
Dietary dishes for heart patients recipes. New Year's table for stomach and duodenal ulcers. Nutritional features for various types of cardiovascular diseases


They require special attention in everything - comprehensive attention to their health, quality treatment, lifestyle changes and proper nutrition. Treatment table number 10 is a nutrition system specially designed for heart patients, the purpose of which is to improve blood circulation, help the cardiovascular system, facilitate the functioning of the liver and kidneys, normalize metabolism and establish a gentle mode of operation for the digestive organs.


Table salt is limited - all dishes are prepared without it, food is added at the table. Moreover, the menu has increased the content of vitamins C and group B, potassium, magnesium and microelements.

Meat and fish are boiled, vegetables and fruits with coarse fiber are chopped and boiled.

Diet: at least 5 times a day and in relatively even portions.

What's prohibited?

People with cardiovascular diseases or a tendency to them should completely avoid:
  • products made from butter and puff pastry, cream products and ice cream;
  • fatty varieties of meat, poultry and fish, including canned and salted ones, and do not use them for making soups;
  • fatty or salty dairy products;
  • products that can excite the nervous system, that is, strong tea, coffee, cocoa and chocolate;
  • peas and beans;
  • some vegetables, such as radishes, radishes, sorrel, spinach and mushrooms;
  • marinades, meat, fish and mushroom sauces, pepper, mustard and caviar;
  • alcoholic beverages and all carbonated drinks.

Atherosclerosis is a disease of blood vessels that lose flexibility as a result of harmful factors, become hard due to the deposition of fats on the walls and, as a result, narrow, which reduces blood access to organs. The disease leads to thrombosis and ischemic damage to organs. Atherosclerosis is considered one of the most dangerous diseases that leads to death.

What is possible

The list of permitted foods is wide enough to meet the recommended caloric intake of the diet of 2300-2600 calories per day. The list of products allowed by therapeutic diet number 10 includes:
  • Eggs in any form, but no more than one per day.
  • Whole milk, but only if it does not cause flatulence, cream, lactic acid drinks, low-fat types of sour cream and cottage cheese.
  • Cereals, pasta and legumes, which are recommended to be cooked in water and milk.
  • Vegetables, for example, can be safely eaten boiled and baked: potatoes, beets, carrots, white cabbage and cauliflower; cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, lettuce, green onions, dill, and parsley are allowed raw.
  • Vegetarian soups with potatoes, vegetables, cereals, as well as milk and fruit soups.
  • Sweets in the form of raw berries and fruits, as well as compotes, jelly, jellies, mousses, milk creams, jam, honey, non-chocolate candies, marshmallows, marshmallows.
  • Weak tea, surrogate coffee, vegetable and fruit juices, rosehip decoction.
  • Unsalted butter and vegetable oils for use in cooking.

Sample menu for the day

Breakfast: milk oatmeal, weak tea.

Lunch: steam omelette.

Dinner: vegetable soup from buckwheat (a little), boiled or baked carrots, steamed white fish fillet.

Afternoon snack: curd pudding.

Dinner: baked potatoes with a piece of boiled beef.

In the presence of pancreatitis, violations of the diet can have a negative impact on the patient’s body condition.

In order to prevent an exacerbation of the disease, strict adherence to the principles of dietary nutrition is required, even during festive feasts.

The holiday menu for patients with pancreatitis involves avoiding the use of the following products when preparing dishes:

  • drinks containing alcohol;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • strong coffee and tea;
  • packaged juices and nectars;
  • smoked and fried foods;
  • pickles;
  • fresh baked goods;
  • semi-finished products;
  • cakes and pastries;
  • mushrooms;
  • raw fruits and vegetables;
  • caviar;
  • meat and fish with a high degree of fat content;
  • sauces and seasonings;
  • herbs and spices.

The holiday table for pancreatitis should include only foods approved for consumption.

Nutritionists have developed a large number of recipes for holiday dishes for pancreatitis.

What is recommended to eat for pancreatitis during the holiday?

holiday menu

To prevent an exacerbation of the disease, strict adherence to dietary requirements is a prerequisite, even on holidays.

Dietary food at the New Year's table, for example, can consist of healthy and varied dishes.

When preparing dishes, you can use your imagination or use the recommendations of professional chefs.

The menu for a feast for a patient with chronic pancreatitis may contain the following dishes:

  1. A salad made from boiled vegetables, which should be seasoned with unrefined vegetable oil.
  2. You can prepare meat dishes using chicken, skinless turkey, rabbit or lean beef. The preparation of such dishes should be carried out using heat treatment methods such as steam or oven baking.
  3. Excellent dishes can be prepared from vegetables and lean fish by stewing. Cod, pike and pike perch meat are perfect for this purpose.
  4. Rice and buckwheat are used as a side dish; in honor of the holiday, the side dish can be transformed by preparing rice with seafood, but without using tomatoes and spices. Buckwheat can be with the addition of liver and baked in the oven.
  5. Beets, carrots, potatoes, pumpkin and cauliflower are perfect for salads. All vegetables should be used boiled.

To make snacks, you can use biscuits or slices of dried white bread.

Marshmallows or marshmallows are perfect as a dessert. Baked sweet apples will be a tasty addition to the table; you can also decorate the table with fruit and berry puree. An ideal addition would be a fruit soufflé or jelly.

The ideal drinks would be compote, fresh juice or fruit drink prepared at home.

When preparing a holiday menu, certain rules must be followed. Compliance with these rules and requirements will prevent exacerbation of the disease.

Basic rules for preparing dishes for patients with pancreatitis

Sugar level

Patients should not be intimidated by strict requirements when preparing a dietary holiday menu.

There are only three basic rules for a person suffering from pancreatitis.

To ensure that the holiday does not turn into health difficulties for a person, certain rules should be followed.

These rules are as follows:

  1. Most often, people suffering from pancreatitis adhere to a special diet; the holiday table is a kind of test for them, so the holiday table and preparation for it are a kind of test that can provoke an exacerbation of the painful condition. For this reason, you should only use those foods on the menu that are approved for consumption.
  2. A festive feast is rarely complete without the consumption of alcoholic beverages, and this type of food product is prohibited for patients with pancreatic disorders. The patient must categorically refuse to drink alcohol.
  3. During the feast, the patient should avoid eating foods prepared using complex heat treatment.

During the holiday period, special attention should be paid to desserts. This type of dish must be dietary and not harmful to the patient.

Example of a holiday menu

In the presence of pancreatitis and cholecystitis, the menu of dishes for a feast should be based on dishes approved for consumption in case of such pathologies in the body.

There are a large number of recipes for permitted dishes.

Patients with these ailments are prohibited from using canned food, with the exception of those prepared according to recipes that allow patients to consume this type of food.

In case of illness, the basis of the holiday menu can be the following types of dishes:

  • vegetable salads from boiled vegetables, seasoned with vegetable oil or natural yogurt;
  • meat dishes, in which case the meat should be lean and dietary;
  • ideal for a feast may be a complex dish prepared from fish and boiled vegetables;
  • When using pumpkin, you can use it to prepare not only a semi-sweet dessert, but also a salty one.

Eating the following permitted salads for the holiday can be an excellent outlet for the patient:

  1. Cucumber and cheese salad.
  2. Greek salad.
  3. Caesar salad.
  4. Chinese cabbage and cucumber salad.
  5. Salad of boiled beets and boiled eggs.
  6. Cathedral Salad.

The following can be served as hot dishes on the table on a holiday:

  • turkey cooked in the oven with vegetables in the sleeve
  • manti with pumpkin.

Sweet dishes can be:

  1. Cake made with gelatin;
  2. Sweet fruits allowed for consumption.

When preparing, be sure to check the composition of the products and, if necessary, adjust the recipes.

When adjusting recipes, the volume of seasonings and the amount of garlic used are removed or significantly reduced.

If there are prohibited products in the recipe, you can try to replace them with similar ones, but belonging to the list of approved products.

Caesar salad recipe for patients with pancreatitis

Caesar salad is an excellent decoration for a holiday feast.

When preparing it, you can show some imagination.

The salad will require a certain list of ingredients.

The dish includes the following products:

  • Turkey or chicken meat that has been heat-treated by boiling; the salad will require 200 grams of product;
  • low-fat hard cheese, a piece weighing 50 grams;
  • a third of a loaf of white bread;
  • minimal amount of salt and ground black pepper;
  • two yolks;
  • 100 grams of olive oil;
  • A tablespoon of fresh lemon juice.

The salad preparation process consists of several stages.

First you need to make bread croutons. This ingredient should be prepared in the oven or microwave. When making crackers using a microwave, sliced ​​​​bread pieces are sprinkled with olive oil and only then placed in the microwave for 4-5 minutes.

At the next stage, a dressing is prepared from yolks, lemon juice, salt and black pepper. All components are mixed using a blender. During the mixing process, olive oil is added to the dressing.

The prepared dressing is set aside to infuse. During the process of infusing the dressing, all salad components are prepared. For this purpose, they are all cut into slices and previously prepared crackers are added to the mixture.

Dressing is added to the salad before serving.

Preparing a dietary salad from Chinese cabbage

Chinese cabbage salad is very tasty and healthy for the body.

To prepare it, you will need to purchase 300 grams of high-quality lean beef in advance.

In addition to meat, you will need to prepare several ingredients for the salad.

The ingredients required for the dish are the following:

  1. A small head of Chinese cabbage.
  2. Korean carrots cooked with mild spices. You will need 200 grams of this salad component.
  3. Two large eggs.
  4. A small amount of shelled walnuts.
  5. Several medium-sized cucumbers.

Cooking the dish is very simple. First you need to boil a piece of beef. All components of the dish are cut into medium length strips.

The prepared products included in the dish are mixed with pre-chopped walnuts, cooked Korean carrots and spices. After mixing all the ingredients, a small amount of salt is added to the salad and all components are mixed well.

Turkey with vegetables recipe

For this dish, the quantity and variety of vegetables can be adjusted independently. Their number and varieties depend on the patient’s preferences, taking into account the provision of adequate nutrition.

The dish must include turkey meat.

Various vegetables can act as components of vegetable supplements.

Most often, the ingredients for the vegetable component of a dish are:

  • carrot;
  • broccoli;
  • salt and black pepper.

All products are crushed into a derivative form and mixed in containers of appropriate volume. Salt and pepper are added to the crushed products. The entire mixture is mixed well to evenly distribute seasoning and salt throughout the product.

After infusion, all vegetables and meat are placed in a baking sleeve and baked for 40 minutes in a hot oven. 5 minutes before the end of the baking process, the sleeve is cut and the food is finished baking in an open form.

The last procedure is required to remove excess moisture.

If desired, in the process of preparing the components of the dish for baking, you can use a filling similar to that used for Caesar salad.

This will allow the dish to give a unique taste and the turkey itself will acquire a zest in the flavor palette.

Dessert – jelly cake

For a dessert in the form of a jelly cake, you will need to first prepare a certain list of products:

To prepare, you will need 500 grams of natural yogurt, a recommended sweetener, two packs of gelatin, fruit jellies of different colors, fruits for decoration from the list of permitted ones. You will need 100 grams of each type of fruit jelly.

Jelly cake is prepared in several stages.

First you need to fill the gelatin with water, so that only it covers the gelatin. After this, the mixture is left to infuse until the gelatin swells.

And the sweetener are combined in a deep container and mixed well.

The swollen gelatin is placed in the microwave until completely dissolved. It should be remembered that gelatin should not be brought to a boil. This is necessary so that the prepared dessert does not have a specific gelatin aroma.

Pour yogurt into the dissolved gelatin solution in a thin stream, and the mixture should be stirred continuously.

At the next stage, the finished jelly is cut into small pieces and added to the yogurt mixture after it has reached room temperature.

After this, the mixture is placed in a silicone mold with high sides, and chopped fruit is placed on the bottom of the mold.

The mold with all the contents is placed in the refrigerator until it acquires a jelly consistency.

To serve, the contents of the mold are removed and placed for serving.

According to the World Health Organization in 2018, 4 out of 10 adults in the world are overweight, which makes this problem extremely urgent. To solve this problem, nutritionists prescribe diets that take into account the individual condition of the patient, his age, chronic pathologies and much more. Specialized diets for patients with cardiovascular diseases also have a positive effect on the patient’s weight. The diet and set of products in such diets are ideal for losing weight.

Heart diet

Various cardiac diets are medically called cardiotrophic nutrition. This means that such a diet:

  • first of all, it reduces the symptoms and slows down the progression of cardiac pathologies in sick people;
  • secondly, it significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases in healthy people.

Since the cardiovascular system is one of the most important in the body, the beneficial effect of the new diet on it has a dramatic improvement in the general health of patients. Another advantage of this diet is getting rid of swelling in the legs due to a low-hydration diet.

Most often, the heart diet is understood as two types of menus - the Karel diet and Table No. 10 from Soviet nutritionists.

They both have the same goals, but go about it in slightly different ways. The fundamental difference between them is only in the food system - the products underlying the diets are almost identical.

It should be remembered that both of these diets were developed for patients with certain diagnoses, and not for simple weight loss. Therefore, you must use them at home without a doctor’s prescription carefully, listening to your own well-being.

Karelian diet

The diet was created in 1865 specifically for people with poor circulation or other blood diseases. However, only 150 years later it became popular as a diet for weight loss - after all, only in the last decade has excess weight become a serious problem in developed countries.

The basis of this diet is dairy products with the addition of fruits and several other items that have a beneficial effect on blood circulation and the general well-being of patients.

With this diet, the acid-base balance in the body is corrected, and patients feel much better.

The diet consists of 4 phases, during which the diet is different, and the foods eaten also differ. With each phase you can eat more and more, reaching 1500-2000 kcal by the end of the 15th day. Table salt is practically not added to foods during the Karelian diet, using it only when preparing dishes.

During this period, you should not engage in active mental or physical labor, since the diet is characterized by a minimum amount of calories in the first stages. This can lead to rapid fatigue and overexertion. In addition to quite effective weight loss (up to 5 kg per cycle), the diet has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system and general blood circulation.

Diet table No. 10

This nutritional plan is the product of the efforts of the best nutritionists of the Soviet Union and Russia; its effectiveness has been tested for decades and a huge number of patients. It is prescribed to patients with circulatory disorders and other common cardiovascular pathologies:

This diet does not have specific terms of use; it is carried out on the recommendation of a doctor until positive changes appear in the course of the disease. This is one of its differences from the Karel diet. Sometimes this diet needs to be followed for months or even years. However, its effectiveness for weight loss was discovered not so long ago.

The main feature of the diet is to reduce the consumption of fats and carbohydrates, while at the same time limiting the consumption of salt and liquids (no more than 1.2 liters every day). Meal frequency is 5-6 times a day, the last time is no later than 3 hours before bedtime.

What can you eat?

When following the diet Table No. 10, use only products that are approved by doctors. During the diet, it is recommended to eat:

Any deviation from the diet Table No. 10 will spoil the impression of the diet and blur the entire effect.

What you can't eat

As with any diet, this one has a separate list of prohibited foods. These include:

Eating foods from this list neutralizes the positive changes from eating recommended foods, and in the presence of a disease, worsens the patient’s condition.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system occupy a leading position among all diseases and cause mortality and lead to disability. To support the functioning of the heart muscle, a sufficient amount must be supplied to the body. It is important to adhere to a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Therapeutic nutrition for heart patients involves the use of products with sufficient amounts of essential microelements and vitamins:

  • B vitamins are necessary for the normal functioning of the heart muscle. They are found in green beans, dark green vegetables, peas, soybeans, fruits, fish, etc. To normalize blood supply to the heart and avoid blockage of blood vessels, you should consume foods containing vitamin B in sufficient quantities.
  • Carrots, parsley, green onions, apricots and rose hips contain the necessary amount of vitamin A. It not only strengthens the heart, but also has an antioxidant effect, preventing the development of heart disease.
  • A diet for people suffering from heart disease must include dairy products and seafood. In addition, you should eat low-fat varieties of cheese, liver, fish, etc. You can use various types of low-fat varieties in boiled or baked fish.
  • The diet should include foods that contain vitamin E. Such products are: wheat germ oil, vegetable and corn oil, green beans, wheat germ, rye, oats, mango, etc. Vitamin E helps reduce blood cholesterol levels, and also helps prevent the development of possible complications and improve heart function.
  • Polyunsaturated fats are very healthy: nuts, avocados, fish, etc. Properly cooked meat and fish, buckwheat, rice, oats, etc. are beneficial.
  • Only chicken eggs can be consumed. Goose and duck should be excluded.
  • You should definitely cook poultry and meat dishes. It is allowed to add lean pork, lamb, rabbit, turkey, and chicken to the diet. It is not advisable to eat duck and goose. You should also exclude the consumption of internal organs of animals: liver, kidneys, heart, etc.
  • Their bakeries are allowed to use rye or wheat bread, dry biscuits, and crispbreads.

“Harmful” products for hearts

Most people don't even think about the fact that their diet contains foods that negatively affect the functioning of the heart.

Common foods that are harmful to the cardiovascular system:

  • Sweets are a source of cholesterol. With large consumption of them in food, body weight increases, against the background of this, the blood supply to organs deteriorates.
  • Salt is found in large quantities in pickles, marinades, and sauces. It increases blood pressure.
  • Saturated fats increase cholesterol levels. As a result, it is deposited on the wall, which reduces the lumen of blood vessels. Blood circulation worsens due to a decrease in blood lumen. It is prohibited to eat fatty meat, smoked sausages, offal, etc.
  • Trans fats are no less dangerous: crackers, fast food, cakes, donuts, deep-fried foods, etc.
  • Fructose is dangerous for the heart. Increased levels in the blood increase the risk of developing heart pathologies.

Alcoholic drinks interfere with the normal absorption of essential vitamins and minerals for the heart. Their lack affects the work of this body. Strong coffee and tea, infusions should be excluded from drinks.

Rules and diet

People with cardiovascular diseases should avoid harmful foods. To reduce the load on the heart and reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, it is necessary to adhere to a proper and balanced diet.

People with heart disease should stick to table No. 10. This treatment table is designed specifically for this category of people. Calorie content should not exceed 2000 kcal. The amount of nutrients consumed per day should be: protein 80-90 g, carbohydrates – 300-400 g, fats – 90 g.

The diet requires adherence to daily caloric intake. You should eat food in fractional portions and at regular intervals.Breakfast at about 7-8 o'clock, second breakfast at 10-11 o'clock, lunch at 13 o'clock, afternoon tea at 16 o'clock and dinner at 18-19 o'clock. It is recommended to have a snack an hour before bed.

For heart patients, it is important not only to organize proper nutrition, but also to change their entire lifestyle.

You should eat at least 5 times a day. It is recommended to steam, boil, bake, and stew dishes. Salads should be seasoned not with mayonnaise, but with olive oil or lemon juice. You can prepare soups: cabbage soup, borscht, okroshka, beetroot soup, dairy soup, vegetarian soup, vegetable soup. First courses should be prepared 1-2 times a week in weak meat broth.

It is necessary to monitor the amount of fluid you drink daily. This can be not only drinking water, but also tea, compote, juice. Excessive fluid intake increases the load on the heart. You should drink about 1 liter of liquid per day, with the exception of summer, when the need for liquid increases.

The main part of the diet is vegetable dishes and soups. The principle of nutrition is to minimize foods that are harmful to the heart. Treatment table No. 10 has its own modifications: No. 10a, No. 10b, No. 10i, No. 10c. The decision on choosing a diet course is determined by a nutritionist.

Below is an approximate weekly menu for people with heart pathologies:


  • Breakfast. Buckwheat porridge cooked with milk; green tea
  • Lunch. Baked apple
  • Dinner. Cabbage soup, baked meat with vegetables, jelly
  • Afternoon snack. Yogurt
  • Dinner. Corn porridge, vegetable drizzle, fish cutlet, tea


  • Breakfast. Semolina porridge, cocoa
  • Lunch. Soft-boiled egg.
  • Dinner. Cabbage soup, mashed potatoes, boiled beef steak, vinaigrette, compote
  • Afternoon snack. Curd and banana casserole
  • Dinner. Zucchini stewed in sour cream, one meatball, cucumber and fresh cabbage salad


  • Breakfast. Oatmeal with milk, chicory drink
  • Lunch. Steamed omelette
  • Dinner. Noodle soup, rice with corn and peas, compote
  • Afternoon snack. Banana
  • Dinner. Baked fish with vegetables, tea


  • Breakfast. Rice porridge, soft-boiled egg, tea
  • Lunch. Any fruit
  • Dinner. Beetroot soup, turkey breast with potatoes
  • Afternoon snack. Curd pudding with raisins
  • Dinner. Zucchini casserole with chicken, tea


  • Breakfast. Pumpkin porridge, herbal tea
  • Lunch. Grated carrots with sugar
  • Dinner. Barley soup, potato pancakes with meatballs, fruit drink
  • Afternoon snack. Rose hip decoction, 3 pcs. dry biscuits
  • Dinner. Mashed potatoes with steamed fish cutlet, dried fruit compote

Useful video - Diet for hypertension:


  • Breakfast. Baked omelette, fruit juice
  • Lunch. Banana
  • Dinner. Baked jacket potatoes with chicken breast and vegetables, beet salad, fruit drink
  • Afternoon snack. Banana milkshake
  • Dinner. Pilaf without meat, beet salad, tea


  • Breakfast. Barley porridge with vegetable gravy, rosehip infusion
  • Lunch. Kissel
  • Dinner. Potato and carrot soup, stewed cabbage with meat and vegetables, compote
  • Afternoon snack. Fruit salad
  • Dinner. Noodle casserole, fresh cabbage salad, tea

The menu is selected taking into account the patient’s condition, the course of the disease and concomitant diseases.

Benefit of diet

Dietary table No. 10 is prescribed for the treatment of heart disease, coronary disease, etc. The purpose of such nutrition is to provide adequate nutrition for patients and create optimal conditions for improving and normalizing blood circulation.

Dietary nutrition satisfies a person's needs for essential nutrients, even when limiting salt and liquid. The diet is dominated by foods with a high content of minerals, vitamins, and plant fiber.

Medical nutrition is an integral component of complex therapy and rehabilitation of patients suffering from heart disease.

An antiatherogenic diet for heart disease maintains hemodynamic stability, restores lipid metabolism and water-electrolyte balance. In addition, the activity of lipid peroxidation decreases and antioxidant protection increases.

It is clear that this diet menu for heart disease (No. 10, 10A, 10C, 10I) is approximate. And the main thing here is to grasp the principle of rational nutrition and learn to vary dishes in accordance with the recommendations of nutritionists. Of course, those who hate semolina porridge will cook oatmeal or buckwheat, and those who do not like stewed cabbage will prepare vegetable stew.

  • For breakfast: steam omelette or cottage cheese with sour cream (100 g), milk porridge (100 g), tea (200 ml).
  • For second breakfast: orange or apple (fresh or baked).
  • For lunch: vegetarian borscht or vegetable soup (200 g), lean boiled meat or poultry with a side dish of stewed vegetables (150 g), fruit dessert (100 g).
  • For an afternoon snack: a decoction of rose hips, jelly or fruit juice (200 ml), 2-3 crackers or biscuits.
  • For dinner: boiled sea fish (150 g) with stewed cabbage (100 g), tea or compote (200 ml).
  • Before bed (2 hours before bedtime): 6 pieces of prunes or dried apricots, or a glass of kefir.

According to calculations, the nutritional value of a diet for heart disease should be: 85 g of proteins (of which 45 g are of animal origin), 80 g of fats (of which 30 g are of vegetable origin), no more than 350 g of carbohydrates. At the same time, the total recommended calorie content is in the range of 2200-2400 kcal per day.

Recipes for heart disease

Tips for cooking with heart disease:

  • to reduce the fat content of meat broth, you need to boil the meat for 10 minutes, drain the water, add fresh water to the meat and cook until done:
  • To improve the taste of a dietary under-salted dish, you can season it with dill, parsley, cilantro (coriander), tarragon, and basil.

Recipes for heart disease: salads

Potato salad

  • 250 g of potatoes, boiled in their skins, peeled and cut into cubes. Chop half an onion, a small fresh apple and parsley. Mix everything, season with olive oil.

Beetroot salad

  • Peel and grate 300 g of boiled beets in their skins. Finely chop the onion (30 g), simmer it in a small amount of water, cool, sprinkle with lemon juice or vinegar, sprinkle with sugar (10 g) and let stand for 5 minutes. Then combine with beets and season with a tablespoon of any vegetable oil.

Moroccan parsley salad

  • Necessary products: 120 g parsley, 30 g onions, quarter of a lemon, 2 g salt. Finely chop the parsley and onion, mix with finely chopped lemon pulp, add salt and serve immediately.

Recipes for heart disease: soups

Diet soup with roots

For 2 liters of vegetable or weak meat broth you need to take: potatoes (3 pcs.), carrots (1 pc. medium size), parsley root (1 pc.), celery root (100 g), leek (1 stalk), ghee (half a tablespoon), salt (1 g).

Roots - carrots, parsley and celery, as well as leeks, cut into small strips and simmer in melted butter, then add water and let simmer for 5-10 minutes. Add diced potatoes to them and let simmer for another 5 minutes. After this, place everything in a saucepan with boiling broth, add salt and cook until the vegetables are soft. When serving, sprinkle with herbs.

Dietary spinach soup

For 1.5 liters of water or weak meat broth you will need: potatoes (300 g), carrots (1 medium size), spinach (250-300 g), medium onion, bunch of dill, vegetable oil (tablespoon), salt ( 3 g).

Place diced potatoes into boiling water (or broth). Grated carrots and chopped onions are lightly fried in vegetable oil and sent after the potatoes. When the potatoes are almost cooked, add pre-chopped spinach and dill to the pan. After boiling, add salt to the soup and cook for another 3-4 minutes.

Recipes for heart disease: main courses

Pasta casserole with meat and cheese

Required products: pasta (450 g), boiled beef or chicken (200 g), cheese (100 g), carrots (1 medium size), raw chicken eggs (2 pieces), medium onion, vegetable oil, ground black pepper, salt (2-3 g).

Boil pasta in salted water and drain. Lightly fry grated carrots and chopped onions in vegetable oil. Finely chop the boiled meat (across the grain), grate the cheese.

Place half of the pasta in a greased form, then carrots and onions and meat. Place the rest of the pasta on top, pour over beaten (as for an omelet) eggs and cover with grated cheese. Bake in the oven preheated to +180-185°C for 20-25 minutes.

Puff vegetable stew

To prepare this dish, which will be enjoyed even by those who do not adhere to a diet for heart disease, you need the following products:

potatoes (2 pcs.), eggplant (1 pc. medium size), one small zucchini (regular or zucchini), bell pepper (2 pcs.), garlic (2 cloves), a bunch of dill, sour cream (150-180 g), vegetable oil (4 tablespoons) salt (3 g).

Peel the potatoes, eggplant and zucchini and cut into thin slices. Peel the pepper from seeds and cut into long thin slices. Pour vegetable oil into a cauldron or thick-bottomed pan and lay out the vegetables in layers, adding salt and sprinkling with chopped herbs and garlic. Pour sour cream over everything and place in a hot oven for 45 minutes. It is not recommended to stir the stew while cooking.

Pumpkin and carrot pancakes

Grind 150 g of peeled raw pumpkin using a grater, and do the same operation with 150 g of raw carrots. Make a semi-liquid dough from 100-150 ml of kefir or curdled milk, one egg and 2-3 tablespoons of flour. Don't forget to add baking soda (at the tip of a knife) and a teaspoon of granulated sugar. Next, you need to add grated carrots and pumpkin to the dough and mix well.

Pancakes are baked in a heated frying pan greased with vegetable oil and served with sour cream.

According to the “father of medicine” Hippocrates, the effects of drugs are transient, while the effects of dietary drugs are long-lasting. So be aware that diet for heart disease is an important part of your treatment. Moreover, the treatment is long-term, but very effective. And very tasty!