
The most unnecessary gift for the New Year 100. What to do with unnecessary or unsuccessful gifts - practical advice. Useless gadgets and equipment


I'm sure each of us has received absolutely unnecessary and useless gifts. Such gifts are most often thrown away, given away, or lie untouched for years. I've researched the issue in detail and compiled a list of the most useless gifts of all time from around the world!


A man's tie is a very important element of clothing, and, as a rule, it is not cheap. You need to match your tie to your outfit. Most of the donated ties are sent to the hanger, where they commit suicide!


Cosmetics are a very individual matter. If you don’t know what the person is using, or if he didn’t order you something specific, the chance that you will get the gift right is almost zero.


This is a universal gift that is bought at the last moment, when all other ideas have failed.

Electric can opener

No comments!)))


Personally, I like to lie around in a robe, although only in a hotel room!)

Eau de Toilette

The logic is the same as with cosmetics.

Shaving set with straight razor

It looks really brutal, but no one uses it.

Pets - fish, turtles, hamsters, etc.

It's better not to know what happens to them next.


Does anyone else use them?!

Heated socks


Clothes don't fit

Tools around the house

In most cases, they are not used by anyone.

Something that a person does not need at all

  • a set of knives for a person who does not cook;
  • a wine cabinet for a person who does not drink wine or does not understand wines;
  • a set of ground coffee for a person who does not have a coffee machine, etc.

Here are some options from readers :)

In addition to the above options, readers saw among the stupid gifts the following: An apron, a figurine, dishes and a set of plates, a kitchen towel, a kiss, soft toys, bath salts, a bunch of creams from different manufacturers, a marble apple, an Indian wooden mask, a vase, a dog and Tonometer from grandma :)

Everyone has a collection of gifts gathering dust in their closet that it would be a pity to throw away, but the mind does not allow it to be used or displayed in a visible place. Below we will simply compile a list of such useless gifts, based purely on personal experience.


Yes, there are people who collect some wooden, porcelain or glass figurines, but in other cases such a thing is absolutely useless, especially if it does not fit into the interior of the apartment.

Big teddy bear

This is a very cute gift, you are immediately delighted, take a lot of photos with it, and then you don’t know where to place this monster. Either give him a separate room, or give him his bed.

Hygiene products

This is a somewhat offensive gift, which seems to hint that you smell unpleasant or look terrible. The deodorant will be used, but a residue will remain on the soul.

Photo album

We are talking about a cheap product where the cover depicts some happy American family with a dog or a poppy field. Although such a thing may have a use - you can hide all your unsuccessful photos there, which you would be ashamed to remember.


The gift edition of the Kama Sutra will be funny and witty only for friends. You will stand and smile stupidly, not knowing what to do with such joy, especially if you are lonely and have not yet found your soulmate.

Gifts from a joke shop

This gift is successful exactly at the moment of giving, yes, the fart pillow is very funny, the helmet that buzzes as soon as you put it on your head is also very funny, but as soon as the holiday is over, this thing will happily gather dust on the mezzanine or on the balcony.


Perfume is a very good gift, but only if the giver knows your favorite scents very well. In other cases, such a gift may be unsuccessful.

Tea set or vase

Tea set – does anyone really use it anymore? 6 or 12 ugly little cups that are placed in a glass cabinet to last forever.

Personalized item or item with photo

A personalized item or an item with your own portrait or a portrait of the donor is generally a separate category of gifts. When you put on such a thing, you begin to feel like an unrecognized king or queen. Although there are a lot of people in the world who would be very willing to sign all their things with their name: this is mine! Do not touch!

Book from the series “One Hundred Great Men/Lovers/Kings”

Of course, a book is the best gift, but it is better to give a book that will be pleasant to a person, and such books simply lack soul.

Give a person something that he will really like, even if it is an inexpensive little thing, but given with love, rather than something expensive and completely unnecessary. And also give smiles! They can be given every day and for no reason.

Dmitry Varskoy, 03.12.2014

Today I attended a wedding and the first thing I want to say is: “Comrades, this is complete pi.....ts.”

My mind was blown by the abundance of idiotic wedding gift ideas.

Probably, people, out of their naivety, trust the advice of the global network and the online store of expensive gifts convincingly recommends buying exactly these priceless and original things. Based on what I saw, I want to make the TOP 10 most ridiculous and unnecessary wedding gifts.

№ 1

The first place rightfully goes to bouquets of diapers. Yes Yes Yes! You heard right. A bouquet of diapers as a wish for a quick addition to the family and an opportunity to save on flowers.

I didn't even know such a thing existed. But today I saw with my own eyes 5 (!!!) “original” bouquets, which were presented with a “special” facial expression, like, ho-ho, appreciate the joke and creative approach.

Second place on this list will go to, OH MY GOD, portraits made of amber. Words can't describe it. I saw it and was shocked. The main thing is how they presented it: “Your portrait was made by an artist who has a unique technique of laying out precious stones.” In fact, you will receive your worst photo (lovingly chosen by the donor from a million normal ones) framed by a kilogram of old resin. An excellent large-sized item that cannot be hidden in any closet and will have to be looked at for the rest of your life or marriage. A brilliant solution to ensure that your gift is remembered and remembered with a kind word every day. Today there were 2 such “unique” gifts! The guests stood out...

Number three "Eternal bouquet of happiness." How to understand this you ask. And that's it, literally. LITERALLY ETERNAL BOUQUET. Which you will NEVER get rid of, because it will not wither. A huge paper cloud stuffed with Chinese mutant bear cubs can compete even with a bouquet of diapers.

But in my list they still won the battle for first place.

An eternal huge dust collector will settle in your life and will always be there. ALWAYS.

Number four. Tell me, who has a food processor? Why is it needed? Does anyone really use it to this day in the age of multicookers, blenders and other household appliances that are found in every kitchen?

So, it looks like there was a sale in Eldorado today, as the happy newlyweds were presented with as many as 3 Kenwood combines. To be honest, when I saw the size of the boxes, I decided that this was a scooter or an ATV, but no, this is a necessary thing that, with its “usefulness,” occupies most of the average statistical Russian kitchen.

Number five. I once thought it was inconvenient to drink from a small cup. Now imagine 12 tiny cups, 12 tiny saucers, 12 spoons and something equally tiny weighing 10-12 kilograms. Do you know what this is? THIS is the onyx tableware necessary in every home, magical and charged with the magic of Hogwarts. In this case, an onyx coffee service. The cup weighs half a kilo and holds two teaspoons. Well, how did people live without this “Arch”, I’m not afraid of this prefix, ARCH, a necessary thing in everyday life.

Number six. Bed linen with beads and Swarovski crystals.

"Bleed your ass and do it again!" I have heard that even today, many peoples of the world check the sheets after the wedding night for the presence of blood. But this is some kind of sadism. How to sleep on crystals and beads? Beads are glass. Literally - glass beads. I don't understand anything about luxury living, okay. But here’s what I understand very well - to go with such a luxurious set of linen, you need to immediately give a washing machine, or better yet two, because, obviously, something will fly off and the household appliances will be covered at the same moment. Well, or a laundress who will do the washing by hand...

Number seven. Collection of porcelain rhinoceroses. Everything is simple and clear here; the groom has been collecting a collection of elephants for the last ten years. Like luck, prosperity and something else they symbolize. Well, the guests didn’t just come to the wedding. We chose with soul, knowing that the collection. They paid money, thought, searched, chose, but they made a little mistake with the animal.

Show me a rhino collector. I won't sleep today. The rhinoceros is a joke of nature. Who guessed to make it in such quantity, and even from porcelain? I won’t even say anything about who bought it. Well, people don’t see the difference between a rhinoceros and an elephant. His happiness - otherwise he would have divorced his rhinoceros long ago... “The sweetest animal,” he says, “almost an elephant, even better.”

Well, “Bitter”, what else can you say... Oh, how bitter...

Number eight will share certificates (per person) for Capoeira classes and mud wraps.

Neither the groom nor the bride likes sports or dancing, they have no idea who this “Capuer” is and why he is needed. About dirt at a wedding - this is strong. Even if it’s useful, it’s still a damn cool gift. And dirt, and benefit, and a gift. That's it, three in one.

Number nine. Golden crosses. This is a completely separate topic. I couldn't help but take a photo. I will not start a discussion on the topic that religious symbols cannot be imposed. But I can’t help but say that the couple does not identify themselves with any religion at all and promotes “secular humanism.” And here - baaaah - 3 crosses for the wedding. And what kind! You can buy a car with this money at today's gold prices.

What could be worse than unnecessary gifts? Just a mountain of unnecessary gifts! Some tips for men on how not to disappoint their beloved on this special holiday.
I would like to get something interesting, important for you personally, or, in the end, just useful in the house. But this modest desire is not always fulfilled. Therefore, we decided to make a rating of the most useless gifts that men give on March 8th.

We hope that at least some of the stronger sex will read this material and think about it... After all, unusual gifts are always a good mood and believe me, they exist... you just have to look...:)

1. Flowers
In almost every survey ever conducted, flowers take pride of place among useless gifts. On the one hand, it’s always nice to receive a beautiful and stylish bouquet, but, on the other hand, when almost all the men you know give them, it’s already too much.
This is especially true for roses and a “spring” branch of mimosa purchased from the nearest metro station. If you give, it’s at least a little more original, for example, now it has become very fashionable to give flowers in pots.
2. Candy
Of course, we girls love sweets very much, that after a chocolate bar our body produces the hormone of happiness, our mood improves and depression disappears, but even depression does not bother us as often as we are given various sweets.
I think almost every one of us is given boxes of chocolates from year to year: it’s one thing, receiving such a gift from clients or work colleagues is nice, I don’t argue, but not from the man you love. Moreover, at the beginning of spring, we all think about summer, dream of losing weight for the beach season - and men only tempt us with this.
3. Cookbook, book about healthy eating
Such a gift, of course, is a practical thing, but it comes with a certain hint and subtext. However, the girl immediately has thoughts: either I don’t know how to cook, or I need to lose weight. Believe me, none of these thoughts evoke positive emotions. Therefore, dear men, we feel free to cross off such a gift from the list of possible ones.
4. A set of kitchen utensils, including a frying pan and an oven mitt
A loving and caring husband, choosing such a gift for his wife, could not even think that she might be offended. But we ourselves are able to acquire such “useful” things for the household when the old ones deteriorate.
The feeling is that they are constantly trying to remind us that “our place is in the kitchen near the stove.” And on your own holiday, you really don’t want to let such thoughts enter your head even briefly.
5. Clay/wooden and other figurines, vases, candles
This point deserves special attention, because the apartment is not rubber, the shelves, racks and tables are even more so. All these clay figurines are always collecting dust on the shelves and taking up space. Now, if only there was something needed in the household... Yes, even a corkscrew! And he is better than any crystal swans and porcelain kittens... What could be worse than unnecessary gifts? Just a mountain of unnecessary gifts.
6. Perfume, eau de toilette, cosmetics... mountains of cosmetics...
Cosmetic gifts can only be given if you know exactly the taste of the woman to whom it will be intended: what perfume she likes, what cosmetics she uses, etc. If you don’t have such knowledge, you shouldn’t experiment.
Even the best consultant in a perfume store is unlikely to be able to help. The best thing to expect from such a surprise is a forced smile and words of gratitude. And then the gift will most likely be “given” to some friend or younger sister.
7. Soft toys
No comments here. I think each of us at least once had to exclaim something like the following. “Expensive is not a gift...” But that’s the thing, you can give a very inexpensive thing, but it will really be useful to the recipient.
It’s extremely offensive when someone deliberately gives you a soft toy, especially one that has been used, and one that has already been given away twice, and even knowing how much SHE hates soft toys.
8. Photo frame
According to many women (and not only others), such a gift is not only useless, but also offensive. If a person gave something like this... it means he doesn’t care what to give. This means that the next “dust collector” will go straight to the trash can or will be given to the person who himself gives similar gifts (but not to the same person, of course, although sometimes there is a fear of forgetting and giving the gift to its original owner).
9. Mugs
And why do only men think that this is the kind of mug that a girl needs in this life? In general, girls prefer that their dinnerware sets match the style of the tablecloth and kitchen decor.
You can put up with the fact that your loved one constantly gives completely inappropriate mugs, but what about an entire shelf in the rack dedicated to such “inappropriate” kitchen utensils?
10. Too original gift
Of course, it’s nice if a man is extraordinary and chooses original gifts. But even in this case, you must not overdo it. For example, if you give a girl a furniture polishing kit and a toothbrush on March 8... Of course, this gift cannot be called useless: polishing products are always necessary, and a toothbrush is an indispensable personal hygiene product... But on such a spring day you want to receive something “ feminine,” for which perhaps the woman herself would simply spare the money.
I would like to appeal to men: please do not waste time choosing a gift for the person closest to you. Give gifts from the heart. And we wish you, women, patience, and may every day in your life become a holiday!

I met my future mother-in-law on New Year's Eve. She reached into my travel bag, pulled out a pair of socks, put a bow on them, and presented them to me like a Christmas present. I decided it was a joke and laughed.

My mother-in-law was deeply offended that I did not appreciate the efforts she made to show that I was welcome in this family.

Last New Year, I received shampoo as a gift from my boyfriend, complete with a programming book. He said that he decided to give two gifts - one that was necessary and one for the soul. That's where he got the idea that my soul as a pediatrician urgently needs such a book?..

For my tenth birthday, my grandmother gave me a huge Soviet crystal salad bowl. Why does a ten-year-old boy need it, I still don’t understand.

The most unusual gifts that my classmates and parents gave me while I was at school:

1. Two and a half kilometers of toilet paper, which equals 42 rolls;
2. Bundle of wood for the fire;
3. Snowball (yes, a sweet fermented milk drink);
6. Shovel with a bow and in gift wrapping.

Every year my mother-in-law tries to outdo herself and gives simply amazing gifts:

  • Opened anti-wrinkle cream (then I was seriously offended by her, I’m only 26 years old);
  • A bunch of worn nylon tights;
  • A large bottle of PVA glue;
  • A bag of cat litter (actually I have a dog...);
  • A set of assorted cracked and chipped tea cups.

My friend’s parents kept a stall at the market where they sold artificial flowers. Therefore, on my birthdays, I always received from her a bouquet of grave flowers or a wreath decorated with a black ribbon.

And my ex-boyfriend, whom I had been dating for more than two years at that time, gave me... a package. Just a durable gift bag with two plastic handles, with the words: “Well, you love the movie Twilight, look, there’s a beautiful sunset.”

In third grade, a girl I really liked invited me to her birthday party. Everything would have been fine, but she did it a couple of hours before the holiday. There was no time to run to the store, and money was tight in the family.

Before leaving, my grandmother handed me some kind of package, saying that my classmate would definitely like this gift, and I went with it, joyful and beautifully dressed. The time has come to give gifts, everyone gives dolls, soft toys, books, videotapes with cartoons. I hold out my gift, a classmate opens it, and there is an oil can. Yes, a simple oil dish with a transparent lid.
Thank you grandma...

In the seventh or eighth grade, the girls, together with the class teacher, decided to pamper us boys with music for February 23rd. We collected money and collected cassettes with Russian performers from a local tent. I don’t know what motivated the girls when they made the purchase, but in our class we got the entire “Gaza Strip” collection. And I got Valery Syutkin...

The stupidest gift I was given was at a kindergarten party. Imagine, you are 6 years old, you tell a poem to Santa Claus, and then with burning eyes you run for a gift... And Santa Claus takes it out of the bag and gives you a plastic green watering can!!!