
What to take with you to Crete. What things and medicines to take with you to Greece What you need to take on vacation to Greece


As you prepare for your holiday on a sunny island, you naturally begin to wonder, what to take to Crete. In principle, rest in this place does not require any special items, things or accessories, but sun cream and warm clothes in case of cool or windy weather will never be superfluous in the wardrobe.

Basically, making a list of what to take with you to Crete, consider what kind of vacation is closer to you. If you love scuba diving, then don't forget to bring your mask and snorkel, if you like long walks, then grab your camera, but if you like walking, don't forget your running shoes and tracksuit. But remember that, if necessary, you can buy any equipment and clothes in local stores.

Thinking about it what medicines to take to Crete, do not forget that there are many pharmacies where you can buy almost all the necessary drugs. The exceptions are drugs that require a prescription and those drugs that you need to take constantly.

When you go on vacation, remember what to take a child to Crete nothing special is needed. You can easily limit yourself to the usual "beach set": children's sunblock and, if necessary, an inflatable ring or sleeves - everything you need for a relaxing holiday with your child. In the evening, even on this sunny island, it can get chilly, so don't forget to bring warm baby clothes.

It is important to take into account what to take to crete many things, especially if you are going to attend various excursions, are not necessary, because extra things can become a real burden while traveling. Try to put only the essentials in your suitcase. The local stores have a fairly wide selection and reasonable prices, which will allow you to buy everything you need.

Vacation is sacred. Many people start preparing for it in advance, putting everything they need in a suitcase a month or two before departure, while someone remembers the preparation at the last moment. But each of us knows that the more carefully the composition of luggage is thought out, the more comfortable and peaceful the vacation will be.

So, what to take with you to Greece, to the country of the eternal sun, sea and holiday atmosphere.

Paragraph 1. Cloth.

The sun in Greece is low, so dermatologists recommend not overheating in the sun, sunbathing on the beach under an umbrella and be sure to wear a hat. The latter comes in handy as a good friend-comrade on long walks, so a comfortable Panama hat or sports baseball cap is the best option for any age. By the way, for walks it is best to choose cotton T-shirts or breathable blouses with small sleeves. "How's the tan?" You ask. The skin acquires the best tan during active walks, sports activities on the beach or during swims in the Mediterranean waters, so shorts of various stripes, comfortable open tops are what you need on the beach and on short walks, and more closed clothes will save your tender skin of the shoulders and neck. Summarizing, we put it in a suitcase, ticking off the collected things:

  • shorts, several models;
  • headdress for the beach and for walking;
  • a light dress or a light suit for visiting a restaurant on a summer evening;
  • comfortable jeans for the evening;
  • one blouse or sweater, in case of a north wind;
  • swimsuit, but rather a few and different ones.

Item 2. Shoes.

Your legs, for sure, have a lot of work to do - hiking, swimming in the sea. Therefore, take care of their convenience and comfort. If you bring sports shoes with you, let them be as comfortable as possible for you and better made from natural and breathable materials. If you planned to limit yourself to flip flops, remember, Greece is beautiful not only by the sea. Ancient architecture, fortresses and beautiful mountains with an unforgettable panoramic view - all this requires closed and most comfortable shoes. So what are we wearing?

  • Comfortable and light sports shoes;
  • flip-flops for the beach;
  • sandals for a hotel room and / or for walking;
  • one pair of shoes to go out, suddenly you will be invited to a chic restaurant or tavern.

Item 3. Sun protection

Yes, this should always be remembered in the first place, even if you are going to conquer Hellas in spring or winter, you will need:

  • high-quality sunglasses that will be on you almost all the time;
  • a pareo or scarf that will protect your shoulders from excess sun, and in a cool room - from hypothermia;
  • high-quality sunscreen for the face and body, so as not to think about whether the nose or hands will burn;
  • after-sun cream, which will soften the possible effects of prolonged exposure to the open air.

Item 4. Medicines.

Since we have touched on the topic of health, it is important to think about inner comfort. In Greece, you are unlikely to bypass taverns where you will be lured by the smell of freshly cooked fish or seafood. You will most likely like souvlaki - the national fast food with various types of meat, fried potatoes and delicious sauces. So take with you:

  • activated charcoal, who knows how your body will react to innovations;
  • a stomach remedy to aid the process of digestion;
  • a sore throat remedy and a fast-acting antipyretic “powder”, a sharp change in temperature, cold drinks in the heat sometimes do not have the best effect;
  • means that normalize the work of the heart and pressure, humidity and unusual stress on the body during outdoor activities, so it is better to play it safe.

Item 5. Little things in life.

Most of the bag is collected, there are little things that we often forget.

  • a camera and / or a video camera, as one of our tourists from St. Petersburg said: “The camera is for shooting the ruins and me against the background of the sea, and the video camera is for capturing wind currents in developing hair, cheerful Greek dances and the excitement of the sea!”;
  • a comfortable shoulder bag that should hold a bottle of water, a camera, a small amount of cash and personal little things you need;
  • A bank card, foreigners in Greece can always withdraw any amount of money from their cards without the restrictions of a significant commission, which means it is very convenient to divide your vacation budget into a certain amount in cash and on a card, by the way, you can pay with it in many stores.

To this list, you can add personal hygiene items, those things that you use every day. As well as a passport with a visa, a plane ticket and that's it. Your luggage is packed and you are ready to travel through beautiful Greece! A smile, an easy attitude to everything and a good rest are guaranteed to you!

They always delight with the bright sun, warm sea, nature and their openness. Before a trip, the question often arises of collecting things, namely, what to take with you to Greece? In this short essay, we will talk about the intricacies of collecting things for a vacation in Greece, of course, this is not an article about prices for resorts, but not the least important, in any case, note to travelers.


As usual for documents, the best solution would be to prepare a separate folder, bag item, and so on. Documents are an important part of any trip and it’s better not to let them be scattered all over your suitcases. A small folder or the same file where you can put all the necessary documents and their photocopies. We advise you to check several times, on the subject: have you put everything in, otherwise it happens like this - you arrive at the airport, but you don’t have a passport, you forgot it at home. To avoid disappointment, check if everything is in place.

On the pages of our site, in similar articles, we repeat every time? Check the validity of your documents a few weeks before departure! Overdue documents always entail unnecessary running around and paperwork, which takes not only time and effort, but also nerves, and it was only worth checking your documents.

Photocopies are an important element of the trip. We all know many stories about how tourists lose their documents while traveling. There is nothing pleasant in this, but photocopies of documents will be very useful. Firstly, many documents can be left at the hotel, take a copy with you. Secondly, if the originals are lost, photocopies will play a crucial role and save you from unnecessary problems and processes, which will already fall on your head in large numbers.

If you have poor knowledge of English (by the way, not every Greek can speak English), and even less knowledge of the Greek language, we recommend installing a translator application on your smartphone. This is essential, will facilitate your stay in Greece. So an online translator is the obligatory thing to take with you to Greece.


In terms of cosmetics, we recommend stocking up on sunscreen. The sun in Greece is sultry, it can thoroughly fry your skin already from the gangway of the plane. Yes, you can buy sunscreen cosmetics at the airport, but in terms of sun creams, it is better to do it at home so that there is no risk of getting burned.

Greece is a country where cosmetics are in favor. There are a lot of natural remedies, and in fact, this country makes our suitcases lighter. When you check into a hotel, you will always find shampoo, balm, shower gel. And if they do not suit you, then in the city you can easily find a store where you can buy these cosmetics. An excellent choice would be products based on olive oil, in what, in what, and the Greeks know a lot about this product. There are a lot of cosmetics on olive oil: shampoos, conditioners, shower gels, face cream, tonic, soap, hair mask, tanning cream, massage oil and much, much, much. This would make a great souvenir as well.

It is worth remembering the usual accessories, but everything is in order with cosmetics in Greece. There are many and they are of good quality. So, our suitcase is quite capable of becoming lighter, and now we know that there is no need to collect a pile of cosmetics in Greece.


In case you have not taken out a medical insurance policy, it will not be superfluous to take an ordinary set of medicines with you. Of course, there are pharmacies in Greece and finding the same aspirin, bandages and iodine is not at all a problem there, but on the other hand they do not take up much space. It is worth noting that and cost of medicines in Greece not small, many brands are completely unknown in Russia. There are enough nuances, take the most necessary things with you.

It's interesting that insurance in greece does not apply to sunburn, and the sun here at first is completely inhospitable to the skin. Medical care is not cheap, it will not be superfluous to take a cream and a hat so that it does not bake into your head.


There is no need to talk much about summer clothes, more precisely about its beach options. The set is standard and those who travel know about it. Another thing is if you go on a walk, to a remote attraction, or even to the mountains.

The nature of Greece is diverse, and when walking you can see that the roads in the wild are trampled rocky paths. Walking in such places is not always convenient in the same flip flops; light sneakers will not be superfluous. Take a hat with you when hiking.

Many go to the mountains, of course it is cooler there than by the sea. Warm clothes will not interfere, especially active ones, you will already need appropriate shoes. Who knows? Maybe among the readers there is one who will conquer Olympus.

Shoes and shoes with heels in Greece are not at all suitable. There are a lot of paving stones, the roads are often paved with cobblestones. Sand and the same rocky terrain, not the best option for walking on such shoes.

When visiting monasteries, it is necessary to respect the religious understanding of the believers. The body should be covered, long skirt, shoulders covered. These things can be bought in Greece itself, but if the suitcase allows, then why not.

What to bring with you to Greece

The subjects are not the most obvious, but still we will recall many. The rooms of Greek hotels rarely come across a kettle, by the way, if you like to drink tea or coffee in the room, look in the description of the room if the kettle comes with it. In general, such an accessory does not take up much space, it can be easily added to those things that you need to take with you to Greece.

When we travel, we take different equipment. Electronic devices, the same telephone, is generally an integral part of any person now. Of course, you still need to try to forget it, but leaving the charger for it at home is quite likely. The same applies to other equipment: laptop, camera, camcorder. It is not a fact that you will find the charger that you need in electronics stores. Let's say more, it's not a fact that at the resort where holidays in Greece Generally there is a store with chargers. By the way, you don’t need an adapter for sockets, they are everywhere the same as in Russia.

If you want to rent a car, then don't forget your international driving license. By the way, the Greeks do not drive very carefully, especially tourists complain about Cretan drivers. Dangerous sections of roads they slip with their eyes closed, which requires more attention from both drivers and pedestrians.

Of course, leave room for souvenirs that you decide to bring back from Greece. We already wrote an article - what souvenirs to bring from Greece, go through - read, you will find a lot of interesting things for yourself, maybe even advice. Therefore, do not fill the suitcase to the limit, the place will still come in handy.

We hope this article will be useful for you, and after reading it, you will once again check whether you have put everything you need. A trip to Greece is memorable, it is a beautiful country, with a somewhat similar mentality. Sunny, interesting sights, with proud people and incredible history. Holidays in Greece are a great incentive to buy a ticket there, and be sure that the Greek land will not disappoint.

If you have a lucky ticket to visit Greece in August, remember that August here is the hottest month of the summer. The water has warmed up to maximum temperatures, the weather in most tourist regions is dry, without rain and cold snaps, even at night. But this does not mean that you will not need anything other than frivolous T-shirts, shorts and a swimsuit.

What to bring?

Let's see what is the gentleman's set of a tourist going on vacation to Greece. Starting to pack a suitcase, let's start with the suitcase itself. It should be light and roomy, but not compete in size with the Colosseum - after all, you will have to carry it. T-shirts, shorts and light dresses, of course, take pride of place in the vacation wardrobe. Opt for natural fabrics that "breathe" and light colors that reflect sunlight, especially white. Be sure to take a light, airy blouse with long sleeves (or three-quarter sleeves) - it will protect your shoulders, arms and décolleté from the scorching rays. Putting a straw hat in a suitcase is not rational, it will lose its shape, but caps, baseball caps, etc. are welcome. And it is better to buy a hat at the resort, there is a huge range of them. In any case, your head should be protected from the sun, especially at noon. Be sure to take two bathing suits to change. And two beach towels are better so that you can wash it often.

What about warm clothes? Is it really not needed at all? Of course, it is possible that in the evening you will need to wear a jacket or a light jacket, especially if you are relaxing in Northern Greece or in the mountains. But do not put more than two or three warm things, they will remain intact in the suitcase.

In addition to elegant sandals, do not forget about comfortable shoes - sports slippers and light sneakers or sneakers. Most areas of open-air archaeological sites do not have asphalt pavement and it is inconvenient to visit them in open shoes. Well, sandals are not suitable for walking along mountain routes such as the Samaria Gorge.

If you include visits to Orthodox monasteries in the program, you must follow an elementary dress code: covered shoulders and back, a skirt of at least medium length or modest trousers. But covering your head in Greece is not customary, you can safely enter the temple without a headscarf.

The party dress code is very loose, do not bring formal evening dresses with you unless you are invited to a dinner party with VIPs. One or two dresses for a week will be enough for you, because clothes are secondary here, the main thing is to feel relaxed.

Vacation without problems

Sunscreen for the face and body, dark glasses and beach slippers are must-haves for a vacationer in hot countries. Special bathing slippers (aquashoes) will be needed for those who relax on pebble beaches. They will protect you not only from stones, but also from sea urchins that may be on the seabed. Be sure to need a gel ointment from insect bites or jellyfish burns. The most popular and very cheap series of these medicines in Greece is Fenistil. It is better to apply sunscreen before going to the beach, before you get dressed, because a swimsuit is not knightly armor and can move slightly, exposing unprotected parts of the body to the scorching rays. Choose the strongest cream with the highest SPF and keep reapplying it in a thin, even layer. Greek doctors recommend visiting the beach either before 12 noon or after 5 pm, but few people follow these rules. If you still manage to get burned, contact the Greek pharmacies, there are a lot of products that soothe the skin. For lovers of traditional medicine, you can offer to spread the burnt skin with natural yogurt and wash it off after 1-2 hours with cool water. Your first aid kit must have a bactericidal plaster, disinfectants, diarrhea tablets and analgesics. To avoid unpleasant surprises, do not drink raw tap water, it is better to buy bottles of non-carbonated mineral water. Wash fruits and vegetables bought at the market well. Compliance with the basic rules of personal hygiene will make your vacation safe and unforgettable!

Little tricks

If you are traveling with an intermediate stop in Athens, Thessaloniki or another big city, go to any supermarket and buy sunscreen, a hat, a beach towel and other accessories. It will cost you 10-30% cheaper than in small shops in the resorts.

When packing your suitcase, follow the rule of "extra space". You will probably want to buy souvenirs, clothes or local Greek products, which will require an extra bag if your suitcase is packed to capacity.

Instead of a purse, take a bag with a long strap, which is worn diagonally or over the shoulder. The shoulder bag should be worn so that it is on the inside, and not on the outside of the sidewalk. This will protect you from the "purse" on motorcycles.

Instead of a passport when walking or traveling around Greece, it is better to have a photocopy of it with you. Be sure to take your hotel card on the first day so that you can easily find it or call if necessary. You should also have the telephone number of the local tourist police with you.

Carry cash with you as not all shops and taverns accept credit cards. In addition, paying in cash, you can count on a greater discount than with a card. We wish you a great holiday in Greece!

Moscow Athens from 11126 rubles. Moscow Athens from 11775 r.
Moscow Athens from 11126 rubles. Moscow Athens from 11775 r.
Moscow Athens

Are you going to Greece for a summer vacation and certainly don't plan to waste your precious days feeling unwell? Taking care of health and safety should be at the stage of fees for the journey. A well-assembled first aid kit will not take up much space and will not add extra pounds to the weight of your luggage, but it will save you from many potential troubles.

The most important thing: if you constantly take any medications on the recommendation of a doctor, take them with you in sufficient quantities. If these medicines contain narcotic or psychotropic substances, be prepared to present a medical prescription at the border and do not put too much medicine in the medicine cabinet. In any case, you should study the rules for importing medicines and dietary supplements into the country where you are going.

Possible contents of your summer first aid kit

For all: painkiller in case of migraine or toothache, antipyretic and cold medicine (at least a few bags of a banal soluble drug), ammonia in case of fainting. Hydrogen peroxide, bandages, iodine and brilliant green or their equivalents in case of injury. By the way, on the road, the most compact and easy-to-use option is brilliant green in a pencil. And, of course, a band-aid - suddenly summer shoes will rub your leg or hurt a sharp stone. And if you are traveling with a child, there should be a lot of plaster - it is unlikely that a vacation will do without a single scratch.

Allergy sufferers: medicine you usually use. Everyone else should, when collecting a first-aid kit on vacation, put local preparations there - eye drops, nasal spray. In a new country, an allergic reaction to an unknown irritant can be an unpleasant surprise.

There are hundreds of drugs for allergies, but using the first one that comes across is dangerous for your health. Therefore, before buying an anti-allergen, be sure to consult your doctor.

"Mezim forte" - One of the options for medicine in case of food poisoning or overeating

In case of food poisoning or overeating: absorbent and enzyme preparations (activated carbon, Mezim, Smecta and their analogues). Caution: In case of symptoms of acute poisoning, consult a doctor immediately. Perhaps you do not need a pack of activated charcoal, but a full gastric lavage. In addition, stock up on proven remedies for diarrhea and constipation - you may not know in advance how the body will react to the composition of the water in the area.

One of the options for motion sickness pills

A remedy for motion sickness in a car, bus, on the water. If you have noticed symptoms of "seasickness" in the past, try to get enough sleep on the eve of the trip. Avoid alcohol and smoking while traveling. In addition, an attack of "seasickness" on the road can be caused by too spicy, fried and fatty foods. Sour fruit drink, tea with lemon or lollipops will help prevent lightheadedness. Experienced travelers give one more piece of advice: choose night crossings. As a rule, they are carried easier than daytime ones.

Fenistil is one of the many options for ointments for insect bites.

From insects: in addition to the usual protective agent, consider an ointment that relieves itching from bites. If you are traveling to areas where there is a danger of being bitten by a jellyfish or other exotic creature, the necessary funds will most likely be easier to find in a local pharmacy.

To hot places: in addition to the usual set of sunscreens, when collecting a first-aid kit at sea, take an ointment or spray with a healing effect (for example, Panthenol or analogues) with you. In the event of a sunburn, a treasured tube or bottle will get rid of extremely unpleasant sensations. Attention: for a child, take a sunscreen mousse or spray (they are easier to apply) with a maximum protective factor and, preferably, moisture resistant. Moreover, the water resistance of the product does not eliminate the need to renew the protection after each bath.

Ointment or spray with a healing effect. An example is Panthenol.

The contents of a standard first aid kit on vacation:

  • antipyretic
  • painkiller
  • bandage, cotton wool, bactericidal patches
  • iodine, brilliant green (preferably in the form of pencils)
  • drops for eyes, nose and ears
  • activated charcoal, digestive aid
  • remedies for diarrhea and constipation
  • ointment for bites
  • Mosquito bite spray

If the duration of the trip exceeds 2-3 days or children are traveling with you, then you should add to this set:

  • wound healing ointment, remedy for burns (including solar)
  • cough medicine
  • cold drops or spray
  • ear drops (for inflammation)
  • rehydron


The emergency number is 112 or 199.
Remember, in Greece there is no special rescue service, its functions are performed by local firefighters. For the most part, they know how to provide first aid, but don't count on it too much. In any case, call 199 (112) and try to report (in English or Greek) that something has happened to you. If something happens, they will call an ambulance on their own.

Police 100
ABEC Ambulance (ΕΚΑΒ) 166
Fire Service - Rescue Service 199
Coast security 108
roadside assistance 10400
reference 11888
Air Police 210 9642000
Police - help 1033
Service for the fight against drug addiction 109
forest guard 191
Life line (such as helpline) - SOS 175
Help desk for hospitals, clinics, doctors, and pharmacies 1434
tourist police 171
SOS Doctors (Athens) 1016
roadside assistance
Roadside assistance ΕΛΠΑ 10400
Roadside Assistance Express Service 1507
Interamerican roadside assistance 1168

Perhaps this phrasebook will help you find a common language with a doctor:

Topic "At the Doctor's"
Στο γιατρό

I'm not well est'Anume Ashima Αισθάνομαι άσχημα
I am sick Yme Arostos (Arosty) Είμαι άρρωστος (άρρωστη)
I need to go to the doctor prep on pao is worth Πρέπει να πάω στο γιατρό
Please give me the doctor's phone number or address parakalO, d'Oste mu totylEfono and eydyeftynsi tou yatra Παρακαλώ, δώστε μου το τηλέφωνο ή τη διεύθυνση του γιατρού
Please call a doctor (ambulance) fonAkste, parakalO, tonyatrO (toastEnoforo) Φωνάξτε, παρακαλώ, τον γιατρό (το ασθενοφόρο)
Invite the doctor home ZITYste na Erty oyatros one hundred sleeping Ζητήστε να έρθει ο γιατρός
Where can I find a doctor who speaks Ukrainian (Russian)? pu na vro toyatro pu milai ukranika (rosika) Πού να βρω το γιατρό που μιλάει ουκρανικά (ρωσικά);
Which doctor should I contact? Se pyo yatro prepi on pao Σε πιο γιατρό πρέπει να πάω;
Can I go to the doctor? boro on bo standarO Μπορώ να μπω στο γιατρό;
Please wait a little PerimEnete ligAki, paracalO Περιμένετε λιγάκι,παρακαλώ
Come into the office peer mesa Περάστε μέσα
What are you complaining about? apo you ipoferete Από τι υποφέρετε;
Tell me exactly where your pain is concentrated? you sas ponai Τι σας πονάει;
I feel bad, I'm freezing est'Anome Ashima, est'Anome rigos Αισθάνομαι άσχημα, αισθάνομαι ρίγος
What is your temperature? you are a pirate Oh Ehete Τι πυρετό έχετε;
My temperature is high Echo Pirate Έχω πυρετό
I feel dizzy hallIzome Ζαλίζομαι
My ____ hurts... me ponai... Με πονάει .
head throat heart stomach t okefAli mu olemOs ikardya tostomAhi το κεφάλι μου ο λαιμός η καρδιά το στομάχι
I have a (severe) cough Echo (dynato) viha "Έχω (δυνατό) βήχα
I got food poisoning Epatya dylityrIasi Έπαθα δηλητηρίαση
I'm sick mu erhete emetos Μου έρχεται εμετός
Have you been sick for a long time? APO KERO Iste Arostos Από καιρό είστε άρρωστος;
When did you feel unwell? pote estant'ykate Ashima Πότε αισθανθήκατε άσχημα;
Last night a week ago
simera tynIhta htEs tovrAdy prin myavd'omAdya Σήμερα Τη νύχτα Χτες το βράδυ Πριν μια βδομάδα
Have you been sick recently? prosfata Ihate kapya arOstya Πρόσφατα είχατε κάποια αρρώστια;
I have an allergy I'm allergic Είμαι αλλεργικός