
Tatyana Chernetskaya: “I look for my own approach to each child! Chernetskaya Tatyana Anatolyevna My view of the world



The achievements of professional athletes are visible. Glory and honor to them and their coaches, however, the formation of a future champion begins long before major competitions, far from crowds of journalists and demanding fans. And often those who give children a start in life and reveal their talent remain in the shadows. But it is the first coaches who have to solve the main tasks: instilling a love for sports, teaching perseverance and patience. World and European champion Tatyana Chernetskaya talks about the features of children's modern pentathlon in Russia.

“Sport in my life is the main principle of philosophy, since my whole family is sports,” Tatyana Nikolaevna began her story. - Since childhood, discipline and sports have been the foundation of my personal development. After finishing my career as an athlete, I managed to try various types of sports activities. I was always interested in passing on my experience and knowledge to the younger generation, so I didn’t even notice how I turned from an athlete into a coach - it was very easy for me.
Working with elite athletes, I simultaneously actively participated in the development of children's sports in order to prepare a worthy younger generation.

- What age is ideal to take up pentathlon? Or is it individual for everyone?
- Coming to modern pentathlon is ideal at 7 - 8 years old. At this age, the emphasis is on swimming and physical fitness. But practice has shown that even older athletes who have completed swimming training successfully master modern pentathlon and achieve high results on the world stage. For example, Svetlana Yakovleva, Irina Kiseleva, Alexandra Sadovnikova, Eduard Zenovka, Andrey Moiseev. And I just really liked modern pentathlon.

Gulnaz Gubaidullina and Ulyana Batashova also returned from swimming... And their results are very impressive. But let's get back to the children. New species are being added to the children's program gradually. Is this due to an excessively large load for a young body?
- Modern pentathlon is a multifaceted sport with great coordination requirements, so children need to be prepared gradually, adding new exercises and new techniques step by step. It is impossible to master five sports at once. Moreover, in children this is due to age characteristics.

- Are you one of those teachers who seeks their own approach to each child?

Yes, I am one of those teachers who seeks an individual approach to each child. We were children, but the children were not adults. (Smiles.)

It is believed that tennis, hockey and golf are the most expensive sports. Can modern pentathlon be called an expensive sport?

Yes, modern pentathlon is a fairly expensive sport. But it is affordable for any parent if they wish.

- In your opinion, are there enough complexes and venues in Russia for the development of children's modern pentathlon?

In Russia, like nowhere else, there are enough sports grounds for the development of modern pentathlon. But with mentors, everything is not so rosy. Despite the fact that there are a lot of sports facilities in Russia, there is a catastrophic shortage of specialists in modern pentathlon. It would be very useful and advisable to conduct advanced training courses in the regions.

Parents of young pentathletes also talk about this... You have something to compare with. What experience can be learned from representatives of other countries?

The leading countries of the world have a wealth of experience in modern pentathlon. First of all, it is discipline and patriotism. We have a shortage of specialized children's schools and colleges. There is no such problem abroad. I would advocate for this.

- Do parents often interfere in the training process?

I believe that parents should not interfere in the training process, this is always not beneficial. But the role of parents is paramount for any young athlete. After all, the main support and support for a child is the family.

- How many children leave pentathlon for other events?

In my practice, children move from modern pentathlon to fencing, equestrianism, and athletics.

Athletics is a very popular sport, it is not surprising that children decide to switch. What do you think should be done to popularize pentathlon among children? Maybe introduce laser wound in schools?

First of all, we need to hold many, many children’s competitions and not limit the access of athletes to competitions. In addition, it would be nice to introduce laser run into the all-Russian competition calendar. However, there is a problem in technical support: not all schools and regions have laser pistols and targets available.

- What would you like to wish to the president of the FSPR, and more recently to the vice-president of the ROC V.M. Aminov?

Club Date of Birth Sports career Coaches

Marulin V.N.,
P.V. Polyakov

Height Weight

Awards and medals

World Championships
Gold Copenhagen 1984 Team competition
Silver Montreal 1985 Team competition
7th place Montreal 1985 Personal competition
33rd place Vienna 1989 Personal competition
Silver Linköping 1990 Team competition
20th place Linköping 1990 Personal competition
Gold Darmstadt 1993 Relay race
European Championships
15th place Modena 1989 Personal competition
Gold Sofia 1991 Team competition
Gold Sofia 1991 Relay race
Silver Gyor 1993 Team competition
Goodwill Games
Gold Moscow 1986 Personal competition
Silver Moscow 1986 Team competition
Silver Seattle 1990 Personal competition
USSR Championships
Silver Lviv 1985 Personal competition
Gold Moscow 1986 Personal competition
Gold Tallinn 1990 Personal competition
Gold Tallinn 1990 Team competition
Silver Riga 1989 Personal competition
Gold Riga 1989 Team competition
Gold Riga 1989 Relay race
Cup of Russia
Gold Moscow 1993 Personal competition
State and departmental awards

Chernetskaya Tatyana Nikolaevna (January 2 ( 19640102 ) ) - Soviet, Russian athlete and coach in modern pentathlon. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR. World champion in the team (1984) and relay (1993), two-time European champion (1991) in the team and relay. Winner of the 1st Goodwill Games (1986) in the individual championship. Three-time champion of the USSR and two-time winner of the USSR Cup in modern pentathlon. Winner of the 1st Russian Cup in modern pentathlon among women (1993). Honored Trainer of Russia.


She began training in modern pentathlon in her hometown of Frunze. First coach V.N. Marulin (Trade Unions). Before that, she was involved in swimming and has the title of Master of Sports in swimming. In 1983, she moved to Moscow and began training with P.V. Polyakova. She played for the Armed Forces (CSKA, Moscow), Dynamo (Moscow).

In 1986, after the World Championships in Italy, together with Svetlana Yakovleva, she was disqualified for 30 months for doping. The USSR women's team was deprived of gold medals and the title of world champion in the team championship.

Since 1995 he has been coaching. She has trained a number of international class athletes. Among them are World and European champions: ZMS - Tatyana Muratova, Polina Struchkova; MSMK - Elena Fenina Olesya Velichko, Alexandra Sadovnikova. Winners and prize-winners of the World and European Championships: Vera Feshchenko, Daria Karavaeva, Olga Gogoleva (Menshikova), Olga Korotkova.

Higher education. In 1992 she graduated from the Kyrgyz Institute of Physical Culture.

Brother: Nikolai Chernetsky - Soviet track and field athlete. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR. Olympic champion (1980) and world champion (1983) in the 4x400m relay, multiple champion of the USSR.


Winner of the Goodwill Games Moscow (1986), silver medalist of the Goodwill Games Seattle (1990) in the individual championship.

Silver medalist of the XIV International competition for the Prize of the State Teleradio of the Belarusian SSR (1989, Minsk) in team competitions (Moscow team: Boldina E., Chernetskaya T., Naumova M.).

International competition "Super Lady" (1993, Moscow) 2nd place personally.

Two-time winner of the USSR Cup (1989) in the team competition, in the relay race and silver medalist in the individual championship.

At the USSR Championships she won gold medals (1986, Moscow) and (1990, Tallinn) in the individual competition.

Member of the USSR national team in modern pentathlon 1984 - 1986, 1989 - 1991.

Member of the Russian national modern pentathlon team 1993 - 1994.

Sports titles. Awards.

  • Master of Sports of the USSR in modern pentathlon
  • The next day he woke up late. Renewing the impressions of the past, he remembered first of all that today he had to introduce himself to Emperor Franz, he remembered the Minister of War, the courteous Austrian adjutant, Bilibin and the conversation of yesterday evening. Dressed in full dress uniform, which he had not worn for a long time, for the trip to the palace, he, fresh, lively and handsome, with his arm tied, entered Bilibin’s office. There were four gentlemen of the diplomatic corps in the office. Bolkonsky was familiar with Prince Ippolit Kuragin, who was the secretary of the embassy; Bilibin introduced him to others.
    The gentlemen who visited Bilibin, secular, young, rich and cheerful people, formed a separate circle both in Vienna and here, which Bilibin, who was the head of this circle, called ours, les nftres. This circle, which consisted almost exclusively of diplomats, apparently had its own interests that had nothing to do with war and politics, interests of high society, relations with certain women and the clerical side of the service. These gentlemen, apparently, willingly accepted Prince Andrei into their circle as one of their own (an honor they did to few). Out of politeness, and as a subject for entering into conversation, he was asked several questions about the army and the battle, and the conversation again crumbled into inconsistent, cheerful jokes and gossip.
    “But it’s especially good,” said one, telling the failure of a fellow diplomat, “what’s especially good is that the chancellor directly told him that his appointment to London was a promotion, and that he should look at it that way.” Do you see his figure at the same time?...
    “But what’s worse, gentlemen, I give you Kuragin: the man is in misfortune, and this Don Juan, this terrible man, is taking advantage of it!”
    Prince Hippolyte was lying in a Voltaire chair, his legs crossed over the arm. He laughed.
    “Parlez moi de ca, [Come on, come on,]” he said.
    - Oh, Don Juan! Oh snake! – voices were heard.
    “You don’t know, Bolkonsky,” Bilibin turned to Prince Andrei, “that all the horrors of the French army (I almost said the Russian army) are nothing compared to what this man did between women.”
    “La femme est la compagne de l"homme, [A woman is a man’s friend],” said Prince Hippolyte and began to look through the lorgnette at his raised legs.
    Bilibin and ours burst out laughing, looking into Ippolit’s eyes. Prince Andrei saw that this Ippolit, whom he (had to admit) was almost jealous of his wife, was a buffoon in this society.
    “No, I must treat you to Kuragin,” Bilibin said quietly to Bolkonsky. – He is charming when he talks about politics, you need to see this importance.
    He sat down next to Hippolytus and, gathering folds on his forehead, began a conversation with him about politics. Prince Andrei and others surrounded both.
    “Le cabinet de Berlin ne peut pas exprimer un sentiment d" alliance,” began Hippolyte, looking at everyone significantly, “sans exprimer... comme dans sa derieniere note... vous comprenez... vous comprenez... et puis si sa Majeste l"Empereur ne deroge pas au principe de notre alliance... [The Berlin cabinet cannot express its opinion on the alliance without expressing... as in its last note... you understand... you understand... however, if His Majesty the Emperor does not change the essence of our alliance...]
    “Attendez, je n"ai pas fini...,” he said to Prince Andrei, grabbing his hand. “Je suppose que l”intervention sera plus forte que la non intervention.” Et...” He paused. – On ne pourra pas imputer a la fin de non recevoir notre depeche du 28 novembre. Voila comment tout cela finira. [Wait, I haven't finished. I think that intervention will be stronger than non-intervention. And... It is impossible to consider the matter over if our dispatch of November 28 is not accepted. How will this all end?]
    And he let go of Bolkonsky’s hand, indicating that he had now completely finished.
    “Demosthenes, je te reconnais au caillou que tu as cache dans ta bouche d"or! [Demosthenes, I recognize you by the pebble that you hide in your golden lips!] - said Bilibin, whose cap of hair moved on his head with pleasure .
    Everyone laughed. Hippolytus laughed loudest of all. He apparently suffered, was suffocating, but could not resist the wild laughter that stretched his always motionless face.
    “Well, gentlemen,” said Bilibin, “Bolkonsky is my guest in the house and here in Brunn, and I want to treat him, as much as I can, to all the joys of life here.” If we were in Brunn, it would be easy; but here, dans ce vilain trou morave [in this nasty Moravian hole], it is more difficult, and I ask you all for help. Il faut lui faire les honneurs de Brunn. [We need to show Brunn to him.] You take over the theater, I – society, you, Hippolytus, of course – women.
    – We need to show him Amelie, she’s lovely! - said one of ours, kissing the tips of his fingers.
    “In general, this bloodthirsty soldier,” said Bilibin, “should be converted to more humane views.”
    “I’m unlikely to take advantage of your hospitality, gentlemen, and now it’s time for me to go,” Bolkonsky said, looking at his watch.
    - Where?
    - To the emperor.
    - ABOUT! O! O!
    - Well, goodbye, Bolkonsky! Goodbye, prince; “Come to dinner earlier,” voices were heard. - We are taking care of you.
    “Try to praise the order in the delivery of provisions and routes as much as possible when you speak with the emperor,” said Bilibin, escorting Bolkonsky to the front hall.
    “And I would like to praise, but I can’t, as much as I know,” Bolkonsky answered smiling.
    - Well, in general, talk as much as possible. His passion is audiences; but he himself does not like to speak and does not know how, as you will see.

    On the way out, Emperor Franz only gazed intently at the face of Prince Andrei, who stood in the appointed place between the Austrian officers, and nodded his long head to him. But after leaving yesterday’s wing, the adjutant politely conveyed to Bolkonsky the emperor’s desire to give him an audience.
    Emperor Franz received him, standing in the middle of the room. Before starting the conversation, Prince Andrei was struck by the fact that the emperor seemed confused, not knowing what to say, and blushed.
    – Tell me, when did the battle begin? – he asked hastily.
    Prince Andrei answered. This question was followed by other, equally simple questions: “Is Kutuzov healthy? How long ago did he leave Krems?” etc. The Emperor spoke with such an expression as if his whole goal was only to ask a certain number of questions. The answers to these questions, as was too obvious, could not interest him.

Chernetskaya Tatyana Nikolaevna(January 2, 1964) - Soviet, Russian athlete and coach in modern pentathlon. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR. World champion in the team (1984) and relay (1993), two-time European champion (1991) in the team and relay. Winner of the 1st Goodwill Games (1986) in the individual championship. Three-time champion of the USSR and two-time winner of the USSR Cup in modern pentathlon. Winner of the first Russian Cup in modern pentathlon among women (1993). Honored Trainer of Russia.


She began training in modern pentathlon in her hometown of Frunze. First coach V.N. Marulin (Trade Unions). Before that, she was involved in swimming and has the title of Master of Sports in swimming. In 1983, she moved to Moscow and began training with P.V. Polyakova. She played for the Armed Forces (CSKA, Moscow), Dynamo (Moscow).

In 1986, after the World Championships in Italy, together with Svetlana Yakovleva, she was disqualified for 30 months for doping. The USSR women's team was deprived of gold medals and the title of world champion in the team championship.

Since 1995 he has been coaching. She has trained a number of international class athletes. Among them are World and European champions: ZMS - Tatyana Muratova, Polina Struchkova; MSMK - Elena Fenina Olesya Velichko, Alexandra Sadovnikova. Winners and prize-winners of the World and European Championships: Vera Feshchenko, Daria Karavaeva, Olga Gogoleva (Menshikova), Olga Korotkova.

Higher education. In 1992 she graduated from the Kyrgyz Institute of Physical Culture.

Brother: Nikolai Chernetsky - Soviet track and field athlete. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR. Olympic champion (1980) and world champion (1983) in the 4x400m relay, multiple champion of the USSR.


Winner of the Goodwill Games Moscow (1986), silver medalist of the Goodwill Games Seattle (1990) in the individual championship.

Silver medalist of the XIV International competition for the Prize of the State Teleradio of the Belarusian SSR (1989, Minsk) in team competitions (Moscow team: Boldina E., Chernetskaya T., Naumova M.).

International competition "Super Lady" (1993, Moscow) 2nd place personally.

Two-time winner of the USSR Cup (1989) in the team competition, in the relay race and silver medalist in the individual championship.

At the USSR Championships she won gold medals (1986, Moscow) and (1990, Tallinn) in the individual competition.

Member of the USSR national team in modern pentathlon 1984 - 1986, 1989 - 1991.

Member of the Russian national modern pentathlon team 1993 - 1994.

Sports titles. Awards.

  • Master of Sports of the USSR in modern pentathlon
  • Master of Sports of the USSR of international class
  • Honored Master of Sports of the USSR
  • Honored Trainer of Russia
  • She was awarded a certificate of honor from the Moscow Government as the best children's coach in 2007.

website of an English teacher and theater teacher

A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step

Profession: English teacher, theater teacher

Professional interests: theater, psychology, English

Hobbies: hiking, movies, books, music

Region: Saint Petersburg

Locality: Saint Petersburg

Place of work: GBOU secondary school No. 574, St. Petersburg

If a teacher has only love for the work, he will be a good teacher. If a teacher has only love for the student, like a father or mother, he will be better than the teacher who has read all the books, but has no love for either the work or the students. If a teacher combines love for his work and for his students, he is a perfect teacher.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

When I was a child, my life, like probably the life of every child, was like a kaleidoscope of little childhood events. I was a very enthusiastic person: I wanted to sing, dance, play chess, swim, skate and much, much more. And most of all I wanted to be a teacher to teach others everything that she could do. And also as an actress - of course, to play on stage and become famous. And now, for more than twenty years, I have been teaching children, staging plays and acting myself.

I have been teaching English for more than ten years. I teach people of different ages the ability to feel and speak a language, and I also continuously study it myself - through books, films, songs, and communication. In my work I use communicative and creative methods (mainly through dramatization).

About Me


  • GOU school No. 700 (since 2013), Russia, Saint-Petersburg

English teacher in primary and secondary schools.

  • Children and Youth Center "Vasilievsky Island" (based on GOU school No. 31 (until May 2012), based on school No. 12 (from September 2012))

Russia, Saint-Petersburg

Continuing education teacher, director of the Versiya theater studio. Laureate of the regional competition of school theater groups “Glory to Great Rus' for your feats of arms!” (2010), Winner of International Festivals in English. language "Fairy island"(2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013), Diploma for increasing the school rating (2010)

  • "English First", summer, 2014, work in England (as a transfer guide)
  • State educational institution gymnasium No. 642 “Earth and Universe”, (2012 - 2013) Russia, Saint-Petersburg

  • GOU school No. 31 (2007-2012) Russia, Saint-Petersburg

English teacher in primary school

  • State Educational Institution, Lyceum No. 384, Russia, Saint-Petersburg

Laureate of the All-Russian School Theater Festival dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Victory (literary and musical composition “Plant roses in the damned ground!”)

  • GOU school No. 284

Additional education teacher, director of a theater group.

Participation in the regional review-competition of literary and musical compositions for the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg (Iplace)

  • Gymnasium No. 642 “Earth and Universe”, Russia, Saint-Petersburg

Teacher-organizer. Participation in the regional KVN (Diploma for Artistry), participation inIstage of the regional review-competition of theater groups (Right to participate inIIstage)

  • Palace of Youth Creativity in Kirishi,

Continuing education teacher, head of the theater studio "Radost"

Gratitude from the City Administration for creative work and high results in training and education of the younger generation (1999)

LaureateIIdegree of the regional stage of the All-Russian competition of teachers of additional education “I give my heart to children” (1999)

  • Palace of Culture in Kirishi, Russia, Leningrad region

Head of Children's Sector

  • Central Palace of Culture of the village. Pcheva, Kirishi district, Russia, Leningrad region, Children's work methodologist


  • Assigned the highest qualification category of additional teacher. Education (1999, 2004, 2009, 2014)
  • Assigned the first qualification category of English teacher (2013)
  • St. Petersburg Academy of Culture,(1989-1996) Faculty of Drama Directing, Theater Group Director
  • Leningrad Regional Cultural and Educational School (1986-1989), to bar worker, leader of an amateur theater group
  • State educational institution of additional education “State foreign language courses No. 2” (960 hours)
  • Language Center Lingvoru Institute of Foreign Languages, Diploma of additional education (1060 hours), advanced level.
  • Institute of Practical Psychology "Imaton" (2010), advanced training courses in the program “Fairy tale therapy in education, psychological counseling and business” (120 hours)


Methodical manual “How to become artistic (Psychotraining of acting).” Moscow, 2000 – 82 p.

WITH 2002 organized its own amateur theater, winner of international festivals -

Books that shaped my inner world

Books by N.I. Kozlov, Richard Bach, Strugatsky, Russian classics. There are more than three hundred books in my library.

My view of the world

My achievements

1 . Training

- Refresher courses Cambridge English Teacher Exams: Practical Guidelines / Overview of Cambridge Teaching Knowledge Tests ( 36 hours, certificate)

- LLC Training Center "Professional", English Teacher (Requalification Diploma) 2017

- State courses of foreign languages ​​No. 2 (01.02.2004 – 25.01.2006, 960 academic hours), certificate No. 602, “English language”;

- Certificate of advanced training, GOU DPPO Center for Advanced Training of Specialists of the Vasileostrovsky District of St. Petersburg (07.10.2009 – 21.03.2010, 72 hours) under the program “Methods of teaching foreign languages ​​at school. Traditions and innovations";

- Certificate “Teacher of the Digital Age” 2011/2012 academic year. year. All-Russian project “School of the Digital Age”, Publishing House “First of September”

- APPO and Pearson Publishing, Teaching Certificatectechnical one-day international methodological conference "Always learning"(March 2012)

- Macmillan Publishing House, Certificate of participation in the conference “Innovations and Traditions in Teaching English” (March 2012)

- APPO St. Petersburg and Cambridge University Press, Certificate of participation in the seminar “Teaching younger schoolchildren. Application of modern scientific research in teaching adolescents" (April 2012, 2 hours)

- Institute of Foreign Languages, St. Petersburg, Certificate of completion of the English language course, level "Advanced"(2012, 224 hours)

- CertificateTESOL ELT Advantage course (AugustOctober2013) "Teaching Lexically"

2. General labor and teaching experience.

As of 06/01/2018 -

General and pedagogical – 30 years, 6 months.

Specialty: English teacher - 10 years

3. Contribution to improving the quality of education, dissemination of one’s own experience

- Certificate for participation in the Second Open Professional Competition for Teachers “Active Teaching Methods in the Educational Process” (02/14/2012)

- Gratitude for active participation in the organization and conduct of the International Festival of Fairy Tale Performances in English “Fairytale Island” and the high professionalism shown in the work of the jury Festival.

4. Results of students’ mastery of educational programs and indicators of the dynamics of their achievements

- Certificate for participation in the regional theater project “Give me happiness” (theater in English) (March, 2013)

- Diploma of the Laureate of the first city festival of poetry in foreign languages ​​"inspiration" in the category "Drama" (November 2010)

- Prize-winner diploma for participation in the annual cultural and educational program of the St. Petersburg Association for International Cooperation and the Union of English Speakers “Shakespeare Drama Festival”

- Diploma of the winner of the semi-final of the “ART-Festival”E.F. English First"(2010)

- Winner’s diploma in the Festival of Performances in English “Fairytale Island” in the category “Most Artistic Performance”, April 2009

- Diplomas of the winner in the Festival of Performances in English “Fairytale Island” in the nomination “Best author’s fairy tale” and “Best poster”, “Original reading of a famous fairy tale” (April 2011)

- Winner diploma in the Festival of Performances in English “Fairytale Island” in the category “Fantastic Story” (April, 2013)

- Letter of gratitude for active participation in the first city Festival of Poetry in Foreign Languages ​​“Inspiratio” (November, 2010)

My portfolio

Here you will find notes from my lessons and methodological developments in English and acting. As well as the “Staging Arts Training” program, which I have been working on for over 10 years.

The Performing Arts Training program is one of the so-called traditional acting programs. It covers all age groups of schoolchildren: primary school age, middle and senior. Based on this, the program is built taking into account the necessary pedagogical principles: scientific, systematic and progressive knowledge acquired. She offers a precise methodology for developing the necessary personal qualities, taking into account the age characteristics and capabilities of the studio students. Systematic education through the means of theater helps to enrich the child’s personality with emotional impressions, certain skills, abilities, and knowledge, which generally expands his opportunities for self-expression and self-realization in the future. Theater pedagogy is based on educational teaching, which indirectly affects the level of student achievement. Training according to the program takes place in stages, from simple to complex, each stage includes several areas: mastering the skills of moving on the stage and basic acting techniques, the ability to control one’s body, staging a voice, developing vocal abilities, ear for music, knowledge of the history of the development of theater , interest in modern theatrical life. From this comes the need to combine group classes with team and individual ones.

Another educational advantage of this program is the formation of the skills of collective creativity and creative discipline.

I hope this material is useful to you in your work! Good luck!

It is advisable to use witchcraft no earlier than you are half a century old, i.e. fifty years.

If you do everything correctly, your appearance changes amazingly.

Under no circumstances should you tell anyone how you achieved such obvious rejuvenation: neither the master can be told for whom he works, nor the client himself or the client that he uses the means of witchcraft.

Spell for youth

They take forty apples from different trees.

Don't be alarmed, it's not difficult, you just need to buy apples from different people, then most likely the apples will come from different trees. Although, ideally, you would need to pick these apples with your own hands. Take 12 keys to 12 locks, milk from three different cows, petals from nine roses, salt obtained from three houses on Maundy Thursday (the master should always have this in stock), the diaper in which the child was baptized, a glass of spring honey and, finally, live fish. This is also not difficult, you can buy it in a store or order it to a fisherman. Any live fish will do, but no smaller than the palm of your hand.
So, everything is there to start rejuvenation. What do we do next? Place forty apples in a saucepan, add milk and cook, adding rose petals from time to time. As soon as the apples crack from the hot milk, remove the broth and put a bucket of water on the fire, pour in a glass of gray poppy seeds, a glass of spring honey and Thursday salt. We throw the keys to 12 locks there and boil them. And at this time we read a spell on boiling springs.
After reading the first spell nine times, pour everything into the bath and add as much water as required to take a bath. We put live fish in there. lying in the bath, we read the second spell.
When you get out of the bath, wipe yourself with the diaper in which the baby was baptized. Tie it in four knots and hide it so no one can see for forty days, and then burn it.
From this day on, your appearance will noticeably change.
And from this day on, people will start complimenting you, asking what cream you use, etc. You can say whatever you want, but not how you achieved it.

First spell:

Through an apple, a man in paradise was tempted, the serpent of temptation descended to him, through an apple, a man lost paradise and was expelled to a sinful land. I conjure with my witchcraft. decrepit body. Spirits of Adam and Eve. appear, clock time, turn around. I conjure my body, my eyes, my lips. your arms and legs, blood ducts, your chest, your stomach, your skin and head, your zealous heart, your liver, your red blood, your lungs, your bones and subbones, your bile, your stomach, your veins, your tendons - all red and all yellow , and the entire human frame as the Lord created it.
May my blood be like Thursday salt, and my whole appearance be as sweet as honey, my skin as tender as the color of roses.
I conjure the white light every hour, half hour, and dark night: go, old age, away.
Forty Saints stand, eat forty apples, remember my old age and give me their eternity.
Glory to the Lord and Christ and forever and ever. Amen.

My blood is boiling, my body is burning, the dumb fish does not speak. Let the fish drink my old age and take it upon itself, and Jesus Christ send me youth. Amen.

Rejuvenation for fallen leaves No. 1

This is done in the fall, when the leaves begin to fall. Before this, they endure three days of bloodless fasting. Go to the forest, on a dry, clear day, stand under a tree and say:
I stand, slave (name), for this day and the next hour,
and my witch's order to the clear sun, to God's
window Come to me, priests and patriarchs, and
elders, and elders, and deacons, and monks, and bell ringers.
I take off my old skin, like a tree takes off
the old leaf is dry, like this leaf under my foot.
You, bell ringers, will ring mass, you priests will light it,
candles, read the memorial service for me
old skin, but congratulations about the young one, and not about the one
that under my foot is old and sick.
I will fashion a witchcraft for my young body,
and I will give the old to the deacons and priests, the elderly and
to the elders. I'll lock my amulet, take the keys to
God's threshold, to Jesus Christ himself: the keys to
storage, body for rejuvenation. So that those keys
lie on that threshold and let no one take those keys.
I conjure forty old relics against mine
keys. Not a minute, not an hour, not half an hour, not a month,
not a year, but let the old age leave me.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Rejuvenation No. 2

They put the shirt on backwards, make a large pentacle from expensive fabric (brocade, velvet), draw a circle on it with the soap that was used to wash the deceased, walk barefoot backwards in this circle counterclockwise and read:
Go, sun, not from east to west, but from west
to the east, under the eastern side. Turn each one
minute, every second, every hour and
half an hour, against my will, according to my witchcraft.
Against gray hairs and wrinkles, against nature,
by the will of witchcraft,
I release 12 forces, I call 12 forces. Oh, you, earthly and unearthly forces, come and take away from me all old age, all decrepitude, gray hair and yellowness, and flaccid skin, and dull eyes, and pain in the legs, and pain in the hands.
Take the old age and carry it away, and bring me what the girl is proud of, the young woman is proud. My word is strong, my deed is sculpted. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy for youth. Wash for youth

They take human milk (you can buy it at the maternity hospital), add Epiphany water, light a Christmas candle, say a curse and wash your face for three days in a row for the new month.
Who was born with this milk, and my angel washed himself in his youth. Amen.