
About the benefits of wheat germ oil and how to use it. Wheat germ oil. Application. Reviews Wheat germ oil properties and application

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Wheat germ oil for face: a promising remedy for all skin types

Learn to use wheat germ oil for your face at home: find out what nutrients you will nourish your skin with, what properties it has, what contraindications you must follow, what mask recipes you can choose for what skin type.

Wheat germ (sprout) oil is a plant product that is actively used in cooking today. It has a pleasant taste, has good nutritional value, and most importantly, it is valued for the benefits it has on the body.

The rich chemical composition of this yellow, transparent liquid has recently been used by the modern cosmetology industry. Based on it, entire lines of products with good properties began to be created. You can use wheat germ oil on your face and at home.

About the chemical composition of wheat germ oil

The cosmetic properties of wheat germ oil are dictated by the chemical, biologically incredibly active substances that are included in its composition. Each of them, penetrating deep into the epidermis, enters into various reactions with other elements at the cellular level.

The result is stunning, because the little workers on the invisible front have a comprehensive effect on the condition of the upper layer of the skin. By regularly using wheat germ oil on your face, you nourish the dermis with the following substances:

  • tocopherol (vitamin E);
  • retinol (vitamin A);
  • calciferol (vitamin D);
  • niacin (vitamin PP);
  • riboflavin (vitamin B2);
  • thiamine (vitamin B1);
  • folic acid (vitamin B9);
  • pyridoxine (vitamin B6);
  • amino acids;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • lecithin;
  • antioxidants;
  • minerals (phosphorus, calcium, potassium, iron, manganese, zinc, copper, selenium);
  • nucleic acids.

It turns out that at your disposal is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals that will nourish the skin with everything it needs and bring it into complete order. Learn to use nature's gifts wisely to look 100% amazing at any age. Wheat germ oil will help you with this. Find out what beneficial cosmetic properties it has.

Wheat germ, according to research, contains everything that is necessary to prolong life: fats, proteins, nucleic acids, minerals, vitamins, biologically active substances.

Cosmetic properties of oil

Each of the above substances performs its own function. But in general, the result is a complex effect on the skin. Thanks to him, wheat germ oil is famous for its range of the most beneficial cosmetic properties:

  • stimulates cell renewal;
  • improves the condition and appearance of various skin types;
  • softens;
  • moisturizes;
  • nourishes;
  • eliminates peeling;
  • gives aging, wrinkled, sagging skin freshness, elasticity, firmness, promotes its rejuvenation, tightens the oval of the face, smoothes wrinkles, strengthens tone;
  • cleanses pores of impurities, removes toxins;
  • has anti-inflammatory properties, helps well in caring for problem skin and in treating acne, pustular wounds and other inflammations;
  • heals burns and other skin damage (bruises, wounds, cuts);
  • treats eczema, dermatitis, neurodermatitis and other skin diseases;
  • tones;
  • refreshes;
  • smoothes the surface of the epidermis;
  • improves complexion;
  • rejuvenates the skin around the eyes;
  • used in lip care: prevents chapping and heals.

If you have any of these cosmetic concerns, be sure to try using wheat germ oil on your face as a moisturizer and anti-aging treatment. It will certainly live up to the hopes placed on it and will significantly improve the condition of any skin type.

Everyone will discover something useful and unique in this amazing product. However, due to the power and intensity of the effect that the oil has on the various layers of the epidermis, not everyone can use it as an external remedy.

The use of wheat germ oil in modern cosmetology began not so long ago, since the benefits of this amazing product were discovered relatively recently.

Contraindications for external use

In order not to harm your own skin, before using wheat germ oil as a cosmetic product for facial care, read the list of contraindications. In some cases, it can have harmful effects that will disappoint and have the most unfortunate consequences. The following problems, pathologies and defects are included in the black list:

  • open, unhealed, bleeding ulcers, wounds, scratches;
  • recently placed stitches;
  • rehabilitation period after plastic surgery or salon procedure (for example, chemical peeling);
  • too extensive inflammation on the face;
  • rosacea;
  • serious skin diseases.

Each of these shortcomings is quite serious, and cells may not respond entirely correctly to stress of this kind from the outside. As a result, side defects may arise, which will then have to be eliminated over a fairly long period of time.

So first, either treat the underlying disease, or wait for the defect to be eliminated by other means, and then start setting up a laboratory at home for preparing cosmetic masks based on wheat germ oil.

Wheat appeared as long ago as the Egyptian pyramids. Researchers have discovered its remains in tombs built around 3,000 BC.

Rules for using wheat germ oil

If you simply apply wheat germ oil to your face every day, you may not get the desired effect. After all, home cosmetology is an entire art that you first need to master, and then use the results in practice. Therefore, read the rules for using this wonderful product to get the maximum benefit from it.

  • Wheat germ oil has a fairly high density, so it is heavy and very viscous in consistency, which many people do not like. To get rid of the hostility of this property, combine it with others, lighter vegetable and cosmetic oils.
  • Before the procedure, heat the oil in a water bath: this way you will activate the beneficial substances included in its composition, which will quickly penetrate the skin to a greater depth. However, be careful if the recipe calls for eggs (they will curdle when they come into contact with hot liquid) or ethers (they can become a volatile and useless substance at high temperatures).
  • If you have dry skin, mix wheat germ oil with olive, peach, apricot or almond oil in a ratio of 1 to 3 or 1 to 4. If you have oily or problematic skin, use grape seeds.
  • Use ceramic, glass or wood dishes to mix ingredients. Never use metal. This also applies to the spatula with which you will mix the mass.
  • Do not use wheat germ oil in its pure form, as such applications can harm the skin: burn it or have an irritating effect.
  • Time of action a mask prepared with wheat germ oil can last from 10 to 25 minutes.
  • Frequency of application determined by the type of means. If it is regular applications or smudging, you can do them daily. If you choose a mask, you can use it 1 or even 2 times a week.
  • Cosmetic treatment course should include at least 8-10 masks (otherwise the result may not be noticeable), but no more than 15-17 (in this case, the skin will get used to this composition and stop reacting to it).

If something is not clear, you can watch a training video (see the end of the article) or consult a cosmetologist, or look for advice on forums. If there are serious doubts about whether wheat germ oil will have the effect you want on your skin, it is better to consult a specialist. If you are sure that you definitely want to take advantage of the unique properties of this product, immediately begin selecting a recipe.

Aegilops squarrosa is the name of the plant that, having teamed up with Emerald wheat, gave the world the wheat that we now so actively use to prolong our youth.

Face mask recipes

You can get lost in the variety of homemade face masks that contain cosmetic facial oil. But if you approach the selection process wisely, you can determine a range of recipes that are suitable specifically for your skin type. Every good recipe usually indicates what defects this cosmetic product is used to eliminate.

For aging skin

  • Anti-wrinkle

1 tablespoon of wheat germ oil is mixed with essential oils (1 drop each) of mint, orange and sandalwood, diluted with peach cosmetic oil (3 tablespoons).

  • Lifting effect

Pour warm green tea (40 ml) over rice flour (1 tablespoon), stir until thick, add palm oil and wheat germ (1 tablespoon each). If the mass turns out to be liquid, you need to add rice flour to it.

For problem skin

  • Anti-acne

Dilute 1 tablespoon of wheat germ oil with 3 tablespoons of grape seed oil, add 1 drop each of juniper, bergamot and lemon esters.

  • Anti acne

Dilute the yellow clay (1 tablespoon) with water to make a creamy mass. Beat with warm sea buckthorn and wheat germ oils (1 teaspoon each), add a raw egg.


  • From greasy shine

Mix 1 tablespoon of wheat germ oil with 3 tablespoons of grape seed oil, add lemon juice (1 teaspoon) and lemon ether (2 drops).

  • From enlarged pores

Manually whisk heated castor oil and wheat germ oil (1 teaspoon each) with warm oatmeal, previously cooked in milk (1 tablespoon), egg white, honey (1 teaspoon).

For the skin around the eyes

  • Against crow's feet

Dilute 1 teaspoon of wheat germ oil with 3 teaspoons of almond cosmetic oil, add 1 drop each of rose and sandalwood esters.

  • For bags under the eyes

Beat oatmeal (1 tablespoon) with tomato juice (2 tablespoons), add palm oil and wheat germ oil (1 tablespoon each).

For dry skin

  • Hydration

Dilute oatmeal (1 tablespoon) with warm water until a creamy consistency is obtained. Add almond oil and wheat germ (2 teaspoons each).

  • For peeling

Dilute wheat flour (1 tablespoon) with hot water until creamy. Add grape seed and wheat germ oil (2 teaspoons each).

If you are used to using various vegetable and cosmetic oils for facial skin care, making all kinds of masks, compresses, scrubs and creams based on them, be sure to include wheat germ oil in their composition.

It can be found today in any store, the price of the product is far from fabulous, and there are no particular difficulties in preparing masks based on it. But as a result of regular and competent use of cosmetics made from this unique liquid, your appearance will be transformed beyond recognition: your complexion will improve, unpleasant pigmentation will disappear, skin of any type will become much more elastic. Isn't it worth trying such a promising experiment at home?

Wild wheat grains have been known to man since the Stone Age. Their homeland is Southern Europe, Asia and North Africa. Only in the 16th century was wheat brought to America, and at the beginning of the 19th century to Canada and Australia.

In fact, this is bread - the basis of the diet of most people on our planet. But besides this, it is the key to our youth, a source of plant collagen - the protein of longevity.

The most valuable thing in the sprouts from which wheat germ oils are obtained is plant collagen

It does not cause allergies, is completely safe, and at the same time perfectly rejuvenates organs and tissues. Moreover, it does this in two ways:

  • Stimulates the production of the body's own collagen.
  • It itself rejuvenates the skin, acting as part of cosmetic products.

Attention! Plant collagen is the basis of the connective tissue framework.

The most interesting thing is that the composition of sprouted wheat is subordinate to the production of this collagen. Judge for yourself. In order for the synthesis of this youth protein to take place, many components are needed. But they are precisely what are present in wheat:

Important! Before using the oil, a skin test is required to guarantee the absence of individual intolerance.


Wheat germ oil has unique effects on the human body:

  • It contains a lot of vitamin E - the vitamin of beauty and youth. It prolongs the life of cells.
  • The biologically active substances that the oil is filled with allow it to participate in all metabolic processes.
  • The use of wheat germ oil is also important for removing toxins and waste.
  • Wheat germ elixir has a unique effect on the skin: cleanses, relieves signs of inflammation, makes it elastic, removes wrinkles. Stimulates healing processes, restores natural protection, evens out complexion. Moisturizes and nourishes.
  • Wheat oil has an anti-cellulite effect due to its ability to break down fats, smooth the surface of the skin, and improve its blood supply.
  • Wheat germ oil corrects hair structure, stimulates hair growth, and actively fights dandruff.

Important! Cereal sprout oil is most beneficial when used in a combination of internal and external use.


Wheat sprouts, the oil of which has found its application in various areas of human life, demonstrate effectiveness in all sorts of ways.


How to take wheat germ oil internally? There are several options:

Important! An overdose of oil can cause symptoms of intoxication.

External use

How to use wheat germ oil externally? Different methods:

Properties and application in cosmetology

The most convincing effect of sprouted wheat oil in cosmetology. In its pure form it is a bit heavy in texture. But as part of any cosmetic product it gives simply amazing results.


The meaning of care is to use plant collagen

Because only its molecules are capable of penetrating through the pores of the skin into its deep layers and stimulating the production of its own collagen. Most often, a unique product is added to serums, creams, and other oils and used:

  • In skin care with signs of aging. Here, an effective mask is made from a mixture of 10 ml of germ oil, to which citrus, mint, and sandalwood oils are added drop by drop. A napkin moistened with the solution is applied to the face for 30 minutes. No need to rinse off. The entire mixture is absorbed into the skin without any residue.
  • For acne treatment(acne of oily skin): add 2 drops of cedar, clove, and lavender oils to a tablespoon of the product. The method is the same.
  • To get rid of age spots use compresses from a mixture of lemon, lime, bergamot, juniper (1 drop each) and wheat (1 tablespoon) oils in the morning and evening.
  • In the care of the skin of the lips and eye area use daily care with the addition of 2 drops of wheat oil to the finished cream (serum). Or dissolve a drop of neroli (aphrodisiac from orange) and sandalwood in 10 ml of germ oil and massage along special lines.
  • Dry skin soften with wheat oil in its pure form, ready-made products with it or a mixture of oils: wheat (1 tablespoon), rose and lemon balm (2 drops each). The usual regimen: morning-evening, on clean skin for half an hour.

Attention! If oil gets into your eyes, rinse them thoroughly with running water. The appearance of redness and burning is a reason to consult a doctor.


The easiest way to care for your hair is to regularly add a tablespoon of product to your shampoo before washing your hair. But you can make masks from a mixture of active substances:

  • For hair loss to strengthen their bulbs, mix 10 ml of germs with ginger, pine, cedar or citrus fruits, eucalyptus, thyme (drop by drop). Rub into the roots for 30 minutes under a warm towel. Wash off with shampoo.
  • For hair growth mix 15 ml of amaranth and wheat oils. Apply for 20 minutes under a towel, spreading over the entire length of the hair. Wash off with warm water.
  • To prevent early gray hair comb your hair every evening with pure wheat germ oil. This improves blood supply to the bulbs.
  • Brows Apply pure oil daily in the evenings. Place cotton pads with warm oil on the eyelashes morning and evening. Don't wash it off. Suction is complete.


Problem areas are treated with a healing product and included in therapeutic massage and weight correction programs:

Attention! Ready-made cosmetics with plant collagen cannot cost less than 2,000 rubles due to the high cost of obtaining it.

Cosmetic oils with wheat germ oil

Most often, the healing elixir from wheat is mixed with the following oils, complementing their properties:

  • Jojoba: It is a strong antioxidant and tonic. It is able to slow down aging and, in combination with germ oil, demonstrates amazing effectiveness. When taken orally, it exhibits properties to relieve pulmonary spasms and promote expectoration.
  • Grape seeds: filled to the brim with vitamin E, and also contains calcium and potassium - regulators of micronutrient metabolism. When combined with wheat germ, the rejuvenating effect becomes unsurpassed. Ingestion strengthens bone tissue, tooth enamel, and regulates the blood supply system.
  • Burdock: has the property of hyper-moisturizing, corrects dry skin, flaking, brittle hair. When taken orally, it increases immunity.
  • Macadamia (nut): increases local and general immunity, exhibits anti-inflammatory properties, and a general strengthening effect.
  • Almond: When taken orally, it strengthens the immune system and reduces cholesterol. In cosmetology – nourishes the skin, protects from UV rays.
  • Castor: used for masks used to treat hair. Orally – treats constipation, stimulates intestinal function.

Important! Germ oil always forms the basis of the healing mixture.

Video lesson: properties of wheat germ oil.


Very few:

  • Individual intolerance, most often congenital.
  • Use caution if you are prone to stone formation (kidneys, gall bladder).
  • Mental disorders.

Selection, storage, use in cooking

Real wheat germ oil has a recognizable aroma, thick consistency, and color - all shades of amber. It comes in light glass bottles, but is stored in the dark and cool. The maximum period of safe use is 3 months. You should always pay attention to the release date of the product.

Wheat germ oil, whose properties and uses in cooking have been known for a very long time, is used mainly as a salad dressing. For the same purpose, it is added to porridge, potatoes, and other side dishes. The basic rule is not to heat the oil above 60* to preserve its culinary value.

Important! The oil is very high in calories, but due to its ability to break down fats, it is recommended for overweight people. 100 g contains 884 kcal.


A unique creation of Nature, filled with biologically active substances, is widely used in various spheres of human life.

This is the only high-calorie product recommended by nutritionists for obesity. It must take its rightful place on your table and in your home medicine cabinet.

Wheat germ oil

First, let's understand what wheat germ is and why there is no wheat germ oil or whole wheat oil.

As can be seen in the figure, the germ is a small part of the grain from which a sprout is formed during germination. Most of the grain is the container with “fuel”. It is like a “barrel of fat”, the energy of which goes towards the development of a sprout from an embryo. And it is from this part that flour is made. When making flour, the most valuable things are discarded - the germ and the shell. Unfortunately, these parts of the grain do not end up in bread and pastries.

To obtain oil, it is necessary to squeeze out the germ part of the grain. And in order to produce 250 g of wheat germ oil by cold pressing, it is necessary to process more than a ton of wheat grain.

Wheat germ oil has a rich biochemical composition:

Essential amino acids that are not synthesized in the human body (isoleucine, leucine, tryptophan, methionine, valine, etc.)

Polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 (up to 11%), Omega-6 (more than 70%) and Omega-9 (12 - 30%).

Saturated fatty acids: palmitic (14 - 17%), stearic (0.5 - 2.3%), etc.

Water- and fat-soluble vitamins: E, A, D, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9.

Allantoin. Has anti-inflammatory properties.

Squalene. It has pronounced immunostimulating, wound-healing, bactericidal and antifungal properties.

Octacosanol is an antioxidant.

Micro- and macroelements: potassium, calcium, zinc, manganese, iodine, iron, copper, sulfur, phosphorus, selenium, etc.

Unlike most vegetable oils, the amount and balance of Omega polyunsaturated fatty acids in wheat germ oil is the most balanced. They promote cleansing of toxins, waste, salts of heavy metals and radionuclides, strengthen the immune system, have a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive, nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular and reproductive systems, participate in the regulation of lipid metabolism, improve skin condition, and help maintain optimal hormonal balance .

Another “calling card” of wheat germ oil is its high content of vitamin E, and in its most active form - in the form of alpha-tocopherol. 400 mg per 100 g of oil. It is deservedly called the vitamin of youth, as it improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, reduces cholesterol levels and the risk of blood clots, helps lower blood pressure, successfully fights free radicals that contribute to the development of various pathologies, stops the development of inflammatory processes, helps remove harmful substances from the human body, has wound-healing and immunostimulating properties.

Tocopherol is also called the fertility vitamin, as it improves the functioning of the female and male reproductive systems. Helps with toxicosis during pregnancy.

Vitamin E significantly improves the functioning of the cardiac vascular system (significantly reduces the risk of blood clots, reduces cholesterol levels in the blood and prevents its deposition on the walls of blood vessels, helps lower blood pressure), and also plays a very important role in the functioning of the female and male reproductive systems , stimulates the functioning of the muscular system, stops the development of inflammatory processes, promotes the removal of harmful substances from the human body, and has wound-healing and immunostimulating properties.

Wheat germ oil is rich in vitamin D, which plays an important role in the body's absorption of calcium and phosphorus - minerals directly responsible for the health of teeth, bones and joints. As you know, calcium and phosphorus are needed for the growth and strength of bone tissue. Promotes rapid healing of fractures and sprains. Helps fight diabetes, eye and dental diseases. Necessary for the full functioning of the thyroid gland, vitamin D helps improve immunity and also significantly reduces the risk of developing skin diseases, various cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

Vitamin D is also necessary for healthy skin, helps cure psoriasis, and fights skin flaking.

Beta-carotene, present in the composition, is converted in the human body into vitamin A. It has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and mucous membranes, the functioning of the organs of vision, and slows down the development of glaucoma and cataracts. The strongest antioxidant, strengthens the immune system and protects tissues from premature aging, is able to protect body tissues from the effects of free radicals that cause the development of cancer and diseases of the cardiovascular system. Helps in the treatment of diseases of the stomach and genitourinary system.

Wheat germ oil is an excellent source of B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9), necessary for the full functioning of the brain and nervous system, “responsible” for the good condition of the organs of vision, skin, hair and nails, which are actively involved in the process of hematopoiesis, the synthesis of sex hormones and embryogenesis, regulating the functioning of the cardiovascular, digestive and muscular systems.

For normal absorption of vitamin E, selenium and zinc are necessary, which are contained in sufficient quantities in wheat germ oil. Zinc takes part in protein, fat, carbohydrate metabolism and the process of hematopoiesis, in the synthesis of insulin and digestive enzymes. Zinc plays an important role in the functioning of the male reproductive system. Promotes the production of testosterone by the male body, improves erectile function and normalizes the process of sperm production. Selenium, like zinc, helps increase sexual desire and has a very beneficial effect on the process of spermatogenesis. Selenium increases the activity of the immune system, increasing the body's resistance to various viruses and bacteria; prevents the formation of free radicals that destroy cells and reduces inflammation, endocrine and cardiovascular diseases. All these biological properties of selenium make it vital for humans and animals.

Mode of application

Inside, for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, wheat germ oil should be taken 1 teaspoon 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Oil can also be added to various salads, cereals, and side dishes. When used for culinary purposes, wheat germ oil is not recommended to be subjected to heat treatment, as this causes it to lose its biological value.

To prevent stomach and duodenal ulcers, you should take 1 teaspoon of wheat germ oil on an empty stomach once a day. To prevent gastritis and colitis - 1 teaspoon of wheat germ oil 1 hour after dinner.

Children from 5 to 15 years old, pregnant and lactating women are recommended to take wheat germ oil 0.5 teaspoon 2-3 times a day.

To heal open wounds, apply gently to the affected area of ​​skin (or apply a gauze bandage soaked in oil).

To relieve pain from arthritis and bruises, massage the sore spot using wheat germ oil heated to 40 degrees.

External use. Wheat germ oil has a variety of cosmetic effects and many indications:

Prevents premature skin aging associated with age-related hormonal imbalances and excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays;

Improves skin color, prevents the appearance of age spots, and also has a slight whitening effect;

Tones and refreshes the skin, improves structure and relief, increases elasticity and firmness, helps smooth out fine wrinkles, as well as eliminate stretch marks (striae);

Soothes irritated and sensitive skin.

The use of the oil is indicated as a care product for mature, aging, dry, flaky, rough, cracked, irritated skin. Also for sensitive skin around the eyes. To give tone, firmness and elasticity to the delicate skin of the bust and décolleté.

In its pure form, it is used only on small flaky, rough, inflamed areas of the skin, on age-related wrinkles in the forehead, nasolabial folds, on expression wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, chapped lips, and on “stubs” in the corners of the mouth.

In other cases, due to its thick consistency, it is used in a mixture with other, “lighter” vegetable oils.

Also used to strengthen nail plates and hair.

Wheat germ oil, rich in B vitamins, stimulates hair growth, improves blood supply to the hair follicle, prevents premature graying, normalizes the secretion of the sebaceous glands of the scalp, restores the structure of the hair cuticle, giving hair shine and silkiness. That is why wheat germ oil is widely used for hair loss, is used in the complex treatment of seborrhea, and is also an excellent product for caring for damaged, weakened, brittle and split ends.

Therapeutic and prophylactic properties of wheat germ oil

Wheat germ oil has a beneficial effect on all human organs and systems.

Reproductive system:

Phytosterols normalize hormonal balance.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids have a protective effect on the cells of the reproductive system - sperm and eggs.

Vitamin E, zinc, selenium and manganese in a complex combination actively contribute to increasing libido and potency, have a beneficial effect on the process of spermatogenesis (help increase the number of sperm, increase their motility, improve sperm quality).

Zinc significantly reduces the risk of developing prostate adenoma, and is also a powerful stimulator of the production of the male sex hormone testosterone, the reduced level of which in a man’s body causes various sexual disorders. It is the “masculinity hormone” testosterone that determines a man’s sexual behavior, provides a surge of male sexual energy, helps increase potency and improve erection, and also largely determines some features of the male figure (in particular, a deficiency of testosterone in a man’s body leads to increased accumulation of fat in the area abdomen).

It has a beneficial effect on the female reproductive system, maintains optimal hormonal balance, normalizes the ovarian cycle and prevents the development of inflammatory processes. It has proven itself in the prevention and complex treatment of female infertility and various gynecological diseases (endometriosis, vaginitis, cervical erosion, mastopathy). It brings tangible benefits to a woman during pregnancy and breastfeeding, during the premenstrual or menopausal period.

The vitamin E, polyunsaturated acids, folic acid (vitamin B9), vitamin D, manganese, zinc and iodine included in wheat germ oil are substances necessary for the full development of the child in the body of a pregnant woman. Vitamin E protects the genetic apparatus of embryonic cells from mutations caused by exposure to free radicals, toxic substances and harmful radiation. Regular consumption of wheat germ oil is very beneficial for breastfeeding women - it helps to enhance lactation and significantly improves the quality and taste of mother's milk.

The cardiovascular system:

Improves blood composition,

Strengthens the walls of blood vessels,

Normalizes blood pressure,

Reduces cholesterol levels, prevents the formation of dangerous atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels,

Prevents the formation of blood clots in the lumens of blood vessels,

Prevents the development of inflammatory processes,

The substance allantoin, an antioxidant complex consisting of vitamins E and A, squalene and octacosanol, reliably protects the heart and blood vessels from the destructive effects of free radicals,

Potassium, magnesium and vitamin B have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the heart muscle (myocardium),

Calcium and phosphorus take part in regulating the strength and rhythm of heart contractions,

Rich in substances that play an important role in the process of hemoglobin synthesis (red blood cell protein), which transports oxygen from the lungs to all organs and tissues of the human body (among such substances are iron, manganese, zinc, copper, B vitamins),

It is an excellent means of preventing heart attacks and strokes, for the complex treatment of atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, anemia, diabetic retinopathy, coronary heart disease, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoids.

Digestive system:

Normalizes the acidity of gastric juice (vitamin B1, magnesium),

It has an anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract and prevents the development of inflammatory processes in the liver, gall bladder and biliary tract (vitamins E and A, zinc, manganese, allantoin, phytosterols, squalene, polyunsaturated acids), as well as a pronounced hepatoprotective effect ( phospholipids),

Eliminates heartburn and constipation, normalizes the balance of intestinal microflora,

It is used for the prevention of gastric and duodenal ulcers, gastritis, gastroduodenitis, esophagitis, dysbacteriosis, colitis, enterocolitis, cholecystitis, hepatitis, and is also widely used in the complex treatment of these diseases,

Wheat germ oil is a useful product for patients with diabetes. It contains substances necessary for the full synthesis of insulin by the pancreas (vitamin B3, tryptophan, zinc, manganese, magnesium, selenium), and therefore regular use can be recommended for patients with type II diabetes mellitus.

Regular internal use of wheat germ oil is recommended:

To strengthen the immune system and prevent premature aging.

For diseases of the endocrine system, central and peripheral nervous system.

To increase the body's resistance to stress.

For insomnia (wheat germ oil, rich in B vitamins and magnesium, has a calming effect on the nervous system; the amino acid tryptophan included in this product is involved in the synthesis of serotonin, a substance with a pronounced antidepressant effect that promotes good mood and sound sleep).

When the human body has an increased need for vitamin E.

As part of a comprehensive program to combat excess weight (promotes the normalization of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism).

During the period of rehabilitation after serious illnesses or operations.

During the rehabilitation period after undergoing a course of radiation and chemotherapy.

With systematic alcohol consumption, acute alcohol poisoning.

As part of a comprehensive cleansing program for the body of toxins, toxins and heavy metal salts (detox).

Regular consumption of wheat germ oil will also bring tangible benefits to:

Who is involved in sports or fitness (wheat germ oil contains the antioxidant octacosanol, phosphorus and amino acids that help increase muscle strength and physical endurance).

Who lives in environmentally unfavorable regions.

Whose professional activity is associated with exposure to factors harmful to the human body such as noise, vibration, radiation, and the effects of toxic substances.

External use of germ oil is most appropriate:

To improve the condition of skin and hair.

For injuries and skin diseases (complex treatment of cuts, wounds, burns, eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, acne).

After undergoing plastic surgery, as well as with noticeable “sagging” of the skin resulting from sudden weight loss.

To relieve pain from arthritis and bruises.

During pregnancy and lactation to maintain skin firmness and elasticity, prevent the appearance of stretch marks (striae).

To cleanse the skin of impurities, exfoliate dead skin cells of the epidermis, normalize the secretion of the sebaceous glands, and narrow pores.

Strengthening subcutaneous capillaries, preventing rosacea and spider veins.

Normalization of blood microcirculation and lymphatic drainage in the subcutaneous fat layer, to prevent the appearance of cellulite deposits.

Wheat germ oil is one of the most popular skin care and oral products today as a source of antioxidants. The product is obtained by cold pressing of wheat sprouts, which preserves the active substances in full. Due to the fact that the oil practically does not oxidize, it can be used for fixing and preserving other oils. Wheat germ base oil mixes very well not only with vegetable oils, but also with almost all essential oils. It is an ideal base for cosmetics.

The list of vitamins and microelements contained in the oil is amazing. Let's list the main ones.

  1. Vitamins of group B, as well as F, A, D.
  2. Tocopherol (vitamin E).
  3. Fatty acids, phospholipids, carotenoids.
  4. Plant proteins and antioxidants.
  5. Potassium, magnesium, iron, etc.

The main advantage of the product is the high content of “vitamin of youth” - E. As you know, the role of this substance in the fight against skin aging, cholesterol and oxygen starvation cannot be overestimated.

Sufficient intake of tocopherol strengthens muscles (including the heart), improves energy metabolism and oxygen consumption in tissues and blood vessels. It is also necessary for the normal functioning of the reproductive system.

The oil is available in two forms: in the form of capsules and directly as a liquid. Moreover, the first option guarantees better preservation of useful components coupled with thorough cleaning. Oral administration is recommended in capsule form. The cosmetic form may contain additional oils (burdock, jojoba, etc.).

Useful properties of the product

At the cellular level, wheat oil promotes the formation and healing of cells by preventing oxidation and feeding cells with oxygen. Wheat germ oil also helps improve blood composition. The general properties are as follows.

  1. Anti-inflammatory.
  2. Wound healing.
  3. Protective.
  4. Rejuvenating.
  5. Prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary and circulatory systems.

In addition to the above, the product is widely used to prepare various masks for face and body care. Wheat germ oil for hair provides nutrition to the hair follicle, accelerates the growth of new hair and eliminates split ends. Improves metabolic processes in the skin, neutralizes the effects of free radicals. Saturates the skin with vitamin E, which is an antioxidant and slows down the aging process of cells.

It has good penetrating ability and has a moisturizing, regenerating, softening, anti-inflammatory, wound healing and anti-cellulite effect.

Despite the extensive list of beneficial qualities, this composition is not a medicine. Therefore, its use in the treatment of various diseases is possible only in combination with medications, after consultation with the attending physician!

Including oil capsules in your daily diet has a positive effect on the entire body as a whole. Its intake is useful for maintaining the skeletal system, teeth and blood vessels. This effect is due to the vitamin D content.

The oil contains zinc, iron, manganese, copper, and B vitamins. These substances complement and enhance the interaction of each other, which allows for the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis, anemia, hypertension, and thrombophlebitis. With regular use of wheat germ oil, the risk of strokes and heart attacks is significantly reduced.

Systematic use of the product allows you to improve the genitourinary system: improve the quality and quantity of sperm, prevent sexual dysfunction in men; restore hormonal levels, the menstrual cycle and stop the development of inflammation in the organs of the female reproductive system.

In addition, wheat germ oil is considered a highly effective product in the fight and prevention of infertility and gynecological diseases (endometriosis, vaginitis, etc.).

Indications for oral use

  1. Prevention of premature skin aging.
  2. Improving the functioning of the reproductive system.
  3. Prevention of coronary heart disease, heart attacks, strokes, etc.
  4. Rehabilitation after surgery, serious illnesses, chemotherapy.
  5. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver (cholecystitis, gastritis, hepatitis).
  6. Prevention of diabetic retinopathy.
  7. Antioxidant protection during pregnancy, as well as harmful working conditions.
  8. Increasing the body's strength during the period of adaptation to increased loads.

Daily intake of oil in capsules will be an indispensable prevention of gastritis, ulcers, enterocolitis, gastroduodenitis, and will help normalize intestinal motility. The phospholipids it contains have a pronounced hepatoprotective effect, which is especially valuable in the treatment and improvement of the liver.


Like other supplements, taking wheat germ oil is contraindicated during exacerbations of:

  • cholecystitis;
  • gastritis and ulcers.

In addition, capsules should not be taken in case of acute gastrointestinal infections, individual intolerance to the drug, or cholelithiasis. Before use, be sure to consult a specialist.

For general health improvement or prevention of various diseases, it is recommended to take wheat germ oil orally, one capsule in the morning and evening, half an hour before meals. This course can be continued for no longer than 2 months. If you use oil in liquid form, you need to remember that it cannot be heated. It is allowed to season cold dishes if the product is not accepted in its pure form.

  1. It is recommended to use it internally to strengthen the immune system, for diseases of internal organs, endocrine disorders, for stress, insomnia, and fears.
  2. Effective for overweight, during a course of cleansing the body of toxins, after courses of chemotherapy, previous operations, weakness and loss of strength for a speedy recovery.
  3. It is recommended for athletes under increased stress, those who live in environmentally unfavorable areas, as well as those whose profession is harmful to health.
  4. It is especially useful for pregnant and lactating women to take it.

Massage using a heated composition helps to alleviate the condition, as well as reduce pain from bruises and sprains.

To heal damaged skin, a slightly warmed product is applied in its pure form to the wound. Oil compresses also show effectiveness: moisten a cloth and apply it to the affected area, securing the bandage.

Cosmetic wheat germ oil

There are obvious benefits from using wheat germ oil for cosmetic purposes. Skin, hair, nails - literally from the first use they shine with natural beauty.

Many anti-aging creams contain wheat germ oil. It can also be found in hair masks and balms. When applied externally, the product in its pure form can prevent premature skin aging, improve complexion, and even correct deep wrinkles.

This product is ideal for skin care of any type. It has a pronounced rejuvenating, softening, nourishing and moisturizing effect. It perfectly fights dermatological problems: peeling, roughening, dry skin, as well as loss of firmness and elasticity of problem areas.

Daily use of this wonderful product has a beneficial effect on the condition of aging and fading skin: it tones, tightens the oval of the face, smoothes out fine wrinkles, and increases skin elasticity. It is also used as a cleanser, removing toxins and impurities from the deep layers of the dermis.

The anti-inflammatory properties of the product have a good effect in the treatment of acne, pustular wounds and various rashes (dermatitis of various etiologies, eczema, neurodermatitis). For burns, injuries and other damage to the dermis, oil significantly accelerates healing.

If you regularly use wheat germ oil on your skin, you will notice a pronounced lifting effect. It moisturizes the skin, increases its elasticity, prevents dryness and the appearance of stretch marks, brightens and evens out the color. The product is recommended for caring for problem areas of the body, as well as the skin on the chest, abdomen and thighs during pregnancy and after childbirth.

Recommended for dry and aging skin. Relieves irritation, itching, peeling and inflammation, improves complexion. Gives skin elasticity, restores firmness, improves blood circulation. For combination and oily skin, it is better to add a few drops of this oil to your regular cream.


The only contraindication to external use of the product is its individual intolerance. Patients with exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or urolithiasis must consult a specialist before use.

Methods of application

To eliminate cosmetic problems and rejuvenate, it is better to apply the oil in its pure form to a previously cleansed face.

Due to its viscous consistency, wheat germ oil is best combined with other oils (cosmetic, essential, plant) or applied before bed.

Face masks

The product is especially effective when used as a mask. Twice a day, the oil is applied to the facial skin along massage lines with light patting movements. After ten minutes, remove any remaining oil with a paper towel. It can be mixed with other oils: almond, apricot, peach, or grape seed in a ratio of 1/10.

Strengthening eyebrows and eyelashes

Eyelashes and eyelid contour are lubricated 1-2 times a day. With regular use, the oil improves their growth and structure, makes them voluminous and elastic.

Hand care

Every evening you should massage your hands and nails with heated oil. It can be enriched with essential oils (bergamot, lavender): for 1 tbsp. l. add 3-4 drops.

Body care

You can use the beneficial properties of the oil against cellulite and stretch marks. If you regularly massage with oil rubbed into problem areas, including using various massage attachments, you can significantly reduce the “orange peel” effect.

Due to the large amount of vitamins and microelements, the oil will help restore the elasticity and youth of the skin. However, if stretch marks appeared more than six months ago, most likely, the oil will not be able to restore the skin to its former appearance, but will somewhat improve its condition. In the case of “young” stretch marks, their severity may decrease.

Possible side effects

When used externally, allergic reactions may occur: itching, rashes. However, such cases are rare, therefore the use of oil is recommended for everyone. Internal appointment must be coordinated with a specialist!


Wheat germ oil is a product with high biological value. It contains essential amino acids, some of which are not synthesized by the body, but are required for its normal functioning. Such a rich composition allows the use of wheat germ oil for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes in diseases and in cosmetology.

As with the use of any auxiliary composition, the use of this drug must be agreed with the attending physician. When used externally, it is recommended to first test for an allergic reaction. It should be remembered that any substances must be used in full accordance with the instructions.

Among plant products, wheat germ oil is considered a unique remedy that preserves health and maintains beauty. Its composition is enriched with powerful antioxidants, in particular vitamin E and a host of active substances that have a beneficial effect on our health and help improve the quality of the skin. This oil is extracted using a cold pressing technique from sprouted wheat, directly from its sprouts. Nowadays, it is widespread almost everywhere; it is used in the field of cosmetology, food and for medicinal purposes.

Useful properties and composition of wheat germ oil.
Wheat germ (sprout) oil is a means of concentrating a mass of various vitamins (especially groups B, C, A, E, D, etc.), antioxidants (in particular squalene, octacosanol) and active substances that determine its amazing properties and prevalence applications in the field of cosmetology. It is especially valued for its regenerative and rejuvenating properties, thanks to which we are able to keep the skin young and elastic and maintain its healthy condition.

Wheat germ oil contains many essential and essential unsaturated fatty acids (omega 3, 6, 9), essential amino acids, lecithin, allantoin, which provides the product with anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties, various microelements, etc. All these substances and elements in complex work have a positive effect on the functioning of the organs and systems of our body. The constant inclusion of wheat germ oil in food leads to improved functioning of the digestive, endocrine, cardiovascular, reproductive and nervous systems, helps strengthen defenses, restore hormonal balance, regulate lipid metabolism, and also stimulates general cleansing of the body and the processes of removing accumulated toxins and other harmful substances. The beneficial effect of wheat germ oil on the internal functioning of the body has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the skin, hair, and nails.

The interaction of certain components in the composition of wheat germ oil, when used, helps strengthen blood vessels, normalize blood pressure, remove bad cholesterol, preventing the formation of atherosclerotic plaques and the formation of blood clots. Systematic intake of wheat germ oil has an anti-inflammatory effect, serves as a means of protecting the heart and blood vessels from the influence of free radicals, preventing the development of cancer. This useful product combines many substances required for the synthesis of hemoglobin. All these properties are confidently used for medicinal purposes and disease prevention (anemia, stroke, atherosclerosis, hypertension, heart attack, diabetic retinopathy, cardiac ischemia, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoids).

Wheat germ oil can be used in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, because it contains substances involved in the production of insulin.

The oil is useful for maintaining healthy bones, teeth and joints, which is due to the vitamin D content. Consumption of wheat germ oil is effective for vision problems and nervous system disorders.

The systematic inclusion of wheat germ oil in food also has an effect on the reproductive system. Thanks to the presence of phytosterols, wheat germ oil restores hormonal levels, fatty acids have a protective effect on cells, vitamins stimulate libido and potency. Its systematic use increases the quality and quantity of sperm, and is an excellent means of preventing various kinds of disorders in men, including sexual ones. In women, the use of wheat germ oil regulates the ovarian cycle and prevents the development of inflammation in the genital organs. Wheat germ oil is a highly effective means of preventing and treating infertility and various female diseases (vaginitis, mastopathy, endometriosis, cervical erosion).

Ingestion of wheat germ oil has a protective effect on liver cells, restores the functioning of the digestive system, regulates the acidity of gastric juice, and has anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties. Against this background, it fights heartburn, constipation, restores healthy intestinal microflora, is a preventive and therapeutic agent for peptic ulcers, colitis, gastritis, hepatitis, dysbacteriosis, enterocolitis, cholecystitis, etc.

It is extremely beneficial to drink wheat germ oil or add it to salads during pregnancy and lactation, during menopause and the premenstrual period. The unique and balanced composition of wheat germ oil helps the full development of the fetus and prevents various pathologies. During breastfeeding, this herbal product increases breast milk production and increases its fat content.

The use of wheat germ oil in care will bring obvious benefits: hair, skin, nails will immediately shine with natural beauty. The oil is ideal for caring for any skin type; it has a nourishing, moisturizing, softening, and rejuvenating effect. It perfectly combats various skin problems, in particular excessive dryness, flaking, roughness, loss of firmness and elasticity. Daily use of wheat germ oil has a beneficial effect on aging and aging skin, tightens the oval of the face, tones, smoothes wrinkles and increases skin elasticity. The oil is also a good cleanser that stimulates the removal of toxins from the skin.

The anti-inflammatory properties of the oil give good results in the treatment of acne, pustular wounds and various inflammations, skin diseases such as dermatitis, eczema, neurodermatitis. For burns, injuries and various skin damage, wheat germ oil accelerates their healing. It can be successfully used for nutrition and lifting of eyelids, lip care (effective for peeling, cracking and seizing). Wheat germ oil is often recommended for skin care of the chest, abdomen and thighs during pregnancy and the postpartum period. Its regular use moisturizes the skin, increases its elasticity, preventing dryness and the appearance of stretch marks, and lightens age spots and freckles.

The use of germ oil internally in the treatment of various diseases.
Wheat germ oil can be effectively used for both medicinal and prophylactic purposes in relation to organs and systems of the whole body (especially nervous, endocrine, sexual, reproductive and digestive). It is effective in the period after complex operations, a course of chemotherapy, perfectly strengthens the immune system, relieves insomnia, stress, improves mood, helps cleanse the body and get rid of excess weight, which is due to the ability to regulate carbohydrate and fat metabolism. This oil is recommended for athletes, people living in unfavorable environmental conditions, and also working in hazardous industries. If there is insufficiency or deficiency of vitamin E in the body, it is effective to use wheat germ oil.

To prevent aging and rejuvenate the skin, and simply for skin care, wheat germ oil is valuable; it fights various damage, inflammation, and skin diseases.

For the purpose of general health, disease prevention, and also as a supplement to general treatment, it is recommended to take one teaspoon of wheat germ oil internally in the morning and evening twenty minutes before meals. This therapeutic and health-improving course can be continued for no more than two months. If for some reason you cannot drink oil, you can season various vegetable salads and cereals with it, but you cannot heat it or use it for frying, as it loses its value.

To prevent the development of gastritis, peptic ulcers, and colitis, it is recommended to take wheat germ oil on an empty stomach in the amount of a teaspoon. The treatment course includes thirty days.

To heal skin damage (abrasions, cuts, burns), the oil is applied in its pure form, slightly warmed beforehand, to the affected areas. Oil compresses are no less effective: simply moisten a napkin and apply to the damage, securing the bandage.

To alleviate the condition, reduce or relieve pain from bruises and sprains, heated oil is good to use for massage purposes.

For general health, pregnant women and children from 5 to 15 years old are recommended to drink half a teaspoon of wheat germ oil in the morning and evening before meals for fourteen days.

The use of wheat germ oil in cosmetology.

Wheat germ oil for the face, recipes for use.
To eliminate cosmetic problems and rejuvenate, it is better to apply pure oil to a previously cleansed face. Due to its heavy consistency, wheat germ oil in skin care is best combined with other vegetable, cosmetic and essential oils, used as a night remedy and in the form of masks.

Mask for fading and aging skin.
Add essential oils of mint, sandalwood and orange, taken one drop each, to a tablespoon of wheat germ oil. Take a cosmetic napkin or a regular piece of gauze, soak it in the mixture and apply it to a cleansed face. After twenty minutes, beat in the excess oil (there will be a little of it) with your fingertips. Apply this mask in the evening two to three times a week, for medicinal purposes - daily until problems are eliminated, before going to bed, blot the skin with a paper napkin.

Mask for problematic skin prone to irritation, pimples and acne.
Combine one tablespoon of wheat germ oil with essential oils of clove, cedar and lavender, taken one drop each. The mask should be used in the same way as described above.

Mask against freckles and age spots.
Mix a tablespoon of base oil with bergamot, lemon and juniper essential oils, just take one drop each. The method of application is the same, you can do it twice a day.

Mask against wrinkles and puffiness under the eyes.
For a tablespoon of wheat germ oil you will need one drop of sandalwood and neroli, or just add two drops of rose oil. Using the composition, self-massage all areas of the face, including the skin of the lips (in the direction of the massage lines, gently, without stretching the skin). After the massage, leave the oil on your face for half an hour, then soak the excess with a paper towel.

From crow's feet.
In 5 ml of wheat germ oil, add 15 ml of grape seed, four drops of vitamin E, add three drops of grapefruit and rosemary. Combine everything and pour into a clean bottle with a lid. The composition removes makeup residues well (drop two drops of the finished product onto a damp cotton pad). To prevent and eliminate wrinkles around the eyes, apply a couple of drops of the product to the problem area and rub in with your fingertips until completely absorbed.

Or this recipe: add one and a half teaspoons of rosehip oil to half a teaspoon of wheat germ oil.

Mask for dry and aging skin.
Mix wheat germ oil (half a teaspoon) with the addition of any vegetable oil in the amount of two teaspoons (olive, peach, flaxseed, apricot, almond). Apply to a clean face, combining with massage. After half an hour, remove excess oil with a napkin.

Mask for oily and problem skin.
Combine wheat germ oil (half a teaspoon) with grape oil (one and a half teaspoons). Use as a night care product. You can also make a mask.

Mask for any skin type.
Add a tablespoon of crushed rolled oats flakes to warm milk until a mass is formed that resembles non-liquid sour cream, into which add a teaspoon of wheat germ oil. Leave the composition for twenty minutes, rinse with warm water.

Mask for combination skin.
It is good to combine wheat germ oil with peach oil in equal proportions. Apply for twenty minutes, the residue can be massaged into the skin, or can be removed with a napkin.

Skin cleanser.
Wheat germ oil can be used undiluted or combined with peach and almond oils. Soak a cotton pad in hot water, apply a mixture of oils with a swab and wipe the skin.

Based on this unique herbal product, it is good to make homemade creams and add them to ready-made cosmetics (a couple of drops for one-time use).

Wheat germ oil is excellent for caring for the delicate décolleté and bust area. The skin in this area returns smoothness, youth and elasticity.

Wheat germ oil for hair, recipes for use.
Wheat germ oil helps restore damaged, overly dry and brittle hair. To do this, it should be applied undiluted to the roots, rubbing into the scalp and ends. It is recommended to do this forty minutes before washing your hair. Wash your hair with shampoo. For visible results, apply this mask every other day for three weeks. This recipe can be slightly improved by adding two drops of ginger and pine, or cedar and eucalyptus, or thyme and orange to wheat germ oil (1 tbsp).

For rapid growth and elimination of hair fragility, it is effective to add wheat germ oil to ready-made care products (conditioners, balms, masks) (1:1). Apply the product forty minutes before washing your hair, with a film and a towel on top. Wash off the mask as usual. As a preventive measure, you can do it once a week. You can also add a drop of rosemary oil to the recipe to enhance the effect.

Or this recipe: mix a tablespoon of wheat germ oil and almond oil, add a teaspoon of peach oil. Heat the mixture, rub into the roots and scalp, then apply evenly over the entire length, paying attention to the ends. Wrap the top with polyethylene and a towel. After an hour, wash off with shampoo.

To nourish the ends of your hair, pure oil can be applied at night and washed in the morning. After a week of daily use, you will notice a noticeable difference. Regular use of this oil serves as a means of protecting the hair structure from damage due to regular use of hair styling products and devices.

Wheat germ oil for hands and nails.
Massage your hands and nails with heated oil every evening. The oil can be enriched with essential oils (bergamot, lavender), three to four drops per tablespoon.

Wheat germ oil for stretch marks and cellulite.
Massaging problem areas of the body with wheat germ oil, both in pure form and in combination with essential oils, will help prevent the appearance of cellulite and stretch marks, smooth the surface of the skin and add elasticity and firmness. Mix a tablespoon of base with the same amount of jojoba oil, or with three drops of essential oil (rosemary or orange), or add three other essential oils drop by drop (grapefruit, juniper, lemon).

Contraindications to the use of wheat germ oil.
Individual intolerance, which occurs very rarely, is practically the only prohibition on the use of this amazing herbal remedy. Patients with urolithiasis and cholelithiasis should consult their doctor before using it.

You can store the oil in a cool, dark place, tightly closed, for no more than a year. Once opened, store exclusively in the refrigerator.