
Titans and Titanides (Gods of the first generation). Titans and titanides (Gods of the first generation) One of the titans crossword 4


The Seven Deadly Sins Season 3
Attack on Titan is a well-deserved TOP for the third consecutive season. This anime is impossible to disrespect. The original script, rich plot, vivid characters, lots of intrigue and tons of action cause blissful ecstasy and awe. The series is addictive not only from the first episode, but from the first opening! Everything about it is amazing, from art to music. And the best part is, it won't end! The third season had just died down, as information about the release was launched on the network Fourth season of Attack on Titan. Waiting for the new and discussing the old. What was, is gone
The third season was marked by the following:
Eren learned how to create an impenetrable shell;
Commander Irvine died a heroic death;
Armin was made a Titan;
The ape titan lost to Levi, but did not die;
the team reached the basement and found detailed explanations of life in the letters of Eren's father.

And the most important thing! The question was answered - what is happening in general? Eren's father explained in detail in his letter left in the basement, all the nuances of life. Let us briefly retell the history of the world over the past couple of hundred years.

How many generations ago, the Titans ruled the world and actively devoured people. Then the little people rebelled and gasped the revolution. The Titan King looked at the whole thing from the height of his rather big stature, spat, turned around and set sail for the island along with the servants. He barked his weighty word from there - do not poke your nose and you will not be eaten - rebuilt the fence and began to peacefully live out his last days. This is how the world in which Eren & Co live was formed. Little people, without thinking twice, lowered everyone who was not included in the list of the royal retinue below the plinth and regained the reins of government over the world. And the unwanted were exiled to the island. And the idyll reigned. But! The boy Grisha was born. The boy was of titan origin, quickly tasted all the hardships of life, was exiled to the island, where he ate the new King of the Titans and took away his strength. And turmoil started from the first episode of the first season.

Pleasures of the third season:
action that chokes on every episode;
abundance of events;
a dozen tactical operations;
change of locations throughout the territory of residence of "humanity";
an exciting final battle with old acquaintances.

It was nice to hear the opening, very close to the first one in the manner of performance. A special THANK YOU for the third season in a row deserves.

What the coming day brings us
Season 4 of Attack on Titan will take a long, long way away from the Eren & Co. line. The action will be transferred to the continent, where the audience will be given the most meticulous details of the current situation.

Important details of the world that will be learned:
who is Berthold and his associates and where did they get the power of the Titans from;
the political situation of the continent;
the extent of the problems Eren caused.

Until the fourth season, "good" and "bad" were sorted by the inhabitants of the island. This time, viewers will see the world through Reiner's eyes. In what conditions did He and His friends live? What he had to go through. What he was deprived of. Who was His family. And this is where the good old question comes to the surface. "and who is to blame?" and “what to do?”, popular not only on the other side of the screen, but also in the real world to this day.

When and by whom was the fundamental mistake made, which led to such enormous sacrifices? Who should have stopped first? What is the right thing to do in such a situation? These questions pop up in my head. Whether answers will be given to them or not - it is impossible to say for sure, because everyone has their own truth. And Reiner will prove it.

What to expect?
Fourth season of Attack on Titan cardinally differs from the first three both in location and characters. Naturally, habit will play its part and the audience may spit at first, but this is not for long. The author has not changed, which means that the general theme and mood of the work will not change. It will be intriguing, bewitching, with an abundance of action and great musical accompaniment.

Or rather, what NOT to expect.
The fourth season of the anime Attack on Titan won't show:
Eren and company in young age;
battles with the Titans as part of famous heroes;
Levi in ​​all his glory.

Viewers will see:
a lot of drama in the performance of the population of the continent;
dozens of responses performed by Reiner, command and government;
battles of new Titans against new enemies;
human depth;
the danger posed by fanatics.

Actions will unfold over several years. In addition, there may be flashbacks and references to the past. The tangle will completely unravel, everything will fall into place, and at the end of the season, the audience, in theory, is waiting for a logical outcome with the most masterpiece battle. Eren, who has fully mastered and honed his Titan's skills over the years, accompanied by a team, against the Titans from the continent and the army. Powerful, juicy, bright, emotional. Action guaranteed.

The final is not the only battlefield. There will be plenty of entrails and gnawed limbs. Do not forget that the government of the Big Earth persuaded the Titans of the past to go over to their side. In modern times, their combat power is actively used at the front. The author will kindly demonstrate a couple of the most "delicious" battles.

What is the series about?
Attack on Titan is not just an anime. It has a lot of dismemberment, difficult and vital questions, internal drama.

The author expressively and clearly demonstrates the mistakes of our modern humanity. Anime makes everyone think who is able to move the convolutions. It draws not only a rich plot, but also the relevance of the problems. Snotty romantic stories that are not destined to come true are watched by thousands. Reality and urgency draws in millions.

It's not for nothing that Attack on Titan has been rubbing his pants on the couch of the TOPs for three seasons in a row. The degree of immersion of the audience in the world, the disclosure of characters, musical accompaniment, confusing story line with unpredictable endings and original characters enslaved the audience. Be patient, because watch attack on titan season 4 you will be able to do so no earlier than autumn 2020.

Titans and Titanides
gods of the first generation,
born from the marriage of the land of Gaia and the sky of Uranus
(six sisters and six brothers)

# Hyperion
# Iapetus (Iapetus)
# Coy
# Crius
# Cron
# Ocean

# Mnemosyne
# Rhea
# Teiya (Feyya)
# Tethys
# Phoebe
# Themis


husband of his sister Teia, father of Helios, Selena, Eos. Hyperion - "shining" god, lit. "going above", that is, across the sky and therefore is identified with Helios - often in Homer, in Hellenistic-Roman mythology - constantly; the sons of Helios are called hyperionides.

Husband of the Oceanid Clymene, who bore him Atlantis, Menetius, Prometheus and Epimetheus. According to other sources, they are the sons of Iapetus and the Oceanids of Asia. Iapetus is a member of the Titanomachy; was cast down by Zeus into tartar, sharing the fate of the brothers-titans.

brother and husband of the Titanides Phoebe, who gave birth to Leto and Asteria; grandfather of Apollo, Artemis and Hekate. Participated in the titanomachy and was thrown into tartar with his brothers.

· father of the titanides Pallas, Astrea and Persian, grandfather Nike, Strength, Power and Envy.

Kronos, Kronos
(K r o n o z) one of the titans, the son of Uranus and Gaia. At the instigation of his mother, he castrated Uranus with a sickle made of durable metal or even diamond in order to stop his endless fertility. After that, the titans became the supreme beings in space. The time when Cronus was "lord of the sky" was the golden age of mythological history. People in those days lived like gods, "with a calm and clear soul, not knowing grief, not knowing labors," according to Hesiod.

Having reigned instead of his father, Kron took his sister Rhea as his wife. However, according to the prediction of Gaia's mother, his own son was to deprive him of power, therefore, as soon as Rhea had children, Kron immediately swallowed them, wanting to avoid the fulfillment of the prediction. One day, Rhea deceived Kron by placing a stone wrapped in diapers instead of the youngest son of Zeus, which was swallowed by Kron.

Zeus was secretly nursed in a cave in Crete. Guarded by the Kurets, he grew up, became powerful and cunning. Having matured, on the advice of his wife Metis, he made Cronus drunk with a magical drink, thanks to which Cronus spewed into the world the brothers and sisters of Zeus - Poseidon, Hades, Hera, Demeter and Hestia. Under the leadership of Zeus, the children of Kron declared war on the titans, which lasted ten years. Terrible and stubborn was this struggle between the Kronids and Uranids. The Titans were powerful and formidable opponents. Zeus brought the Cyclopes out of Tartarus, who fettered him with thunderbolts and thunders, but they did not bring a quick victory either, no one's advantage was visible. Then Zeus brought the hundred-handed out of the bowels of the earth. They tore whole rocks from the mountains and threw them at the titans when they approached Olympus, where the Kronids settled.

This long-term battle, when everything in nature groaned, shuddered and burned with fire, was called titanomachy. This myth, apparently, reflected ideas about natural disasters that changed the landscape of the planet.

When the terrible hundred-armed ones intervened in the battle, the titans faltered, the domination of the insane and impersonal cosmic elements came to an end, the time came for intelligent human-like deities - the Olympians. The formidable power of the titans was broken. Zevs chained them all, including Kron, and threw them into the tartar, and appointed the hundred-handed watchmen. According to the Orphic tradition, Cron subsequently reconciles with Zeus and rules on the islands of the blessed, on the edge of the earth, beyond the Ocean, where only the dead live - hence the concept of the reign of Cron as a happy and fertile time arose.

Among the children of Kronus, his son from the nymph Filira, the wise centaur Chiron, also stands out.

Folk etymology brought the name Krona closer to the name of the time - Chronos. In Roman mythology, Kron is known by the name of Saturn, which was perceived as a symbol of inexorable time.

Cronus was dedicated to the festivities of kronii, in Rome - saturnalia, during which masters and servants changed their duties, and unbridled fun of the carnival type reigned.

Mnemosyne, Mnemosyne
the goddess of memory. She gave birth to the Muses from Zeus - nine daughters. According to the message of Pausanias, in Leybadei (Boeotia), near the cave of Trophonius, there were two sources: Leta - oblivion and Mnenosyne - memory. According to tradition, those who come to question the famous oracle first drink water from both sources in order to forget about worries and worries and remember what they heard and saw in the cave.

Ocean (Wk e a n o z)
You, begetter of immortal gods and mortal people,
You wash the circle of the earth, limiting it with yourself,
All seas and deep rivers come from you,
Moisture holy underground springs and streams - from you.
Orphic hymn

· the deity of the boundless and deep, the greatest and oldest river of the same name in the world, washing the whole earth (Homer "Iliad", XIV 245-246). In the far west, it marks the boundary between the world of life and the world of death. From this boundless river spring all other rivers and sea currents; from it the sun, moon and stars rise and fall into it.

The ocean is a titan of the first generation, the son of the sky of Uranus and the earth of Gaia, the brother and husband of the titan Tethys, with whom he gave birth to three thousand daughters - oceanids and the same number of sons - river streams. He is the father of Metis, the wise wife of Zeus. The ocean is also known for its peacefulness and kindness (tried unsuccessfully to reconcile Prometheus with Zeus).

According to myths, the Ocean did not participate in the battle of the titans against Zeus, because he was unable to raise his fluid body from the surface of the earth, but took the side of the gods of the new generation in this struggle, and therefore retained his power, as well as the trust of the Olympians.

The ocean and Tefis constantly live in their underwater palace, not participating in the affairs of the other gods.

Rhea (R e i a)
Mother of all immortal gods and mortal people, praise me,
Daughter of the great Zeus, O sonorous Muse!
She loves the sounds of rattles and tambourines and overflowing flutes,
The fiery-eyed roar of lions, the howls of wolves,
Ringing mountains and forested logs are deaf
Rejoice in the song and you, and with you all the other goddesses!

· Ancient goddess, Titanide, daughter of Uranus and Gaia, sister and wife of Kronos, who bore him Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, Poseidon and Zeus. Kronos, fearing to be deprived of power, devoured his children, but Rhea, on the advice of her parents, saved Zeus. Instead of her son, she planted a swaddled stone for Kronos, which he swallowed, and secretly from her father sent her son to Crete, to Mount Dikta. According to one version of the myth, Rhea deceived Kronos at the birth of Poseidon. She hid her son among the grazing sheep, and gave Kronos the foal to swallow, citing the fact that she gave birth to him.

In the period of late antiquity, Rhea was identified with the Phrygian Great Mother of the gods and received the name Rhea-Cybele, whose cult was distinguished by an orgiastic character. Rhea's retinue in Crete consisted of the Curetes and Corybantes.

Theia, Feya
wife of Hyperion, mother of Helios, Selene and Eos.

Tethys, Tithea (T h q u z) · one of the most ancient deities, titanide, daughter of Uranus and Gaia, sister and wife of the Ocean, from marriage with whom she gave birth to three thousand oceanids and all the rivers of the world. The fertility of Tethys and her concern for countless offspring is indicated by the name of the goddess, associated with the Indo-European teta, "mother."

Tethys and the Ocean live at the end of the world, and there more than once, in order to reconcile the quarreling spouses, Hera went, whom they, at the request of her mother Rhea, sheltered during the struggle between Zeus and Cronus.

· sister and wife of Koya, sometimes associated with the moon along with Selena and Bendida. She is the mother of Leto and Asteria, the grandmother of Apollo and Artemis. Phoebe was considered the founder of the temple and oracle at Delphi, which she then presented to her grandson.

Temida, Themis (Q e m i z)
· goddess of justice, daughter of Uranus and Gaia, titanide, second legal wife of Zeus, mother of or, goddesses of order in nature, and moira, goddesses of human destiny. According to one version, Themis is the mother of Prometheus, while she clearly approaches the earth Gaia and is thought of by one deity under different names. Possessing the gift of divination, the goddess reveals to Prometheus the secret that the marriage of Zeus to Thetis will lead to the birth of a son who will overthrow Zeus. From her mother Gaia, she received the Delphic oracle, which she passed on to her sister Phoebe, who gave this oracle to Apollo, her grandson.

In Olympia, near the altar of Gaia with her oracle and the altar of Zeus was the altar of Themis. As the goddess of Olympic mythology, Themis is no longer identified with the earth, but is her offspring, as well as the wife of Zeus as the basis of law and order. After she ceased to be the wife of Zeus, Themis became his adviser and mediator between Zeus and people. She conveyed to them the commands of the supreme god.

Themis is depicted with a blindfold, for she is a symbol of impartiality, with a cornucopia and scales in her hands. She represents justice and law. Judges and lawyers are called priests of Themis.

Alexander Terebenev, ser. 19th century

Justice and Pax in front of the throne of Venice
Paolo Veronese, 1575-77
Venice, Palazzo Ducale

Raphael Santi, 1509-11
Rome, Vatican Museums

For a long time I could not start watching this anime, because, despite the high score and good feedback, the first series frankly repulsed me. Well, I didn’t want to watch that’s all ... But then I somehow overcame myself and now, after watching three seasons, I don’t regret it at all. However, it was the first season that left the deepest impression on me. There was one female character that stuck out to me the most. It is she who seems to be the most honest and correct character. She was more honest than others, and one cannot do without victims in a war. Especially when you see how this herd, which is called humanity, behaves. He truly appreciates only a few. After watching the first season, I couldn’t sleep for a long time, and I watched it late in the evening, it all hooked me so deeply, and I rethought precisely her actions for a long time, naturally at the same time building other hypotheses about the Titans.

In general, I advise those who know how and love to solve puzzles. I ended up with a 10...

"Attack on Titan" during my short stay among anime people, they already managed to recommend me several times, and I myself got a burning desire to watch this title approximately after I first heard the first opening - and given the popularity of the anime itself, as well as the quality of soundtracks and art, I from the very beginning laid on the "Attack on Titan" high hopes - and finally found the perfect moment to start watching.
And since at the beginning I first of all noted the art and the soundtrack, then this, I think, is exactly what lured most people to watch this anime: a memorable character design, really high-quality (especially by the standards of 2013) art, and all this action reigning in the title is accompanied by music from such famous composers and performers in the anime fan community as OST's, from which they are almost always able to give the viewer goosebumps. this moment "Attack of the Titans" is for me one of the titles with the best music and graphics. Oftentimes, I end up loving an anime song not because it's really that good, but because it brings back so many memories associated with the anime it belongs to, but in this case, I was raving about the epic soundtrack long before I watched it. .
However, the main component by which the title must be judged is still the plot, and it seemed to me very good here - I was especially hooked by the elaboration of the world closed by walls: everything was thought out, and the army fighting the titans, and its units, and weapons for confrontation... Most of all, I think, of all these magnificent ideas of the author, I was impressed by the Spatial Maneuvering Devices (or UPM), because it not only looks great (well, you see, flying people are really epic), but also thought out in terms of work, that is it requires a lot of training to use, it's useless on the plains, and lots of other ideas that make this device look like something that could exist in reality. Why, even the drawings are attached to it! And this, by the way, is another plus regarding the elaboration of the world - the inserts in the middle of the episodes are filled interesting information about the life of people in this universe, for the sake of which it’s not too lazy to even pause the series for a couple of seconds.
She said about the plot, but in the end she began to overwrite about the structure of the world, yeah. At the heart of the plot, we have a guy named , who, after a childhood trauma, finally decided to go to the reconnaissance squad and vowed to destroy all the titans. Actually, after he and his friends get into the army and a fierce batch begins with

transformation of people into titans,

with reincarnation

Worked with a bang:

I perfectly understand that the main character could not die in the very first episodes, but at the same time, the thought does not occur to me that he could grow a titan body for himself and go to save humanity

So, in general, there are no complaints about the first half of the season - the first thirteen episodes flew by in one breath. And here's what's next...
And then we have, in fact, the same trick with

transformation of a man into a titan

But only now it will be not only Eren who will shine with abilities, but for the most part

his friend from the time of training. And this, in fact, they tried to present as a detective, but correct me if I'm wrong - almost from the first series with the appearance of a female titan, the viewer should know what it is! I mean, before leaving the walls, there was even a scene with Eren and his friends and acquaintances, and there the emphasis was placed on the absence of Annie, they say, “here, everyone dispersed, some in intelligence, some in the Life Guards, some where else, Where did Annie go?" And after you are already screaming at the screen about the true nature of the titan girl, you are still forced to watch the extended carnage between her and the reconnaissance squad (and it is really extended, in my opinion). I don’t consider the characters stupid in this situation - putting myself in Eren’s place, I would also not suspect the left acquaintance, with whom I almost didn’t intersect, however, from the point of view of me as a viewer, not only does a solution immediately arise in front of me, but also after that, you have to sit and wait until it is finally revealed. Tightened.

In addition, there are a couple more moments that not only directly change the attitude towards the title, but also a little jarred - for example, the scene in the first series, where mothers from the crowd, whose son went into intelligence, then brought his own hand. While watching, I had only one question - WHY? What was the point? Have you finally decided to break the psyche of a poor woman? Surely if the commander of the detachment himself had told her that her son had died, she would not have believed? I understand that in such an anime, cruelty is indispensable, but here it was simply inappropriate!
Continuing the theme with the lack of logic - here the point is rather not cruelty, but unrealism: for example, when in the forest - or Levi, one of them - gave orders to the detachment, flying through the trees and fighting off the titan (I, of course, do not expert, but they simply wouldn't hear him over the noise of battle). Or when he addressed the people from the wall, talking about Eren. Do you remember what walls are there? If I still have doubts about the scene in the forest, how did they hear it in this case? It reminded me of scenes from, but unlike "Kill la Kill" v "Attack on Titan" there is no genre of "comedy" to which this mistake could be attributed.
And yet, even taking into account the shortcomings I have indicated, this anime impressed me. I consider the first place in the "Best Action" tournament to be more than deserved, I spent a whole paragraph talking about my admiration for the structure of the world, and how many characters are left, the disclosure of which I look forward to in subsequent seasons ... Yes, the second season promises to be epic. But I will evaluate it only after watching it, but I can make the final verdict on the first one even now. And, in fairness, it deserves an 8/10, but for the stunning soundtracks and graphics, I will add another point. Total - 9/10 .