
How can I tell my mom that I'm depressed if she doesn't take my words seriously? How to tell your mom you're on your period


When the first menstruation arrives, every girl experiences some shock. A million thoughts immediately appear in my head, but more than anything else, one question worries me: how to tell my mom that I’m on my period?

First method.
Choosing the right moment is very important. To talk with your mother about such a serious topic, it is better to choose a situation when she is completely relaxed or doing something insignificant. If you disturb her at the “inopportune moment,” it is unlikely that she will be able to devote enough time to you.

  • Present this news as if it were a joyful and long-awaited event. Say, for example, this: “Mom! I have news for you! and, smiling, tell her that you have started your first period. This will show that you are not panicking and are quite ready to talk about such a serious topic.
  • If you are excited and scared, tell your mom the whole story from beginning to end. The fast pace will calm you down and put you in the right mood.
  • If your mom can't give you time, talk about your period with your grandma or aunt. Talk to women, because they all go through this.

Second method.
If you have no one else to talk to about your menstrual cycle except your mom, then write her a note and hide it where only she can find it. Still, the note is personal and it is better that it goes straight to the addressee.

Third method.
Write a message. When you return from school, most likely, everything you need will be waiting for you in your room, and there will be no awkwardness.

Fourth method.
If you have a hard time finding a common language with your family members, and you can’t even begin to talk about such a topic, then go shopping with your family. When passing by the intimate hygiene products section, pick up a pack of sanitary pads and put it in your grocery cart. Such a hint will not go unnoticed and adults themselves will start a conversation on this topic.

As an option…

I can't tell my father

It also happens that a teenage girl who has just started her period has no one but her father. And, of course, some discomfort and fear arise... The girl begins to gradually move away.

Don't worry about having to talk to someone of the opposite sex. Yes, this conversation will look completely different than with a woman, since men are not particularly versed in female physiology, but this is not the main thing.

The most important thing is that at this moment a deeper connection is formed between the daughter and the father. And here we are talking about further trust and mutual understanding. If a girl shares her experiences with her father, this means that they have a trusting relationship. What else could be more important for a family?

So if you feel the need to tell your father about what happened to you, there is no need to be ashamed of it. Even if he cannot help you himself, he will always find a way out of any situation to justify your trust. Talk about everything that worries you, and your father will do everything he can to help you.

You can tell your father about your period in the same way as described above. Following the recommendations described above, try to convey to your father that you have already grown up. Although he may take this news much more unexpectedly than you imagine, sooner or later you will have to talk. Prepare both him and yourself, give yourself and him time, then your conversation will not cause discomfort. Don't be afraid of anything! The main thing is to try to present your “growing up” in a softer and less forced form. That is, so that neither you nor your father feel embarrassed.

In conclusion:

You should never be ashamed of your mom or dad. They are your parents and they will always be by your side. If something is bothering you, instead of looking for information on the Internet and asking your friends for advice, it is better to share the problem with your parents, because they are your closest people. And you won’t find others like them anywhere else!

If you have a boy and you are confident in him that he will not bring you any unexpected or unpleasant surprises, then you can think about telling mom or dad that you have a boy. But how to do this, because you probably don’t know how your mother will react to your message that you have a boy (boyfriend).


First of all, think about how serious your relationship with the boy is, and what plans you make for the future. After all, if your relationship is fleeting and there are no plans for the future, then why should mom or dad talk about your boy, how many more of them you will have in this case. But if you are sure that your relationship is quite advanced and there are big plans for the future with this boy, then perhaps it’s worth telling your parents about him, or even better, introducing him. We recommend that you read

Having decided to tell your mom that I have a boy, prepare for the fact that mom or dad will ask you in great detail about him. For example, questions may be asked such as how old he is, what he does, works or studies, who his parents are, how you met, how close your relationship is, what are your plans for the future, and the like. It is advisable that you tell your parents about him in as much detail (if possible), and they may even ask his phone number and address where he lives, because they need to know where to look for you if something happens.

Another point in telling your mother that you have a boy is the opportunity to accept the offer of your parents to introduce you to your boy. Both you and your boy should be prepared for this.

- The situations in which you tell your mother that there is a boy may be different, but it is advisable at the moment when you say that the relationship between you and your mother is not tense and friendly.

For example, you can tell your mother that you have a boy by first showing her a photo of the boy and immediately saying that this is your boyfriend and you are friends with him. If you don’t want to talk straight away like that, then just talk to your mother, on whatever topic and as soon as your mother starts talking, casually tell her that you have a friend. If you still can’t tell your mom that you have a boy, then wait for a moment when it’s convenient and your mom is ready to listen to you.

A very important point in this code is to tell your mother that there is a boyfriend. There will be a time when mom is not busy and does not need to be distracted from any business or work. After all, a distracted person is less receptive to information and is more alert and irritated than at the moment when the person was free and not distracted. We recommend that you read

The big problem that girls can’t tell their mom about having a boyfriend is the problem of embarrassment and fear that their mom will simply react completely incorrectly and will be against your relationship. In fact, you shouldn’t be afraid to tell your parents that you have a boy, because they are the only ones who will listen, understand and try to help in your life situation. After all, no one loves you as much as your parents, and therefore you should not be afraid and calmly tell your parents about your life situations, including the fact that you have a boy friend.

If you are still young and at an age when the relationship between a girl and a boy is little approved, then before you tell your mother that there is a boy, think about whether it is necessary to do this, because you are young and you may still have many boys and You won’t talk about every boy.

They appear in a girl's life between 11 and 16 years old. Among women they are called differently: “friends on red Zhiguli”, “unexpected guests”, “red days”. Some girls wait for them as a sign of growing up, while others know practically nothing about them. But everyone is ashamed of them, because our mentality is structured this way.

And then the day comes when a teenager “gets” such a “gift” and she faces a dilemma: “how to tell my mom that I’m on my period?”

First, you need to understand why you should tell your mom about such an event in your life. Any girl, even one who was expecting her period, perceives the first one as something shocking.

And there is nothing strange about this, it will have practically no effect on your physical condition, but in your soul there will be a storm of emotions.

Why do I need to tell my mom that I'm on my period?

  • You will want to discuss this issue with someone and your mother will become an indispensable interlocutor. Therefore, the first is to quench the thirst to speak out.
  • The second reason can be safely called the addition of new information about your condition and the ensuing consequences. You can ask your mother a lot of questions, which she will answer without any problems. Moreover, she is already experienced and has “survived” so many periods like this.
  • You can consult with her about the choice of personal hygiene products: can you use tampons, what pads and how many drops are suitable, etc. You can also touch on the topic of discomfort, how to mitigate such days and much more.

Mom is the dearest and closest person to you on earth. She, like no one else, will understand you and support you at any time. – this is a small step, but already into adulthood. And this path brings with it adult difficulties. Therefore, here you will find constant support. And if she feels bad during bleeding, if she feels discomfort, she can go to the gynecologist for a consultation.

Nothing brings people closer together than a shared and intimate secret. Not only will your mother become closer to you, but also somewhere you will begin to understand her better, and this is worth a lot. It turns out that menstruation can inspire trust in each other - don’t miss this chance.

Steps to recognition

First, you must understand that there is nothing shameful about what you have. Therefore, it’s not scary to tell, even if the first blood smeared new things, it’s all natural. In the future, you will be able to control the entire process yourself and avoid such incidents.

But, if telling your mom remains a difficult task, you can take note of several confession templates. However, it is worth understanding that mom was also once a little girl and experienced exactly the same as you. Perhaps she was going to talk to her mother, your grandmother, afraid no less than you. Therefore, understand: she will understand you, no matter what you say or do.

Now let’s look at different scenarios for telling your mom about your period:

  • Say everything straight out. Like, just like that, my period started. The simplest and fastest method, suitable for brave girls. It is suitable if the relationship between mother and daughter is sufficiently trusting.
  • Hint. It’s very simple: when buying goods in a store, add a hygiene product to your cart. Mom is unlikely to miss such a purchase and will understand everything herself. And then he will find the right moment to joke with you.
  • If you really don’t dare talk about this topic, write a letter. In it, indicate all the shy moments. But keep in mind that the note must be hidden so that only mom can find it. Perhaps her cosmetic bag or bag, which she never leaves the house with, would be suitable.
  • Now the world is filled with technical innovations. So why not tell your mom about your period via a text message on your phone? You can do this while you are at school, and when you come home, you will find everything you need in your locker. And discussing all the other information will not be as awkward as at the beginning.
  • The following pattern follows from the previous one - say everything over the phone. When talking on a mobile phone, you cannot see the face of the interlocutor, and most importantly, his eyes. This can be used for news on such a sensitive topic, the awkwardness will be minimal.
  • A situation where there is not enough sincerity in the relationship with the mother requires a gentle approach. This is possible, for example, not to say directly, but by hinting in passing. For example: “Mom, I will now need additional expenses once a month for hygiene products and I will need to write a note to the school to be excused from physical education class. Well, do you understand?
  • If your mother is a busy person and you only see her one day a week, you can turn to another adult. Maybe it will be a grandmother or aunt. They will find time with your mother to inform her about such an important event.

By the way, in the United States there was a record number of Internet searches for “How to tell my mom that I’m already on my period?” So that teenagers would not worry so much and would perceive their first period as normal, a few years ago they came up with a holiday in honor of their first period.

When the girl tells her mom about her period, mom and daughter's friends are then invited to throw a party and celebrate the girl's joining the "sorority." There should be a lot of red at the party:

  • balloons;
  • decorations;

This seems like a great example of how to treat your first period.

Confessing to your mother that you have started your first period is quite difficult. Even when you have a very close and trusting relationship, telling many girls about menstruation is somehow ashamed and they feel awkward.

You need to understand that this is a natural process and every adult woman and sooner or later every girl has experienced it. We need to tune in and talk about this news.

You need to prepare for a conversation with your mother. Your period is a natural process that occurs in the body of every representative of the fair half. Therefore, everything is in order and a conversation with your mother should not cause much fear. If you are not yet ready for such a serious conversation, wait, get used to your condition. Not all girls are ready to immediately tell everything to their mother. Remember - this is your personal business and when to tell an adult about it is up to you to decide.

And for a conversation with your mother, it is better to choose the moment when you are ready and disposed to it. You can try to tune in to discuss a sensitive issue. Use any calming method: reading a book, watching a comedy, healing sleep. It doesn’t matter what you choose – the main thing is that it helps you relax.

The dialogue needs to start somewhere, but why not throw out a couple of suitable sentences for this, and then use them? This will help start the conversation and avoid eye-to-eye contact at first (you will read the hint). And then the conversation will follow as usual.

The right time. It happens that I’m ready to say something, but the place is not suitable or strangers interfere. In this situation, it is recommended to call your mother for a one-on-one conversation. For example, you can call her with the words: “Mom, you and I need to talk alone.” When you are alone, it will be easier to break the news.

It happens that you don’t plan to talk about it yet, but then a frank conversation began with your mother, why not use it for selfish purposes. They say that such a situation is the easiest way to tell the truth.

Or perhaps you'd be better off using the message casually? For example, you are going out for a walk and casually talk about your period. Then you go about your business, mom digests the information - as a result, it is easier for both of you to discuss a sensitive topic in the future.

Find out when mom started menstruating. You can first find out from her about her first period, when it started, what she did. Most likely, your mother will guess about your condition and will not rush you, but will carefully push you towards it herself.

Mom or Dad

Every family is in the dark. Perhaps the circumstances in your family are such that you are close to your dad. He spends more time with you, you trust him more, you have your own secrets that your mother knows nothing about.

Dad is an adult and he also knows “women’s affairs.” Therefore, open up to him, just take into account that you need to say everything frankly, without concealment.

When revealing a secret to your father, consider some features:

  • Dad will definitely support you and calm you down. She will explain that your body is gradually maturing, you are turning into a woman and this is wonderful.
  • Will pay attention to the boys’ relationships on such “red days”. Will set you up for positive thinking in this matter.
  • But he will not be able to reliably tell all the subtleties of the monthly cycle.
  • Will not be able to give advice on the choice of hygiene products and medications for. That is, he will always support you emotionally, but he is unlikely to help you with advice on how to live these days.

Really, who is stopping dad from telling mom about this conversation? Therefore, feel free to tell your father about any of your problems, and he, in his wisdom, will find solutions.

Teenage gynecologist

It happens that a girl is brought up in strictness and without unnecessary emotions. It is especially scary for such young ladies to say: “I started my period.”

If you belong to this category of teenagers, then the following advice is for you. There is such a female doctor - a gynecologist. He knows everything about the characteristics of the female body.

In principle, a gynecologist for teenagers is a “lifeline” in any women’s issue. You can tell him everything and not be afraid that you will be judged.

Believe me, girls like you come to the gynecologist every day and tell their story. The doctor is an experienced person and will easily find the right words for you.

Whatever it is, you tell mom, dad or another trusted person about the first period - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is to understand one thing: menstruation is normal and natural, you shouldn’t be ashamed of it.

Moreover, we live in an advanced world, where there are so many frank themes that it is stupid to be afraid of a natural process.

The first period is an important event in the life of every girl. Both 20 and 50 years later, most women remember this day - what sensations and anxieties it was accompanied by. Girls often don’t know how to tell their mother and may worry about this. It is very important to understand what menstruation is.


The second name for menstruation is menstruation. This is the discharge of blood from the genital tract, which normally occurs every month, which explains the name of this phenomenon.

Menstruation is an absolutely physiological process. This is a consequence of the girl growing up and the changes occurring in her body.

The discharge of blood is associated with the rejection of the inner layer of the uterus. Every month, a girl’s body prepares for pregnancy, and if pregnancy does not occur, the mucous membrane peels off and, along with blood, is released from the genital tract. After the end of menstruation, the body begins to prepare for pregnancy again, and these cyclical changes will continue until menopause.

The absence of a timely onset of menstruation is a sign of a possible disease of the endocrine or reproductive systems. The first menstruation in gynecology is called menarche.


How to tell your mom about the start of your period? Should you visit a doctor first to make sure it's really menstruation, or is it better to ask your friends for advice?

It is advisable to study the anatomy and physiology of your own body well, and then menarche will not take the girl by surprise.

It is usually difficult to confuse it with anything else. And yet it often happens that parents have no idea about the first menstruation. Menarche sometimes manifests itself in the form of very scanty bleeding that lasts no more than 1-2 days. And even if a girl is prepared by her mother for the onset of normal menstruation, she may not see the connection between these events.

On the eve of the first menstruation, the following symptoms are often observed:

  • fatigue;
  • irritability;
  • tearfulness;
  • emotional instability;
  • demonstrative behavior;
  • headache;
  • pain in the lower abdomen or lumbar region.

These complaints are associated with changes in hormonal metabolism and are often noted in the future, on the eve of each menstruation. They are called premenstrual syndrome.

If a girl notices even slight spotting on her underwear, first of all she needs to tell her mother about it.

Conversation with mom

Why is it necessary to tell your mother about your period? Firstly, this is the closest person who will definitely support and help. Secondly, my mother faces this phenomenon every month for many years. Thirdly, it is she, and not her friends, who is familiar with modern hygiene products and can tell her daughter the most optimal option for caring for her body on her critical days.

The female menstrual cycle has many characteristics that are usually transmitted through the female line. These include the duration of the cycle itself and menstruation, the characteristics of the discharge. They can be abundant or scanty, accompanied by painful sensations, bad mood, weakness, or occur without changes in well-being.

It is the mother who will tell you how to cope with poor health on the eve and in the first days of menstruation, and will warn about possible pitfalls.

Why is it necessary to tell parents about menstruation? Today, information about this phenomenon is available everywhere - in books and the Internet, in television programs, on posters in clinics and antenatal clinics. If desired, a girl can easily cope with problems during her period on her own.

However, the mother or father must know what is happening to her body. After all, only adults can notice cycle irregularities or other problems in time and consult a doctor. If necessary, parents will buy medications to ease their well-being during menarche, which is beyond the capabilities of an ordinary child.

But often even modern girls are tormented by the question: “How can I tell my mom that I’m on my period?”

Method of communication

Despite a trusting relationship with her parents, not every girl is able to immediately report such intimate changes in her body. That is why it is much better when conversations about the upcoming menstruation are conducted in advance and repeatedly.

Typically, menarche occurs between the ages of 10 and 17 years, depending on the region. In places with a warm climate, girls mature a little earlier, in the northern regions - later. Occasionally, the first period can occur even at 9 years old. However, the average age of onset of this process is 11–14 years. This means that from the age of 8–9 years, the mother needs to periodically ask the question: “Have you started your period?”

And it is imperative to prepare the girl for this phenomenon - not only tell her how to use pads or tampons, but also introduce her to the structure of the female body and provide moral support.

But still, the first menstruation takes many girls by surprise. And although they understand what is happening and know about the physiology of such discharge, they nevertheless begin to think: “How to tell your parents that you have bloody discharge and avoid embarrassment?”

You can do this in the following ways:

  • Talk.
  • Write.
  • Send a message.


There is no universal recipe for telling your mom about your period. This can be done in different ways. But in any situation, a girl should remember that all women, without exception, go through this - both through menarche and through the first frank conversation.

It’s good when the child understands that there is nothing shameful or uncomfortable in this process. However, most girls tend to feel awkward when talking about such topics. Sometimes this is explained by overly strict upbringing in the family or lack of proper attention to the problems of children on the part of parents.

But much more often we are talking only about the increased sensitivity of girls in adolescence. This is also absolutely normal and natural. You should be aware of this and not be ashamed of your awkwardness.

How to start a conversation? The hardest thing is to say the first phrase. It’s better to talk about menstruation in a calm environment, when mom comes home from work, has dinner and is relaxing. You shouldn’t tell her this exciting news in a hurry.

Of course, most mothers have long been ready for their daughter’s menstruation and are looking forward to it, but they, like girls, can also worry. This is why talking about your first period between cooking dinner and washing the floors is not the best option.

In addition, in order to discuss all intimate nuances, mother and daughter need privacy. It is advisable to have such conversations behind closed doors. Of course, over time, the father and other family members will become aware of these changes, but the fewer people who intervene at first, the better for the child.

You can start a conversation casually, while watching TV or doing some common things. But the easiest way to tell your parents is the usual phrase: “Mom, I think my period has started.”

It's easy to say and doesn't cause embarrassment. And then any mother will help her daughter discuss this issue.

A note

However, not all teenagers are able to simply talk to their parents. Although this seems to be the easiest and most accessible way, some of them feel very embarrassed about talking about such intimate things.

But since it is still necessary to report menstruation, you can write about it. This option is more suitable for families where it is customary to use notes to communicate with each other. However, there are several nuances here:

  • The note may get lost.
  • Other family members can read it.
  • Mom may notice her too late.

Of course, you shouldn't place a note about your first period on the refrigerator next to your grocery list for tomorrow. You can put it in your mother’s bag or pocket. But you need to understand that there it may go unnoticed.

A note is a good option in a situation where a girl wants to avoid an awkward conversation, but it is too unreliable. In addition, in the future she will still have to communicate with her mother about the choice of hygiene products.

It is better to anticipate such a situation and discuss it with the mother in advance - for example, that as soon as her period begins, the daughter will put a note in a pre-agreed place. There may also be pads and tampons in case adults are not at home.

This will help the child calm down, and parents will be confident that they will find out about the first menstruation on time.


In the age of the Internet, it is not necessary to communicate about your period directly or in a note. A telephone and a computer come to the rescue. Since a regular telephone conversation also causes difficulties for many, it is much easier to use SMS, Skype and Viber.

This system perfectly helps especially shy teenagers get rid of the feeling of awkwardness, but at the same time they can find out all the details they need from their mother.

Of course, there is nothing better than a confidential conversation between mother and daughter, and it is good when they are an integral part of the relationship between household members. But this doesn't always happen.

And, if you can’t talk directly, you can do it through messages. It is important that in any case the mother knows about what is happening with the child and can help with advice and moral support.

As in a face-to-face conversation, it is enough for the girl to write that her period is starting, and everything else is the parent’s concern. If your child doesn’t want to talk about periods directly, you can send mom a message asking her to buy hygiene products at the store.

But what if you can’t talk to your mom?

Talking to other people

If suddenly menstruation occurs when your mother is not around, do not despair. There will definitely be someone nearby with whom you can discuss this issue. This could be a grandmother or aunt, an older sister, a godmother, or a mother's friend.

If there are no such women nearby, the girl can always turn to the school nurse or psychologist for help. An adult will definitely help and tell you what to do in such a situation.

Many girls are embarrassed to address their problems to their father. They feel ashamed and embarrassed to discuss such intimate changes in their body with him. However, the father, like the mother, is the closest person to the child. And gender in this case does not play a special role.

In addition, an adult, even if it is a man, always understands issues of physiology more than a teenage girl. And if he is completely ignorant about the first menstruation, then at least he can take his daughter for a consultation with a pediatric gynecologist.

The first menstruation will come sooner or later in the life of every girl. You need to be prepared for it and do not hesitate to discuss all the necessary issues with your mother.

The first period is always a little scary, and the prospect of telling your mom about it is even scarier! But don't forget that menstruation is a completely normal and natural part of every woman's life: your mother once experienced the same thing, and so did her mother. Even if you are nervous about the upcoming conversation with your mother, there is not the slightest reason for fear or shame. Most likely, one day, looking back, you yourself will wonder why there was so much worry about this!


Part 1

Accept the fact that your period is starting

    Find out what it means to have regular periods. The menstrual cycle is the monthly process by which your body prepares for pregnancy. At the very beginning of the cycle, the body produces large amounts of estrogen, which causes the inner layer of the uterus to swell with blood and mucus. At the same time, the ovaries release the egg. If this egg is fertilized with a man's sperm, it will attach to the thickened wall of the uterus. But if the egg is not fertilized, it is destroyed and rejected by the body. At the same time, the excess inner layer of the uterus sheds, and all this occurs in the form of menstruation.

    Replenish your supplies. All girls have their own preferences when it comes to feminine hygiene products. The best way to find out what works best for you is to try them all! Menstrual products are sold in pharmacies, supermarkets and online stores, and if you know where your mother or sister keeps their products, you can always borrow them a little until you talk to your mother (most often women store their products in close proximity to the bathroom or toilet: in the pantry, cabinets next to the washbasin, and so on). There is a fairly wide selection of hygiene products on the market. Most are disposable, but there are also reusable products.

    Control pain and PMS. Premenstrual syndrome is a term used to describe a range of symptoms experienced by women in the days or even weeks before their period begins. The exact cause of this has not yet been identified, but it is believed that PMS is caused by hormonal and chemical changes that occur in the body during the menstrual cycle. In addition, it can be affected by dietary habits and the level of vitamins in the body. Reactions may vary from person to person, but common symptoms include depression or exaggerated emotional reactions, cramping, fatigue, headaches and stomach pain, bloating and breast tenderness. Spasmodic pain in the lower abdomen is also common, as this is caused by contractions of the uterus.

    Prepare to talk to your mom. If you start your period, the main thing is to remain calm and not panic! All this is in the order of things and does not represent anything special, just like talking about it with your mother. Give yourself some time to get used to the new state of your body. Don't worry if you feel like you're not ready to talk about this with your mom yet. It's your body and your choice.

    • Before you go talk to your mom, make sure you feel calm. If you need to help yourself relax, choose what helps you most: take a bath, go for a walk, read a book, take a nap, take a few deep breaths, or whatever.
    • Think about what you want to tell your mom. Try throwing out a few points or questions, or even rehearsing your words.
    • If you are still not ready to talk to your mom about this, ask the school nurse, doctor, teacher, or any other adult you trust to answer your questions. Sometimes it’s much easier to first talk to someone close to you whom you trust, then talking to your mom won’t seem so difficult.

    Part 2

    Talk to your mom alone
    1. Invite your mom to talk privately. Choose a quiet time when you and your mom can sit and talk with each other. Don't put yourself in fear! Try not to think too much about this conversation in advance, just tell it like it is. Don't forget: this is your mother; no one in this world loves you more than she does, and she understands exactly what you're going through. Start the topic however you like. If you want, start by singing or dancing, if you want, start by saying that you are embarrassed, but you need to talk to her. If you have trouble finding the words, say something like:

      • “Looks like I got my period.”
      • “Let's go to the store together. I need to buy feminine hygiene products.”
      • “It’s hard for me to say this, but I got my period.”
      • “I don’t know how to say it, but “it” has begun...”
    2. When you find yourself together, start a conversation about it casually. You can start a conversation with your mom on this topic at any time when you are alone, especially if the “let’s sit down and talk” format seems too scary. You can say this on the way to school or music class, while watching TV, on a walk, or even when she comes into your room to say goodnight. Anytime you're around. Just casually tell your mom that you're on your period.

      • If you don't feel comfortable sharing the main story right away, broach the topic gently by asking her how old she was when she started getting her period.
      • If necessary, introduce your news during a conversation on a completely unrelated topic. After talking about something completely different, you will feel calm and comfortable, and then you will mention your own.
    3. When you and your mom walk past shelves of feminine hygiene products in a store, deliberately stop in front of one of them. Going shopping together is a great opportunity to let your mom know about your period without talking too much about it. Take her to the feminine hygiene products shelf and tell her you need some of them. This is also a great time to ask her for advice on what is best to use. She, in turn, will guess that this is how you are trying to tell her about the beginning of her period.

    4. Ask questions. The start of your menstrual cycle means your body goes through a series of changes. Ask your mom all your questions. This is a great opportunity to get closer to each other, and she may have a lot to talk about with you.

      • If you feel comfortable enough, talk to her about having a healthy relationship with sex.
      • Find out if she has preferences for sanitary products, if she experiences pain during her period, and how she copes with PMS or painful sensations.