
What to do to make a girl flow. How to excite any woman. Unobtrusive compliments and sincere words of admiration will help win over almost any girl.


A woman’s sex life largely determines her mood and life position. Everyone is familiar with the tactless comments “the man doesn’t satisfy her” to women who constantly express their dissatisfaction with people and situations. Unfortunately, this comment is partly correct, because problems in bed lead to negative changes. That is why it is better to solve all problems immediately.

How do women get excited?

Unlike men for whom natural desire and physical intimacy are sometimes sufficient, Women need much more conditions to get aroused.

When talking about how to get a woman excited quickly, folk remedies suggest first providing psychological comfort. A difficult day, problems at work, a difficult question from a partner asked before sex, all this can ruin the mood, without which it will be more difficult to get aroused.

There are several categories that influence female arousal. By studying them in detail, you can quickly understand why this time you couldn’t achieve orgasm or didn’t want sex at all.


The fair sex can truly relax and surrender to emotions only if they feel comfortable. The room should have a formal temperature and lighting, otherwise the person will not be able to focus on the process.

Interestingly, women prefer to make love in a clean room, on clean bed linen. Men don’t mind doing “this” in any place where passion strikes.

Finally, to be aroused, a woman must be sure that she herself is in good physical shape and that her body is prepared for intimacy. Clean, beautiful underwear, smooth skin, a clean body - these are the conditions that more than 60% of women call mandatory for arousal.

The right attitude

Bad lovers believe that a woman can be aroused only by “special” food, drinks and pheromones. In practice, all excitement comes from the head and tactile contact. Vivid images created by a man in a woman’s head can “turn on” no worse than any special means.

A woman needs to say what will please her. If the girl doesn’t mind describing the actions, it will be useful to tell her why the man wants her right now, and what he wants to see in bed.

Frank dialogue benefits not only the man, who can talk about his desires, but also the woman. She can also tell you what positions she likes and what you should pay attention to in bed.

Additional procedures

If you need to find a pathogen for women with your own hands, you don’t need to walk for long. Many women really enjoy foreplay in the shower.. A man can direct water to the most sensual parts of the body - chest, groin, changing the temperature. Combined with classic caresses, this tactic works flawlessly. Water relaxes, taking a shower together excites as well as an unusual environment, and the nerve endings react sharply to the additional mechanical impact of streams of water.

However, it is important to remember that having sex in a bathtub is not considered safe.

Firstly, it is too slippery and there is not enough room to turn around. Secondly, lovemaking itself is a big strain on the heart and nervous system, and if it is done in a room with elevated temperatures, there is a high risk of a sharp increase in blood pressure and poor health.

Alcohol: pros and cons

It is known that alcohol intoxication is popularly considered one of the main ways to initiate an intimate relationship with any girl and quickly “relax” her at the right moment. Alcohol can really relieve tension and even set the mood for romance., if both people want each other. Otherwise, a woman may regret agreeing to have sex when she misjudged her actions, and this will have a serious impact on future relationships.

A glass of wine or one cocktail is a moderate “dose”, after which a woman can get aroused faster. Drunk sex is not the best option and will not bring true pleasure to either party.


Among the folk remedies for increasing female libido you can often find apitherapy - taking honey. From a medical point of view, this option is ideal for all people except those suffering from allergies to honey. This product contains all the useful substances that keep the body in good shape.

As you know, it is a healthy person who is able to enjoy intimacy and will not be distracted by unpleasant sensations. Honey contains not only vitamins, but also biostimulants, minerals and even hormones.

Honey is quickly absorbed, so the positive effect can be noticed quickly. In winter, experts advise adding up to 3 teaspoons of honey per day to your diet, in summer - twice as much, because during this period honey is considered fresh.


According to the people's advice, Hirudotherapy helps increase libido no worse than taking medications. It is known that centuries ago, leeches were so popular that they were used to treat everything from colds to mental disorders. Modern doctors are skeptical about this, but people who definitely want to try leech treatment are advised to contact reputable specialists in this field.

Infusions and decoctions

To enhance female sensuality, they also turn to natural herbs and decoctions of them.

For example, to prepare the first composition you need to take: 3 tbsp. l. horsetail and 2 hazel. The mixture is poured with half a liter of boiling water, left for an hour and a half and filtered. It is recommended to drink the decoction in 15 sips.

The second most popular plant that becomes the basis for stimulating decoctions, St. John's wort. It is recommended to pour 2 tbsp. l. herbs 250 ml. boiling water, leave for an hour, remove all excess through a strainer and drink in fairly large portions.

Exciting effect can give motherwort infusion. To prepare it you need to take only 2 tbsp. spoons of herb, pour 200 ml of it for an hour. The strained infusion is taken 3 times a day, 80 ml.

You need to understand that herbal preparations have an accumulating effect. No one guarantees that after taking a sip of the decoction the girl will immediately have a desire to have sex. Herbs only enhance what is in a person, so without initial excitement nothing will happen.


Quite often in the process of making love there is not enough lubricant for women; any pathogen can be used - from synthetic to “folk”. To properly solve the problem, you need to understand why vaginal dryness occurs. Natural lubrication appears when a woman becomes aroused. If this does not happen, the problem may be self-deception (the woman does not want to have sex now or with this person) or health.

To cope with the problem, you can purchase vaginal suppositories with kiwi vine extracts, vitamin E, aloe vera, coconut or olive oil, calendula. In addition, it will be useful to check your estrogen level, because its lack causes the vagina to begin to react more acutely to various infections, which may reduce the production of natural lubrication. It is important to find out the reason for this reaction of the body in order to quickly solve the problem.


Intimacy is an important component of the life of any person. And it’s twice as pleasant when both partners enjoy the process. And if men usually don’t have problems with this, then for women it’s more complicated. If sex no longer causes the same butterflies in the stomach, you need to clarify this situation with your partner and try to solve it through joint efforts. Or try before scheduled evening with the continuation of arousing yourself.

Warm shower or bath

The most trouble-free option for quick arousal is rush of heat to the lower abdomen. A warm shower or bath improves blood flow and provides a rush of blood to the groin area. It’s not for nothing that the shower hose is called the best friend of single girls. To improve the effect, you can take a bath using essential oils. For example, ylang-ylang oil has a very strong stimulating property and is considered one of the strongest aphrodisiacs, lavender oil will help you relax, and vanilla oil will awaken your sexual appetite.

Romantic surroundings in the bathroom - candles in the corners, rose petals in the water - also contribute to excitement.

The best thing to do is take a hot bath with your significant other. This is not about banal sexual intercourse in an uncomfortable slippery vessel. Sit next to her, take a steam bath, let her beloved soap herself, touch her body with a sponge - and the girl herself won’t notice how the process will smoothly flow into the bedroom.

Buying erotic lingerie

Men say that a girl looks best without clothes. But beautiful underwear is important from a psychological aspect, and if a man says that he doesn’t care how a woman looks in the bedroom, he is lying. Beautiful, sexy lingerie will excite the woman herself. Having put it on, you need to stand in front of a large mirror and take a good look at yourself, evaluate the dignity of your figure, want yourself. This will add confidence to a woman and make her feel just as attractive and worthy of love. You can imagine how your partner will take off this underwear from you at night. Or rip it off.

Funny pictures and videos

Usually, when you hear the word “porn film,” it’s customary to curl your lips and turn away angrily. There can be no talk about viewing - many women have been driven into the frame that pornography is something shameful and indecent and only men can watch it. Meanwhile, watching a light erotic film will awaken pleasant memories, and an XXX film will help awaken new fantasies. If you watch a video with your man, you can follow the example of the heroes and repeat what they do on the screen.

You can look through erotic magazines with photographs of beautiful muscular boys for every taste and color, but it’s better not to tell your boyfriend about this method of arousal.

Pretend Play and Bed Toys

Perhaps the woman has already learned by heart all the movements of her partner during lovemaking, and that is why intimacy has ceased to bring her pleasure. Need to bring something new and fresh.

If changing your partner is not an option, try less drastic measures. Role-playing games will give you new emotions, unusual sensations will force you to concentrate and completely immerse yourself in the process. Don't be afraid to talk about your fantasies that you would like to realize in bed. Who else can you trust if not the person you go to bed with? No need to be shy. If a person doesn't understand you, or doesn't even try to understand, he might not be the person for you.

Toys can be divided into two categories: for her, which she can play with alone, and for both. A woman needs to know her body, where to press and where to stroke. There is no shame in exploring your body. In the future, this will help guide your partner, explain to him what you like and what you want to get from him.

You can carry toys with you; it happens that one glance at this thing is enough to awaken hot memories and create an irresistible desire.

If you are embarrassed to go to a sex shop, you can buy them in the most modern and impersonal way - in an online store.

Alcohol and food intake

Every Don Juan knows that the classic option to get a girl into bed is to get her a little drunk. The emphasis on the word is light. If you overdo it, the girl will still end up in bed, only she will sleep there, and not entertain her beau. A glass of wine will make any girl sociable and open, help her relax and relieve stiffness, and help her forget about her problems for a while. Under the influence of alcohol, all people seem more attractive to the drinker, and attraction to the opposite sex increases.

Food should be taken in moderation.

Medicines for agitation

Nobody uses them, no, no. Men are also embarrassed to admit that they cannot live without pills. But everyone knows that there are such means, such as:

  • Laveron;
  • Women's Viagra;
  • Cialis.

If you are completely desperate to have fun, try this option, why not. Again, it is not necessary to go to the pharmacy, under the sympathetic glances of the pharmacist and the queue.

This video will be useful for men to watch to understand how to properly excite a girl.

What else can you do to increase sexual desire?

It is believed that a man is ready anytime, with anyone, anywhere. But it is difficult for a woman to quickly become aroused in an environment that is not conducive to intimacy. Minimum conditions must be met:

  • warmth: in a cold room you are unlikely to instantly feel the urge to undress;
  • clean bed and fresh linen;
  • a girl likes to be well-groomed and clean, so if she forgot to shave her legs, she is unlikely to stay with a man overnight.

The fair half just needs comfort and a sense of security. In order not to offend their man, women often fake an orgasm, “just to make it all end faster,” and then avoid physical intimacy or reluctantly agree because sex does not bring them pleasure. The man doesn’t understand what’s going on, because everything seemed to be fine, quarrels and showdowns begin. Therefore, it is better to get rid of the problem at the root.


From this video you will learn 10 things that can excite almost any girl.

Stress, health problems, poor diet and lifestyle can negatively affect male strength. That is why, in search of an answer to the question of how to get a man excited, many are looking for certain tricks. When there is simply not enough time to boost libido, it is permissible to use some techniques to make a man excited.

Sense organs

Sight, hearing, touch, taste. The primary senses can significantly increase arousal levels. Contemplation of the body of a beloved woman, affectionate and intimate words from her lips and gentle touches can become that very erotic lever. Low-fat, light food combined with a romantic atmosphere will enhance the effect. You can try oysters, strawberries, asparagus, nuts and fruits. These products have a bright stimulating effect.

Drugs for stimulation

Some specialized drugs cause a physiological increase in libido. They must be taken with great caution, as they cause a forced erection, and of great strength, which can negatively affect the functioning of the body. Their main advantage is a high probability of operation, but at the same time they have contraindications and possible side effects. The negative consequences of taking it greatly affect people with problems with internal organs.

Natural aphrodisiacs - effectiveness guaranteed

In addition, the average guy, reluctant to risk his health, prefers natural aphrodisiacs (for example, Spanish fly or secretions of the gonads of some mammals). They, like the previous ones, cause a short-term improvement in erectile function. Such drugs have a lower percentage of guaranteed action, but do not cause side effects, so they are well suited for men.

Plants that give male strength. Easy-to-use herbal pathogens, when taken regularly and in a timely manner, will significantly increase the speed and quality of stimulation. You can prepare them yourself.

The best sources of libido among common foods are:

  • Lemon;
  • Oysters;
  • Ginseng root;
  • Dill and parsley;
  • Thyme;
  • Asparagus root;
  • Nuts (walnuts and almonds);
  • Sour cream;
  • Fennel.

Thus, you need to approach the choice of how to quickly get aroused wisely. But a way out can be found even from the saddest situation and provide unforgettable intimacy.

Decreased sexual desire can be caused by various reasons

How to quickly excite a woman and get pleasure

There are reasons for decreased sexual desire in women. Most of the female population experiences this disorder regularly. Every fourth woman suffers. Modern life dictates its own rules of existence, and young ladies, in pursuit of a career, prosperity and family life, forget about sexual pleasure. A simple lack of time for pleasure has a negative impact on a woman’s health.

Lack of interest in sex and decreased arousal may occur if:

A woman is paired with a man for a long time.Over time, passion and emotions for a partner become dulled due to the daily worries of living together
Poor quality sex with a partner.Lack of foreplay, quick intercourse, fulfillment of desires in bed lead to a decrease in arousal in a woman and a disdainful attitude towards sex
Lack of arousal is associated with uncertainty about one's sexuality.The certainty that no one likes you because you have been without a man for so long, a changed figure after childbirth gives a woman confidence in her non-sexuality and worth
There are health difficulties.Some diseases in gynecology, cardiology, and neurology can change hormonal levels and reduce a woman’s arousal
There is an addiction to drugs, alcohol and smoking.Toxic substances affect cells of organs and tissues, reduce natural sexual instincts

A short-term decrease in arousal can be restored quickly and successfully by taking special medications or traditional methods of restoring arousal. If there is a constant lack of sexual desire, it is worth contacting medical specialists for examination by a gynecologist, endocrinologist, or psychotherapist, to find out the physiological cause of the sexual ailment.

Drug treatment of weak arousal includes the use of hormonal, sedatives, and stimulating blood circulation in the genitals. At the same time, concomitant diseases are treated with special medications, if there is drug compatibility.

Nothing excites a man more than a passionate woman. Therefore, you need to use different ways to increase attraction in order to get maximum satisfaction from sex for both partners.

Synthetic and natural stimulants to increase female libido

Sexual desire can be increased with stimulants

The desire for sexual contact arises in a woman’s head. No wonder they say that a woman loves with her ears. It is important that a man can win over a woman and persuade her to have mutual intimacy.

The use of drugs to enhance arousal has the same effect, regardless of the composition of the drug:

  1. the production of natural intimate lubricant increases;
  2. the muscles of the genital organs are relaxed and toned;
  3. orgasm is achieved faster, satisfaction is more emotional from sex.

The difference between stimulants is only in the components and the time of exposure to the body.

For women, products are produced from synthetic substances and natural organic ingredients:

  • . A product to enhance women's arousal from the synthetic substance Sildenafil. When taking the drug, increased blood flow moves to the genitals, stimulating the process of arousal. Typically, women take the required dosage 30-50 minutes before intended sex. The effect manifests itself during sexual stimulation (there is no spontaneous desire to be with a man), when a woman experiences interest in her partner as an object of sexual desires;
  • . A natural product to increase the degree of arousal in women. The drug is available in sachets (1 sachet = one daily dosage) with stimulating powder from extracts of medicinal aphrodisiac herbs. The powder is dissolved in liquid and taken before sex. The components gently and effectively bring the woman into a state of excitement and desire within 10 minutes after administration. The drug acts for 2-4 hours without causing side effects. In addition to the immediate stimulating effect, the drug can be taken to regulate hormonal levels, improve the quality of intimate life, and normalize sexual functions;
  • . A natural product that stimulates female libido and contains ginseng, taurine, green tea, L-arginine and additional substances. For women, it is recommended to take 1 sachet of the product dissolved in non-alcoholic liquid 15 minutes before intercourse. The dosage can be reduced, but not increased. Taking a cocktail from Forte Love makes it easier for a woman to relax, forget about her complexes, and express her sensuality and sexuality.

The use of the desired type of stimulant is permitted after consultation with a doctor. Only a doctor can choose the correct safe dosage and take into account the characteristics of the woman’s health condition.

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How to awaken sexuality before intimacy with a man

Before being intimate with a man, a woman can use some sexual tricks to increase her libido and awaken her sexuality:

  1. Smart menu for dinner. Special products cause increased arousal; the main thing is to choose the right combination of ingredients. Chocolate is a good way to excite a woman before an intimate date. Only a bitter or dark, milky variety of delicacy will not have any stimulation on a woman’s sensitivity. For dinner, you can cook sea slave baked with vegetables on the grill or in the oven. As a drink, warm ginger tea or a glass of red wine (no more) will help you relax and tune in to a positive pastime. It is better to stick to healthy foods, choosing foods with aphrodisiacs: oysters, shellfish, peppers, cinnamon, bananas, figs, nuts, herbs;
  2. Relaxing treatments. A warm bath or shower has a beneficial effect on blood circulation in the body, increasing blood flow to the genitals and elevating your mood. You can take a relaxing bath with aromatic oils for female libido: ylang-ylang, orange, jasmine, rose. Essential oils dispel unpleasant thoughts, give a feeling of confidence and independence, activate blood circulation in the intimate area, increase energy and sexuality;
  3. Mood. A woman should take a break from everyday problems, remember the pleasant moments in life, and arrange a romantic date on her own initiative, and not because her partner wants sex. Light music and a pleasant atmosphere can increase a woman's desire.

Increase sex drive at home

Sports can increase your sex drive

A woman’s lack of arousal affects not only her health and mood, but also provokes tense relationships between sexual partners or spouses. Emotional and physical release during sex is possible only with sincere and warm relationships between a man and a woman. A dissatisfied lady with a cold perception of intimacy pushes a man away and increases her chances of joining the ranks of frigid women and remaining lonely.

First of all, you need to try to correct the situation yourself by changing your lifestyle:

  • Watch your appearance. Diet and exercise will help you get rid of extra pounds and gain more energy. Daily body hygiene, beautiful clothes, hairstyle will awaken in a woman a desire to please a man, emphasize individuality and female sexuality;
  • Master a set of intimate exercises. Special exercises for intimate muscles make it possible to improve sexual health and increase arousal. When performing this set of exercises, blood flow to the genital area improves, the functions of the genital organs are activated, stagnation of secretions and blood in the cells is eliminated, a woman’s sensuality and the sensitivity of erogenous zones increase;
  • Self-exploration. Learn to accept yourself as you are. If a man is with you, it means he loves you and wants to have intimacy only with the woman he loves. During foreplay, tell the man about your desires and sensitive areas, take the initiative, seduce the man and it will only be easier to experience pleasure and orgasm.

When you cannot influence the degree of sexual desire on your own, and it only gets worse, the only way out is to seek qualified medical help.

How to get a man excited quickly before sex

A man’s sexual arousal is determined by two concepts: desire, that is, sexual desire, and sexual capabilities, which means normal potency. A decrease in arousal or its absence is associated with psychological problems and the physiological characteristics of the male body. The primary factor influencing arousal is the psychological state of a man.

As a result of depression, difficult relationships at work, at home, excessive fatigue leads to the fact that a man stops responding to an attractive woman, sex recedes into the background. It appears. Due to pathological health problems, sexual dysfunction occurs, which provokes a decrease in male abilities in bed.

The simultaneous manifestation of psychological and physiological factors can cause a negative emotional and painful state. A man's sexuality, strength, and energy are influenced by the sex hormone testosterone. In order for a man to maintain his health for many years, it is necessary to ensure that the level of the sex hormone remains high. To do this, you need to monitor the condition of the genital organs and their functions.

Men are offered to increase arousal, and therefore fully enhance the sexual process, with the help of:

  1. medicines;
  2. physiotherapy;
  3. herbal medicines;
  4. traditional medicine;
  5. changes in life activity.

Without pills and stimulants for potency

Healthy eating is the key to success

First you need to change the diet and composition of your diet. Do not eat unhealthy, fatty, salty, smoked foods. This applies to sausages, canned food, carbonated drinks, beer, and fast food. Such food products accumulate fat in the body, cholesterol, and increase blood sugar levels, which can lead to decreased sexual function. It is correct to eat fresh vegetables, fruits, dairy products, seafood, nuts, pumpkin seeds and other foods with vitamins and substances for men's health. Zinc is an essential micronutrient for testosterone production. Sea fish, nuts, and meat are rich in this element.

The next point to improving arousal is systematic exercise. This could be exercise, a set of special exercises from Dr. Kegel for men, running, swimming, walking in the fresh air. Physical training of the body increases performance, relieves tension, improves the functioning of the heart, blood vessels and other organs, including the reproductive system.

Proper sex, and not promiscuity, regulates the production of sex hormones and normalizes sexual activity. Sometimes, in order to increase arousal, it is enough for a man to abstain from sex for a while. Banning sex provokes even greater desire than when it is available.

A healthy existence without alcohol, drugs and cigarettes will only increase the degree of arousal and improve the health of all organs and systems. Toxic substances accumulate in cells, destroy them, leading to aging of muscles, skin, and bones. People addicted to addictions are prone to apathy, nervous breakdowns, and depression.

When it comes to the art of seduction and sexual arousal, men should know that women try to avoid being seen as promiscuous or too sexually advanced, while men, haunted by fear of rejection, try to reduce their level of confidence and assertiveness, or to intimidate themselves. .

Result? A large number of sexually repressed women and a handful of men destined for...

To encourage a girl to engage in intimate procedures, you need to ignite the sexual spark, in other words, you need to excite the girl. No matter how well she treats you, if you don't ignite her passion, she won't want to sleep with you.

Become the object of her desire!

When you know how to turn a girl on, nothing else matters. Your age doesn't matter. Your appearance doesn't matter. Your job, car, amount of money doesn't matter.

When a girl is horny, she becomes much less selective and the desire for you to possess her almost drives her crazy. She often becomes quite aggressive to get what she wants.

The easiest way to excite a girl with words is with her.

When you flirt with a girl, you automatically become attractive to her because you show intelligence and charisma. This is a very powerful way to excite a girl with your actions.

But not only you should look attractive in the eyes of a girl. It's important for you to make a woman feel attractive first and foremost. Make her feel like she's special and she means something to you.

Be glad you are a man

We men are lucky to be able to excite women with our words and actions.

It's very easy to do. If we are confident, have a sense of humor and know how to flirt, we can turn a girl on no matter what we look like.

Of course, some women only want a very handsome guy, but most girls aren't like that. They are open to completely different guys. This is why you will see different men with beautiful women, instead of only seeing model-looking guys next to them.

The secret is to awaken her sexual desire

Most guys interact with women in such a way that the woman only feels friendly or neutral emotions. However, if you want to get a girl, you must awaken her sexual desire towards you.

Emotional excitement

Before a girl feels physical arousal, she needs to feel emotional (mental) arousal.

For women, sexual arousal is a feeling of real sexual chemistry that begins in her mind and then works its way through the rest of her body.

When a woman is with a man who can arouse her emotionally, the resulting physical arousal leaves her powerless to resist him. And women love this feeling very much.

It should be noted that a woman's emotional arousal is not associated with flowery poetry or overly romantic heresy.

Unlike women of previous generations, who had to be with a man all their lives because women could not earn money on their own and it was shameful to get divorced, modern women can come and go as they please. To maintain a relationship in this day and age, you have to make sure that you take care of it and don't take your woman for granted.

What does it mean to be confident

Whether a girl is looking at you from the window, chatting with you, or interacting with you in person on a date, you will be able to hook her if she understands that you are a truly confident person, i.e. you are free from uncertainty.

Confidence faith in yourself and your abilities, freedom from doubt.

A truly confident person does not need to show confidence. He has absolute faith in himself and his abilities and should not hide behind insecurity.

Women instinctively pick up on this. While we men feel aroused by the sight of a healthy, young girl, women feel aroused by our inner emotional strength. These internal qualities are the main elements of success when it comes to how to excite a girl.

Many guys spend a lot of time going to the gym to build muscle, in the hope that if they just get enough biceps, they'll become so physically attractive to women that they'll approach them.

Everything is completely wrong.

Sure, muscles and a good body, but we men are able to attract women with less effort by simply exhibiting our personality traits and behaviors that are naturally attractive to women.

There's nothing wrong with staying in shape, but don't be fooled into thinking that improving your appearance will solve all your problems with women.

Using these tips, you can add variety to sexual foreplay and make sex with your girlfriend even more exciting and interesting.

1. Kiss her on the neck

A girl's neck, especially the back and sides, as well as her earlobes, are extremely sensitive. If you want to excite a girl, hit her neck and also touch her earlobe with your lips. To prevent your girl from getting ticklish, try to avoid breathing heavily around her neck.

2. Sit next to her

Sit very close to the girl. Make sure your hands are touching each other. Start talking to the girl playfully. Do it. Touch her fingers. Whisper something in the girl's ear. Touch her leg.

3. Give her a foot massage

If your girlfriend loves a good massage, then she will definitely enjoy a foot massage. Take a sufficient amount of cream and moisturize the girl’s feet with it while she is lying in bed. Play with your toes as you massage her.

4. Speak in a whisper

It doesn't matter whether you're talking to a girl on the phone or in bed with her, start talking softly and whispering in her ear. Give the girl a compliment or just tell her what you will do to her now...

5. Erotic text messages

How to excite a girl if you are not next to her? Sexy text messages are one of the best ways.

6. Soft touch

Touch the girl and let your hand linger on her body, either accidentally or intentionally. Even if you're on a first date, you can touch her arms or place your hands on her lower back.

7. Rub lotion all over her body

When your girlfriend gets out of the bath in the evening, rub the lotion over her body. Start with her hands and move down, kissing the girl in all places that appear along the way. If you involve massage, the girl will be aroused even before your hands reach her waist.

8. Public display of feelings

If you are at home, then there is nothing unusual in the elements of intimacy. But if you do this, for example, in a club, the effect will be slightly different. When you walk up to your girlfriend at a party and press yourself against her from behind so that she can feel what's in your pants, this situation will make her go crazy.

9. Variety

Try something new in sex. Foreplay and sex can get boring if you do the same thing all the time. Sometimes dominate, and sometimes let the girl dominate you. Add variety every now and then because change always brings excitement.

Act out your sexual variations in different places and under different circumstances. Then you will remember such moments for a long time.

10. Have sex with a girl when she's not expecting it.

For example, you can seduce your girlfriend while she is sleeping. She may be very sleepy, but the sudden excitement will change everything and the sex will be amazing.