
Pitbull tattoo: meaning, sketch, photo. What does a pit bull tattoo mean for men and girls? What does a pitbull tattoo mean? Pit bull terrier tattoo


Hello my readers and subscribers. I’m sure many who read my blog have more than once seen posts that describe stickers on cars, their stories and purposes. Apparently referring to these posts, many people think that I am a guru of car stickers and know everything about them. Unfortunately, it is not.

Recently, a black and white sticker with a dog's face has become very popular. It can be seen more and more often on cars in city traffic, and accordingly I began to receive questions about it, asking me to tell me what this new trend is and what meaning it carries. Did you ask? Receive...

Let me start with where the sticker with the face of a pit bull came from, and why it is called Pitbull Syndicate:

Pitbull Syndicate Ltd. is a now-defunct English company that developed racing video games between 1996 and 2005. In October 2005, the company was acquired by Midway Games Inc., and Pitbull Syndicate ceased to exist. But the memory of them still lives in car stickers and is gaining popularity.

For those who are interested in what games the company produced, here is a small list from the English-language Wikipedia:

  • Test Drive 4 (1997)
  • Blast Radius (1998)
  • Test Drive 5 (1998)
  • Test Drive Off-Road 2 (1998)
  • Big Air (1999)
  • Demolition Racer (1999)
  • Test Drive 6 (1999)
  • TD Overdrive: The Brotherhood of Speed ​​(2002)

Where did the fashion for car stickers with a pit bull come from?
According to information found on the Internet, the fashion for stickers with a pit bull’s face was introduced by the CEO of, Eric Davidich. According to several sources, it was on his car that a pit bull sticker (the Pitbull Syndicate logo) was first seen. If I understand correctly, these sources referred to his Mercedes-Benz G55 (W463):

Apparently, after giving their Gelik such war paint, the pit bull sticker became an unspoken symbol of the show, and now many cars in the party put similar stickers on their cars.

What does a pitbull sticker on a car mean?
As for me, it does not mean anything except the company logo. This is about the same as sticking a McDonald's logo on a car and looking for the hidden meaning in it. But on one of the sites I found this interesting interpretation of the meaning of this sticker:

Dogs of this breed clearly divide the world into “Good” and “Bad”. Aggression, power and toughness. Stubbornness and iron grip. It is believed that animals resemble their owners. Do these qualities apply to you?

History is silent about who gave her away...

What does football and fans have to do with it?
There is an opinion that a pit bull car sticker is popular among far-right football fans. After spending a couple of hours on the Internet, on one of the forums I found some confirmation of this fact. In short, the essence of that discussion is this: among many fans there are ultra-rightists (skinheads). Skinheads originated in England in the late 60s of the 20th century (Pitbull Syndicate Ltd. is also from England). Among skinheads, clothing from the German brand Pit Bull is popular, which, as is clear from the brand name, has a pit bull dog as its logo. Putting everything together and we get a new emblem for far-right football fans

A car sticker with a pit bull is a new attribute of the community, so it will look most relevant on the cars of its participants

That's all for today. If you have any questions, advice, or additions, comments are open the old fashioned way. Write, don't be shy.

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About the varieties and meaning of pit bull tattoos.

A pit bull tattoo can evoke completely different emotions. To some this may seem like a brave act, but to others it may even cause fear. But you definitely can’t call her cute. Unless it will be some kind of cartoon character. Therefore, men often get this tattoo. And, it is worth noting that these are quite brave and decisive individuals.

What does a pit bull tattoo mean for men and girls?

Everyone knows that the pit bull is a fighting breed of dog. After all, she has great tenacity and a lightning-fast reaction, which is important in this competition. You could even say that she is number one in dog fighting. Consequently, such a tattoo can tell a lot about the character of its owner.

By the way, there is a belief that a tattoo influences a person’s character and destiny. In this situation, it’s completely the opposite. To decide on such a tattoo, a person must fully comply with it.

For men:

  • The most important thing it says pit bull tattoo– this is the enormous physical strength of the owner. After all, this is exactly what this breed of dog is about.
  • Most passers-by associate such a tattoo with cruelty. And, yes, the owner of the tattoo will be treated with caution. And the man himself seems to be hinting that it’s better not to stand in his way.
  • Another distinctive feature is incredible perseverance and endurance. If a goal is set, it must be achieved at any cost. And if you need to fight, then to the last drop of blood.
  • Often this type of tattoo is preferred by “bad” guys. They are characterized by aggression and anger in relation to the world around them. Again, the man makes it clear that there is no need to invade his personal space, but gives a clear hint to his enemies.
  • Naturally, the pit bull points to courage, determination and incredible power. This tattoo is not for everyone. And not only in character, but also in appearance, she looks very strict and rude.
  • But there is also a positive feature that directly relates to pit bulls - this is devotion. Yes, such affection that even Hachiko rests on the sidelines. Both the dog and the owner of the tattoo have incredible loyalty and will never leave a friend in trouble. And even to the detriment of oneself, one must definitely help.
  • By the way, there are cases when guys get tattoos with their favorite pets – pit bulls. In this case, this characterizes the man as a faithful and loving owner.

For girls:

The girl will most likely choose some cartoon character. It is very, very rare for a woman to decide on such a bold tattoo.

  • Choosing some funny and cute pit bull from a cartoon or comic book speaks of kindness. And also about a great love for animals.
  • And also, this indicates an excellent sense of humor in this representative.

  • But also, undoubtedly, on courage and fortitude. After all, not every girl dares to get a tattoo of a pit bull, even a cartoon one. Agree, most girls try to seem cute or sexy.
  • Another trait is eccentricity and reluctance to follow templates or standards.
  • And, of course, even on a female body - this is obvious a sign of devotion. Therefore, you can be unconditionally confident in such a girl, both in a spouse and in a friend.

Pit bull tattoo on a man’s calf, leg: meaning, photo

A very popular place for tattoos. And there are a number of advantages to this. Caviar is very popular among men. Tattoo on the thigh or lower leg - this option is more for the female part of the population (but sometimes it is also found among men). And on the knees and feet, getting a tattoo will be very painful.

Advantages of a tattoo on the calf:

  • The main advantage is that such a tattoo is easy to hide. Especially if work conditions require it
  • This place is also considered the least painful, since the muscles largely cover the bone
  • Also, a compelling argument for getting a tattoo on the calf is the spaciousness of the whole picture.


  • In general, a tattoo on the calf speaks of the strength and power of its wearer. And the pit bull only enhances this effect.
  • Another meaning of such a tattoo is victory. But the pit bull is not used to stopping halfway and always achieves what he wants.
  • Also, a pit bull tattoo on the leg (any part of it) speaks of the dominance of the owner. It’s not for nothing that only humans can walk on two limbs. And the pit bull has long been famous for its dominance on the battlefield.
  • And the fact that the drawing turns out to be powerful and voluminous will be important. And the muscle relief will be emphasized as much as possible. Thus, focusing attention on the picture. The wearer of a pit bull tattoo on his calf clearly makes it clear to others who he really is.

Pit bull tattoo on men's arm: meaning, photo

Shoulder tattoos for men are extremely popular. After all, this place is also less painful, especially the shoulder and biceps. And such masterpieces look impressive due to the presence of muscles.

  • Any tattoo on the shoulder, in particular a pit bull, speaks of courage and incredible strength.
  • Pit bull tattoo on bicep not only will it look great, but it will also clearly speak about your morals. But in this case, the owner must have a beautiful body and pumped up muscles. Then the result will be incredible, and the tattoo will definitely not go unnoticed.

  • On the elbow This type of tattoo is done extremely rarely. This is very painful because the bone is very close to the thin skin. And only original individuals dare to do this. True, the location of the tattoo speaks of a secretive character and some lack of self-confidence.
  • Wrist or hand- This is more of a women's area. Therefore, a pit bull tattoo on men will look a little ridiculous.

Pit bull tattoo on men's chest: meaning, photo

Getting a tattoo on the chest is a little more painful than on the shoulder or calf. But it looks amazing on a pumped up body. And most importantly, you can give free rein to your imagination and the work of the master. After all, the area is quite large, and you can make a real picture.

  • Pit bull tattoo on chest Suitable for men only. Thus, courage, power and perseverance are emphasized. Such a tattoo will most accurately convey the entire meaning of the image.
  • Since time immemorial, the design on the chest has served as a protective symbol. And in this case, it also definitely betrays the interest and character of a person. As a rule, such men are aggressive, assertive, true to their convictions and have iron fortitude.

  • Another meaning is importance. Very often, it is in this area that owners paint images of their dogs. After all, the drawing is located near the most important organ - the heart. And, thus, a person emphasizes his love and devotion to his four-legged friend.

Pitbull tattoo on a girl’s wrist: meaning, photo

The wrist is one of the main areas where girls prefer to get tattoos. It is this kind of drawing that will never go unnoticed, and therefore its owner will never go unnoticed. The desire to stand out is not the main reason. After all, the location of choosing a tattoo has a very deep meaning.

  • The first thing he points to pitbull tattoo on wrist, this is due to the caution and fragility of the representative.
  • If the drawing is made in a cartoon or funny form, it speaks of optimism and cheerfulness. And also about a great love for animals and life in general.
  • A colored tattoo directly speaks of courage. Yes, these are the girls who are not afraid of sidelong glances and rarely take into account the opinions of others.
  • Also, this image will speak of perseverance and calmness.
  • And such girls are considered very friendly and easily find a common language with many.

Tattoo with demonic features of Pitbull: meaning, photo

This tattoo is usually chosen by men. And the main feature is that they have a strong physique. This is a very bold tattoo, and the character of a person very subtly conveys all the characteristics of this dog breed.

  • Often a tattoo is related to the work of its wearer. Consequently, wrestlers, boxers or other athletes choose a pit bull.
  • Thus, the man declares to all his enemies or offenders that he is not to be joked with, and he is a violent person. He can and is ready to stand up for himself. And also for your loved ones.
  • This tattoo also speaks of devotion and great perseverance. And in all his beliefs and opinions. He always keeps his word and will stand until the last. And he rarely changes his decision. More precisely, never.

  • Such a representative is also very vindictive and will never forgive an insult. And if given the opportunity, which will definitely come, he will be able to take revenge.
  • By the way, such a tattoo, regardless of where it is performed, serves as a talisman for a person. The pit bull protects and protects its owner from dark forces. And, to some extent, it has a mystical character.

Tattoo of a pit bull with a rail in its teeth: meaning, photo

Quite a rare tattoo, but it has a very deep meaning. It will look very good on the chest or shoulder. Naturally suitable for strong men, especially fighters:

  • First of all, this tattoo speaks of cruelty, but, at the same time, about the justice of its bearer
  • This man has simply enormous fortitude and is ready to fight his enemies until his last breath.
  • Such a man will never silently listen to insults or humiliation. In one word it can put the offender in his place
  • By the way, the tattoo acts as protective talisman from enemies. And also from accidents and vicissitudes of fate

Pitbull tattoo - pitbull grin: meaning, photo

The grin of a pit bull is, one might even say, the most aggressive tattoo. Consequently, the person who has decided on it is not afraid to tell others about his character, status or outlook on life.

  • The first thing the tattoo indicates is aggression. A person is wary of others. And also, he has cruelty, especially towards his enemies.
  • This tattoo also speaks of the owner’s leadership qualities and power. Very often, the grin of a pit bull is filled with people of high status or position in society in order to further emphasize their importance.

  • A person has his own point of view on everything, is not afraid to express it and is ready to defend his principles.
  • By the way, for loved ones or relatives I am ready to break (in the literal and figurative sense of the word) anyone who offends them even a little. Because he is also distinguished by his enormous devotion.
  • This person does not give in to the influence of others and often does not follow the law. He also has a huge sense of revenge, so it’s not worth it for such a person to cross too dearly.

A tattoo is a very important step, because it will remain with you for the rest of your life. Therefore, you need to weigh everything and make the right conclusion about where and what kind of tattoo should be drawn. After all, it must fully correspond to the character and morals of a person. As you can see, color, location and the design itself play a role. Therefore, if a pit bull is close to you in spirit and fully reflects your other self, then feel free to go to the salon. Moreover, the number of sketches today is very large.

Video: Creating a Pitbull Tattoo

A tattoo not only decorates the body, but is also a good way of self-expression in society. Each drawing is capable of highlighting one or another character trait, so you need to take a responsible approach to choosing an image. When I turned 18, I wanted to get myself something bold that would speak of me as a strong person, so I chose a pit bull terrier with a grin. I just didn’t know about the true meaning of a pit bull tattoo, but the master helped me figure it out. In this article I will tell you what this tattoo means and on which parts of the body it is best to place it.

The meaning of tattoos for men

To understand the meaning of a pit bull tattoo, you must first become familiar with the characteristics of this breed. Pit bull terriers have endurance and incredible physical strength. They were bred specifically for dog fighting, as well as self-defense. Many people are prejudiced against pit bulls and believe that they are very aggressive and dangerous. On the one hand, this opinion can be called correct, but on the other hand, it is not, because a lot depends on the owner. This breed is highly trainable, although at a young age the puppies try to show their superiority.

Pitbull tattoos are mostly tattooed by men, but there are also girls who choose this image, but in such cases its meaning is somewhat different. This drawing mainly symbolizes enormous strength, endurance, loyalty, and the ability to stand up for yourself and your loved ones. As a rule, such a tattoo is placed in the most visible place in order to demonstrate to everyone one’s disposition and character.

The most popular image is of a pit bull with a grin, and only guys “stuff” it. This can be either a portrait or the entire dog in a sitting position or preparing to attack. This tattoo looks best on the shoulder or chest, but there are also those who decide to get a tattoo on the entire back.

If a man decorated his body with an image of a pit bull terrier, then the following can be said about him:

  • presence of physical strength;
  • some kind of cruelty, so you should not provoke him, and you need to behave carefully with him;
  • endurance, perseverance, determination;
  • willingness to defend one’s position to the end, be it a verbal dispute or a fight;
  • aggressive or hostile attitude towards the outside world;
  • courage, brutality, severity;
  • devotion and loyalty.

It should be noted that it is not uncommon for guys to get a tattoo of a pit bull terrier, which is their pet. In such cases, the dog looks friendly and even cute, but not angry.

The meaning of tattoos for girls

It is not typical for the fair sex to choose a tattoo of an aggressive pit bull - growling or baring its teeth. As a rule, they prefer original and non-standard images, for example, cartoon, abstract. Such tattoos are usually placed on the wrist, shoulder or thigh, and occasionally on the shoulder blade.

The following can be said about the owner of the pattern in the form of a fighting dog:

  • has a sense of humor;
  • has a simple and friendly character;
  • devoted and faithful;
  • bold, fearless and courageous;
  • sexuality and attractiveness;
  • an extraordinary nature who prefers to live by her own rules rather than follow generally accepted norms.

By placing a pit bull terrier tattoo on her shoulder, the girl wants to emphasize her audacity and courage, and on her shoulder blade - fortitude and devotion. Most often, the wrist is decorated with this design to show one’s fragility and caution. You can emphasize your sexuality by getting a tattoo on the front of your thigh.

The meaning of a tattoo on the zone

It would seem that a tattoo such as a pit bull, which personifies toughness, resilience, endurance and fearlessness, should be extremely popular in prisons, but in reality this is not at all the case. This tattoo on the zone has a negative meaning, so the attitude towards a prisoner with such a pattern on the body will be appropriate.

In prison, the tattoo of a pit bull, like any other dog with a grin, was used to denote those who abused their fellow inmates. It also characterizes a person as a traitor, or, as they say in the jargon, a “cop bitch.” As a rule, convicts “prick” themselves with a wolf, which means independence and the desire for leadership. But a bull can indicate a disruptive character, perseverance and courage.

Types of tattoos and their location

The location of a pit bull tattoo and the features of the design affect its meaning and highlight certain character traits of a person, so it’s worth considering different options.

  1. On the foot. If girls usually “stuff” the design on the thigh, then men prefer to do it on the calf or lower leg. In such cases, the image of a dog means strength, the desire for power, victory, leadership.
  2. On the hand. To emphasize strength and courage, it is worth getting a tattoo on the shoulder, but placing it on the biceps will indicate the person’s wayward character. Original individuals with unconventional thinking prefer to “stuff” the pit bull in the elbow area.
  3. On the chest. In this area, the image of a fighting breed dog will speak of its owner as a powerful, purposeful and courageous person. This tattoo option is usually preferred by assertive men, with an aggressive disposition, who have a strong spirit, and are always true to their own convictions. It is also not uncommon for a pit bull terrier in the heart area to mean loyalty and love for his four-legged friend.
  4. On the back. Usually a tattoo of a pit bull terrier is made on the shoulder blade, but you can also find a design on the entire back. Usually in such cases the dog is depicted with a grin or an angry muzzle. A fairly popular option is the pit bull breaking through the skin. This tattoo indicates the aggressiveness of a person who is better not to contradict.

As for the varieties of pit bull terrier patterns, they are as follows:

  • with demonic traits - a fearless and persistent person, but if he is offended, he can take revenge;
  • with a rail clamped in the teeth - enormous fortitude, thirst for justice, the ability to stand up for yourself and your loved ones;
  • with a menacing grin - cruelty, aggression, possession of leadership qualities, high status in society, disregard for the law;
  • cartoon or abstract drawing – love for animals, friendliness, cheerful character.

Before you “get” a pit bull tattoo, you need to know exactly its meaning, as well as correspond to it. In addition, this step is very serious, so it is worth taking a responsible approach to choosing an image, as well as choosing the right place to place it.

A harmonious and at the same time beautiful tattoo is a real art and often requires a lot of time and effort. A tattoo cannot be a simple picture applied by a master to the skin; a real tattoo is a symbol of self-expression and the desire to express oneself. And like every symbol, any tattoo should have a certain meaning.


The American pit bull breed appeared relatively recently, at the end of the last century. This type of dog was bred specifically to participate in dog fighting, which meant it had serious physical strength and endurance. Unlike its Bull Terrier ancestor, this breed is loyal to people and responds well to training.

At a young age, such dogs try to prove to their owner their dominance in the family, so occasionally they need to be reminded of their place.

The meaning of a pit bull tattoo is the same as the character of this dog. This tattoo means great physical strength and a certain aggression towards the outside world.. Many members of various gangs and street gangs prefer to get this tattoo in the most visible place, thus they show that there is cruelty in their character.

Guys have pit bull terrier tattoos

Tattoos of the head of a pit bull or the entire dog are most often found among males. The characteristic behavioral traits of this breed are most characteristic of men. These are strength, perseverance, endurance and courage.

The pit bull differs from other dogs in that it is capable of holding on to the last drop of blood in a difficult situation. This dog is not used to giving up, since the first pit bull terriers were created specifically for dog fighting.

Preferred places for tattooing: most often on the shoulder, but there are designs on the entire back or chest. A tattoo can also carry a slightly different meaning. Many dog ​​owners, after the death of their pets, tattoo their portrait on the body in order to constantly remember their devoted friend. There are several photos on the Internet in which a pit bull tattoo is located on the entire back.

For girls

The female sex usually does not prefer such aggressive designs, but sometimes there are interesting options. For example, the execution of a pit bull in a cartoon version. Such a design does not mean cruelty or punching power, but is a unique decoration and shows that its owner has a sense of humor and an easy disposition. Pit bulls are also extremely loyal and consider their owners more like friends. Loyalty, as a character trait, is more suitable for the female sex.

In the zone

In prisons, tattooing a dog has a bad meaning. A dog is a bitch, and such a meaning in not so remote places does not lead to anything good. Most often, a wolf is stuffed there, but in the manner of execution it differs from a dog and has the opposite meaning. The wolf means independence and the fact that its owner is a leader.

From the above information, it becomes clear that a pit bull tattoo does not have many meanings, mostly it is one-sided.

The drawing of this worthy animal, when executed correctly, looks very serious. And if the tattoo suits the meaning of its owner, then it will look very harmonious on the body. If you like the design and at first glance it becomes clear that it will suit the owner, then you shouldn’t think twice about it, but just settle on this tattoo.