
Lifting Japanese facial massage. Japanese Asahi facial massage correct technique. How often should you do an Asahi Zogan massage for rejuvenation: recommendations from experts

Breast cancer

Eastern specialists made their discoveries in the field of cosmetology. Japanese cosmetologist Yu. Tanaka created the Asahi facial massage, but initially it had a different name - Zogan. We can say that an effective technique can be a worthy replacement for plastic surgery.

The history of the creation of Asahi facial massage

Over the years, facial muscle tissue becomes weaker, causing sagging skin. It loses its firmness and elasticity. This is most noticeable in females. The contours of the face change, wrinkled folds and jowls appear. To eliminate this, the Asahi technique was created.

With the help of active finger movements, you can independently influence the deep-lying facial muscles. The technique promotes firmness and elasticity of the skin, it is possible to correct the oval, remove swelling and bruises under the eyes, and facial wrinkles are not so noticeable.

Massage effects on facial skin can be performed either independently at home or in a beauty salon. Of course, the hands of a professional will do a better job with this task. To perform the Asahi massage yourself, you need to familiarize yourself with the postulates and technique of its implementation, the degree of impact.

The correctness and sequence of actions can be learned from lessons on YouTube. Although it would be more advisable to study a practice and a specialist where you can learn Japanese practice directly from an example. Or attend several sessions in the massage room.

All actions must be performed correctly. Otherwise, Asahi’s massage will be of no use.

Features of the event

The Japanese method uses a different technique for massaging the facial surface. It differs from the generally accepted rules of massage. Here, the impact on active points is carried out differently, it is more effective when compared with other massage techniques.

Many European cosmetologists are unfamiliar with it, so first you need to learn how to do it. The basis of Japanese massage therapy is the task of treating the eyelid area and the area around the eye sockets. If the actions are incorrect, the patient may experience pain.

When pressing with your fingertips, you may not feel the most pleasant sensations. Sometimes it even hurts, but this is wrong. While working with the facial surface, the skin and deep structures and muscle tissue are treated. This can affect the change in facial contour.

According to Japanese teachings, beauty in a person should come from the inner state, and not be only on the surface. Therefore, Asahi massage is aimed at working to encourage changes not only in the structure of the face, but it is able to harmonize all areas.

When you use the Zogan technique yourself, you can control the force of pressure and the subsequent sensations.

General rules

  1. Before you begin massage pressure, the front surface needs to be prepared. To do this, the facial skin is wiped with a cosmetic product to cleanse it of the substance secreted by the sebaceous glands.
  2. Massage technique is performed using oil. For example, orange or oat oil or cold-pressed olive oil are suitable.
  3. First, rub the surface with light movements and pats. This is a warm-up and preparation of the skin.
  4. The massage procedure mainly involves only two fingers - the index and middle. Sometimes you can help yourself with your ring finger. The area of ​​the eye sockets is always massaged with the middle finger, and the frontal area is rubbed with three at once. You will need to work your cheeks with your palms.
  5. It is necessary to do according to the degree of pressure on the active points. It should not feel painful, although you need to press with some force.
  6. If a person has a thin face, then when performing an Asahi massage, the lower part of the face is not so intensely affected. Such movements can cause even greater thinness than was at the beginning of the procedures.
  7. If pressure is applied in the area where the lymph nodes are located, the pressure force decreases.
  8. When the massage session comes to an end, the final touch is the treatment of the lymphatic capillaries. This will help increase the outflow of lymph in a certain area of ​​the face.

At the end of the procedure, the skin is wiped with a cleansing cosmetic.

Benefits of facial massage

Massage effects will be useful for women of any age category. The sooner you start implementing the Japanese technique, the better the skin surface of your face will look in subsequent years. Let's explore the benefits of Asahi massage.

  • The outflow of lymph improves, the surface becomes silky to the touch, smooth and elastic;
  • Asahi massage has a rejuvenating effect. The impact is carried out mainly on deep muscle tissue, therefore, the number of wrinkles is noticeably reduced;
  • Improves mood and well-being. During a self-massage, happiness hormones are produced. At the end of the pressure, you feel lightness and ease;
  • Helps correct the oval of the face without the use of surgical interventions. The image becomes more expressive and sophisticated. After correction of the zygomatic, nasolabial and cheek areas, the double chin is gradually removed;
  • In the area of ​​the eye sockets and under the eyes, puffiness and bags are eliminated due to increased lymph circulation;
  • Toxic deposits that have accumulated in the epidermis layer are removed. And due to the presence of toxins under the skin, a person ages faster.

Indications for use

The Japanese Asahi massage technique is indicated for women who have crossed the 40-year-old threshold. Although girls can also do it for preventive purposes against early skin aging. So, let’s note who needs this type of massage and in what cases it is done.

  • Massage technique is performed if you need to increase the tone of the skin surface;
  • Apply deep pressure to remove the double chin;
  • If a girl has a disproportionate or angular face, it can be corrected using this massage technique;
  • To brighten dull skin and improve its structure;
  • The technique will help eliminate multiple wrinkles, including expression lines;
  • The technique is used for swelling of the face and eye area;
  • A preventative agent aimed at combating premature aging;

Main contraindications

Like any procedure, Asahi facial massage cannot always be done and not for everyone. There are relative or absolute restrictions here. These include the following factors:

  • Inflammatory processes;
  • ENT diseases;
  • Education related to oncology;
  • Bad feeling.

It is not recommended to perform massage actions for rosacea. In any case, this requires consultation with a doctor. If there are dilated vessels and capillaries, you should not apply pressure on active points, especially in the cheek area.

How to do a massage correctly

Before performing an Asahi massage, you need to thoroughly cleanse the skin with cosmetics. In this case, decorative cosmetics are removed in advance, and residual secretions of subcutaneous fat are removed. To remove moisture after washing, lightly blot the skin with a dry cloth. Rubbing the skin is not recommended.

If you first clean the surface with a scrub, you can get a better effect from massage therapy. To cleanse the face, the scrub is usually used a couple of times a month.

Before you begin to perform massage on your own, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the location of the active points on the face that need to be affected. Study where the lymph nodes are located and do not press too hard there.

Knowledge will help you use the Japanese method more effectively and successfully. Each massage movement needs to be honed to automaticity. Otherwise, it will be inconvenient to spy on every move on the Internet. The procedure must be carried out without stopping. It is necessary to monitor the pressure applied on the fingertips to avoid painful sensations.

Massage movements can be performed in any position, the main thing is that it is comfortable. It is advisable to keep your back straight. According to some cosmetologists, the best position for this massage (but not all other types) is in a lying position. This way the muscles relax and it is possible to influence the desired points.

The Asahi massage technique lasts on average half an hour. It is recommended to repeat the pressure twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. When effectiveness is achieved, the procedure can no longer be performed.

Preparing for a massage

The skin is cleansed of cosmetics and degreased. If necessary, you can apply a scrub for a short time. Then the skin is wiped with plenty of tonic, without sparing. The composition should not contain ethyl alcohol. As soon as the surface dries, it is lubricated with massage oil. If this is not the case, you can use any oil.

Stages of the technique

The massage technique includes several cycles of exercises that are performed in turn. Any set of movements will need to be repeated three times.


They begin to do exercises from the frontal region. Rub this area with the index, middle and ring fingers with little effort. Rubbing is done with both hands. At the beginning, the palms should be placed horizontally, with only the pads of the fingers touching the forehead.

Each finger press on the forehead lasts three seconds. After this, you need to move to the temporal zone. At the same time, the palms are turned 90 degrees. Pressing is done from the temples to the ears. Being closer to the ears, the pressure of the fingers decreases. The last stage is to press the pads of your fingers from the temporal zone down along the neck and end on the collarbones.


Using the pads of your middle fingers, effortlessly move along the ciliary zone from the inside of the eye to the outer corner and back. Then pressure is added and the fingers move from the eye area to the temporal zone. Here the pressure must be held for up to three seconds.

Return to the starting point and walk along the eyelash strip again, but with light pressure. In the temporal zone, stop and maintain pressure for three seconds with your index and middle fingers. From the temple, lower down to the ears, but do not press.

Chin and mouth

Using your fingertips, you process the folded strip that runs between the nose and lips. Apply pressure on the nasolabial fold. When performing a massage, the skin should be slightly stretched.

Increase the pressure in the hole above the lip for up to three seconds, then sharply remove your fingers. The exercise is repeated three times. Then repeat the same pressure on the chin, on the pit and up to the lips and nasal septum.

Wings of the nose

In the places where the depressions of the wings of the nose are, use your fingers to make movements reminiscent of a figure eight up to five times with slight pressure. Then walk along the bridge of the nose and near it several times, but with less pressure. Repeat the exercise three times.

Cheek area

Place one hand on your chin, and with the other make pressing movements on your cheeks. Start from the middle of the cheek with two fingers and move up and down to the chin. Stay on any cheek point for up to three seconds. Then lift your fingers from the nodules to the eyes and press for three seconds.

Cheek area

Place three fingers on your cheekbone and make figure-of-eight movements in different directions. Repeat several times. From the cheekbones, go up to the ears and back with pressure.

Removing the double chin

For women, a double chin is a problem, even for thin people. There is no need to be upset, as the Asahi massage includes an exercise to eliminate it. On the neck area. Place your thumbs almost under your chin. The palms clasp the nasal septum.

Use your fingertips to massage your chin, hold still for a few seconds and press lightly on the point. Spread your palms to the sides and touch the eye edge and temporal region with your fingertips. Then walk from the auricle to the cheekbone area.

Final stage

To complete the Asahi massage technique, apply light pressure with three fingers to the area of ​​the lymph node located near the auricle. Press for no more than three seconds. Slowly lower yourself to the collarbone area with equal pressure on the skin. This movement performs the outflow of lymph. Repeat this technique three times.

Japanese Asahi massage does not have to be performed in all zones. If there is not enough time, then the exercises are performed where there are problem areas.

Japanese Asahi massage technique is an alternative to plastic surgery and aggressive cosmetic methods that help rejuvenate the skin. Massage helps tighten the skin by targeting deep muscle tissue. Women make a choice in its favor, since the technique can be performed independently.

About the author: Ekaterina Nosova

Certified specialist in the field of reconstructive and aesthetic surgery. Extensive experience, leading Moscow specialist in thread lifting, blepharoplasty and breast replacement, performed more than 11,000 operations. Read more about me in the Doctors-Authors section.

Asahi massage, or Zogan, which means “face creation,” became famous thanks to beauty expert Yukuko Tanaka. She studied ancient Japanese facial massage techniques and based on them she created her own simple technique.

The main differences between this massage and others are a stronger physical effect on the skin and a partial deviation from. Also, the process affects not only superficial facial muscles, but also deeply located muscles and even bones. In addition, much attention is paid to the lymphatic vessels, which improves the nutrition of all facial tissues and accelerates the removal of toxins and excess fluid.

Who can and cannot have a massage?

Since asahi affects different tissues, improves lymph outflow and blood circulation, it allows you to achieve several effects at once:

  • smooth out wrinkles and slow down aging;
  • increase the elasticity and smoothness of the skin and generally improve its condition;
  • tighten the oval of the face;
  • relieve swelling.

Therefore, it can be performed not only by those who have developed serious age-related changes, but also by those in their twenties.

However, there are contraindications:

  • skin diseases, including inflammation;
  • ENT diseases;
  • pathologies of the lymphatic system;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • bad feeling.

Things to remember

1. Before and after the massage, the skin of the face must be washed.

2. During the procedure, you need to use massage products. Natural oils, oat milk, and cosmetic creams are suitable.

3. Massage movements are performed with pressure, but should not cause pain. In the places where the lymph nodes are located, light stroking is sufficient.

4. The massage is performed sitting or standing, with a straight posture.

5. Almost all exercises end with a final movement along the contours of the face and along the neck, from the parotid lymph nodes to the collarbones. It is what promotes the outflow of lymph.

The massage begins in the same way. The movement must be repeated three times.

6. To achieve visible results, massage. Its average duration is about 10 minutes.

How to do an Asahi massage

All exercises are repeated three times. Full video instructions are at the end of the article.

1. Strengthening the forehead

Press the index, middle and ring fingers of both hands tightly to the middle of the forehead so that the palms take a horizontal position. After three seconds, move them with pressure to your temples. Then turn your palms 90 degrees and, reducing the pressure, move towards your ears. Make the finishing move.

Using the pads of your middle fingers, touch the skin at the outer corners of your eyes. Without using force and moving towards the inner corners, line your eyes from below. Next, apply pressure along the upper orbital edge. Pause for three seconds at your temples.

Then run your fingers along the bottom edge of your eyes again, from the outer corners to the inner ones. After this, come back with pressure. Pause at the outer corners of your eyes for three seconds and move towards your ears. Make the finishing move.

3. Strengthening the area around the mouth and chin

Press the ring and middle fingers of both hands into the hollow of your chin. After three seconds, press around your mouth, connecting your fingers in the hollow above your upper lip. Press on this point for another three seconds, trying to lift the nasal septum. Then sharply remove your fingers and move them to the starting position.

This is the only exercise after which the finishing move is not performed.

4. Elimination of nasolabial folds

Immediately after the previous exercise, move to the wings of the nose and massage them with pressure, and then the sides of the nose itself. Next, move your fingers with pressure along the cheekbones to the ears and perform the final action.

Place your index, middle and ring fingers in the hollow of your chin. With maximum pressure, move them around the lips to the nostrils and maxillary bone. Then move higher to the inner corners of the eyes. Stay there for three seconds and move towards your temples. Reducing the pressure, move to the ears and do the finishing move.

6. Strengthening the lower face

With one palm, fix the lower jaw, with the other, with pressure, move along the cheek from the place where the masticatory muscle begins to the inner corner of the eye. Hold for three seconds and move towards your ears. Take the final action. Do the same exercise on the other side of your face.

7. Midface Strengthening

Place your index, middle and ring fingers horizontally on your cheekbones. Press your fingers hard against your nostrils, then move them towards your ears and do the finishing move.

8. Face lift

Bring your arms together in front of you at chest level and open your palms at a 90-degree angle. Press the heels of your palms to your chin and hold in this position for three seconds. Next, move your palms up to your nose, then along your cheekbones to your temples, then to your ears. Do the finishing move.

9. Correction of facial contours

Place your chin on the base of your palm with your fingers pointing towards your ear. Forcefully move your palm towards your ear and make the final movement. Repeat the exercise on the other side of your face.

10. Double chin removal

Join your palms into a triangle so that your chin rests on your thumbs and your index fingers touch the bridge of your nose. Fix your thumbs, and forcefully move the rest towards your temples (the index fingers should move along the lower orbital edge). Then move to the ears and perform the finishing action.

11. Zigzag forehead smoothing

Press your index, middle and ring fingers to your forehead (they should lie horizontally). Then begin to move in soft zigzag movements from temple to temple and back. At the end, repeat the first exercise.

And here is a video instruction for the massage.

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Hello! From this article you will learn how Japanese facial massage is performed, what makes it unique, what problems can be solved with its help, what actions need to be performed during massage depending on age.

Features of Japanese facial massage

Japanese facial massage differs from most techniques in the maximum impact it has not only on the epidermis, but also on the muscles and lymph. Thanks to this, the muscle frame is strengthened, as there is increased production of collagen and elastin. The lymphatic drainage procedure effectively eliminates swelling and defects under the eyes in the form. After just a few procedures, patients note a change in the shape of the face, because with the help of massage it is possible, in the literal sense of the word, to sculpt a renewed, rejuvenated face, changing the shape of the cheekbones, removing the double chin, making the face narrower by getting rid of subcutaneous fat and excess water.

Indications for massage

Indications for the course are:

  • age-related changes;
  • swelling;
  • gray complexion.

What results can be achieved?

A month of using the technique is enough, and the stunning effect will surprise you. The result is achieved thanks to:

  • working out deep-lying tissues;
  • massaging the skin not with the ends of the fingers, but with the whole palm;
  • cellular cleansing by affecting lymph;
  • strengthening facial muscle tissue;
  • delineation of the facial contour;
  • eliminating small ones and reducing deep ones;
  • improvement

Japanese women are famous for looking much younger than their age, so adopting their experience of self-care is a noble cause!

How to do a massage correctly

Detailed video instructions for Asahi Zogan massage - Russian voice acting

The technique of performing Japanese massage is strikingly different from other techniques due to its intense impact. Creating a face without a single wrinkle or defect is not an easy task. It is important to carry out the procedure daily.

Preparing for a massage

To prepare for a massage you should:

  • wash and dry your face;
  • treat the epidermis with a massage agent;
  • warm up your palms by rubbing.

The massage begins and ends with specific manipulations performed by three fingers: index, middle and ring fingers. They should fit snugly against each other. You should press your fingers quite firmly for about two seconds near the shells of your ears. Without reducing the pressure, the fingers slide down the neck line to the collarbone and also stop for two seconds. This is necessary finishing movement for each exercise, as it enhances lymphatic drainage.

Forehead massage

Fix your fingers in the middle of your forehead for 3 seconds, applying significant pressure, move them to your temples, then turn them ninety degrees. Swipe down the side of the face, making a finishing movement.

Strengthening the skin around the eyes

This massage, when performed correctly, helps fight swelling of the eyelids and also strengthens the skin. Gently massage from the outer corner of the lower eyelid to the inner one. The fingers are fixed as standard for two seconds, after which increase the pressure and draw lines along the bridge of the nose to the sub-eyebrow, along which you should also run your fingers, circling the bone of the eye sockets towards the outer corner of the eye, holding your fingers at this point and increasing the pressure. A few seconds is enough.

The second stage begins (in the same way as the first) with gentle massaging of the lower eyelid from the outer corner of the eye to the inner one. Then, holding your fingers for a couple of seconds at the inner corner, you should increase the pressure and return to the outer corner of the eyes along the lower eyelid.

Massage the area around the mouth

To effectively remove the nasolabial fold and lift the corners of the mouth, it is enough to perform the following movements daily: place the closed ring and middle fingers in the center of the chin, pressing slightly, and linger at this point. Then make a circular movement to the central part of the upper lip and press on this area for a few seconds. After this, the middle fingers are placed in the peri-nostril pits and go around the wings of the nose without pressure (5 sliding movements up and down are enough).

Massage to improve the shape of the nose

The exercise is performed with two fingers. It consists of light pressure and rolling the fingertips from the middle of the nose to its sides, then to the cheekbones and to the temporal area.

Cheek lifting massage

First, the massage is performed on one half of the face, then on the other. The palm should rest on the side of the cheek bone, and the other hand should move from the cheekbone to the eye (inner corner), lightly pressing on this point for a couple of seconds. Next, draw a line to the temple and also linger on the point.

Types of Japanese massage

There are several types of Japanese massage that help preserve or restore youth, such as Asahi (Zogan) lymphatic drainage massage, Shiatsu facial acupressure massage, Kobido massage. For each patient, one of them is individually selected, and the intensity of the effect on the skin is determined.

Lymphatic drainage massage Asahi from Yukuko Tanaka

Japanese massage Zogan (Asahi)- this is real gymnastics that trains the facial muscles, helping to create a facial muscle frame. In addition, massage has a lymphatic drainage effect, eliminating swelling. To carry out a full procedure, just ten minutes a day is enough.

Makeup artist Yukuko Tanaka was able to distribute and describe in her book the algorithm for performing the Asahi massage, which her grandmother taught her to use. Yukuko herself looked much younger than her age, which further inspires millions of women around the world to study this rejuvenation technique. The video tutorials “Japanese facial massage by Alena Sable,” which can be found on the Internet, demonstrate a slightly modified Zogan technique and popularly explain how to correctly perform this particular type of massage.

Indications for massage are:

  • swelling associated with problems in the lymphatic system;
  • double chin;
  • age-related changes;
  • sallow complexion;
  • expression and age wrinkles.

Japanese Asahi facial massage from Yukuko Tanaka, due to its profound effect on tissue, has a list of contraindications:

  • diseases of the lymphatic system;
  • diseases of the ears, nose and throat;
  • CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome);
  • skin rash;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • mesh on cheeks;
  • reactive thin skin;
  • bad feeling.

There are several Zogan massage techniques, and they are designed for both different face types and different ages:

  • at 30 years old, the blue complex is enough;
  • after 45 years, a technique for combating nasolabial folds is suitable;
  • facial massage after 50 years should help restore tone to the skin of the lower part of the face;
  • after 60 years, you need a stronger complex that gets rid of ptosis.

After 30 years

  1. Japanese home facial massage begins from the inner corner of the eyelid, then slowly moves towards the ears along the contour. Don't forget about the finishing movement. Three repetitions are required.
  2. Now, on the contrary, you should start the massage from the outer corners of the eyes and, without pressure, move along the lower eyelid to the nose, then to the bridge of the nose, draw a spiral to the inner corners of the eyes and return to the starting position, bringing it to the ears, followed by the final movement. The number of repetitions is three.

After 40 years

  1. The tool is a ring of closed thumb and index fingers (the index finger should be placed under the thumb to form fists). Place them at the beginning of the nasolabial fold and move the resulting ring along them down to the corners of the lips, to the middle of the chin, hold for a couple of seconds, turn the fists outward, move to the ears and make the final movement down the neck. Repeat three times.
  2. Connect the middle and ring fingers and first press to the chin for two seconds, then also press in the corners of the lips and on both sides of the nostrils, smoothly move to the ears and complete the movement along the neck line. Repeat three times.
  3. Place the connected middle and ring fingers on the cheek muscle, place the other hand on top in a cross to increase pressure and move it to the middle of the ear. The lower hand completes the movement, and the upper hand smoothly goes around the chin. Three repetitions are performed on each side.

After 50 years

  1. Make fist rings with your hands and move from the points located under the corners of the lips (jowls) to the ears, as if smoothing them. Complete the exercises from the ears to the neck down. Repeat three times.
  2. The nasolabial fold is ironed from bottom to top three times, alternately with one or the other hand, then one hand should be placed on the other to increase pressure and held to the auricle. The lower hand makes the final movement along the neck, and the upper one goes around the chin. This exercise is repeated three times on each side.
  3. Using your palms in a vertical position, smooth the area from the nose to the ear and perform a final downward movement. Three repetitions are required.

After 60 years

  1. Self-massage with the inner edge of the palm from the center line of the chin to the earlobe. Repeat the manipulation three times and complete the downward movement. Repeat on the other half of the face.
  2. Press the cotton fabric to your chin with a grasping motion of your hand. Proceed to sliding your fingers along the jawline to the ear. Repeat three times and complete the exercise with a sliding movement from the ear to the neck. This is followed by a similar massage on the second half of the face.
  3. Grasp your chin from below with your hand, slowly extend your hand in the same position further down your neck. Repeat three times.

Japanese acupressure facial massage Shiatsu

Japanese Shiatsu massage helps replenish missing energy for complete balance. All points on the face are worked with the pads of the fingers, and the area around the eyes - with the palms. No fast or traumatic movements, but clear pressure on specific areas should be present.

The points must be worked out in a certain algorithm, and the number of pressures on one zone should reach up to ten times per second. The massage can be done with one or both hands. Cancerous tumors and leukemia are obstacles to the procedure.

  1. To eliminate swelling of the eyelids: Place the fingertips on the point at the inner corners of the eyelids and press for 3 seconds. Repeat 2 times.
  2. To get rid of: The fingertips are placed at a distance of 1 cm from the points of the outer corners of the eyelids (towards the temples). Apply pressure for a few seconds, moving slightly to the sides and upwards.
  3. For forehead wrinkles: The index, middle and ring fingers of each hand are placed in the center of the forehead. Use all fingers to simultaneously press on these points for 7 seconds. Then move them 1 cm from the center to the sides, closer to the temples, and press again. Then - even closer to the temples, the pressure is directed slightly upward.
  4. For beautiful lips: press for 7 seconds on a point in the hollow above the upper lip.
  5. To get rid of deposits near the mouth: The index and middle fingers are placed in the corners of the lips and pressed on them for 7 seconds.

Ancient massage technique Kobido

Japanese facial massage Kobido is popular in the east. Its task is to stop a woman’s biological clock through accelerated regeneration, increased production of collagen and elastin, and bring facial expressions to a relaxed state to avoid the appearance of facial wrinkles.

To master the technique, just watch the video. The main effect is tapping on acupuncture points. Blood cancer and malignant tumors are also direct contraindications to the procedure.

For the procedure to be useful and safe, you should adhere to important recommendations:

  • cleanse the face with hypoallergenic mild products;
  • should not burn your face;
  • After the massage, you must be at rest for at least three hours;
  • The massage should be performed by a specialist who can diagnose without any problems. All negative consequences arise from the actions of illiterate massage therapists.

What problems may arise after a massage and how can they be solved?

After the session, the following problems may occur:

  1. Rashes on the epidermis. The solution to this problem is to avoid massage until the rash completely disappears. Then you can try with another massage product.
  2. Facial weight loss. Reducing the number of procedures will help solve this issue, but someone may well have to abandon the procedure altogether.
  3. Morning swelling. It is enough to transfer the procedures from evening to morning, and you will forget about swelling.
  4. The appearance of rosacea mesh. You can purchase a special cream that strengthens blood vessels and capillaries and avoid peeling.


Contraindications for Japanese massage are as follows:

  • pathological processes in lymph;
  • problems with hearing and smell;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • rosacea mesh;
  • thin and sensitive skin;
  • oncology;
  • skin rashes;
  • any kind of ailment.

When performing a massage, you should take into account every little detail, including the mood you are in. Yunuko Tanaka very popularly described in her book the algorithm for performing traditional Japanese massage:

  1. The main postulate is purification. All cosmetics and impurities are completely removed with the usual makeup removers.
  2. The massage is performed on dry skin, so all moisture from the face should be removed.
  3. Pores must be kept clean, so don't neglect their weekly cleansing.
  4. Before starting the procedure, it is important to feel the lymph nodes. It is the active influence on them that gives a positive final result. That's why it is called Japanese lymphatic massage.
  5. Movements should not be chaotic. There is a clear direction of the lines, so before starting the procedure it is important to familiarize yourself with the technique more closely.
  6. The pressure should not cause pain, but if the session is carried out correctly, the manipulations will be felt in any case.
  7. A straight back is the key to success in the procedure. It is best to perform the massage in a sitting or standing position. As an exception, if you have a sore back, you can massage your face while lying down.
  8. The procedure time should not exceed a quarter of an hour. The minimum exposure time is 10 minutes.
  9. Any massage cream that does not cause any allergic reactions is suitable for sliding your hands over the skin. Homemade oat milk is ideal for this purpose.

Oat milk recipe

Components and dosages Application
- rolled oats - 3 tbsp. spoons;
- linen bag;
- water.
Place the oatmeal in a bag and place it in water for about ten minutes. Squeeze out excess liquid into a container. This liquid is called oat milk. This massage product is not stored, so it is advisable to use it all up.

Have you ever noticed how Japanese women look? If so, then you probably paid attention to their skin, transparent, well-groomed, as if porcelain. The reason for this state of appearance of women from the Land of the Rising Sun is tireless work on themselves plus proper nutrition. Facial massage is very popular among cosmetic procedures in Japan. Today we'll talk about Asahi massage, reviews of which are very contradictory. Let's try to figure out what Zogan facial massage is (this is the original name of Japanese massage), and find out who it is suitable for and who should not resort to it.

Zogan massage (Asahi) - history

They say that once a famous beautician in Japan, Hiroshi Hisashi, saw her grandmother performing strange manipulations on her face and asked what kind of technique it was. Then she brought knowledge to the masses. Massage has taken root in the country because it has actually proven to be an effective remedy in the fight against aging. Another famous lady, Yukuko Tanaka, a stylist and developer of all kinds of massage techniques, became interested in such a simple and at the same time unusual massage technique. Having discovered a new type of facial massage, Tanaka described it in her book “Facial Massage – Back 10 Years,” calling it a real breakthrough in appearance rejuvenation. She then began making videos teaching massage techniques to women.

This technique came to Russian women not from Japan, but from Estonia. The local specialist Laina Butter-Pavlovskaya, having seen the videos, was delighted and introduced the Asahi method everywhere, considering it an unsurpassed way of facial rejuvenation without the intervention of plastic surgeons. By the way, it was she who gave it the name “Asahi”, which translated from Japanese means “morning sun”.

Thus, a very large number of people have already learned about Zogan. Let’s try to evaluate the effectiveness of Asahi’s facial massage, because the reviews about it on the RuNet are ambivalent: some are completely delighted with Asahi, while others treat it with restraint, believing that Shiatsu (another Japanese massage) is much better and more effective, and some even deny Zogan completely.

A little about massage technique

Videos of Asahi massage techniques can be easily found on the Internet. The technique is slightly different for different ages, but is always aimed at improving lymph flow. Lymph is a fluid that moves due to muscle contraction, otherwise called ichor. There are no red blood cells in it, but there are enough lymphocytes, through which the tissues are supplied with blood. For example, after 45 years, the lymph flow is not as active as in youth, the lymph moves upward much worse, and its conductivity fades every year.

Asahi is based on the movement of lymph, so all manipulations begin from the lymph nodes. The massage technique is two-finger, that is, the entire process is performed with only two fingers of both hands - the index and middle or middle and ring fingers. To improve the contours of the face, you need to press on the felt lymph nodes and make smooth movements from them in the direction of the lymph flow:

  • from the submandibular nodes - up to the ears;
  • from the parotid - also upward, to the temples;
  • the deepened folds near the nose (nasolabial) are massaged to the sides, starting with pressing on them with two fingers;
  • frontal wrinkles are massaged, starting from the temporal lobes.

All facial manipulations are carried out in strict accordance with the recommendations of cosmetologists, who explain the entire massage technique step by step. They also give advice on the rules for conducting it.

General rules for Asahi massage

Like any other type of massage procedure, Asahi massage has rules, following which you can get exactly the result for which it is designed. Let's consider the main recommendations:

Why not everyone appreciated the effectiveness of Japanese massage

Probably, women who speak negatively about Asahi performed the manipulations incorrectly, or they had contraindications to its implementation. Perhaps they began to do the procedure on their own, without finding the point where they needed to start manipulating the face.

By observing the rules described above and following the instructions, you yourself will be able to evaluate the effectiveness of the Zogan (Asahi) massage.

Positive aspects of massage noticed by women who followed all the rules and left their reviews:

  • can remove circles under the eyes;
  • improves overall skin tone in adulthood;
  • eliminates fine wrinkles;
  • makes deep folds less noticeable;
  • evens out complexion;
  • rejuvenates without plastic surgery;
  • it makes your face thinner and your chin sharper.

And these reviews are from those who violated the instructions and did not follow the advice:

  • acne appeared;
  • there are wounds on the chin and in the T-zone after two weeks of massage;
  • vessels have become more visible;
  • the skin seemed to have gathered into lumps;
  • The already thin face became even thinner.

Based on the reviews described above, we can conclude that the negative experience is mainly caused by violation of the massage rules.

Performing Japanese Zogan (Asahi) massage: video in Russian

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)


Japanese massage is extremely popular among women of any age, which, thanks to its amazing property of stimulating blood circulation, can restore female youth and beauty. Japanese masters have been developing and improving methods for rejuvenating and healing the human body for many years, and this kind of procedure can be carried out not only in salons, but also at home. The main thing is to do everything correctly so as not to harm your health.

Japanese massage technique

Why do Japanese women of any age look young? The point here is not about plastic surgery on the face or body or the use of any miracle creams, although Japanese cosmetics are also very effective. Eastern women are helped to maintain their youth by a special worldview, for which caring for the body and face is a mandatory ritual performed regularly. If you use Japanese massage techniques with the same frequency as you brush your teeth in the morning, then the desired result from the procedures will not be long in coming.

Benefits for the body

The goal of a popular massage technique in Japan is to provide a rejuvenating effect by stimulating the body's natural processes. Thanks to this effect, the features become harmonious, blood circulation improves, the face smoothes and becomes toned, and the skin takes on a blooming, healthy appearance. Existing oriental techniques help strengthen facial muscles, prevent sagging, wrinkles and other age-related changes.

Reviews prove that the massage procedure not only tightens the skin and gives it a healthy color, but also improves the overall appearance and well-being of a person. In addition, popular techniques in Japan help enrich the skin with microelements, oxygen, improve regeneration and nutrition. When you experience Japanese massage techniques, swelling and signs of stress will be eliminated, and regular massage will help you stay young and well-groomed, regardless of age.

Varieties of body techniques

In Eastern medicine, various massage techniques have long been practiced, and over the years they have been improved, based on extensive knowledge of human physiology and anatomy. The most popular are Amma massage, which helps stimulate the circulation of human energy, and Shiatsu, a finger pressure treatment used instead of acupuncture.


This Japanese technique is unique; it does not require the use of massage oils during the session or the presence of a special table. To perform an Amma massage, you do not need to lie down or undress - the master of oriental massage acts on parts of the body with the “yang” energy (back side), and the vulnerable area with the “yin” energy is protected at this time by pillows. Using touch, the specialist determines the level of your physical and mental state, and identifies areas of the body that are subject to negative changes.

When working with energy flows, the master influences some points of the meridians where the movement of energy is blocked for some reason, while he removes the blockage and allows energy to move freely through the channels. Meridian massage is the best way to activate the circulation of energy; in just 20 minutes you will be full of vitality, but at the same time you will feel complete relaxation.

All techniques of the Amma technique are directed from the heart. During work, stroking, stretching, kneading, and rocking are used in areas of acupressure points. Massaging is carried out with fingers, palms, elbows and even knees to enhance the effect. Amma is an effective method for treating pain in the lumbar region, displaced discs, headaches, hypertension, and various types of injuries. The Japanese technique is also an anti-stress procedure, because it helps relieve both nervous and muscle tension.


Treatment using finger pressure has long been successfully used instead of acupuncture. Shiatsu affects biologically active points, which the master often chooses intuitively. Pressure is applied to them with the base of the palm and fingers. In the area of ​​the shoulder blades, chest, carotid artery and temporal region, pressure is applied with three fingers and the base of the palm; the back and limbs are massaged with the thumbs. The pressure is applied gently, without rubbing or displacing the tissue, while the working finger is positioned perpendicular to the area being treated.

There are several Shiatsu techniques: gentle and longer pressure - for 5-10 seconds on one point, without removing your fingers (repeated 2-3 times), as well as light pressure without jerking on a point for 3-5 seconds. Many elements of the technique are easy to learn, after which they can be performed at home. The duration of a general Shiatsu session is 60 minutes, a private session is about 5-15 minutes.

Japanese facial massage

Below we will consider the features of popular oriental techniques: Shiatsu acupressure, zogan massage from the Japanese stylist Yukuko Tanaka and skin treatment using the Kobido method. Each of the techniques has its own subtleties, but they are all united by one goal - providing a rejuvenating effect, healing, and eliminating the undesirable consequences of external factors affecting the skin.


The founder of this Japanese manual therapy using finger pressure is Takuhiro Nakimoshi. By acting on specific points, the lactic acid accumulated in the muscles is replaced by glycogen, which restores their natural contraction. Thanks to Shiatsu, facial wrinkles formed as a result of muscle hypertonicity are smoothed out. In addition, pressure with your fingertips stimulates blood circulation and lymph outflow, eliminating swelling, soothing the skin, and stimulating the functioning of organs.

When performing Shiatsu acupressure, you need to apply high-intensity pressure using the pads of the thumb, index and middle fingers, while the skin should be cleansed and moisturized. The time of pressure on each point is 5-7 seconds. The Japanese Shiatsu technique is as follows:

  1. Place your fingers on your forehead: your ring fingers should be in the center, the rest should be located a little further away. Press the points for 5-7 seconds. Massage all areas of the forehead in the same way.
  2. Massage the skin of the eyes and eyebrows. Using your ring fingers, press on the edge of the eyebrows, which is near the temples. Using the middle pads, press on the middle part of the eyebrows. Press on the area near the eyes with your index fingers.
  3. Press first on the outer corners of the eyes, then on the inner ones.
  4. Massage the bridge of the nose: place three fingers between the eyebrows, press for 5 seconds.
  5. To influence the upper part of the eyes, you need to press your ring fingers into the inner corners of the eyes, your middle fingers on the upper eyelids, and your index fingers should be in the outer corners of the eyes. Carry out actions carefully and gently. By analogy, do the same on the lower part of the eyes.
  6. Next, place the 3 main fingers in the subzygomatic part of the face. Press firmly, slightly pulling the skin upward.
  7. Press on the points located near the wings of the nose. Hold for 5 seconds.
  8. Press your finger on the point in the middle above the lip.
  9. To massage the corners of your lips, you need to press on them with the pads of your index fingers.
  10. You can influence the chin by pressing on the central dimple, which is located below the lips.
  11. Place three fingers along the cheekbones, placing the thumb under them. Press for 5 seconds. Repeat the action 3 times.
  12. Place 3 fingers along the neck and behind the ears. Hold for no more than 7 seconds.

Yukuko Tanaka

The Japanese stylist has brought back the forgotten massage technique of her compatriot Hiroshi Hisashi, adding new elements to increase its effectiveness. Zogan massage is a kind of gymnastics in which superficial tissues and deep muscles are exposed, due to which toxins are removed from the pores and the skin becomes toned. Providing osteopathic practice simultaneously with lymphatic drainage massage helps maintain beauty and youth for many years.

Asahi facial massage is performed in a sitting or standing position, while maintaining an even posture. The duration of one procedure should be about 10-15 minutes, and they need to be done daily. Don’t forget to cleanse your skin before performing Japanese self-massage. Next, you can master the Asahi massage, which improves lymphatic drainage from the tissues of the facial muscles. However, first learn the finishing movement, which you will need to finish the exercise in any zone with the exception of the one done at the corners of the mouth:

  1. Using three fingers (ring, middle, index) of your left and right hands, lightly press on the point located near the ears - the area where the lymph nodes are located.
  2. Apply pressure with the entire length of each finger, pressing them firmly against the skin. The duration of pressure is 2 seconds.
  3. After this, smoothly descend to the collarbones with the same intensity of pressure.

Before starting the procedure, lubricate your face with massage cream, then prepare the skin by working out the area of ​​the lymph nodes. To do this, move your fingertips three times from the temporal region, moving down the neck to the collarbones. Next, do the following exercises:

  1. Smoothing the forehead. Place your ring, middle and index fingers in a horizontal position in the center of your forehead and press them tightly. Apply pressure for three seconds, move the pads towards your temples, pressing and pressing. Turn at a right angle, move your hands to the side of your face, along the ears, along the neck towards the collarbones, reducing the pressure.
  2. Massaging around the eyes. Place the pads of your working fingers near the outer corners, raising and spreading your elbows to the side. Move towards the inner corner, barely touching the skin. Fix the position by increasing the pressure. Apply moderate pressure under your brows, moving towards the outer corner. Fix the position, and after three seconds, return to the inner corner, while releasing the pressure. After this, pressing, move your fingers along the lower orbital bone, moving to the outer corner from the inner. Hold for 3 seconds, applying moderate pressure. Return to the inner corner, releasing pressure to a minimum.
  3. Chin, raising the corners of the mouth. Place your fingertips on the central dimple of the chin and press for 3 seconds. Outline your mouth, bringing your fingers together above your upper lip. Hold yourself by increasing the pressure.
  4. Lifting of the cheeks, lower part of the face. Fix one part of the face against the lower jaw bone. Slide your other hand to the outer edge of the eye, moving away from the lower jaw, while applying increased pressure. Stop and press for 3 seconds. By analogy, repeat the steps on the other side of the face.
  5. Smoothing nasolabial folds. Make 5 arched movements around the wings of the nose, slide to the bridge of the nose, and massage the back of the nose with rubbing movements.
  6. Massage the cheekbones, strengthening the middle of the face. Spread your elbows to your sides, place your fingers on your cheeks, move towards your temples, applying pressure to the skin.
  7. From the double chin. Place one palm under your chin and move it towards your earlobe, pressing the muscles well. Repeat on the other side.
  8. Face lift. Bring your hands to your chin, spread your palms to the side, bringing your elbows together. Place the bases of your palms on the chin, move them along the cheeks to the ears, pressing. Fix yourself at the extreme point.
  9. Spread your palms towards your ears, applying considerable force. Smooth your face with your index finger and thumb. At the extreme point, fixate for 3 seconds.
  10. For wrinkles on the forehead. Smooth your forehead by moving from right to left in a zigzag motion. Complete the exercise by returning to the starting position.

Kobido massage

This technique is one of the most popular massage techniques. Kobido is aimed at enhancing the regeneration of skin cells, it helps relieve tension, while producing a powerful healing effect. To perform the actions yourself, you need to carefully study the anatomical atlas, paying special attention to the lymph nodes and facial muscles. The first stage of Kobido is cleansing the skin cells, steaming, peeling and moisturizing with a special cream or oil.

Having completed the first stage, you can begin to influence the lymphatic ducts and meridians. Massaging should be done with extreme caution so as not to put pressure on the lymph nodes, as they are sensitive and vulnerable. Next you need to carefully work the facial muscles. Those who like to perform self-massage techniques on their own should take into account that it is better to entrust Kobido to professionals, because insufficient knowledge of facial anatomy can be harmful.


Lymphatic drainage massages and any other effects aimed at skin rejuvenation are contraindicated for people who have:

  • any infectious disease;
  • high pressure;
  • decreased intracranial pressure;
  • skin diseases: rosacea, dermatitis, allergic manifestations;
  • pain syndrome;
  • viral disease, such as herpes;
  • diseases associated with tumors or neoplasms;
  • liver, heart, lung or kidney diseases of any severity.
