
Methods for determining sex in rabbits. How to determine the sex of a rabbit based on sexual characteristics How to determine the sex of a rabbit at 3 months


Many novice rabbit breeders are perplexed about how to determine the sex of a rabbit. They are seriously puzzled about this. To properly keep and reproduce animals, there must be a certain knowledge base. Experts know that there are several ways to distinguish rabbits by gender. And before going to the pet store, you should familiarize yourself with them. Also, the ability to determine gender will help you navigate the choice of a suitable nickname for a baby rabbit.

The ideal age for rabbits to purchase is 2 months. It is at this stage that the babies are separated from the female.

When you decide to buy baby rabbits, you should not place high hopes on the experience of the sales consultant. Often, most of them are not even aware of how to do this correctly.

The ideal age for rabbits to purchase is 2 months. It is at this stage that the babies are separated from the female. If you have doubts about your own knowledge, then it would be a good idea to invite a knowledgeable rabbit breeder or veterinarian with you to purchase a pet. The specialist always knows how to determine the sex of a rabbit, and will also readily demonstrate this in practice. If you don’t have anyone to invite with you, then it makes sense to take a closer look at the recommendations below and then get down to business.

When is the best time to check the sex of a rabbit?

Before one month of age, it is not possible to determine the sex of a rabbit. And it’s better not to bother the kids unnecessarily. Only an experienced rabbit breeder can do this most accurately. When transplanting a brood from a female, the babies should be grouped into cages by gender. Otherwise, when winning females, males injure each other’s genitals, leaving serious damage to the genitals. This will only bring unnecessary trouble to the owner in the future care of the animals.

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How do genitals appear in rabbits?

You need to determine: is this rabbit a boy or a girl? Sexual characteristics will come to the rescue, the main ones being the genitals (that is, the genitals) of animals. In a male who has reached puberty, the testicles are clearly visualized, located next to the penis and shaped like small swollen tubercles. If the testicles are visible, then you don’t have to look for other signs. There is a typical male representative.

When purchasing, you need to carefully examine the rabbit's genitals. The male must have two testicles. If there is only one, then the animal is injured or has a developmental anomaly. You need to know that, when experiencing fear, males intuitively hide their testicles, pulling them inward. And when visualizing the genital organs of baby rabbits, at first it may seem that there is only a penis. Most often, in male rabbits up to three months of age, the testicles can be placed inside, and therefore they are not detected during examination. After time, the rabbit adapts and the testicles are installed in their original place. And even then it will be simply impossible to confuse the rabbit from the female rabbit.

Experienced rabbit breeders distinguish adult males from females without resorting to examination of the genitals, but only by highlighting the corresponding external signs for themselves. Males usually have larger and more expressive heads than females. Their equipment is more muscular. The female is distinguished by a more fragile and graceful bone structure and a small head. But it is the control genital test that is considered more convincing.

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How to examine the genitals of rabbits?

Before trying to distinguish a female rabbit from a male one, you should use personal protective equipment in the form of hard gloves and an apron. Since the hind legs of rabbits are strong and strong, a sudden movement can cause injury to a person. There are two options.

Method one. The rabbit is seated on a horizontal surface and taken by the withers. You should hold it firmly so as not to allow the animal to escape from your hands. Then, having lifted the animal, they try to immediately put it on its tail. The rabbit should recline, and its belly should be on top, as well as its paws. In this position, the rabbit is most comfortable, and a person can examine it without fear.

The right hand is held at the withers, without being removed. And the other one carefully pulls the skin in the crotch area of ​​the rabbit. Using two fingers (index and thumb), apply pressure near the animal’s genitals without effort. In this case, special importance should be given to the position of the index finger. It must be placed between the animal's genitals and its anus. You need to hold your fingers against each other, which will allow you to accurately determine the sex of the rabbit. Please note: in rabbits, the genital slit is located close to the anus. In small rabbits, the rounded opening is located slightly further from the anus than in females.

Method two. To establish gender, you can resort to another option. To do this, the rabbit is held by the hind legs and lifted. The front paws will rest on the surface. The rear ones will hang freely. With the second hand, use your fingers to press on the place between the anus and the genitals. In females, a genital slit will appear like a small pinkish cone. In males, the penis will appear pinkish (or white in babies).

How to determine the sex of a rabbit? This is the main question for beginning rabbit breeders. After all, to reproduce animals and keep them properly, you need a certain set of knowledge. Before buying an animal, it is important to determine its gender. Or maybe even give him a nickname.

It is better to check the sex of a rabbit no earlier than a month

When buying a baby rabbit, you should not rely too much on the knowledge of the pet store sales assistant. Often, many of them do not know how to do this correctly. The optimal age for acquisition is two months. It is during this period that the rabbits are separated from the female. If you are not yet confident in your knowledge, take with you an experienced rabbit breeder or veterinarian who knows how to determine the sex of a rabbit, which one is needed, and will teach you. But if you don’t have such a friend, read our advice.

It is better to check the sex of a rabbit no earlier than a month. Until this time, there is no point in disturbing babies, since only an experienced rabbit breeder will be able to distinguish the sex of a rabbit at this age. It is important that during the laying of the rabbits from the female, the babies are placed in cages according to gender characteristics. Otherwise, when fighting for females, males can damage each other’s genitals, inflicting serious wounds, thereby creating additional ones.

Video about sex determination in rabbits

  • Rabbit genitals

Do you want to know how to distinguish a rabbit from a female rabbit? In a sexually mature male, the testicles are clearly visible, which are located near the penis in the form of small swellings. If it is the testicles that immediately catch your eye, you don’t have to look for other signs. Here is a typical male.

When purchasing a rabbit, carefully examine its genitals; there should be a pair of testicles. Otherwise, the animal has an abnormality or injury. An interesting feature of males is that when they are afraid, they instinctively retract their testicles inward. And when examining the genitals of rabbits, at first glance it may seem that there is only one penis. Basically, up to three months, in male rabbits, the testicles can be inside and therefore it is so difficult to see them visually. But, after some time, the testicles drop into place, and distinguishing a rabbit from a female rabbit is as easy as shelling pears.

  • How to distinguish a rabbit from a female rabbit without examining the genitals

Experienced rabbit breeders will visually distinguish an adult male from a female based on external characteristics. Males have large, massive heads. Their body is more muscular. But still, the control is a genital examination.

Experienced rabbit breeders will visually distinguish an adult male from a female by external characteristics

Method 1. Before you begin to determine the sex of a rabbit, you need to wear hard gloves and an apron. Rabbits have strong and strong hind legs, and a careless sudden movement can injure you.

  1. The rabbit needs to be placed on a horizontal surface and held by the withers. You need to hold it tightly so as not to let go of the animal.
  2. Next, we lift the rabbit and try to quickly place it on its tail. The animal should be belly up, in a reclining position. The rabbit's paws are also directed upward. This position is the safest for humans and most comfortable for animals.
  3. In this case, you need to hold the rabbit by the withers with your right hand, and with your left hand, carefully stretch the skin over the animal’s crotch. Using your index finger and thumb, slowly apply pressure around the rabbit's genitals.
  4. It is important to position your index finger correctly. It should be located between the anus and the genitals. The fingers should be facing each other. This position will allow you to correctly determine the sex of the rabbit.

In females, the genital slit is located very close to the anus. In males, the small round opening is located much further from the anus than in females.

Before you begin determining the sex of a rabbit, you need to wear hard gloves and an apron.

Method 2. You can use this method to determine gender. The rabbit needs to be held by the skin in the area of ​​the hind legs and lifted. In this case, the front legs rest on the surface, and the hind legs hang freely. With your free hand, use your fingers to press on the area located between the anus and the rabbit’s genitals.

In females, you will see the genital slit shaped like a small pink cone. Males have a pink penis, while very young ones have a white penis.

How to determine the sex of a baby rabbit under the age of one month

It happens that you just need to determine the gender of a little rabbit: a boy or a girl. This is especially true for the choice of decorative breeds. The determination method is slightly different from the method for adults. It is impossible to establish accurately, since the procedure is quite complicated. At first glance, the genitals of babies are practically no different.

For more precise work, you can arm yourself with a magnifying glass. We press with our fingers in the same way as in the case of adult animals. In females, almost nothing appears. In males, a small tubercle protrudes, in the center of which there is a hole.

Video about determining the sex of baby rabbits

It can also be determined by the distance from the anus to the baby rabbit’s organ. Females have a very short period. Males, on the contrary, are more than two millimeters apart. In this way, you can determine the sex of baby rabbits between two and four weeks of age.

When engaging in rabbit breeding, it is necessary to combine knowledge with the pleasure of breeding animals. Only under this condition will rabbit breeding become a joy. Theoretically, you know how to distinguish a rabbit from a female rabbit. But the main thing is practice!

Breeders of fluffy eared animals are often faced with the need to accurately distinguish the gender of an animal. The smaller the individual, the more difficult it is to do this. However, there are characteristic signs that suggest how you can determine the sex of a young and adult rabbit yourself. The photo and video clearly show how to do this.

Any farmer, when deciding to purchase baby rabbits, wants to know their gender. Determining the sex of an animal is important for their successful breeding. If you need to buy only a boy or, conversely, a female, it is important to know how to distinguish them. In addition, it is believed that individuals of the same sex do not get along very well with each other.

It is problematic to distinguish the sex of rabbits that have not reached the age of one month. Even experienced specialists do not undertake to recognize a male or female rabbit in the first weeks after birth. In addition, it is not recommended to separate babies from their mother rabbits before they are one month old. Sexual differences between animals begin to form more clearly by two months.

Primary and secondary sexual characteristics in rabbits

The surest way to distinguish a boy from a girl is, of course, examination of the external genitalia. They belong to the primary sexual characteristics in rabbits and adults. The older the animal, the easier it is to determine the gender of the rabbit. You can distinguish it from decorative breeds in the same way.

Secondary sexual characteristics can provide additional clues when distinguishing the sex of furry pets. The shape of the body and head, their size can also indirectly indicate the sex of the rabbits. Thus, males are smaller in size than females, the body is rougher, and the head is shortened. Girls have smooth body shapes, a wider croup, and nipples on their stomachs.

Some owners of furry friends distinguish between behavioral traits that are characteristic of males and females. Boys may fight and often mark territory. The girls are more noisy, they are constantly arranging their home. However, these signs can be deceiving and you should not rely on them alone.

Method for determining sex in rabbits

Examination of the genitals will help determine the sex of the animal. Before you start, you need to calm and caress the animal. Then carefully take him by the neck and turn him over with his stomach up. Then stretch the skin in the perineal area, pressing lightly with your fingers. It is worth remembering that the big-eared cat can kick violently with its hind legs.

When examining your pet, you should pay attention to the type, color and shape of the genitals, as well as their distance to the anus. For more information about determining gender, watch the video.

At 1 month

How to determine the sex of a rabbit at one month? In fact, at this age the genitals are still poorly distinguishable. By pressing on the perineum, you can see a small pink slit in the girl, and a tubercle with a hole in the middle in the boy. If in doubt, you should pay attention to the distance of the organ to the anus. In male rabbits it is larger, up to five mm.

At 2 months

At two months, the genitals of animals increase slightly in size. However, the testicles of males are still inside, and it is difficult to see them. Visually there is only swelling with a small penis. In girls, when pressed, a gap appears located close to the anus.

Some advise paying additional attention to behavior, since males at this age become more restless.

At 3 months

How to determine the gender of a rabbit at three months? By this age, the genitals already look more formed. In boys, by this age a medium-sized penis grows; when pressing on the perineum, it can slightly enlarge. At this time, the testicles may already descend.

By the third month, the genital organs of female rabbits increase in size, and the tongue-loop begins to be visible. For more information about this, watch the video.

Let's determine the sex of adults

Determining sex in adults, as a rule, does not cause difficulties. Mature animals have formed genitals with obvious distinctive features. A rabbit can be distinguished by its protruding penis, shaped like a white or pink cylinder, and testicles. You should know that the testicles are located separately and look like swellings.

Females, including decorative breeds, differ in the presence of a slit close to the anus and a tongue-loop. The older the rabbit, the darker her color. Adult females have two rows of nipples on their abdomen. Of the secondary sexual characteristics, female rabbits have a larger size than males.

Determining the sex of an animal is a difficult task even for an experienced breeder. In some situations, knowledge of gender is an integral part for further breeding. This article will discuss how to determine the gender of a rabbit.

Rabbits are always so cute. Therefore, rabbits can be used in photos and videos. They are a talisman of love! Even the Playboy brand talks about their sexual relationship. One of the difficulties that a livestock breeder may encounter is determining the sex of the animal. When two opposite individuals live together, you must be prepared for the emergence of rabbits. Individuals of the same sex do not get along well together. Females become the most noisy, males begin to constantly fight among themselves. Experienced livestock breeders recommend choosing animals older than 4 months. Such rabbits have a formed nervous system. At this age, it is easy to determine the sex of the eared cat. At this age, there is a greater chance of breeding a rabbit without resorting to breeding females. In adult animals, identification is considered the easiest task. The probability of determining the sex of small rabbits is less than 90%.

At what stage of a rabbit's development should you know its gender?

It is not recommended to identify long-eared animals immediately after their birth. It is not possible to determine gender based on external characteristics. All organs are at an early stage of development and look identical. Even an experienced livestock breeder who has devoted his entire life to his work will be able to determine the sex of an animal no earlier than 14-16 days after birth. The probability of determining gender will be no more than 90%. The older the animal, the more accurate the result. It is also worth noting that determining gender from a photo is a pointless task. Sex determination should be carried out visually with a careful examination of the rabbits themselves.

It is recommended to identify animals from the age of one month. It is not recommended to sell babies less than 30 days old. They have not yet had time to drink their mother's milk, which contains a large amount of vitamins and microelements. This can lead to long-term illness or death. For humanitarian reasons, in some countries it is prohibited to sell “baby babies”. This law is spelled out in legislation. If it is violated, a fine will be charged. Responsibility lies not only with the seller, but also with the buyer. Therefore, if it is impossible to determine the sex of an animal when purchasing, you should refuse the animal.

It is very important to determine the sex within 30-90 days after the birth of the animal. It is during this period that the eared animals reach a sexually mature state. If females and males are not separated in the next three months, inbreeding will occur. Such intercourse will lead to diseases, mutations, extinction of the species, feralization, and the appearance of cubs with defects and low health indicators. Health will be negatively affected by both family ties between animals and incompletely formed genitals. In males, natural instinct will be triggered. Due to an unstable strengthened nervous system, rabbits will engage in combat with their comrades. Thus, they prove their superiority over females. During fights they receive serious wounds. This negatively affects the health of males and the quality of their fur. It is necessary to start placing rabbits at one and a half months of age.

Sexual characteristics

Primary signs

External ones are called primary genitals. Thanks to them, there is an almost 100% guarantee of identification. Such organs are determined by genetics. Their structure initially refers to a fertilized egg even before the birth of a small rabbit. The development of the genitals must be accomplished with the help of hormones. These features include the structure associated with the feeding system.

Secondary signs

Secondary confirmations are called illogical confirmations. They are formed during growth and puberty. Experienced livestock breeders can determine sex by body shape. Males have a strong, round body and a massive head. They are prone to the ability to spray the area with urine. This way they mark their territory. Females are more fragile and delicate in appearance. They have smooth body lines, and there are no two rows of nipples in the abdominal cavity. The proportions of the croup are slightly larger than those of males. When identifying in this way, you can easily make a mistake. This method of determining sex is considered unreliable.

These signs include:

  • Fur cover;
  • Mammary gland;
  • Body proportions;
  • The structure of the skull;
  • Skeletal system;

How to examine the genitals?

Every breeder should know how to determine the sex of a rabbit. It is easiest to determine the gender of adult eared beetles.

  1. The animal is placed on a flat surface.
  2. Grabbing the animal by the neck or ears, it is turned belly up. It is important that the rabbit’s head is turned towards the breeder, and its legs are on the other side.
  3. Use one hand to keep the rabbit calm. With the other hand, you need to stretch the skin in the crotch area.
  4. It is necessary to press with your finger near the base of the eared tail and its anus.
  5. Use your thumb to press the protruding tubercle on the back side.

Determination of gender

In adult eared

Males should develop a snow-white cylinder with a small hole in the middle. In mature individuals, the genitals may begin to change or transform. Over time, the tip of your rabbit's penis may become swollen. Adult rabbits have a curved, pink penis. After puberty, the testicles descend downwards. They are located separately from the penis. The testicles look like two hairless lumps. Inexperienced livestock breeders may mistake them for a tumor.

When identified, females should have a tongue in the form of a loop or cone. In mature individuals it is dark pink. When viewed from the side, it has a triangular shape. A small elongated gap should be visible. When directed towards the tail, it narrows greatly.

Before the identification procedure, the animal must first be fed or shown affection. It is necessary that the animal calms down and does not believe that it is in danger.

Baby rabbits are up to a month old

In babies, the genitals are poorly expressed. They have not yet had time to form. With slight pressure, a small slit is visible in female rabbits, tapering towards the anus. In males, the genitals look like a curved bulge. There is a small depression in the middle of the genitals. Sexual characteristics in rabbits up to a month are very poorly visible. Even with the help of a magnifying glass, an experienced breeder will not be able to determine the sex of an eared animal with 100% certainty. In this case, the main identification sign can be considered the distance from the genitals to the anus. In females this distance is small. It varies in the range from 0 to 2 mm. In males the distance is greater - from 2 to 5 mm.

At 1 month

Small rabbits can retract their testicles inward. This is how they express their fear. During this period, males have only prepuce. The penis grows from it. In females at the age of 1 month, the genitals have an intense bright pink hue. Over time they begin to darken. The genitals are triangular in shape.

At 2 months

When examining the genitals of males, only the prepuce with a small penis will appear to be present. The testicles are located inside, and it is almost impossible to see them visually. 90-100 days after birth, the testicles descend into place. If they are not there, then there may be an anomaly, mutation or injury. The genital organs of females increase in size. A small pink bump appears. The nervous system is being formed. Females remain calmer. Males begin to show aggression and anxiety.

At 3 months

Males should have a medium-sized penis by this age. As you grow older, your genitals will enlarge and visually change. The penis should begin to swell and become like an elongated tube. The testicles should descend completely. At 3 months, female rabbits develop a tongue-loop. It has a bright pink color. The genitals lengthen and increase in size.

Watch a video on how to determine the sex of a rabbit

In decorative individuals

The main distinguishing feature of a decorative rabbit from an ordinary one is castration. At 4 months, decorative and dwarf rabbits must be neutered. Otherwise, the animal becomes too aggressive and begins to constantly mark the territory. An unpleasant odor may appear in the room. It is important to know how to determine the sex of a dwarf rabbit by visual inspection. Identification of sexual characteristics in such rabbits does not differ from the identification of ordinary animals. To do this, you only need to know the age of the eared one. Up to one month, gender is determined by the location of the genital organs. From 1 to 3 months - according to the prepuce. Over 3 months - according to descended testicles.

By external features and behavior

Inexperienced livestock breeders determine the sex of eared animals by behavior. Seeing how one of the individuals tries to climb onto the other’s back, they mistake the rabbit from above for a male, from below - for a female. This definition of gender is not always correct. Most females, when very excited, repeat the actions of males. By means of such maneuvers they show superiority and dominance among their fellows.

It is forbidden to guess the gender of animals by their habits

Differences in behavior:

  • males rub against the edges of cages and feeders. By this behavior, leaving their scent on objects, they show other individuals their territory.
  • To leave their scent, marking territory, adult rabbits rub their chins on surrounding objects
  • With the help of special glands, males mark their territory with caustic urine
  • females are the noisiest and loudest, males are calmer
  • females love to dig holes and arrange their homes
  • females may lose their appetite at times
  • females can hide in secluded corners
  • in photos and videos, females look the most graceful
  • most females like to pull fluff out of their bellies

The question of how to determine the sex of a rabbit arises for all farmers. Although it should be noted that determining the sex of newborn rabbits is quite difficult. Determining the sex of a rabbit in particular causes significant problems for beginning farmers, although it can be learned. When visually examining a baby rabbit, males tend to look somewhat smaller and have a larger head than females.

However, these signs are secondary and do not guarantee one hundred percent accuracy, and the genital organs themselves in newborn rabbits are extremely weakly expressed. Therefore, with more or less firm confidence, it is possible to determine the sex of a baby rabbit after twenty days from the moment of its birth. However, experienced rabbit breeders know how to determine the sex of a rabbit at an earlier stage, three to five days after its birth.

Although it would not be amiss to note that there is no particular practical significance in this, since until the rabbit is separated from the female, its gender does not matter much. And when the time comes to transfer the young animals to a separate cage, the primary sexual characteristics will be quite clearly expressed, and identifying them will not be difficult even for a beginner.

However, if the question of how to determine the sex of a rabbit still bothers you, we recommend that you read the short instructions. You need to take the baby rabbit in your left hand and turn its belly up. Then, holding the head with your little finger, use your thumb to carefully pull back the skin in the area of ​​the hind legs.

By the way, the question of how to determine the sex of a decorative rabbit has an absolutely similar answer. Although we will once again make a reservation that for farmers involved in the mass breeding of furry animals, sex determination in the early stages is not of fundamental importance. And if you buy a decorative rabbit on the market, its age already allows you to correctly determine the sex of the animal without relying on the seller’s statements.

You can often find recommendations for determining the sex of a rabbit in the early stages, which suggest paying attention to the behavior of the animals, but this is wrong! Any professional rabbit breeder will tell you that the mobility of rabbits depends on anything, but not on gender. Therefore, you should not rely on this option!