
Reviews, photos before and after the procedure, as well as a lot of interesting and useful information about the unique LPG massage technique. LPG massage: advantages and contraindications of the procedure Lpg massage what gives


Elastic tightened skin of the body is achieved through a variety of exercises, treatments and cosmetics. Hardware LPG-massage is a long-established method of giving the skin a healthy appearance, getting rid of visual imperfections through the action of a special mechanism. Let us consider in more detail the advantages and disadvantages of the procedure, its effectiveness and safety for health.

What is LPG massage

The principle of the apparatus for LPG massage was invented more than forty years ago - engineer Louis Paul Gite (the first letters make up the abbreviation LPG) came up with a mechanism, the principle of which is based on rotating rollers, as well as massaging vacuum at the same time. During such a massage, the skin is absorbed, respectively, massaging and stimulating the cells of the skin and subcutaneous layers.

This technique is widely used all over the world: in sports, in aesthetic medicine and other types of therapy.

For several decades, the invention was actively distributed and popularized, after which it became recognized throughout the world. Thanks to the many different attachments for the device, it is possible to act on any type of skin and eliminate many body imperfections. To date, the modernized and improved apparatus is actively used for massage with the aim of effectively influencing the skin and subcutaneous layer. LPG-massage is designed to visually change and give an aesthetic shape to the skin:

  • Elimination of "fresh" and outdated cellulite;
  • Body contour correction;
  • Giving firmness and elasticity to sluggish skin;
  • Burning of the subcutaneous fat layer;
  • Improved blood flow;
  • Help in removing excess fluid, toxins from the body;
  • Getting rid of edema;
  • Skin tightening and wrinkle removal;
  • Giving a healthy shade and shine to the skin;
  • Active tissue renewal, cell regeneration;
  • Providing "breathing" of the skin;
  • Getting rid of excess weight;
  • Mitigation of unpleasant sensations in sports injuries, removal of muscle pain;
  • Treatment of cosmetic, burn and surgical scars and scars.

Pros of the procedure

There are several similar procedures that can effectively burn subcutaneous fat and give the skin elasticity and firmness. In comparison with LPG-massage, such procedures have characteristic advantages, but they are not without significant disadvantages.

Table: Comparison of LPG, cavitation, vacuum and manual anti-cellulite massage

LPG massage cavitation Anti-cellulite manual Ordinary vacuum
Feel Absence of any discomfortDifficulty relaxing, constant tensionPossible discomfort and pain during the sessionPain during the procedure
Complexity Requires a special massage suit and apparatusRequires special laser equipmentRequires additional efforts and qualifications of a massage therapistRequires special equipment (usually cans)
In the fight against fat It is an analogue of liposuction, but without surgical interventionEffective breakdown of the subcutaneous fat layerIt is not as effective due to the lower intensity of the effect on subcutaneous fatTones and firms the skin
Efficiency 15-25 procedures are required to achieve the desired effect.The first result is noticeable after the first procedureThe first result is noticeable after 5-6 proceduresFor greater effectiveness, 10-20 sessions are recommended.
Possible consequences Virtually no traces left after the procedureBruising, spider veins, dehydration, hyperpigmentation and morePossible bruising and pain Bruising and bruising on sensitive skin


The unique massage technique allows not only to correct the lines of the figure, to recover from cellulite, but also to get rid of some injuries and diseases, therefore it is indicated for both women and men with the following problems:

  • Overweight and obesity;
  • Loose, loose skin;
  • Consequences of caesarean section;
  • Stretch marks, scars, burns and scars on the body;
  • Puffiness;
  • Cellulite and other irregularities on the surface of the skin;
  • Painful sensations and muscle spasms;
  • Signs of skin aging;
  • Gravitational ptosis;
  • Osteochondrosis in women and men;


You should refuse or temporarily postpone the LPG massage procedure if you have the following symptoms:

  • The period of menstruation, pregnancy, and lactation;
  • Neoplasms and tumors;
  • Alcohol abuse, alcohol addiction;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Inflammation and skin diseases;
  • Varicose veins of 2-4 degrees;
  • Poor blood clotting, vascular fragility;
  • Diseases of the kidneys and bladder;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • Respiratory diseases, colds;
  • First 10 days after liposuction.

What do doctors think about this method of influencing the body

Specialists and doctors have a positive attitude towards LPG massage, as they note its effectiveness, safety and painlessness. During the preliminary consultation, the doctor recommends which areas should be emphasized and which areas should be given more attention.

The results of LPG sessions usually exceed all expectations, because patients not only get rid of cellulite and excess weight, but also get 20–30% more toned skin

The next factor that is highlighted by experts is the ability not to carry out in a complex with similar procedures to achieve a better result. One LPG massage is enough (of similar procedures) to affect changes in the relief and general condition of the skin and subcutaneous layers.

But still, experts pay attention to the contraindications of the procedure, since if you abuse and violate the rules of the session, you can not only not correct body flaws, but also harm your health.


Before attending an LPG massage session, you should consult a doctor and undergo a diagnosis. The specialist determines the condition of the skin and an individual course of procedures. The survey includes:

  • Weighing the patient;
  • Measurement of body volumes;
  • Finding problem areas and focusing on them;
  • Definition of areas that are not subject to treatment by the device due to contraindications;
  • Photographing the patient for clarity in a standing position.

In conclusion, the doctor allows or does not allow the session. With a positive response from a specialist, you can start the procedure as soon as possible.

  1. Training. At least 3 hours before the massage, you need to prepare: refuse to eat and drink about half a liter of water. Before starting the procedure, the patient puts on a special suit for greater effectiveness of the session.
  2. Identification of problem areas. Based on the opinion of the doctor, as well as his own observations, the specialist notes the areas of the body necessary for treatment and selects the appropriate nozzle and device mode.
  3. Massage. The marked problem areas can be treated with a special apparatus. The patient feels only small waves through the body, painless at normal intensity. If discomfort occurs, the doctor adjusts the regimen. The specialist uses four basic movements: "twisting" (against cellulite), "rocking" (against body fat), "sliding" (to model the contour of the body), "polishing" (for elasticity and firmness of the skin). During the procedure, the patient is allowed and even encouraged to tighten the muscles of the body and move to achieve a better result. One session lasts about 35-40 minutes.
  4. After the session. At the end of the procedure, the patient can start his daily activities, since there is no rehabilitation period and strict restrictions, but it is better to refuse food and drink plenty of water in the next 3 hours. To achieve a greater effect in the future, you should treat the skin with anti-cellulite creams, balance your diet and play sports.

Video: How is it done in the clinic and how long does it take

Frequency, duration and cost of the course

You can repeat the LPG massage procedure no more than twice a week. To obtain a noticeable result, as a rule, it is necessary from 15 to 25 repetitions of the procedure, and during the course the number of sessions decreases, being limited to once a month.

The cost of one session varies between 1500-2000 rubles. You should not seek services from clinics that offer a lower cost, as there is a risk of low quality and lack of safety of the procedure.

LPG massage - modern technique, which without harm to health will return youth to an aging body, tighten the skin and contours of the figure. Remarkably, it takes very little time to restore and rejuvenate the skin. The procedure itself lies in the fact that the massage has a multi-level effect on all layers of the skin, a layer of fat and the epidermis. Massage is called roller-vacuum, which resembles anti-cellulite procedures.

How did the massage procedure come about?

The LPG massage procedure was invented by the Frenchman Louis Paul Gite (as it has already become clear, the initials of the creator and the name of the technique). Massage is suitable for removing scars and scars. For more than 35 years of history, the functionality of the LPG massage machine has expanded significantly.

If we talk about an LPG device, then there is nothing complicated here - it is a conventional mechanism equipped with rollers rotating at different speeds. The massaged area of ​​the skin is captured by a roller, forms folds and acts on the massaged area with a vacuum pumped by the device.

The device has several modes that solve the following problems:

  • Using the ROLLIN mode, you can get rid of the volume in problem areas;
  • ROLL UP - a mode designed to eliminate cellulite, including the abdomen;
  • The ROLL OUT mode will help to increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin.

IN LPG machine, there is a mode that is aimed at facial massage. Effectively massages the nose, eye and lip areas. Often used to massage the neck and décolleté.

Efficiency - we study the possibilities of the technique

The device has been tested and has a patent. This massage technology is recognized and actively used by cosmetologists from all over the world. It is constantly researched, trying to supplement and improve. But in most cases, the question comes down to aesthetics.

The essence of the device lies in the impact on the human skin, it begins to crush fatty tissue, removes fat deposits and significantly improves blood circulation. As a result, the patient receives a charge of positive emotions, beautiful tightened skin, elastic body with attractive contours.

The massage procedure will remove swelling from the tissues, improve the functionality of the venous and lymphatic systems. It improves the structure of collagens and elastins, which are responsible for skin elasticity. This massage technique will get rid of wrinkles. Dead skin cells, during the procedure, begin to exfoliate. As a result, the skin will look smooth and toned.

The device affects the healing of scars and scars. The set includes nozzles that get rid of old scars and restore damaged tissue. The LPG machine is suitable for removing scars from burns, injuries, cosmetic and postoperative scars.

To improve the efficiency of procedures, it is recommended regularly engage in sports, exercise, which They relieve obesity and strengthen the body. It is noteworthy that massage devices are actively used in the sports field - they are suitable for the rehabilitation of athletes who have received injuries and injuries. Massage technology will help relieve pain, relieve swelling, and speed up the process of tissue regeneration.

Who needs the LPG massage procedure

Massage is useful for those who want to make their body young and fit. The procedure will help with the following problems:

  • Get rid of cellulite, which appeared due to excess weight;
  • "Orange peel" will be gone forever;
  • LPG massage allows you to tighten the stomach;
  • Solve the problems of stretch marks on the abdomen that remain after childbirth;
  • Get rid of fat on the back and in the lumbar region;
  • Eliminate fat in the buttocks;
  • Tighten flabby skin of the thighs and buttocks;
  • Solve the problem of thick hands;
  • Get rid of edema;
  • Eliminate double chin;
  • Get rid of old scars and scars.

But, like any procedure, there are a number of contraindications.

Contraindications - the opinion of specialists and doctors

There are a number of restrictions that do not allow the use of LPG massage. Please consult with your physician prior to signing up for treatments. Among the contraindications are the following:

  • Oncology;
  • The device must not be used during pregnancy;
  • With fever and diseases of the circulatory system;
  • Neuralgia;
  • If a person has diseased veins - there are blood clots, varicose veins, etc.;
  • Procedures are prohibited for infectious diseases;
  • LPG massage is contraindicated during menstruation;
  • In the presence of irritation and inflammation;
  • In the presence of a hernia, adenoma or lipoma.

In other cases, the procedure can be applied without restrictions.

Process - what the LPG procedure looks like

It should be said right away that the LPG massage procedure takes place in several main stages. Before the session starts, diagnostics is performed, consisting of several stages:

  • The characteristics of the human body are studied (search for problem areas and assessment of the figure);
  • The doctor points out the problem areas, which are subsequently subjected to LPG massage.

After a comprehensive examination, the doctor offers the patient to put on a suit for procedures (material - capron). Then, after the suit is put on, the patient needs to lie down on the couch.

Then, the wizard gets to work and performs the following actions:

  • The doctor notes highlights the areas that will undergo procedures;
  • On the suit, areas that need to be processed are marked;
  • The patient's body is studied and the massage mode is selected.

Initially, the patient's body is subjected to LPG massage at the lowest power. The device has 10 speeds, and most specialists start their work with 1 or 2. At the beginning of the procedure, the patient will have unpleasant pain - the skin has not yet adapted and within 10-15 minutes you will have to endure and get used to it.

After this time, the body should get used to it, but otherwise, many patients have different sensations: where there are problem areas with obesity, pain is felt, and in places where there is practically no fat, there will be pleasant sensations. After a short time, a person will feel pleasant sensations in the massaged places.

As it has already become clear, with the advent of getting used to the sensations, the doctor gradually begins to increase the vibration speed of the rollers. Sometimes, the mode of exposure to the skin changes - there are soft and gentle, there are hard and uncomfortable. If you feel sharp pain, you should immediately inform the doctor, who will reduce the speed and make the procedure more relaxed.

The maximum duration of one LPG massage session is no more than 40 minutes.

The result is the main thing in therapy

If you look at the reviews, many patients, after undergoing LPG massage, felt just fine: fatigue leaves the body, there is no heaviness in the legs, the mood rises and ease of movement appears. In spite of pain, there are no bruises from the procedure. It is possible that small red specks will appear on the body, which will disappear after a few days. Still interested in massage for body shaping.

Do not be upset after the first session - there will be no effects. To achieve the effect, you will have to undergo the procedure from 10 to 20 times, visiting a doctor every 1-3 days. After the effect obtained, it is recommended to continue visiting LPG massage, but much less often - 1-2 times a month.

Experts recommend drinking plenty of water (at least 2 liters a day). Before starting LPG massage, you need to drink 0.5 liters of water and after, also 0.5 liters. The use of liquid will help to activate the body systems, help to remove toxins and fat in a natural way.

A woman will see the first results after an LPG massage session after 4-5 visits to the master. To enhance the effect of the procedures passed, experts recommend constantly jogging, walking more, going to fitness clubs. Do not forget about proper nutrition and constant weight control. If you stick to a diet, play sports and lead an active lifestyle, the effect of lpg massage obtained from the procedures will last for about a year. Some have effects up to three years.

Results obtained by ordinary people

In some cases, the effect of massage will become noticeable only after 8-10 procedures. Despite these numbers, there are more and more rave reviews on the network:

  • Many lost cellulite;
  • Swelling and flabbiness disappear, the skin becomes toned and healthy;
  • Massage has a beneficial effect on the immune system;
  • rises And;
  • Scars and scars disappear;
  • The body becomes beautiful, elastic;
  • Wrinkles disappear;
  • There is lightness in the body, the mood rises.

LPG massage will help rejuvenate the skin, make it taut. Do not forget that the effect obtained can be maintained through proper nutrition, constant exercise. Do not neglect going to the gym - constant training will not only help tighten the skin, but also get rid of excess weight, strengthen muscles and make you strong, energetic and healthy.

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I hope that there are still those who remember and listen to the thoughts of the great Russian writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, who once said: “Everything in a person should be beautiful: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts ...”

In this article we will talk about beauty and the possibility of preserving youth.

What is lpg massage

This type of massage, which Lately has actively entered our lives, is intended to solve problems associated with the treatment of cellulite, the prevention of the process of withering and aging of the skin of the face and neck, as well as for body shaping. The uniqueness lies in the use of manipulations that perform mechanical activation and stimulation of tissues, which affects the rejuvenation of the skin.

This innovative concept is based on the return of youth through a three-dimensional mechanical effect on the tissues of the skin of the face and neck. Fundamental in the application of this massage was the technique that was manually applied by Dr. Jacquet.

This technique in the form of certain manipulations of the hands on the patient's body was first used, and later presented, in 1907. The complex of exercises then included an effect on the skin in the form of light vibrations, twists and squeezes. As Dr. Jacquet himself determined, with the help of this massage technique, it will be possible to defeat such a common problem as fatigue and "hypotension" of the skin.

Modern features

One of the modern possibilities of lpg massage is a technology that takes into account all the structural features of the skin, including anatomical and histological ones, allowing not only to restore, but also to preserve the attractiveness, beauty, and most importantly, youthfulness of the skin for a long time.

Moreover, this procedure allows you to significantly increase microcirculation in the body and increase the process of collagen synthesis, which in turn leads to improved tissue nutrition, as well as to renewal and strengthening of the connective tissue framework of the dermis. Another positive effect is the activation of regeneration processes in the dermis.

What are the benefits of this massage?

One of the main desires of most people is the ability to preserve the external beauty and youth of the skin of the face or neck in the safest possible way.

In this case, it means that one of the factors indicating the aging of the face is an increase in the volume of the skin in this area of ​​the body.

To date, the only technology that can solve this problem without the intervention of surgeons is LPG facial massage.

This procedure combines the proximity to the effect of plastic surgery and the safety of cosmetic procedures carried out in well-equipped modern beauty salons and beauty salons.

First of all, this course of treatment is prescribed by a specialist and includes such factors:

  • the course consists of 15-20 procedures;
  • the procedure is carried out on a previously cleansed face;
  • no special cosmetics are used;
  • leading experts allow the use of various oils or other cosmetics.

During the procedure, such methods of modern aesthetic medicine as can be applied or used:

  • mesotropia;
  • ultrasonic cleaning;
  • microcurrent therapy;
  • contour plastic, better known as botox.

Massage time: 30 minutes

Hardware lpg massage and its use

The apparatus for applying lpg massage is an innovative apparatus and was developed on the basis of the basic LPG apparatus.

This device was improved and modernized by scientists from Israel. Electro-optical energy was used as a "driving" technology. As a result of its use, you can get rid of sagging skin, its sagging, stretching or wrinkling. The main advantage of the LPG machine is its speed and efficiency in operation.

If the use of other devices implies the expectation of a positive result after the third or fourth sessions, then on this device the result that the client expects to receive can be seen after the first application.

Another advantage of the LPG-device is the absence of pain and bruising, which is possible due to the treatment of problem areas with special gentle nozzles. Moreover, the device itself has a special program to protect and prevent harm.

Is it possible to use lpg massage at home?

There are many ways and methods of applying this LPG massage. At the same time, various components can be used as additives, such as honey, sea buckthorn or pine nut oil. Whatever components are used, remember: the main thing is to stick to necessary instructions on their application, to know why it is being done, and to believe in the expected result.,

Contraindications for lpg massage

Before starting procedures aimed at improving the beauty of the face and body, remember that any manipulation you carry out, this also applies to lpg massage, can lead to irreversible processes and irreparable consequences.

The biggest contraindication may be the likelihood of:

  1. benign tumors in different parts of the body (especially in the zone of active influence);
  2. as a result - the emergence of cells that cause cancer;
  3. an increase in the likelihood of blood diseases.

The procedure is contraindicated for:

  1. thrombosis and thrombophlebitis;
  2. varicose veins;
  3. inflammation of the skin and its pustular diseases;
  4. viral infections (including SARS and influenza);
  5. cardiovascular diseases, in particular hypertension.

Undoubtedly, it is worth striving for the beauty of the body and the harmony of the soul. And, as you know, all means are good.

Correction of the figure and face only with the help of a surgical scalpel is a long time ago. Today, methods of hardware exposure to the skin allow quite successfully modeling the body. Up to 20% of the fair sex regularly resort to the services of hardware procedures. LPG massage is a rather young, but already popular method of body correction.

Basic principles of work

History reference

The technique of massaging the subcutaneous fat layer and the skin itself with the help of a special apparatus was invented forty years ago by Louis Paul Guitet. Being an engineer by education, the Frenchman developed an ingenious apparatus consisting of several rollers. The rotating structural elements captured the skin and mechanically massaged the formed fold.

Modern realities

Today, thanks to innovative technologies, computerized devices with software have appeared that allow you to adjust the intensity of exposure and the speed of rotation of the rollers.

The principle of operation of the original devices is preserved: a skin fold is captured, the effect is made on the subcutaneous tissue with simultaneous massage of the skin surface, the entire operation is performed in a vacuum created by the apparatus. Adaptation capabilities allow you to process places that cannot be corrected by sports and diets.

Devices for home use have also appeared, but the body correction procedure requires the skills of a specialist.

Types and scopes of vacuum LPG massage

Endermolygia, due to its unique characteristics, has found application in cosmetology, medicine and sports. The main areas of application of this technique can be identified:

  1. Endermology aesthetic. Used for body shaping:
    • reduction of subcutaneous fat;
    • modeling and tightening the contours of sagging skin;
    • restoration of skin texture;
    • reducing the signs of cellulite.

    The procedure is carried out only in the salon by professional masseurs.

  2. Lipomassage. A new technology for the use of LPG-massage with a more intense effect on subcutaneous tissue. The technique of grinding, twisting, rocking, surging is used, while the patient is invited to do physical exercise.Lipomassage is recommended for the following disadvantages:
    • there are obvious fatty deformities;
    • fat deposits are asymmetrical;
    • differences in the contours of the subgluteal folds;
    • significant lethargy of the skin;
    • advanced stage of cellulite
  3. LPG face massage. The procedure gently affects the skin of the face and allows you to get rid of wrinkles, improve contours and model a tightened face oval. It is carried out only in specialized rooms and clinics, no more than 2 times a week. It has a number of contraindications, so a preliminary consultation with a cosmetologist is necessary.
  4. Sports LPG massage. The procedure for influencing the muscles is carried out when preparing an athlete for training or serious competition, as well as restorative therapy aimed at restoring injured muscles and tendons, relieving pain syndrome and puffiness.
  5. LPG massage is a physiotherapy in medicine. Has been used in neurology to relieve pain in the back, lower back, joints. In surgery and traumatology for the healing of burns, scars.

Technology of the procedure

LPG massage does not act on individual parts of the body - on the whole body. The technology is in demand in cosmetology, medicine, sports medicine, as it surpasses any type of vacuum and especially manual massage in terms of results. It simultaneously affects several areas: reduces fat deposits, tightens and smoothes the skin, reduces cellulite, gives a clear contour to the figure.

For maximum results, it is necessary to carry out the procedure correctly and, accordingly, select the necessary roller modes:

  • Rollin mode to reduce subcutaneous fat;
  • Rollout mode to improve skin elasticity;
  • Rollup mode for modeling contours;
  • Swing mode for the impact on fat;
  • Curling to eliminate cellulite;
  • Grinding for grinding integuments and improving elasticity;

After selecting the desired mode, the handpiece sets in motion rollers that capture, massage and smooth out skin folds under vacuum.

There are also device modes for working in intimate, delicate places and with sensitive skin, even the skin around the eyes, eyelids can be processed.

Indications, contraindications of massage

Any massage, and LPG also applies to medical procedures and has its indications, contraindications.

When is a massage necessary?

LPG massage - before and after the procedure
  • fatty deviations and high weight;
  • various puffiness;
  • flabbiness and aging of the skin;
  • cellulite of varying degrees;
  • subcutaneous hematomas;
  • stretch marks, scars;
  • postpartum therapy;
  • the initial stage of varicose veins;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • restoration of posture, coordination of movement;
  • pain with sciatica;
  • injuries, muscle spasms;

To whom massage is contraindicated

LPG massage is a safe, highly effective technique. But, like any other massage, it has the same contraindications:

  • Tumors of the skin: fatty, vascular. When performing the education procedure, you can be injured.
  • Infectious skin diseases. The procedure can provoke the spread of infection.
  • Hernias - inguinal or lumbar. Increased muscle tone and blood flow can create favorable conditions for incarcerated hernia.
  • Inflammation of blood vessels, lymph nodes. Massage improves the movement of lymph, blood flow, which may lead to the spread of abnormalities.
  • Phlebitis, thrombophlebitis. An additional load on the inflamed vessels will exacerbate the process. Possible separation of blood clots.
  • Wounds, cuts, other local injuries. Massaging the cuts is fraught with bleeding and even more damage.
  • Malignant tumors. LPG massage helps cell division, which is not desirable for this diagnosis.
  • Beginning of menstruation. Activation of blood circulation will lead to copious secretions.
  • Various diseases in the period of exacerbation. Massage is necessary for a healthy body, for a weakened one it is an additional unnecessary burden.

Advantages and disadvantages of the procedure

Reasons for a massage

  1. Painless procedure:
    • Compared to injections and laser treatments, which do not allow you to relax due to pain, LPG massage does not provoke unpleasant feelings. Patients with particularly sensitive skin tolerate the procedure calmly.
    • The software of the devices and modern handpieces make it possible to change the speed of the rollers and the intensity of the vacuum, which allows you to adjust the equipment to the individual characteristics of the patient.
    • No recovery period.
  2. The versatility of the technique:
    • The LPG massage technique allows you to simultaneously eliminate a whole list of shortcomings in the figure. Massage aimed at weight loss, treats cellulite, relieves swelling. It is possible to correct the shape of individual sections.
    • The ability to work with delicate and thin skin of the chest, neck and face. Massage delicately evens out wrinkles, eliminates the second chin and circles under the eyes.
    • It has a healing effect on the entire body by improving the functioning of blood vessels, the lymphatic system, and nerve fibers.
    • Suitable for restorative procedures after childbirth, operations, liposuction.
  3. Helps people of non-standard build:
    1. It solves the issue of not only getting rid of subcutaneous fat and weight loss, but also helps with cellulite in patients of various complexions.
    2. Helps to correct a figure with asymmetrical proportions.

Arguments against massage

Instructions for LPG massage

To achieve the desired results from LPG massage, you must follow the sequence of the following steps:

  1. Exclusion of contraindications. Before carrying out a massage, you should consult with your doctor or cosmetologist and exclude those deviations in the body that may become contraindications for the procedure. And no matter how much you want to experience the effect of a miracle massager, with pronounced contraindications, it is better not to risk your health.
  2. Diagnostics. If there are no prohibitions, the patient's body is examined to identify problem areas that the specialist will have to work with. Pictures are taken and data is entered into a personal card.
  3. Preparatory stage. The patient puts on a special suit and takes a seat on the massage table. Problem areas are highlighted graphically on the massage suit. Places of work are also indicated on the face and delicate areas.
  4. Carrying out the massage procedure. The necessary modes are selected, and the massage itself begins.
  • Avoid eating for three hours before the massage.
  • Remove makeup and take care of personal hygiene.
  • Before the procedure, you must drink two glasses of non-carbonated water at room temperature.
  • After the massage, refrain from eating for three hours.
  • During the massage course, you need to drink up to three liters of water daily.
  • Slight swelling, redness after the massage disappear in a couple of days, do not require additional intervention.

Effect after massage

A lasting effect after a massage is possible if you follow the recommendations for nutrition and sports. The procedure is carried out in combination with other programs for weight change, body shaping.

In addition, the result of the procedure largely depends on the professionalism of the cosmetologist-masseur.

By conducting LPG massage, in accordance with all recommendations and rules, you can achieve stable results:

  • weight reduction;
  • change in the volume of the figure and subcutaneous fat;
  • improvement of skin tone and smoothing of the relief;
  • getting rid of cellulite signs;
  • healing of scars, scars, burns;
  • removal of pain in the muscles;
  • getting rid of edema;
  • general relaxation;
  • positive effect on blood circulation.

Possible complications of massage

Complications of LPG massage are similar to the side effects of conventional lymphatic drainage manual massage:

  1. The painfulness of the procedure is most likely caused by an incorrectly selected mode - it is necessary to adjust the settings of the device.
  2. After the first sessions, swelling appears. The complication is caused by increased work of the lymphatic system, and the inability of the vessels to cope with the volume of interstitial fluid.
  3. The chill at the end of the procedure is associated with irritation of the receptors. People with autonomic dysfunction are susceptible. A warm drink will restore normality.
  4. In patients with fragile and thin capillaries, despite the protective suit, small hematomas may occur. No treatment is needed and they disappear on their own within a week.

All complications, side effects must be immediately reported to the cosmetologist in order to correct the massage treatment program in time or identify unwanted prohibitions.

Home LPG massager for face and body

LPG massage cost

The cost of the course depends on the level of the clinic and the cosmetologist, the equipment used for massage, the course chosen and the number of procedures. When choosing a suitable massage option at a cost, pay attention to special programs and offers, and the availability of discounts.

The price for one procedure can vary from 800 to 3000 rubles. Accordingly, for a minimum course of ten sessions, you must pay from 8,000 rubles. Additionally, you need to purchase a special suit. In a specialized salon will cost more than 900 rubles.

LPG massage is an innovative technology that the beauty industry began to offer us not so long ago. The procedure allows you to get rid of cellulite and other cosmetic problems. vacuum apparatus, which smoothes the skin and eliminates fat deposits, was invented by the French engineer Louis Paul Guitet, after whose initials the technique is named.

First you need to understand, LPG massage - what is it? The essence of the method lies in the mechanical effect on the epidermis and muscle tissue that are adjacent to it. The device itself, which was patented by Louis Paul Gite, was originally a maniple, including several massage rollers, which, by means of vacuum, form a fold of skin and act on it mechanically.

The maniple is a chamber inside which there are small rollers moving in different directions. The mechanical action is complemented by the effect of vacuum, which makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of the procedure.

The modern apparatus used for LPG massage is a computerized system that independently selects the intensity of action on problem areas, depending on the desired goals, the condition of the skin and subcutaneous fat. Massage can be aggressive able to break down fat deposits, or soft, with a relaxing effect. Often, cosmetologists advise him as a continuation of the fight against cellulite after. can be found in one of the articles on our site.

What parts of the body can be massaged

LPG massage, what it is, we have already figured out, can be carried out on any part of the body, in this regard, the technique is almost universal. Massage can be used for cellulite treatment and weight loss, as well as to combat wrinkles on the face. It also helps to eliminate fat folds from the abdomen or shoulders. In addition, it relieves swelling, which can be explained by a strong lymphatic drainage effect, helps eliminate scars and stretch marks. Sometimes the influence of the apparatus is used to correct posture and improve coordination of movement.

In addition to cosmetology LPG-massage, the effectiveness of which is very wide in it, can be applied in various types medicine especially in sports. Often, the technique is used to treat sciatica, varicose veins, it helps to recover from serious injuries or burns. Sometimes athletes resort to such a massage before competitions. It helps them strengthen their muscles and prepare them for heavy loads.

But most of all LPG massage is popular in rejuvenation face, neck and décolleté. In just a few sessions, you can get rid of swelling, bags under the eyes, the first signs of aging. The skin becomes radiant, the contours are tightened, the pores are narrowed. This is evidenced by the numerous reviews of those who decided on the procedure and photographs of the results.

Benefits of LPG massage

When choosing which is better than LPG or manual massage, it is worth exploring the benefits of both options and deciding on the goal that you need. But the main advantage that distinguishes the LPG method from a number of others is the deepest effect on the skin and subcutaneous tissues. The following advantages of LPG massage are also highlighted:

  • Efficiency. In the course of research, it was found that after a course of massage skin covering shrinks by about 30%, which is considered a fairly high figure. This allows you to use the massage to combat cellulite and tighten problem areas, as well as to eliminate wrinkles, swelling on the face and double chin.
  • Comfort. Acting on the internal tissues deeply and at the same time gently, the massage soothes and relaxes. Well, modern technologies, which are constantly being improved, allow minimizing discomfort for the patient during the procedure.
  • Physiological. Due to the natural stimulation of tissues, massage can provide not only a cosmetic, but also a therapeutic effect. In view of this, it is actively used to treat sciatica, varicose veins and burns.

LPG massage technology

Before getting to the massage therapist's table, the patient needs to go through the preparatory stages. The first is diagnostics and inspection. In their course, the patient is taken a full-length photo, the parameters of the figure are entered into the map, indications and contraindications are indicated, problem areas are outlined and key points are determined.

After examining the patient put on a special suit and begin the procedure, the technology of which is as follows (if massage is used to combat cellulite and body fat):

  • By changing the position of the body, muscle contraction is achieved in the required area.
  • The specialist determines the localization of body fat.
  • Problem areas are graphically indicated on the surface of the suit.
  • Skin folds are selected and the procedure begins. With the help of a maniple, the necessary movements are carried out in the selected area. The sliding action models the contour of the body. Twisting eliminates cellulite, rocking crushes fat, and grinding-type hardware massage helps to increase skin elasticity, making it supple.

Indications and contraindications

Massage treatments can be shown in such cases.:

  • Cellulite, body fat, excess weight;
  • The need to correct the contour of the figure;
  • Edema, trauma, pain in the muscles and joints;
  • Burns, stitches left as a result of surgical intervention;
  • Sagging skin, wrinkles on the face.

However, it should be noted that for such a technique as LPG massage, there are also contraindications. Among them are the following:

  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • The presence of vascular and fatty tumors in the structure of the skin;
  • Infectious diseases of the skin;
  • Abscesses, inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • Tendency to thrombophlebitis;
  • Hemophilia;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • Chronic diseases of internal organs.

It is not necessary to carry out such a massage during menstruation, at elevated body temperature, or in the presence of open wounds.

Preferably before the session undergo an examination of the body to ensure there are no contraindications. If ignored, LPG massage can lead to a number of negative consequences. Also note that after the procedures such side effects like itching, swelling, redness of the skin. They should disappear quickly.

How often should you massage

In each case, the frequency and number of procedures is determined individually. Specialists usually have special protocols, according to which personal rate is calculated.

If it's about facial massage, then the sequence will be something like this:

  • The first stage involves approximately 10 procedures, which should be performed at least twice a week.
  • At the second stage of procedures, usually 6-7. At first they are done twice a week, then the breaks increase.
  • At the third stage, massage should be carried out no more than once every two weeks.
  • At the maintenance stage, 1-2 sessions per month will be enough.

In case of LPG body massage, the diagram will look something like this:

  • In the first month, 6-8 procedures are usually shown at least twice a week.
  • In the interim, 4-6 treatments are needed in the first week, and then no more than 2 treatments in 2-3 weeks.
  • In the maintenance phase, one treatment per month is needed, as directed by the doctor.

After completing the course of massage, you will get the following results:

  • Increased skin tone;
  • Elimination of cellulite;
  • Ridding the skin of toxins;
  • Body contour modeling;
  • Breakdown of fatty layers.

If you want to get the maximum efficiency from the procedures, you should follow the recommendations of specialists and take the full course. It is also important to find a good clinic or salon where you will be licensed for all the equipment used. In parallel, it is allowed to adhere to different diets or try if there are no medical contraindications.