
How to take care of extended nails? Secrets of gel and acrylic nails care


Becoming the owner of beautiful long nails in the modern world is not a problem. You need to find a professional master who will make the extension qualitatively and beautifully.

Then the task of the owner of beautiful claws is to preserve this beauty for a long time. Extension technology provides such a chance.

The imposition of artificial nails () has become a popular innovation for modern women. A woman wants to look attractive and unique always.

Long well-groomed nails are stylish, aesthetically pleasing and fashionable. A woman prefers growing her own nails for a number of reasons.

Preparatory measures before the procedure

It is necessary to do a manicure before building.

Before you build nails, you must fulfill the following conditions:

  1. The last one should be done 2-3 days before working on the nails;
  2. Seven days before the nail application session, you can take a course of strengthening procedures: baths, drink vitamins, perform a massage;
  3. If there are problems with the nail plates (dilated blood vessels, thin and sensitive skin around the cuticle), it is necessary to visit a manicurist a week before building;
  4. Before working with nails, do not use paraffin and oil baths, because these substances are absorbed into the nails and prevent the adhesion of artificial nails;
  5. Make the length of your nails moderate.

Immediately before the procedure in the hairdresser itself, you should pay attention to such things:

  • see that the master prepares your nails well before building artificial nails;
  • how the nail plate is cut. It is enough just to cut it off, removing the shine, it should be thicker than a sheet of paper;
  • air should not get between your nails and artificial ones. This allows bacteria and infection to enter;
  • all tools must be sterile, grinding files must be new;
  • Please note that quality services from a professional are expensive.

The whole procedure takes from 1.5 to 3 hours.

What material are the nails made of and their length

Nails can be acrylic and gel.

For building use gel and acrylic. When using acrylic, an odor may be present and interfere. Acrylic nails should be protected from acetone interaction.

The advantage of this material is a quick and safe method of removing nails by simply soaking in acetone or a liquid containing acetone.

Gel also has its drawbacks. When attaching the helium material, nails can only be removed by cutting. Mandatory placement of nails in a polymerization lamp takes time, which makes the procedure longer in time.

For everyday life, the length of the nails is chosen optimal, individually. For the first time, leave a small length.

A longer size of the nail plate is resorted to in subsequent extensions, women quickly get used to it.

How to care for extended nails, care after the procedure

After building up, the nails shrink, especially the first day. Thus, the polymerization process is completed. Women feel a slight tightening, it lasts no more than two days, in the future she does not experience any inconvenience.

Proper care of extended nails

Rules that will prolong the wear of extended nails.

To make nails made of artificial material look like real ones, bring aesthetic pleasure to the owner and others, and also last as long as possible, follow simple rules:

  1. After attaching the nails for the first time (within 24 hours), they should not be soaked in water, take thermal procedures. Changes in temperature are harmful to them;
  2. To change the varnish, it is removed with a liquid without acetone;
  3. Avoid touching household chemicals containing acetone;
  4. It is necessary to correct the tips of the nails not with a metal one, but with a special file for artificial nails;
  5. Use only high-quality varnishes for acrylic and gel, having carefully studied the composition and expiration date;
  6. cover with one or two layers so that they breathe. Under the varnish it is good to use the base;
  7. Performing all housework, protect hands with gloves, do not expose nails to mechanical stress and stress;
  8. Work with knives and graters carefully, without violating the integrity of the nail;
  9. Keep nails away from open flames (lighters, matches).

At home, the nail plates of the hands must be maintained in good condition:

  • apply oils containing vitamins, gels, creams to nourish and moisturize the cuticles. Means reduce the formation of burrs;
  • with the rapid growth of the cuticle, apply special creams that reduce its growth;
  • when performing a nail manicure on your own, use a remover to soften and remove the cuticle.

It is important to correct the regrown areas in time, to put new nails on them. On average, you need to contact specialists 1-2 times a month, taking into account individuality.

With new nails, you can do water and steam procedures (saunas, baths, pools), but be careful, they become brittle and brittle. After these visits, the nails need time to dry and cool.

Contraindications and how to remove nails

For gel and acrylic, different methods of removal.

All growing parts of the human body need oxygen, the lack of it leads to cell death. The same thing happens with nails. When using artificial materials, the supply of oxygen is constantly reduced or stopped.

Artificial nails are removed at least once every two years, and they are allowed to rest and recover for 2–3 months, or even six months. During the rest from false nails, restorative treatment sessions are carried out with creams, oils, masks.

It is useful to use the following recipe to improve your nails: heat a tablespoon of olive or ordinary sunflower oil, apply on the nail plate, massaging it lightly. Then polish with a piece of suede.

This will keep your nails from splitting. If done at night, you can apply more nourishing or moisturizing hand cream and wear cotton gloves. Salt baths are useful for stratification.

Take 200 ml of warm water, add 0.5 tablespoon of salt, and immerse your hands for 20 minutes. Do 15 days daily. For prevention purposes, you can once a week.

Iodine baths help strengthen the nail plate. In a glass of warm water, add 5-6 drops of iodine and lower your hands for 15 minutes. Do it every day for two weeks, then take a break for a week and take the course again.

The main function of the nail plate is protection. If you constantly build up nails, they become thin and brittle, painful sensations may appear.

If there is a defect or fungus of the nails, it is not recommended to build them up, as this will aggravate the situation of diseased nails. Another aspect is individual intolerance to coating materials.

Allergy to acrylic can occur after six months, usually in the form of hives. It happens in the form of itching in the area of ​​​​the nail bed. With a possible allergy, you can try to make one nail and see the reaction.

Experts do not advise experimenting with nails during pregnancy, taking antibiotics and chemotherapy. Nails need to be removed only by a specialist, after which they are varnished with a thin layer so that they rest and infection does not penetrate.

To keep your own nails healthy and beautiful, you need to follow simple rules and follow the recommendations, then extended nails will not cause problems and will become your calling card, make your hands well-groomed, and make you the most attractive and charming.

From this video you will learn how to care for extended nails.

In contact with

Extended nails today are no longer a luxury. For many of the fair sex, extended nails replace natural ones, it is convenient and beautiful, and you can easily hide it with the help of extensions. The choice of material for building up is great - you can build up gel or acrylic nails, apply a shilak.

When signing up for an extension procedure in a salon, any lady should know how to care for extended nails. The master who performs the procedure must tell the details of the care and answer all the questions.

There are general rules to follow for proper care. The first thing to do after growing your nails is to purchase the necessary tools and tools that will allow you to perform competent care at home. All procedures related to water must now be carried out only with gloves - after all, extended nails need protection. In addition, gloves will help maintain a pleasant appearance of the skin on your hands.

Taking care of stubborn legs

Having decided to grow nails, any girl wonders how to care for extended nails at home. To keep extended nails in good condition, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • about a day after building up, you need to try not to expose your nails to water;
  • in the following days after all water procedures, the nails should be allowed to dry well, otherwise they will become brittle and brittle;
  • when performing household tasks, you need to be careful and follow safety precautions; when cleaning, be sure to wear rubber gloves and try to avoid contact of nails with household chemicals;
  • no need to wave your arms or tap your nails on various surfaces - extended nails, especially in the early days, are brittle and brittle;
  • you can adjust the extended nails for length and shape on your own only with special tools - these should be nail files and polishes with an abrasiveness of 100/100; the use of scissors, nippers and simple nail files should be abandoned.

How to apply varnish on extended nails

For several weeks, it is not necessary to keep the drawing that was made by the master for building up or correcting. Girls sometimes want more often than in every correction. But to paint extended nails yourself, you need to know a few rules:

  • nail polish remover should not contain acetone - it damages the surface of extended nails;
  • the varnish chosen for application should also not contain acetone;
  • before applying the varnish, it is necessary to use the base varnish;
  • the varnish is applied in no more than 1-2 layers, because on artificial nails it lasts much longer than on natural ones;
  • the choice of varnish should be based on its quality - it is better to have a few bottles of good varnish than many colors of poor quality;
  • do not repaint your nails too often.

How to care for cuticles

Cuticle care is a separate procedure, during which you also need to be guided by some principles:

  • steaming nails in water is prohibited;
  • to soften the cuticle, you need to use only products made specifically for this purpose;
  • with the rapid growth of the cuticle, you need to use a special cream to reduce its growth;
  • in order to moisturize the cuticle, you need to use vitamins, gels, oils.

The above remedies are applied every few days. They must be carefully rubbed into the cuticle. These products will also ensure good growth of natural nails, strengthen them, and prevent the formation of burrs.

Nail correction

Correction, carried out with high quality and at the right time, is an important principle for caring for extended nails. On the overgrown part of natural nails, the master will report the necessary material. If you skip the correction procedure or rarely perform it, the nails will become brittle and brittle, they will look very sloppy. Correction must be carried out at least every 3-4 weeks

If the nail is damaged, then it is best to contact the master. No need to try to remove the extended nail on your own - this can greatly damage your own. If, nevertheless, it is urgently needed, then you need not just cut the nail, but purchase special tools. Gel nails can only be removed in salons.

Every two years, natural nails must be given a break from extensions. The break should last at least three months - this is the time required for the complete renewal of the nail plate. At this time, you need to actively apply various restorative procedures and use restorative agents.

Our hands are constantly in sight, and therefore should always look perfect. And the right beautiful manicure in this matter plays an important role. Not all women can grow their own nails. Regular exposure to external factors leads to the fact that they exfoliate and have an unhealthy appearance. In this case, such a procedure as nail extension comes to the rescue. But even such marigolds also. And now you will learn how to care for extended nails at home.

If you want your hands to always be in proper condition, you need to take constant care of extended nails. The first few days after visiting the salon, you may feel some discomfort in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe nails. There is nothing to worry about and no action is required. Unpleasant sensations arise due to the "shrinkage" of the material that is applied to the nails.

Undoubtedly, artificial nails are much stronger than natural ones, but they also have the property, so you should be careful and avoid excessive heavy stress on the nails. In no case do not try to open plugs with them or pry any hard objects. For this purpose, it is better to use a regular screwdriver or other flat tool.

When doing housework, avoid direct contact with harsh chemicals on artificial nails. This can lead to damage and flaking. Therefore, regardless of whether you are washing dishes or doing laundry, wear household gloves on your hands.

Today, regular varnish is rarely applied to extended nails. But if you decide to use it, then remember that you should never use acetone-based liquids to remove varnish coatings. This substance is the real "enemy" of artificial nails.

If it suddenly happened that you need to correct the edges of the extended nail plates, then do not use forceps or manicure nails. Firstly, they may not be able to cope with the task, and secondly, when squeezing the sharp ends, you will apply force, which can lead to detachment of the nail. Therefore, in these cases it is best to use a special file or polisher.

It is important to know not only how to care for gel nails at home, but also what to do with. After all, it grows quite quickly and many women go prematurely for correction.

It should be noted that trimming the cuticle is not recommended. The more often you do this, the faster it will grow. Therefore, you need to purchase a special spatula, which pushes the cuticle up. After that, you don't need to do anything with it. Within a few weeks, it will stop growing and your nails will always be in perfect condition.

The cuticle and the skin around the nails should be regularly lubricated with various oils. For example, you can use olive oil. It can simply be rubbed into the skin and cuticles with massage movements until it is completely absorbed.

Do not forget that your own nails suffer greatly from artificial ones. They experience oxygen starvation, become soft and painful (this is especially noticeable after removing extended nails). In order to somehow correct this situation, it is necessary to take it in the form of pharmaceutical preparations. If you do everything right, your artificial nails will always look perfect and you will have to carry out the procedure for their correction much less frequently.

Video about the care of extended nails

Probably, there is no such woman who would not want to look beautiful and well-groomed. And of course, each of them knows that it is the hands that are the main part of the evidence that a woman takes care of herself. Not all women can grow natural nails that look attractive and are actually healthy, but today cosmetology can offer you a nail extension procedure. Which will look very beautiful and most importantly - natural. Although such nails will be stronger, they need care no less than your own. That is what we will talk about today.

How to take care of extended nails

A few days after you do the extension, the extended nails will sit comfortably on your nails and therefore you may experience an unpleasant sensation of tightening the nails. These days, you should refrain from excessive contact with water, and also not do anything serious around the house. This is necessary not only so that the nails “take root”, but also so that you have time to get used to the new length and learn how to do everything carefully. Remember that nail polish cannot be removed with products that contain acetone. You should also worry about this during cleaning so that your nails come into contact with products that contain acetone.
  1. In order to correct the shape of the nails, you must use only a nail file. Forget about scissors while you have extended nails.
  2. In order for extended nails to serve you longer, you should not load them very much. Do all housework only with gloves and protect your nails from mechanical stress.
  3. In order to clean your nails, buy a special stick and do not use toothpicks. Also, when cooking food, be careful not to cut off the edge of the nail and try not to come into contact with open flames.

Assistants in the care of extended nails

While you are not visiting a nail salon, you need to start using different oils, creams and gels to moisturize and nourish your cuticles. If you have chosen an oil, then you need to rub it well into the cuticle and skin around the nail. In order to safely remove the cuticle while you have extended nails, it is better to use products that make it soft and do not keep your hands in hot soapy water. If you cannot live a day without water procedures, then it is worth remembering that after them you must give your nails time to dry well and then apply special products to them to strengthen the nail plate.

Make corrections on time

You should be very careful when your nails need correction. Even if you have extended nails, your natural nails will still continue to grow. So, if you follow these simple rules, then your nails will please you for a very long time and look beautiful and well-groomed.

Also, in conclusion, it is worth adding a few words about the fact that not a single master who is a professional in his field will allow a woman to remove extended nails on her own. The fact is that a special solution is needed to remove the nails, and after the nails are removed, your own nails need care: polishing, cutting, and so on.

So, extended nails are an ideal option for every woman, which will make her hands beautiful and attractive. And if you follow these simple recommendations, then taking care of extended nails is very easy and much faster than natural ones, and they will be able to please you several times more and longer!

To decorate your handles with long and strong nails, you can carry out the extension process. This is a painless procedure, thanks to which the necessary shape and color of the manicure is formed. In order for such a coating to last for a long time, it will require special care.


After deciding to decorate your hands with artificial manicure, you will need to make a visit to the master in order to learn about the rules of care before starting work. Three days before the build-up, the plates are processed with a classic or European manicure. At this time, the nails are given the necessary shape, and the excess cuticle is also removed. Such work contributes to the accuracy and well-groomed hands.

Those women who decide to visit a manicure master should not use hand creams and oils before building. Otherwise, there will be no strong adhesion of the artificial and natural plates. The same applies to oil-type manicure, as well as paraffin therapy.

Features of care

It is required to start caring for extended nails immediately after the procedure. The first twenty-four hours are the most important for the subsequent condition of the nails. The basic rules of care are as follows.

  • Do not use nail products based on acetone. Such substances are detrimental to extended manicure, as they corrode its structure. After work has been done on the nails, their color scheme does not change for a long time, so the woman will walk with the same manicure until the correction. That is why when choosing a nail design, you should give preference to versatility.
  • Doing housework should be done with gloves. Such “clothing for hands” helps protect the nail plates from mechanical and chemical damage. In addition, gloves are a great way to prevent premature aging of the skin of the hands.

  • Correction must be done on time. Due to the constant growth of the nail plate, the acrylic or gel base will move away from the nail base. In order to maintain the proper look of the manicure and avoid constant clinging to objects and things, it is worth coming to the master at the appointed time, without missing corrections.
  • It is necessary to take care of extended gel nails at home. After regularly checking the edges of the nails, they should be carefully filed. Using a nail file will prevent clinging. Otherwise, a woman may experience pain during an injury, and the resulting damage will take a long time to recover.

  • Care must be taken at all times to prevent mechanical damage. It is forbidden to knock with nails and open anything with them. The strength of the nail plate will not protect it from brittleness. A broken nail causes damage to the natural one.
  • You have to be careful with temperature fluctuations. Do not touch hot nails with your nails, otherwise the manicure will turn yellow, crack and become unusable.

It is necessary to constantly take care of the skin around the nails, it is recommended to nourish and moisturize it, so that burrs will not form.

Supportive Procedures

After performing a manicure and nail extension process, such an unpleasant phenomenon occurs as the growth of the cuticle. This situation leads to a sloppy and untidy appearance of the hands. At the advanced stage, the nails become sloppy. There is nothing difficult in solving this problem. With the regular use of oils and creams that are aimed at caring for the cuticle, you can avoid an unpleasant situation.

If the nail is broken, then do not use super glue to restore it. The best way out of this situation will be wrapping the affected finger, as well as making an appointment with the master. In order to fill the void on the plate during the growth of a natural nail, you will also need to visit the master in time and carry out a correction. This procedure should be carried out every three to four weeks.

Do not be afraid if, after stress, a course of taking antibiotics, hormones, pregnancy, extended nails suddenly begin to break. This is a normal reaction of the body to a foreign body. When the condition returns to normal, you can safely do a new beautiful manicure.