
Presentation of types of education. Presentation of the "theory of education" of action and behavior



Parenting is built on relationships. These relationships shape the individual’s acceptance of value and they are manifested in actions, behavior, and habits. All the time and by everyone, including the individual himself, these manifestations are emotionally assessed. As a result, life skills specific to the child’s age are developed.




in the habit

in behavior

in action





and its values


II. People

I. surrounding



III. reflecting yourself through

law-abiding, cooperation, I - concept

  • Education today is, first of all, working with meanings, values, a person’s system of relationships, his emotional and volitional sphere, with everything that allows a person to realize, evaluate and improve himself, while making conscience the main criterion for his own actions and actions.

Features of the educational process today



Changing the pedagogical position from monologue to dialogical, which determines the teacher’s ascent to the needs of the student and the values ​​of childhood, is one of the leading pedagogical conditions for student orientation

on socially significant values.


and values




Development of a relationship

external object








8 years





9 years


to yourself




The baby’s relationships and assessment are initially directed towards the objective world and the people around him. When the child learns to separate himself from the world around him, he begins to build relationships with his inner self and give them his assessment. When building relationships with the inner self, individuality and character development occur. The authority of external imitation is supplanted by the authority of internal identification and the problem will be the correct choice of the subject of identification.

Development of a relationship


as a sample


as a sample

the wider the range of actions,

the more likely it is acceptable

selection above


as a sample


as a sample


as a sample


after 12




through the prism

critical analysis

A teenager “tests his teeth” with a variety of actions that are not always

correspond to the norms of morality and morality. The act of a teenager is

a kind of “test” of the sought-after value for its possible

acceptance followed by a determination to manifest it in behavior.

  • Glossary for education
  • Relationship it is subjective-evaluative, emotionally colored
  • the individual’s view of reality and represents the assigned experience of relationships with other people
  • Deed- an internal plan of action in which it is consciously presented
  • an intention has been developed and there is a forecast of the expected result
  • Behavior a system of interconnected reflexive and conscious actions. Includes instincts, skills and intelligent actions
  • Habit this behavior has become a need and it must be
  • within a socially acceptable framework
  • Value orientations – the method of differentiating objects according to their significance determines a person’s general approach to the world, to himself, giving meaning and direction to personal positions, behavior and actions
  • (hereinafter simply values)

Socially valuable motives

Socially valuable motives

arranged in a hierarchical row

and this helps to identify the relationship algorithm


he reproduced this value

by conviction of correctness

of your choice


starts to stick

he set himself

to assign this value


performs an action

intention and

he fulfilled his intention and desire

reproduce this value in your actions


motivates himself

interest and


the child showed interest and desire for this value

degree of awareness

Algorithm of relationships and formation of values

The process of education comes down to the emotional and purposeful building of relatively stable relationships through the formation of certain values ​​by the individual.







(caused by need)

Relationships as a system of motivations








belief reproduce this value

intention desire test this value

interest pursuit to this



socially valuable motives

Critical analysis for NDV


teenager behavior



critical analysis

necessity or











For a proven value to take shape in an installation, it must

go through a stage of critical analysis by a teenager of the need or

the desirability of this value for him personally. For this he does

a number of actions and makes a selection among them based on its criteria

Description of the algorithm of relations and assignment of values



I am driven by motive needs And interest to a certain value quality

Type of relationship


I commit act to understand the meaning of this value for me. The action acts as a kind of samples

Manifestation of this attitude

I showed interest And pursuit to this personal quality


I'm sticking to it behavior, because I realized the significance of this value in my life

I'm working out habit so that this personality quality is reproduced in me automatically. It may appear in the form stereotype behavior and internal template


I accomplished intention and desire in your actions


I gave installation to assign this value

I stick to


I reproduced this action by conviction in the correctness of my choice

I'm working out

In the affective sphere, you need to pay attention to the fact that 6-10 year old students most often exhibit interest, aspirations, intentions and desires, which do not always turn into attitudes and beliefs.

Value orientations in education

1. M. Rokeach

Two classes of values: terminal instrumental


neatness, good manners, independence,

health, beauty, love, knowledge, freedom

2. M. Titma

Internal structure of value orientations:

emotional, cognitive, behavioral.

knowledge, interest,


tolerance, education,

communication skills

beauty, love


3. K.E. Izard

The spectrum of basic emotions includes the following ten: interest-excitement, joy, surprise, grief-suffering, anger, disgust, contempt, fear, shame and guilt.

4. The components of value orientations can be divided into 4 groups:

  • highest values– ideal, truth, freedom, beauty, creativity.
  • anthropocentric values(inherent in the person himself) - conscience, responsibility, faith, calling.
  • sociometric values(presented by society) – duty, fatherland, patriotism, motivational values– intentions, desires, aspirations, interest, attitudes, beliefs.

5. E.V. Sokolov

Five functions of value orientations:

  • expressive – convey values ​​to others, achieve recognition, success.
  • adaptive - satisfy your needs.
  • protection of the individual - value orientations act as “filters”.
  • cognitive – search for information to maintain the integrity of the individual.
  • coordination and harmonization of mental processes.

Genesis of motivation or socialization of personality

Need and interest are the driving force, the motive, both in the process

cognition, and when building a system of relationships between people

Knowledge appropriation process






need and interest





Process of appropriation of values

The subordination of motives is the most important new formation in the development of a child’s personality. The emerging hierarchy of motives gives a certain direction to actions and behavior. As it develops, it becomes possible to evaluate not only the child’s individual actions, but also his behavior as a whole. The subordination of motives leads to the fact that various motives lose their equality and are built into a system motivations. The motivation system leads to building a hierarchy of values ​​themselves

Hierarchy of assigned values

This pyramid was

built on the basis

critical revision

pyramids of needs

A. Maslow

The motive for choosing a particular

the child's values ​​will be his

need and interest in it

at the moment of development





The ascent goes from the pole of “natural” behavior through the assimilation of values ​​of an increasingly higher order to the pole of higher ideals

Highest values-ideals

understanding , duty . recognition, sympathy,

Instrumental values

responsibility, composure, will, hard work

This ascent is possible only if the child enriches the entire set of personal qualities in the form of instrumental values-means on the path to higher values

honesty, kindness, empathy, trust

Instrumental values-means

interest, joy, surprise, grief, anger, contempt, fear, shame, guilt

Basic emotions of “natural” behavior,

behavioral reactions, nonverbal communication

Assessment of student activity in the affective sphere

Type of criterion






Comparison of pyramids of needs

according to M. Turarbekov

according to A. Maslow







The need for respect will be in demand during self-affirmation, but first there will be a desire

to knowledge





Need in


Striving for



Need for love

Imitation and



Attract attention

Physiological requirement

ness, safety

Genesis of interest and pyramid of needs

Need and interest


according to A. Maslow according to M. Turarbekov









Need for respect

Striving for


and ethical

Need for love



Attract attention

Physiological requirement

ness, safety

Interest develops due to changing needs, which in turn directs the child’s leading activities.

The task of education

As a child gets older, his or her developmental trajectory may deviate greatly from the norm. This is due to the fact that individual character traits can be opposed to the logic of the optimal path of development, and the degree of external influence will invariably decrease.

The task of education in this case comes down to minimizing this deviation.



A young man breaks the emotional umbilical cord between himself and his parents in spite of

logic of its development, succumbing to external

circumstances ( the problem of fathers and children)

The teenager still can't figure it out

your true place among your peers,

there is a search for oneself in this world

(joining an informal group)


The child still has no need for

mastering educational activities,

it is not properly organized

(pedagogical neglect)





15 years

11 years

3 years

6 years

The mechanism for assigning value using the example of adjusted

B. Bloom's affective model

appropriates and reproduces in his own

activity this value




Assimilate everything

person reacts


based on your



its importance in the hierarchy

own values


this value in

its activities

testing this value



in the model

B. Bloom is absent

isolation from the whole variety of values ​​on the basis

needs and interests





comparison with others



introduction to value

B. Bloom's affective model was developed in 1958

and has not been critically revised since then

educational process hypothesis

Our hypothesis is the following: if conditions are created for the individual that determine the development of his skills choice, evaluation and action of the value process, then this will contribute to the formation of value orientations and personal qualities in accordance with the age characteristics of the individual

Value Process

Action Skills

1. Formation of this

values ​​in oneself

2. Distribution

this value

are expressed in


Assessment skills

Selection skills

1. Getting to know



2. Comparison with

2. Its significance in

own hierarchy

other values


are expressed in

3. Isolating it


from all variety based on need and interest

are expressed in


Like any activity, the educational process

has its own set of skills

Diagnosing the value process is important for determining actions

educator, school teacher in the formation of personal qualities of a growing person.











These psychological types correlate with

psychological types of K. Jung and G. Eysenck














There are no people who completely belong to any one of these psychological types. In fact, everything is mixed in one person in one proportion or another and we can only talk about a dominant type.

Psychological types according to C. Jung better reflect Racy and Emotion in a person

According to G. Eysenck, people are divided into four types

  • 1 .- stable introvert - calm, balanced, . reliable, controlled, peaceful, attentive, caring.
  • 2 .- neurotic introvert - easy to change mood, quiet, reasonable, pissemistic, withdrawn, anxious.
  • 3 .- stable extrovert - leader, cheerful, carefree, sociable, flexible, friendly.
  • 4 .- neurotic extrovert - vulnerable, restless, aggressive, fickle, optimistic, active.

As we see, many personality qualities are inherent in psychological personality types and this should be taken into account by school psychologists and teachers. However, this does not mean that everything is predetermined at the neurophysiological level. The process of personality socialization can make significant adjustments to the process of developing a type and even changing it.

Preschool age


encouragement or



act baby


analysis by a child

values, values



an act of a child caused by intention and desire

child behavior caused by attitude

The child has not yet developed the habit

leading type of nervous system

stable introvert calm, controlled, peaceful, attentive f .

stable extrovert cheerful, sociable, flexible, friendly With .

neurotic extrovert vulnerable, aggressive, fickle, active X .

neurotic introvert quiet, thoughtful, reserved, anxious m .

Based on levels

morality by L. Kohlberg

Preschool age

assessment by adults of the child’s actions and behavior,



encouragement or




kind angry


act baby




help another


child behavior caused by an adult’s attitude

become kind and generous

leading type of nervous system

in a preschooler it is clearly expressed in his relationships

stable introvert peaceful, attentive f .

neurotic extrovert aggressive, fickle, X .

stable extrovert sociable, friendly With .

neurotic introvert, withdrawn, anxious m .

Based on levels

morality by L. Kohlberg

Primary School


OK or


actions and behavior

child teacher

comparative analysis by the student of values,



motivation caused by his desire and interest

leading type of nervous system

neurotic introvert

stable introvert

stable extrovert

neurotic extrovert

Primary School

teacher's assessment of the child's actions and behavior,


comparative analysis

how kind

how generous

how strong

how beautiful

OK or


actions and behavior

child teacher


become kinder

be more generous

act of a student caused by intention and desire

student habit as automatic reproduction of behavior

student behavior caused by attitude

leading type of nervous system

he still dominates the relationship

student skill developed by actions and behavior

neurotic extrovert

stable extrovert

neurotic introvert

stable introvert

The moral levels of L. Kohlberg are taken as a basis

Expected results for primary school NDV

1. Most students (more than 70%) should develop the skill of comparison

and its analysis.

2. All basic emotions - interest, joy, surprise, grief, anger, contempt,

fear, shame and guilt must be expressed verbally and emotionally.

3. Children at this age should have such qualities as: honesty,

trust, independence, empathy, hard work, will, concentration

4. There should be a minimum number of leaders and there should not be

isolated children.

Questionnaire to determine the status of a child





description of statuses


Leader - member of the group with the highest

status, which is recognized


Preferred - a group member with a high status whose opinion children most often listen to

Accepted - a member of a group with a low status who does nothing

right to make decisions

doesn't stand out as special

Isolated – a low-status group member who is often rejected by children on an emotional level

This child has a “preferred” status and the task is to ensure that there is a minimum number of isolated children in the class

for primary school students







fights with difficulty





is completely ruined


Has basic



carry out


Finds and shows interest in comparative value


Analyzes comparisons


cutting sections



This form is filled out by a teacher or psychologist within six months for each child.

Example of analysis of a completed questionnaire. This means that the child has not yet developed

skill of comparison and its analysis, but he is already familiar with these criteria

Comparative analysis of classes 1 and 2 according to data diagnostic story “The Greedy Pig”

1 class

2nd grade







1 – not oriented; 2 – finds it difficult to navigate; 3 – fully oriented

Analysis to determine the right action in situations of moral choice among peers

Moral choice by first grade students

is done independently based on the prevailing

what feelings and experiences they have at this time.

As it turned out, students usually show

kindness (71% in 1D), Politeness (71% in 1B) or

Empathize (33% in 1B).

This is a very important conclusion, since it allows

through these expressed feelings indirectly

Often it is the teacher’s assessment of this or that

the situation and the type of his behavior depends on the choice

preferred value by primary students

Politeness – pedantic type (phlegmatic)

Kindness – open type (sanguine)

- empathize

- polite

- kind

Basic school


"mirror reflection"

yourself in others for


the mentor’s assessment of the student’s actions, behavior and habits,


justification by the mentor

explanation of his choice,

assessments and actions

critical analysis by the student of the mentor's rationale and his vision

motivation caused by his desire and interest

student behavior caused by attitude

act of a student caused by intention and desire

student habit as automatic reproduction of behavior

leading type of nervous system

student skill developed by actions and behavior

stable extrovert



neurotic extrovert

neurotic introvert

Basic school

"mirror reflection"


yourself in others for

ideally this is the subject



justification by the mentor

desired action and behavior of the student through

explanation of his choice,

assessments and actions



assessment and


motivation caused by his desire and interest

student behavior caused by attitude

student habit as automatic reproduction of behavior

the student's act as a peculiar


leading type of nervous system

begins to consciously influence his personality traits

student skill developed by actions and behavior

Individual NDV meter for primary school students





Critical analysis




fights with difficulty



is being fully developed


Has basic

Looks for strengths and weaknesses of the chosen value

carry out



cutting sections

Gives his assessment





high school


understanding and


moral standards

student as



clarification And discussion with the student of the moral standards of society based on his choice, evaluation and action

assessment of the student’s actions, behavior and habits,

student behavior caused by the intention to reproduce these moral standards

motivation caused by understanding and acceptance of moral standards

the student's habit of always observing these moral standards

an act of a student caused by the intention and desire to comply with moral standards

minimizing impact

undesirable qualities

personality based on neurophysiological

level through

student skill developed by observing moral standards

formation in oneself of such qualities that are inherent in a socially mature personality






1 ) testing this value;

1) familiarity with this value;

2) comparison with other values;

2) its significance in the hierarchy of one’s own values

3) isolating it from the entire diversity based on need and interest


appropriation and dissemination of this value

Multi-level diagnostic tasks

educational process of students

The relationship between the relationship algorithm and the affective model is clearly visible in this diagram. Identifying this internal relationship allows us to build a logic for compiling multi-level diagnostic tasks. Thus, indirectly, we have the opportunity to study such types of relationships as: motivation, action and behavior.

What does a survey give us?

The most objective indicators for diagnosing NDV are provided by such methods

such as observation and interview, but these methods are expensive

time. Monitoring conditions do not always allow this, since it

covers a large array of diagnostic data that is necessary

processed in a short time. Cover a large amount of data and process

surveys can be done in a short time. The questionnaires are composed of multi-level

tasks to obtain a more objective picture of the diagnosis of NDD. Tasks

should be compiled on the basis of three criteria: emotional, behavioral

and intellectual.

Questionnaire data will help us identify certain prerequisites for appropriation

values. Their manifestation in the form of actions, behavior and habits in

in reality may be postponed indefinitely. They are not

amenable to arbitrary regulation, since it is impossible to model in

the educational process, all the variety of life situations.

On the other hand, it is the student’s comprehensive orientation in the subject

parts of value qualities, skills of identification, evaluation and action and are a prerequisite for the full appropriation of these values

Matrix of diversity and development of value orientations

The degree of manifestation of the presented values ​​can be determined by the following criteria: inclusion, autonomy, self-expression, objectivity of assessment and they can become specific criteria in the preparation and development of questionnaires and tests by practical school psychologists.








Adequacy of self-esteem




inclusion through imitation

self-expression through the correlation of the ideal self to the real self


autonomy through verbalization

objectivity through self-esteem

Specifics of NDV monitoring

Monitoring in the system of moral and spiritual education (MSE) has its own specifics. It lies in the fact that the cause-and-effect relationships in the NDV system are not as strict as in the cognitive (knowledge) sphere. It is for this reason that the monitoring system in the affective (emotional) sphere has not yet been fully developed. We conceptually built a system for monitoring NDV and on this basis compiled multi-level tasks for the school in the form of questionnaires.

Purpose of monitoring: development of specific criteria and

diagnostic indicators that help identify the level of moral education of students.

Monitoring tasks:

1. Develop criteria and indicators of the level of moral education of students.

2. Determine the levels of moral education of students in verbal and real behavior.

3. To establish the dependence of moral education on the nature of the teacher-children relationship.

Moral and spiritual education monitoring system

Monitoring is considered as a system for collecting, processing, storing and distributing information about the educational system or its individual elements, focused on information support for management. It allows one to judge the state of an object at any point in time and can provide a development forecast.

Setting global educational goals

Determining the content of education based on program documents

Raising a creative person

State mandatory standard for spiritual and moral education

Selecting Goal Taxonomies

Development of a system of uniquely diagnosed targets

1. B. Bloom's affective taxonomy

Algorithm for building relationships and age levels of morality

Selecting Status Options

2. A. Maslow’s pyramid of needs

3. Development matrix of M. Turarbekov

Description of the relationship algorithm and features of moral levels

4. Levels of morality by L. Kohlberg

The task of monitoring is to reduce the difference between the intended and actual certification data Sequence of actions when building a monitoring system

Explanation of the NDV monitoring table

1. B. Bloom’s affective taxonomy allowed us to approach the problem of analysis

story - history and divide it into three stages: presentation, analysis, reasoning.

2. A. Maslow’s pyramid of needs in our modified version helped to build

the sequence of children’s adoption of values ​​depending on their age

(See table “Relationship between leadership activities and values”).

3. The development matrix clarified the issue of applying a certain type of analysis for

building the plot of a story: comparison, comparison, critical analysis, evaluation.

4. Levels of morality by L. Kohlberg can indicate the specifics of building

relationships between children and adults at different periods of child development.

Diagnosing value orientations in students is important for determining

action strategies of educators and school teachers in the formation of their personal qualities.

Criteria and indicators of moral education

Education must be studied according to three criteria:

1. intelligent. We identify it through moral ideas about value

the child himself.

2. behavioral. Identified through the child's expected behavior in the situation

moral choice.

3. emotional. Manifests itself through the child’s emotional attitude and mood

Diagnostic signs - indicators of the education process

I. Representations.

The level of students’ ideas about values ​​was determined. (Intellectual)

II. The ability to reason and draw your own conclusions.

We tested this skill based on the provisions of the development matrix

child (intellectual).

III. Show your personal attitude in a situation of moral choice.

The choice is made by the student independently, based on his prevailing

in a given period of feeling and experience. (behavioral)

IV. Application of content analysis using projective techniques.

This allowed us to find out the most preferred values ​​by class

by the students themselves. (emotional)


Leading figure-



Purpose of education

7 – 11 years

By this time, the child develops voluntary attention and behavior. He learns to separate himself from the world around him and, on this basis, build voluntary behavior and deliberate decisions. Object memory is replaced by figurative memory and this gives him the opportunity to play out interesting situations arising around him in his own way. The meaning of a word becomes significant not only for the development of thinking, but also for building relationships with the people around him.

Educational tasks

Development of speech for building relationships, as well as the cognitive sphere in younger schoolchildren

Development of voluntary behavior skills

Stages of education

Development of perception, gross and fine motor skills

Teaching children to express their thoughts

Methodical techniques

Individual work and then in groups and pairs

Performance criteria


Develop perception, observation and imagination

Children's ability to learn at school

Relaxation exercises in the form of interesting rhymes or tongue twisters

development of visual thinking in specific academic and extracurricular relationships

Development of gross and fine motor skills through the connection of positive emotions

Development of logical thinking through emotional motivation of an adult

Tests to identify anxiety and motivation by identifying the level of aspirations and the need to achieve goals in activities

Emotional resilience to stressful situations

(parents, teacher, psychologist)

Observations and conversations

Express your feelings verbally

For all three indicators, the level is not lower than 70% of the total



Leading figure-

Adaptive (16-18 years old)


Features of child development during this period

This period of a child's development is characterized by the fact that the emotional umbilical cord between him and his mother must be severed. However, this happens, and sometimes it doesn't, at different times and for different reasons.


Purpose of education

Educational tasks

Enrichment and individualization of the emotional sphere of high school students

An emotionally unstable period, as for the first time the teenager begins to face the realities of life and the teenager tries to solve them on his own. The lack of experience in building relationships with all participants in this process is masked by excessive self-confidence, or, conversely, excessive modesty. Adults should take into account that a teenager’s self-esteem during this period is extremely vulnerable and for them what is more important is not what is said, but what is done.

12 – 15 years

His individuality is noticeably manifested through his relationships with others.

Stages of education

He feels like an individual.

To form a desire for such values ​​as beauty, goodness, truth, creativity

Developing critical thinking and self-control

Methodical techniques

Reveal the meaning of beauty as harmony between internal and external contents

Striving to understand each other

Universal values ​​contribute to self-expression of one’s personality

Constructive attitude towards criticism

Knowledge of the diversity of human personalities

Performance criteria

Exercise "Six Hats"

Identification and search for beauty as harmony between external and internal

To reveal and form an idea of ​​goodness and truth as fundamental values ​​of all humanity

Ability to benefit from criticism

Exercises: Presentation of individuality”, “How much of me”, “Who am I”, technique “Comparison of concepts projective techniques BUBBLES. Written reflection on ongoing events and processes in the form of an essay. Art therapeutic trainings on how to overcome stress, criticism, negative judgments about people around you, and making compromise decisions. Communication tests Observations and interviews

Self-esteem by students

Independent decision-making skills

morphological test of life values ​​MTLC,

Creativity is the highest manifestation of one's own activity

Ability to make collective decisions

The need to know laws and moral standards

M. Rokeach’s methodology “Value orientations”

Completion of diagnostic tasks by students at least 70% of the level in all parameters

The degree of objectivity of high school students’ assessments of assigned tasks

Understand for yourself the meaning of good as the antithesis of evil and violence

Negative judgments and their consequences

Acting out various life situations through art therapeutic trainings

Developing optimal behavior under stress Ability to compromise

According to these two criteria, the level of manifestation of these characteristics is not lower than 70%.

Ability to express feelings and experiences in writing. All students should have this form of expression and it can be in the form of messages to a psychologist, teacher or some significant person.

Stress Management Strategy

Tests to identify the degree of self-esteem

Understand and accept different people

Observations and interviews

The place of emotions in our lives

Emotions - this is a kind of signal that we give an instant assessment of something in the world around us, positive or negative.

Emotions also give us the opportunity to identify the value of something.

object or phenomenon and serve as a connection between reality and our needs.

Specialists with a sufficiently high IQ level differ among themselves in their ability to effectively maneuver in various social situations, read the emotional shades of the behavior of colleagues, clients and superiors and not give up in the face of emotional setbacks, i.e. they differ in their emotional intelligence EQ.

While IQ provides a kind of floor achievements of people, the emotional mind EQ in some sense determines ceiling– how high they can rise compared to other people

within the same cognitive and technical skills.

Thus, emotions not only do not interfere with our intellect, but

in a certain sense, help him understand and appreciate this world

What is EQ?

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) – the ability to monitor your own feelings

and emotions, as well as the feelings and emotions of other people, make distinctions

between them and use them to develop your own thoughts and actions

Like intelligence, the emotional mind has its own set of skills.

Emotional Mind Skills









(What is this?)


(For what?)



Give a chance

figure out,


their callers


and consequences


what do we need



like it, so what?

our own and others'

their manifestations



I do not like



The emotional mind helps us understand ourselves and organize

your inner world in harmony with the outside world

Emotion Recognition

Describe your first reaction when you see this picture

Feelings and emotions

Feelings are relatively stable experiences and can manifest themselves in mood. They are a source of self-knowledge. The language of feelings, unlike the language of emotions, is verbal and emotionally charged.



Arose earlier in the process of evolution

Arose later

Inherent in animals and humans

Attached to situations and states

Inherent only to humans

Linked to objects

Situational and short-term

Stable and long lasting

Emotions are mixed

Feelings don't mix

The same emotion is expressed in

different feelings

The same feeling manifests itself

in different emotions

The connection between the upbringing process and the learning process

reproduces in his

activity this value

assigning this value


Subject on spirituality

moral education


its importance in the hierarchy

own values



Humanitarian cycle


testing this value


in the model

B. Bloom is absent

isolating it from all diversity based on need and interest


comparison with others




scientific cycle


getting to know this value


in the natural science cycle

are emphasized

in the educational process of the natural science cycle



the meaning and significance for humans of the facts and phenomena of the surrounding world, set forth in the subjects of the natural science cycle.

Knowledge of the world





are revealed through influence,

significance, importance


Specifics disclosure of value orientations

in the humanitarian cycle

in the educational process

humanitarian cycle

are identified



comparison or entering into an image found in literature and history

Fairy tales


Prose and poetry

Documentary sources

are identified through acquaintance, analysis, evaluation.


Specifics disclosure of value orientations

in spiritual and moral education

become the leading ped. task

The educational process in spiritual and moral education

value orientations


creating a motive for behavior


1. acquaintance

2. situation of moral choice;

3. change of social roles;

4. observance in practice of moral and ethical standards.


ideal self – real self



revealed through knowledge, action,

acceptance, evaluation.

Modified Luscher test for classes on emotional sensitivity





Desire for satisfaction and stable attachment

Sadness, sadness

Discontent, evil

The desire to look forward and hope

Fear, anxiety

The desire to be active and achieve success

The desire for self-affirmation


Additional colors symbolize negative tendencies - anxiety, stress, fear, grief. The meaning of these colors is largely determined by their location, distribution by position

In the absence of personal conflict, primary colors should occupy predominantly the first 5 positions

Emotional experiences (children 6-7 years old)






















Goal: experiencing an emotional state

Objectives: experiences and expansion of the vocabulary of emotions

mythological (creative)

scientific and aesthetic ( critical )

handicraft ( according to the algorithm )

primitive ( unsystematic )

dogmatist ( no alternative )

common man ( stereotyped )

scientist and artist ( improvisation )

talent (unknown)

Human Development Matrix


as an example of finding


research ( cognition)

self-affirmation (separation)

gregarious (identification)

self-preservation and orient. (orientation)




physical development (survival)

social ( professional )

expressive ( individual)

harmonious ( perfection)

Family education

Prepared by a foreign language teacher

EP "College of LNU named after Taras Shevchenko"


Liliya Vladimirovna

Family is a social and pedagogical group of people designed to optimally satisfy the needs of self-preservation (procreation) and self-affirmation! (self-respect) of each of its members. The family creates in a person the concept of home not as a room where he lives, but as feelings, sensations, where they wait, love, understand, protect.

Family– this is an education that “encompasses” a person entirely in all his manifestations. All personal qualities can be formed in the family.

  • Family- a group of close relatives living together; parents with children. A married son or married daughter living separately constitutes a different family. According to V. Dahl
  • Family- these are not just relatives living nearby. These are close people who are united by feelings, interests, ideals, and attitudes to life.

Family education is a system of upbringing and education that develops in the conditions of a particular family through the efforts of parents and relatives.

Family education - a complex system. It is influenced by heredity and biological (natural) health of children and parents, material and economic security, social status, way of life, number of family members, place of residence of the family (place of home), attitude towards the child.

The family is traditionally the main educational institution.

The family can act as positive so and negative education factor.

Positive Impact on the child’s personality is that no one except the people closest to him in the family - mother, father, grandmother, grandfather - treat the child better, love him and do not care about him as much. The family provides continuity between the past, present, and future.

Negative factor- no other social institution can potentially cause as much harm in raising children as a family can do.

  • create maximum conditions for the growth and development of the child
  • become the socio-economic and psychological protection of the child
  • convey the experience of creating and maintaining a family, raising children in it and respecting elders

  • teach children useful applied skills and abilities aimed at self-care and helping loved ones
  • instilling the skills of a spiritually healthy lifestyle
  • develop self-esteem and self-worth

  • humanity and mercy towards a growing person
  • involving children in the life of the family as its equal participants
  • openness and trust in relationships with children
  • optimism in family relationships
  • consistency in your demands (do not demand the impossible)
  • providing all possible assistance to your child, willingness to answer questions

A special place in family education occupies moral education. And first of all, the education of such qualities as benevolence, kindness, attention and mercy towards elders, younger and weaker people, honesty, openness, hard work.

The problem of moral education remains very relevant today.

  • Control (attempt to influence the child’s activities)
  • Demand (parental pressure on a child to perform at a high social and emotional level)
  • Communication (parents’ use of persuasion to get a concession from the child, to find out his opinion and attitude)
  • Benevolence (expressed in how much the parents are interested in the child), warmth, love, care and compassion towards him

  • Personal example
  • Discussion
  • Confidence
  • Show
  • Love
  • Empathy
  • Elevation of Personality
  • Control
  • Order
  • Praise (encouragement)
  • Traditions
  • Sympathy
  • Punishment

Parents' tasks- develop healthy spiritual needs and interests in your children (students).

  • Problems related to the goals and content of educational work of the school and family
  • Problems of methods of stimulating students in the family to work on their personal development and formation
  • Problems of taking into account the age and individual characteristics of students in the process of family education

  • Establish a close relationship between the school and parents
  • Intensify the work of the parent sector to clarify the legislation of Ukraine on education issues
  • Seek influence from local governments on parents whose children violate the school’s charter
  • Analyze the state of students’ educational achievements and identify the reasons for the indifferent attitude of parents to the education and upbringing of their own children
  • Promote pedagogical knowledge that will improve the pedagogical literacy of parents
  • Help parents master the system of skills necessary to organize the student’s activities at home
  • Introduction of forms of work with families that contribute to the humanization of the “teacher-parent” relationship. Parents and teachers must become partners and active participants in the creative process of educating students.
  • Introducing forms of work with families that promote greater mutual understanding, respect and cohesion between parents and their children

  • Home visit
  • Invitation to the school
  • Individual consultations with a teacher “heart-to-heart talk”
  • Correspondence (telephone communication)

  • Parent lecture hall
  • Round table meetings
  • Thematic consultations
  • Psychological trainings
  • (group) children's activities
  • Parents' evenings

  • Classroom parent meetings
  • General school parent meetings
  • Open days
  • Concerts
  • Exhibitions of educational works
  • Creative reports
  • Family competitions
  • Joint holidays

Parents' responsibility for the development of children, their duties and rights specified in the Family Code of Ukraine

The exercise by parents of their rights and the fulfillment of their duties is carried out on the basis of the Law of Ukraine “On Education” (Article 59, 60)

Wise thoughts about education

  • Good education does not consist in first allowing vices to develop and then trying to drive them out. We must take all measures to make our nature inaccessible to vices
  • (St. John Chrysostom)

(St. Innocent Metropolitan of Moscow)

  • In order for the upbringing of children to be successful, it is necessary that the people raising them, without ceasing, educate themselves

(L. Tolstoy)

  • Strengthen your family because it

the basis of any state

(Emperor Alexander III –

son Nicholas II)

(K. Ushinsky)

  • Pedagogy should become a science for all teachers and parents

(V. A. Sukhomlinsky)

  • Do not think that you are raising a child only when you talk to him, or teach him, or order him. You raise him at every moment of your life... (A. Makarenko)


Family is happiness, love and luck,

Family means trips to the country in the summer.

Family is a holiday, family dates,

Gifts, shopping, pleasant spending.

The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,

Dreams of good things, excitement, trepidation.

Family is work, caring for each other,

Family means a lot of housework.

Family is important! Family is difficult!

But it is impossible to live happily alone!

Always be together, take care of love,

We want our friends to say about you:

How nice your family is!

  • Time is inexorable. A person is born, grows, matures, grows old and in due course passes away from life. And no one has yet managed to break this circle. The man leaves, but his children remain. Children have their own children, and those have their own. And if a person did not even make any discoveries, but simply lived his life with dignity, he deserves to be remembered by his children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren - FAMILY

Upbringing is one of the main pedagogical categories. It is closely interconnected with other pedagogical categories and has a rather complex structure. The education process is based on principles that any teacher needs to know.

Principles of education- this is a certain system of requirements for the educational process, there are many of them and each teacher has the right to use only some of them. The scientific and pedagogical process is based on the choice of a teacher, on what principles of education he will adhere to.

Usually, (SLIDE No. 3) principles of education first formulated in the form of a pedagogical theory or concept, and tested for adequacy during a pedagogical experiment or directly in practice. Due to the fact that over time, a variety of changes occur in society, pedagogical science is constantly in need of updating principles of education.

(SLIDE No. 4) The present time represents an era of development humanistic pedagogy. The prerequisites for its development existed in Russia from ancient times until the 19th century, and then at the beginning of the 20th century. These were theories and scientific works of domestic and foreign teachers. They played an important role in the development of humanistic pedagogy in Russia (SLIDE No. 5) concept pedocentrism J. Dewey, V. Lai and M. Montessori, (SLIDE No. 6) Walfdorian pedagogy, authored by R. Steiner, and some others.

Greatest support humanistic pedagogy received through (SLIDE No. 7) humanistic psychology K. Rogers, which was based on unconditional love for the child, accepting him as he is, psychological and pedagogical support, and so on. In addition, the final turn of Russian education to humanistic pedagogy was influenced by the development of democracy and published (SLIDE No. 8) UN "Convention on the Rights of the Child" And "Declaration of Human Rights" .

(SLIDE No. 9) Let's look at the most basic principleshumanistic education. Various variations of them can be found in various scientific and pedagogical literature.

(SLIDE No. 10)Firstly, according to the concept humanistic pedagogy, education should be aimed at developing creative individuality and personality. The object of education is a person and his abilities. The teacher is required not only to present the material to the students, but also to work with each of them individually, based on the characteristics of each of them.

(SLIDE No. 11)Secondly, the educational process must take place in accordance with the characteristics of the surrounding culture and allow those being educated to assimilate these cultural characteristics, since a person can adapt to society only if he knows its cultural values.

(SLIDE No. 12) Third, the main factor in successful upbringing is the active development of independent activities of children. It is in the interests of the teacher to encourage the student to engage in independent activities. If the student himself strives to acquire knowledge, then the pedagogical process will be much easier and more interesting.

(SLIDE No. 13)The fourth principle of education– this is the connection of education with work, society and the personal experience of the pupil. This principle is associated with the adaptation of pupils to adult life, expanding their experience and teaching them to use their theoretical knowledge in practice.

(SLIDE No. 14)Fifth principle of education consists of obligatory stay in the team during the education process, participation in its activities and the participation of the team itself in the formation of the personality of each of the students. This principle is also aimed at adapting students to life in society. In addition, the team is a very powerful pedagogical tool.

(SLIDE No. 15) The sixth principle of education implies highlighting only the positive aspects of the student and building the educational process based on them. By focusing on the positive qualities of the student, the teacher encourages him to develop them and suppress negative qualities. However, this principle does not consist only of praise. It must combine both respect for the student’s personality and exactingness towards it. And the last principle is the combination of active independent activity of students with the guidance of the teacher. Of course, the teacher must guide the activities of his students. But in no case should you suppress their initiative, because suppressing activity will inevitably stop the development of students’ personalities.

(SLIDE No. 16) Summarizing all of the above into a single thought, we get the following picture: education must strive to develop the personality of students based on their individual and age characteristics in the process of mastering culture. The concept of education that guides the teacher when constructing the pedagogical process, in addition to a number of the above factors, is also determined by the will of the teacher himself or the teaching community.



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Slide captions:

Principles of education

Principles of education Education is a certain system of requirements for the education process, there are many of them and each teacher has the right to use only some of them.

Pedagogical experiment or practice Principles of education Pedagogical theory or concept

The present time represents the era of development of HUMANISTIC PEDAGOGY.

The concept of Pedocentrism - J. Dewey, W. Lye and M. Montessori J. Dewey W. Lye M. Montessori

HUMANISTIC PSYCHOLOGY of K. Rogers was based on: unconditional love for the child, acceptance of him as he is, psychological and pedagogical support


According to the concept of humanistic pedagogy, education should be aimed at the development of creative individuality and personality. The object of education is a person and his abilities.

II. The process of education must take place in accordance with the characteristics of the surrounding culture and allow those being educated to assimilate these cultural characteristics, since a person can adapt to society only if he knows its cultural values.

III. The main factor in successful upbringing is the active development of independent activities of children.

IV. The principle of education is the connection between education and work, society and the personal experience of the student.

V. The principle of education is the obligatory stay in the team in the process of education, participation in its activities and the participation of the team itself in the formation of the personality of each of those being educated.

VI. The principle of education implies highlighting only the positive aspects of the student and building the educational process based on them.

CONCLUSION: Education must necessarily strive to develop the personality of students based on their individual and age characteristics in the process of mastering culture. The concept of education that guides the teacher when constructing the pedagogical process, in addition to a number of the above factors, is also determined by the will of the teacher himself or the teaching community.


Education 7th grade

Slides: 21 Words: 1015 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Goals: Objectives: Directions. Self management. Intellectual education. Legal education. Labor education. Moral education. Creative education. Civic and patriotic education. Sports and health education. Feedback. Principles. Openness. Success. Co-creation. Freedom of choice. Activity. Expected result: Forms of work: Plan of work with the class. Julia, Zoya, Katya, Sveta, Tolya, Sasha and Alena. Information about the class team. Class motto: We choose. Instead of. Class commandments. We are the most reading class in school! Hard to learn, easy to fight! (our achievements). - Education 7th grade.ppt


Slides: 12 Words: 1058 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Modern theories of education. Definition of education. Basic principles of education. The purpose of education. Personality culture. Method. Belief. Educational process. Humanization of the educational process. Humanization of the educational process. Technological approach to education. Problem-based learning technology. - Parenting.pptx

Education management

Slides: 19 Words: 796 Sounds: 0 Effects: 58

Psychology of education. Psychological mechanisms of educational influence. Behavior based on positive feelings. Personality change. Managing the development of a child's personality. How tired of these mother's moral teachings. Psychological patterns of education. Smart thoughts. Motives. Comment on the statement. Suggestion. Educational management. Analyze the situation. Evaluate the subtext. Psychological meanings. The psychological meaning of managing a child's upbringing. Are you ready to educate today? What else do you need to do in order to be ready to educate? - Parenting management.ppt

Education and upbringing

Slides: 20 Words: 1027 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Raising the younger generation. Upbringing. Socialization. Rural sociocultural complex. Subjects of the sociocultural complex. Directions of the activity plan. Formation of a culture of health. Working with family. Professional self-determination. Education of national self-awareness. Social activities of institutions. Aesthetic education. Citizenship education. Expected results. Educational ideal. Activities of each subject. Explanatory note. Goals and objectives of education. General tasks. - Education and upbringing.pptx

Socialization of younger schoolchildren

Slides: 38 Words: 1817 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Education and socialization of junior schoolchildren. Regulatory basis for organizing the educational process. Concept. National educational ideal. Russian citizen. Tasks of education. Formation of the foundations of Russian civic identity. Formation of attitude towards family. System of basic national values. Education of moral feelings. Directions of education. Sources of formation of values. The way of school life. Education at school. Education cannot be reduced to any one type of educational activity. Education should move the child from issue to issue. - Socialization of younger schoolchildren.ppt

Slides: 17 Words: 1238 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

How to teach your child to live in the world of people. Statements of famous people. Issues for discussion. The tasks of adults in instilling a culture of behavior in children. Politeness and sensitivity. Food for thought. Personality culture. Appearance culture. Communication culture. Advice for parents. Love. A culture of speech. Advice from a psychologist. Life culture. Memo for parents. Sermon. - Tips for raising children.ppt

Traditions of education

Slides: 10 Words: 740 Sounds: 20 Effects: 26

Traditions of education in Poland, Lithuania and Belarus. Belarus. Family values ​​and upbringing traditions. Belarusians are very good-natured and hospitable people. Lithuania. Family traditions of the people. Modern traditions of education. Poland. Antique family treasures. Modern Polish society. - Traditions of education.pptx

Parenting mistakes

Slides: 44 Words: 3056 Sounds: 0 Effects: 18

Ten parenting mistakes that everyone has made at some point. Parents completing the task “Continue the phrase.” Continue the following phrase: “Education is...”. Educational mistakes. First role: “family idol.” Another role is “mom’s (father’s, grandmother’s) treasure.” “Coalitions” are formed in the family, for example, mother and child against father. The child plays the role of a “good boy”. The role of the “sick child”. All of these roles are so-called positive. The role of the "terrible child". In the role of "scapegoat". Adults discharge their aggressiveness on him. The essence of proper education. - Parenting mistakes.ppt

Education process

Slides: 10 Words: 690 Sounds: 0 Effects: 58

Diagnosis, analysis and planning of the education process. Step-by-step methodological recommendations for implementing the education process. (method of P.V. Stepanov). What is education? The meaning of diagnostics is the desire of teachers to show themselves. Analysis – a report on the work done. Criteria for assessing the educational process. 1.Personal development of the student. 2. Formation of primary children's groups... A team is a complex social system, characterized by the unity of organization and psychological community. Self-government, distribution of social roles. Formation of norms and values. Connecting business and informal interpersonal relationships. - The process of education.ppt

Human education

Slides: 20 Words: 909 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Components of technology when determining the topic of the teachers' council on educational work: Discussion of this problem at the methodological association of class teachers. 3. Goals of the teachers' council: One of the strongest sources of spirituality is conscience, and the manifestation of spirituality is love. . The relevance of the problem of spiritual and moral education. Thirdly, education itself does not guarantee a high level of moral education. Spiritual and moral education contributes to the formation in a person of: Objectives of spiritual and moral education. Contents of spiritual and moral education: - Human education.ppt

Education and development

Slides: 52 Words: 1799 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Concept. Spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a Russian citizen. The concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a Russian citizen. Developed in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, based on the annual messages of the President of Russia to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. The concept is. The methodological basis for the development and implementation of the federal state educational standard of general education. The concept represents. The concept defines. The concept formulates. - Education and development.ppt

Socialization and education

Slides: 6 Words: 186 Sounds: 0 Effects: 1

Socialization and education. Social science. 8th grade. Socialization is a person’s mastery of social roles, assimilation of social norms. Life. Old age. Maturity. Youth. Childhood. Birth. Continued socialization. Initial socialization. Education is a purposeful process of shaping certain cultural traits of a person. Upbringing. Cultural norms. Household rules. Values ​​and ideals. - Socialization and education.ppt

Raising girls and boys

Slides: 13 Words: 629 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

“Boys and girls are two different worlds.” “What, what, what are our boys made of? Our boys are made from springs and pictures from glass and blotters! What, what, what are our girls made of? Our girls are made from handkerchiefs, balls, riddles and marmalades!” Evidence for differences in sex development. What is shown in the picture? Girls games. Boys' games. “Our mothers. Learn to use the words “son”, “grandson”, “brother”, “daughter”, “granddaughter”, “sister”. Working with parents: - Raising girls and boys.ppt

Education in the classroom

Slides: 30 Words: 495 Sounds: 0 Effects: 116

Educational system "Friends". 5th grade 10th grade. The purpose of the educational system. Tasks. Instilling cultural skills in communicating with peers, teachers, and parents. The mechanism of construction and functioning of the educational system. My class is my family with a clear distribution of all rights and responsibilities. Where to begin? Meeting children. Meeting the students' parents. Characteristics of the team given by a primary school teacher. "One for all and all for one.". 5th grade. The main direction is moral education. Trip to the Pushkin Mountains. Hike to the river Flattering. 6th grade. - Education in the classroom.ppt

Team education

Slides: 35 Words: 1275 Sounds: 0 Effects: 107

Education system. Upbringing. The process of education. A set of methods and techniques through which the process of personality formation is carried out. Collective (from Latin colligere - to collect). Team. Small group. A small group is a small-sized association of people connected by direct interaction. Classification of groups. Formal informal temporary stable. The main characteristics of a team. Stages of team development. The subject of management is the collective, the entire group. Parameters for assessing group development (Ushansky). Nominal group association cooperation corporation collective. - Education in a team.ppt

Education of schoolchildren

Slides: 13 Words: 340 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Moral education of schoolchildren. Borisova Galina Vladimirovna. In the system of moral education, the following areas of activity for teachers can be distinguished: Moral education includes eight main areas: The first area is diagnostic. Forms: questionnaire, survey, testing, pedagogical observations, conversations. Forms: conversations, class hours, competition “We are all accustomed to order...”, display of the “School Fashion” collection. Forms: ethical conversations, “lessons of courage,” meetings with veterans of the Great Patriotic War, class hours devoted to getting to know state symbols. - Education of schoolchildren.ppt

Education of the student's personality

Slides: 29 Words: 1119 Sounds: 0 Effects: 5

Raising a Russian in the conditions of multicultural education. Pedagogical necessity-. The task of ethnocultural education is. “Education of a Russian in the conditions of multicultural education.” Principles: Conformity to nature; I am nature. Cultural Conformity: I am culture. Humanism; I am human. Multiculturalism; I am a citizen. Nationality; I am Russian, Tatar, Avar... Spirituality; I am conscience. Tolerance. Conceptual positions of educating a Russian: The integrity of the entire educational process of the school to instill the values ​​of a Russian. Creation of an educational environment. - Education of the student’s personality.ppt

Education in the family and at school

Slides: 23 Words: 972 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Spiritual and moral education in the family and school. Education of a spiritual personality. Education of a moral personality. The goal of spiritual and moral development and education. The concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a Russian citizen. Contents of spiritual and moral development and education. Basic national values: What are the causes of spiritual and moral decline in society? Data from the independent study “Family and Society” (Research Institute of Family and Education 2010). Results of a survey of 5b grade students. Results of a survey of 6a grade students (21). Results of a survey of 6th grade students (21). - Education in the family and at school.ppt

Primary school education

Slides: 27 Words: 2197 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Family Personal success Social success Professional success. Society Safety and health Freedom and responsibility Social justice Welfare. State National unity Security Development of human capital Competitiveness. What should an ideal elementary school student be like? Friendly, able to listen and hear a partner, able to express his opinion. Following the rules of a healthy and safe lifestyle for yourself and others. What should a modern teacher be like? In 2006, work began on new education standards. - Education in primary school.ppt

Education of younger schoolchildren

Slides: 12 Words: 545 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

The object of the study is the spiritual and moral education of junior schoolchildren. The subject of the study is the spiritual and moral education of junior schoolchildren in extracurricular activities. Consideration of the idea of ​​spiritual and moral education of children in the historical and pedagogical aspect; ideas of outstanding teachers - L.N. Tolstoy, K.D. Ushinsky, V.A. Sukhomlinsky; The purpose of the experiment: to identify the level of spiritual and moral qualities of junior schoolchildren. Stages of the experiment: stating; formative; - control. Summary table of levels of behavioral culture in children of primary school age. - Education of younger schoolchildren.ppt

Slides: 23 Words: 1122 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Historical excursion into the Soviet system of education and upbringing of the younger generation. Khrushcheva Svetlana Aleksandrovna, history teacher, highest qualification category. The Soviet education system was based on the pedagogical ideas of A.S. Makarenko V.A. Sukhomlinsky S.T. Shatsky. Anton Semenovich Makarenko 1888 – 1939 Ukrainian and Soviet teacher and writer. To teacher A.S. Makarenko made the main requirement - knowledge of his business. He put his idea of ​​student self-government into practice. Stanislav Timofeevich Shatsky (1878 – 1934) Soviet teacher. Requirements for a teacher. - Soviet education.ppt

Educational event

Slides: 12 Words: 592 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Technology of organizing and conducting educational affairs. Algorithm for organizing and conducting VD. Goal setting and planning of air activities. Implementation of VD. The relevance and topicality of the issues that are considered during this event. Analysis of the event preparation process. Organizational beginning. The degree of student activity during this event. In what ways did the students become more active? Compliance of the content of educational activities with the interests and wishes of children. VD analysis. Elements of game, romance. Performing rituals and paraphernalia. Practicing skills in public speaking, sports, dialogue, evidence. - Educational event.ppt

Social partnership

Slides: 9 Words: 669 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Social partnership in the field of education. Social partnership is a type of social interaction that focuses participants on equal cooperation, seeking agreement and achieving consensus, and optimizing relationships. Partners are always mutually dependent. The launch of a social partnership of several entities with positive educational potential can be carried out, for example, as follows. Step 2. Identification of the basis of the partnership at the negotiation platform, that is, the mutual interests, needs, resources of the parties, as well as the limitations and risks of the partnership. Step 4. Determining the most acceptable organizational forms of social partnership for participants. - Social partnership.ppt

Conduct and organization

Slides: 25 Words: 942 Sounds: 0 Effects: 170

Summer recreational holiday. Crime prevention work. Educational activities in the classroom. Additional education (clubs, electives, etc.). In-school control. Planning, analysis of educational work. Program on social and pedagogical activities (adaptive programs “Family”, “Mercy”). The work of school self-government (“State of Hope”). School-wide cultural events. System of educational work in Dolgovskaya secondary school. Regulations on the children's organization of the Dolgovskaya secondary school, Toguchinsky district, Novosibirsk region. 1. General provisions: 2. 3tasks and goals of the children's organization “Nadezhda”. - Conducting and organizing.ppt

Parenting manual

Slides: 10 Words: 877 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Curator's bookshelf. Literature from NTB funds - 2009. Bono Edward. New religion of positive thinking 5+: trans. from English SPb. : Peter, 2009. - 125 p. : ill. However, the master of thinking did not stop there. Open a book, read, think and create! Educational activities of a teacher: a textbook for universities / ed. V. A. Slastenina, I. A. Kolesnikova. - 4th ed., erased. - M.: Academy, 2008. - 334 p. Various points of view on the subject, process, and problems of education are analyzed. The author is far from claiming to have the “last word”... Gritsenko L.I. Theory and methods of education. -

Slide 2

​A child learns from what he sees in his home, parents are an example of this!

Family plays an important role in shaping a person's personality. Parents are the child's first educators and teachers. In everyday communication with his parents, he learns to explore the world, imitates adults, gains life experience, and learns norms of behavior.

Slide 3

Love your child and let him never doubt it

Communication is the essence of human life. If we want to see our children as kind, we must give the child the joy of communicating with us - this is the joy of joint learning, joint work, joint play, joint recreation.

Slide 4

Accept your child as he is, with all his strengths and weaknesses.

By scolding a child: lazy, coward, scoundrel, they thereby convince him that he is exactly like that. Let us finally understand the simplest and most terrible thing. He believes it.

Slide 5

Rely on the best in your child, believe in his capabilities

Kindness begins with love for people (especially those closest to you). Let's develop this feeling in children. As much love for the child as possible.

Slide 6

Try to instill in your child faith in himself and his strengths.

  • Believe in your child.
  • Your faith has the power to turn possibility into reality.
  • You are wonderful!
  • You are smart and quick-witted!
  • You can do it!
  • Slide 7

    Strive to understand your child, look into his thoughts and feelings, put yourself in his place

    It is necessary to exclude shouting and rude intonations from communication; create an atmosphere of joy, love and respect in the family.

    Slide 8

    Create conditions for your child’s success, give him the opportunity to feel strong, skillful, and lucky.

    Praise and encourage your child often. The child should feel your support and approval when he achieves success. Instill in your child that he is brave, hardworking, smart, resourceful, dexterous, neat, thoughtful, loved, needed, irreplaceable.

    Slide 9

    Do not try to realize your unfulfilled dreams and desires in your child.

    Let's learn to control ourselves.

    Slide 10

    Remember that it is not words that educate, but personal example.

    Let's do good, good deeds. Children learn kindness from us. Remember that behavior is a mirror that reflects the true appearance of everyone!

    Slide 11

    Don't compare your child to other children

    • Do not compare your child with other children, especially do not use them as an example. Remember that every child is unique and unique.
    • Give your child freedom of choice. Each of us is somehow different from others. He needs to feel his uniqueness and originality. It is equally important that it be appreciated by others.
  • Slide 12

    Don't expect your child to grow up the way you want.

    Give your child a break from your suggestions. According to statistics, a child is addressed 37 times a day in an imperative tone, 42 in an admonishing tone, and 50 times in an accusatory tone. The child needs rest from any influences and treatment. He needs some freedom to grow up independent.

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