
What kind of girl does Max Barskikh like? Max Barskikh: I’m not friends with my colleagues in show business. Biography of Max Barskikh


In an interview with the HELLO.RU website, popular artist Max Barskikh spoke about which country he feels at home in and why he decided to move to Los Angeles.

At the awards of the MUZ-TV channel, held on June 9 at the Olimpiysky, awards were received by Yegor Creed, Timati, musicians of the Degrees group and other artists. However, at the after-party, held on the roof of the Ritz-Carlton hotel, the guests had a blast not at all to Creed, but to Max Barskikh. Despite the fact that this artist was nominated for the award, but did not receive an award this year, his “Mists-Mans” turned out to be preferable for the winning dances.

Just a year ago, we knew very little about Max Barskikh: a participant in the Ukrainian “Star Factory”, discovered by the popular director Alan Badoev. Performer, composer, songwriter including Kristina Orbakaite, Ani Lorak and others. Everything changed in an instant. Today Max Barskikh gathers thousands of fans at his concerts and breaks records on iTunes.

Max, you are a professional vocalist, graduated from the Kyiv Academy of Variety and Circus Arts. Why did you come to the Star Factory in 2008? What was I able to learn there that I couldn’t do at that time?

To tell the truth, I don't consider myself a vocalist. First of all, I am an author, and I would hardly go on stage simply to relay other people’s feelings and emotions from there. It is very important for me to share my thoughts and experiences with the listener. I think I was 17 years old when I decided to try myself in a television project - for me it was a new unknown world, which I, of course, wanted to discover for myself. Today, years later, I am grateful for this period, but not for the fact that it brought fleeting recognition - it was fleeting and worthless. And for the fact that the project brought me together with interesting and very talented people with whom I still work. The first and most important of them is Alan Badoev - my close friend and like-minded person, the most sought-after music video director in one sixth of the world. Max Barskikh in a candid shoot, which became another fashion experiment for him

You left Ukraine and moved to the USA, to Los Angeles, where you worked for a long time. However, now he has returned, and popularity came instantly. Do you somehow connect these events?

I moved to Los Angeles a couple of years ago because there was always sun, ocean and inspiration waiting for me there. I am a Pisces by horoscope, and the external environment has both an inspiring and depressing effect on me. In my beloved Kyiv, I felt uncomfortable, including due to personal circumstances. Therefore, I decided to temporarily change my place of residence. By leaving my comfort zone, I grew spiritually. And this metamorphosis is reflected in my work. When you are flying into the abyss, you can reflect on any topic that worries you, but when you have already fallen and hit yourself painfully, you have two options. The first is to give up and continue to lie there without moving, the second is to get up and move on.

Where are you living now?

Literally a week ago, I realized that I don’t need an apartment in Kyiv, because I even come there for work - performances, television filming, photo shoots, and so on. Therefore, now I am getting rid of excess ballast, giving away my things to friends and acquaintances. Now I only need two suitcases and I can feel at home anywhere in the world. The main thing is good sleep. This is the only doping that my team and I use, not counting fifty grams of cognac in the dressing room. Of course, sometimes my brain explodes from so many movements from point A to point B, I often have to frantically remember what city and country we are in, but at critical moments I come to my room, try to turn off my head and concentrate on one thing. In general, I have long wanted to learn how to meditate, and I set myself the task of mastering this useful practice.

This year the MUZ-TV channel nominated you in two categories - for “Best Song” and “Best Album”. However, in the end, the awards went to Sergei Lazarev and Ani Lorak. It's a shame?

You can accuse me of being cunning, but I am absolutely indifferent to bonuses. It’s pleasant, honorable and often beautiful, I don’t argue, but having an award won’t do anything for my inner world. Therefore, this question should be addressed to those who root for me and support me at all ceremonies.

You have a lot of fans - you could see this at the MUZ-TV party. What's going on in your personal life?

If you're talking about bed, then I fall asleep alone. To avoid disappointment the next morning.

Don't you believe in the existence of pure and bright things?

I have been thinking for a very long time about how mundane most of us have become in our goals and desires - we are only interested in form and only what glitters. I am not a supporter of the belief that with a sweetheart there is heaven in a hut, and I am not a prude, but it seems to me that the excessive materiality of modern girls, and guys too, simply kills real feelings and romance. By the way, I recently wrote a song on this topic, it’s called “I’ll ask,” and Alan and I shot a video for it, which is completely atypical for us. Sincerity, spontaneity and self-esteem are the qualities that I look for in a woman.

You wrote songs for Kristina Orbakaite, Ani Lorak and other artists. For some reason, exclusively for women. Do you understand the female soul well?

I very rarely write for someone; for me it’s a kind of sacrifice. And in fact, it’s easier for me to give a song to a woman than to a man. And the point here is not about competition, but rather about feelings: when I write for a girl, I am not experiencing my life. Creating a song on a man's behalf is always autobiographical. And I’m not ready to give my life story to another artist.

What event do you think should be the pinnacle of your musical career?

I used to think it was winning a Grammy Award. This is a kind of expectation from childhood, so it’s hard to get it out of your head. But today I understand with my heart and head: the only thing that matters is what I, as an author and artist, left in the soul of the viewer and listener leaving my concert. If he left inspired, if, when he came home before going to bed, he remembered at least a moment from our meeting, then I would consider myself the happiest person.

The biography of Max Barskikh is another story of an ordinary guy from the periphery who managed to independently make his way to the top of the music scene and pop culture and become a real pop star. Max Barskikh is one of the most shocking and scandalous personalities of the Ukrainian scene. His music truly “catches”, and the words are rubbed into the memory so deeply that it is impossible to detach from them. The singer always dictates his own musical rules, imposing a new culture on Russian-speaking listeners. The biography of Max Barskikh is full of bright creative events and victories. He gathers audiences of thousands across all expanses of the CIS; he is expected and loved in almost every city. Positive thinking and a non-standard worldview are his unique characteristics, which do what emphasize his life and stage image.

Max Barskikh: biography

Born on March 8, 1990 in the sunny city of Kherson, which is located in the southern part of Ukraine. “Max Barskikh” is his stage name; the singer’s passport says Nikolai Nikolaevich Bortnik. As a child, he was interested in creativity - he loved to draw, by the way, he was good at it. At the age of ten, the boy went to study at the Kherson Tauride Lyceum of Arts, from which he subsequently successfully graduated and received a diploma as an artist.

During his school years, Nikolai often took part in musical and creative events and even performed in the theater. During these years, the guy developed a desire to become a famous singer. In his free time from studying, he composed music and poetry. His first listeners and critics were his relatives, who spoke flatteringly about his work. At the age of twelve, Max Barskikh composed his first lyrical song in English. His sister really liked the song, and she insisted that Max begin to further develop his talent and make his way onto the big stage.

Creative biography of Max Barskikh: parents wanted their son to enter the Ministry of Internal Affairs

After graduating from school, Max was faced with the question of where to go to study next. He repeatedly shared with his parents his desires to become a famous singer, but they did not take his son’s words seriously and insisted that he receive an education at the National Academy of Internal Affairs. There was no understanding from his parents, but Max clearly pursued his goals and desires and circumvented all family prohibitions. Despite his parents' reproaches, the guy entered the Kyiv Municipal Academy of Variety and Circus Arts to major in pop vocals.

Participation in the project “Star Factory-2”

In 2008, Barskikh heard that a casting was taking place in Kyiv for a television musical project called “Star Factory-2,” the producer of which was the famous Ukrainian singer Natalya Mogilevskaya. Having waited his turn among several thousand candidates, Max performed in front of the jury and demonstrated the grace of his movements and musical and singing harmony. As a result, the 18-year-old guy went through all stages of the casting and became a participant in the country's most popular musical project.

The Ukrainian public fell in love with his stage emancipation and originality; at these moments the creative biography of Max Barskikh began (the singer’s height is 186 centimeters, see photo below). As a member of Star Factory 2, the singer already had an army of thousands of fans who bought tickets to the project’s concert just for him. Here he began presenting songs of his own composition (“Anomaly” and “Stranger”), which subsequently scattered across all the charts and top television and radio broadcasts of the country.

Confessed his love to Svetlana Loboda and cut his wrists while performing on stage

Fame and popularity came to the singer not only because of his heartfelt songs. Barskikh became famous for his extravagant and risky actions. During a live performance, Max Barskikh dedicated a song to singer Svetlana Loboda, who at that time was already quite popular within the post-Soviet space. During the performance of the song “Heart,” the singer confessed his love for Loboda and at the end took a sharp object from his pocket and cut his wrists. This case became the most resonant among society. Thus, Max created high-quality PR for himself. The singer left the “Star Factory-2” project of his own free will, deciding that he could achieve greater heights as an independent artist rather than with the status of a “manufacturer”.

Music career

Between 2009 and 2016, Max Barskikh released 5 studio albums, each of which was appreciated by Ukrainian and Russian listeners. In 2010, he recorded a joint video with Svetlana Loboda for the song “Heart Beats”. In subsequent years, the artist repeatedly received various awards from various musical communities (ELLO, M1 Music Awards, Golden Gramophone, etc.).

From his repertoire one can highlight about a dozen songs that became hits of the year: “Mists”, “I want to dance”, “Friend-night”, “Student”, “Agony” and many others.

Personal life

Max Barskikh hides his love biography and personal life. Nevertheless, the press knows that the singer had a long-term relationship with a member of the musical group “VIA-Gra” Misha Romanova, who is his childhood friend and classmate from the Kyiv Academy of Arts.

Former participant of the Ukrainian “Star Factory”, artist No. 1 in the CIS countries, sex symbol and just a guy from Kherson Max Barskikh (28) is a mysterious figure. He doesn’t talk about his personal life, he releases hit after hit, gives concerts all over the world, seems to sleep only on planes and works there - it’s simply unrealistic to meet him for an interview, so he answers all questions at an altitude of 10 thousand meters, when flies from one performance to another. Today he released another bomb - a video in the style of the 80s for the song “Shores” (directed, of course, by Alan Badoev).

On the day of the premiere, we learned from Max why he is not friends with his colleagues from show business, what meeting his father taught him after 16 years of separation, and why he does not like the status of a sex symbol.

I know that your close friends call you Barsik - is it cute or annoying?

Yes, only my closest friends call me Barsik, and they are allowed to do anything. ( Laughs.) Although my fans have been using this nickname very often lately, it doesn’t annoy me, but rather even makes me happy. This is cute.

You live on airplanes, constantly travel from Russia to Ukraine. How many times a year can you fly back there?

From Ukraine to Russia is the shortest distance I have to travel. The geography of my performances and flights is much wider: this is all of Eastern Europe and the CIS countries (Kazakhstan, the Republic of Belarus, the Baltic countries). Of course, it’s incredibly exhausting, and sometimes I just don’t understand where I’ll wake up tomorrow. This is an unconditional part of the life of any popular artist, and in these cities and countries they are waiting for me and want to hear my songs. And for me it is valuable. This feeds and gives additional strength even when there is none. I am not afraid to fly on airplanes: I believe that what is destined to come true cannot be avoided. The sky gives wings.

Jacket, trousers, shorts, Louis Vuitton; anorak, Subterranei; Sneakers, Dior

Does such a wild work schedule interfere with your personal life?

This schedule is very draining for me, because I write songs myself, and sometimes I just need to be in peace and quiet. And at every opportunity I escape to Los Angeles, to my apartment, where I can just be Kolya Bortnik and think about what I want to talk about in my new songs.

Jacket, long sleeve, jeans, Louis Vuitton; boots, Dior

How did you cope with such a surge of attention after the release of the album “Mists”? Has star fever begun?

I write songs not to be popular, but because I want to tell people my story, share it with others. It just so happened that it found such a wide response, and I’m certainly happy about that. But there are no reasons for star fever at all. I’m standing on stage, but on the other side there are people just like me, and they also have their own story. If my stories are needed, then it is just a valuable piece of luck, and I am very grateful to every person who takes what I sing to heart.

Which artists can you call your friends?

I am outside show business and am not friends with my stage colleagues. My friends are a very limited circle of people with whom I have been together since school; they come from my city of Kherson. We really have a very close relationship with them.

Tell us about your side project Mickolai.

Mickolai is an outlet, an experiment. This is where I try to find various other forms other than the music of Max Barskikh. Since I am a musician, it is important for me to develop, it is important to try. This is a creative springboard where I nurture ideas that can then partly flow into Max Barskikh.

You talk very little about your childhood, your relationship with your parents, in particular with your dad. Is this still a sore subject?

My father and I had not seen each other for many years and only met on the set of the “February” video, he was invited by Alan Badoev. Behind the scenes we communicated so much and so honestly, sometimes we were even just silent... It changed a lot in me. I learned to understand my parents more, understand their actions more and forgive. I am just a child of my parents, I respect and love them very much. (Max’s father died in February 2018. He had not seen his son for 16 years - Nikolai Bortnik left the family when Max was only 11. The future musician and his older brother and sister were raised by his mother. - Prim. edit.)

What did “Star Factory” teach you?

The main thing that “Star Factory” taught me is how much I love freedom. For me, freedom of action, freedom of decision is the main thing, and any factor that puts me in a framework very quickly leaves my life, and I immediately move in a different direction. It is very important for me to remain myself in any given circumstances.

Sweatshirt, Dior trousers; shirt, Louis Vuitton; trench coat - Maison Margiela (Leform); sneakers, Adidas

A couple of years ago you moved to Los Angeles. Why did you make this decision?

(real name - Nikolai Nikolaevich Bortnik; born March 8, 1990, Kherson, Ukrainian SSR) - Ukrainian singer, songwriter.

Max Barskikh is a singer who, thanks to his soulful voice and well-chosen repertoire, has conquered the whole of Ukraine.

But Ukraine is far from the limit for a young and promising singer, because he is already known in the CIS countries and Europe. The unconventional performances and extravagance of the artist’s actions are already helping him attract huge audiences, but what will happen then...

But what secrets are hidden under the mask of the talented Ukrainian singer? How did he manage to do so in such a short time?
What is the time to build your brilliant reputation? You can find out the answers to the questions posed only if you find out the biography of Max Barsky.

Life and career

The birthplace of this talent is warm and sunny Kherson. Max Barskikh was born into a family of ordinary workers. Since childhood, he was no different from his peers. He also enjoyed flying kites into the sky, skipping classes, and courting girls. Initially, the boy wanted to become an astronaut, and like Yuri Gagarin, go into space, but, as it turned out later, this path was not for him. Soon, little Maxim was noticed to have innate hearing. The boy immediately began performing at school concerts; it was probably then that he decided to become a singer. Next came various amateur groups in which Max Barskikh played the role of vocalist. But due to youthful maximalism, which is so characteristic of children of his age, he, unfortunately, did not gain a foothold in any of the groups.

The young man spent quite a lot of time and effort on fulfilling his dream. According to the singer himself, he could practice vocals for hours without any rest. Soon, either because of innate talent, or as a result of grueling but fruitful training, he receives a place at the Academy of Circus and Folk Arts, where he was chosen as a pop vocalist.

If you look at the biography of Max Barsky, you will notice that his whole life consists of continuous ups. But most likely the reason for such success is not so much luck as perseverance and work. So, for example, as Max Barskikh himself assures, he wrote his first song at the age of twelve, when boys don’t even want to think about work or creativity.

Max Barskikh decided to test his talent, and at the same time his stage presence, at the Ukrainian Star Factory, whose producer at that time was Natalya Mogilevskaya. The impressiveness and originality of the young artist helped him win the hearts of many viewers of this project. Which is not surprising, because it is simply impossible not to fall in love with his velvet voice.

The first addition to Max Barskikh’s discography were the songs “Anomaly” and “Stranger Girl,” which were written for the reporting concert of the Star Factory. Of course, these hits had some success; at one time they were played even on famous Ukrainian radio stations, but, nevertheless, Max Barsky’s fame did not begin with them.

The real hysteria began a little later. The fact is that during his performance, the young artist unexpectedly took out a knife from somewhere and, right during the performance, began to open his veins. To say that the audience was shocked would be an understatement. The reason for such a crazy act was unrequited love. The subject of the singer’s sighs was Svetlana Loboda.

After this extravagant act, articles began to appear in the press with the headlines: “Are they really together?”, “Union for a million,” “Shock, who is Max Barskikh dating?” etc. Many believed that the young man did not have any serious feelings for the singer, but decided only to advance and thereby cash in on the name of the attractive and charismatic singer. But these are just rumors. Soon he decided to leave the project and began to develop independently. Since then, many began to worry about the question: “Who is Max Barskikh’s producer?” Let us calm the curiosity of fans; all responsibility for promoting the performer’s career currently lies with Alan Badoev.

Max Barskikh released his debut album in 2009. In it, the singer included several rather memorable compositions, as well as a joint song, in the recording of which Svetlana Sloboda took part. The uniqueness and brightness of Max Barskikh's album helped him deservedly take first place in several charts at once.


Studio albums

  • 2009 - “1:Max Barskih”
  • 2012 - “Z.Dance”
  • 2014 - “According to Freud”
  • 2016 - “Mists”

Other releases

  • 2012 - “Brutal Romantic” (EP from the songs of the debut album for iTunes)
  • 2015 - “Words” (digital collection-re-release of the third album)

Recently, you can notice a young man not only on stage. Thanks to his modeling stature, Max Barskikh participates in Ukrainian fashion shows, where he receives public attention. Also relatively recently, he made his debut on television, starring in a small role in the TV series “Mademoiselle of the Living.” There, Max Barskikh managed to play a Russian soldier who is “head over heels” in love with a lovely French woman. His acting in this film received many rave reviews.

Personal life.

Until recently, the personal life of Max Barskikh was covered in many mysteries. Even now, if you start typing the name of this artist into a search engine, you will immediately be offered the following results: “What is Max Barskikh’s orientation?”, “Does Max Barskikh have a wife?”, “Is he gay?” etc.

But, we hasten to please you, Max Barskikh has neither a boyfriend nor a wife, at least for the moment. Now the young man is having an affair with his longtime acquaintance Misha Romanova, who is also a media personality.

It is also worth noting that recently there was a rumor on the Internet that Yegor Creed and Max Barskikh were supposedly brothers to each other. This assumption is explained by the striking similarity in the appearance of the guys. But, as the artists themselves assured, there are no family ties between them.

Max Barskikh(his real name - Nikolay Bortnik) was born on March 8, 1990 in Kherson. At first I didn’t intend to be a musician, I studied at an art school, then at the Lyceum of Arts and thought that I would become an artist. But then priorities changed.

From an interview with Max Barskikh: “At the age of 12 I composed a song. I recorded a simple arrangement on the music center at home. As I remember now, it was a love song. (Laughs.) In English. My sister heard this song and asked her to sing it for the family. And so, from family holidays to children's festivals, I began to sing. The turning point was admission. My parents wanted me to go to the Academy of Internal Affairs, and I wanted to go to the Academy of Variety and Circus Arts.”

After graduating from school, he moved to Kyiv and entered the Kyiv Municipal Academy of Variety and Circus Arts with a degree in Pop Vocals.

Star Factory, Svetlana Loboda and Max Barskih / Max Barskih

The big stage has come to life Max Barskikh with the project " Star Factory 2" (Ukraine). On the project, he distinguished himself not only with his performance skills, but also managed to turn almost the entire judging panel against himself. Method Max Barskikh- shocking and provocative. So, at the “Star Factory 2” concert, Max decided to commit suicide - cut his wrists right on stage. The reason for this action was Max's love for Svetlana Loboda, who at that time was the lead singer of the group “VIA Gra”. Max made many loud statements about this. He confessed his unrequited love for Loboda more than once from the stage.

– To be honest, dying was not part of my plans. I generally do not accept the idea of ​​suicide... But then I was sure that this was the last option in my life. After all, I was banned, in the literal sense of the word, and the teachers of the “Factory” had great difficulty in persuading the management of the New Channel and the organizers of the concert to include me in the program. And then, a lot of things at the “Factory” were staged, this is no longer a secret to anyone. Everyone was assigned a specific role, and I got the image of the “bad boy.” I can't say I liked it, but the Saturday concerts made up for everything, and so I played by someone else's rules. But when they didn’t let me speak, violating all the agreements, it infuriated me! I hate injustice!

With Svetlana Loboda Max Barskikh met on the project " Star Factory 2“- they sang a duet and, according to Max, he realized that Svetlana was his person.

– Love is a cancer that affects your brain and body with metastases, you are unable to cure it, letting everything take its course, doing things out of despair.

It is difficult to judge which of Max’s actions is more impulsive and sincere, and which is more thoughtful PR. The epic with love for Svetlana Loboda ended with him releasing a song S.L.(the name of which stands for Bitch-love or Svetlana Loboda) and an erotic video (it was directed by the artist’s producer Alan Badoev), and a couple of years later, Svetlana and Max starred in a joint erotic photo shoot, recorded a duet and went on a tour of the cities of Ukraine.

“After what happened, I really wanted to earn Sveta’s trust, to prove to her that I am worthy of respect. I decided to achieve favor through my creativity. Recorded an album and released several videos. One day I wrote a song, called her and asked her to meet in the studio. Sveta heard the song and liked it. This is how the idea came up to record a duet and shoot a video. This was a new starting point in our history.

When Svetlana Loboda gave birth to a child from her common-law husband, Max Barskikh stated: “My heart is free. I am sure that the greatest love awaits me ahead. I live with my heart open to the world."

Career of Max Barskih / Max Barskih

At the end of the project "Star Factory 2" Max Barskikh released the album 1: MAX BARSKIH and six videos. Also starred in the film " Mademoiselle Zhivago" together with Laroy Fabian, Max plays a soldier in love with her in one of the short stories.

– I was delighted to meet and work together with Lara Fabian. It was very easy to play with her. I easily brought to life all the experiences of my hero. According to the director, I coped with the role,” says Max.

The director was a popular music video director and producer of the artist. Alan Badoev. Max Barskikh believes that he was lucky with the producer:

– Alan and I make all decisions together, he likes the music I make. If I don't like some action or don't like a song, then Alan can show the song or news from different angles. If I still don’t like it, then we find a compromise and do something further together. I really like the way he sees me as an artist and the images and videos he creates for songs. I think if there had not been such a creative union, there would not have been such success.

Max Barskikh was recognized as the best Ukrainian artist in 2010 according to the MTV Europe Music Awards.

In 2011, Max Barskikh released the first 3D video clip in the CIS for the song “Lost In Love | I'm losing you". The video was directed by the artist’s producer and music video director. Alan Badoev. The single became a hit in Russia, taking first place in the EuroHit TOP-40 of the Europe Plus radio station.

The video brought Max victory in three categories: “Best Song of the Year”, “Video of the Year” and “Best Male Performance”.

In 2012, the second album Z.Dance was released, it included compositions mainly in English, and the release of a Russian-language album is planned for the fall.

In 2012 he received the MUZ-TV Award in the “Breakthrough of the Year” category.

Max Barskikh is constantly changing. He says this about himself:

– I am a mood person. Today it's bad - I won't smile. Tomorrow I can give joy. When I go on stage, I lose control of myself, I can be completely different.

Took part in the project " Star Factory. Super final" And " Star Factory. RussiaUkraine».

– My main dream has already come true. I am who I am now, I can create what I want, without restrictions and frames (many thanks to my team). But other dreams are still being formed; every year there is a reassessment of values.