
Ideas for a 30th birthday. Ideas for a girl's birthday: celebrating her thirtieth birthday. Birthday in nature


Thirty years is the age when a person has already entered the age of maturity, but has not yet said goodbye to his young years. This anniversary is especially important, therefore it is necessary to celebrate it with all the splendor, so that after the celebration there will be pleasant impressions and good memories. Here are some ideas on how to celebrate 30 years.

How to celebrate a 30th anniversary

Party style 30

Since the hero of the day is thirty years old, this figure is very symbolic. This means that it makes sense to use it more often during the celebration. Let there be thirty colorful balloons in the room, thirty delicious dishes on the tables, and 30 flickering candles in candelabra on the walls. The symbolism of the objects shows that a person is entering a new period of life, which will be bright like balloons, rich like dishes on the table, and refined like candles in candlesticks. You can organize 30 contests with 30 prizes, and give each party participant a T-shirt or cap with the inscription "I am 30 today!" (“I turned 30 today!”). Of course, you can not do without comic numbers that will create a festive mood for guests. These can include serenading contests with taped mouths, fun cooking contests, and humorous "strength" events.

Such parties are held in restaurants, but for a small company, a cozy cafe is also quite suitable, where everyone will feel part of a fun holiday. Thus, the question of where to celebrate 30 years has already been resolved.

nostalgia party

Everyone who has reached the age of 30 certainly has a baggage of memories behind them. So why not give the holiday lyricism and get out of memory the happy moments that have occurred in the life of the hero of the day over the past years. To do this, it is worth preparing special collages, where the photographs will capture the birthday boy in the most joyful episodes of his life: during trips to the sea, with friends on barbecue, at the time of receiving a diploma or driver's license, etc. Traveling into the past is a great opportunity to congratulate hero of the day with his holiday and once again relive the touching moments that happened in his life.

In addition, you can recall the musical works and films popular at that time that the hero of the day liked, and play quizzes from the series “Guess who sings this song” or “What kind of movie?”. For these games, a computer and a large wall screen where images and sounds will be projected will be a great help. It's great if there is also karaoke in the hall - a technique that will allow you to perform songs of past years.

Where is it preferable to hold such a party? This can be done both at home and in a large banquet hall, where all friends will be happy to congratulate the hero of the day. In such a cozy atmosphere, you can safely celebrate your 30th birthday.

You will learn about what is the best gift to give for the thirtieth anniversary in the article.

Carnival themed party

For the hero of the day, who is distinguished by artistry and imagination, a party with carnival costumes can be a wonderful gift. It is best to hold such a large-scale event in a spacious restaurant. To implement the idea, you can use a film that was especially popular in the past and the hero of the day liked it, and based on it make a whole holiday. For example, it can be a popular science film like "The Terminator", and the guests will dress up in bizarre robot costumes, and the hero of the party - the hero of the day - will turn into John Connor, or a funny comedy in the style of "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Profession", which will allow guests to feel themselves as heroes of a popular film. The atmosphere must necessarily correspond to the theme, so the room where the celebration will take place should resemble frames from the selected film. It will be great if someone takes on the role of host of the party. In this case, the guests and the hero of the day will have the opportunity to participate in fun contests that are related to the theme of the film, quizzes from the series: “Who owns these words” or “Continue the hero’s line”, as well as independently beat some episodes from the film that are especially liked and guests and birthday.

No matter how you plan to celebrate your holiday, remember that it is important not to follow the clear rules of the party and not blindly follow the traditions, but to create a fun and homely warm atmosphere that will leave the most joyful and brightest moments in the memory of all those present for a long time.

The first really adult anniversary - 30 years - is a great occasion to arrange a real holiday for yourself. Why not do it creatively? Read how to enjoy this best day of the year, get inspired by our seasonal ideas and unusual solutions, and find out what are the superstitions about the thirtieth birthday.

How to celebrate 30 years for a girl: a selection of seasonal ideas

Each season has its own advantages in terms of organizing a holiday. And it's not just the seasonal menu for a banquet, because there are a variety of entertainment, each of which is ideal for summer or winter.

Early spring, when nature is still in the snow and early for outdoor parties, is suitable for indoor parties. Where else to celebrate the anniversary of 30 years, if not in the club? Night disco, bowling, entertainment center are equally good in this regard.

Easter weekend and May holidays provide an opportunity to go out into nature, so a barbecue or barbecue picnic will be an expected event for your guests.

A summer holiday can be perfectly spent at the dacha with family and friends, especially with small children. You can go to the river bank, to the beach club, summer cafe. For lovers of sports and hunting, the idea of ​​spending the day in an outdoor entertainment complex with a playground for games, such as paintball, a shooting range, a rope park or a water park, will work great. It is also a great idea to celebrate your husband's 30th birthday, because he and his friends will really like such entertainment.

The beginning of autumn, when seasonal products are in abundance, the best option would be a rich feast - not too original, but everyone will like it. You can throw a mountain feast in a banquet hall or at home. Can't stop wanting to impress your guests? Then resort to the services of the best chef in the city - his corporate identity and the elite of the event will raise the feast to a new level.

In late autumn, gatherings in a warm sauna are good, especially since modern bath complexes include a steam room, a swimming pool, billiards, karaoke, and a restaurant in one bottle. The main thing is to choose a luxury establishment so that everything goes off with a bang.

During the New Year holidays, birthday girls usually have a dilemma - to celebrate the New Year or your birthday on a grand scale? If your choice is in favor of the latter, still be guided by the New Year mood, organize a colorful party in a separate restaurant hall or hotel room.

Suitable themes are masquerade, Hawaii, Moulin Rouge, etc. Invite a presenter or not - the decision is yours, but do not forget to prepare interesting leisure activities for guests in the form of drawings, contests, concert numbers (you can do it yourself) and, of course, the traditional introduction of a birthday cake.

How else can you celebrate your 30th birthday?

You can approach the plan of your personal holiday in a completely different way and spend it alone with yourself or with your loved one. Sometimes you don’t want to gather a noisy company, pay tribute to relatives and parents, set the table with salads that have set your teeth on edge ...

But instead, I want to escape from the hustle and bustle, forget myself for a day or two and do something beautiful for myself alone, fulfill a dream, plunge into romance or arrange a romantic holiday named after myself.

The first option, where a girl celebrates 30 years old, is to go on a foreign tour. It is not as beaten as a banquet in a restaurant, besides, it is moderately selfish (just what you sometimes want so much), and compared to a family feast, it will leave a truly unforgettable experience.

Maybe you dreamed of seeing one of the European capitals? Or hide from everyone for a week on the other side of the world - in Fiji or Cuba? You are required to have a passport with a visa, purchase of a tour, burning or booked, funds for contingencies and several vaccinations if the trip is to an exotic country.

The advantages of such a gift to yourself are in a complete change of scenery, an emotional shake-up and vivid impressions. In a word, there will be something to remember.

The second option is to bring a bit of adventure into the usual party format. How can I do that? Choose an unusual place for the celebration, a new environment and add a little recklessness - only without extreme steps!

Here are some ideas:

  • move the festive dinner to the roof of a tall building with a beautiful view around;
  • instead of barbecues at the dacha, take your friends in a minibus to a forest house for a few days; after the party, you and your girlfriends will enjoy a walk in the forest, for your husband and his friends - hunting or fishing;
  • if there is a navigable river near you, celebrate your birthday on a boat, yacht or in a floating cafe;
  • gather girlfriends on " fashion cult hike» - it can be anything, from shopping and a spa to visiting a social event (what if there is a fashion week in the capital on your birthday?);
  • arrange a surprise for colleagues and invite actors from the event agency to entertain everyone with game congratulations - we think that the authorities will not refuse the girl and agree to 10 minutes of lawlessness in the workplace if you agree on the appearance of "gypsies" or magicians in the office in advance;
  • celebrate this day in a team of romantics - lovers of hiking or kayaking, climbers, bards, go with these passionate people on a trip to a festival or to the mountains, forest, to the river;
  • if you celebrate in nature, arrange a high pioneer bonfire or a small fireworks display (with a person who knows how to do this!);
  • celebrate on vacation and there is a sea nearby - hire a diving instructor; let yourself spend the whole day on the coolest water attractions, book the most amazing tour available to you, and don't forget to capture it all on camera!

Anniversary 30 years and prejudice

In addition to fun and happy moments, this birthday brings some girls a little grief. Many are not sure at all whether it is worth celebrating.

The fact is that a special attitude has traditionally developed towards some dates, and people prone to superstition are afraid to celebrate such dates as men's 40 years, women's 53 years, children's 13 years. In addition, there is a special superstition among the Orthodox - not to celebrate 33 years (at this age Christ was crucified). Why don't they celebrate their 30th birthday? Apparently, the date mentioned in connection with the crucifixion passed to the round one - the thirtieth anniversary, hence the superstitious fear of this anniversary arose.

So, in order to create a holiday atmosphere in the apartment, the rooms should first of all be decorated with various garlands, balloons, artificial or natural flowers, multi-colored flags on which you can write to the hero of the day. A special place among such decorations is given to a wall newspaper with photographs showing the hero of the day at different periods of his life.

In addition, it is necessary to prepare guests for the fact that a special event is being prepared. 30th anniversary script and the festive evening will be extraordinary. To do this, as invitations to the anniversary, it is best to use postcards, which will indicate the date and time of the evening.

Scenario of the 30th anniversary "Cheerful, warm circle of friends"

To make this holiday rejoice,

To surprise him in many ways

Because it happens once

Thirty years have come to you now,

And in their honor today we sing

To be lucky in everything!


So that your wife bakes pies,

So that children always rejoice,

So that the hearth of the family is always hot,

And if something goes wrong, just don't cry,

'Cause we'll hold you forever

After all, we are always friends for you,

Rest today

Celebrate thirty years of glory!

Chorus 2 times.



The artists sang their song

And the guests, after all, were all sitting,

Now it's their turn,

So that every Anniversary congratulates!

(guests in turn congratulate the hero of the day, give him their gifts, wishes)


Well, now, for congratulations,

Let's drink without delay

So let's open the bottles

We fill our wine glasses

And for our dear, for our beloved Anniversary - we drink!

(musical break, meal)


And now let's pass

You will love it in every way!

Competition "Winter Party"

Everyone is welcome to participate, we are divided into two teams. Each team, at a distance of 5 five meters, is given a chair on which lies: a pea coat, a cap with earflaps, a bottle of vodka (mineral water) and a pile. Task: at the command of the leader, each of his team runs up to his chair, puts on a pea coat, a hat with earflaps, opens a bottle, pours a glass, drinks, undresses and returns to the team. And so, the team that will empty the bottle the fastest wins. Prizes: each bottle of mineral water, with parting words for tomorrow.


Played, well done

They drank everything from the heart,

And now the real wine is poured,

And we drink for the family of the Jubilee!

(musical break, meal)


Now it's time for everyone to stand up

And happy to dance!

(good cheerful music sounds, guests dance at will)


And now I ask you to light a Bengal candle,

Look at the Anniversary with a smile,

And of course, drink to him,

After all, this day is everything for him!

(guests set fire to Bengal candles, sounds good about a birthday, a meal is taking place)


I hasten to tell you friends

That I already, alas, it's time

So please forgive me

But I have to leave

And you all have fun here

And enjoy this holiday to the fullest!

(the presenter leaves the holiday, but the guests continue to have fun)

Galina Petrova

More Anniversary Scenarios

Scenario for the anniversary of 30 years, contests, entertainment for guests - and congratulations

As everyone unfortunately knows that a birthday is only once a year - therefore, you should prepare for it thoroughly and with dignity. No, many people have their due imagination to make this holiday truly fun and memorable. But everyone wants this, especially if the anniversary is coming soon. On the birthday of a loved one, and especially on the real anniversary of your dear neighbor, you want to give him great attention.

Original gifts for an anniversary

You can approach the presentation of an anniversary gift with originality, for example: Prepare five surprises (both large and small) - put the first one under the pillow, and attach a note to it where the next one can be (and not a specific place, but for example “the next gift is waiting for you in a big Moidodyr's room "is a bathroom where a gift and another clue lie on the washing machine, gifts can be laid out throughout the apartment and even on the balcony. Also, a gift can be packed in several boxes according to the nesting doll principle (one inside the other). And on each box write a riddle or Q. To open the next box, you must first solve the riddle.

Some stores sell mugs, T-shirts, plates, puzzles and much more with pictures that are very funny and all sorts of different, but the main thing is that you can bring any photo, inscription and almost anything there and ask to be printed on a gift. In this way, you can make a very original gift, maybe the hero of the day will not wear this T-shirt with his own beloved face at all, but it will forever remain in his good, bright memory. You can make in Photoshop not just a photo, but something interesting.

Entertaining guests on a festive evening, entertaining for guests

For the entertainment of guests who came to your holiday, you can play several entertaining games:


One or more of the guests sit on a small stool facing the audience. Behind them stands the host and holds a small sign with pre-prepared inscriptions over the heads of the participants (each participant has a very different, and preferably something significant). The rest of your guests ask them all sorts of different questions, such as "who do you go there with, as is often the case, what do you like to do there, etc." Participants of the game must answer all the questions asked. Naturally, they should not know what is written on the plate.

The host invites several couples. Participants stand opposite each other at a distance of 3-4 meters. Between each pair of participants, several open bottles of beer or vodka (juice) are placed. The host must blindfold the men, and on command they begin to move towards the partner. The goal of the game is to reach your couple and kiss her without hitting the bottles. But while all the participating men are being hyped, the assistant presenter silently removes all the bottles. Men intuitively try to bypass obstacles under the "help" of spectators like "Vanya, more to the right, more to the right. Beware!!! He's about to fall", etc.


This is a very interesting and win-win game for any company, any age. They record pieces of bright, well-known songs on a computer disk. The presenter should have an assistant who will put on the right "music" at the right time. The host goes from one guest to another and puts a knitted hat on their heads, with the words "Let's see what our hero of the day is thinking about now." And puts a hat on the head of the hero of the day. At this time, the assistant turns on the music.

For instance:

"They squeak my gifts and bite,

They scratch each other.

Of course, this does not apply to my guests.

They will all leave satisfied with themselves."

30th Anniversary for Women's Anniversaries

It is better to invite guests to the celebration not by phone, but with the help of beautiful invitation cards that can be sent by mail or given personally to relatives, friends and acquaintances.

Where and with whom to celebrate the anniversary.

The 30th anniversary of a young woman can be celebrated in a narrow family circle at home or in the country. If the weather allows, you can organize a picnic in nature or rent a gazebo with a barbecue in the recreation area.

With your closest friends, you can sit in a cafe or visit a sauna, play bowling or billiards, go to a disco or have a picnic on the beach on a fine summer day. If you like thrills, play paintball with your friends or go to a go-kart club.

With colleagues, you can celebrate your 30th anniversary at work by having a tea party at lunchtime or at the end of the working day.

And if you plan to invite many guests to your 30th anniversary, then the restaurant will be the best place for the holiday.


Whatever place you choose, be sure to decorate it. The decoration of your holiday may consist of balloons and fresh flowers. You can stick photos of the birthday girl everywhere at different periods of her life, draw congratulatory posters or a wall newspaper.

Anniversary organization.

So that the guests do not get bored, there should be a toastmaster at the anniversary, who controls the sequence of toasts and congratulations, and also entertains the people with jokes, songs and contests. The role of the host can be taken by one of the friends or relatives of the birthday girl. It is even possible that the hero of the day herself wants to spend her evening.

The celebration should begin with the presentation of gifts. Then the presenter can tell about the life of the hero of the day, starting from early childhood, alternating his stories with toasts, additions, congratulations and good wishes to the hero of the occasion. The presenter can read telegrams and greeting cards sent by relatives and friends of the birthday girl.

The scenario of the 30th anniversary for a young woman may include a variety of games, contests, quizzes and skits. For victories in competitions, guests can receive souvenirs from the hero of the day as a gift - things that allegedly belonged to her before (her favorite rattle, toy, book, pen, which she wrote at the institute, and so on) or a portrait with her autograph and a kiss.

Your celebration must include a dance program. Music for dancing must be selected taking into account the tastes of the birthday girl and recorded in advance.

Scenarios of the 30th anniversary for a woman

In order not to script the 30th anniversary for a young woman yourself, you can choose a ready-made option to your taste.

  • Anniversary script for a woman
  • Anniversary script in french style
  • Scenario "We give a holiday"
  • Anniversary script for a woman at work
  • Scenario "Jubilee on Olympus"
  • Scenario "Women's Friendship"
  • Scenario "Girlfriend"
  • Scenario "Cool Anniversary"
  • Anniversary script in oriental style

Thirty years is a very important mark on the scale of life. Thirty years is a kind of boundary between youth and adulthood. The thirtieth anniversary is celebrated on a grand scale more often than the twentieth and fortieth. If you are about to celebrate your thirtieth birthday and you want it to be a bright, memorable holiday, there are three ways: spend a lot of money on your birthday celebration, throw a party in an unusual place, or come up with an original holiday idea. Just about the ideas and themes for the celebration of the thirtieth anniversary, we will talk.

How to celebrate the anniversary of 30 years: a few ideas

You can choose almost any topic for the thirtieth birthday that is interesting to the hero of the day, his relatives and friends: it can be a gangster party, a Mexican fiesta, a Hawaiian-style party, etc. However, you can link the topic either specifically to the birthday person - that is, to his hobby, profession, vital interests, or directly to the thirtieth birthday. We will just consider the last option.

1. Party "We are 20" (15, 18, etc.). In this case, the 30th anniversary party is dedicated to that short period when the birthday boy and his classmates (classmates) were 20 years old.

That is, for example, a party can be dedicated to the year 2001. The slogan of the holiday: "In our hearts we are always 20!". For a woman's thirtieth birthday, you can choose the year when she was 18. Then the slogan will be slightly different: “Body and soul we are always 18!”.

The hero of the day and the guests try to dress the way they dressed when they were 20. To remember what the fashion was like, you can look at the photos in your photo albums and on the net.

Selected music, fashionable at the time. If possible, objects that are relevant for that time are used - for example, you can make a “garland” from antediluvian mobile phones, which at that time had just appeared in our lives. Floppy disks, Kodak film rolls, etc. will also work.

How to have fun? Firstly, you can watch video collages from the hero of the day and his friends at the age of 20. Secondly, you can arrange a quiz on the knowledge of that era. The host names any event in the world (politics, art, science, natural disasters, etc.) that could have happened that year, and the guests guess whether this event actually happened in that year or it happened in another time or did not happen at all. You can also arrange games and entertainment that were popular at parties at the time when the hero of the day was 20 years old.

2. Party in honor of the thirtieth anniversary of "30!". Everything revolves around the number "thirty". Firstly, the room is decorated with thirty - these can be numbers made of paper, electric garlands fixed on the wall in the form of thirty, balloons with this number, etc.

You can order a birthday decoration such as decoration with balloons. At the entrance to the place of celebration, a large arch of balls will look amazing, on the sides of which are the numbers "3" and "0".

You can give guests any details with the number "30". For example, shoulder straps, caps, T-shirts, etc.

The more thirty at the holiday - the more entertaining. It can be 30 dishes, 30 cocktails on the table, 30 bouquets, etc. By the way, when inviting guests, you need to inform them that the gift also contains a “thirty”. For example, relatives can give a gift certificate for 30 thousand rubles; someone will present 30 fish hooks or 30 wine glasses, and someone will order an engraving. It will be interesting.

Entertainment can also (and preferably) be tied to the number "thirty". For example, ask what the number "30" will turn into if you swap the numbers. Guests will answer that it will be an ambulance phone. Immediately after this, you can hold some kind of competition or game on a medical theme (see our script for a medical party).

Another option is to ask the guests to tell what they will use the ambulance method for the hero of the day to save him from the blues. There can be a lot of ideas, ranging from “I will come to him with champagne” or “I will take him on a fishing trip” and ending with “a striptease” and “I will give birth to his child.”

Second fun. If the number "thirty" is read differently - the number 3 as "three", and 0 as the letter "o", then the word "trio" will be obtained. This can be presented as a rebus by asking guests to read the word in thirty for a musical ensemble. When the rebus is solved, you can organize a creative number of three people. Moreover, it can be quite a serious, lyrical number or humorous, playful. For example, male guests with taped mouths can serenade the hero of the day.

Third fun. The number "thirty" can be read as the syllable "ZO". The facilitator may invite guests to name two words ending in -zo. There are 2 words in -zo: belly and iron. When the guests guess them, the host will say: “We wish the hero of the day (jubilee) always eat from the belly and have character like iron”. Then competitions can be held related to these topics (joking strength competition "iron muscles", cooking competition, etc.).

3. Retro party in honor of the thirtieth anniversary "I was born." The celebration of the thirtieth birthday can be held in the form of a retro party dedicated to the era when the hero of the day was born. Retro decor is used, guests come in clothes of that time, appropriate music is selected. Entertaining moments can also be tied to the place where the hero of the day was born, and to the profession of his parents.

4. Film anniversary 30 years. A film shot in the year when the hero of the day was born is selected. This is taken as the basis for the holiday scenario.

For example, in 1981, films were made "Carnival" with Irina Muravyova in the title role and "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson: The Hound of the Baskervilles"- these films are just right as a theme for a holiday.

For example, the hero of the day can be in the image of Sherlock, and his wife - in the form of Watson. The holiday can be held in the form of an investigation into the case of the loss of the Elixir of Youth, which is accepted by the mother of the hero of the day.

A carnival party can be a lot of fun, with performances by professional singers and dancers, magic tricks, juggling competitions among guests, and the ability to speak tongue twisters with nuts in your mouth.

If the holiday has an idea, then the whole structure obeys it. There is nothing superfluous in the script, all its elements are harmonious and interesting. Such holidays are always remembered, because they leave the impression of something very bright.

We wish you a successful and very beautiful thirtieth anniversary!

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Party in the style of dudes

New Year Party Ideas

beer party

How to celebrate the anniversary of 30 years for a man - a round date for an adult, courageous and successful person? We offer a selection of options for celebrating a man's 30th birthday. Simple and original ideas in this article.

More about ideas

On the eve of the holiday, the question is relevant - how to celebrate a man's 30th birthday? You can get together with friends, have a bachelor party or invite the whole family to a restaurant. Ways to celebrate the sea, you can think of everything on your own or contact an agency that professionally deals with birthdays and other events.

And now about the ideas, take them into service!

  1. Nature: barbecue or picnic. If the date falls in the summer, the hero of the day is lucky - just gather friends outside the city at a camp site or rent a cottage. If there is a cottage that can cope with the influx of guests, it is doubly pleasant - you will save money and be able to show off your possessions. In nature, you can have fun on your own or arrange a show with the invitation of artists.
  2. Bar or club. For truly city dwellers, the idea of ​​celebrating an anniversary in a bar is not at all banal. In a decent English pub, you can have a heart-to-heart chat, and in a club, you can have a real blast.
  3. Concert. You can gather with friends for a concert of a famous artist or invite artists to perform soulful songs right in the restaurant hall.
  4. Quest. A fashionable format where you need not only to have fun, but also to think. Quests can be in special quest rooms or organized on your territory. It is usually based on the plot of a book or a popular film, it can also be a fictional story related to the hobbies of the hero of the day.
  5. Amusement park. Spending a day like a child can be a very tempting idea - ride a carousel, buy cotton candy or popcorn. Thirty - this is not a reason to fall into tediousness.
  6. Bath trip. It can be a Russian-style party, a bachelor party, a hot Hawaiian party with music and a pool.
  7. Paintball, bowling, billiards. For many, there is no greater pleasure than to compete in sporting achievements and be smart. When everyone is familiar, such entertainment will unite guests, and if there are colleagues, friends and relatives in the company, then this is a chic way to quickly introduce everyone.
  8. A restaurant. Dedicated to lovers of the classics: a chic table, performances by artists, competitions. The format is suitable for family people and bachelors, such an anniversary will bring together old and new friends.
  9. Master Class. If you want to learn something and involve your guests, arrange an exciting lesson. It could be a chef's meal, an archery or crossbow lesson, or a paragliding briefing.
  10. Extreme. For lovers of adrenaline, true conquerors and conquerors of the elements - ride water skis, go down the snowy slope or jump with a parachute.

Anniversary decoration

If you celebrate at home or in a restaurant, it is important to pay attention to the design of the man's anniversary. It is recommended to take into account hobbies, professional achievements and personal preferences of the hero of the day.

Decorations may include posters, balloon arches, or camouflage curtains. You can learn much more options from professional decorators.

Each person's birthday is a special date. After all, this is a year of a lived life that you can’t return. And many do not celebrate their birthdays, referring to the fact that they are already tired of celebrating every year. But an anniversary is a different story. The anniversary is celebrated every time, because this event takes place every five years. We have a ready-made script for the anniversary of 30 years for a man. We think that we have a cool script, because it has games and contests, funny scenes and much more. Check it out and choose what you like best.

First toast.
The first toast I want to say is about the moments of our life. Everyone knows that every moment in our life is not repeatable. Every moment happens once in a lifetime. And even if we meet in a few years in the same company, everything will still be different.
I propose to raise a glass to the hero of the day. Raise for the fact that he appreciates every moment of his life. And to always go to your goal!

Main holiday.

You know, every person dreams of something. We cannot live without a dream. I do not know what our hero of the day is dreaming of, but I will try to fulfill his dream. The one he once dreamed of. All people, one way or another, wonder if there is life on the moon? I can tell you with confidence - yes!
And in confirmation of these words, I give the hero of the day a visa to the moon, which was personally issued to me by the head of the moon. And a certificate to visit the moon at any time!

Mood game.
Let's play one game that will cheer us up and liberate us all. The game is called - and in my pants. Many people know this game, but still play it. Because she is fun and funny.
The rules of the game are simple: the guest says the phrase - AND IN MY PANTS, and then takes out one piece of paper from the bag and reads out what is in his pants.
Example phrases for the game:
- delicate taste of modern England!
- a complete collection of modern entertainment!
- Hedgehog!
- living source!
- the most favorable conditions!
- nothing went sour!
- cleaning in progress!
- fit the universe!
- exchange office!
- something is hidden!
- profitable course!
- bad visibility!
- sale!
- a pass to the secret objects of the country!
- Sometimes it rains!
- dry and fresh!
- there are storms!

Scene for the hero of the day - baby.
For the scene, you need some props. You need to prepare a sheet in which there will be a hole for the head and for the hands. Also on the sheet you need to sew a baby overalls. The sheet is pulled on both sides by the guests and held.

The host starts:
- a long time ago, 30 years ago, a child was born in the same family.
(the head of the hero of the day appears in the place for the head, and the hands of another person appear in the place for the hands).
Parents were delighted with him and immediately shouted - hurrah! But the child was frightened by their scream and began to scream himself.
(the hero of the day cries, depicts the first cry of a baby)
The parents began to reassure their boy and waved to him. In response, the kid waved his hands at them.
(anniversary, that is, the one who plays the role of his hands, waves his hands)
The kid grew not by years, but by days. He quickly understood everything and after a few days he learned to stroke his head.
(hands stroking the hero of the day on the head)
Parents thought that this was how the child showed them that he wanted to put on a cap. And they gave him a cap.
(they give a cap to their hands and hands try to put a cap on their heads)
Although the child grew quickly, he still ate from the bubble.
(they give a bottle of milk to the hands and the hands try to feed the head)
In kindergarten, the child fell in love with music and even began to go to dances.
(they turn on the music, and the hands dance with their heads)
And at school, he fell in love with rap music.
(include REP)
Soon our baby became quite an adult and tried alcohol for the first time.
(they give a glass of vodka to the hands and give the head a drink. They don’t give a snack and the hero of the day winces)
See how he immediately did not like to drink!
And so it went year after year, and our boy turned 30 years old! And now it has become like this:
The screen is removed and the hero of the day appears in all its glory.

Game with guests.
This block is completely dedicated to playing with guests. The essence of the game is simple - funny tasks are written on the cards that guests have to perform. The guests take turns taking out one card at a time and doing what is written there.

Unusual game with guests.
It is necessary to select four guests - two girls and two guys. They turn their backs on the guests. They put signs on their backs. Guys are: sobering-up, registry office. And the girls are: sauna, bushes. It is important that the signs with the words are not seen by the participants in the game. And the guests could see them.
After the plates are dressed, the host begins to ask them the same questions. And the participants answer while the host comments on the answers.
- Do you like going to this place?
- How often do you go there?
Who do you usually go with?
- Do they like it?
- how much time do you spend there?
- what are you doing there?
- would you recommend guests to go there?
- and to whom specifically from the guests?

Since the participants do not know what is written on the plates on their backs, their answers are ridiculous and funny. Most importantly, do not forget about the host's comments!

Gifts for guests.
Gifts were brought to the hero of the day for the holiday. But the hero of the day is not going to let the guests go empty-handed. Let's do a raffle and give away gifts!
The lottery is carried out simply - numbers from 1 to the number of guests are written on the cards. And each figure has its own verse and a gift under the verse. The guests take turns taking out a card with a number, and the leader reads out a verse and presents a gift.
Poems for the game:

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