
Registration of pension for harmful working conditions. Early retirement When to apply to the Pension Fund for an appointment


Despite the fact that technologies are improving, hazardous production exists, as well as certain risk factors for people who work at such enterprises. Real harm is done to the human body, this affects its state of health, and in old age everything manifests itself with a vengeance.

These circumstances oblige the state and employers, in particular, to take specific measures to compensate for the harm caused by production to a person, including paying preferential pensions for harmful working conditions.

The degree of harmfulness of working conditions at the enterprise depends on the level of impact of production factors and the timing of the recovery of the employee after the working day.

Division by hazard levels:

1 degree: there are functional changes in the body that disappear when contact with working conditions is interrupted.

2nd degree: there are persistent functional changes that lead to occupational chronic diseases after 15 years of work in one place.

3rd degree: there are persistent health disorders that lead to periodic temporary disability.

4 degree: severe functional disorders occur, chronic diseases appear up to complete disability.

Each level of harmfulness is accompanied by certain labor conditions that lead to violations of the vital processes of the body:

  • Increased humidity levels, high or low temperatures, wind, solar radiation.
  • Electromagnetic radiation.
  • Vibration, dust, dirt.
  • Lack or excess of light.
  • Laser, ultraviolet radiation.
  • Chemical and biological substances, microorganisms, spores, bacteria, enzymes, antibiotics, etc.
  • Physical factors: severity, tension, duration of work.

These conditions should be taken into account as harmful to health in the daily work of citizens, as well as in the appointment of pension payments.

The legislation of the Russian Federation identifies the main categories of persons who are entitled to a preferential pension:

  1. Men who have worked underground for 10 years may retire at age 50. The required total experience is 20 years. Women - at 45 years old. Experience - 15 years, half of them - on harmful conditions.
  2. Women who worked as agricultural machinery drivers - at the age of 50.
  3. Women who worked 20 years in the textile industry in the weaving industry.
  4. Doctors - regardless of age, retire after 25 years of working in rural areas, in the city - after 30 years. The same benefits apply to teachers.
  5. Women and men who have worked for 25/20 years (men/women) have the opportunity to retire at 55/50.
  6. Pilots of civil aviation - at 50 years old.
  7. Fisheries workers - 55/50.
  8. Drivers of public urban transport who have worked 20/15 years.
  9. Locomotive drivers with 25/20 years of experience - 55/50.
  10. Geologists with 12.5/10 years of experience retire at 55/50.
  11. Correctional workers with 15/10 years of service are entitled to a pension of 55/50 years.

Retired 10 years late. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has reduced the list of hazardous professions.

All workers in hazardous professions in Soviet times were divided into lists, which gave a detailed list of all professions that should be classified as harmful. Their difference was that list 1 includes professions with particularly difficult conditions: everything related to the mining industry, underground, and blasting.

By list #1 men retire at 50. Required experience - 20 years, harmful - 10 years. Women - at 45 years old. Experience - 15 years, harmful - 7.5.

List 2 included all professions related to production with more gentle conditions, but to a certain extent harmful to human health. Men become pensioners at the age of 55 with a harmful experience of 12.5 years and a total of 25. Women - at 50 with a harmful experience of 10 years.

According to the lists, in 2017, a preferential pension for citizens who worked in hazardous work is provided to those workers who were employed in hot production shops, logging, and mines.

On the amount of preferential pension for harmful working conditions

The basis for calculating the amount of a preferential pension for harmful working conditions is data on the work of a citizen at an enterprise: entries in a work book, archival documents in which all places of a citizen’s labor activity are indicated, indicating periods and their duration.

A citizen does not receive any additional allowances in the form of cash payments to pensions, except for the fact that he goes on a well-deserved rest during a grace period. The size of the future pension is calculated based on the same rules as old-age pension payments.

According to the legislation, the main parameters for calculating a preferential pension for harmful working conditions are the employer's deductions for the time of work, the number of points accumulated, and the total length of service.

The insurance deductions made by the employer depend on working conditions, therefore the category of harmfulness in terms of money was reflected in the deductions of the employer. The head of the enterprise is prescribed by law to make additional deductions to the insurance part, if harmful conditions are established. The amount of insurance contributions is 25-30% of the employee's salary.

Ever since Soviet times, enterprises have had a program for attesting enterprises to determine the level of harmfulness, according to the results of which a certain level was assigned to production: optimal, tolerable, harmful or dangerous. Depending on it, allowances were calculated for employees to wages. Accordingly, the employer made contributions to the Pension Fund, taking into account the level of harmfulness.

In 2014, a new Federal Law appeared, concerning the assessment of enterprises for the level of harmfulness and its impact on the health of workers.

On the basis of the law, a special formula for assessing the conditions of labor organization was derived, which included a set of measures to identify the negative impact of production factors on people's health.

Today, the employer makes contributions to the insurance part based on the identified level of harmfulness of the enterprise according to the new formula, and these funds are taken into account in the future when calculating the amount of the employee's pension along with the length of service and accumulated points.

Experts say that about half of all companies in Russia are characterized by harmful working conditions. Such conditions for the performance of professional duties are associated with a risk to the health and life of workers.

Conditions for the performance of labor duties are conventionally divided into:

  • Optimal;
  • Satisfactory;
  • Dangerous;
  • Harmful.

Dangerous or difficult working conditions lead to the development of occupational diseases, health problems and early disability. Such workers have the right to receive early retirement pensions.

Early hazard retirement is acceptable in the case of work in toxic or dangerous conditions for human well-being.

The Pension Fund is responsible for the payment of benefits at the expense of additional funds transferred by the employer for such employees. To establish the factor of the level of danger and risk of developing occupational diseases allows a specialized assessment of the conditions of professional activity.

Legal regulation

The procedure and conditions for paying pensions for harmful experience are regulated by federal laws:

  • No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013;
  • No. 426-FZ of December 28, 2013.

The list of professions classified as hazardous work is prescribed by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the SSR No. 10 of 01/26/1991.

Categories of persons subject to pension provision for hazardous work

To receive a pension ahead of schedule, a citizen must work in one of the following industries:

  1. Mining;
  2. Metallurgical;
  3. Production of explosive compositions;
  4. Chemical industry;
  5. Oil refining;
  6. Production of electrical and radio engineering;
  7. Release of building accessories;
  8. Pulp industry;
  9. Nuclear substations.

A profession can be included in the dangerous list if it meets the following criteria:

  • Toxicity;
  • severity;
  • risk of injury;
  • High level of radiation;
  • Increased background noise;
  • Lack of lighting.

These factors contribute to the development of occupational pathologies, the development of partial, and in rare cases, complete disability.

List of beneficiaries

For the implementation of Federal Law No. 400, the Russian government issued Decree No. 665 of July 16, 2014, which determined the categories of industries, professions and positions, work in which is the basis for calculating a preferential pension.

Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the SSR No. 10 of 01/26/1991 fixed at the regulatory level the lists of institutions, specialties, services, work in which provides the right to apply for a harmful pension.

List #1

The first list or "hot grid" gives the right to a preferential pension payment for persons employed in "hot" shops, underground, mining. These categories of professions refer to the critical degree of harm and danger.

Work in positions from the first list does not add up to the time of work according to the second list, the "small" list and other professions with special conditions.

List #2

The second list or "grid" provides for the early payment of subsidies for workers with difficult working conditions. It is allowed to add the length of service according to the second grid with the time of activity in professions from list No. 1.

Special assessment of working conditions

The assessment of the conditions of professional activity is provided for by the Federal Law No. 426 of December 28, 2013. Evaluation is carried out by the employer together with employees of a special structure. The composition of the evaluation commission includes representatives of the structural unit for labor protection.

Conducting a specialized inspection allows you to detect toxic or dangerous circumstances that can harm the health of workers in the specified production.

If there are positions in production where the commission has established, the employer records this in the declaration of compliance of the workplace with the standards and sends it to the labor inspectorate.

Positions with identified risk factors are categorized into appropriate hazard classes in accordance with the provisions of Article 14 of the Federal Law No. 426. The results of the audit are the basis for deducting increased payments to the Pension Fund.

Grounds for awarding a grant

To receive a preferential pension, you will have to fulfill 3 conditions:

  1. Reaching a certain age;
  2. Availability of preferential service;
  3. The duration of the specialty.

Lists No. 1 and No. 2 present a number of criteria necessary for the calculation of subsidies.

  • Age: men, over fifty; women over forty-five;
  • Duration of harmful work: men - ten years, women - seven and a half;
  • Total length of service: men - twenty years, women - fifteen.
  • Age: men - fifty-five years, women - fifty;
  • Period of hazardous work activity: men - twelve and a half, women - ten years;
  • General experience: men - twenty-five years, women - twenty.

These are mandatory criteria for applying for a preferential pension.

Appointment stages

To apply for a pension benefit, a citizen applies to the Pension Fund. What documents are needed to apply for a harmfulness pension can be found at the territorial office of the Pension Fund. Usually required:

  • Passport or other proof of identity;
  • Certificate of income and payment of taxes;
  • Certificate of military registration (if any);
  • Declaration from the employer (head of the enterprise) on the category of danger of the work performed by the citizen, as well as the period of his activity;
  • Medical report on the state of health;
  • Identification code;
  • Insurance number.

Additionally, employees of the Pension Fund may request:

  • Signed employment contract;
  • Certificate of payroll;
  • Extract from the Order of employment.

After providing the necessary package of documents, a citizen's application for the accrual of pension provision, indicating the desired option for receiving a subsidy (at the place of residence / residence permit; through a bank account; on a bank card), Pension Fund employees accrue a pension.

Calculation of harmful pension

The calculation of the amount of preferential pension in 2019 is carried out according to the methodology of previous years:

  • The period of work with dangerous or difficult conditions must be at least eight years;
  • The pension benefit coefficient starts from 11.5.

The formula for calculating subsidies is provided for by Federal Law No. 400:

Pension amount = Personal coefficient * The value of one coefficient.

The pension coefficient is determined by the Decree of the Government of Russia in a fixed amount. From February 1, 2017, the PK (pension coefficient) is seventy-eight rubles twenty-eight kopecks.

The personal pension coefficient is calculated individually, depending on the acquired rights. The size of the individual pension coefficient is equal to the sum:

  • The employee's pension coefficient for labor activity until January 1, 2015;
  • The pension coefficient of the worker for the time of work after January 1, 2015.

The second coefficient is obtained by adding the PCs accrued for each year, based on deductions and insurance payments in the Pension Fund from 01/01/2015.

The minimum value of the individual PC was recorded in 2015 at a point of 6.6 with a gradual increase of 2.4. Thus, in 2025 it should be 30. The amount of PC in 2019 is 13.8.

The amount of the PC is calculated at the time of registration of the subsidy. A fixed supplement of 4,805.11 rubles is added to the old-age pension.

According to the legislation in Russia, men can become a pensioner at the age of 60, women at the age of 55.

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What it is?

Early registration of a preferential hazard pension is possible if a person's labor activity took place in conditions that have an adverse effect on health.

It is paid from the Pension Fund, to which the employer deducts additional contributions for employees whose jobs are recognized as harmful or dangerous. To determine the harmful factors of production and the degree of their impact on workers at the enterprise, a special assessment of working conditions is carried out.

Normative base

The norms and rules for calculating the harmfulness pension are laid down in the laws of Russia, the main of which are No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013. and No. 426-FZ of December 28, 2013.

The list of harmful and dangerous professions was approved by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR of January 26, 1991 N 10.

Who is entitled to?

A preferential pension is issued to persons who risk losing their ability to work or acquiring occupational diseases during work.

The reason may be a special danger in the performance of work, increased injuries, increased levels of gas pollution, poor lighting, noise in the workplace, radiation.

Such professions and positions are combined into lists for establishing preferential seniority.

Lists of professions No. 1, No. 2

Lists are used when calculating pensions for citizens working in such sectors of the economy as:

  • mining;
  • metallurgy;
  • coke production;
  • gas processing and oil refining industry;
  • chemical industry;
  • production of explosives;
  • electrical production;
  • healthcare;
  • polygraphy;
  • transport;
  • Atomic industry.

List Professions #1 recognized as particularly harmful and particularly severe. It includes workers in hot shops, persons working underground.

Listed #2 many professions are repeated. It is distinguished by working conditions that pose a lesser danger to human health.


Depending on the industry, the profession of a welder is included in both lists.

Thus, welders of refractory metals working in metallurgy and plastic welders processing fluoroplastic in electrical production receive benefits based on list No. 1. Thermite welders, resistance welders are included in list No. 2.

When assigning a pension, attention is paid to the exact match of the name of the position code in the list and in all documents of the employee, reflecting his labor activity.

These include:

  • personalized accounting documents.

X-ray laboratory assistant

Medical specialists working with x-ray equipment can retire at the age according to list No. 1.

These are doctors and paramedical staff of X-ray surgery rooms, angiography and fluorography rooms. These include X-ray laboratory technicians who work with radioactive substances.

It is important to note that only X-ray laboratory technicians who perform their duties under the conditions reflected in list No. 1 can receive early retirement.

For example, doctors who work with magnetic resonance therapy devices cannot apply for a preferential pension, since there is no x-ray exposure at their workplace.


Medical workers who have benefits when applying for a pension are listed in list No. 2.

These are medical personnel working in tuberculosis and infectious diseases hospitals, leper colonies, psychiatric hospitals, chemotherapy rooms.

For women

In Russia, women can apply for a pension at the age of 55.

If the work took place in the conditions and in the professions included in list No. 1, the retirement age is reduced to 45 years. If a woman's profession is on list No. 2, she can draw up a pension when she reaches 50 years of age.

In the north

The right to retire earlier than ordinary citizens by five years is given to persons who have worked 15 years in the Far North.

In areas equated to it, in order to apply for a preferential pension, work experience must be at least 20 years.

Preferential harmfulness pension in 2019

The accrual of pension payments for citizens applying for a hazard pension in 2019 will be carried out according to the same method as in 2019.

The minimum work experience will be 8 years, the minimum pension coefficient is 11.5. In 2019, the cost of the IPC will be 78.28 rubles, the amount of the fixed payment is 4801.11 rubles.

Terms of appointment

For the right to apply for a preferential pension, a certain general length of service and length of service in a privileged profession included in lists No. 1 and No. 2 must be developed.

Men Women
List #1
Total work experience (years) 20 15
10 7,5
Age reached (years) 50 45
List #2
Total work experience (years) 25 20
Work experience in a privileged profession (years) 12,5 10
Age reached (years) 55 50

With incomplete experience in a privileged profession (less than half of the above), the reduction in the retirement age occurs:

  • according to list no. 1- for one year for each full year worked in a privileged profession;
  • according to list no. 2- for one year for men for every two and a half years worked in a privileged profession;
  • according to list no. 2- for one year for women for every two years worked in a privileged profession.

How to apply?

You can consult with the specialists of the Pension Fund a few months before the retirement age comes about how the pension is drawn up. They will explain the procedure for registration and make a list of documents that need to be collected.

The future pensioner will need to prepare a passport, work book, military ID, pension certificate (SNILS), 60 months before 2002, a certificate confirming the special nature of the work.

To clarify certain issues, employees of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation have the right to request other documents. To collect and provide them, the citizen has three months. If he meets this deadline, the pension will be paid from the date of application.

Within 10 days, the application is under consideration by the fund, which makes a decision on the appointment of pension payments or refusal.

If it is not possible to confirm the work experience in hazardous professions, the fund may refuse to pay a pension for harmfulness.

Exit order

Upon reaching the retirement age, the employee may be with the employer or continue to work.

If a citizen has decided on, he has the right not to notify the employer about this in two weeks. The contract is terminated from the date indicated by the employee in the application.

In the event of the liquidation of an enterprise or a reduction in staff, it is possible that no more than two years are left before reaching retirement age.

In addition to age, several important conditions must be met:

  • employees must be fired due to downsizing or liquidation of the enterprise;
  • the citizen must be registered with the employment authorities, there are no suitable vacancies for his employment;
  • a citizen has a length of service sufficient to accrue pension payments.

How to calculate?

In order to find out the amount of a future pension, you need to understand how the pension payment is calculated.

The following formula is used to calculate the pension:

SP \u003d IPC x SIPC x K + FV x K, where

SP - the amount of the pension;

IPC - individual pensioner coefficient (IPC).

IPC depends on and is calculated by the formula:

PC \u003d CB / CBmax x 10, where

  • CB - insurance premiums transferred by the employer for the year;
  • CBmax - 16% of the maximum contribution base (changes annually).
  • SIPK - the cost of SIPK changes annually and from February 1, 2019 is 78.28 rubles.
  • K - premium coefficients depend on the number of years for which the application for a pension has been deferred;
  • FV - a fixed payment is from February 1, 2019. the amount of 4805.11 rubles.

Calculation example

An employee reaches retirement age on March 1, 2019. His monthly salary was 25,000 rubles.

We calculate the IPC:

  • Salary for the year amounted to 300,000 rubles. With a tariff of 16%, the amount of insurance premiums is 48,000 rubles.
  • For a year, a citizen will score IPC 48000/140160 * 10 = 3.42 points.
  • From the beginning of 2019 until March 1, 2019 IPC will accumulate up to 7.41 points.
  • Points for the period up to 2019 are calculated by dividing the insurance part of the pension by the value of one point in 2019. Suppose in our example they amounted to 70 points.
  • The total number of IPC points is 7.41 + 70 = 77.41.

Points are added for periods of military service, for the time of caring for a child, a disabled person, an elderly relative.

As a result, the insurance pension will be equal to 77.41 * 78.28 + 4805.11 = 10864.76 rubles.

Indexing and recalculation

As inflation rises, the state indexes the pensions of non-working pensioners.

Pensions of citizens who continue to work are currently not indexed. But in the event of their dismissal, the amount of pension payments will be increased by all missed indexations.

The recalculation of the amount of the accrued pension is carried out in connection with the circumstances that have arisen or new changes in legislation.

When the disability group of a pensioner changes, when contributions are received from the employer for a working pensioner, pensions are recalculated by the employees of the Pension Fund independently from August 1.

In other cases, recalculation requires an application to the Pension Fund. The pension will be recalculated from the month following the month of application.

Procedure and terms of payment

The payment of the harmfulness pension, like all others, takes place in the current month. The method of receipt is chosen by the pensioner independently.

The pension can be transferred to a bank account, delivered by Russian Post or another organization.

Frequently asked Questions

Why is this pension so small?

The amount of the pension depends on the official salary, IPC points and bonus coefficients.

By retiring earlier, the employee does not have time to accumulate a large number of points. The premium coefficients for calculating an early pension are lower than those for an old-age pension. All this leads to a decrease in pension payments for harmfulness.

Is it planned to be cancelled?

The cancellation of the harmfulness pension is not planned. The requirements for the administration of enterprises are becoming more stringent.

The introduction of a mandatory assessment of working conditions will strengthen control over the state of jobs. The collection of additional pension contributions will make it possible to accumulate funds for the payment of harmful pensions.

Will they add?


According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, citizens who are specialists working in certain professional fields included in several lists have the right to receive old-age insurance benefits ahead of schedule. This means that they can retire earlier, before reaching the age of 60 (men), 55 years (women) under certain conditions.

What is a disability pension

Preferential harmfulness pension in 2018 is a benefit paid from a separate budget item of the Pension Fund. It is formed from contributions transferred by the employer for employees working in harmful, dangerous to life and health conditions. Accruals, payment amounts are regulated by federal law No. 400-FZ dated December 28, 2013, as amended on December 19, 2016, as amended, which entered into force on January 1, 2017.

Harmful factors

Harmful retirement can be carried out according to the classification of working conditions, reflected in GOST (state standard) 12.0.003-74 of 01/01/1976 "System of labor safety standards" (SSBT). Based on the document, four groups of factors that have a negative impact on the human body are distinguished:

  • Physical.

They are clearly divided according to the nature of the impact into harmful, causing characteristic diseases, dangerous, leading to injuries and damage. Malicious ones include:

  • increased, decreased level in the working area;
  • high level of humidity and air velocity;
  • excessive noise level;
  • increased level of thermal, isotropic, electromagnetic, infrared radiation;
  • high gas contamination of the air;
  • insufficient illumination, high concentration of pulsations of light radiation, insufficient level of ventilation of the room.

Hazardous factors include interaction with moving machines, mechanisms, as well as unprotected moving parts of industrial, electronic, energy equipment, any operations performed with explosives, metal processing, electric current. The remaining groups of factors do not have a clear separation, therefore, depending on specific conditions, they can be both harmful and dangerous:

  • Harmful chemicals. They have a general toxic, irritant, sensitizing, contributing to the development of allergic diseases, carcinogenic, causing the development of tumors, mutagenic, affecting the reproductive system, the nature of the influence. This group includes a large number of vapors and gases - benzene and toluene, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, lead aerosols, toxic dusts, which are formed, for example, during the processing of beryllium, lead bronze, brass, aggressive liquids - alkalis and acids that increase the nitric acid environment of the working space.
  • Harmful biological. They have a bacteriological effect, which include: microorganisms - bacterial, viral cells, fungi, macroorganisms - representatives of the flora and fauna and the products of their life activities.
  • Harmful psychophysiological. Statistical, dynamic loads.

On January 1, 1976, a change "No. 1" was released to GOST. It added a new group of factors called "Neuro-Psychic Overload", which include:

  • overstrain of the brain as a result of mental labor;
  • overvoltage of the analytical centers of the nervous and visual-auditory (sensory) systems;
  • uniformity and monotony of the work process;
  • emotional overload or exhaustion.

Instead of this document, on January 1, 2018, GOST 12.0.003-2015 was issued with a concise, expanded, clear structure, which makes it more informative and easy to read and understand. All harmful, dangerous production factors have a maximum permissible value, which is displayed in GOST 12.0.002-80 “SSBT. Terms and definitions” dated 09/01/1982 - from 06/01/2016 GOST 12.0.002-2014.

List of hazardous industries

In 2014, the government of the Russian Federation (Russian Federation) adopted Decree No. 665, approving the list of professional areas in which employment is classified as hazardous, difficult, dangerous work. Based on the document, the list of hazardous enterprises consists of the following sectors:

  • agglomeration and enrichment of minerals;
  • metallurgy (ferrous and non-ferrous metals);
  • coke, pitch-coke, thermoanthracite and coke-chemical production;
  • gas and gas generator factory production and maintenance of stations, gas production shops;
  • production of dinas products;
  • chemical production;
  • production of explosive, initiating substances, gunpowder and ammunition equipment;
  • oil, gas, coal and shale processing;
  • metalworking;
  • electrical production;
  • radio engineering production;
  • production of building materials;
  • glass and porcelain-faience production;
  • production of artificial and synthetic fibers;
  • production of paper products;
  • production of medicines, medical and biological preparations and materials;
  • production of printing products;
  • transportation of passengers on underground and land railway, maritime mode of transport;
  • ore preparation, enrichment, agglomeration (agglomeration, briquetting, pelletizing), roasting of ore and non-metallic minerals;
  • coal preparation;
  • production of refractories, hardware, generator gas and obtaining gases in the process of metallurgical operations;
  • maintenance of mercury converter substations;
  • maintenance of power plants, power trains, steam power facilities;
  • electrical production and repair of electrical equipment;
  • production of electronics and radio equipment, light and food industries;
  • health and welfare;
  • construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment, restoration and repair of buildings, structures and other facilities;
  • communications and telecommunications;
  • agrochemical services for agriculture;
  • collection, processing and disposal of animal carcasses;
  • interactions with radioactive substances, sources of ionizing radiation and beryllium;
  • nuclear energy and industry;
  • oil and gas processing industry;
  • geological and mining works.

Regulatory framework

Preferential pension for harmfulness in 2018, except for No. 400-FZ of July 16, 2014, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 665 “On the lists of jobs, industries, professions, positions, specialties, institutions (organizations)” has an extensive regulatory and legislative framework, which consists of the following legislative acts:

  • Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR of January 26, 1991 N 10 "On approval of the lists of industries, jobs, professions, positions and indicators giving the right to preferential pension provision."
  • Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of August 22, 1956 N 1173 "On approval of the lists of industries, workshops, professions and positions, work in which gives the right to state benefits on preferential terms and in preferential amounts." Together with Decree No. 10, it forms lists of occupations by hazard No. 1 and No. 2.
  • Federal Law No. 426-FZ of December 28, 2013 “On Special Assessment of Working Conditions”. On the basis of this document, a special commission is assembled, which carries out an inspection once every 5 calendar years.
  • Decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR No. 381 dated 04.07.91

Who is entitled to a preferential pension for harmful working conditions in 2018

On the basis of Decree No. 10, No. 1173, the following categories of citizens can receive a preferential hazard pension in 2018:

  • working and line personnel performing maintenance, repair, operation and other operations provided for by the scope of the professional field;
  • administrative and technical staff;
  • management personnel and specialists.

Evaluation of working conditions

A special check of working conditions is carried out on the basis of articles 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 of federal law N 426-FZ. To conduct the event, the employer or his representative forms a commission of an odd number of people, on average from 5 to 7 people. It includes representatives of the committee on labor protection and the trade union organization, a number of employees of the organization.

After the creation of the commission, the management of the company issues an order on an assessment on a letterhead, where personal information is entered, the position of the chairman and members of the commission, the relevant orders in the form of a standardized list, the name of the company, the full name of the head of the organization and his signature. Based on the order, a work schedule is formed, which displays the serial number of the document, the name of the event, and the deadline for its completion. Then the order with the schedule is posted on the information stand.

Article 14 of the same document reflects the classification of working conditions, on the basis of which there are four classes:

  • Optimal. They belong to the 1st class, in which there are no harmful production factors or the impact on the worker is at the levels established in the normative hygienic documents.
  • Permissible. They belong to the 2nd class, in which there is some impact on the employee from harmful or dangerous factors that are at the levels established by the regulatory documentation, and the functions of his body, changed by the impact, are restored during the rest provided for by the regulations, or before next work shift.
  • Harmful. They belong to the 3rd class, in which harmful factors affect a person, these values ​​\u200b\u200bexceed the standard indicators. Harmful working conditions are divided into four subclasses:
  1. Harmful working conditions of the 1st degree. Minor changes from the impact of harmful factors, requiring a little more time to recover than before the start of the next shift.
  2. Harmful working conditions of the 2nd degree. They cause significant changes in the normal functioning of the body and become possible causes of the onset and development of a mild form (initial stage) of occupational diseases.
  3. Working conditions 3rd degree. Sources of significant and long-term changes that lead to the formation of mild and moderate occupational diseases, while the employee has a loss of working capacity, he needs a vacation for the period of rehabilitation.
  4. Working conditions 4 degrees. They lead to changes that give impetus to the development of serious diseases, in which there is a loss of general ability to work.
  • Extreme (especially dangerous). They belong to the 4th class, in which harmful factors cause occupational diseases in an acute form.

Lists of harmful professions for early retirement for 2018

Preferential harmfulness pension in 2018 on the basis of resolutions No. 10 and No. 1173, united within the framework of the updated Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation (Russian Federation) No. 665 dated July 16, 2014, can be citizens who work in one or more specialties that form lists professional areas No. 1 and No. 2.

The first list of hazards in Russia

The list (grid) No. 1 was formed on the basis of harmful, extreme working conditions that can cause serious or irreparable harm to the body. The following citizens can receive a preferential pension for harmfulness in 2018:

  • workers performing operations related to crushing, grinding, grinding of non-metallic minerals with 2 or more percent silicon dioxide in the dust that is generated during the performance of work;
  • plastic welders who perform work operations with fluoroplastic in a hot state;
  • liquidators of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, operational groups to reduce radiation levels;
  • employees of health care institutions who constantly and directly work with substances whose activity is more than 0.1 mK (millicurie), for example, radium 226 or equivalent - another chemically active component with similar radiotoxicity and provoking exposure of workers - letter of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated 20.10.1992 Mr. N 2010-RB;
  • doctors and laboratory assistants working with x-ray and angiographic equipment;
  • employees who carry out transportation, perform loading and unloading operations in warehouses, storage facilities for radioactive substances;
  • line workers producing rare earth elements by chemical synthesis method;
  • line employees and technical personnel servicing pulp production equipment, equipment designed for the regeneration of sulfurous acid, liquors.

List 2

The second list of occupational hazards for pensions determined the permissible and optimal working conditions. It includes the following professions:

  • medical staff of senior, junior staff involved in the direct care of patients who are being treated in the infectious diseases, tuberculosis department and leper colony on the basis of the instructions of the Ministry of Social Protection of the Russian Federation N 1-31-U of 04/26/1993;
  • doctors, paramedical, junior medical personnel working in the chemotherapy department and underground type institutions, which are located in the premises of former salt mines; the same employees working in psychiatric departments, at orphanages - letter of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation N 1910-RB dated September 28, 1992 and N 1062-RB dated May 27, 1992;
  • junior sanitary nurses who are busy caring for patients and whose workplace is a fluorographic or x-ray room; employees of pharmaceutical companies and medical institutions who, during the performance of their duties, painted themselves with hepatitis C, in accordance with the letter of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation N 2510 / 8928-03-32 of 08/07/2003;
  • cable jointers, whose activities are connected with the soldering of cables that have a lead, polyethylene and PVC sheath;

A separate list is seasonal work, the list of which is displayed in the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR No. 381 of 07/04/91. Such organizations and professions include:

  • Peat mining sites. Workers engaged in swamp preparation work, engaged in the extraction, drying and harvesting of peat, technical specialists involved in the repair and maintenance of technological equipment in non-production workshops.
  • Timber-rafting enterprises, logging. Line employees responsible for discharging wood material into the water, sorting on the water and carrying out loading and unloading operations on transport vessels, specialists in collecting resin, barras and spruce gray in areas with a high fire hazard.

Terms of appointment

Men who are eligible to receive the Hazard Benefit Pension in 2018 should make sure they meet the following criteria:

  • have a continuous 10-year experience from list No. 1;
  • total experience since employment for more than 20 years;
  • are persons over 50 years of age.

The term "general work experience" implies the summation of the length of service obtained in the framework of work with harmful working conditions and the length of service in other professional areas. Only if the above criteria are met, men can receive benefits 10 years earlier, while retaining them to continue working until they lose their ability to work.

Women who qualify for the benefit must ensure that they meet the following criteria:

  • have a continuous 7.5-year experience, which includes a period of childcare (maternity leave) by profession from list No. 1;
  • total work experience over 15 years;
  • are persons over 45 years of age.

For citizens who are employed in professions established by list No. 2, the following criteria are used:

  • continuous experience for men - 12.5 and 10 years for women;
  • total work experience for men - 25 and 10 years for women;
  • age 55 for men and 50 for women.

Benefit tables

The table with the experience required for early access to benefits according to list No. 2 is given below

Additional requirements

You need to earn 30 pension points in order to receive benefits. A citizen who has applied for a pension accrual has an incomplete preferential period - less than half of the values ​​\u200b\u200bspecified in the tables, the reduction of the retirement age is carried out as follows:

  • one year is deducted in accordance with each full year of preferential service - for list No. 1;
  • for men and women is reduced by a year in accordance with two years worked in any profession from list No. 2.

Contributions of employers to the Pension Fund for harmful and especially difficult working conditions

Based on Law No. 400-FZ, an organization is required to transfer deductions equal to 22% of the amount of employees' salaries every month. The interest rate is divided into the following components:

  • Contribution credited to cover current expenses for the payment of benefits - 6%.
  • The insurance guarantee of the employee from the person to whom the deductions are made is 16%. This component is divided into two parts: the money going to the insurance - 10% and the funded part - 6%.

The methodology is of a general nature. At the legislative level, cases of early access to benefits for people whose professional activities are associated with hazardous industries are provided. For these persons, special accounts are created on the basis of the pension fund, which are formed by additional contributions made by the employer organization.

The employer is obliged to pay additional insurance premiums on behalf of employees whose jobs are associated with harmful and especially dangerous working conditions. The amount of contributions is determined upon the fact of a special assessment. If the check was not carried out, then the tariff is 9% for the professions included in list No. 1, and 6%, which are included in list No. 2.

Based on Article 2.1 of Federal Law No. 212-FZ “On Insurance Contributions to the Pension Fund of Russia”, introduced on January 1, 2014, additional insurance contributions were differentiated according to the classification of working conditions. In accordance with the classification, when an employee performs labor activity in harmful conditions, the employer deducts contributions to the Pension Fund in the amount of 2 to 7% (depending on the subclass), in case of especially difficult conditions - 8%.

How to calculate the harmfulness pension

Preferential harmfulness pension in 2018 is calculated. To calculate the amount of future accrual according to list No. 2, a formula is used that has the following form - Spsk \u003d IPC * SPC, where:

  • SPsk - old-age insurance pension;
  • IPC - pension coefficient, determined on an individual basis;
  • SPC - the cost of the 1st pension ball attributable to the day the payment is made. From February 1, 2018, one point will cost 81.49 rubles. instead of 78.28 for the same period of the current year.

The individual pension coefficient (IPC) is determined by the following formula - IPC = IPCs + IPCn, where:

  • IPKs is the amount of the insurance part of the labor pension (without a fixed base amount) divided by the SPC. Accrued for the time worked until 01/01/2017(18);
  • IPKn is the amount of SPC, which are determined annually, starting from 1.01.2015

The allowance for professions related to list No. 1 is calculated according to the following formula - SP \u003d IPK * SIPK * K + (FV * K), where:

  • SIPC - total pension;
  • SIPC is similar to SPK;
  • K - coefficients of bonus accruals, depending on the time for which the application for the calculation of a pension was deferred .;
  • FV - a fixed payment from February 1, 2017, amounting to 4805.11 rubles. As can be seen from the formula, all elements included in it are multiplied, except that the product of the fixed payout and the premium coefficient is added to the total product of the remaining components.

In practice, there is a close relationship between the individual coefficient and wages, so the IPC is calculated using the following formula - IPC \u003d SV / SVmax * 10, where:

  • CB - the amount of insurance premiums transferred by the employer during the year;
  • 16% of the maximum assessment base, which changes annually.


The preferential hazard pension in 2018 is accompanied by an additional payment, which is assigned in accordance with Article 219 of the Labor Code (Labor Code) of the Russian Federation and is guaranteed for employees who are directly involved in work processes associated with harmful and dangerous factors, where their impact on the body is inevitable. The type and amount of compensation amounts is determined at the discretion of the employer on the basis of the norms prescribed in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. As a rule, the amount of the supplement is more than 4% of the wages of employees employed in labor operations under normal conditions.

Order of registration in 2018

In order to receive early accruals on the basis of preferential security, a citizen can personally visit the branch of the pension fund (PFR) at the place of registration, at the MFC (multifunctional center) and fill out an application. If a personal visit is impossible, the recipient writes a power of attorney for one of the family members, where he indicates his rights within the framework of this document. A power of attorney is considered valid only after certification by a notary or a lawyer.

To save time, you can download the application template from the Internet, fill it out on a computer, submit it electronically through the "personal account of a citizen" on the official website of the PFR or send it by registered mail. Using this option, it should be remembered that the decision on the appeal will be made only from the moment it is received by the employees of the organization.

Where to go

An application for the issuance of benefits in connection with the onset of the appropriate age is submitted by each of the employees individually. At the same time, he collects a complete package of necessary documents, which confirms the presence of harmful and general work experience. Representatives of the recruitment department help with this, who, when submitting an application (no later than a month before the retirement age), provide the necessary certificates and extracts from the archives.

In addition, it is necessary to prepare other financial documents, certificates accepted by employees of the pension fund on the basis of which the amounts intended for monthly accrual are calculated. Relevant documentation is provided to employees of the pension fund 2-3 months before the right to receive benefits.

What documents are required

Employees of the pension fund accept, draw up an application for preferential benefits if they have a package consisting of the following documents:

  • passports personifying the person;
  • SNILS - certificates of compulsory pension insurance;
  • documents that confirm that the applicant has the right to receive early retirement insurance coverage: work book, certificates that clarify the special working conditions at the workplace issued by the employer, cards that take into account the time actually worked;
  • an additional set of documents: archival certificates, an employment contract, a military ID, if the person applying for a pension is liable for military service (certificates confirming length of service), a document on education, birth certificates of children, if any, certificates of the presence of a disability group.

If the documents were provided in full, then they are subject to consideration within 10 days from the date of presentation to the employee of the pension fund. The standard period for issuing a preferential hazard pension in 2018 is from 1 to 3 months. It should be borne in mind that during this time period, a refusal to provide early accrual of benefits may be received.

Indexation of preferential pensions for harmful working conditions in 2018

The preferential harmfulness pension in 2018 is indexed by the state by increasing the inflation rate. The need to recalculate accrued pension payments arises due to the fact that legislative acts regulating the amount, conditions, and other aspects of the provision of preferential benefits are constantly supplemented with new information that requires updating the current situation. At the moment, there is no information regarding the increase in preferential payments.

Rules and terms of payment

The preferential harmfulness pension in 2018 is accrued from the beginning of each calendar month. The choice of the method of calculating benefits remains with the citizen. He can receive money through the post office, to a bank account, to the house from some credit organizations that provide services for the delivery of benefits. The list of these organizations can be specified in the pension fund.


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The circle of persons falling under the rule was established in 1991 by the USSR Cabinet of Ministers and has since remained virtually unchanged, having undergone only a number of additions.

Age and experience

Depending on the type of specialty, different harmful experience for pension:

  • on first list: a man who has worked with harmfulness no less 10 years from 20 years internship, stop working at 50. For women, there are standards 15 years general and 7 years 6 months harmful experience, that is, the right to rest comes at 45;
  • according to second list of men with harmful experience 12 years 6 months if there is a common 25 years, and women at 20 years seniority should 10 years work out of it in hazardous industries. Termination of work for men is possible at 55, and for female representatives at 50.

Registration early rest possible for women at 45-50 years old, and for men at 50-55 years old. At the same time, it is necessary to comply three important conditions:

  1. Reach a certain age.
  2. Have the required general experience.
  3. Have time for work with harmfulness in the required volumes.

Changes in preferential pensions for health workers and teachers

From January 1, 2019, a new pension reform comes into force, according to which health workers and teachers retain the right to early retirement, but they can receive these payments after reaching the generally established retirement age in the country. The requirements for seniority remain at the same level:

  • from 25 years old educators and pedagogical workers, as well as rural doctors;
  • from 30 years old for doctors working in the city.

Retirement table of doctors, teachers and artists

Year of experience

Conditions for retirement in 2019-2028

release year

2019 I half

2019 II half

2019 II half

2020 I half

2020 I half

2021 II half

2020 II half

2022 I half

How is the pension calculated?

The calculation of the amount of pension provision is carried out according to the scheme, which is approved Federal Law No. 400:

P \u003d PPK * SPK, where:

P– amount of collateral;

PPK– personal pension coefficient, upon establishment of which are taken into account preferential rights of a citizen, including harm;

SPK- the cost established in a specific period of time for a unit of the pension coefficient by the Government. Since 2019 this amount is 87 rubles 24 kopecks.

Consider, how they charge personal pension. It is the sum:

  1. Coefficient values until January 1, 2015. This is the insurance part of the benefit without taking into account its fixed base part. The value of this coefficient is taken at the end of 2014 and divided by the new coefficient of the beginning of 2015.
  2. Coefficient values ​​after this date. Determined for each year on the basis of transfers of insurance premiums.

In 2015, the personal pension coefficient had minimum total size in 6.6 and within the next 10 years will increase every year by 2.4 units until the target is reached 30 . At present, this ratio is 16.2 .

The calculation of this indicator is made on the day of the holiday. In addition, the old-age pension has a fixed amount 5334.19 rubles.

The procedure for applying for a pension

To apply for such a pension payment, you need to contact the Pension Fund branch with a specific package documents:

  • statement. View and download here: ;
  • passport, military ID;
  • employment history;
  • certificate confirming the harmfulness of work from the personnel department.

If all documents have been submitted and the fact of the right to early rest has been confirmed, then, according to the procedure, the execution of the payment is 1-3 months but may not exceed a period of more than 3 months.

Possible failure cases, in which employees of hazardous industries cannot apply for early rest and due payments. Most often this is due to the dishonesty of the employer, who did not organize an assessment of the work of labor and did not document the fact of harmfulness. In such a situation, the employee has the right to file statement of claim in court, during which the category of hazard to his workplace will be set and preferential service will be added.

When applying for a job associated with increased risk, you must remember:

  1. The fact of danger and harmfulness of work and benefits must appear in the employment contract.
  2. Independently track your personal data and the amount of preferential service. At the request of the employee, the personnel department must issue such information in hand in the form of a certificate.
  3. It is also necessary to monitor the timeliness of the deduction of insurance premiums.

An example of a pension for harmful conditions

Sergey Ivanov worked 25 years, wherein 15 of them in the meat industry. A man is eligible for early retirement at the beginning of 2017.

Let's find out the main components for the formula:

  1. Sergey earned for his labor activity 98.3 points.
  2. The size of the IPC for 2019 is set - 87 rubles 24 kopecks.
  3. The amount of the fixed surcharge at that time was at the level RUB 5334.19, and when operating in the Komi Republic, this amount increases by 1.5 times.

So, P \u003d PPK * SPK, that is P \u003d 98.3 * 87.24 \u003d 8575.69 rubles, to this amount it is necessary to add a fixed payment, taking into account the northern coefficient: 5334.19 * 1.5 = 8001.28 rubles.

Thus, having a preferential service of 15 years and a total of 25, Sergey Ivanov retires at 55 and receives a security in the amount of 16576.97 rubles monthly.

The most popular questions and answers to them on pensions for harmful working conditions

Question: Good day! I work in a printing house. I want to retire at 50. Tell me, should work experience include maternity leave and time for advanced training?

Answer: Hello! Period of study, advanced training courses not credited in the general experience, as it happens outside the main place of work.

Holiday to care for the child turns on in work experience. But only first 1.5 years, and there is no second half of vacation up to 3 years, since it passes without maintenance. The total experience gained in childcare cannot exceed 6 years.