
What you need to weave baubles. How to weave baubles from floss threads: simple methods and methods. Master classes on original bracelets


Everyone has met people wearing baubles at least once in their life. Abroad, I call the bauble “Friendship Bracelet”; this woven bracelet has long been considered a symbol of peace and friendship. Although many people are now starting to learn how to weave a bauble from threads, the idea of ​​this stylish bracelet is very old. Even the Indians in North America used a special technique to weave jewelry and ropes and gave them to their friends.

According to custom, the stronger the relationship between friends, the longer the bauble will stay on your hand. And if it did not break, but was deliberately removed from the hand, it was a severe insult and a sign of the complete cessation of friendly relations. For centuries, the secret of weaving baubles from threads was passed on in narrow circles, until hippies made these bracelets one of their attributes and since the 60s of the 20th century, baubles have become widespread everywhere.

Baubles speak not only of friendship between people, but are also a symbol of the preferences of the owner of the bracelet and his interests. The color of the threads and the pattern of the bracelet or woven pattern also matter. To an observer who knows the secrets of these symbols, the bauble will tell a lot about the person wearing the bracelet. One typical example: if a girl and a guy wear similar patterns or colors, or even the same baubles, then they are a couple.

Baubles have remained popular even today, although the original meaning with which people exchanged woven bracelets has gradually been lost. Nowadays, it is not only an attribute of hippie culture, but also a very universal decoration. Baubles are woven by young needlewomen, they are worn by young people, and these bracelets, woven from floss, are used to add some color and brightness to the image of secular fashionistas (or fashionistas).

How to properly secure the threads for weaving a bauble

There are several ways to attach threads, which must be done before weaving a bracelet. The first method is a wide stationery clip, attached to a folder or book, the floss threads are laid out as they will be in the pattern and pressed tightly with a paper clip so that they cannot jump out.

Another option is to tie all the threads into a knot and secure it to a pin that is threaded through some fabric.

Or you can lay the threads on a smooth surface and secure with tape.

The fourth method is using special boards with a clamp at the top. This clamp holds the ends of the threads laid out on the tablet.

There are several main types of knots that connect the bauble threads to each other. You need to know these knots, as well as understand the methods of weaving baubles. There are two main methods: oblique weaving (a simpler technique) and straight weaving, intended for drawings.

Weaving baubles knots video

Weaving baubles using the oblique method

So, let's study in more detail how to weave a bauble from threads. Let's start with oblique weaving.

To do this, take twelve threads, about a meter long, and divide them into pairs of colors and arrange them mirror to each other and symmetrically from the center.

That is, in the middle there will be two threads of the same color and along the edges too, for example, two orange, then the second, from two edges - two green, and so on.

Weaving a bracelet begins with the leftmost thread, takes the first thread and knots it with the second. Make another knot, and then repeat this with two threads from the right edge (that is, numbers 12 and 11).

Two knots are made so that the inner and outer colors swap places. Repeat similarly with the remaining pairs of threads.

Now make another knot on the outer threads and one pass is complete.

At the beginning of weaving, pay attention to the order of the threads, then after several passes they will themselves be placed in the correct order, and a “herringbone” pattern will gradually form in the created bauble. Perhaps something goes wrong, then part of the product needs to be unwoven with a pin or needle and remade.

Having completed the bauble, tie all the threads into a knot so that the bracelet does not unravel (to make it more beautiful, you can make an ordinary braid).

Weaving oblique baubles

Baubles made using the direct method are distinguished by a much greater variety of designs. These can be hearts, letters, geometric shapes and even portraits, but the patterns for such baubles are much more complicated.

To weave such bracelets from floss, you need to use several colored threads, distinguishing between the pattern thread and the background thread. If the design on the bauble is large, then the thread for the design should be taken much longer than all the others, since the image will be formed from this thread.

The leading thread should be on the left edge and when starting weaving, you need to tie the remaining threads to the right edge, and then continue weaving in the opposite direction. That is, the leading thread will constantly zigzag along the fabric of the bauble. The thread for the pattern first weaves around the leading thread and then goes back.

Of course, it won’t hurt to watch a video of such weaving, then it will be easier for you to master it. In the future, having studied the basics of such weaving, you will even be able to create your own designs using this technique, which is not as difficult as it seems at the beginning.

If you suddenly run out of thread, don’t worry, bring the rest of it to the wrong side, and there, with two standard knots, tie an additional thread of the same color. And weave calmly further, the junction will not be noticeable.

If you are planning to make a bauble with an already developed pattern, you need to be able to read the weaving patterns of these bracelets. Among the main factors that need to be taken into account: what cycle is weaving in, complete or incomplete. This can be recognized by the arrangement of the threads; with a full cycle, the colors are located on both sides in the correct sequence. And if the color of the threads on the right and left does not match, then the cycle is incomplete.

The weaving technique described above, when, having completed a row, its weaving is repeated from the beginning, is a typical example of a full cycle pattern. In an incomplete cycle, you will need to carefully monitor the sequence, since the end of the card means a return to the beginning. In addition to differences in cycles, patterns can differ in the even or odd number of threads in the bundles.

Additional decoration for the bauble

Among modern jewelry and in handicraft stores there are many things that will decorate a future bracelet. One example: having made a bauble of twelve threads, you can attach rhinestones to the top of it, which will add originality to the product.

Attach the decoration with a double thread, which is held in a knot from the inside, bring it to the front side. Grasp a link in the chain with rhinestones and bring the thread back and repeat for each link, making a knot at the end and cutting off the remaining thread. On the inside of the bauble you will get a series of neat stitches.

In principle, you can not only decorate one bauble, but also combine several bracelets of different colors or patterns. This way you can achieve very interesting, beautiful combinations that, by their very appearance, lift the mood of the owner.

So, we hope now you understand how to weave a bauble from threads. This cute little thing can be used as a universal gift for your friends for a birthday or other occasion. A hand-made bauble is much more valuable than a factory craft and will make your friendship much stronger.

Weaving baubles video

Baubles (fennecs, or, as they are also called, friendship bracelets) are jewelry whose name speaks for itself. Usually one of the friends weaves such a decoration for another, and the second wears it until the thread breaks or frays. They are usually made from threads, but there are other varieties, for example, from beads, ribbons, and laces.

At one time, this tradition was popular among American hippies, who, after exchanging baubles, were considered sworn brothers. Well, today fennies are used simply as decoration, although if you want to say something with this gift, you can do that too: after all, each of the colors used in such decoration or their combinations has its own symbolism, which we will talk about a little further.

For now, let’s look at what types of baubles there are and what they are made of.

From beads– perhaps this is the most difficult type of baubles to make, because it requires perseverance, the ability to choose colors wisely, and great patience. Moreover, beads, unlike threads, do not lie in a calm heap, but constantly crumble... But the decoration that turns out in the end is no worse than the works of art that were made, say, by bead embroiderers in the 19th century.

Baubles made of threads– most often they are woven from iris and floss, however, options are possible, for example, acrylic or wool. You can create different types of designs using a variety of knots. Most often they talk about baubles with oblique weaving or straight weaving.

Ribbon baubles are made easier and faster than their “brothers” from other materials. Most often, they use satin ribbons of the same color or two that match each other.

Other options are possible, such as baubles made of leather or leatherette, hemp(material that is made from hemp stalk), colored synthetic laces. In general, such decorations are woven from anything that can be woven into something, there are no limits to imagination :)

Today we will talk in more detail about perhaps the most common baubles - made from floss threads.

What types of floss threads are there and what is the best way to choose them?

Any threads, before they are sold to you in a store, go through several mandatory processing stages. First, using a twisting machine, several threads are twisted into one, then these threads undergo a process of boiling in an alkaline solution, bleaching and dyeing, and finally they are starched and wound onto spools or bobbins.

There is a huge variety of threads for weaving and embroidery, but floss or iris are best suited for making baubles. One thread of floss consists of six thinner threads, each of which, in turn, is made of even thinner fibers: spatula and cotton.

Cotton floss threads are very durable, but they lack natural shine. Therefore, they are given it through the mercerization process. Floss threads made from spatula fiber are less strong, but have a beautiful natural shine.

In addition to these two types, on sale you can find silky floss made from flax and woolen threads. There are also beautiful types of threads with the addition of metallized threads, as well as those treated with a special fluorescent compound that glows in the dark. Using all these different types, you can experiment almost endlessly!

How to weave baubles from floss threads?

To understand how to weave baubles from floss, we first need to understand how to read the patterns of baubles - after all, it is on their basis that all masterpieces from threads are created. And to do this, you need to understand how different types of knots are indicated on the diagrams and how to tie these knots correctly.

Actually, the entire fennel weaving process is based on two simple or loop knots - the right and left. Right knot - in which the working thread is located to the right of the knotted thread, and in the left, respectively, to the left. Depending on the combination of loop knots that make up the pair (left and left, left and right, right and left, right and right), 4 types of knots are distinguished.

Straight knot

This is a combination of two left loop knots. In the diagrams it is indicated by an arrow that points to the right and down - in the direction where the working thread goes. The color of the resulting knot will match the color of the working thread.

Reverse knot

This, accordingly, is a combination of two right loop knots in one pair. Its designation is an arrow pointing down and to the left; the working thread also goes there.

Left tatting

The working thread in it, accordingly, is located on the left and goes to the left. It is a pair of left and right loop knots. Here it’s worth examining step by step how such a knot is woven.

  1. To begin with, we tie the left loop knot, the threads change places, and the working thread goes to the right.
  2. Then, using the working thread, we perform the right loop knot. The threads change places back, returning to their original position.

Therefore, the designation of a node in the diagram is an arrow going first to the right, then to the left.

Right tatting

Its designation on the diagrams is an arrow going to the left and then to the right. And it is performed in a mirror way to the left one - first we perform the right loop knot with the right working thread, taking it to the left, and then the left one, returning it back to its original position.

Knowing these basic knots, you can easily read the patterns of baubles, and therefore, practice complex patterns.

How to secure the threads for weaving a bauble?

In order for the pattern to be smooth and the threads not to fall apart, they must be secured at the beginning of work. You can do this in one of the following four ways.

Method No. 1: we tie each thread with a knot to a pin, and fasten the pin itself to the fabric, for example, a tablecloth, the back of a sofa, or even jeans on the knee :) A very convenient option when you weave a bauble on the go.

Method No. 2: the thread can be secured using a tablet - this is a special board with a paper clip that can be used to press the threads, it is sold in office supply stores.

Method No. 3: put the threads on the cover of a thick notebook or book and press with an alligator clip.

Method No. 4: using tape or adhesive tape, secure the threads to the edge of some fixed surface, for example, a table top.

In any of the methods, the main thing is to distribute the threads in advance in the order in which they should go on the diagram.

How to determine the length of threads for a bauble?

Of course, when you gain experience, you can easily determine the required length of thread for a particular pattern by eye. But if you are just starting to get acquainted with the fascinating world of fennel weaving, then you should know that when weaving a lot of threads go into knots, and the finished fennel is several times shorter than the original thread. Only one double knot takes up approximately 8 millimeters of thread. Moreover, on both sides, 5-8 centimeters should be left for making ties.

If the fringe you have chosen is woven with oblique weaving, and the pattern is simple (it is a symmetrical pattern, not a complex pattern), the pattern is based on 1-2 knots and no more than 8 threads, you can take threads 80 centimeters long. If the scheme is more complex, then the length should be about 1 meter. No more is needed - because the longer they are, the more tangled they will become and the more difficult it will be to untangle them, especially if you are weaving a bauble somewhere outside the home, for example, in transport or while waiting in line.

If the thread runs out early, you can always take it to the wrong side and add a new one in its place. However, if you do not want such difficulties, then the length can be measured to be more than 1 meter, but each thread will need to be wound into a separate skein and secured with something, for example, with an elastic band.

On one of the sites on the Internet, a formula was discovered that can be used to calculate the length of the thread:

Length = wrist circumference x 4.3 + tie length x 2

For reliability, you can add about 10 more centimeters to the resulting figure.

With straight weaving everything is usually more complicated, because these are more complex knots and patterns. Therefore, if you immediately take on it, then be prepared for the fact that you will have to lengthen the threads (in one of our articles we already wrote about how to add thread, so we will not repeat ourselves now). Most often, the length is determined by how many knots will be woven with this particular thread. For example, the background (leading) thread should be made the longest, and the outer ones, as a rule, turn out to be the shortest, and their length can be calculated by adding the estimated length of the fennel and ties.

You can determine the length of the bauble using the formula: number of rows x 2.3. We take the length of the remaining threads at the rate of 0.8 mm (or preferably 1 cm) for each node in the pattern.

However, if you don’t want all these mathematical complexities, then it’s better to just take 1 meter of thread, master their lengthening perfectly so that there are no extra knots left, and add the required length every time it’s needed.

The symbolism of flowers in weaving baubles from floss

When choosing colors for your future work, do not forget that each of them, both individually and in combination, has its own meaning.

So, red symbolizes love, fire, energy, passion, affection, joy.

Orange– also energy, affection, fire, and also sexuality and pacifism.

Yellow– abundance (after all, this is the color of money, gold), summer and sun, as well as envy, jealousy, insincerity. But it is also a symbol of faith, fate, beauty, melancholy.

Green– life, hope, harmony, nature; youth, faith, eternity.

Blue– the color of the sky and water – symbolizes peace and limitlessness, intelligence and peace, friendship, hope and harmony.

Blue– it is also peace and tranquility, harmony, as well as purity, infinity, openness to new things, long memory, spirit, love of God, friendliness.

Violet– friendship, originality, as well as wisdom, mysticism, dreams.

White- This is Chinese Yang energy. This color is a symbol of sophistication, innocence, truth, independence, purity, beginning, path, faith, light, freedom, life, goodness.

Black– its opposite is Yin energy, independence, loneliness, sadness, strong energy, closedness to communication, magic, fearlessness, detachment, purification.

Grey– sadness, modesty, old age, insensitivity, punctuality.

Color combinations in weaving floss baubles:

Two colors each:

Green and red- love of nature.

Red and yellow- crazy Love.

Red and blue- pacifism.

White and red- free love.

Black and red– unhappy love, anarchy.

Yellow and green- Greenpeace.

Blue and yellow- sky and sun.

Purple and yellow- insanity, insanity, paranoia.

Black and yellow- evil, black magic.

Green and white– faith in God, white magic.

Blue and white– inner light, harmony in detachment from the world.

White and blue- hope.

White and pink– variability.

Purple and black- black magic.

Black and white– pride, loneliness, the cycle of birth and death, Yin and Yang.

Three colors each:

White, orange and green- hippie.

White, red and black symbolize the path of life (birth, life and death).

Blue, white and black- hope.

Green, blue and yellow– nature, pacifism, naturalness, brotherhood, harmony.

Yellow, green and red– reggae music, Rastafarianism.

Yellow, blue and orange– passion for esotericism, Eastern culture.

Orange, green and white– passion for the culture of Ireland, Celts, Druids.

Black, brown and yellow- black magic.

Black, red and white- symbolism of anarchy.

And finally, a color compatibility table that will help you determine which colors should be used together and which are strictly contraindicated.

The idea of ​​​​creating baubles takes its roots from North America. These wonderful jewelry in the form of bracelets were invented by the Indians, who, when creating a bauble, gave it a special meaning and endowed it with the powers of a friendship talisman. Subsequently, all the traditions associated with weaving bracelets of friendship and love were adopted by hippies and brought their own adjustments to them.

Nowadays, baubles have become a fairly common decoration that can even be purchased in stores. But still, for many, weaving such a bracelet for themselves remains a much more interesting activity than buying it ready-made. Since in this case you can make it individually for yourself according to your tastes and preferences, in addition, such a product can be an excellent gift, since receiving things made by yourself is always more pleasant. You can weave baubles using various materials, but one of the most common is floss threads. It’s not that difficult to do this on your own, even for beginners; the main thing is to choose the most suitable and easier method for yourself.

Tips and instructions on how to start weaving floss baubles for beginners

First of all, in order to start learning and weaving baubles from floss, for beginners you need to purchase the following materials for work:

Floss threads of various colors (The length of the thread for the future product is always taken 4 times longer than the future decoration itself).
A pin, tape, clip or tablet as a device for fastening threads.
Then choose the most convenient method for attaching the threads needed for the upcoming work. Let's take a closer look at a few of them:

1 way. Each individual thread is tied at one end with a knot to a pin. And the pin itself is attached to the fabric or the back of a chair, for example.

Method 2. The threads are secured using a tablet - a special board with a clamp.

3 way. For this method, take a clamp, and put floss threads between it and a book or thick notebook. After which the clamp is secured.

4 way. The prepared threads, collected in a bundle, are secured at the ends to any surface on which it will be convenient to work, using wide tape.
In each method, the threads must be correctly distributed in advance according to the color scheme according to the chosen pattern of weaving the floss baubles.

Knots are the basis for weaving each bauble, that is, the ability to make them. Having remembered the basic techniques for making knots, as well as their symbols, it will be quite easy for any beginner to understand all the patterns of weaving baubles. The most common are the following nodes:

Main knot. This knot has this name because the entire weaving of baubles is based on it. It is performed using two threads, as follows. One of the threads, in this case yellow, is slipped under the other, so as to form a loop into which the same yellow thread is threaded. Afterwards, the loop is pulled to the base of the weave and tightened tightly. It is very important that all knots are the same size.

Half knot. This knot is already made with four threads. To tie it, the two middle threads must be pulled and secured, for example, with tape. After that, the thread located on the left side moves over the fastened ones and is hooked under the rightmost thread. Then the rightmost thread is passed under the secured ones, threaded from below through the loop formed by the leftmost thread and both threads are tightened until a loop is formed.

Flat knot. This knot is made very simply; to do this, the left outer thread is draped over the middle ones, and the right outer thread is threaded from below into the resulting loop. After that, the right outer thread needs to be thrown over the middle ones and hooked under the left one, and the leftmost thread needs to be passed through the middle ones and thrown over the right one. Then the ends are pulled out to form a knot.

The most simple knots and instructions for them were presented to your attention, having learned how to make which every beginner will be able to weave baubles from floss with a simple pattern, and then begin to learn how to do something more complicated by choosing one of the methods they like.

Methods of weaving baubles

The most common and popular weaving methods are straight and oblique weaving. With the help of direct weaving, more complex patterns are made that form various designs, and the method of oblique weaving of baubles from floss is quite suitable and is an exciting activity for beginners, so we will consider it first.

Floss baubles with oblique weaving

Quite often, the beginning of the bauble is done using oblique weaving, which is done using 12 threads. The colors in a bundle of threads according to this method should be arranged as follows:

The threads are arranged in pairs according to color relative to each other, starting from the middle of the product and ending with its edge. After the threads are distributed correctly, their beginning is secured in the chosen method and the following steps are performed:

We make a fastening knot, approximately 10 cm from the beginning of the product.

We take two threads from the left edge. We put the first thread on the index finger, pulling it a little, and hold the second thread with the thumb and middle finger, the result should be a figure similar to the number four. We slip the outermost thread under the elongated second thread and thread it from top to bottom through the resulting figure and tighten the threads, carefully forming the first knot. Then a similar second knot is made on the same threads.

In the next step, we take two threads from the right edge and weave two knots in the same way as on the left side.

Then we take the second and third threads from the left edge and weave the same knots, and do the same on the right side. The action is repeated towards the middle until all the threads are woven together in pairs and the threads that were originally extreme become middle.

The second and subsequent rows are woven similarly to the first. At the end of the weaving, a securing knot is made. The result of all the weaving is a bauble with a pattern very similar to a multi-colored Christmas tree.

Straight weave floss baubles

When weaving a bauble from floss in a direct way, the working bundle of threads is divided into two groups, into single-color threads, which are the base of the bauble and multi-colored ones for the background and design, and the length of the thread for the pattern increases depending on how large it is. The essence of weaving a product using this method is that the threads of the pattern intertwine the threads of the base according to the pattern. The threads selected for creating floss baubles with straight weaving are attached in the following sequence, first those that will intertwine the base, that is, knit the pattern, and then the main threads and the background threads, that is, those from which the pattern begins. Let's take a closer look at the process of making a bauble using direct weaving using the following example.

How to weave baubles from floss with a “Ghost” pattern:

1. For the drawing, we take threads of five colors: gray for the background and black, red, white and blue for the image itself. The length of the threads for the pattern should be approximately 100-110 cm.

2. We first attach the threads that will not be used first, namely white, red and blue. Then those with which the products will begin: basic black and gray. Moreover, the gray thread should be the longest, since it will be used most often when weaving a pattern.

3. We start weaving the product with gray thread. To do this, take a thread of this color and first throw it over the left outer thread of black color, and then bring it under it and again over the base thread, bringing it out under its own beginning. After these manipulations, a loop is formed into which we thread a gray thread from top to bottom, then carefully pull it to the beginning of the weaving and tighten the resulting knot. After which we repeat the knot on the same thread a second time. In the same way, all 19 black threads of the base are intertwined with a gray thread, and then the next 4 rows.

4. After which the colors of the knots are selected according to the scheme. According to which, we first intertwine 8 black threads with gray thread (in two knots), after which we make 5 black knots. To do this, we intertwine the gray thread with black thread, making two knots in the same way as in point three and taking into account that the gray thread should remain motionless. Then again, according to the drawing, we make gray knots to the end of the row.

5. In the next row, black knots are knitted under black knots, and gray ones under gray ones.

6. In the sixth row, white is included in the weaving. A new color is introduced as follows: a gray thread is placed behind the weave, and a white thread is taken instead and the work continues further according to the scheme, that is, the black threads will be braided with a white thread.

7. After the required number of knots have been made with white thread and two black squares have been woven on thread of the same color, you can return the gray thread, weaving the pattern to the end.

8. We continue weaving according to the pattern until we reach the insertion of a blue thread.

9. We draw the thread in the same way as the white one, replacing the white color with blue and making a knot using the new color. And then we weave the pattern again according to the pattern.

10. In order for the blue thread to leave the weave unnoticed, it must be removed gradually. To do this, just as in the case of white, the thread is braided with two black squares and only after that we return the main background thread, that is, gray. Then we continue weaving according to the pattern again.

11. The red thread is introduced in the same way as the previous new colors of the pattern, after which the rest of the image is woven together with it. In order for the drawing to work out, it is very important to carefully weave the knots without deviating one step from the diagram.

12. After the weaving has been completed, we tie the remaining ends of the thread together so that we end up with four neat and identical knots.

13. The upper threads of white, blue, red and gray colors are secured with knots and cut off, and the black threads are secured with knots using a pin.

14. In order to hide errors on the wrong side, cut a rectangle of thin fabric to the required size and carefully sew it to the bauble.

As a result, we get this bauble:

How to weave floss baubles with names

Floss baubles with names are woven using two types of knots, shown in the following diagram:

The easiest way to weave floss baubles for beginners with an inscription will be if you use only two colors. Let's look at how this is done in more detail using the example of weaving the letter A.


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The site already has several articles about baubles, but in the comments the phrases constantly pop up: “I don’t understand anything,” “so how to weave baubles from floss.” Therefore, we decided to write a detailed article about weaving baubles from floss, types of knots and tell you that in reality everything is very simple.

In oblique weaving of baubles, 4 different knots are used, they are designated differently and are woven differently. These should be woven in rows from left to right, or from right to left, and not in any other way, and not as the arrows show. In this case, the arrows only show which knot needs to be tied. You can learn how to weave baubles with oblique weaving using our master class: .

You can also watch how to weave baubles with oblique weaving in our video:

3. How to weave baubles with straight weave with two colors (including baubles with names)

There are already articles on this topic on our website that tell how baubles are woven using straight weave. This is a master class and... On the generator page you can create your own individual bauble design with any name or text.

You can see how to weave baubles using straight weave in two colors in our video:

4. How to weave baubles with straight weave with a large number of colors

Straight weave baubles with two colors are woven differently than baubles with many colors. In this article we will not describe this technique; it deserves special attention. We analyzed this weaving in the master class. You can create a bauble pattern yourself thanks to ours.

Also watch the video on how to weave multi-color baubles using straight weaving (more than 2 colors):

5. How to weave baubles with sharp arrows (braid)

To weave this bauble, take floss threads a little more than a meter long. 6 colors, 2 pieces of each color. Lay out the threads symmetrically, connect them into a bundle and tie them in a knot at a distance of 7 centimeters from the edge. Thread a pin through the knot and attach it to a pillow, or glue the beginning of the bauble to the table with tape. Divide the threads in half.

Start on the left side with the outer color, ours is red. Using this thread, make a figure of four over the second thread, then pass the first thread under it and thread it through the hole as shown in the photo.

Tighten the knot by pulling the first thread upward to the right. Repeat this knot again, you will get a double knot, this is what the whole bauble will be woven with. Thus, our first thread moved from the left side one position to the right and became the second. Using exactly the same knot, we tie the second thread around the third and so on until the second thread reaches the center. This is one half of the bauble.

Now take the thread from the other side, ours is also red. We will make knots from right to left. To do this, we do everything symmetrically: we bend the red thread over the orange one in the form of a mirrored four. Then we also thread it inside and tighten it to the left up. The main thing is not to forget that this knot must be made twice on each thread.

We continue to knit knots with this thread from left to right until it reaches the middle. Tie a knot with two middle threads of the same color in order to tie the halves together. So we have finished the first line of our bauble. The remaining rows are knitted in exactly the same way with two outer threads of the same color.

When you finish the bauble (you can tell by simply trying it on your hand, only take into account a little free space in order to tie the bauble), tie a regular knot using all the threads, and then braid it.

This bauble can also be made asymmetrical; to do this, first lay out the threads without symmetry. If you don't stop in the middle, you will end up with a classic oblique braided bauble. Don't forget that the knots need to be tied twice. And don't skip the middle when you knit.

6. How to make a bauble with rhinestones

There are many ways to weave baubles, and we will also look at how to make any bauble more unique and shiny.

We make a bauble with rhinestones. To do this, we will need a ready-made bauble (we will take a woven bauble with arrows), a chain with rhinestones, a floss thread, a needle and scissors.

Thread the needle and tie a knot at the end. Pass the needle through the bauble from the bottom up at the very beginning of the bauble. Or, to better hide the knot, you can thread the thread through the knot at the very beginning of the bauble. Place a chain with rhinestones in the center of the bauble.

Make a stitch between the first two rhinestones. Then pass the needle from bottom to top again, this time trying to get it in the middle between the second and third stone.

Continue this way until the end of the bauble. After the last stitch, tie a knot on the reverse side. Or again, thread it through the knot at the end of the bauble. Then trim the edge of the thread.

Our bauble with rhinestones is ready.

7. How to make a bauble with thorns

To create a bauble with spikes we will need: any bauble, 5 chrome spikes with fasteners, a screwdriver and scissors.

Make marks with a marker to ensure even placement of the spikes. Use a ruler, or calculate by thread. Pierce in the marked places with scissors so that the screw can come through.

Place the screw through the hole and screw it into the tenon using a screwdriver.

Repeat with the remaining spikes in the same way. That's all! Our thorned bauble is ready.

8. How to make a bauble with a chain

In order to make a bauble with a chain, we will need: any ready-made bauble, a short chain with large links, a floss thread, a needle and scissors.

Thread the floss thread through the needle. Then untie one knot at the end of the bauble and tie it together with the end of our thread. On the reverse side, thread the needle first from the very edge of the bauble.

Place the chain near the bauble and thread the needle through the first link. Pass the needle through the back of the baubles again, so that the needle is near the second link of our chain.

Continue this way until the end of the bauble. The chain will need to be adjusted to the length of the bauble. To do this, straighten the link that extends beyond the length of the bauble and remove the rest of the chain. Make two stitches on the last link. After this, untie the bauble knot and tie it together with our thread.

Trim the remaining thread. Your updated shiny bauble is ready. Does she really look brighter now?

9. How to weave baubles with nuts

Using ordinary hex nuts you can weave a very original bauble. It somewhat resembles a spine. This bauble will look great on a guy’s hand. And nuts can be bought at any hardware store in different colors and sizes.

For this bauble we will need a spool of cotton rope, hex nuts (the quantity depends on you) and scissors.

Take three ropes, tie them into a knot, leaving ends 5-10 centimeters long free. After the knot, start braiding with a regular 3-5 centimeter braid.

Next, before making a strand with the left thread, put a nut on it, press the nut tightly to the pigtail and make a strand with the left thread. If your thread or rope is not very thick, then you can make a ring inside the nut (by wrapping the nut with thread), and then weave further. This way, the not very thick rope will not wear out very quickly.

Hold the left nut with your finger. Before making a strand now with the right thread, put a nut on it and make a strand. Hold the nut with your finger in the same way so that it is pressed tightly against the pigtail.

Then there will be a new thread on the left, thread the nut and knit the bauble in the same way. We try to knit tightly so that the nuts do not dangle or become loose after a couple of days of wear.

We repeat the steps and weave a bauble. We calculate the required length according to our wrist, taking into account the free space before and after the nuts.

After we have finished braiding the nuts, we again make 3-5 centimeters of a regular braid, tie a knot and leave another 5-10 centimeters of the free end of the ropes.

We wrap the bauble 2-3 times around the wrist and tie it. Our bauble with nuts is ready!

10. How to weave baubles and tied chains

Shiny chains tied with multi-colored floss threads look impressive, right? And they are made very simply. Let's learn how to weave them. We will need: a chain with large links, floss threads of different colors, two hair clips and scissors.

Let's cut 2 sets of 15 threads each. The length of one thread should be 4 times the length of our bracelet. Tie both sets of threads into one knot, leaving 5 centimeters free. Put a pin on each set of threads; they will help you easily thread the threads into the links of the chain and weave a bauble.

Place the threads to the left of the chain. Pull the first set of threads through the first link of the chain using a bobby pin, as shown in the photo.

Place the second set of threads on top of the first. Thread the second set of threads through the same chain link from the bottom up.

We move on to the second link, again put the first color on top of the second and thread it into the second link from the bottom up. We repeat in the same way with the second color. We have a chain with fairly large links, so in each link we make a braid with each set of threads. If you have a bracelet with smaller links, you can weave one pass into each link.

Repeat the steps until you reach the end of the chain, then tie a knot and trim the ends. So our bauble is ready. You can tie the chain on both sides, it will also turn out interesting. To do this, simply turn the chain over to the other side and weave according to the same instructions.

11. How to weave a friendship necklace

Let's learn how to weave a wonderful necklace. It looks interesting. It can also be given as a gift, just like a friendship bracelet. And they are quite easy to weave.

Well, we will need: cotton rope, floss threads, nuts and washers, spools of thread and scissors.

In order to make a necklace of two colors, we take two skeins of floss and wind them on spools to make it easy to weave. Then we take a rope of the required length and tie it together with the threads in one large knot. We fasten the end with tape to the table, or with a pin to the sofa. Let's start weaving in red, which means we hold the purple color in our left hand so that it is taut along with the rope. We take the red color in our right hand, make a loop in the shape of a four with a thread over the rope, then thread the spool into the resulting loop from the bottom up (see photo) and tighten the knot by pulling the spool up to the right. We repeat this knot many times until you decide to change the color.

Changing the color is very easy. To do this, simply transfer the red spool to your left hand and pull it, and with the purple thread we begin to knit knots, as described above.

You can change the colors as you wish. You can add washers or nuts in the middle of the friendship necklace and then tie the knots again. When you are finished knitting, untie the first knot and tie both ends of the necklace into one knot. In addition, the necklace will look much more interesting if there are more colors. You can weave a large number of thread colors in the same way, just hold all the currently unused thread spools in your left hand. It turns out such beauty!

12. How to weave a bauble wrapped chain with rhinestones

For this bauble we will need: 110-140 centimeters of leather cord one and a half millimeters thick, 30-40 centimeters of a chain of balls or crystals, 150-180 centimeters of thread, a brass nut and scissors. The length varies depending on your wrist size. It is designed to be wrapped twice around the wrist and tied.

Fold the leather cord in half to create a loop. The size of the loop must be selected in such a way that the nut, which will act as a fastener, fits tightly into it. Run the thread along a leather cord a couple of centimeters long. Then we begin to wrap the rest of the thread around the cord in the opposite direction from the loop. Pull the thread tightly so that the end does not jump out and unravel.

Place a chain with balls between the two halves of the leather cord. Wrap the thread tightly between each individual ball.

Continue wrapping the chain until the bauble reaches the required length.

When you reach the required length, tie a knot with three threads (thread and two halves of leather cord).

Then thread the nut and tie another knot. Trim off any excess ends.

The bauble with wrapped rhinestones is ready. Please note that the size is designed for two rings around the wrist. If you want to make one turn, or vice versa more, calculate in relation to these dimensions.

13. How to weave macrame baubles

Square knots, which are used in macrame, also look very impressive in baubles. Only we will take brighter materials. Instead of thread, we will use nylon cord of different colors. Add shiny metal and stones and get shiny macrame baubles.

So, we will need: four meters of nylon cord half a millimeter thick, metal jewelry or stones, a needle and scissors.

Cut the nylon cord like this: 2 pieces of 75 centimeters, 2 pieces of 50 centimeters and 1 piece of 25 centimeters. Fold one half-meter piece of nylon cord in half, thread the resulting loop into the ring, and thread the end of the thread into this loop and tighten. Repeat with the second half-meter end on the other side. This way we will fix the ring. These threads will remain motionless for us.

Take one piece of nylon cord 75 centimeters long, bend it in half and place the center under the cord tied to the ring. Turn the right part of the cord to the left, place the left part of the cord above the right and thread it into the loop formed on the right from the bottom up as shown in the photo.

Pull the knot tightly and push it up until it stops.

Next, we turn the left part of the cord to the right, lift the right part above it, and then thread it into the loop on the left in the same way from bottom to top and tighten the knot. It turns out to be a mirror image of the previous node.

We repeat the knots left and right until the required length of the bauble is reached. Please note that the fastener will take up about one and a half centimeters.

When you're done, take the left side of the cord first and thread it along the center part 4-5 knots from the back of the bauble.

Repeat the same steps with the right half of the cord.

When you thread the cords, cut off the excess part, and the small pieces that remain sticking out can be additionally melted and sealed using a lighter for better fixation. We weave in the same way on the other side of the ring with a second piece of cord 75 centimeters long.

Next we will make it so that the bauble can be moved apart and tightened. It will turn out solid and without knots. Take the piece of cord that we cut off as extra and temporarily tie the cords of the ends of the bauble together.

Next, take the last piece of nylon cord 25 centimeters long, fold it in half, and start knitting the same left and right knots as we knitted earlier on the bracelet itself.

Make knots about one and a half centimeters long. Thread the ends of the cord that we knitted back and seal them with a lighter. Remove the temporary knots that tied the two ends of the bauble.

Thus, with the help of the central cords we can now adjust the size of the bauble. Select the desired length and tie knots at the ends, and then trim off the excess.

All. The adjustable macrame bauble is ready! As a decoration in the center, you can take whatever your imagination comes up with.

14. How to weave beaded baubles

Let's make another unusual bauble - threads plus beads. For this bauble we need 1.2 meters of thread, beads, a button, and scissors.

Cut the thread into two pieces, one 70 cm, the other 50 cm. Fold the long thread in half. Then attach one end of the short thread to the ends of the long thread and make a bend at half of the long thread. Look at the photo what it looks like. You get a loop and three ends of thread 35 centimeters long and one short end.

We tie a knot, leaving a loop of such a size that the selected button fits tightly. Then cut off the fourth short tip.

We begin to weave a regular braid with three threads. After three centimeters of the braid, we thread the beads onto the left thread.

Press the beads onto the braid and cross the center thread with the left thread. Now put the beads on the right thread and cross the center thread with the right thread.

Hold the beads with your finger as you weave to make the bauble tight. Continue braiding the braid, alternately threading the beads from the left to the right.

When the size of the bauble is sufficient for your hand, we again braid a bead-free braid of the same length as at the beginning. Tie a knot at the end.

After the knot, put a button on the threads and tie a double knot.

Cut off the excess part. So our bauble with beads is ready.

You can take threads and beads of any colors, try, experiment, you will like it!

15. How to weave a bauble with hooks

Let's look at another option on how to weave baubles. This will be a bauble with hooks. It is not difficult to make, in addition, it has one interesting advantage, which I will talk about at the end of the master class.

Well, let's get started. For this bauble we will need:
- a cord 2 mm thick, about 60 cm long, instead you can use flexible wire, twine, or something similar;
- copper hook;
- ruler;
- pliers;
- lighter.

Before you begin, seal the ends of the cord with a lighter so that it does not unravel when worn. Take a pair of pliers and bend the hook on one side until it stops so that the cord cannot come out. Bend it on the other side too, but so that the cord can pass through.

Now we will make an adjustable knot. Thread one end of a 6-inch cord through the fully curled side of the hook. Bend 8 centimeters of the cord back towards the hook, 5 centimeters of which turn towards you. We will tie a knot with this end.

Wrap it around all the threads, making two circles towards the left loop. Thread the end through the left loop.

Hold it with your left hand and with your right press the skeins to the left until the knot is tied tightly. You can check that you have tied the knot correctly by holding the hook in your right hand and pulling the cord with your left. The knot should move close to the hook.

At the other end of the cord you need to make the same knot. There is no need to thread it through the hook. In this case, the turns of the end of the cord must be wound in the direction to the right.

Pass the end of the cord into the right loop and tighten the knot, moving the turns to the right as well.

Trim the ends of the cord and resolder them with a lighter if necessary. Now our bracelet is ready. It needs to be wrapped around your hand 2-3 times and adjusted with the second sliding knot.

Now here's an interesting point. Instead of a hook, you can use anything. You just need a hook on one side, and on the other you can drill a hole if necessary. This is how you can make this bauble for a guy. Especially if he is a fisherman, it will be very relevant. A designer version of a fish hook is used here.

If you show your imagination, you can use any item that can highlight and convey the owner’s hobbies. For musicians, for example, you can take a keychain in the form of a note, on one side you can fasten the cord to its tail, and on the other, drill a hole in its base. It will also look stylish and interesting. Show your imagination and surprise your friends!

Write in the comments what you liked, what other baubles you want to learn how to weave, what baubles you like, is it worth writing more articles and master classes of this kind. The team of the site 3 children tried for you. Subscribe to news on social networks, stay tuned for updates.

Baubles take their roots back to the times of the Slavs. By the way, in those days they were considered amulets and drove away evil spirits. Today, of course, they are used in the form of decoration. Moreover, both among the female and male population. Most often people get carried away with this at a young age, but it is still important to know the secrets of the correct execution of the product. This will be discussed in our material.

In principle, baubles are very quick and easy to make, and the material does not require much expense. More precisely, you can make it from any available ones - from threads, ribbons or beads. With the latter, of course, you need more time, attention and enormous patience.

Most often girls make baubles. Boys somehow have slightly different hobbies, and they lack perseverance. But wearing such beauty is equally popular among everyone. Now you can buy baubles at a stall or store. But you must admit that it looks much prettier with your own hands. And if you give a bauble to a dear person, then for him it becomes simply priceless.

First, it’s worth highlighting what types of weaving there are:

  • oblique
  • direct
  • indefinite

Of course, for beginners it is better to first choose a simpler pattern and make it from floss threads. And you don’t need to take a large number of flowers. Now it’s worth understanding the method of attaching threads.

  1. The easiest way is to use a clip that is attached to a thick notebook or book. After all, the threads must hold tightly so that they do not get lost in the process.
  2. You can use a large pin. The threads are tied directly to a pin, which is attached, for example, to the back of a chair or armchair.
  3. Each student has a tablet (board with a clip). And you don't need to invent anything. But to hold the threads more firmly, you can put a ruler.
  4. And it’s very simple and quick - using tape.

Main nodule

It can be called the basis for weaving baubles. Let's just say that if you understand its principle (which is not difficult), then, combined with imagination, you can create masterpieces.

  • We take two threads, for example, red and yellow. Different colors to make it easier to understand
  • And now the yellow thread goes along the top of the first one. When making a loop, we stretch our thread (yellow) between the first and second threads
  • And this is how the knot is tied. It is important to ensure that they are the same size

Half knot

This knot looks like a spiral, which looks very interesting:

  • In this situation, we take four threads. Two threads will be one color (red), two will be another (blue).
  • And here is an important detail - the middle strands are stretched and secured. You can use a clamp, or even tape.
  • Now we work directly with blue threads. We lay the left one over our main strands, creating a loop, and let it go under the right thread.
  • Next, very carefully. We put the right thread under the main thread so that the left one remains in place. That is, it turned out to be a knot. But there is no need to tighten it.
  • And then, we pass the right thread between the main and left threads so that it turns out on top.
  • All! Now all that remains is to tighten this slightly intricate knot.

Flat knot

It also requires attention, since it is often used in this type of weaving. After all, it turns out to be very beautiful.

  • You also need a thread, for example, yellow and a thread, for example, blue. And also, two main threads. That is, a total of four laces are obtained. For convenience, we will call them by numbers. Yellow is one, and blue will be the fourth.
  • The principle of weaving is similar to the half knot, but the task is a little more complicated, let's say.
  • So, we also pass the first thread on top of the main strands and run it under the blue thread.
  • We put the fourth thread under them and bring it out on top of the yellow lace.
  • Now pay attention! Do not tighten the knot. Again we put our first thread on top of the main strands and bring it under the blue thread.
  • And we also bend the fourth fiber, put it in from below and bring it out from above the yellow thread.
  • That is, let’s say, it’s like we tied a half knot twice.

The easiest and fastest way:

If you really want a bauble, but have no desire to weave, then you can resort to a little trick.

  • We take 4-6 colors. More is possible, but the lace should not be too thick. But a thin one will not look so impressive.
  • By the way, the length of the thread should not be less than 60 cm and more than 70 cm.
  • We tie all the threads with a regular knot (“through the hand”). If someone doesn’t know or has forgotten, we’ll remind you. Hold one edge of the thread with your thumb and wrap it around your middle and index fingers. Then we thread the second end under the wound thread and thus form a knot.
  • We attach it in any way. And we begin to twist. It just needs to be tight and strong, very strong. And so on until the very end of the lace. Then, with one hand we hold the end, and with the finger of the other hand we hold the middle of the lace. Bend it in half, pull it well and remove the finger.
  • The threads will begin to twist themselves and, in this quick way, you will get a bauble.
  • Now all that remains is to fasten the ends of the bracelet.

In principle, this is the basic information that will help a novice master. Of course, there are other ways to weave, but in the beginning, you need to start with the basics.

How to weave baubles according to patterns?

The patterns were invented to make it easier to make some intricate pattern. After all, even if a drawing appears in your head, it is very difficult to bring it to life. As a rule, before any diagram there should be an explanation for it. But many still have questions about which direction the weaving is directed. After all, there are no detailed descriptions of the nodes.

It is worth noting that there are four nodes that are mainly used in circuits. We will call it that in order.

  • Node No. 1 or the left one in the diagram is depicted as a cross with a circle. And the arrow in it is directed from left to right, down. Using the left thread, perform the main knot, which is described in the previous paragraph. It just runs twice.
  • Node No. 2 or the right one has the same image, only the arrow is directed from right to left, also down. Accordingly, we make the main knot with the thread on the right side. Also twice.
  • Node No. 3 is shown with a curved arrow pointing to the right. We make the main knot with a thread on the right side, only the second time the thread is laid not on top of the main fiber, but from below.
  • Knot No. 4 is also drawn with a curved arrow, only its direction is to the left. Exactly the same as in the previous case, but we work with the left thread.

As you can see, if you delve deeply, there will be no problems reading the diagram. And with an “experienced” hand it will be possible to complete any drawing of varying complexity. The main thing is to do everything carefully and strictly follow the instructions. You can change the color scheme as you wish, but then you need to be very careful not to confuse anything.

How to weave baubles from floss threads?

Most often, of course, baubles are made from floss. But this is not a limitation at all. They can be woven with different knitting threads, for example acrylic or six, you can use iris or cotton thread.

This is interesting! The apogee of the popularity of baubles occurred precisely during the times of the hippies. After all, they considered themselves “children of flowers,” and also had a great love for everything colored.

An important requirement is that the thread should not be too thick. After all, then you won’t get the expected beauty. No, sometimes they are made from thick laces or thick threads, but only according to a simple pattern and with a minimum number of colors.

  • The big plus of floss threads specifically is that the color range is simply stunning. Knitting threads, unfortunately, have a less rich palette.
  • In principle, weaving with threads is as easy as shelling pears. The main thing is to choose the necessary scheme that will suit you and your strengths. Therefore, at first there is no need to grab onto a super complex and intricate drawing. We have already described how to read the diagrams.

  • By the way, when choosing colors, you should take into account the symbolism of both each color and their combinations. For example, red and green colors speak of love for nature. But a rainbow of seven colors speaks of joy, love, friendship and flowers.
  • You can also decorate such a bracelet with various rhinestones, beads or chains. If desired, you can attach beautiful feathers to the bauble. The choice of all kinds of jewelry is simply huge, so they will help you make a bracelet in any style.

How to weave baubles from beads?

This type of weaving baubles is a little more complicated. And the main thing is to have great patience and great perseverance. But believe me, the result will be worth it. True, you shouldn’t grab onto a complex scheme either. To begin with, you should practice on a simpler version.

It’s worth noting right away that you will need:

  • Beads - any: you can big, you can small and absolutely any color. The main condition is quality. The beads must be the same size and it is important that they have holes. Because a low-quality product contains defective beads without holes or only one.
  • Fishing line, nylon thread or special thread for beads.

  • Needle. But this is optional. If you weave with fishing line, you can do without it. And with a simple scheme, it will be enough to lubricate the tip of the thread with colorless varnish.
  • Scissors and matches for finishing edges.
  • Clasps. But it’s also not necessary, since they are often made with the same beads.
  • Weaving machine. You can make it yourself from a cardboard box. Make cuts along the edges at equal distances and pull the thread tightly. By the way, some schemes do not require a machine.

Option #1

This is the fastest and easiest option for bead weaving. More precisely, from beads. Because it will look much nicer if you take medium-sized beads.

  • We attach three pieces of fishing line to the fastener
  • Then we put beads (of any color) on each segment. The length should be slightly longer than the arm circumference
  • And then we just braid the braid, and also attach the ends to the clasp
  • That's all! Maximum five minutes and the bracelet is ready

Option #2.

Another fairly simple method that anyone can handle is the “canvas”. No machine required.

  • We put the required number of beads on the fishing line
  • Then each bead should be attached to the previous row separately
  • To do this, you need to put a new bead on the fishing line, then go through the bead of the first row and return to the starting point. And again start with a new bead, which will already be attached to its bead from the previous row.
  • This technique is very well used to make a drawing or inscription.

There are still a sufficient number of bead weaving patterns, but we will not dwell on them, since there are many videos on this subject with detailed descriptions on the Internet. You just need to look at the type of weaving that interests you and try to make a bracelet yourself.

How to weave baubles from ribbons?

It is also a very popular decoration that is quite easy to make. The main thing is to understand the essence of weaving. And then it will be like clockwork. Naturally, let's consider the simplest method, which uses only two colors. For example, there will be white and black (their length is at least 1 meter).

  • You need to bend the pieces of tape by about 10-15 centimeters. And put them on top of each other crosswise.
  • Next, take the black tape (it will be on top) and wrap it around the white strip and return to the starting position. The result should be a small loop.

  • Next we thread the white ribbon through this loop.
  • And carefully tighten this knot with black tape. It is important not to tighten it too tightly, as it will ruin the whole look.
  • And then we thread a long piece of black ribbon into the white loop (this should also form an eyelet). Tighten it again and thread the loop through. And so you need to do until you get the desired length.
  • At the end, fasten the ribbons with a knot, and you can attach a clasp for convenience.

Round bracelet

This option is a little more complicated than the previous one, but it also turns out nicer. We will also take a dark tape and a light one for ease of perception.

  • Fold them crosswise and secure with a pin. For example, a dark ribbon will be on top.
  • Then we bend the light ribbon like the letter “P”, only rounded (or in the form of an arch, as they also call it) to the left.
  • We wrap the dark ribbon in the same way, but downwards. The result should be four points of contact between the tapes.

  • Then we do the same with the other ends of the ribbons, but in the other direction. That is, the light ribbon goes to the right, and the dark ribbon goes up. It is important to ensure that the lines are perpendicular to each other.
  • The knot you have made needs to be tightened well (should resemble a square).
  • Such manipulations with ribbons must be done until the end until the required length is obtained.
  • Pieces of ribbon can be used as ties. The result should be a bracelet, like a strand of ribbons.

How to weave baubles with names?

Ribbons with various inscriptions or names are very popular. And such a gift will clearly be appreciated by the dear person for whom it was intended.

  • It is worth noting that you can weave with threads or beads, and you can choose absolutely any color scheme. But it will look much better if you choose two contrasting colors. So that the inscription is clearly visible.
  • You need to spell out your name in squares or use ready-made letter stencils.
  • And already, following the pattern, weave a bracelet, and also do not forget to change the color in time.
  • You should also calculate how long the name will take so that the edges of the bracelet are the same.
  • If the bracelet is made from threads, then you need to use simple weaving patterns, the knots of which have already been discussed above.

  • If - from beads, then the most successful method will be the “canvas”. You can also use the “cross” technique, but the inscriptions on it do not look so impressive.

How to weave baubles with straight weave?

This is the most common way of weaving baubles, and most importantly - fast and varied. After all, you can use absolutely any scheme and use completely different colors.

First you need to select the threads.

  • Main or leading thread. I think everyone understands that thanks to it the bracelet is made, and the color depends on it. It is not cut from the ball and, as a rule, at least 5 meters are needed.
  • The main thread is the thread on which the knots are attached. Therefore, the color of the bracelet is practically not affected; more precisely, only the outer threads remain visible.
  • Additional or auxiliary threads. They help create the necessary drawing.

To make a bauble with straight weaving, you first need to choose a pattern and color scheme.

  • You can attach the threads in any convenient way
  • There is also a little trick - in order for the rows to be even, they need to be pressed with a ruler
  • We begin to work with the left thread, which moves to the right
  • But we do the next row in the opposite direction
  • And, if the drawing requires it, then do not forget to alternate colors or introduce new ones
  • And so we do the necessary color until the very end. Just don’t forget to make two knots
  • If you are going to create a drawing, then you should definitely calculate how many rows there will be before and after

How to weave oblique baubles?

This method of weaving baubles is considered the simplest and is perfect for beginners. The fact is that the rows do not go strictly in one line, but seem to have a slight offset (about half the length of the knot).

  • To begin with, it is worth noting that the threads in this method are not woven during the work. The entire bracelet is made with the same threads that started
  • Schemes most often provide for a paired number of fibers

  • Since the types of knots and reading the diagrams have already been explained above, all that remains is to add that for oblique weaving there is only one rule. This is following the instructions.

As you can see, if you wish, you can create a bauble using absolutely different weaving and threads. And the variety of patterns is simply huge, which includes various designs and colors to suit every taste. Therefore, you can make any bracelet. And most importantly, it will be an exclusive bauble. Develop your imagination, and we hope our tips will become an excellent practical guide for you.

Video: “Straight weave baubles with letters”