
Skin elasticity: the “golden fleece” worth fighting for. Oils and products that increase skin elasticity Creams to increase skin elasticity


How to increase skin elasticity?

Our skin loses elasticity and firmness for many reasons. These reasons include age, improper care and nutrition, dehydration and dry skin, rapid weight loss, pregnancy, exposure to harmful ecology. In this article we will not talk about cosmetics, of which there are quite a lot today to correct the situation. We will talk about how to increase skin elasticity using fatty oils and other products that can restore lost elasticity to the skin and make the skin firm and smooth again.
Oils for skin elasticity.
There are a lot of fatty vegetable oils in nature, sometimes we don’t even suspect that some plant can provide oil that will help restore elasticity to the skin. These oils are used separately in oil mixtures or added to homemade body and face masks, creams, soaps and shampoos. The value of such oils is explained by their composition: a large amount of vitamins, unsaturated fatty acids and other biologically active substances. That is why vegetable oils can improve metabolism, stimulate regeneration processes in skin cells, strengthen cell membranes and prevent oxidation. In addition, they will help the skin cleanse and retain moisture.
Some oils are known, but there are also oils whose effects are virtually unknown.
For example, we know about the effect of almond oil. It contains large quantities of vitamins, especially vitamin E, which slows down the aging process. With long-term use of almond oil, you can achieve protection against ultraviolet radiation for your skin; the skin will become moisturized, fresh and young; fine wrinkles will be smoothed out and complexion will improve.
We also know about the effect of peach oil. It can also increase skin elasticity and give the skin a healthy color. In addition, peach oil relieves inflammation, tones, softens, moisturizes, brightens and rejuvenates the skin. Those with sensitive and damaged skin will benefit from peach oil, as it can heal scratches and wounds and improve the condition of mucous membranes.
Peach oil is often found in cosmetics - shampoos, conditioners, masks for skin and hair. Children's cosmetics also contain peach oil.
Apricot oil works in much the same way and is suitable for any skin type.
Avocado oil will help make fading, dry and flaky skin more elastic, because the oil perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin. The oil will be especially beneficial for the skin around the eyes. Avocado oil is used for sunburn. And if you mix avocado oil with 5-6 drops of rosemary oil and rub the resulting mixture on your body after taking a shower, you will improve skin tone and also increase its elasticity.
Wheat germ oil is suitable for any skin type. The oil relieves irritation, swelling, inflammation, itching and flaking. Thanks to vitamin E, which is contained in large quantities in the oil, the skin becomes elastic and firm. In addition, the oil can prevent the appearance of rosacea and reduce its manifestation.
Castor oil and walnut oil can also increase skin elasticity. In addition, castor oil is inexpensive, so pay attention to it and include it in your skin care.
We know less about some effective oils, but thanks to trade relationships, we can still incorporate these oils into skin care and get great results. Here is one of them - kokum, Indian garcinia oil. This oil is extracted from the seeds of the fruit of a tree that grows on the southwestern side of India. It is extracted by cold pressing. The oil stimulates cell renewal, softens the skin, increases skin firmness and elasticity, and protects the skin from drying out. Garcinia oil is often used in medicinal mixtures to treat ulcers, peeling and cracks.
Rice oil is also used for cosmetic purposes. Rice oil is obtained from rice bran. Rice oil softens and moisturizes the skin, has a regenerating effect, prevents the appearance of early wrinkles, so it will be useful for women over 50 years old. Rice oil contains squalene, which is necessary for the skin for normal and proper metabolism. The oil is easily absorbed and does not clog pores. Rice oil is also used as a sunscreen and baby skin care product.
Products that increase skin elasticity.
We will not talk about all the food products that will help increase skin elasticity, since there are many of them, we will talk about some products. Most of these products can be purchased at a regular store.
Buckwheat will help maintain skin elasticity for a long time, and even nutritionists called it anti-aging. Buckwheat can be used to prepare not only porridge, but also other dishes. Buckwheat contains a large amount of rutin, a flavonoid that maintains collagen elasticity and slows down the appearance of wrinkles.
Silicon, as well as products containing silicon, are an element of youth because they maintain skin firmness and elasticity. Silicon is found in cereals, bran, some fruits and berries. Cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, fresh herbs, seeds, sprouted cereal seeds.
If your skin becomes pale and loses its elasticity, this indicates a lack of iron. Iron is found in buckwheat and oatmeal, red meat and liver, egg yolk, veal and rabbit. Pork, chicken and lamb also contain iron, but its content is slightly lower.
Selenium is also responsible for the elasticity of the skin, it protects it from most aggressive influences. Selenium is found in Brazil nuts and coconuts, sardines and tuna, seafood, beef and pork liver, and garlic. In eggs, wheat grains and brown rice.
Zinc, contained in seafood and fish, will prevent the skin from losing its elasticity. Zinc is also found in yeast, wheat bran, calf liver, beef, pumpkin seeds, cocoa, mushrooms and nuts.
If your skin has not yet lost its elasticity, then you need to maintain it in this state for as long as possible. To do this, you need to eat well and lead a healthy lifestyle. Prepare your own food and include natural and fresh foods in your diet. Try not to eat spicy seasonings and sauces; fried, fatty, salty and sweet dishes. Get enough rest and sleep. Spend more time outdoors. Choose the right decorative cosmetics.

The reason why our skin loses its firmness and elasticity may not only be due to age. This could be due to improper care and nutrition, pregnancy, dryness, dehydration of the skin, exposure to harmful ecology, rapid weight loss, etc. Currently, there are quite a lot of cosmetic products that can correct the situation, but in this article I would like to talk about how to increase skin elasticity with the help of food and oils.

Oils for skin elasticity
There are quite a lot of fatty oils in nature. Often we don’t even suspect that we can obtain oil from the plant that restores skin elasticity.
Oils can be used separately, added to soaps or shampoos, creams or masks for the body and face, and used as a base for oil mixtures. Their value is explained by their rich composition: oils contain large amounts of vitamins, unsaturated fatty acids and other biologically active substances. Thanks to this composition, vegetable oils help cleanse the skin, improve overall metabolism, stimulate regeneration processes in skin cells, strengthen cell membranes, preventing oxidation, and also retain moisture.

Some oils are already widely known, but there are others about whose effects we know little. The first include oil such as almond oil. It is very rich in vitamins, in particular vitamin E, which slows down the aging process. With long-term use of almond oil, your skin will become young, moisturized and fresh, in addition, it will be protected from UV radiation.

To increase elasticity and give the skin a healthy color, peach oil is often used. It can relieve inflammation, tone, moisturize, brighten and rejuvenate the skin. Peach oil is very useful for sensitive and damaged skin, as it improves the condition of mucous membranes and heals scratches and wounds. This oil is often included in masks for skin and hair, shampoos, balms, as well as in children's cosmetics. Apricot oil has approximately the same effect, suitable for any skin type.

Avocado oil will make even dry, flaky and aging skin more elastic - it perfectly nourishes and moisturizes, and is also widely used for sunburn. This oil is especially beneficial for the skin around the eyes. To improve skin tone and increase its elasticity, after a shower, rub your body with a mixture of avocado oil and a few drops of rosemary oil.

Wheat germ oil can be used for any skin type. It restores the firmness and elasticity of the skin thanks to the high content of vitamin E, and also relieves swelling, irritation, peeling, and itching. This oil can prevent the occurrence of rosacea or reduce its manifestation.

Castor oil and walnut oil will also restore skin elasticity well. It is worth noting that castor oil can be purchased at any pharmacy at a very affordable price, so it is worth paying attention to it and adding it to your skin care products.

In our country, some effective oils are little known. For example, garcinia indica oil, kokum. It stimulates cell renewal, softens the skin, increases its elasticity and firmness, and protects against dryness. Garcinia oil is often used in products to treat cracks, peeling and ulcers.

Not many people know that the oil of such a famous crop in our country as rice is also used in cosmetology. This oil is obtained from rice bran. Rice oil moisturizes and softens the skin, has a regenerating effect and prevents the appearance of premature wrinkles. This oil is especially recommended for women over fifty years of age.

A very high concentration of unsaturated fatty acids is found in borage oil, also called borage or borage oil. It is also rich in other beneficial substances, so it is widely used to treat skin and other diseases. This oil is included in dietary supplements and cosmetics. It retains moisture in the skin, increases elasticity and protective properties, revitalizes fading, dry and tired skin.

Products that increase skin elasticity

Whatever creams and oils we use, it is important to remember that the elasticity of the skin depends on the amount of moisture in its tissues. The skin needs hydration not only outside, but also inside - you should drink not only coffee or tea, but also clean water. This will be a great help for relatively young women, but for older women, they should use cosmetics that bind moisture.

It is impossible to talk about all the products that can be used to increase skin elasticity. Many of them can be purchased in regular stores, and they are not considered exotic.

If you take simple buckwheat seriously, you can keep your skin elastic for quite a long time. Buckwheat contains a lot of rutin, a flavonoid that maintains skin elasticity and slows down the appearance of wrinkles. This cereal also contains a lot of unsaturated fatty acids, the benefits of which we already know.

Silicon can easily be called the element of youth. They are rich in bran, cereals, some berries and fruits, carrots, cabbage, cucumbers, seeds, fresh herbs, sprouted cereal seeds, etc.

With a lack of iron, the skin may become pale and lose elasticity. There is a lot of it in buckwheat, as well as in egg yolk, oatmeal, liver, red meat: rabbit, veal, a little less in chicken, lamb and pork.

Responsible for skin elasticity and selenium, which is found in Brazilian and coconut nuts, sardines and tuna, beef and pork liver, garlic, eggs, wheat grains, brown rice.

Seafood and fish contain a lot of zinc, which prevents loss of elasticity. Its sources also include yeast, wheat bran, veal liver, beef, mushrooms, cocoa, nuts, and pumpkin seeds.

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Products for oily skin

Using skin products you can significantly reduce unwanted oiliness. Although dermatologists and cosmetologists do not yet have a clear answer to the question of why the skin begins to secrete too much sebum. Genetics, stress, poor nutrition, inappropriate cosmetics - these are the possible causes of imbalance. However, recommendations for improving problem skin in terms of nutrition have been developed and are available to everyone.

  • Whole grains, unlike white flour, provide the body with more fiber, antioxidants and proteins and do not affect blood sugar levels.

Fruits and vegetables containing antioxidants and vitamin A are very helpful in a diet with high fat content. Valuable for its anti-inflammatory effect, as well as for cleansing skin pores. Make it a rule to eat your choice of lettuce, broccoli, carrots or pumpkin every day. For dessert - according to the season: apricot, tangerines, mango, papaya or fresh juices from the listed fruits.

  • Animal fats are excluded from all dishes. We use vegetable oil, and then in moderation.

Fish (sea and freshwater) is also a healthy product for oily skin. The polyunsaturated fatty acids it contains reduce excess fat content. Fish dishes should be prepared baked, boiled, grilled or steamed.

Some more practical tips:

  • Avoid unhealthy fried or deep-fried foods;
  • prefer low-fat kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese;
  • eat chicken without skin;
  • avoid fast food establishments;
  • do not buy ready-made snacks;
  • take everything possible in its raw form;
  • drink plenty of clean water and unsweetened green tea.

There are also recipes for simple but effective masks that can be easily prepared at home from food products.

Products for dry skin

Together with proper external facial care, products for dry skin will be the key to a beautiful and healthy appearance. Dry skin quite often plagues women. The problem is provoked by various reasons: from genetics to allergies to cosmetics, cold or heat. Dryness can be caused by aggressive hygiene products, lack of moisture, vitamins or nutrients. In this case, the menu must be adjusted to increase them.

  • drink enough plain water;
  • eat foods rich in vitamins A, B, E. These are dairy products, especially yogurt, green vegetables, fruits - wheat germ, apricot, avocado, melon;
  • Eat at least a little carrots and pumpkins every day, which contain irreplaceable beta-carotene;
  • perfectly prevents dryness; there is enough of it in eggs, asparagus, garlic, onions;
  • Olive and linseed oils are wonderful natural remedies in the fight against dry skin;
  • Berries (grapes, currants), apples, tomatoes, yogurt, sugar beets, cane sugar are excellent for nourishing thinned skin - they contain biochemical alpha acids.

The main problem with dry skin is rapid aging. To enhance the beneficial effects, some skin products can be used in the form of nourishing masks. But what you need to resolutely give up is alcohol. You shouldn't overuse coffee either. And be sure to get enough sleep!

Dairy products for skin

Dairy products are always at the top of the must-have skin products. You should choose those with less fat. Because other substances benefit the skin – primarily vitamin A.

Dairy products:

  • strengthen hair, nails, teeth, bones;
  • contain cultures of bacteria that destroy putrefactive intestinal microflora;
  • increase immunity;
  • When used regularly, they freshen your breath.

The result of such influence is literally “on the face”, and the result is very positive.

  • It is important to use natural dairy products for the skin: yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese, sour cream. Experts remind us of homemade products that have been undeservedly forgotten and supplanted by civilization: yogurt, fermented baked milk, baked milk, and Varenets. Their naturalness is a guarantee of the desired result.

Natural sour milk also forms the basis of popular face masks. By mixing honey, fruit or berry pulp, yolks, olive or almond oil, aloe juice and other ingredients with kefir, we get an excellent product with a nourishing, moisturizing, refreshing, softening effect.

Recipe for a moisturizing and softening mask:

  • Mix half a spoon (teaspoon) of olive oil with a spoonful of honey, add the same amount of yogurt without fillers, aloe juice. Apply the mixture for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water, wash with mineral water without gas.

Products for youthful skin

Beauty requires sacrifice. Therefore, let’s start “from the end”: let’s first sacrifice everything that is edible, but harmful, although very tempting in smell and taste. Next, we will diversify the menu with products for youthful skin.

Not useful

  • canned food (meat, fish, vegetables, compotes);
  • semi-finished products;
  • shelf-stable dishes;
  • oversalted and overly spicy food.

The skin literally screams for help when it peels, becomes dry and irritable, when its smoothness and elasticity disappear. These signals cannot be ignored, since at an early stage it is enough to make small adjustments to the diet to rid her of defects and restore health and youth. Regular skin products can do this task, provided you regularly use enough of them.

  • One of the newest theories of early skin aging blames radiation and heavy metals. It is assumed that products, water, and air contaminated with radiation and harmful metals, entering the body, destroy it at the cellular level. The radicals formed in this case must be removed, which is successfully accomplished by the antioxidants inherent in the fruits, which are dark green and bright in color. There are a lot of them in green onions and lettuce, broccoli and olives, carrots, tomatoes and bell peppers. Green tea with honey is an excellent source of antioxidants.

Peeling and unpleasant dryness indicate that there is not enough vitamin A in the diet. There is a lot of it in red and orange fruits. It is absorbed with fats, so pharmacists offer a concentrated drug in the form of an oil solution. Vitamin A is also a regular ingredient in popular face creams.

Adsorbent products make their contribution to the fight against premature aging:

  • raw vegetables, fruits;
  • bran;
  • porridges from different cereals.

A deficiency of polyunsaturated fatty acids leads to inflammation, wrinkles, loss of elasticity, and makes it vulnerable to adverse external factors. Fatty fish will fill the shortage: salmon, herring, tuna, mackerel, and from the plant group - nuts, seeds, olive and other oils. Nuts are generally considered products of eternal youth - for the presence of antioxidants and substances that accelerate renewal processes.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is indispensable for the body, including the skin of the face. Without it, wrinkles appear much earlier than expected. A storehouse of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) - fresh fruits, pickled vegetables and fruits, fruit and vegetable juices. It is imperative to take into account that it does not withstand heat treatment.

  • Biotin (vitamin H) can prevent sagging and restore freshness. It can be more than found in yolks, liver, milk, nuts, and brewer's yeast.

Protein deficiency is manifested by the formation of wounds and cracks that heal poorly. The natural process of skin cell renewal slows down. Fish, chicken, turkey, cottage cheese will cope with this problem perfectly. An important group of proteins are enzymes. They are destroyed by high temperatures, so they are preserved only in raw foods.

Products for skin elasticity

Products for skin elasticity consist of several groups; they “jointly” ensure its elasticity, and therefore health and youth.

  • Let's start with water. Most of the physiological processes that ensure the vital activity of each cell occur in the aquatic environment. The speed and clarity of these reactions, the absorption of food and the removal of toxins depend on the volume and quality of water. Every day the human body needs about two liters of fluid.

Eggplants, garden greens, legumes, liver, yeast, grain bread contain a set of B vitamins. They keep the skin toned, help restore and retain moisture.

  • And again about green tea. This is a unique natural remedy, rich in polyphenols that support elasticity. In the same row are berries: blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, plums, beans, artichokes. The functions of the substances present in them are to “neutralize” free radicals and protect cell membranes from destruction.

Vitamins D, K, and F contribute to elasticity. There are many of them in vegetable oils, liver, fish, eggs, seeds, and peanuts.

Olive and other oils are valuable due to the presence of vitamin E. It slows down aging, retains moisture in the skin and effectively retains internal moisture. Thanks to this, the skin does not age for a long time.

Unsaturated organic acids rejuvenate the skin, helping to remain elastic. They come with nuts, flax seeds, seafood and other skin products. Retains moisture and helps pores breathe. Omega-6 is enough in the body, omega-3 needs to be replenished. As a duet, they redouble their efforts, directing them towards rejuvenation.

  • There is no way without vitamin C either. It promotes the formation of collagen, the healing of small wounds, and the strength of blood vessels. Contained in citrus fruits, kiwi, currants, cranberries, spinach, peppers, potatoes.

Skin Moisturizing Products

Hydrated skin is beautiful skin. With the help of products to moisturize the skin, it is quite possible to make the reflection in the mirror something that is pleasant to look at.

  • Olives and olive oil

Oleic acid has a beneficial effect on elasticity. Good fats help absorb antioxidants that come from a variety of plant foods and remove waste.

  • Natural yoghurts

No need to put sugar in them. For those with a sweet tooth, it is better to add honey, raisins, and dried apricots. The beneficial microflora it contains treats inflammation, even eczema.

Fish protein comes in handy when it comes to hydration. Nutritionists recommend salmon, sardines and trout due to their high content of substances with powerful anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Berries, fruits, vegetables

The gifts of fields, gardens and wild nature contain many things necessary for health. Fruits of all shades of yellow-red are replete with carotenoids, which can even resist malignant tumors. Berries are excellent natural desserts. In particular, raspberries and blueberries, with the help of anthocyanins, protect against an overdose of ultraviolet rays.

  • Natural honey

This is a unique skin moisturizing product. In terms of its usefulness, it is one of the leaders. It’s easier to say what honey doesn’t have than to list its advantages – both taste and healing. There are many varieties of this bee product, all of them very valuable.

Without water, hydration is impossible in principle. If the menu can be varied, then water in each case has a place of honor. The requirements for its quality are also the same: clean, without chemicals, sugar and gas.

  • Spices

It turns out that even spices contain vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Not to mention dill-parsley and onion-garlic. Therefore, both local and imported spices are a must in the kitchen of a woman who wants to moisturize her skin. Of course, they cannot be abused: it is better to “under-” than “over-”.

  • Vitamin complexes

Sometimes, on the advice of doctors, it is necessary to enhance the effect of food products on the skin with pharmaceuticals. There is nothing wrong with this, just don’t get carried away with self-medication.

Antioxidant Products for Skin

Antioxidants have a positive effect on the renewal of organs and systems at the cellular level. All nature is rich in them, and various fruits are rich in them to one degree or another. They are also present in food of animal origin. We offer a sample list of such skin products.

  • Orange, bright yellow, red fruits (tomatoes, pumpkin, peppers, carrots, apricots). Contains provitamin A, which is responsible for skin cell renewal.
  • Fruits and berries (kiwi, oranges, currants, strawberries). These storehouses of ascorbic acid strengthen blood vessels, take part in the formation of collagen, and “slow down” aging.
  • Fish (mackerel, herring, sardine, salmon). A source of essential acids, vitamins A and D. Under their influence, wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin regenerates, becomes fresher and younger.
  • Cottage cheese is not only a storehouse of calcium, which is so necessary for teeth and bones. It also contains powerful antioxidants selenium and vitamin E, which delay the inevitable, alas, process of natural withering for an indefinite future.
  • The grain-legume group of agricultural plants contains silicon - a material for collagen, as well as various B vitamins. Their presence softens and promotes skin renewal. Wholemeal bread and cereals perfectly cleanse the intestines, which has a miraculous effect on the beauty of the skin.
  • Green tea is among the best antioxidant foods for skin.

Products for skin elasticity

Products for skin elasticity should contain different vitamins: A, C, E, PP, H. It is this complex that has active antioxidant properties. They protect against adverse environmental factors, ultraviolet radiation, oxidation and moisture loss.

  • The elasticity of the skin is provided by collagen and elastin fibers. If they fall apart, the skin withers and loses elasticity. This manifests itself in wrinkles on the face. An ordinary pomegranate successfully resists this unwanted process. It prolongs the existence of fibroblasts, from which collagen and elastin are actually formed. This delays the appearance of wrinkles. The miracle fruit helps heal wounds, restore skin cells, and stubbornly resists age-related changes.

Fine wrinkles as a result of loss of elasticity occur with a lack of healthy fatty acids. The body can be saturated with them using seafood, a variety of seeds and vegetable fats.

Vitamin C in sufficient quantities will also prevent aging. More than other plant products, it is found in currants, rose hips, citrus fruits, fresh juices, pickled and pickled vegetables.

Aging, like skin renewal, is a complex process. There are no wrinkles without sagging, no irritation without dryness; and vice versa - youth without freshness and radiance of the skin. And it is impossible to single out a separate food for each individual defect, because each skin product contains different beneficial properties. Only slight accents in one direction or another are possible, but the general trend, with other normal indicators, is a rational, balanced diet.

Skin tanning products

A long-lasting, even tan suits both blond and brown-haired faces. The subtlety lies in the shade. Many people are willing to pay a lot of money to have a tanned look all year round, and not just in the summer. Because of this, cosmetologists have used tons of chemicals, inventing effective recipes for lotions and creams, someone else came up with a solarium - any whim for your money! Skin tanning products will help speed up the desired result.

Tanning occurs due to the formation of melanin in the skin. The amount of pigment increases in proportion to the dose of sunlight and irradiation time. Products must certainly contain substances that promote tanning:

  • tryptophan, tyrosine (amino acids);
  • beta-carotene (provitamin);
  • vitamin E;
  • selenium;
  • lycopene (pigment).

These substances are contained in the following products:

  • carrots (a glass of juice on the beach is a great choice);
  • apricots (in season – 200 g daily);
  • peaches;
  • grapes;
  • melon;
  • watermelon;
  • tomatoes;
  • meat;
  • liver;
  • seafood.

What a tan “doesn’t like” is tea, coffee, chocolate products, fatty and smoked foods.

It should be emphasized that skin products by themselves are not capable of causing a tan. However, such a diet enhances dark skin, strengthens the tan, and makes it natural. The skin receives protection from excessive solar radiation and aging.

Skin Lightening Products

No matter how fashionable artificial dark skin may be, women have long wanted to be “all rosy and whiter.” Many fairy-tale heroines, from Cinderellas to queens, resorted to miraculous remedies for this purpose.

Nowadays, beauties have a whole scientific and industrial branch at their service, offering cosmetics for all occasions. But we will focus on the most economical methods of lightening using special skin products.

Skin is whitened in several cases:

  • when they want to get rid of annoying freckles;
  • to remove pigmentation;
  • whiten excess dark skin;
  • I just don't like the complexion.

Many products have a brightening effect:

  • cucumbers;
  • parsley (decoction);
  • dandelion, bearberry, yarrow, licorice (decoction);
  • juices of various berries;
  • kefir, sour cream, whey;
  • lemon;
  • rice (decoction);
  • essential oils (grapefruit, lemon, orange, mint, eucalyptus, tea tree).

The oil ingredient should be added to the mask one or two drops at a time.

Considering that masks made from skin lightening products dry it out, after washing your face you need to apply a nourishing cream.

Best Products for Smooth Skin

Dreaming of smooth skin, you need to exclude tasty but unhealthy foods and dishes made from them from your diet, replacing them with fresh vegetables, dairy products, and fruits. Avoid alcoholic and carbonated drinks and bad habits.

Of particular value for smooth skin are:

  • fish, seafood (omega-3 fatty acids, zinc);
  • citruses, red vegetables (vitamin C);
  • orange and green vegetables (vitamin A, beta-carotene);
  • nuts (vitamin E);
  • whole grains, black bread (rutin, vitamins B, E, fatty acids);
  • oils from plants;
  • butter (a little);
  • yogurt, kefir.

For smooth skin, it is useful to start each meal with fresh vegetables or fruits (600 grams per day). Bananas, grapefruits, kiwis, lemons, lingonberries, cabbage should be on the table every day, and three glasses of kefir (yogurt) should become the norm. A handful of nuts or two – seeds are also the best foods for smooth skin.

Such nutrition, along with other remedies, will certainly help your skin remain young, smooth, and beautiful.

The characteristics “elasticity” and “strength” are closely related. In 99 cases out of 100, these two concepts are used separated by a comma, and many generally think that they are one and the same thing. Indeed, they are close and play an equally important role for skin tone. But there are still differences between them.

    Elasticity- the ability of the skin to stretch without damaging its structure.

    Elasticity- the ability of the skin to resist deformation and return to its original shape when stretched or compressed.

Here is what Vichy medical expert Elena Eliseeva says about this:

“Responsible for skin elasticity collagen fibers that, like the spring frame of a mattress, restore the surface of tissues after compression. They are responsible for elasticity elastin fibers: they run diagonally at different angles, “pulling” the dermis and preventing the separation of its components.”

Elastin fibers are responsible for skin elasticity © iStock

Both collagen and elastin fibers are synthesized by the same cells - fibroblasts. Over time, their activity slows down, and consequently, elastin and collagen become less, which leads to loss of tone and the list goes on:

  1. 1

    wrinkles (folds and creases);

  2. 2

    sagging skin of the face and body.

What does skin elasticity depend on?

Elasticity is directly dependent on the relationship between the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers and their destruction. At a young age it is 1:1. But gradually the proportions change: more elastin and collagen are consumed than produced. We cannot stop this process, but we can slow it down. How? Let's move on to the next point.

Elasticity is determined by the skin's ability to stretch © iStock

How to increase skin elasticity

If you want your skin to be elastic and firm, you will have to make some changes to your diet and not neglect the rules of care.

Failure to comply with this point can be costly for your skin. Ultraviolet rays type A, which are not contained by clouds or window glass, are destructive day after day, reducing the ability of fibroblasts to synthesize the main skin proteins - collagen and elastin.

The more responsible you approach the issue, the greater the chance of your skin maintaining its tone, firmness and elasticity.

Ultraviolet damages elastin fibers © iStock


Skin with an insufficient level of moisture a priori cannot be elastic. Imagine a dry blade of grass - it breaks even with a little tension. It’s a completely different matter - fabrics saturated with moisture, they stretch better and are not injured. Pay attention to cosmetics with the following ingredients:

  1. 1

    hyaluronic acid;

  2. 3

    aloe extract and juice;

  3. 4

    algae extract.

We give examples of moisturizers and remind you that the skin needs to be moisturized not only from the outside, but also from the inside (observing a drinking regime at the rate of 30 ml of pure still water per 1 kg of weight per day). Otherwise, no cosmetics will help.

    Daily gel-serum for skin exposed to external aggressive influences, Minéral 89, Vichy 89% consists of thermal water rich in microelements. In addition, the product contains hyaluronic acid and glycerin, which attract and retain water.

    Aquafluid for normal and combination skin “Genius of Moisturizing”, L'Oréal Paris based on purified water, enriched with hyaluronic acid and aloe juice, supplies moisture to 5 layers of the epidermis.

    Softens, moisturizes and tightens the skin due to the action of Blue Hyaluron - a natural activator of collagen synthesis.


If you reduce your sugar intake, and ideally give it up completely, you can prevent a process that is harmful to the skin, such as glycation. This is the “gluing” of collagen and elastin fibers under the influence of glucose molecules, which undermines their ability to resist deformation. So sweets - no.

Let's talk Yes:

  1. 1

    fresh vegetables and herbs, rich in antioxidants;

  2. 2

    unrefined vegetable oils rich in essential fatty acids;

  3. 3

    oily fish are a source of Omega-3 fatty acids.

To protect collagen and elastin fibers from glycation, you will need cosmetics with antioxidants.

Vitamins and dietary supplements

You can feed your body with dietary supplements containing hyaluronic acid and antioxidants - substances that can really affect skin elasticity. But, as Elena Eliseeva warns, you need to adhere to the rules.

  1. 1

    Systematicity. Don’t expect a miracle from one capsule; you need a course lasting 3–6 months. Having saturated the internal organs, the body will begin to supply useful components to the skin.

  2. 2

    A complex approach. Drink vitamins for internal use and use creams for external use.

  3. 3

    Balance. Look for a dietary supplement with a complex of components: glycosaminoglycans, lycopene, vitamin C - or take several medications at once. Be sure to consult with a specialist first.


To all of the above, you need to add beauty products that stimulate the synthesis of the protein framework of the skin - collagen and elastin.

Has your skin become loose and your figure looks unattractive even without excess weight? You may have lost weight rapidly. But this may not be the only reason. In any case, to make the body elastic again, you need to work to look attractive. Let’s look at how to do this correctly and how not to interfere with the process of returning skin elasticity.

Causes of sagging skin

One of the most common mistakes when losing weight is the desire to quickly lose excess weight, which can be put on for more than one month or even a year. With the use of harsh methods this is quite possible. However, not entirely useful. In addition to harm to health, such methods have a stressful effect on the skin, which simply does not have time to recover.

In addition to rapid weight loss, the following reasons can affect the state of sagging skin:

  • lack of sports in life. Covering the flabby muscle corset, the skin cannot fully maintain its elasticity;
  • changes associated with age. Over the years, the body loses the ability to produce structural proteins on its own. And with their deficiency, the skin loses its tone and sags;
  • insufficient moisture. Dehydration of the body is fraught with overdrying of the skin, which makes it sluggish and saggy. This may be a consequence of intestinal infectious diseases or prolonged exposure to the scorching sun;
  • bad habits. Alcohol has a diuretic function, which is dangerous due to the loss of moisture from tissues. And nicotine constricts blood vessels, which leads to insufficient supply of oxygen and nutrients to skin cells. These moments weaken the epidermis and make it flabby;
  • incorrect cosmetic care or lack thereof. Incorrectly selected or low-quality cosmetics will not provide proper hydration, nutrition and protection of the epidermis, which will lead to its rapid withering;
  • influence of external factors. Frequent exposure to the scorching rays of the sun and frosty air negatively affects the general condition of the skin, drying out and destroying its structure.
A thin body can be flabby for various reasons.

What can slow down the restoration of skin elasticity?

On the way to a toned body and elastic skin, you should take into account points that can slow down this process, even if all the necessary beneficial measures are conscientiously applied:

  • washing in hot water and visiting the bathhouse. This type of water treatment deprives the epidermis of beneficial oils, leading to dryness. This prevents the skin from adapting normally, inhibiting recovery processes;
  • tanning under the sun. UV rays inhibit the basic functions of the epidermis. Therefore, you should spend less time under the scorching sun. And if you cannot avoid this, then be sure to use sunscreen with an SPF level of at least 30;
  • visit to the pool. Although it is believed that swimming is the best sport for tightening the body, frequent visits to the pool are dangerous due to the harmful effects of chlorine on the skin. If you do not want to exclude this moment, then be sure to take a shower immediately after training;
  • using harmful soap. Many hygiene products contain parabens and sulfates, which can disrupt the water-lipid balance of the skin and can also provoke allergic reactions. Therefore, it is worth abandoning such products, especially those with a high concentration of these harmful substances, in order to protect the skin from drying out;
  • regular lack of sleep. Daily lack of sleep gradually accumulates chronic fatigue and makes us vulnerable to stressful situations. This, in turn, increases the levels of certain hormones (cortisol, leptin) in the body, which increase hunger;
  • violation of the drinking regime. With a lack of fluid intake, the tissues begin the process of dehydration, leading to overdrying and subsequent wilting. To avoid this, drink at least 2 liters of clean water throughout the day.

Basics of proper nutrition

To maintain healthy skin, you need to monitor the quality of your diet, consuming enough nutrients and vitamins, and also avoiding unwanted foods. And to restore elasticity, you need to pay special attention to this point. For full regeneration processes and metabolism in epidermal cells, it is necessary to maintain metabolism. And in order for the body to work like a clock, you need to adhere to some principles of healthy digestion:

  • drink 2 glasses of warm water immediately after waking up;
  • half an hour after this - a hearty breakfast;
  • you need to eat every 3 hours;
  • a snack is a full meal;
  • dinner no later than 3 hours before bedtime.

Table: useful and harmful foods for skin elasticity

Healthy foodsWhat's the benefitHarmful productsWhat's the harm?
A source of skin-life-giving moisture and fiber that aids digestion.Fried and fatty foodsThe reason is the excess of free radicals, which is harmful to skin cells.
They have rich vitamin compositions.Supplier of trans fats, which are difficult to digest and deposited in subcutaneous fat.
Fish dishesSaturated with healthy Omega-3 fatty acids and contain collagen.Excess saltPrevents the free removal of excess fluid.
The composition contains rutin and unsaturated fatty acids, which help maintain skin elasticity.Alcohol, large amounts of coffee, teaThey have a diuretic effect, which causes dehydration of skin cells.
Rich in selenium, which removes harmful substances.SausageSaturated with many preservatives, flavorings, dyes.
Chicken, rabbit, turkeySuppliers of vital proteins.DessertDue to the high sugar content, they reduce immune functions, thereby slowing down tissue regeneration and protein synthesis.
Contains zinc, which improves skin elasticity.Canned food and marinadesA lot of vinegar and flavoring additives are added, which cause irritation and drying of the skin.
They have a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system and synthesize collagen.Butter pastriesA source of simple carbohydrates that destroy collagen and elastin, maintaining the elasticity of the epidermis.

Photo gallery: foods that are advisable to eat

Fresh vegetables are a source of life-giving moisture necessary to hydrate skin cells. Fruits are the main source of vitamins. Fish and seafood are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. Buckwheat contains rutin and unsaturated fatty acids, which help restore skin elasticity. Eggs contain selenium, which is necessary for removing toxins and toxins Lean meat has a lot of protein, which is the main building element of the body Mushrooms contain zinc, which is necessary to maintain skin elasticity Wheat bran improves the functioning of the digestive system

Photo gallery: products that harm the skin

Fatty and fried foods increase the number of free radicals in the body Fatty meats contain trans fats that are poorly digested and are deposited in the subcutaneous layer Coffee, like alcohol and tea, has a diuretic effect, causing dehydration of cells Canned food and marinades contain a lot of vinegar and salt, which can cause irritation and drying of the skin Sugar and sweets slow down regeneration processes, as well as collagen production Sausages and smoked meats contain preservatives, flavoring additives, dyes that are harmful to the skin Salt promotes fluid retention in the body White bread and pastries are simple carbohydrates that enhance oxidative processes in the body

Once I was losing weight with the goal of losing 10 kg. It's good that I came to my senses in time. Because the beginning was not very impressive - in the first 5 kg my skin sagged a lot. I started looking for the reason and realized what it was - the diet, because I decided to adhere to strict restrictions so that the process would move faster towards the result. But I didn’t take into account many nuances. Due to a lack of nutrients, the skin began to sharply lose elasticity. And age (far from 20) aggravated the problem. After studying a lot of information on this matter, I decided to act differently - I simply gave up harmful products. I ate often, but only healthy food. The weight began to decrease more slowly, but it was more comfortable for the skin. And gradually, just in time for the ideal weight after 3 months, the skin recovered and became tightened.

Ways to make body skin elastic

To tighten sagging skin with your own efforts, you will have to try, because this is not an easy process. However, with the right integrated approach, the first changes will begin to appear after a month of diligence, and after six months the skin will obviously be transformed and tightened.

Cosmetical tools

Cosmetics that have a lifting effect play a major role in restoring skin elasticity, but only in the initial stages of ptosis (sagging skin). They have a specially developed composition with active components that activate natural processes in cells. This is not plastic surgery, but the restoration of healthy functioning of the skin. However, the result will be obvious only after regular use for at least a month; the schedule of use is individual for each product.

A high-quality lifting product cannot be effective enough without the following substances:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • collagen;
  • elastin;
  • fruit acids;
  • caffeine;
  • glycerin;
  • retinol;
  • vitamins;
  • coenzymes.

When buying a cosmetic product for skin tightening, choose a well-known, trusted manufacturer with positive consumer reviews.

Table: overview of popular firming creams

NameAction providedHow to usePrice, rub
Promotes elasticity and firmness of the skin, maintains a sufficient level of moisture, protects against stretch marks and scars.Apply once daily to clean, dry skin of the body.570
Regulates the level of collagen and elastin in tissues, making the skin elastic and taut, and the silhouette clearly defined.Rub into problem areas twice a day.350
Removes excess fluid, restores skin elasticity and muscle structure. Protects against the harmful effects of free radicals, protecting the skin from aging.Rub from bottom to top with light circular movements twice a day.250
Allows you to prolong the youth of the whole body. Helps moisturize and smooth the skin surface. Evens out turgor, increases blood flow and stimulates metabolic processes. Provides protection from adverse environmental conditions.Apply to the entire body after an evening shower.2000
Reduces age-related changes and restores skin elasticity. Promotes collagen production and improves metabolism in epidermal cells. Speeds up metabolism and fills the skin with energy.Apply every day to separate areas of the body, leave until completely absorbed.3000

Photo gallery: effective lifting body products

Body cream “Elastica” from Olesya Mustaeva’s workshop moisturizes, tightens, protects from stretch marks Firming body cream “Laminaria and Spirulina” from Green Mama removes excess fluid, restores tissue, strengthens muscle fibers Corrective, tightening cream-gel “Effective lifting” from Avon regulates collagen and elastin levels
Anti-aging lifting body cream from Collistar actively fights age-related skin changes and loss of elasticity Rejuvenating lifting body cream from Guam allows you to prolong the youth and elasticity of the skin

Folk remedies at home

Folk remedies are not as effective as ready-made cosmetics, but they are also very effective. After all, they have significant advantages - the use of natural and fresh ingredients in the preparation of compositions for procedures.

Therapeutic baths

Therapeutic baths with the addition of herbal infusions and other components will become a strengthening procedure for weight loss. Using various herbs that help tighten the skin will help tone the body, moisturize and restore the fading epidermis.

For skin elasticity, it is useful to take baths with the addition of the following ingredients:

  • rosemary and wormwood (100 g each), brewed in 4 liters of boiling water;
  • dry dandelion leaves (2 kg) and fresh (1 kg), boiled for 10 minutes in 5 liters of water;
  • 1 egg, beaten with 1 tsp. vanillin and 1/2 cup shampoo;
  • 1 kg of bran, brewed in 2 liters of boiled milk, with the addition of 1 tbsp. l. honey;
  • essential oil of rosemary, basil, bergamot or sage in the amount of 3-4 drops, diluted in 1 tbsp. l. milk.

To achieve effectiveness, you must complete a course of 12–15 bath procedures every other day. Each procedure should not exceed 20 minutes. It is advisable to maintain a uniform water temperature throughout the session - 38–40 degrees.

To increase skin elasticity, you can take baths with herbal infusions or essential oils

How a contrast shower helps remove sagging skin

A contrast shower has a positive effect on blood circulation, speeding it up. Thanks to this, regeneration processes are activated, the removal of waste and toxins is accelerated, and the skin becomes toned. It is advisable to perform this procedure every other day for at least a month, but it will not hurt even after achieving the desired result for prevention. The water temperature should be changed 5-6 times.

Contrast shower has a positive effect on blood circulation, accelerating it


The good thing about the wrapping procedure is that, in addition to nourishing the skin with beneficial substances included in the prepared mixture, a greenhouse effect is created under the cling film that is wrapped around the body. Thanks to this, the effectiveness of the procedure increases significantly. You need to do wraps in a course of 10–12 procedures, performing them every 2 days. After the first procedure, the skin will become smooth, soft, and “alive.”

The effectiveness of wrapping lies in creating a greenhouse effect under the film.

The wrapping is carried out in the following order:

  1. We go into a hot shower or bath to steam and cleanse the skin.
  2. We peel the right places.
  3. Transfer the prepared mixture to the prepared skin surface.
  4. We wrap ourselves in cling film.
  5. Cover the top with a towel.
  6. We lie under the blanket for 20 minutes.
  7. After removing the film, we wash the body in the shower.
  8. Lubricate the skin with a product with a tightening effect.

The tightening mixture can be prepared from the following components:

  • blue clay, diluted with water (milk or mineral water) to a paste;
  • honey enriched with citrus essential oils at the rate of 1 drop per 1 tbsp. l. product;
  • coffee grounds mixed with olive (grape seed, almond, coconut) oil to the consistency of sour cream;
  • dry kelp, previously soaked in water, or powder, diluted with water.

Photo gallery: components for a mixture with a lifting effect

Blue clay powder must be diluted with water to form a thick sour cream. It is advisable to enrich honey with citrus esters to increase the effect. Coffee grounds must be mixed with natural oil, which helps tighten the skin. Dry kelp is pre-soaked in water for ease of application.


You should not neglect massage because this procedure helps stimulate blood circulation and lymph movement, as a result of which cell regeneration and the synthesis of structural proteins are triggered, and the skin restores its former elasticity.

Massaging the whole body is not very convenient to do on your own, but individual areas (abdomen, arms, buttocks, thighs) are quite possible. And you can involve one of your family members to treat your back.

The following types of massage are considered the most effective for skin tightening:

  • dry. Dry massage should be done with a natural bristle brush. During the procedure, the entire body is rubbed (on dry skin), starting from the feet, moving gradually up to the heart area, and then from the fingers to the shoulders and down to the chest. Pressure should be of medium severity so as not to injure the skin, but at the same time, it should be noticeable. The procedure is performed for 10–15 minutes before a shower daily;
  • honey The purpose of the procedure is to cleanse the skin by drawing out all impurities, toxins and impurities through the pores thanks to the adhesive properties of honey. Performing such a massage is not difficult. It is enough to lubricate the treated area with natural liquid honey and, placing your palm firmly on the skin, sharply peel it off. Continue the manipulation until it becomes almost impossible to do this. If you repeat honey sessions every day, after 2 weeks the result will amaze you with its effectiveness;
  • vacuum. This type of massage improves lymph exchange of the skin and subcutaneous layer, creates microtraumas that stimulate regeneration. It requires special jars, which can be purchased at pharmacies. They come in silicone or plastic, equipped with a bulb to create a vacuum. The technique is simple: after close contact with the skin and creating a vacuum, the jar is passed over the entire treated area of ​​skin for a certain amount of time (about 5 minutes for each individual area (abdomen, buttocks, thighs, etc.). Perform a vacuum massage every other day within a month.

Photo gallery: how you can do massage to tighten your skin

For dry massage you will need a brush with stiff natural bristles. For honey massage you can use only natural beekeeping products
Plastic massage jars are equipped with a bulb to create a vacuum

Physical exercise

One of the mandatory points in the process of restoring skin elasticity is regular physical exercise. After all, the skin covers muscles, which, being in good shape, contribute to the elasticity of the epidermis.

It is necessary to perform a set of exercises every 2-3 days to give the muscles time to recover. By correctly distributing the load among muscle groups (for example, one day to tighten your arms, back and abdomen, the next to tighten your legs and buttocks), you can exercise every day.

Each task must be performed in 3 sets of 15 repetitions with a break of 1 minute. You should begin the movement as you exhale, and return to the starting position as you inhale.

Some tasks will require weights weighing no more than 2 kg. If you don't have dumbbells at home, you can use 2-liter bottles of water.

Exercise 1:

  1. Hold dumbbells in your hands, lowering them in front of you.
  2. Slowly lift the weight to shoulder level.

Raise the dumbbells in front of you and move them in a straight line.

Task 2:

  1. Hold dumbbells in your hands at your sides.
  2. Slowly raise your arms to the sides until they are parallel to the floor.

Extend your arms to the sides until they are parallel to the floor

Task 3:

  1. Move your arms back, bent at the elbows, fixing the dumbbells at waist level.
  2. Smoothly straighten your arms, placing the dumbbells behind your back. Elbows should remain motionless.

As you move your arms back, keep your elbows motionless.

Task 4:

  1. Hold a dumbbell in your hands and lift it above your head.
  2. Smoothly lower the dumbbell down behind your head. Elbows should remain motionless.

When lowering the load, make sure that your elbows do not move

Task 5:

  1. Take a lying position.
  2. Slowly lower your torso down, bending your elbows. The pelvis does not need to be pushed up.

When doing push-ups from the floor, make sure that your pelvis does not stick out upward

Personally, push-ups are not easy for me. They are especially difficult to perform if the arm muscles are weak due to lack of physical activity. When I started training, I did push-ups against the wall - this is also effective at the initial stage of strengthening my arms. Later, I increased the load by doing push-ups from the sofa (you can use any surface above floor level). I also tried to lighten the load by focusing not on my toes, but on my knees. And only when in this position you can go as low as possible, you can move on to a more complex level - classic push-ups with emphasis on your toes and hands.

Task 6:

  1. Standing in a light squat, tilt your body forward.
  2. Extend your arms with dumbbells to the sides, forming a straight line with them.

Raising your arms to the sides at an angle trains your back muscles

Task 7:

  1. Lie face down on the floor with your arms and legs extended.
  2. Raise your arms and legs at the same time. Try to fix this position for some time.

When performing the “boat” exercise, we raise our arms and legs at the same time

Task 8:

  1. Lying on your back, bend your knees and place your hands behind your head.
  2. Slowly lift your shoulders off the floor. The chin should not press against the chest.

When performing an upper abdominal exercise, do not press your chin to your chest.

Video: technique for performing exercises for the upper abs

Task 9:

  1. Lie down with your arms extended along your body.
  2. Raise your legs to a height of 30 cm from the floor.
  3. Start making crossing movements with your legs. Do 15 doubles.

When performing the “scissors” exercise, the lower abdominal muscles work

Task 10:

  1. Lying on your back, place your hands behind your head and lift your legs off the floor.
  2. Raise your shoulders and bend one leg at the knee.
  3. Touch your knee to the opposite elbow and vice versa. Do 15 doubles.

When performing crunches, you need to touch the opposite knee with your elbow and vice versa.

Task 11: Standing on all fours, we raise our legs up one by one, pointing the soles towards the ceiling

Task 12:

  1. Stand straight, place your hands on your hips.
  2. Take a big step forward.
  3. Lower your body by bending your knees and rise up by pushing through your heel. Perform 15 repetitions for each leg.

When performing lunges, make sure that the front knee does not protrude beyond the level of the toe, and the back knee does not touch the floor

I really love the lunge exercise, because during its execution all the muscles of the hips and buttocks are involved. Very effective: I did one exercise a day and my legs remain slim. I'm talking about maintaining body shape. For a tightening, of course, it alone will not be enough.

Video: technique for performing the “lunge” exercise

Task 13:

  1. Stand up straight with a dumbbell in your hands.
  2. Spread your legs wide.
  3. Do a deep squat so that your thighs are parallel to the floor.

When lifting your pelvis, try to create a straight line to your torso.

Cosmetology procedures

In case of slight flabbiness and sagging of the skin, you can contact a cosmetology office. This option is suitable for those who do not have the time or desire to work on restoring skin elasticity on their own. After assessing the condition of the skin, the specialist will prescribe the most suitable tightening method from several possible ones:

  • mesotherapy. This technique involves introducing injections into the subcutaneous layer with special meso-cocktails containing hyaluronic acid, collagen, vitamins and other necessary active substances. The procedure improves blood circulation, eliminates swelling, activates the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers, moisturizes the skin, thereby restoring its elasticity. For a lasting effect that will last a year and a half, you need to undergo 3-6 procedures every 7-10 days each. The price of one session is 3–4 thousand rubles for each individual area of ​​the body;
  • thread lifting. The essence of the method is to introduce into the tissue special threads that have the property of self-dissolving, which over time will begin to grow over a frame of produced collagen fibers. Proteins will be synthesized for another 1.5–2 years after the manipulation. Thread lifting is used for almost all areas of the body, except for the legs, due to their high mobility, which will lead to displacement of materials. Depending on how much and what threads will be used, the price may vary. For example, you will have to spend at least 25,000 rubles to treat the abdomen. After 2 years you will have to repeat the manipulation;
  • hardware techniques. These include RF lifting (warming tissue with radio frequency radiation), LPG massage (treating problematic skin with a vacuum roller with rotating attachments), ultrasonic cavitation (diode laser exposure), etc. The purpose of hardware procedures is to restore skin elasticity by activating the natural production of structural proteins, launching regeneration processes, hydration and improvement of blood circulation. The price depends on the device used for the procedure. A one-time treatment of the whole body will cost at least 35,000 rubles, and 3–10 of them will be required.
  • LPG massage is carried out by applying a special vacuum roller to the skin.

    Plastic surgery: how to remove sagging skin using surgery

    In severe cases of sagging skin, when home remedies do not produce results, and cosmetology is no longer effective, radical measures will have to be taken - surgical intervention. This method will bring instant long-term results that will last for at least 10 years. However, not everything is so attractive - plastic surgery has several serious disadvantages:

    • the presence of traces after surgery in the form of scars;
    • an unpleasant rehabilitation period - a long recovery of swelling and bruises.

    Plastic surgery involves removing excess sagging skin, as well as shaping the desired silhouette and replenishing volume where necessary, resulting in a toned, slender body with clearly defined shapes.

    Surgical skin tightening is divided into several types:

    • mammoplasty - enlargement and tightening of small or sagging breasts;
    • abdominoplasty - tummy tuck;
    • brachioplasty - correction of sagging skin of the arms from the shoulder to the elbow;
    • gluteoplasty - formation and lifting of elastic buttocks;
    • torsoplasty (body lifting) - a comprehensive lift of the entire body, including lifting the abdomen, hips, buttocks, lumbar region and, in some cases, the breast.

At birth, human skin contains large amounts of collagen and elastin - proteins that are the main components of connective tissue. With age, their production in the body slows down, the skin becomes less elastic, and wrinkles appear. Eating products that stimulate the production of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid, another important component of the epidermis, will help slow down the aging process and tighten the skin of the body. Let's find out what these products are.

Why do stretch marks and wrinkles appear?

Collagen and elastin are the finest fibers intertwined, fragile by nature, so they break down quite quickly. Prolonged exposure to sunlight, toxins, air pollution, tobacco smoke and poor diet speed up this process by triggering free radicals..

The skin has another enemy - sugar. Its molecules react with connective tissue, causing a decrease in skin firmness and elasticity, which leads to the appearance of stretch marks and wrinkles. At the same time, products are produced that contribute to sagging and fatigue of the skin.

The use of cosmetics with antioxidant properties or creams with collagen and hyaluronic acid can partly change the situation with stretched skin and shallow wrinkles, but they cannot radically solve the problem. They do not penetrate into the deepest layers of the dermis and do not provide protection against aging.

Even the most modern products and cosmetic procedures will not be effective if the body does not receive important material in the form of collagen and elastin from food. For elastic skin, it is necessary to properly organize your diet and regularly consume foods that provide nutrients to maintain youthful skin.

What should be included in the menu?

Following several nutritional rules will help you get rid of sagging and stretch marks.

The daily menu must include:

  1. Protein-Rich Foods (meat, soy, dairy products) as the basis and building material for elastic skin.
  2. Vegetable fats (unrefined cold-pressed oils, nuts), restoring elasticity to the epidermis.
  3. Complex carbohydrates (whole grains, vegetables), energizing but not raising blood sugar.
  4. Fruits, vegetables and berries , as sources of antioxidants (bioflavonoids, lycopene, vitamins A, C, E, polyphenols).
  5. Products containing minerals , necessary for better absorption of proteins.

Magnesium, copper, sulfur, manganese, zinc and selenium are coenzymes of collagen, stimulate its production and the formation of elastic tissue.

An antioxidant is any product that neutralizes the effects of free radicals that damage healthy cells. Eating antioxidant-rich fruits, berries and vegetables will provide the body with weapons to fight aging and protect against UV radiation that leads to dry skin, wrinkles and stretch marks.

To prevent skin sagging, it is important to maintain optimal water balance in the body. Insufficient fluid intake in the form of clean water is one of the factors in the premature loss of elasticity of the dermis. Drinking 2 liters of water daily is mandatory when combating dry skin, stretch marks and preventing them.

What products tighten skin?

The most effective way to combat stretch marks on the skin of the body is to have a properly organized diet. Adding the following products to your diet will fill even the deepest layers of the dermis from the inside and will be an excellent prevention of sagging and wrinkles.

The main components of collagen are the amino acids glycine and proline. Their highest concentrations are found in beef, chicken breast, turkey and lamb. To keep your skin firm, your diet should always include a complete source of protein.

When meat food enters the body, the synthesis of carnosine dipeptide also occurs, which strengthens collagen fibers.

Good sources of protein are cottage cheese, fish, cheese, eggs, nuts, and legumes. To compensate for the deficiency of amino acids, it is also recommended to include them in the diet.

Tomatoes are champions in containing the most powerful antioxidant lycopene. It helps protect the skin from UV radiation and protects it from excessive drying.

Research shows that just 25g of tomato paste or 2 tomatoes per day reduces the risk of sunburn and sagging skin by 30%.

The bioavailability of lycopene increases if tomatoes are cooked. It is best to use tomato sauce or paste to prevent premature skin aging.

The absorption of lycopene is also increased by taking tomatoes together with foods rich in unsaturated fats (you can sprinkle the slices with olive oil or add avocado to the dish).

All orange and red vegetables and fruits (carrots, bell peppers, persimmons, pumpkin, watermelon, apricots) are rich in lycopene. By including them in sufficient quantities in your diet (300-400 g per day), you can get rid of stretch marks and protect your skin from the harmful effects of sunlight.

Contains magnesium, sulfur, zinc, protein and hyaluronic acid. The rich composition determines the enormous benefits of consuming beans for prolonging the youth of the skin and combating stretch marks. To improve the condition of the epidermis, you need to eat 2 tablespoons daily. beans. Green beans are the healthiest.

The hormone estrogen is responsible for the production of hyaluronic acid in the body. The higher its level, the more moisture there will be in the skin, the higher its turgor and density will be. Soy is a natural analogue of estrogens. Genestein, an isoflavonoid found in soybeans, helps block enzymes that lead to decreased skin tone. Regular consumption of soy products (tofu cheese, fuju, soy meat, flour and milk with bifidobacteria) guarantees an increase in the level of hyaluronate in the body and a positive effect on the skin with stretch marks.


Gelatin (an all-natural supplement made from animal bones and cartilage) is hydrolyzed collagen and has good bioavailability in the body. It contains the amino acids glycine and proline in large quantities, as well as 16 other amino acids.

Gelatin, taken in the form of jelly, jellied meat or aspic at a dose of 5 g per day for two months, significantly improves the tone and smoothness of the skin.

Flavonoids, plant pigments, play an important role in the production of collagen. Most of them are found in blueberries, red grapes, and pomegranate. They enhance the strength of collagen fibers and prevent their destruction under the action of enzymes released during various inflammatory processes and oxidation in the body (they have strong antioxidant properties).

To tighten your skin, you need to consume blueberries (about a glass) daily to neutralize free radicals. Blueberries prevent cell damage, slowing down the process of premature skin aging.

Fish (salmon, mackerel, tuna, sardines) contain the most beneficial fatty acids (omega 3) for youthful skin. Seafood is rich in zinc, selenium and magnesium.

Eating seafood 2-3 times a week slows down the process of collagen destruction and tightens the skin.

Garlic, like onions, is one of the best sources of sulfur, which is necessary for collagen synthesis and preventing its breakdown. It also contains lipoic acid and taurine, which help restore damaged connective tissue fibers.

To tighten your skin and prolong its youth, it is enough to eat 1-2 cloves of garlic daily or use garlic oil as an additive to dishes.

It can be prepared according to the following recipe:

  • disassemble a fresh head of garlic into cloves, peel and scald with boiling water;
  • sterilize the glass container in which the oil will be stored (preferably made of dark glass);
  • finely chop the cloves and put them in a jar (bottle);
  • pour 0.5 liters of cold-pressed vegetable oil (olive oil is best);
  • if desired, add a sprig of dill, basil, oregano;
  • Close the container tightly with a lid and put it in a cool, dark place for 2 weeks.

Store the finished butter in the refrigerator for 2-3 months. Add 1-2 tablespoons to salads, meat and vegetable dishes.

Fatty acids help keep skin elastic. Adipose tissue, which wraps the cells of the dermis, creates a protective layer, protecting against dryness, wrinkles and stretch marks.

Nuts (especially almonds and walnuts) are rich in unsaturated omega 3 fatty acids and alpha-linolenic acid. In addition, they are a source of protein, magnesium, zinc and copper.

Just 30 g of nuts per day will provide the necessary nutrition to the skin, prevent the destruction of collagen and elastane, and give the skin softness and elasticity.

What is better to exclude from the diet?

Scientists have noticed that the consumption of certain foods has a negative effect on the condition of the skin.

Early aging due to exposure to free radicals and destruction of collagen fibers occurs with frequent inclusion in the diet:

  1. Saturated and trans fats (fried foods, fast food).
  2. Processed foods (refined cereals, corn flakes, instant cereals).
  3. Sausage products.
  4. Sweets and flour products made from premium flour.
  5. Dairy products with high fat content.

Saturated fats and trans fats destroy collagen fibers and interfere with the absorption of fatty acids that are beneficial to the body and skin. Processed and sugary foods increase insulin levels in the blood and weaken the action of collagen, reducing the level of elastane and hyaluronic acid in the epidermis. Abuse of these products will definitely not add beauty and youth to the skin.

Dr. Jessica Wu, a specialist in the field of nutrition and skin care, advises choosing only those products that can be found or collected while hunting (theoretically) to prevent and eliminate stretch marks and wrinkles. Avoid processed and packaged foods.

Proper nutrition will protect against the destruction of collagen and elastin, tighten the skin, and prolong its youth. But in the fight against sagging and wrinkles, one should not forget about the dangers of smoking and alcohol abuse. It has been proven that addiction to bad habits leads to premature aging of the skin. Physical exercise and massage will also help tone the skin by increasing its turgor.

The following research and materials were used in writing the article:

  • Jessica Wu. Beauty diet. Hollywood star power system
  • Sytin G.N. "Skin health"
  • Zaitsev S.M. Nutrition for healthy skin. Tips and Recipes
  • Alexandro Junger – Clean. Revolutionary rejuvenation diet
  • Emily Eber. Lifestyle Beautyfood. Eco-friendly nutrition and care to achieve the skin of your dreams.