
Lip care at home with natural products. Homemade lip care Nourishing lip masks: recipes


Do you know where the most sensitive and thin skin on the face is located? First of all, this is the area around the lips. Therefore, one must be especially careful and reverent.

There is no layer of subcutaneous fat in the lip area, which would perform protective and nourishing functions. Therefore, lips are particularly sensitive to cold temperatures and strong UV radiation: they dry out very quickly, become rough and crack.

The skin here is very thin and requires additional hydration and nutrition with the help of special products. If you spend your holidays skiing, then hygienic lipstick must contain a sun protection factor.

However, when choosing a hygienic lipstick, remember: lipstick that contains synthetic oils further contributes to the drying of the skin of the lips. As a rule, biological products do not contain such oils, so lipsticks based on beeswax, cocoa butter, jojoba oil and panthenol are recommended.

If your lips are especially prone to flaking and cracking, apply a thick layer of a special lip cream containing Deskpanthenol from time to time at night. The next morning, your lips will be amazingly soft! Important: do not use very often and do not lick!

Skin care around the lips - cleansing

Skin care around the lips will be inferior if you forgot about lip peeling. This procedure will help remove dead skin particles, improve blood circulation. In addition, most peels leave a protective layer on the skin and prepare it optimally for the final treatment. Before peeling, moisten the lips with tea infusion, and then apply a scrub and massage for several minutes.

Lip peeling can also be made at home: mix honey and sugar into a homogeneous mass, then heat in a water bath or microwave. The scrub is ready.

Rice lip scrub: Take two tablespoons of cottage cheese, add a teaspoon of ground rice and half a teaspoon of olive oil to them. Instead of rice, you can take oatmeal.

Be careful when removing dead skin particles with a toothbrush: skin cells can accumulate between the bristles, and when mixed with saliva, they form an excellent breeding ground for bacteria.

Skin care around the lips - nutrition

The cottage cheese mask softens and nourishes the skin around the lips very well. Take a teaspoon of homemade cottage cheese and grind it with two teaspoons of cream. The resulting mixture must be applied to the lips. After 15 minutes, the mask should be washed off, and the lips should be smeared with hygienic lipstick. If there is no cream on hand, then milk or vegetable oil will do instead.

In summer, you can make fruit lip masks. Mix a teaspoon of butter with a small piece of banana grated. The resulting mixture is applied to the lips for 10 minutes. Instead of a banana, you can take a sweet apple, melon pulp or apricot. Fruit masks are excellent for skin care around the lips, they nourish, soften and moisturize the skin well.

A nourishing mask can be prepared from honey and melted lard: mix a tablespoon of honey with half a tablespoon of melted lard. The resulting mixture is cooled and stored in the refrigerator. It is recommended to lubricate her lips at night.

To prevent weathered lips, you can lubricate them with this ointment: melt a teaspoon of beeswax in a water bath, then add a spoonful of olive or castor oil, a spoonful of petroleum jelly and a spoonful of chamomile decoction to it. After the mixture is removed from the water bath, it must be beaten and cooled. This mask is used as a night mask. You can also lubricate your lips with it before you go out so that they do not become weathered.

Nourishing oil mask: add a few drops of vitamin A (best oil solution) and lemon juice to a teaspoon of olive oil. The resulting mask is generously applied to the lips and left for 15 minutes. Then the mask is removed with a dry cloth. It is recommended to repeat the lip care procedure at least twice a week.

Our beauty portal wishes you that your lips are always amazing, we hope that our tips for caring for the skin around the lips were useful to you.

Beautiful lips are the dream of any girl, woman. But how to make them always remain tender, smooth and attractive? This question is relevant for both very young girls and ladies of an older age category.

Unfortunately, the physiological aging of the female body begins at the age of 20-25 years. By the age of twenty-five, the lips begin to lose their natural pigment, turn pale, the outlines become not so clear, by the age of thirty wrinkles appear, the skin of the lips becomes thinner, dryer. And then the picture does not become more rosy ...

Therefore, the sooner a woman begins to monitor the skin of her lips, the longer she will be able to preserve their beauty and youth.

How to properly care for your lips to help, not harm

Sun protection

Everyone knows about the dangers of ultraviolet radiation. Lip skin just needs to be protected from harmful effects - use cosmetics (lipstick, balm, cream, etc.) containing SPF filters. So you save delicate skin from photoaging.

Quit smoking

This bad habit negatively affects the condition of the skin in general, but especially on the lips due to direct contact with a cigarette.


One of the most common causes of dry lips is dehydration. Drink at least one and a half liters of pure water a day.

The use of fiber. This is a very important product for the entire female body, and the skin of the lips in particular.


Once every six months, this specialist must be visited. The appearance of the lips directly depends on the condition of the teeth and gums. Their shape can be especially affected, because due to diseases of the oral cavity, the bite often changes, and the corners of the mouth can drop.

make-up removal

Before going to bed, be sure to remove makeup from your lips, no matter what the factors. This is a very important rule! You can use a special product (micellar water, milk) or warm water.

How to care for lips at home

Tea bag

Slightly cool a freshly brewed green tea bag and apply to your lips, hold for a few minutes - with this simple manipulation, the skin will be toned, blood circulation will be improved, and water balance will be restored.

Vegetable oil for removing cosmetics from the lips

Olive oil is ideal, but sunflower is also suitable. A few drops applied to a cotton swab will perfectly dissolve the lipstick without damaging the delicate skin.


For lip peeling, you can use both a professional product bought in a store and products that are on hand. For example, a mixture of yogurt and oatmeal will give an excellent result.


To give the lips the desired swelling, you can, of course, resort to filler injections in a specialized salon, but there are also homemade recipes. The simplest is a mixture of cosmetic vaseline with cinnamon essential oil. In a small container, mix a tablespoon of petroleum jelly with two drops of oil, apply a thin layer on the lips, blot with a napkin after 15 minutes.

Scrub with honey

If you mix honey and cane sugar and massage your lips with this substance, you will notice that they have become smoother. Important: the procedure can be repeated no more than once a week.

Giving color

Massage your lips with a slice of tomato or half a red grape.

Fight against dryness

If there is dryness of the skin of the lips, at night they should be wiped with a cotton pad with a couple of drops of shea butter or grape seeds.

Now you know how to take care of your lips. Start applying these tips right now, and in the very near future you will notice that your lips have become prettier and more well-groomed!

From the article you will learn why lips lose their attractiveness and what folk remedies they can be put in order.

A large number of women dream that their lips always remain sensual and attractive. But unfortunately, with improper care, the skin of the lips becomes dry and less elastic. Preventive and therapeutic procedures can help to avoid such problems.

Many girls do not think about how the skin feels, which is under the influence of decorative cosmetics almost all day. Therefore, they believe that in the evening you can apply hygienic lipstick to the skin, and you can safely go about your business. But it is precisely this attitude that leads to the fact that the lips lose their attractiveness.

Reasons for losing attractiveness

We all know that the dermatological integuments of the mouth are very thin and delicate, so they can be easily injured. Most often, we begin to do various cosmetic procedures only after the defects become very noticeable.

We apply masks, balms and special creams and lips become beautiful, sensual again. But it would be much better if we tried to prevent the appearance of skin defects.

Causes that affect the condition of the lips:

Bad habits. Nicotine and alcohol have a negative effect on the human body. Once inside, they interfere with the normal functioning of internal organs, and this immediately affects the state of health and appearance.
Constant stress. Some women, nervous, begin to bite their nails. By doing this, they imperceptibly injure the skin. Microcracks appear on the surface of the mouth, which can become inflamed over time
Constant licking of the lips. While outdoors, try to lick the skin as little as possible. This can cause peeling and cracks. It will be better if before going outside you lubricate the epidermis with hygienic lipstick
Environmental impact. Sharp temperature fluctuations, strong wind, rain and snow make the skin very dry. And this means that it can begin to peel off and crack. Nourishing creams or, for example, natural honey will help to avoid such problems.

Cosmetics for lip care

Today, women can quite easily buy their favorite lipstick or cream. In absolutely any shopping center you can find a huge selection of lip care products. Of course, first of all, women pay attention to the bright packaging, smell, price, and only in the end they think about the quality of the chosen product.

But still, if you approach the issue of choice with all responsibility, then you can buy a good product that will nourish, moisturize and protect your lips from the negative effects of cosmetics and the environment.

Cosmetics that will prolong the youth of your lips:

Oil vitamin solutions. Combats dry skin and prevents the appearance of cracks. They should be applied to the skin 30 minutes before going outside. So that the skin is not greasy, the remnants can be blotted with a paper towel
vegetable oil. Very well protect against dehydration shea butter and sea buckthorn. Lips can be lubricated with a clean product or you can buy ready-made cosmetics made on their basis.
Cosmetics with collagen and peptides. Collagen will help slow down the aging process, and peptides will make the epidermis supple and velvety.
Decorative cosmetics. In addition to the fact that it gives a beautiful visual effect, balms, glosses and lipsticks also have a protective function. But such properties are possessed by products that contain vitamins and caring components.

Lip massage

Regular and proper massage helps to take care of the lips quite well. Thanks to this effect, blood flow to the skin increases, and it becomes brighter and fresher.

But in order for such a procedure to have a positive effect, it must be done carefully enough. If you exert a very strong mechanical impact, you will not only not improve the appearance of the mouth, but also inflict new injuries on it.

Types of massage:

We use scrub. You can buy a ready-made product or prepare it at home, for example, from fine sugar honey and essential oil. The mixture is applied to the lips and rubbed into the skin with light circular movements.
We use a toothbrush. A brush with soft bristles is ideal for this massage. Before the procedure, it must be lubricated with honey or high-quality butter
We use ice cubes. You can freeze pure water or herbal decoction. The cube should be wrapped in a thin and soft cloth and driven over the skin for at least two minutes. This procedure helps to slightly increase the volume of the lips.

Lip Augmentation Exercises

Many women believe that the only way to enlarge lips is with the help of beauty injections. Of course, such a procedure will help make the mouth beautiful and sensual, but in order to carry it out, you need to spend a little.

Another disadvantage of this method is the pain that not all women are willing to endure. In this case, the girls have no choice but to do special exercises.

Exercises that will help increase the volume of the lips:

"Smile". Sit comfortably and clench your lips and teeth, and then smile and stay in this position for 5 seconds, and then relax. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times
"Show your tongue". Open your mouth and stick out your tongue as much as possible. Fix the tongue in this position for 10 seconds. Repeat this action 12-16 times
"Dandelion". Inflate your cheeks as much as possible, and then begin to slowly release the air. Make sure that the mouth is completely relaxed during the blowing process. Repeat the exercise at least 10 times

Daily lip care

Although all kinds of masks, scrubs, balms and lotions are quite effective in eliminating skin problems, it would be better if you do everything so that they do not appear at all. After all, if you pay attention to your lips every day, then it is likely that they will always be in great shape.

Care rules:
Be sure to remove make-up at night
Get a massage
Apply protective balms
Make softening and nourishing masks

Treatment of lips with folk remedies

Cracks are the biggest enemy of our mouth. Most often, they appear if a woman has not taken action as soon as she notices that the skin of her lips has become dry and rough. If this defect is not eliminated very quickly, then inflammatory processes can begin that affect the deeper layers of the skin.

Folk remedies:

Make masks from fatty cottage cheese and pumpkin juice
Lubricate the epidermis with vegetable oils
Make homemade buttercream with mullein flowers
Do cool salt baths

Lip masks

No matter how good purchased products are, masks prepared at home will always be more popular and more affordable. Indeed, in order to make a miracle cure, you will only need to open the refrigerator or pantry, and take all the necessary components from there.

To prepare masks, you can use vegetables, fruits, honey, vegetable oil, sour cream, cottage cheese, butter and lemon. The main thing is that all the ingredients are fresh and of high quality.

banana mask

RECIPE: Such a tool will nourish, moisturize and soften the dermatological integument of the mouth. To prepare it, you will need a ripe banana and butter. Banana is ground into a pulp, mixed with oil and applied to the skin of the lips. The mass should remain on the epidermis for 10-15 minutes. After it expires, you can remove it with a cotton pad or rinse with warm water.

honey mask

RECIPE: To prepare the mask, you need to take honey and pork fat in a ratio of 2: 1, mix everything thoroughly and transfer it to a clean container that is hermetically sealed. The resulting mixture can be safely stored in the refrigerator for 10-15 days. The mask is applied in a thin layer on clean lips. It is not necessary to remove it, you can wait until it is absorbed by itself.

Vitamin mask

RECIPE: To prepare such a mask, you will need the following ingredients: oil vitamins, honey and vegetable oil. All components are mixed and applied to the skin. Apply the mixture on the skin with light circular motions and leave it there for 15 minutes. After the time is up, wash off the residue with warm water. You can do this procedure 2-3 times a week.

What to do if the lips are chapped?

  • If it so happens that after a long interruption on the street your lips are chapped, then you will have no choice but to run to the pharmacy and buy an emollient
  • But unfortunately, ready-made cosmetics cannot always quickly eliminate the problem, because in addition to weather conditions, there are several other reasons that affect the condition of the dermatological integument, for example, not quite high-quality cosmetics. A homemade nourishing mask can help solve this problem.

Recipe: Buy the fattest kefir and apply it to the dry epidermis. When it is completely dry, repeat the procedure again. In order for the skin to be well moisturized throughout the day, it is necessary to apply the mask at least 10 times.

What to do if lips are chapped?

  • Cracks on the lips always cause a lot of inconvenience. They hurt, itch, and look ugly. Usually a person with such a problem cannot speak, eat, drink and make up normally.
  • If the cracks appeared due to poor care, then it will be possible to get rid of them quite easily. But if a woman has problems, for example, with the thyroid gland, then she will first have to consult an endocrinologist

Recipe: Take aloe juice and heat it up to 35 °C, add sugar and peach oil to it. Apply the resulting mixture to the skin and leave it there for 20 minutes. After the time has passed, wash off everything with warm water and treat your lips with any nourishing balm.

Video: My winter lip care Recipes

In winter, our lips are especially susceptible to the negative influence of the external environment. After all, regardless of the weather, lips are constantly in sight, they cannot be hidden under clothing. If the lips are in order, well-groomed and look healthy, then they will definitely attract the attention of the opposite sex. To prevent the lips from looking weather-beaten and chapped, they need extra care and care in winter.

The easiest lip care tip is to use a protective balm. This rule is true for both winter and summer. In winter, the balm protects the thin skin of the lips from the cold and prevents it from chapping, and in the summer - from the harmful rays of the sun, which dry out the sensitive and delicate skin of the lips so much. I usually apply the balm about 10 minutes before going outside. After the balm is a little absorbed, you can apply lipstick, which you usually paint or lip gloss. Some, on the contrary, apply balm over lipstick. This method also protects the lips well and keeps them moisturized longer.

How to care for lips if they are weathered? Remedies for weathering.

What to do if the skin of the lips is cracked, flaky and causes a lot of trouble, and you have an important meeting or date in the evening? In such cases, such simple lip care at home as a lip massage helps me out in such cases: massage your lips for 2-3 minutes with your tooth cheek.

This will increase blood flow to the lips and remove dead skin cells. After that, apply honey on your lips and leave for 5-10 minutes. Honey will give your lips an extraordinary velvety, tenderness and moisture.

After the honey is washed off with warm water, wipe your lips with a terry towel and apply a moisturizing balm on them.

Another good way to get rid of dry lips is a castor or olive oil mask. Apply a few drops of this or that oil to your lips and spread it well over the entire surface. It is best to do this mask before going to bed and do not wash off the oil until morning. During the night, the lips will be thoroughly moisturized, nourished with nutrients, and in the morning they will look “like new”.

But you can make such a mask before going outside in frosty weather. Just remember to blot excess oil with a tissue. On top, you can apply lip gloss or hygienic lipstick.

If you are at work or at school and an unpleasant feeling of dry lips causes discomfort, then an ordinary baby cream will help out in such a situation. It is quite nutritious and absorbs well, so after a few minutes the lips will feel much better. Also, an eye cream will do an excellent job of moisturizing the lips, since the skin of the eyelids is closest in texture to the lips. Of course, this solution is more expensive, it is unlikely that anyone will buy an eye cream to smear their lips with it. But if you urgently need to put your lips in order, and only eye cream is at hand, know that it will help you.

In addition to proper nutrition, an equally important factor in the health and beauty of the body is the daily, sufficient intake of clean water. Every day you need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water. This quantity includes water. Tea, coffee, juices and other drinks do not count. It happens that the cause of cracks in the corners of the lips is not a lack of vitamin B2, but the beginning dehydration of the body.

Homemade lip masks.

Lips, like our face and the skin around the eyes, will look smoother and younger if they are regularly pampered with various nourishing masks. I always prefer homemade masks to store masks, as they are natural and prepared from fresh ingredients. In the summer, I do lip masks about once a week. But in winter they should be done more often - every other day or even every day.

One of the most delicious, and therefore, my favorite masks - banana lip mask. Mix banana pulp with a teaspoon of sour cream and apply on lips for 10 minutes. Banana has excellent nourishing and moisturizing properties, so the lips after such a procedure are especially tender and smooth.

Sour cream mask. Apply a thick layer of sour cream on your lips and leave for 15 minutes. Instead of sour cream, you can use kefir. As soon as the kefir dries, apply another layer of kefir, and then another. After applying the last layer of kefir, hold the mask for another 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water and apply a nourishing balm or hygienic lipstick. Instead of hygienic lipstick, regular Vaseline is also suitable.

I recently discovered potato lip mask and she was very satisfied. I grated a raw potato for skin care around the eyes and put a mask on the area under the eyes. Not knowing where to put the leftover potato, I decided to try putting it on my lips. After the potato mask, the lips became very soft and smooth.

Lip makeup.

The first thing to start with is applying foundation to the lips. The more carefully you apply (i.e. work out all the folds), the smoother and more smoothly the gloss or lipstick will fall on your lips.

The second stage is drawing the contour of the lips. In everyday day makeup, I usually do not use lip liner. But for evening makeup, it is simply necessary. A correctly drawn contour can give volume to the lips, visually enlarge or, conversely, reduce your lips. Outlining the contour of the lips is not as easy as it seems at first glance. If you are doing this for the first time, it is better to practice in front of a mirror in advance. Lip pencil should be chosen in the color of lipstick or a tone darker.

The final step is applying lipstick. This is best done with a lipstick brush. It allows you to apply color more accurately, penetrating even the smallest folds. In addition, the brush is very easy to combine colors. To create voluminous, embossed lips in the contour area, you need to apply lipstick of a darker color, and lighter shades are suitable for the lower lip and the convex places of the upper one. At the end of my lip makeup, I always apply a little gloss to the lower lip. This will give volume to the lips.

An important factor in lip makeup is lipstick color choice. It is selected depending on the time of day - daytime or evening makeup, on the color of your outfit, and, first of all, on whether the color suits you or not. For example, bright red lipsticks never suit me. With whatever dress, and at what time of the day I would not do myself such a make-up - it always looks vulgar and ridiculous. Therefore, I chose other shades for myself that emphasize my lips, and with which I feel comfortable. For dark skin, as a rule, lipstick of bright colors is suitable - coral red, plum, rich wine color, etc. And the owners of pale skin should be more careful in choosing the color of lipstick, as against the background of bright lips, the skin will seem even paler. If you want your lips to look more voluminous, then use a gentle lip gloss or light-colored lipstick.

Lips need no less care than the rest of the face, because, as a rule, nasolabial triangle begins to age a little earlier than the skin around the eyes and neck. The reason is that the skin of the lips is thinner and therefore more prone to damage. Lip care is an important part hygiene.

The absence of sebaceous glands leads to the fact that the skin of the lips begins to dry out quickly, lose moisture, while their appearance and condition worsens. This becomes especially noticeable in the cold season, when dry cold air has its negative effect on lip skin.

There are many blood vessels and nerve endings near the surface of the lips, therefore, any damage leads to profuse bleeding. Also, according to the condition of the lips, one can judge the health of a person, if the lips are smooth, of a beautiful red color, then the person is healthy, but if he has, the lips become cyanotic, in heat, the skin of the lips dries out, cracks, crusts.

Proper lip care

Lip care doesn't have to be about putting on lipstick. The same should be applied daily to the skin of the lips. nutritious cream, which you apply in the mornings and evenings on the skin of the face. In the evening, you need to carefully remove the lipstick with a cotton swab with cosmetic milk or a cleansing lotion that does not contain alcohol. It is especially useful to do this with vegetable oil, which will additionally nourish the skin of the lips.

When peeling, you should periodically carry out lip peeling special means, but even if the skin does not peel off, it is useful to carry out this procedure 2-3 times a month. When brushing your teeth, do not forget to massage your lips a little with a toothbrush, this will improve the blood supply to the lips and give them a fresh and healthy look. After a short massage, it is good to lubricate the lips with any oily face cream.

When choosing a lipstick, always be interested in how high quality it is and what is included in its composition. Ideal if it contains proteins , vitamins A , groups B, E and F, and natural oils . When buying cosmetics for the face, do not forget about the lips, special lip creams are now being produced that contain all the necessary useful components. This will make it possible to prevent diseases associated with vitamin deficiency.

Masks that can be prepared independently on the basis of vegetable oil (especially olive or sea buckthorn) support the skin of the lips very well, adding cottage cheese, carrot or lemon juice, grated apple, oatmeal or honey to it. It is enough to do masks regularly, 1-2 times a month. Start doing special exercises for the lips that strengthen the muscles nasolabial area. They are not difficult: pronounce vowel sounds several times with active articulation; fold your lips with a tube, as if whistling, tighten your muscles and relax sharply after 15-20 seconds; inflate your cheeks, holding in this position for 30 seconds. and, just as abruptly, release the air.

These simple lip exercises, combined with beauty treatments such as lip exfoliation, will help keep lips looking young and healthy.