
How to start a birthday year. Why did we start celebrating birthdays? Dreams on this day


Many of you may remember how you couldn't sleep in anticipation of your own birthday, expecting gifts, a party with friends, entertainment and much more. The magic of the holiday fades over the years, especially if you celebrate your birthday alone. The prospect of spending your birthday alone, whether it is your decision or a forced necessity, should not depress you. Read our tips and have a great birthday party without a bunch of invitees, both at home and elsewhere.


Part 1

Planning a Celebration
  1. Determine how much time you can devote to the celebration. Nobody likes to work on their birthday, even if you have a great job that you love, but like most adults, work involves responding to urgent calls and work trips even on your birthday. When planning your celebration, look at the calendar to see what day of the week your birthday falls on and determine how much time you can devote to yourself.

    • You may have to spend most of the day at work, but check your calendar to see if you can leave work early to stop by your favorite bakery, or maybe you can have a longer breakfast at home.
    • Of course, you will want to sleep longer in the morning, especially on your birthday, see if you can afford it; You may be able to take a longer lunch or leave work earlier than usual.
    • If you haven't had a vacation or have time off, use these opportunities to celebrate your birthday.
  2. Consider hosting your birthday party away from home. If possible, go out of town to treat yourself to some relaxation and do what you want. When traveling alone, you won't have to coordinate with others, wait for anyone, or make compromises. If you like to laze on the beach, but your friends prefer to have fun on a hike, now you have the chance to do only what you want.

    • If you decide to celebrate your birthday while traveling, plan your trip in advance if possible. This will give you enough time to buy tickets, book a profitable hotel and pack your things for the trip.
    • It's always great to go to a place you already know and love, but don't rule out the possibility of visiting something completely new.
  3. Find out if there are any special offers for birthday people. You might not think that a bunch of bumbling waiters singing "Happy Birthday to You" is great (but why not if that's your thing), but there are still plenty of options that hotels and restaurants offer to their visitors. Maybe they'll give you a free dessert or a cup of coffee, for which all you have to do is say it's your birthday and show your passport. Please note that these days the provision of such services must be negotiated with the organization’s employees.

    • Some time before your birthday, visit your favorite restaurant's website and see if they have any birthday specials. You may need to subscribe to the newsletter.
    • Feel free to also ask the administrators of the places you visit about offers for birthday people.
    • Many coffee shops and restaurants offer such offers. But be sure to also inquire about similar options at a beauty salon, massage parlor, and so on.
  4. Decide what gift you want to receive on your birthday . Even if you spend your birthday alone, this does not mean that you should be left without a gift. On this day you need to relax, rest and pamper yourself. Receiving gifts from friends is great, but sometimes you have to pretend you really liked the gift even though it's less than ideal (ever received a colorful unicorn sweater from grandma?). If you choose a gift for yourself, you will definitely choose something that you really like!

    • You may want to leave gift selection to your birthday, especially if you enjoy shopping and it will be part of your celebration.
    • If you don't have time to choose a gift for your birthday or don't want to waste your precious free time walking around the mall, buy something special for yourself in advance so you don't have to do it on the day of the holiday.
    • If you are buying a gift in a store, ask the seller to package your order in a festive way. It may look a little silly (you know what's inside the package), but it will give you the ritual of unwrapping your birthday present!
    • Alternatively, order something special for yourself from an online store, but do it in advance so that the order arrives in time for your birthday.
    • Whatever you buy should be within your budget, although you can afford to spend a little more for the day. Choose something you really enjoy that will lift your spirits, even if it's something frivolous. Maybe you have a secret dream that you would like someone else to fulfill for you, and you swore to yourself that you would never do it yourself? So become the person who will do this for you on your birthday!
  5. Make final preparations the day before the holiday. If you were organizing a birthday party, you would be busy with housework, shopping and preparations in advance. So, even if you celebrate your birthday alone, it is still a big holiday, and your goal is to relax and have a good time.

    • Clean your house a day or two before your birthday. Most people can't relax in clutter, but you want your home, especially on your birthday, to be a little paradise for you.
    • Decorate your apartment. Buy and inflate balloons, or at least just put out a beautiful bouquet of fresh flowers, you don’t buy flowers for yourself all the time; Don't forget about candles.
    • Prepare your outfit the night before. Choose something comfortable, beautiful, and make you feel amazing in your outfit.
    • If you eat breakfast at home and/or take lunch to work, prepare ahead of time to avoid rushing in the morning.

    Part 2

    Birthday party
    1. Organize yourself a special breakfast. Make yourself something delicious for breakfast, it's your birthday! Even if you have to go to work, take a little time and treat yourself to something delicious like French toast. If you prepare in the evening, it won't take much time in the morning.

      • Even if you're the type of person who just grabs a sandwich and a cup of coffee in the morning, treat yourself to a new type of coffee that day!
    2. Get outdoors to celebrate your birthday . Try to step away from your daily routine. Think about where you could go for nature trips. Exercise, get some fresh air, it will even help you look a little younger and have a positive effect on your well-being.

      • Maybe you want to go for a run around the city, go out into nature, go on a hike. Follow your favorite routes, but don't forget to look into new corners.
      • Maybe you'd like to go cycling or just wander around the city. If you don't have your own bike and live in the city, rent a bike from a bike rental station. A great opportunity to tour the sights of the city!
    3. Organize your day the way you want. What are you dreaming about? A cozy evening on the couch watching old movies, food ordered at home? Free day to visit a museum? A day spent shopping? Dinner at the best restaurant in town?

      • A solo birthday allows you to do what you want. Whether you want to stay at home or go somewhere, please; If you want, have fun, if you want, relax! It’s just your day, you don’t have to adapt to anyone’s interests and tastes!
    4. Eat whatever you want. One of the benefits of celebrating your birthday alone is that you decide what goes on your menu. Of course, this is how it should be, but when you celebrate a birthday with friends, you have to adapt to their tastes. If there is no one nearby, the choice of dishes is up to you. If you only want to eat the birthday cake, no one will mind!

      • If you love spending time in the kitchen, cook up classic dishes like baked sweet potatoes and stir-fries.
      • You can record an episode of your favorite cooking show and try cooking something new. Cook at the same time as the host, it will be fun (especially if you pour yourself a glass of wine)!
      • If you don't want to cook or don't have time for it, order food from your favorite restaurant. Order what you really love, it's your day!
    5. Choose something delicious for dessert. No birthday is complete without a festive dessert. If you don't want a whole cake sitting in your kitchen all week, buy some cakes or a slice of cake from a coffee shop or bakery. You can even ask the baker to write "Happy Birthday!" on a piece of cake with icing.

      • If you're a good baker, treat yourself to a homemade cheesecake or apple pie.
      • Go out and order dessert, you deserve it! If you are planning a trip to a restaurant, choose one that has an extensive dessert menu. Don't be shy, tell the waiter it's your birthday. Of course, you can order dessert at home, but it’s better to go to a restaurant and order dessert with wine or coffee.
      • If you don't like sweets, choose a cheese plate with a glass of good wine or another delicacy that you don't often treat yourself to.
      • If you are celebrating your birthday alone because your family and friends are far away due to circumstances, communicate with them using FaceTime or Skype. Place a candle in your dessert and have someone sing “Happy Birthday to You.”

The content of the article:

Pre-birthday depression is a type of blues that occurs before an upcoming special event. The so-called “birthday boy syndrome” is especially relevant for people who have passed their thirtieth birthday. At the same time, the celebrant of the significant date, instead of a feast and gifts, wants to run away to the ends of the earth from relatives and friends.

Causes of depression before a birthday

The emergence of apathy towards everything that happens on the eve of the upcoming celebration may have the following reasons:

  • Childhood trauma. Psychologists say that the origins of all phobias and neuroses must be sought precisely during the period of personality maturation. A child who was punished for pranks and deprived of the opportunity to celebrate his birthday will definitely remember this fact.
  • . The mirror is the cruelest critic for any person. With age, people begin to become depressed because few people are able to come to terms with impending old age.
  • Fear of round dates. The fear of age-related changes increases when the hero of the day has to celebrate his birthday at a certain time. Marks of 30, 40, 50 years especially frighten people before a significant event, because they mark a transition to a new milestone.
  • Impossibility of organizing a celebration. Not every person can boast of the opportunity to celebrate their birthday on a grand scale. Some people will calmly react to the stated fact, but there is a category of people who become depressed due to financial difficulties before the supposed triumph.
  • Personal problems. Few people want to have fun with friends when there are conflicts in the family. This situation usually ends with the mood spoiling for both the birthday boy and his guests during the celebration.
  • Probability of an unpleasant visitor. An uninvited guest is worse than a Tatar, which is confirmed by life practice. Some people wait with horror for their birthday and become depressed because they understand the inevitability of a visit from an unpleasant person, for example, the same mother-in-law or mother-in-law.
  • Envy. There is a category of individuals who are wary of other people’s well-being and for whom their own birthday seems not a holiday, but a mockery of their financial capabilities. After the fact of comparing the available funds with a wealthier person who celebrates all holidays on a grand scale, the envious birthday boy may fall into depression.
  • Fear of unnecessary gifts. Some people become disheartened when they are presented with obviously useless things year after year. Looking at the endless trinkets that the guests generously bestow upon them, the heroes of the occasion smile strainedly and feel completely oppressed not only from the fact that they have to accept them, but also from the fact that they must be stored and used somewhere else so as not to offend the recipient.
  • Reluctance to waste energy. A birthday always requires investing quite a bit of money. Even the expression “sit in the family circle” is a very conditional concept, because relatives may be offended by the presence of only sandwiches on the holiday table.
  • Unpreparedness to celebrate in different places. In most cases, you have to celebrate your birthday at home and then with colleagues. All this leads to additional financial costs and unnecessary stress for the birthday boy when organizing two events.
  • Inability to see loved ones. In separation, loving hearts are even more drawn to each other. Depression on a birthday often visits a person who, under forced circumstances, cannot enjoy the holiday with his family.
  • Bad experience in the past. Not all special dates follow a clearly defined scenario. In some cases, a birthday has such unpleasant consequences that a person does not want to repeat his mistakes.
  • Tendency to loneliness. A deep introvert will initially be against the idea of ​​guests knocking at his house on his name day. On weekdays, he will also try to create a wall between himself and his immediate environment, which progresses precisely on his birthday.
  • Phonophobia. Fear of loud sounds is directly related to depression before another significant date. Birthdays are usually accompanied by wild congratulations and fiery music, which irritates a true phonophobe.
  • Coincidence of work schedule with birthday. People who do not like to postpone their name days or celebrate them in advance often become depressed from this factor. They are also not happy about their birthday on Sunday, when they have to go to work the next morning.
  • Disagreements in a couple. In this case, we will talk about the fact that families sometimes look at the celebration differently. A person may become depressed because his other half wants to organize a birthday party not at home, but outdoors or in a cafe, or refuses to implement the ideas that the birthday person has been living with for a long time.
  • Coincidence of significant dates. Not every one of us will be pleased with the fact that we have to meet loved ones on New Year or some other holiday. When wishing the birthday person health and happiness, toasts are often made on another occasion, and the hero of the occasion himself feels forgotten and unnecessary.
  • Factor "February 29". Leap year can be an empty phrase for people who were not born on this day. A person sometimes becomes depressed because his significant date falls on other dates in the calendar, and in fact the holiday itself does not exist at all.
  • Losing a loved one. After a tragic event, there can be no talk of any joys in life. Mourning leads not only to depression before a birthday, but also to serious neurosis after the loss of a loved one.

Important! The reasons for this phenomenon are psychological and everyday in nature. Consequently, a person himself is able to change his attitude towards such a solemn event.

Main symptoms of depression on your birthday

On the eve of a significant date, a person with the described problem usually feels as follows:
  1. Apathy. In this case, I remember the donkey IA, who on his name day did not expect anything good from this day. Reluctance to celebrate a significant date often occurs in a person who is in a difficult emotional or financial situation.
  2. Anxiety. Nervousness before a birthday is an adequate reaction of the body to the upcoming event. However, if you experience hand tremors while preparing a meeting with loved ones, you should think about the advisability of organizing a banquet.
  3. Irritability. In most cases, birthday people are happy to wait for this significant day to spend it in warm company. However, if you are depressed before the holiday, every little thing will irritate the hero of the occasion.
  4. Excessive requirements. A person with signs of depression before a birthday often cannot voice the reason for his depressed state. In most cases, he wants to get more from the upcoming event than he can put into it.
  5. Escape from everyone. At the first symptoms of impending depression, the hero of the occasion with a voiced phobia tries to move as far as possible from his home. At the same time, he turns off the phone so as not to listen to numerous congratulations from friends.

Note! All of the listed symptoms of the problem voiced are not signs of an emotional breakdown. Therefore, they can be considered a temporary phenomenon that can be corrected.

Celebrities with depression on their birthday

Typically, famous personalities like to celebrate this holiday on a grand scale. However, some of them try to ignore their birthday:
  1. Stanislav Govorukhin. This talented person is known for being the director of such legendary films as “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed” and “Bless the Woman.” After the death of his equally famous son, his father becomes depressed before each birthday. He agrees to celebrate only anniversaries, but without any pompous events.
  2. . The fact of aging is considered a taboo topic for the singer. She is so afraid of approaching old age that she begins to fall into depression every time her birthday comes.
  3. Glucose. The famous singer is very afraid of dying, so she awaits each birthday with horror. After the birth of her second child, the pop star fears loneliness in old age, so once a year on her significant day she begins to feel depressed.
  4. Keanu Reeves. The actor, who is considered one of the highest paid actors in Hollywood, likes to give his friends very significant gifts in terms of money. In turn, Keanu will fall into depression on his own birthday and tries to hide from all his acquaintances so as not to accept reciprocal gifts from them.

Ways to combat pre-birthday blues

In each case, it is worth understanding the situation that led to a specific phobia. Depression before and after a birthday can be treated quickly if you take the problem raised seriously.

The outcome of the upcoming celebration must be analyzed as follows, so as not to fall into an apathetic state after it:
  • Refusal of illusions. Psychologists advise not to make a fetish out of your birthday, so that you don’t end up with bitter disappointment from unfulfilled hopes. Experts are convinced that it is better to underestimate a fact than to fall into depression when it ends sadly.
  • Holiday planning. It’s better to be on the safe side than to subsequently feel ashamed in front of your guests. Each stage of the celebration must be carefully thought out so that those invited feel one hundred percent attention from the birthday boy.
  • Privacy. If a person is an introvert, then it is better for him to be alone on this significant day. Close people will understand this behavior and will not bother the birthday boy. Depression will not appear in an introvert if he spends this period of time with himself. And so that annoying sufferers don’t interfere with congratulations, you can organize small trips for yourself every year with your phone turned off.
  • Analysis of the past year. To avoid the blues before your birthday, you need to write down all the events that have happened over the past 12 months. Such an activity can not only distract from sad thoughts, but also provide the basis for determining future plans for life.
  • . During any significant event, people like to take pictures in order to preserve memories of it. If the birthday boy feels all the signs of impending depression, then he should just look through the family archive in the form of photographs. But pay attention not to the fact that he is changing, but to how joyful and fun it is to be close to your family.
  • Search for event organizers. If financial capabilities allow you to invite a professional to hold the celebration, then this opportunity should be taken advantage of. By shifting the responsibility for organizing a significant date to a specialist in this field, many people stop being depressed and panicking. If there are no funds for this, then you can ask your relatives to help prepare the holiday. For example, distribute the preparation of salads to everyone, and ask your spouse for help around the house.
  • Change in appearance. In the fight against blues and apathy before your birthday, you can try on a different image. The birthday boy should stand out among the guests, so a visit to a stylist or reading information on the Internet on similar topics will not hurt him to lift his spirits.
  • Buying a treasured item. Pampering yourself with a meaningful present before your birthday is not forbidden, but even encouraged. Psychologists recommend fighting depression in this way, giving yourself pleasant surprises in the form of something you like.
  • Watching movies. To relieve stress before your birthday, you should watch the adventure thriller “The Game,” starring Michael Douglas and Sean Penn. The plot of the film is based on the story of a workaholic man who is drawn into risky entertainment by his younger brother for excitement and escape from routine. The comedies “From 13 to 30” and “Liar, Liar”, where funny things on a birthday are described in a positive way, will also help to lift your spirits.

Experts say that any emotional stress can be relieved in the following way:
  1. Phytotherapy. A similar remedy for calming the nervous system is also called the use of specific plants. Depression after and before your birthday can be easily eliminated with the help of infusions of chamomile, mint, valerian root and motherwort. Experts recommend brewing tea from these herbs and drinking it a week before the expected celebration. A similar procedure can be replaced by Novo-passit, which contains lemon balm, St. John's wort, hawthorn, hops and elderberry.
  2. Allopathy. In this case, we will talk about homeopathy, which doctors call alternative medicine. After consulting a doctor, you can try taking Ergoferon or Kolofort to relieve stress before your birthday.
  3. Physiotherapy. If depression occurs before your birthday, then you should use a similar method of treating apathy. Experts recommend a whole range of such procedures, which includes phototherapy, electrophoresis, heat therapy and UHF (exposure to the body of a high-frequency magnetic field).
How to deal with depression on your birthday - watch the video:

The birthday boy himself can answer the question of why depression reaches its maximum point before his birthday. This condition is not any kind of pathology, so a visit to a psychotherapist can be replaced with introspection and sedatives, as well as preliminary moral preparation and help from loved ones with organizing the event.

Answered by Yesenia Pavlotski, linguist-morphologist, expert at the Institute of Philology, Mass Information and Psychology of Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University.

Birthday is a sad holiday. Doubly sad - if he birthday. Of course, we know that this is a gross mistake, because the pattern here is clear: day which one, what? Genitive - birth.

And yet, one of the most common mistakes is the most birthday. Thinking about why people make such a mistake, we immediately find the answer: they are illiterate, these people, that’s all. And we answered the question, and people - those who are illiterate - have no arguments against it. In general, we managed.

But, being satisfied with such a superficial explanation, have you ever thought about why people generally make mistakes from a number of frequency ones? Why are we meeting win, instagram, come And underlining regularly, everywhere? Yes Yes, “the level of education is falling, young people don’t read at all, the language is no longer what it used to be”, but this is not an explanation, but at most a surrogate.

Any error is motivated by something, and elements of the language system are never deformed just like that, out of nowhere, even if we are talking about such “deadly sins” as theirs And in general. Moreover, we are not talking about some kind of justification, but about a natural process. Failures in a complex language system are also part of the system.

Here, in front of us birthday. The main word day, so we will coordinate everything that needs to be agreed with him. For example, my birthday- Not my. But language is structured in such a way that all elements of its matrix interact and influence each other. Instagram we are solemnly awarded two m, because a new word has come into the language, and here they are already waiting for it kilogram, parallelogram and grammar and they seem to say “you and I are of the same blood,” although we are not. A to their I just want to add something, because our language is inflected, and we know and feel this not because of cramming from infancy, so it turns out theirs. Another thing is that then we learn the norm and understand (or simply remember) that we shouldn’t say that.

Yes, on birthday Other words also influence, which also name holidays, special days, but at the same time represent one word and phenomenon. Epiphany, Christmas, For example. But this is only one factor, not the most important one. The important thing is that this holiday is personal for everyone, and at the same time, it exists as a global phenomenon, for everyone, because such a day happens to everyone. Here, Victory Day is one day a year, the day of one specific victory. A birthday is a holiday-phenomenon that is not assigned to a specific day, so the word day and loses dominance. For this reason, the second (not the main) word birth begins to take over the accent. I'm celebrating mine birth, your appearance, and not a day in itself.

The regular reproduction of the name of the holiday also has an impact, because it is an event that is celebrated every day by many people at the same time. And regular use encourages the words to “grow together” - two words, but one holiday. So it turns out birthday. And there is nothing wrong with such word usage in everyday life, in online communication. As we can see, this form has every reason to be in demand.

By the way, the name of the holiday is written with a lowercase letter - birthday, because it has no social significance, like New Year Christmas or Constitution day.

Folk signs and superstitions about birthdays are much more important than beliefs about New Year's Eve and other holidays. Moreover, they appeared a very long time ago. Some signs regulate the behavior of the birthday person, the rest relate to the events of that day.

Birthday is such a special time when a person is strongly influenced by others

At this time, the hero of the occasion is visited by messengers of higher powers - they watch him. If you manage to hold the holiday according to all the rules, then you will appease the spirits who will attract prosperity and protect from troubles.

What to do on your birthday, signs

We should start with the fact that the birthday person should be happy - this is important.

If it is a child’s birthday, the birthday boy, upon waking up, should immediately receive congratulations from his parents. This way he will feel that he is loved.

There is no need to hesitate in presenting gifts to the hero of the occasion. It is advisable to invite the child’s friends to the holiday so that he can be surrounded by peers, and not just relatives.

On your birthday, you should definitely wear nice clothes and linen, because old things can attract need and bad luck. According to signs, the birthday person should not change clothes all day.

Before dressing you need to say:

Magicians advise wearing the item for another 3 days (not for long). Afterwards, these clothes must be rinsed in clean water, which is then sprinkled on the workplace (threshold, office, table, chair).

The birthday boy needs to put a bill in his pocket so that he has money all year round. If the clothes do not have pockets, the banknote must be sewn on the wrong side. If you can’t do without changing clothes, the money also needs to be transferred to another outfit.

To attract love, you need to wear red lingerie or any item of this color on your birthday. You can even limit yourself to some accessory that will come in handy on romantic dates later in the year.

Congratulations to the birthday person is another important tradition that brings good luck for the entire next year. Along with sincere congratulations and wishes, a person receives a charge of positive energy that will help him become happy, successful and rich.

Congratulations should be heard from the very morning: the earlier, the better - this increases the luck of the birthday person.

In some countries, adults can turn back into children once they reach a certain age. For example, Japanese men begin their second childhood when they turn 61. A Japanese person should wear a red hat and a vest of the same color - this means his return to childhood.

A man can forget about all his problems and start his life over. Koreans also have this tradition, only it comes into force on the day of a person’s sixtieth birthday. At this moment, people symbolically return to the day they were born, they are given a chance to start all over again.

A well-known sign: a birthday should be celebrated cheerfully, then the year will be easy and joyful. But if someone has forgotten that it is his birthday today, this is a very good omen, foreshadowing good luck and happiness.

There is a good, but sad sign: if someone’s day and month of birth and departure to another world coincide, this means the salvation of his soul. By the way, birthday people have an increased risk of death. Therefore, the task of the guests is to surround the hero of the occasion with attention and care, to help survive this difficult day.

What can't you do on your birthday?

A birthday is such a special time when a person is strongly influenced by others. Experts in black magic can take advantage of this situation and cause damage.

To prevent the dark forces, the birthday boy must follow a few simple rules, pay attention to the behavior of others, and control his actions. Thus, not only the holiday, but also the year will go well.

Do not discount the folk signs that prohibit the birthday boy from:

  1. Cutting your hair means you can cut off your luck along with it.
  2. Borrow money or any items (products) directly on your birthday and the day before it. Otherwise, financial difficulties cannot be avoided throughout the year.
  3. Lend money and give alms (not to be confused with gifts to guests). Together with a voluntary donation, you can give away your luck and well-being.
  4. Visit sick relatives or friends. Otherwise, big health problems will arise. If a visit cannot be avoided, put a silver thing in your pocket - it will strengthen your own energy field and help resist illness.
  5. Crying from sadness will attract misfortune. But tears of joy are quite appropriate.
  6. Attend a funeral or wake on your birthday or the day before. This is a very bad omen.
  7. Be a bride at your own wedding. Otherwise, failures due to destroyed energy cannot be avoided.
  8. Cleaning the house, washing the floors - all this needs to be done in advance.
  9. Take out the trash and... This is done the day after the celebration.

There are different opinions about when to celebrate a birthday, but they all agree that this should under no circumstances be done ahead of time. According to some signs, early celebration shortens life span. And other beliefs explain that on the birthday of the birthday person, guardian angels fly to him.

If you arrange a name day ahead of time, the messengers of higher powers will not have time for the celebration. In addition, it is important to hear all the good wishes from relatives, friends and colleagues every day, and to wish yourself all the best.

If you heard congratulations before the date, say: “God grant that you live and survive all your enemies.”

There should be no “no” in congratulations. Since this denial is not perceived by higher powers, the wish is read the other way around. Therefore, instead of “don’t be sick,” say “be healthy.”

Combining several birthday people into one holiday is a bad omen. No matter how beneficial it may be from an economic point of view, celebrating together can attract a lot of troubles.

If something breaks, the birthday person should joyfully say: “For good luck!”, but not rush to take out the debris, so as not to throw away good luck along with them.

If you can’t find an outfit for your name day, or it’s dirty, this means that someone is invading your aura with malicious intentions. To defend yourself, say “mind me” 3 times and spit over your left shoulder.

  • 13 years (for teenagers) – the ancient sign about the number “13”, which is considered unlucky, applies.
  • 33 years (for men) is the age at which Christ was crucified. It is believed that a magnificent celebration on this day can bring damage, a curse, misfortune, and betrayal of friends to a man. On the other hand, “33” is a strong number in numerology. It is associated with emotions: happiness, joy, awakening creative energy, psychological activity, sociability. This year becomes a turning point in life.
  • 40 years (for men) - the number “40” is associated with the period during which the soul of the deceased cannot leave the world of the living, rushing between heaven and earth. To avoid such a state for the birthday person during the year, it is not customary to celebrate the fortieth anniversary.
  • 53 years (for women) - at this age, a woman experiences unpleasant age-related changes associated with the loss of childbearing function and aging of the body. It is believed that if you don’t celebrate your birthday, you can cheat time and delay unwanted changes.

There are other signs about what you can and cannot do on your birthday. For example, a dog howling during a holiday is a harbinger of death. Therefore, it is worth taking your four-legged friend away during the celebration so that he does not start “singing along” during drinking songs.

About the guests

You cannot invite: 9, 13, 21, 51, 99, 100 guests. There shouldn't be that many candles on the cake either. In order not to give up the beautiful and important ritual of blowing out the lights, you can use candles in the form of numbers.

If an odd number of people are invited to the holiday, someone will not have enough pairs, and this person may be jealous of the birthday boy.

Do not invite people whose sincerity you are unsure of, otherwise you may get a “breakdown” in your own aura.

If people who are unpleasant to you are present at the celebration, accepting a gift from them, mentally say: “I take only what I see” and cross yourself 3 times in your thoughts. And then get rid of the gift later.

There is no need to invite a guest who has asked for it - he may put the evil eye on you.

Beliefs about food

Different nations have different opinions about what dishes on the table bring good luck to the birthday person:

  1. The Chinese eat vermicelli and peach-shaped cake (such a dessert is a symbol of luck).
  2. In India, it is not recommended to use salt in food to avoid disaster.
  3. Pennsylvania Germans eat a donut to ensure they will live at least another year.
  4. The Slavs do not serve pancakes, since pancakes are a funeral or Maslenitsa dish.

According to the signs, you shouldn’t buy a birthday cake in a store, but rather make it with your own hands. Moreover, a large number of different layers and fillings will attract more happiness and good luck to the birthday person.

Signs about gifts (what should not be given)

The list of prohibited items includes:

  • An odd number of flowers (this brings prosperity to the deceased in the afterlife). If the extra flower is the florist’s mistake, the branch must be removed. If the sincerity of the donor is in doubt, you need to get rid of the entire bouquet as soon as possible.
  • The flowers are yellow (can attract separation or deception).
  • Hygiene products for body and hair (attract tears).
  • Empty haberdashery items (bags, wallets). If the gift does not contain money, the birthday person himself must fill the donated wallet with money and hide it in a secluded place (after a week the gift can be used).
  • Glass and ceramic containers (vases, pots, jugs) should also be given filled.
  • Sharp objects (forks, knives, knitting needles, needles, etc.) attract quarrels and spoil energy. These items must be redeemed in small bills or coins.
  • The clock is a symbol of passing time.
  • Pearls and handkerchiefs (symbolize tears) attract troubles.
  • Belts, ties and suspenders - these items can only be given by a loved one, because according to signs, such items can “tie” the birthday person to the giver (love spells are used with their help).
  • Mirrors - they can attract trouble, as they are a corridor between worlds (ours and the afterlife).
  • Images of birds in any form (figurines, figurines, drawings) - they portend misfortune.

You can’t give someone something for their birthday that you bought exclusively for yourself, because that’s how good luck is also passed on. You can give your things at any other time, but not on your birthday.

Spells and prayers for a successful year

A prayer that is read only once a year:

Conspiracies to make wishes come true

It consists of reading magic words at sunrise. Repeat the reading of the plot on your birthday and the next ten days. Then they take a break for a week, then read again. On the days of pronouncing magic words, you should not eat meat. Magic words:

Protective ritual for a year

To carry it out, you will need a small thing donated by a loved one (for example, father or mother). The item should be comfortable to wear constantly (for example, a ring or pendant). Place the item in clean living water and leave it on the window at night (after your birthday).

In the morning, dry the item with a clean towel. Then hold the amulet in your palm and think about what you want. For example, to protect you from what, and for how long. “Don’t be greedy”, the talisman can be recharged an infinite number of times on subsequent birthdays.


There is a simple ritual that does not require a location. You just need to take the wick out of the candle and light it on both sides. At this time you need to very quickly say:

You can plunge into the “money bath”. To do this, you need to make a decoction of 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, 4 teaspoons of chopped parsley and 1 liter of boiling water. Throw a coin into the broth. Run a bath of warm water. While pouring the decoction there, say:

After this, immerse yourself in water 5 times, then lie quietly in the bath for 8 minutes, think about how your financial situation will improve.

When leaving the bathroom, you need to dry yourself naturally. For greater effect, such a bath should be taken another 5 days after the holiday.

How to celebrate a birthday?

On their birthday, many people experience an aggravation of intuition and clairvoyance. This is the time to ask for your deepest desires. It is worth spending time communicating with heaven, and not on a riotous feast and kitchen fuss.

On your birthday, immediately after waking up, you should stand in cool salt water. You need to hold a wax church candle in your hand.

At this time, you should think about the events of the past year and imagine how salt draws out all the bad things. Thank God for everything you have.

Paradoxically, the birthday boy should be generous (give friends at least small gifts) - this will provide him with a rich life for the whole year. For example, female guests are presented with small bottles of perfume, and representatives of the stronger sex are presented with lighters.

The sign is associated with belief in good spirits that visit a person on his birthday. The forces of light are ready to help, but their protection must be earned. And generosity is an undeniable argument in favor of the favor of the forces of light.

Another festive attribute that can provide a comfortable life for the birthday person is a festive pie made from eggs and buckwheat. Guests do not eat this dessert.

According to tradition, the cake must be broken into two parts over the head of the birthday person before he has time to drink the first glass. When the guests leave, the hero of the occasion must take these two halves to the crossroads and leave them there.

Thus, representatives of both dark and light forces are treated at once. So that dark entities do not interfere with the light forces to do good to a person.

The most famous birthday tradition is blowing out the candles on the cake. There is a sign: if all the candles go out with one exhalation, then the wish conceived at that moment will certainly come true.

The smoke from the extinguished candles rises into the heavens, sending a message to higher powers to fulfill a wish. According to legend, at the moment of a person’s birth, a star lights up in the sky - so it is symbolized by the candles burning on the cake.

Every year there are more and more candles, and the probability of successfully blowing them out decreases. There is nothing wrong if friends help in this matter - they will blow out the remaining candles.

To make the year successful, the birthday boy's ears are pulled. The custom arose from the thought: the longer the ears, the longer the life. To symbolically enlarge your ears, your close friend or family member should “carry” them every year.

If you heard congratulations before the date, say: “God grant that you live and survive all your enemies.”

How to live the 12 days following your birthday?

These 12 days need to be lived actively so that the whole year passes in the same way. If you have a desire to do what you love, devote Solar's time to it. If you spend these 12 days on vacation, the whole year will pass calmly, without stress.

1 day

Appearance, talents, self-image, character, temperament, ability to win. Today, water procedures and visiting the gym are useful. Representatives of the fair sex are recommended to work on their image, put on impressive makeup, and do their hair.

You need to be significant on this day for the people around you, but not at the expense of suppressing them. You can't be selfish. It is better to spend this day without guests.

Day 2

Spend the money you earn usefully, and become imbued with the idea that you have the right to be rich. Don't borrow or lend money, pay off your debts. Pay attention to food - your nutrition throughout the next year depends on the variety and quality of dishes on the table.

Day 3

Relatives, neighbors and relationships with them, communication, training, speech, agreements, short trips. Today it is best to spend time in nature with relatives, away from TV and reading. You need to talk less, and only to the point.

4 day

Ancestors, roots, home, family, end of life, inner world, emotional security. Notice where you are drawn throughout the day. Maybe you want to be in the forest or somewhere where you can think about your ancestors and turn to them for support.

The best thing is to visit relatives today. It’s not a bad idea to take care of your home, garden, or vegetable garden. There is no need to start anything new, but there is no need to indulge in laziness, sadness, or tears. Otherwise they will haunt you all year.

5 day

Creativity, romantic adventures, children, entertainment, hobbies, art, speculation. Today it is best to devote your time to children (your own or someone else’s), observe their happiness and spontaneity in games. You can do something you've never done before.

Today it is very useful to do what your parents forbade you to do as a child. But it’s better to refrain from love affairs (leave love pleasures for later, you’ll definitely catch up with everything). It is also not recommended to gamble and spend a lot of money.

Day 6

Health and care, work, career, ability to obey, professional skills, mechanized labor. Today you need to take care of your health, you can experiment with diet.

The day should pass peacefully, but don’t let routine drag you into a whirlpool of insignificant everyday activities that will obscure something important. Today you can significantly advance your career ladder (as you can in just a few years of work).

Day 7

Marriage, partnership, competition, trade, personal relationships, marriage, divorce, litigation. Today you can sort things out with your partner and think about joint prospects. It is worth analyzing your mistakes with all current and former partners.

On this day it is better to refuse litigation, divorce, and conclusion of contracts. If signing important papers cannot be avoided, check their contents multiple times.

Day 8

Magic, conception, sex, other people's money, psychological crises. A good time for meditation. Today, losses (even of something still dear) are a liberation, a good omen. On this day you can’t have sex, interfere in someone else’s life, or be jealous. It is advisable to spend time alone, thinking about yourself.

Day 9

Broadening one's horizons, religion, philosophical reflections, distant relatives, educational travel. Today it’s good to learn something new, gain knowledge, meet people from distant lands. The main thing is not to sit at home today.

You can at least visit an exhibition or museum. But you cannot teach or lecture anyone, even if you really want to.

10 day

Power in all its manifestations, career, recognition, authority, goals in life, relationships with superiors, ambition, strategy for achieving goals. Today you cannot demonstrate power, pride, or set false goals if you have such qualities as lust for power.

If you are not ambitious, today, on the contrary, try to reach the top. Set yourself difficult goals and try to achieve practical results. And also think about all your leaders, past and present, and in your thoughts say thank you to them “for science.”

Day 11

Friendships, hopes, surprises, dreams. Today it is recommended to noisily celebrate the name day with friends. If you don’t specifically invite guests, you can “figure out” your real friends - they will definitely come without an invitation. Today you can change your style, your place of residence, or have a wedding.

12 day

Liberation from unnecessary things, serious illnesses, mysticism, purification. Today it is worth visiting church and praying (for believers). You can meditate, fight bad habits. It is possible that you will be able to find out about the secret plans of your enemies.

When you manage to live by these rules for all 12 days, do not forget about them. If you continue like this all year, you will have good luck, success, happiness. This means the emergence of a new love or improved health.

Keep a diary these 12 days, writing down all the events and your feelings there. Then you can track the whole year as events develop. Each day out of twelve corresponds to the same month from the birthday.

If on some day there were gifts or tangible profits, then the corresponding month will be profitable. The hardest months are 8 and 12. Most often, people die in the twelfth month after their birthday, because at this time the body is very weakened.

Eliphas Levi, one of the ceremonial magicians of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, said: “ A great deed is, first of all, a person’s creation of his destiny, that is, the complete and universal disclosure of his abilities, power over his destiny and, especially, the complete liberation of his will».

Great work - that's what we're going to talk about now. This is the magical practice of alchemists who receive the philosopher's stone, and also this is the fusion of spirit and matter, that is, the harmony of soul and body. How can we, ordinary people and far from alchemists, accomplish this great work, this Magnum Opus, in order to gain power over our destiny?

Waking up on the morning of our birthday, we find ourselves possessing the powers of magical creativity. The whole year from one’s birthday to the next one largely depends on a small period of one’s life.

What are these magical powers and where do they come from?

Every year, when we celebrate our birthday, we sometimes do not realize how significant this event is. On this day we receive gifts, we are told kind words. But many do not know that on this day the Sun occupies the same position in the sky as on the day of birth. Sometimes a little earlier in time, sometimes a little later. To find out the exact date of inclusion of the Solar (namely, this is the name of the time when the Sun rises at the same degree as in the birth horoscope), you can use an astrological program or find out from an astrologer.

Every year, on our next birthday, our celestial program for the next year of life is launched, and during the first 12 days, we can lay down the matrices for the coming 12 months. This is the time of that Great Work, when we can create a project for the year, and in the subsequent months corresponding to the days - lay or strengthen the foundation that will become the basis for achievements in the future. This is how a person becomes a Great Doer, the master of fate, unlike those who simply float with the flow of life.

At the moment of a new birth, a new task is issued, for which strength, means and opportunities are given for the whole year! All that remains is to open a new blank page and write a script for the continuation of life during the first 12 days after the new birth.

By the time the Solar is turned on (when the Sun is in the degree of birth), it is advisable to create a harmonious environment at home in advance or retire to nature in order to hear yourself and your desires in silence. You can prepare for the birth: go to the bathhouse or take a shower, carry out the forgiveness procedure. Alcohol is strictly contraindicated on this day, as it disrupts the program for the whole year. So don’t be surprised that if on your birthday you didn’t remember why everything didn’t go the way you wanted for the whole year.

Starting from the moment the Solar is turned on, the emotional and eventful characteristics of the whole year are laid in the next 12 days. If you go through the first day correctly, it means that throughout the year, personal initiative in self-expression will take place almost unhindered. Therefore, it is very important to behave more consciously and purposefully, so as not to waste time on temptations and not miss opportunities for achievements due to laziness or the inability to manage your emotions. In such moments of doubt, try asking yourself a simple question: “ Do I need it now?” to hear an honest and simple answer.

So, the 1st birthday is the 1st month of the year, the 2nd is the 2nd month of the year, and so on. 12 days are not only 12 months of the year, but also 12 houses of the horoscope, 12 areas of life.

It is advisable to live these days positively, shaping in thoughts and actions what we want to achieve in the coming year. Try to control your reactions these days, this is what we can do for ourselves to change our lives for the better.

To make it clearer when Solar turns on and when the first day of 12 magical days begins, let's look at an example.

Actress Uma Thurman was born on April 29, 1970 in Boston at 1:51 p.m. The Sun in her birth horoscope is at 8°59" Taurus. Let's assume that Uma came to the astrologer to order a horoscope for 2015-2016 (from birthday to birthday). The astrologer builds a solar return chart (Solar) so that the Sun is in this map in 2015 was located exactly at 8°59" Taurus. And it turns out that Uma Thurman’s Solar turned on in 2015 on April 29 at 11:07 am. That is, the 1st day is April 29, the 2nd is April 30, and so on.

It happens that Solar is turned on not on your birthday, but the day before. For example, for a person born on May 1, 1955 in Tashkent at 05:00, Solar in 2015 turned on on April 30 at 16:38. That is, the first day of Solar for this person begins not on May 1, but on April 30.

1st day

1st house of the horoscope is the house of personality, image, our appearance, our activity, initiatives.

This day is directly related to how you will express yourself and position yourself in the world throughout the year. How you feel on this day, with what emotional mood you spend it, is how people will perceive you all year.

This is similar to self-presentation; on this day it is important to show your best side. Also, try to maintain this brand throughout the first month after your birthday.

On this day, try not to ask anyone for advice, listen more to your desires and needs. Focus on believing in yourself and your capabilities. It is also good on this day to decide on your goals this year, to analyze the available forces and means to achieve your goals.

2nd day

2nd house - the house of money, material acquisitions. The second day serves as an impetus for how the second month of the year will pass, and determines what the financial situation will be throughout the year.

Try to get your financial affairs in order on this day. On this day, you should pay more attention to costs of any kind, both material and physical. Take activities to maintain the health and beauty of your body. Pay attention to your desires on this day. The more you impulsively want something, the more carefully you work on this topic. Having thus subjected your desires to a thorough analysis, you can promptly adjust your plans for the second month and for the whole year regarding the receipt of income and expenses.

3rd day

3rd house - contacts with your immediate environment - neighbors, brothers and sisters, short trips, business trips, training, information, documents, your movable property (cars) and technical means of communication (telephones, faxes).

On this day, pay attention to the ability to harmoniously build relationships with your immediate environment, control your promises, and ensure that documents are properly maintained. Control your contacts, make them interesting, useful and comfortable. Having met someone on this day, during the third month you may discover a change in your environment, or see this person in a close circle. A change in environment no longer applies to love affairs, but to business contacts and neighbors.

You can also carry out a technical inspection of your transport, communications equipment, and also decide on training for the current year, for example, outline some courses that are interesting to you.

4th day

4th house - family, home, ancestors.

On this day you can do something good for your home and family. It is best to stay at home on this day, with your family. In the 4th month after birth, it is possible to begin or complete all affairs for a year. These could be matters related to family, moving, or your home. What you plan on this day may come true in 4 months or will happen within a year.

On this day, it is good for everyone to gather for a family dinner, remember their grandfathers and great-grandmothers, and look through a family album with photographs. And of course, call your parents, or better yet, visit them with homemade gifts.

5th day

5th house - creativity, children, hobbies and entertainment, romantic relationships. This day is meant for rest. Spend time with your loved ones, play with your children, take up your favorite hobby. On this day it is good to visit the theater and exhibition. A romantic date with your loved one is what you need! You can also buy a lottery ticket or take part in a competition. Fortune may be on your side today! But do not forget that Lady Luck is very capricious, so control your desires to gamble.

If you are sad and lonely, on this day it makes sense to look for your soulmate, for example, fill out a form on a dating site. It is quite possible that by the fifth month your significant other will respond to this call. In general, this is a day of gifts and joy for yourself and your loved ones.

6th day

The 6th house is the house of illness, everyday worries and work.

On this day it is advisable to take care of your health. You can have a preventive examination with a doctor or choose a sanatorium for relaxation. Stressful work and overwork can lead to disruptions in the body, and 6 months after your birthday you may want to take a break from work through illness. Therefore, on this sixth day, follow a diet, limit your consumption of harmful foods and all extremes, and tune in to a healthy lifestyle for the whole year.

7th day

The 7th house is the house of relationships, partnerships.

This is a day when you need to make every effort to establish harmonious relationships with spouses and business partners. Try not to conflict with them on this day, but to find a common language and do something extremely pleasant for them (and for yourself): a romantic evening by candlelight, a walk or watching a movie about love together. Such interaction will help you avoid conflicts that may escalate in the 7th month after birth.

Those who do not have partners should meet someone on this day, or commemorate this day by meeting someone with whom you know in absentia, for example, by correspondence.

8th day

The 8th house is the house of life crises. To avoid a stressful situation in an area of ​​life that has outlived its usefulness and may change 8 months after birth, try to live this day in peace of mind and wise readiness to accept future work hardships and not miss the chances of changes for the better.

On this day it is good to carry out mental and psychological cleansing - get rid of all old and outdated thoughts. At the physical level, a cleansing ritual can be carried out in a sauna or bathhouse, you can do an audit at home and throw away all unnecessary and old things. You can visit a consultation with a psychologist or astrologer on this day.

9th day

9th house - the house of travel, foreign contacts, higher education. On this day you can plan foreign trips and contacts, meet your foreign friends (even via Skype). If you have been planning to choose a place of study for a long time, then this day is the best day for choosing an educational institution.

10th day

10th house - career, life goals, social status.

On this day, it is best to think about your main goal in life, about your desired position in society, about your career. It is advisable to take some real steps to change in this area of ​​life - write a resume for a new job, go through an interview, talk to your boss about a salary increase.

Also on this day it is good to plan marriage or think about family planning. This is the day of taking responsibility for your life. Set new goals, think through the steps to implement them, and note ways to solve the main issues in your life.

11th day

11th house - dreams, friends, hopes, like-minded people.

Spend this day with friends or like-minded people. If they are not there, it’s time to look for a community of interests and engage in joint creativity. On this day, dream and make a cherished wish. The 11th month from your birthday is the time when your wildest wish can come true.

12th day

The 12th house is the house of solitude, prayer, meditation, communication with your Higher Self. The 12th month of the year can bring fatigue, loss of strength, encounters with circumstances that do not depend on us, and secret ill-wishers may appear.

On this day it is useful to be alone, think about the eternal, the mystical secrets of the world, and listen to relaxing music. Go to a nursing home or boarding school, take books, good but unnecessary things, transfer an amount that you can afford to the account of people who need help, provide charity and selfless support to others. It’s better to give it yourself on this day than to lose a hundred times more later. Pay off all debts and fulfill all promises. Do not hide or conceal anything on this day, because everything secret will someday become apparent.

Since 12 days reflect the events of the entire coming year, keep yourself a diary in which you will reflect all the events and offers that come to you on this day. Accept all changes and events without questioning " For what?", and with the question " For what?" And " Why?" Notice the signs with which the Universe tells you the right path and warns you of problems.

Become the Great Maker of your destiny, using your natural qualities, talents and abilities, as well as the opportunities provided to you by each new year of birth!