
Play guitar strumming. How to play strumming on the guitar correctly: types and patterns for beginners, as well as simple songs based on chords. Simple guitar strum


Guitar fight

In order to be able to play the guitar, it is not enough just to know the placement of the chords. You also need to be able to extract sound from them. To do this, you need to study fighting techniques. Guitar strumming is a kind of accompaniment in which sound is produced from the guitar strings by striking them with the right hand or a pick. So, there are several varieties of it. Here I will try to explain the principle of guitar strumming as accessible and simple as possible.

Simple guitar strum

So, first, practice counting exactly to eight: one-two-three-...-eight. It is very important that this count is even (with equal intervals between numbers). So, the battle consists of striking the strings in turn up and down. One - down, two - up, three - down, four - up. Repeat several times to strengthen this skill. This is the foundation on which all other combat skills are built.

Another simple guitar strum

One - down, two - up, three - a pause (that is, nothing is played, at this time the right hand is moved down, but without hitting the strings), four - up again. This is the most popular type of battle for noisy companies and songs in the style of Tsoi’s “Eighth-Grade Girl”.

Fight "six" on guitar

This is one of the most popular types of guitar accompaniment. As you can easily guess from the name of the battle, there are six strikes on the strings. It is played as follows: one - down, two - pause (moving the hand up without hitting the strings), three - down, four - up, five - pause (moving the hand down), six - up, one seven is down, eight is up. There were six hits on the strings in total. This fight is not easy. However, once you learn how to play it, you can play almost any song.

Figure eight on guitar

This type of combat is a little simpler. It is played like this: One - down, quickly moving the hand up, two - down again, three - up, four - down, then again quickly moving the hand up, five - down, six - up, seven - down, eight - up.

Another interesting fight - Spanish guitar fight

This type of combat is quite difficult for beginners, but practice makes all the difference. The main thing is to understand the essence and principle, and then reproduce it yourself and repeat until it turns out perfectly. This technique is also called "rasgueado" or "fanning" because the technique is visually similar to opening or closing a fan. So, the Spanish fighting technique. The fingers are gathered together into a fist, but not tense. Imagine that you are holding a butterfly in your right hand - at any moment you can straighten your fingers and release it. In this case, the little finger may not participate in this - it is not needed. As soon as you bring your hand to the strings, begin to sharply straighten your fingers and hit the strings with each of them. First, straighten the ring finger, then the middle one, then the index finger. You have “opened your fan.” Repeat this at a faster tempo so that the strings ring continuously throughout all three beats. Some sources indicate that the little finger can also be used. This will only give the sound fullness and volume. Such a “fan” is called ascending - from the lowest string to the highest (by sound, not by location!). There is another type of Spanish fighting - downward. It is performed by striking from the highest string to the lowest. We now “close” our “open fan” by striking first with the little finger, then with the ring, middle and index fingers from the highest string to the lowest. This again creates a continuous stream of sound. Another option is to combine the first and second types of Spanish combat. First ascending and then descending. This technique is called "ring fan".

Abstract: If you have not yet learned how to play in combat, this article will help you! After reading this article, you will learn to read and play guitar strumming. Recommended for beginner guitarists and for those who don't know how to read a strum.

Guitar strumming is the simplest and most common way to play the guitar. Combat is used in huge quantities, and there is a great variety.

Guitar strumming - symbols

The battle is usually denoted by three rows of symbols:

  • First row and symbol: I– is a designation for the actions of the index finger of the right hand. The ^ sign means an upward strike, v - naturally downward, and the X sign means that we should hit the strings down and muffle the sound of the strings with the edge of the palm.
  • Second row and symbol: P– designation of actions for the thumb of the right hand. If you see a ^ sign next to the letter P, then you need to pluck one bass string (bass strings are 6.5 and sometimes 4). That is, you touch a string and stop on the next string (thinner). Symbol | means that you need to do an action such as sliding your thumb down the strings, hitting several bass strings.
  • Third row and symbol: L– Describes the game with the left hand. Symbol designations: v – at the moment of striking with the right hand, the strings should be tightly clamped. x – the strings are released (that is, the fingers simply lie on the strings), when the strings are struck, a muffled sound is obtained. ^ - press the strings well, make a blow and then slowly release ( note: this sign applies only to the strings that you strike (play) with the index finger of your right hand).

In each row, there is a - symbol, which is responsible for the duration of the blow.

Examples of battle designation:

Got it? If yes, great! If not, then read it again, then we will try to play in combat!

Learning to strum the guitar

And so, we take the guitar (In the last lesson, we talked about that). We hold down any and try the battle that we described above.

The first meaning of the letters I - ^, P - ^, L – v. Therefore, we need to firmly press the strings, pluck the bass and hit it up. Further, the value of I becomes v, P is empty, L is v. That is, we pinch the strings well and strike downwards with our index finger. Further I – x, P – empty, L – x. Therefore, we need to hit the strings (on which our fingers simply rest) and the plug with the palm of our hand.

This is how the battle is read and played. There is nothing complicated about this, the main thing is to train your fingers!

To learn how to strum the guitar, you need to be able to play not only the guitar, but also a little bit of the drums. Combat is a collection of individual strokes that are combined into a rhythmic pattern. In many ways, its character depends on the specific style (tango, march, reggae, pop, rock, flamenco) and size (6/8, 4/4, 2/4). You also need to be able to distinguish between rhythmic accompaniment parts for a guitar in an instrumental environment (Dixieland, orchestra, band) and a guitar alone.

Rhythmic patterns

Where can you start learning how to play combat? As strange as it may sound, put your guitar aside and familiarize yourself with the basics of rhythm. To do this, analyze the size and duration in exercise 1, and then clap your hands, the rhythmic figures that you wrote down. Just don’t be intimidated by the musical notation, if you don’t know it yet, then it’s time to figure it out.

There are four beats in a measure of 4/4, count each of them with a foot strike and say 1 and ... 2 and ... 3 and ... 4 and ... In the first measure there are four quarter notes, this means that for each foot strike (beat) you need to make 1 cotton. You need to strictly adhere to the rhythm.

If you understand the pattern of the first measure, you can proceed to the second. In it, each beat of a bar corresponds to two eighth notes. Here's how it looks like on the count: on “1” (with a kick at the same time) – the first eighth note, “and” (raise your foot) – the second eighth note. That is, two claps for each kick.

In the 3rd measure there is an alternation of two eighth notes and a fourth. Here's what it looks like in practice: the first beat is “1 and” (with a kick at the same time clap), the second beat (eighths) is on “1” (with a kick at the same time the first eighth), on “and” (raise your leg the second eighth ). The third beat should be played as the first, the fourth as the second. It turns out 1 long clap (1 and), then 2 short ones (“2” - clap, “and” - clap) and again long (3 and) and 2 short (4 and).

After this, the pattern should be repeated in the fourth measure. This is the rhythm of the battle, which is discussed in exercise 4. The first 3 beats are the same as the 2nd beat. Eighths - two claps for each kick, 4th beat (4 i) - quarter note, 1 clap for each kick.

Learning to strum the guitar - exercise 1

Now the learned patterns can be played on the guitar. Each exercise is discussed using one Am chord as an example. This is done so that you concentrate on mastering the technique.

In the notes, in Latin letters it is indicated which fingers should be struck on the strings (see picture with a hand). The arrow shows the direction of impact - up or down. At the top above each beat is a beat.

The first measure should be played with an alternating quarter stroke, with the thumb p strike down (1 and), then with the index finger i strike up (2 and) and also the third and fourth beats. The second measure is the same stroke, only now in eighth notes on “1” there is a downstroke p, on “i” there is an upstroke i. For every foot strike (a fraction of a beat), there are 2 strikes on the strings. In the 3rd measure, alternate quarter notes and eighth notes - with your thumb down one long stroke (1 and) and with your index finger up two short ones (on “2” - strike and on “and” - strike).

Learning to strum the guitar - exercise 2

This exercise is designed to master string muting, which is very often used during strumming. In the exercise it is denoted by the symbol X, which stands instead of notes. The chord is not removed from the fretboard, the fingers of the left hand must maintain the fingering of the chord, in our case Am, and the right hand mutes the strings.

In more detail: before striking the strings, the index finger (i) is bent, and when the strike occurs, it bends in the plane of the strings. And at the same moment after the blow, place your palm on the strings, straighten your fingers. You should get a short dull sound, without extraneous sounds.

In the 2nd and 3rd bars there is an alternation of strikes: with the index finger a muffle (down) and with the same finger an upward strike. First in quarter notes, then in eighth notes. The 3rd beat is a full-fledged battle. For example, they can play fast, funny songs, like polkas, and ditties.

Learning to strum the guitar - exercise 3

To make it easier for you to master the fight, you need to take its first part and work it separately (the first beat of the exercise). For the first kick (beat), there are 2 hits on the strings on “1” with the thumb down, and on “i” with the index finger up. On the second kick of the foot (2 and) - jamming (one blow) and so on.

Now the battle is complete, remember the rhythmic pattern from the fourth measure of the first exercise. 1 beat “1” – p down, “and” – i up; 2nd beat – “2” –i down muting, “and” – i up; 3rd beat - make 2 beats, as in the first beat; Beat 4 – i down muting “4 and” one beat.

The more you practice, the better. Everything needs to be brought to automaticity so that no little thing distracts. It is also useful to listen to how professional guitarists play accompaniment, analyze the drawings and apply them yourself in the future.

Video lessons

Today we’ll look at another method of making sound on a guitar, which is called The battle.

I'll tell you about guitar strumming for beginners, what types of combat there are.

The battle- this is a guitar playing technique in which the right hand strikes the strings (from sixth to first) either with the index finger or with all but the thumb. Most likely, you have already heard about this method of playing the guitar, so let’s take a closer look.

Just like, there are also many types of fights. Let's try to learn the most basic types of guitar strumming.

So, let's look at the scheme of a very common, but at the same time easy battle.

V^V^ This scheme is deciphered as follows:

  • V - strike the strings down;
  • ^ - hit the strings upward;

Let me explain. This pattern means: down up down up. You strike the first index finger of your right hand first downwards, that is, from the sixth string to the first, then move your finger back up, from the first string to the sixth. Then down and up again. And so you continue. The pause between strikes on the strings should be minimal.

Important do this in a certain constant rhythm, without interrupting the fight or making pauses. Practice, play this fight on open strings, make sure, again, that your right hand is relaxed and your hand is as free as possible.

More guitar strumming patterns

We have discussed with you the simplest type of strumming on the guitar, but not the only one.

The next type of battle is a little more difficult than the first. The first one was just for you to practice. And this battle has the following scheme:

V_V^_^V^ Explanation of the scheme:

  • V- Strike the strings down
  • _ - pause (lasts approximately as one hit on the strings)
  • ^ - strike the strings upward

These icons are the same as in the first diagram, with one exception:
"_" is the pause icon. It means that in this case you should play the battle like this: down, pause, down up, pause, up down up. The pause is waited approximately as long as one hit on the strings lasts - it doesn’t matter whether it’s down or up.

Scheme of another battle


Combat with muted strings

There is also a type of guitar fighting, which is the most difficult compared to the previous ones. It looks like this:

V_V*^_^V*^ Explanation of the scheme:

  • V- Strike the strings down
  • * - Means a blow with muted strings
  • _ - pause (lasts approximately as one hit on the strings)
  • ^ - strike the strings upward

Note: " * " (asterisk) stands next to the downstroke icon (V*), it means muting the strings. That is, when you hit the strings downwards with the edge of the palm of your right hand, as shown in the figure (Fig. 1), you press down, mute strings.

Also, this battle with jamming the strings is shown in the video, first how to jam the strings, then the battle quickly:

You will find many other types of combat with transcripts.

So, now I will give you a decoding of the battle patterns and those icons that we did not understand, but which you may encounter.


Study the technique in theory. “Six” comes in two types. The first method of performance is performed without muting the strings. The second type of “strike” involves muting the strings. You will need to learn how to play both types, since depending on the song you will need to choose a certain way of accompanying. Some songs can be performed in one way or another.

Get to practice. Learn to play with a six without a plug. This technique consists of six elements: down, down, up, up, down, up. So you strike the strings first down, then down again, and then in a pattern. You can strike the strings with either your thumb or several fingers. Traditionally, only the index finger is used for “army combat”. During practice, it is difficult to realize the transition from the fourth element to the fifth. Therefore, focus your attention on this part of the reception. Once you have mastered this way of playing, start choosing a rhythm. Then move on to studying the second type of “six”.

Learn to play “string” with muted strings. This technique differs from the previous one only in the presence of two stubs. The pattern for this fight is as follows: down, jam, up, up, jam, up. That is, instead of two “downs,” we play muting the strings with the edge of our palm. Here you should pay attention to the transition between the fifth element and the sixth. It is also difficult for beginners to make a smooth and rhythmic transition between the sixth and first element (when repeating the technique).

Start practicing using two chords. Play each chord in its entirety. When changing to another chord, start all over again. The moment between chord transitions must be precisely worked out. It is important not to lose the rhythm and not get confused in the elements of the fight.

Video on the topic


Before you start strumming, you should learn how to set the chords on the guitar neck and play them at a slow tempo so that there are no stops in time. You should try humming one of your favorite songs while strumming your guitar lightly. If you succeed, then you can begin to master “battles”.

Helpful advice

Lesson 5 Learning to play the guitar, tutorial on how to play the guitar, I want to learn to play the guitar, how to play the guitar, how to learn to play the guitar, fingerpicking, Fight, difficult fight, video course, guitar school, pluck, disc, learn to play the guitar, chords , complex chords, guitar pick, guitar lessons, guitar learning lessons, device, tuning, tune the guitar, finger stretching, compound fingerpicking, barre.


  • how to learn to strum the guitar

It’s not difficult to learn army songs in order to show off your talent among your colleagues and remember the past. The music in such songs has a similar motive, and therefore a similar playing technique. Therefore, you can learn to play all the army melodies from one or two songs.


The most convenient instrument for performing army songs is a six-string guitar. Firstly, mastering the guitar at a basic level is not as difficult as other instruments, and, secondly, the guitar is very convenient to take on hikes, since, for example, it is much lighter in weight than, and in tuning - easier than a violin. In addition, you can play absolutely any army song on the guitar.

Learn to play army combat. This skill will make it much easier for you to learn army songs. This playing technique is also called the “six” fight, since one cycle contains six movements. It is played like this: down the strings twice, then up twice, and once down and up.

Another variation of this battle is a game with jamming the strings. To do this, replace the second and fifth blow with a “plug” - hitting the strings and simultaneously pressing the hand against them so that the sound does not drag on, but breaks off. Fighting game is suitable