot and is available in abundance in any supermarket, or even just a souvenir shop. But take with you to Greece toothpaste is worth it - as a rule, guests are not supplied with it.

Greek hotel rooms almost always have shampoos and soaps, so there is no need to waste precious luggage space on them.

From that what is it worth take with you to Greece, we should also mention softening shampoo and hair balm. This is due to hard water in Greece. If you are planning boat trips and evening walks along the coast, then moisturizing creams and hygienic lipstick may be useful: the wind can be quite strong.

Greece is famous for producing affordable and quality olive oil-based face and body care products, and if possible, you can buy everything you need in any specialty (and not so) store.

Greece is famous for the production of cosmetics based on olive oil, which, if desired, can be purchased at any store.


Hairdryers in hotel rooms from 3 * and above are almost always available. But if you are a coffee lover, then the boiler may be useful. Before the trip, check the operability of photo and video equipment, laptop, phone and purchase, if necessary, additional cards or disks for cameras - there will be no shortage of nature for filming. Sockets in Greece the same as ours, so there should not be any problems with recharging.

first aid kit

From that what to take with you to Greece definitely worth it medicines come first. Put everything you think you might need on your trip into your first aid kit. First of all, these should be remedies for intestinal disorders and headaches, antihistamines and antipyretics, antiseptics, bandages, plaster and iodine. In local pharmacies, medicines are not cheap, and it can be difficult to explain to the pharmacist the essence of the problem that has arisen.

In Greece, you may need softening shampoo and hair balm, as well as moisturizers and hygienic lipstick

Due to the intense heat in summer, problems with the heart and / or pressure cannot be ruled out, even in completely healthy people. However, barbiturates, which are prohibited from importation, should not be included in the composition of cardiac drugs, unless their need is confirmed by a prescription and a certificate from a doctor. If you have any chronic diseases, check if these funds are allowed to be imported into Greece at the stage of booking a tour and insurance, in order to avoid the experience of unpleasant communication with the police and customs.

Tickets, vouchers, documents

Make sure that all your documents are valid for at least 3 more months after the planned end date of the trip. Don't bring identifications and certificates that you won't need, but don't forget, for example, what to take with you to greece diving certificate– means, without problems to get access to deep-sea diving.

By the way, during the peak season it often makes sense to order a car in advance. Otherwise, you may encounter a lack of cars due to the influx of tourists. On the most popular Greek island of Crete, you can order a car online.

When planning a trip to Greece, you should not take too many things so as not to overpay for luggage and porters

If you plan to visit the Greek islands as part of your trip, then you should also take care of ferry tickets in advance. I don’t want to scare that they are tense, but once in a while it’s not necessary. This largely depends on the season and time of the trip, the types of ships serving the route, as well as the demand for individual destinations. In any case, the soul is much calmer when you know that your ticket is already booked. Find out ferry timetables in Greece and book your ticket online. A detailed instruction on how to use the service is also described in part 2


How much money to take with you on a trip to Greece depends on your habits, needs and expectations from the trip. I remember that in 2012 Grekoblog already devoted a separate and detailed article to this topic – How much money to take with you to Greece. I do not think that in the season of 2013 or 2014 something will change radically, so when assessing future costs, it is quite possible to focus on the option at the link.

They always delight with the bright sun, warm sea, nature and their openness. Before a trip, the question often arises of collecting things, namely, what to take with you to Greece? In this short essay, we will talk about the intricacies of collecting things for a vacation in Greece, of course, this is not an article about prices for resorts, but not the least important, in any case, note to travelers.


As usual for documents, the best solution would be to prepare a separate folder, bag item, and so on. Documents are an important part of any trip and it’s better not to let them be scattered all over your suitcases. A small folder or the same file where you can put all the necessary documents and their photocopies. We advise you to check several times to see if everything was put in, otherwise it happens like this - you arrive at the airport, but you don’t have a passport, you forgot it at home. To avoid disappointment, check if everything is in place.

On the pages of our site, in similar articles, we repeat every time? Check the validity of your documents a few weeks before departure! Overdue documents always entail unnecessary running around and paperwork, which takes not only time and effort, but also nerves, and it was only worth checking your documents.

Photocopies are an important element of the trip. We all know many stories about how tourists lose their documents while traveling. There is nothing pleasant in this, but photocopies of documents will be very useful. Firstly, many documents can be left at the hotel, take a copy with you. Secondly, if the originals are lost, photocopies will play a crucial role and save you from unnecessary problems and processes, which will already fall on your head in large numbers.

If you have poor knowledge of English (by the way, not every Greek can speak English), and even less knowledge of the Greek language, we recommend installing a translator application on your smartphone. This is essential, will facilitate your stay in Greece. So an online translator is the obligatory thing to take with you to Greece.


In terms of cosmetics, we recommend stocking up on sunscreen. The sun in Greece is sultry, it can thoroughly fry your skin already from the gangway of the plane. Yes, you can buy sunscreen cosmetics at the airport, but in terms of sun creams, it is better to do it at home so that there is no risk of getting burned.

Greece is a country where cosmetics are in favor. There are a lot of natural remedies, and in fact, this country makes our suitcases lighter. When you check into a hotel, you will always find shampoo, balm, shower gel. And if they do not suit you, then in the city you can easily find a store where you can buy these cosmetics. An excellent choice would be products based on olive oil, in what, in what, and the Greeks know a lot about this product. There are a lot of cosmetics on olive oil: shampoos, conditioners, shower gels, face cream, tonic, soap, hair mask, tanning cream, massage oil and much, much, much. This would make a great souvenir as well.

It is worth remembering the usual accessories, but everything is in order with cosmetics in Greece. There are many and they are of good quality. So, our suitcase is quite capable of becoming lighter, and now we know that there is no need to collect a pile of cosmetics in Greece.


In case you have not taken out a medical insurance policy, it will not be superfluous to take an ordinary set of medicines with you. Of course, there are pharmacies in Greece and finding the same aspirin, bandages and iodine is not at all a problem there, but on the other hand they do not take up much space. It is worth noting that and cost of medicines in Greece not small, many brands are completely unknown in Russia. There are enough nuances, take the most necessary things with you.

It's interesting that insurance in greece does not apply to sunburn, and the sun here at first is completely inhospitable to the skin. Medical care is not cheap, it will not be superfluous to take a cream and a hat so that it does not bake into your head.


There is no need to talk much about summer clothes, more precisely about its beach options. The set is standard and those who travel know about it. Another thing is if you go on a walk, to a remote point of interest, or even to the mountains.

The nature of Greece is diverse, and when walking you can see that the roads in the wild are trampled rocky paths. Walking in such places is not always convenient in the same flip flops; light sneakers will not be superfluous. Take a hat with you when hiking.

Many go to the mountains, of course it is cooler there than by the sea. Warm clothes will not interfere, especially active ones, you will already need appropriate shoes. Who knows? Maybe among the readers there is one who will conquer Olympus.

Shoes and shoes with heels in Greece are not at all suitable. There are a lot of paving stones, the roads are often paved with cobblestones. Sand and the same rocky terrain, not the best option for walking on such shoes.

When visiting monasteries, it is necessary to respect the religious understanding of the believers. The body should be covered, long skirt, shoulders covered. These things can be bought in Greece itself, but if the suitcase allows, then why not.

What to bring with you to Greece

The subjects are not the most obvious, but still we will recall many. The rooms of Greek hotels rarely come across a kettle, by the way, if you like to drink tea or coffee in the room, look in the description of the room to see if a kettle comes with it. In general, such an accessory does not take up much space, it can be easily added to those things that you need to take with you to Greece.

When we travel, we take different equipment. Electronic devices, the same telephone, is generally an integral part of any person now. Of course, you still need to try to forget it, but leaving the charger for it at home is quite likely. The same applies to other equipment: laptop, camera, camcorder. It is not a fact that you will find the charger that you need in electronics stores. Let's say more, it's not a fact that at the resort where holidays in Greece Generally there is a store with chargers. By the way, you don’t need an adapter for sockets, they are everywhere the same as in Russia.

If you want to rent a car, then don't forget your international driving license. By the way, the Greeks do not drive very carefully, especially tourists complain about Cretan drivers. Dangerous sections of roads they slip with their eyes closed, which requires more attention from both drivers and pedestrians.

Of course, leave room for souvenirs that you decide to bring back from Greece. We already wrote an article - what souvenirs to bring from Greece, go through - read, you will find a lot of interesting things for yourself, maybe even advice. Therefore, do not fill the suitcase to the limit, the place will still come in handy.

We hope this article will be useful for you, and after reading it, you will once again check whether you have put everything you need. A trip to Greece is memorable, it is a beautiful country, with a somewhat similar mentality. Sunny, interesting sights, with proud people and incredible history. Holidays in Greece are a great incentive to buy a ticket there, and be sure that the Greek land will not disappoint.

What to take with you to friendly and sunny Greece? Firstly, the luggage capacity is more spacious: you can hardly resist taking a fair amount of souvenirs out of Greece, so you should reserve a place for them in your luggage.

Strong winds are frequent on the coast of Greece, so it is recommended to bring a moisturizing face cream with you, it will protect your skin from peeling. Soap, shampoos and other perfumes can be bought in Greece, here they are of excellent quality, but it is better to bring special cosmetics - sunblock / sunscreen, burn lotion - in Greece these drugs are significantly more expensive. Greece has very hard water, so it will not be out of place to purchase a softening shampoo.

Helpful Hints

Given the hot climate of Greece, you should stock up on drugs for pressure and medicines to normalize cardiac activity: during the acclimatization period, even people with impeccable health can have problems with the heart and pressure. Mediterranean cuisine is very tasty and satisfying, and if it is unusual for you, you may not have time to stop in time, so you need to have No-shpa and pancreatin in your first aid kit. In the evenings, there is a sharp temperature drop on the coast: warm winds are replaced by cold ones, so you should take long-sleeved clothes with you and, just in case, antipyretic and cold medications.

1. Antipyretic (paracetamol, nurofen)

2. Antihistamine (suprastin, zirtek)

3. Painkiller (citramon, pentalgin, etc.)

4. Cardiovascular (Corvalol, Valocordin)

5. From gastrointestinal disorders (activated charcoal, no-shpa, pancreatin)

6. Drops from the common cold (naftimizin, pinosol)

7. Ear drops (otipax)

8. Eye drops (Visin, Albucid)

9. Antiseptic (brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide)

10. Anti-burn (panthenol spray)

11. Dressing material (sterile bandage, cotton wool, adhesive plaster)

12. Motion sickness (Dramamine)

13. Sunblock (preferably two, "strong" - for the first time and "moderate")

14. After sun cream

15. Emollient baby cream

16. Large pack of wet wipes

When visiting the beach, hiking, participating in excursions, a headdress is required! Stock up on a Panama - why ruin your vacation with a sunstroke? For city and beach trips, buy sandals with thick rubber soles. City streets are paved with stone, it is inconvenient to walk on them in shoes with heels, and barefoot on a pebble beach is unpleasant. It is absolutely not recommended to go barefoot into the waters of the Aegean Sea - poisonous sea urchins are often found in shallow water.

From this country, you will want to bring a lot of souvenirs that will remind you of a carefree holiday in Hellas for a long time to come - therefore, purchase No. 1 before leaving will be a large and convenient suitcase for transportation. Give preference to models with a rigid back and wheels - this way it will be easier for you to transport your suitcase at the airport. Such a suitcase will be especially convenient for women - it will transfer all the weight from their fragile shoulders to the wheels. Do not skimp on a quality copy - a good suitcase will cost no less than 150-250 €. If you are afraid of theft at the airport, pay attention to models with a combination lock. If you take a manicure set with you, you should know: You will not be allowed on a plane to Greece until all nail files and scissors are carefully packed in polyethylene - during customs control, the integrity of this package is carefully checked.

Greece is a country of strong winds coming from the sea. Therefore, if you plan to go on sea excursions and walk along the coast in the evenings, put a moisturizer in your suitcase. It will help to cope with peeling and redness on the skin caused by chapping. For the same reason, colorless hygienic lipstick is useful. It is very hot in Greece, so women should not take cream-powder and foundation - the Greek sun will melt any tone and your makeup will “float” quite quickly. It is better to take a matting cream - it will become an excellent base for makeup and will serve as protection against excessive oiliness of the skin of the face. However, it is advisable to use decorative cosmetics on vacation only when it is planned to "publish". Before visiting the beach, it is enough to apply sunscreen with a protection level of 30-35 units on your face. Shower gels, body care creams, scrubs and deodorants can be left out - you can buy cosmetics for the whole family in Greece. It is of excellent quality here - all products are made on the basis of a natural moisturizing component - olive oil. However, Greece has very hard water, so pack a softening shampoo in your suitcase. But it is better not to refuse the repellant cream - during walks, mosquitoes and midges do not give rest to tourists with their importunity. If you or your children are allergic to such products, wet wipes impregnated with a special composition that repels insects are an excellent alternative to spray or lotion. True, to create a lasting and lasting effect, you will have to use these napkins every half hour.

Again, due to the local heat, medicines for heart problems and high blood pressure should be put in the first-aid kit. Even absolutely healthy people here can “play pranks” - this is facilitated by high air temperature and high humidity. In case of overeating, your medicine cabinet should have Nosh-pa and a preparation containing enzymes - for example, pancreatin. If you suffer from stomach ulcers, hyperacidity, or gallstones, take Ganaton or Nexium with you. The Mediterranean weather is very changeable - in the evening warm winds are replaced by cold ones, so your first aid kit (especially if you have children with you) must have antipyretic and cold medicines.

Given the chilly evenings, you probably already know what to pack for Greece. For adults, it is enough to bring long-sleeved shirts and blouses and trousers made of linen or fine wool. For children, put sweaters or sweatshirts in a suitcase, otherwise they will get cold. Do you plan to sunbathe regularly on the beach? Before traveling, buy light hats for all family members, otherwise a sunstroke will not take long. Will you take excursions? The local streets are paved with processed stone, so walking on them in heels or in platform shoes is inconvenient - buy yourself rubber shoes (sandals or pantolets), the sole of which will be 0.5-1 cm thick. Swimming in the water of the Aegean without shoes is strictly forbidden! Every year, many tourists become victims of poisonous sea urchins, by negligence entering the water without bathing shoes.

Before leaving, exchange Russian rubles for US dollars or issue a bank card for your own convenience. Greece is one of the first places in the world in terms of fraud related to plastic cards. Therefore, it is best to withdraw money from ATMs located on the territory of the hotel. Do not fall for the offers of street barkers - the "favorable rates" of currency exchange offered by them, in 85% of cases, turn around for tourists to receive a paper "doll" instead of real banknotes.

If you don't want to turn your vacation into work, it's best to leave your laptop at home, despite the great temptation to always be in touch with colleagues and friends.

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What language to speak?

In large cities and centers of Greek tourism, you can safely do without knowledge of the Greek language - many Greeks speak spoken English. If you find yourself in a small village or on a “non-tourist island”, then a few common phrases in Greek will come in handy. To do this, it is enough to have with you the information guide that you received from your tour operator upon arrival in Greece. Usually at the very end of the directory there is a short Russian-Greek phrasebook. Well, no one canceled the sign language. Just be careful, some gestures can be perceived as offensive, such as an open palm.


Hotel reservation

If you book a hotel not in a travel agency, but on your own, we recommend that you follow the following recommendations:

  • Book a hotel room in advance. This is especially true if you are going to rest at the height of the tourist season (May-September). In popular hotels, rooms can be reserved several months in advance.
  • If you are traveling “out of season” (November-April), check if the hotel you need is closed during these months.
  • Communication with hotel staff may require knowledge of English.

What to take with you?

  • The passport
  • Money and bank cards
  • Driver's license. It is also desirable to have international driving license: in the event of an accident, they may be required. And carefully read the car rental agreement
  • diver's license
  • Chargers for phones, laptops and tablets
  • Phrasebook
  • Sunscreen
  • Headdress
  • Swimwear, mask, fins
  • Camera and free memory cards
  • Ear plugs if the hotel is located in a noisy area

Before leaving

  • Check the correctness and availability of all necessary documents: visas, passports, air tickets, insurance, hotel vouchers, etc.
  • Check your bank account for balance
  • Inform the bank about your trip abroad so that your card is not blocked after the first cash withdrawal (some banks may block the card in order to protect against fraud)
  • Check your mobile phone bill


How to dress and what to wear?

Greece is a European country that is part of the European Union. Therefore, there are no prohibitions on wearing certain clothes. Look natural. Wear comfortable and beautiful clothes!

But, if you decide to visit a church (in Greece, most churches and temples are Orthodox), then be prepared to wear strict clothes that cover open areas of the body. Pants are recommended for men, long skirts and a headscarf for women are recommended.
If you like hiking, be sure to bring comfortable shoes.


  • In Greek restaurants, it is customary to leave 10-20% of the bill.
  • In a taxi, 2 euros will be enough. Luggage is paid separately and is not included in the tip.
  • It is customary for hotel staff to leave 1-3 euros.


In Greece, you can and should shoot everywhere. Or rather, almost everywhere. So, for example, never remove the main altar in a church - this is prohibited. Also, in museums and temples, try to take pictures without a flash.

If you decide to shoot with a tripod during your visit to the archaeological site, you must obtain a special photography permit. Otherwise, you may be mistaken for a professional photographer and banned from further free shooting.

Of course, all the nuances cannot be listed, especially since a lot depends on individual requirements and preferences. However, the tips you have learned will help make your first holiday in Greece as enjoyable and memorable as possible.
