
How to conceive a girl: all known methods. How to conceive a girl: all known ways and methods Lemon juice for conceiving a girl


Conceiving a child is a great miracle, a mystery. But I really want to take control of everything and plan the sex of the future baby by any means, even if not entirely scientific. What do those who dream of having a daughter need to know? Here are five ways to conceive a girl—scientific and not so scientific.

When is ovulation?

The method of choosing the sex of the unborn baby depending on the phases of ovulation was developed by American scientists Lendrum Shettles and David Rorvik. The process involves a sperm and an egg. One half of the sperm carries the female X chromosome, the other half carries the Y chromosome. The egg always contains the X chromosome. The result of their fusion is either a girl (XX) or a boy (XY). Sperm with a Y chromosome are more mobile and reach the egg first. But when they get into the acidic environment of the vagina, they die much faster, opening the way for a more resistant type of chromosomes.

The closer the day of ovulation, the higher the likelihood of Y chromosome survival. This is why doctors advise a couple dreaming of a daughter to conceive no later than two to three days before ovulation, since the environment in the vagina is more acidic at this time. Shallow penetration during sexual intercourse again contributes to the appearance of a girl.

More on the topic “Diet for conceiving a girl”:

They told me about this calendar a long time ago... The only thing is that I myself was born premature and I can’t determine exactly my age (from conception), up to a month... but even if we don’t take errors into account... I’m supposed to have a girl... but the ultrasound suggested it was a boy (not sure yet, only at 12 weeks).

I read that in order to conceive a girl, you need to do this a few days before ovulation, and then no, no. It seems that male sperm are less tenacious, they die and after a couple of days only female sperm remain. And they turn out to be girls. Is this really true?

Doubts torment me - is it worth interfering with fate? Maybe it’s not for nothing that they don’t give us (or other people in general) girls/boys? Maybe we’ll plan - and once! - and a genetic anomaly? or will the child have a bad fate? or what else will nature take revenge on?

I decided to collect statistics here :) There is such a point of view that the gender of the child depends on the position during PA. In particular, to conceive a boy, you need to do this in a classic position. So that fast boys' sperm are more likely to overtake girls' sperm. Who cares, please share your experience, how it was for you and who you are waiting for :)

I read that in order to have a greater chance of conceiving a girl, you need to have sex starting from the 4th day of your period but no later than 3-4 days before ovulation. In this regard, the question is: if the cycle is 23-25 ​​days, then how to correctly calculate the day of ovulation?

There is such a method/theory of sex planning - the closer to ovulation, the higher the likelihood of conceiving a boy and vice versa. Do you have any examples of when you planned to ovulate and the result was a girl? Or vice versa? Or do you have examples that support this theory?

My husband and I have decided to have a second child, but I only want a girl, so how can we plan this with greater likelihood? I found some test on the internet based on the year of birth of my parents, but according to it Lesha should have been a girl :) I heard about the planning method for blood renewal... Who thinks about this?

Girls, good afternoon! Take planners into the team. I am 37 years old. I have 2 sons: 18 years old and 4 years old. We want a daughter. A question. Is anyone planning to get pregnant here based on Anastasia? And now I’m getting ready, looking for an interlocutor.))

Who got pregnant after what attempt? Otherwise, I didn’t succeed the first time and I was somehow depressed. There don't seem to be any particular health problems. It seems to me that it will never work out. And if someone didn’t succeed the first time, then maybe someone understood why? Those. what are the errors? What to do and what not to do?

Many married couples try to predict the gender of their future baby. To do this, they use a huge amount of diverse literature, looking for effective advice. Parents especially think about the gender of the baby if there are already children in the family. For example, a couple already has two boys, and they dream of a daughter. In this case, it is worth considering several floor planning techniques. It's actually not a difficult task if you approach it correctly. So, how to get pregnant with a girl?

The scientific way to conceive a girl

First of all, conceiving a child of any gender depends on the sperm that fertilizes the egg. The conception of a girl is determined by X-sperm. There are fewer of them in sperm, they move at low speed, but they live longer. Therefore, in order to give birth to a daughter, it is necessary to ensure the meeting of the X-sperm and egg. To do this you need:

  • reduce sperm count;
  • create an acidic environment in the vagina;
  • sexual intercourse should be a couple of days before ovulation so that the Y sperm die and the X sperm reach the egg in time.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the date of ovulation. This can be done in several ways (basal temperature, ovulation tests, ultrasound). Two or three days before ovulation are favorable days for conceiving a girl. It is also believed that in order to become pregnant with a daughter, it is worth minimizing foreplay, the woman should not have an orgasm, and during his orgasm the man is not recommended to insert the penis deeply.

The conception of a girl can also be calculated using the blood renewal method. To do this, you need to know that a man’s blood is renewed every four years, and that of an expectant mother – every three. Whose blood was renewed later, the baby will be of that gender. But it is worth remembering that if there was forced blood loss (surgery, childbirth, abortion, miscarriage, blood donation, etc.), then you need to count from this date. The calculation is carried out in the following way:

  1. Divide the mother's age by 3, the resulting remainder must be taken into account. For example, she is 25 years old, which means 25:3 = 8 (remainder 1).
  2. Next, do the same with the father’s age, only divide by 4. For example, 30:4 = 7 (remainder 2).
  3. After this, you can compare the balances; whoever has it less, the baby will be born of the same sex. This means that in this case the birth of a daughter is expected.

Conceiving a girl using the blood method can be calculated based on the Rh factor and blood type of the future parents. For example, if mom and dad have the same Rh factor (negative or positive), then most likely a girl will be born. If they are different (for example, the father is negative and the mother is positive), then the birth of a boy is possible. In addition, blood type also plays an important role. If both parents have the first or second group, then there is a high chance of having a daughter. More details can be seen in the following table:

How to conceive a girl using tables

There are several table options to help parents conceive a daughter. Based on them, you can predict what gender the baby will be born and determine the month when to start planning for the child. So, how to conceive a girl according to the table? Let's consider several of their options.

Chinese table

This table was created several centuries ago by the Chinese. In order to determine the conception of a girl using the Chinese table, it is necessary to use the initial data (age of the expectant mother and month of conception). You need to act according to the following scheme:

  1. Find the mother's age in the left column. However, it is worth remembering that in China a person is considered nine months old at birth, so one year is added to the age. Therefore, if a woman is 24, then the number 25 is looked for in the column.
  2. Next, in the horizontal line, select the month of expected conception.
  3. At the intersection of a column and a row you can see the letter “M” or “D”. The latter indicates that a girl is expected.

Japanese table

The conception of a girl according to the Japanese table is determined as follows: first, find the line where the month of birth of the future father is indicated, then select the month of birth of the mother in the vertical column. Draw perpendicular lines from these two numbers. A number will be indicated at the intersection - this is the family number.

For example, if a man was born in February and a woman was born in March, then this figure will be 11. Then you need to move on to the second table. In it, find the family number, as well as the estimated month of conception. If this number is 11, then there is a high probability of conceiving a daughter in July.

Special diet for conceiving a girl

About three months before conception, you need to reduce the amount of sugar and salt. The diet should be enriched with magnesium and calcium. How to conceive a girl with food? The following products are recommended for the expectant mother:

  • lean boiled meat;
  • shrimp, crabs, boiled fish;
  • eggs;
  • apples, tangerines, pears, oranges, grapes, raspberries, strawberries;
  • vegetables (bell peppers, eggplants, carrots, cucumbers);
  • fermented milk products (ryazhenka, cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir);
  • pasta, flour products;
  • cereals (millet, rice);
  • nuts (hazelnuts, peanuts, walnuts, almonds), dried fruits (raisins).

How to conceive a girl using traditional methods

Since ancient times, there have been many different methods to conceive a daughter. Among them are folk signs:

  • Before sexual intercourse, place “feminine” objects (comb, mirror, cosmetic bag) in the bed.
  • Pregnancy with a girl is possible if, five days before sexual intercourse, a woman drinks plum or apple juice every day 20 minutes before bed.
  • The best days to conceive a daughter are Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday.
  • It is advisable to have sexual intercourse under a young birch tree.
  • Before conception, the expectant mother should tie the little finger on her right hand with a simple thread.
  • To give birth to a girl, it is recommended to have sexual intercourse in the winter cold.

How to conceive a girl using other methods

In addition, there are some other ways to conceive a girl. Let's look at some of them:

  1. Douching. This technique is based on the fact that X sperm die in an alkaline environment, since they need an acidic environment. Therefore, before sexual intercourse, it is worth douching with an acidified solution. To prepare it, you need to stir two tablespoons of lemon juice in a liter of water. In this case, you need to be careful, the concentrated solution can burn the vagina.
  2. Position is also important for conceiving a girl. It should be such that the path to the egg is made longer, thereby increasing the chances of fertilization with an X-sperm. For this purpose, the missionary position is suitable, the man is behind - the woman is on his side, the woman is on her stomach.
  3. New Age style method. It is based on the psychological method of visualization. In order to give birth to a girl, you need to really want it. Future parents, especially mothers, must imagine everything in the smallest detail. For example, what kind of hair, eyes, face she will have. And do this with maximum clarity. Thus, you can order your girl from the Universe.
  4. You can also plan the gender of your baby using the lunar phases method. Each woman has an individual cycle of predisposition to conception. It is set from birth and accompanies her throughout her reproductive years. According to this theory, the probability of conception increases in the phase that was during the birth of the expectant mother. You can determine the phase of the moon by knowing the hour of your birth. Every two and a half days the Moon passes through a female sign. It is during this period that the likelihood of conceiving a girl increases.

Parents must remember that all these methods cannot give an absolute guarantee of the birth of a girl, since failures can occur in any method. Therefore, for greater efficiency, it is worth considering them all.

Predicting who exactly will be born is the dream of many expectant parents. Since ancient times, they have been looking for a “magic pill” to give birth to a child of a certain gender. Let's look at several modern and ancient ways to conceive a girl.

How can you conceive a girl

The appearance of a little princess in the family is the dream of many parents, especially for those who already have sons. Sometimes the desire to plan the sex of the unborn child is necessary for a successful pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby. It is associated with a number of genetic diseases that are inherited by boys. In this case, conceiving a girl is a unique opportunity to “deceive” a predisposition to disease.

To plan and give birth to a girl, it is important to understand the structural features of human cells. Each of them has a core where DNA is contained. This center is a repository of important information: the baby’s hair and eye color, body type and gender. 22 pairs of chromosomes are identical in humans. And the 23 pair, which is “responsible” for human differences, is different for women and men. The female pair looks like XX, the male pair looks like XY. This division is characteristic of all cells of the body, except the sex cells.

Female reproductive cells have a single composition X, where the last index will necessarily be X. But the final chromosome in sperm can be different. The sex of the unborn baby depends on which chromosome is “at the end” of the sperm that fertilizes the egg: X – a girl will be born, Y – a boy will be born. That is, the gender of a newborn depends entirely on the father.

There are many ways to help you get pregnant with a girl the first time. The scientific and most effective is sperm fractionation - a complex medical procedure that, according to indications, is used in the IVF process.

Among other methods, doctors only recognize sex calculation based on ovulation. There are also folk methods that successfully use pairs to “stimulate” the X chromosome. Sometimes future parents use several methods at once, because they are absolutely safe.

Ovulation sex calculator

A method for calculating the gender of an unborn baby using the ovulation cycle was developed by Dr. Landrum Shettles. The method is simple and reliable, but only if the woman has regular menstruation. It is also important to be able to correctly calculate ovulation, because the time of its occurrence is different for each woman.

Calculation of ovulation for conceiving a girl is carried out in one of four ways:

  • Calendar. Used for regular menstrual cycles. To do this, you need to subtract 14 from the total cycle duration. For example, with a 25-day cycle, ovulation occurs on the 11th day of the cycle. If the cycle is 30 days, then ovulation should be expected on the 16th;
  • Method ;
  • Use of special tests.
  • Using a calculator. Enter the required information and click “send”. The online calendar will display ovulation, days for conceiving a girl, days for conceiving a boy.

With an irregular cycle, the dates of ovulation may vary. Therefore, if you cannot “catch” her for several months in a row, you need to contact a gynecologist and undergo an examination.

A girl develops from an egg if, during the process of fertilization, X-sperm are the first to “reach” the target. They are slower than their fast Y counterparts (boy sperm). Therefore, to conceive a girl, sexual intercourse is needed 2-3 days before ovulation. After all, if intimacy occurs directly on day X or after ovulation, then the nimble Y-sperm will overtake the clumsy “female” rivals. X chromosomes (“girls”) are very “tenacious”; they can remain in the female genital tract until ovulation occurs. The “boy” sperm will die by this time.

The method is reliable, but only if the woman has stable ovulation, which she correctly determined.

By blood

You can conceive a girl through the blood of your parents in two ways:

  • Calculate the “youngest” blood in a married couple;
  • Analyze Rh and blood group.

A very popular method of conceiving a girl by blood is to determine her “youth”. The method is associated with the scientifically proven fact that a person’s blood changes throughout life. In women, “renewal” occurs after 3 years. Men's blood changes every 4 years. In order for the X chromosomes to fertilize the egg, conception must occur when the mother’s blood is “younger” than the father’s.

Let's carry out the necessary calculations.

  • We divide the total number of years of the father by 4, and then multiply the whole number by 4;
  • We divide the total number of years of the mother by 3, and then multiply the whole number by 3.

To make it clearer, let's give an example. The future father is 26 years old. 26 needs to be divided by 4. The result is 6.5. His wife is 25 years old. Divide 25 by 3. It turns out 8.3.

The resulting integers must be multiplied by 4 and 3. Dad’s “age” 6 is multiplied by 4. It turns out 24. The father’s blood was renewed at 24 years old. That is 2 years ago. We multiply mother’s “age” of 8 by 3. It turns out to be 24. This means that mother’s blood became “new” a year ago.

Based on the calculations, it turns out that this year you can get pregnant with a girl, because the wife’s blood is younger.

Calculations are made by year of birth, using the same “update” numbers - 3 and 4. To calculate using this method, you need to add the number 4 to the year of birth of the husband and the number 3 to the year when the wife was born. For example, my husband was born in 1990. This means that the years of renewal of his blood will be as follows: 1994, 1998, 2002, 2006, etc. A mother born in 1989 will have blood changes in 1992, 1995, 1998, 2001, etc.

When planning, it is important to take into account the months remaining until your next birthday.

Such calculations will not be informative if such unpleasant changes have occurred in a woman’s life:

  • Abortion;
  • Heavy bleeding of any origin;
  • Severe injury;
  • Surgical intervention;
  • Miscarriage.

In this case, the calculations are based on the year in which negative health changes occurred.

To “work” with the following methodology, “calculations” are carried out for the spouses. The result is determined by analyzing compatibility tables.

Both methods are not scientifically proven, so they cannot guarantee the correctness of the results.

According to the lunar calendar

When planning a pregnancy according to the lunar calendar, a boy or a girl is “promised” by the zodiac signs. Favorable days for conceiving a daughter occur when the Moon “enters” feminine signs. Every 2-3 days the planet moves into a new sign. Its movement can be tracked using a special table.

It is possible to become pregnant with a girl if the Moon enters the signs of Taurus, Virgo and Cancer. Also, the girl’s conception calendar advises planning a pregnancy when the lunar disk is in the constellations of Pisces, Scorpio and Capricorn.

You can use the date of birth “under the moon” of the mother herself. It is believed that the female body is most ready for conception before a significant event.

A ready-made lunar conception calendar for 2019 will help you plan the sex of your baby.

According to the Chinese calendar

The sages of the East treat numerology with reverence. They believe that with the help of numbers you can find out not only the characteristics of a person’s fate, his character, but also the gender of the unborn baby.

According to the calendar of the Chinese sages, the ability to conceive a child is regulated by two indicators:

  • Choosing the month in which the baby is expected to be conceived;
  • The age of the woman.

So, based on Chinese teachings, a 25-year-old woman will be able to conceive a girl only in one of the 4 months presented in the table.

The Chinese believe that a person's age should include the time spent in the womb. Therefore, when working with the table, you need to add another 10 months to the passport years. If this time is not taken into account, the calculations will not be informative.

The technique has no scientific confirmation. However, judging by the reviews of married couples, it works.

According to the Japanese table

Task 1 of the table is to determine the figure combining the months of birth of the spouses. Find the “center” of the intersection of the two indicators. The found figure is remembered to be used in the continuation of the study. Table 2 will indicate the specific result. In its top line, find the required value. It remains to analyze the time that you need to choose to get pregnant with a girl.

Let's give an example. The husband was born in January, and the wife in July. July is chosen to conceive a child. We use the first table, where at the intersection of the parent months we find the number 7. We continue our search in the top row of the second table. Since the baby was conceived in July, we look at the number of crosses opposite this month. The Japanese table for determining the desired gender of a baby indicates that this month the chances of conceiving a child are the same: both a boy and a girl can be born.

Diet for conceiving a girl

A woman planning to conceive a child should eat only healthy foods. This rule applies to all expectant mothers, regardless of what gender they want the baby. However, there is a diet for conceiving a girl. It should not be considered a 100% reliable method; it is better to combine it with other methods. In this case, the right diet will help achieve the desired effect.

To conceive a girl, you need to change your diet several months before the big day. This rule is due to the following reasons:

  • Y-sperm will not “withstand” exposure to an acidic environment, unlike their female “competitors”;
  • X-sperm are stimulated by calcium and magnesium.

If you start eating in advance, taking these factors into account, a favorable environment will be created in the parents’ body so that the X chromosomes get ahead of the Y sperm.

Products containing a lot of the female hormone estrogen can increase the chances of having a girl:

  • Legumes;
  • All types of cabbage;
  • Milk;
  • Flax seeds;
  • Seeds “white” and “black”;
  • Nuts.

You also need foods with magnesium and calcium.

For meat, it is better to give preference to chicken or rabbit. Fish can be in any form and quantity.

Canned food, smoked foods, and fried foods should be excluded. You also need to reduce the amount of salt and sugar. of any gender should be healthy.

Special poses

We have already said that “female” sperm are slow: they need more time to reach the egg. Therefore, couples need to choose positions in which penetration of the penis will be shallow. The distance to the egg increases significantly, so it is much more likely in this case to conceive a girl.

Poses for conceiving a girl:

  • Missionary;
  • The woman is positioned on the man;
  • The partners are on their sides, the man is behind;
  • Missionary is the opposite: the woman lies under the man on her stomach.

It is believed that in order to become pregnant with a girl, it is better to have intimate life in the afternoon. Full moon days are considered especially favorable for the birth of female babies.

Popular beliefs

Conceiving a baby is a mystery, surrounded by signs and superstitions. Women have believed in them for centuries. Folk signs are still used today.

Let's list the ways to get pregnant with a girl using folk remedies:

  • Before intimacy, a woman must tie a red ribbon around her little finger;
  • Drink apple or plum juice regularly for 7 days before sexual intercourse;
  • If there is severe frost, hail or storm outside, have sex: you will definitely have a girl;
  • A woman whose number of years is an even number should plan her pregnancy in the same months;
  • On the day when you plan to be intimate, place a thing in the bed that represents a woman (a doll, a comb, a mirror);
  • To conceive a girl, sleep with your head facing south.

According to popular belief, the best days to plan for a daughter are Wednesday, Friday and Sunday.

The birth of a child is a joyful event in any family. When their first child is born, parents rarely worry about what gender the baby will be. But in the future, many people want to raise children of different sexes. Mothers who have one or more sons are most often concerned about the question of how to conceive a girl 100 percent. Is there a guaranteed method that allows you to argue with nature and not rely on chance?

Why plan the gender of the child?

Sometimes doctors recommend that young parents plan their child’s gender in advance. This is due to genetic diseases that are inherited. Nowadays, such serious diseases as epilepsy, schizophrenia, alcoholism, baldness, hemophilia caused by a recessive mutation of the X chromosome, disorders in the development of the genital organs leading to infertility in adult life, etc.

Hereditary diseases transmitted from father or mother to son are much more difficult to treat compared to diseases transmitted to girls. Here, planning the baby’s gender is a vitally determining factor. Such parents have two options: take risks in the hope that a girl will be born or not have children at all.

Scientific background

The male body produces sperm (male gamete cells), carriers of two chromosomes X and Y. Women synthesize eggs with one X chromosome. If the X-carrier gets to the female cell first, the long-awaited girl will be born, if the Y-gamete is the first, a boy will be born.

Ways to conceive girls

There is no scientific basis for most methods that provide recommendations on how to properly conceive a girl. But if you follow some rules, use calendar calculations and tables, the chances of success increase significantly.

By day of ovulation

The method is based on the natural properties of the structure of sperm. The survivability of X-types is much higher than that of the Y-type. If by the beginning of ovulation the Y-carriers die and only the X-gametes survive, the couple will have a girl.

  1. Y-gametes- mobile, but not very resilient. They do not tolerate high temperatures typical of the female genital canals and are destroyed a day after entering the vagina.
  2. X-sperm- slow, but viable. They live well in the genital canals for 3-5 days. If you accurately calculate the moment of fertilization, you can be sure of the birth of a female child.

Since Y sperm are agile and fast, they will meet the egg earlier than X carriers. Therefore, it is important to have sexual intercourse not during ovulation, otherwise the girls’ chromosomes will not keep up with the boys. Matrimonial act it is better to produce 3-4 days before ovulation, i.e. before the mature egg enters the reproductive tract. This time is enough for the vulnerable Y-sperm, capable of living no longer than a day, to be completely destroyed.


  • Y gametes will die the day before the egg is released;
  • X-carriers will smoothly make their way through the genital canals;
  • during ovulation, the female cell will go into the tubes, where it will meet X-sperm;
  • fertilization will occur;
  • the female cell will move towards the uterus, where it will attach to its walls;
  • the process will end happily with the conception of a girl.

The method is effective if a woman clearly monitors her cycle for several months and correctly determines the day of ovulation.

Calculating the time of ovulation

There are several simple ways to determine the day a mature egg is released into the genital canals:

  • Calculation method. It is necessary to calculate the duration of the menstrual cycle and divide it in two. The resulting figure means the beginning of ovulation. For example, if the cycle lasts 30 days, then the most convenient moment to become 100% pregnant falls on the 15th day.
  • Measuring basal temperature. Measurements are carried out every day for 3-4 months in a row. This will solve the question of how to conceive the long-awaited girl. The expectant mother, without getting out of bed and without making sudden movements, should measure her temperature rectally. Write down the data obtained in a notebook and draw up a graph. The diagram will clearly show 2 cyclic phases: before the ovulation period and after. During the first, the temperature fluctuates around 36.3-36.8 C. When the thermometer rises to 37 C and above, this day is considered the beginning of ovulation. The elevated temperature will persist until menstruation, and then return to normal.
    If the diagram remains unclear for a long time, without obvious rises and falls in temperature, you should consult a gynecologist. Disorders in the reproductive system and problems associated with the menstrual cycle are possible.
  • Test. A method that allows you to conceive a girl by ovulation using pharmacy tests for urine analysis. A simple, convenient, but not cheap way. Dipstick tests are almost the same as pregnancy tests. They respond to the synthesis of peptide luteinizing hormone, the content of which in healthy women increases significantly 1-2 days before ovulation. About the ovulation test.
    Before testing, you need to calculate the duration of the menstrual cycle. To do this, count the days that have passed from the first day of menstruation to the first day of the next menstruation. Testing begins 17 days before the start of menstruation.
    If the cycle lasts 28 days, then the check is carried out from the 11th day. If the cycle is unstable and always changing, then the shortest period over the last six months is chosen for calculation. In addition to tests, there are devices for determining the date using saliva. They operate similarly to tests.
    When the day of ovulation is precisely determined, sexual intercourse should be carried out at least 3-4 days before the set date. During this time, Y-sperm will lose activity and die, and the couple will have the opportunity to safely conceive the desired girl.
  • Ultrasound examination can be used. The diagnostician will track the process of follicle maturation and inform the patient of the expected date of ovulation.

According to the "youth" of blood

You can conceive a girl by blood by determining her “freshness.” Male blood rejuvenates once every 4 years, female blood - once every 3 years. It is not difficult to calculate whose blood is “fresh”. Dad's age should be divided by 4, and the future mother's years by 3.

For example, a man is over 27 years old. If you divide 27 by 4, you get 6.75. The remainder is discarded and the integer is used. Multiplying 6 by 4, we get 24. Dad’s blood was renewed 3 years ago. Mommy's age is full 25 years. If you divide 25 by 3, you get 8.3. The product of 8 and 3 gives 24. This means that mother’s blood was renewed only a year ago - her blood is younger, and it will be easier for such a couple to conceive a girl.

Important! The countdown begins from the moment of birth. But if there have been major bleedings in life (surgery, donation, miscarriages, abortions, childbirth), then you need to count from that time.

By blood types and Rh factors

Experts have developed tables that indicate the dependence of the sex of the fetus on the parental blood type and Rh factor.

Blood group table

Blood typeDad
Mother1 2 3 4

Based on the data in the table, if parents have blood type 3, their likelihood of conceiving a boy is much higher than conceiving a girl. Spouses with the same blood group 1 and 2 or 4 are most likely to have a girl.

Rh factor table

Rh factorDad
+ DM

A couple with the same Rhesus has a high chance of conceiving a girl. If the spouses' Rhesus does not match, they will have a boy.

According to the lunar calendar

In the lunar calendar, the length of a month is 28-30 days. If we assume that the female cycle has the same duration, then a woman is exposed to the influence of the Moon more than to the influence of the Sun. In the matter of gender planning, the zodiac sign in which the Moon is located will be the determining factor.

If a child is conceived when the Moon is in Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn, Pisces, Scorpio or Cancer, then the possibility of having a girl is great. In other cases, a boy will be born. A couple who decides to use the lunar calendar method can count on a 50% guarantee of success.

Chinese calendar

The sages of Ancient China relied on numerology in all matters of life. They also looked at the relationship between the sex of the child and maternal age in numbers. According to the Chinese method, a woman of a certain age can calculate the time when it is best to conceive a girl using a specially compiled calendar. It indicates the parameters of her age and the specific month of planned conception. The cross of these indicators indicates the likely gender of the child. Statistics say that in 90% of cases the results were accurate.

Calculating age using this method is radically different from the usual one. One more year is added to the actual number of years - the time when the person was in the mother's womb. This means that he was 10 months old at birth. This is an important point that should not be forgotten, otherwise the baby’s sexual planning will be wrong.

Chinese table for calculating the sex of a child. (Click on the image to enlarge)

Japanese tables

Calculations are carried out using two large tables. In the first, the spouses find the total number, taking the months of their birth as the initial data. In another table, the resulting figure means a column in which the suitable months for conceiving a girl are listed.

Japanese table for calculating the sex of a child No. 1. (Click on the image to enlarge)

Japanese table for calculating the sex of a child No. 2. (Click on the image to enlarge)

Using diet

Compliance with a certain nutritional system is not the main method of sexual planning for a child, but diet significantly increases the effectiveness of other methods.

  1. Y chromosomes do not tolerate an acidic environment and are quickly destroyed in it. Potassium and sodium increase their vitality.
  2. X-carriers benefit from calcium and magnesium.

To conceive a girl, it is advisable to increase the amount of food containing minerals and limit the consumption of salts. A few months before the desired date, you need to adjust your diet.

  • among drinks it is better to give preference to tea, cocoa, mineral calcined water;
  • For meat, eat chicken and rabbit;
  • fish of any kind is allowed;
  • For dairy products, it is better to eat cottage cheese, sour cream, and drink whole milk;
  • bakery products should have a minimum amount of salt;
  • suitable cereals include semolina, oatmeal and rice;
  • It is recommended to include vegetables in the diet: squash, beets, asparagus, tomatoes, potatoes, bell peppers, peas, and herbs. It is believed that you need to choose vegetables with a round, flat shape;
  • fruits are healthy in any form. It is recommended to eat citrus fruits, apricots, peaches, cherries, apples, pears, and raspberries. Fried, raw, boiled nuts without salt will not be superfluous;
  • honey, marshmallows, marshmallows, spices, eggs help increase acidity in the body, which means they contribute to the appearance of a girl.

You should avoid the following products:

  • juices with preservatives and carbonated drinks;
  • pork, beef;
  • sausages, small sausages, smoked meats, canned food, preserves. It is undesirable to consume these products not only when planning a baby, but also during pregnancy, as they provoke the development of proteinuria (increased protein in the urine), an extremely dangerous condition that threatens gestosis;
  • crackers, bread;
  • white beans, canned vegetables;
  • dried fruits.

Vinegar douching

You can create a suitable environment for female gamete carriers by douching. To do this, before sexual intercourse, dissolve 2-3 tbsp in a liter of water. spoons of vinegar or lemon juice. The gynecological bulb is sterilized before the procedure, then the resulting solution is carefully injected inside.

There is no need to make the solution too strong. This can lead to burns of the mucous membrane and disruption of the microflora. In addition, strong vinegar will kill all sperm.

Genetic diagnostic method

If the listed methods have an error and do not provide one hundred percent certainty, preimplantation genetic diagnosis is guaranteed proven method that gives good results. In the laboratory, healthy embryos fertilized with sperm are selected. A biopsy is performed, providing detailed information about the chromosomes present.

The advantages of this method are the ability to detect pathologies at the primary stages of development and select healthy embryos with the required Y or X chromosomes for placement in the uterus. Genetic diagnosis is carried out during in vitro fertilization for couples who have a history of genetic disorders.

Poses to help conceive a daughter

There are certain techniques and positions for conceiving a girl:

  • woman in cowgirl position;
  • missionary technique “belly to belly”;
  • “on the side” or “spoon” technique;
  • the man is behind, and the woman is under him, lying on her stomach.

All of these positions involve shallow penetration. Once sperm enters the vagina, it will have to “work hard” to reach the female cell. Heavy, slow X-carriers cannot outrun small, agile Y-sperm, but the acidic environment gives them a chance to survive and fertilize.

The optimal time for sex is considered to be the second half of the day. It is known that conceiving on a new moon promotes the birth of a girl. The initiative must come from the woman.

Psychological aspect

To get a child of the desired gender from nature, you need to visualize what you want during the pregnancy planning stages. The expectant mother must imagine in detail what kind of daughter she will have, who she will look like, what color her eyes and hair will be. But there is no need to dwell on this.

Opinion of gynecologists

Traditional medicine does not trust child planning methods. Most doctors believe that it is impossible to guarantee getting the desired sex of the child the first time. Even ultra-precise genetic diagnostics sometimes fail.

You can expect a positive result if you rely on the data in the table, which describes on what days to conceive a girl, take into account the calendar method, the blood method, follow a certain diet and positions during sex.

Traditional methods

No less effective than the table and graphical method of ovulation is the folk method. It contains observations and experiences of wise men who knew many interesting facts about the conception of children.

  • before intimacy, the wife needs to tie a silk thread around her right little finger;
  • a week before sexual intercourse, you should drink apple or plum juice;
  • a snowstorm, severe frost, hail, or a storm on the wedding night will contribute to the conception of a girl;
  • if the number of maternal years is even, then she can conceive a girl in even months of the current year, and vice versa. If the number is odd, then you can conceive a daughter in odd months;
  • mature women who have crossed the 30-year age threshold often give birth to girls, especially when this is the first child in the family;
  • folk signs say that you can conceive a girl if you put a feminine attribute under the newlyweds’ pillow: a comb, a mirror, a doll, a handkerchief, knitting needles;
  • future parents need to have sex under a young apple tree.
  • Thin women are more likely to give birth to girls, so if the expectant mother weighs more than 54 kg, she needs to lose weight.

It is believed that the birth of a boy is a great joy, especially for a new dad. But many families who already have sons want to “dilute the male team” and strive to conceive a girl.

People are looking for different ways to do this: they calculate favorable days of the menstrual cycle for conceiving a daughter, and check the lunar calendar. Some turn to ancient practices from the Kama Sutra, try different positions and even perform gynecological procedures.

But is it really possible to influence the gender of an unborn child? How often do couples who practice various methods of planning the sex of their baby succeed in this?

Is it possible to calculate the sex of a child before conception?

In reality, parents cannot influence the gender of the child. It is enough to recall the lessons of biology, namely, the process of fusion of an egg with a sperm. The sex of the embryo is determined by the male cell, which contains either an X or Y chromosome.

The egg carries only the X chromosome. If she is fertilized by a sperm with an X chromosome, a daughter will be born. The meeting of a female cell with a sperm cell with a Y chromosome will lead to the birth of a son.

Important! With natural conception, it is impossible to predict the gender of the baby, because at the moment of ejaculation, millions of male reproductive cells with both types of chromosomes move towards the egg. It is almost impossible to influence which of them will achieve the goal.

All existing methods of sex planning, except for assisted reproductive technologies (in vitro fertilization), have little in common with science. And some of them border on superstition and ignorance.

Even if parents managed to conceive a daughter using one of the methods, this does not give them the right to consider it 100 percent effective. This is just a statistical coincidence, since the probability of having a son and daughter is always 50/50.

Ways to conceive a girl

However, in different cultures and even in modern practice, methods of planning the desired gender are known.

The more rational ones are based on the menstrual cycle and days of ovulation.

By day of ovulation

The method of planning a baby of the desired gender based on the day of ovulation has a certain scientific basis. It is believed that sperm with an X chromosome are not as mobile, but survive more easily in the acidic environment of the vagina. Cells with a Y chromosome (male) are more mobile, but die faster.

It is advisable to have sex a few days before ovulation, so that more durable sperm with the female chromosome remain in the woman’s genital tract, and all male sperm die. Therefore, the ideal period for conceiving a girl is 1-4 days before ovulation. This is the average lifespan of a sperm cell in the female genital tract.

Attention! There is no guarantee that this method will work. Many women have an unstable menstrual cycle, and ovulation may occur earlier or later than expected.

How to calculate

It is necessary to determine the duration of the menstrual cycle. The average cycle is 28 days, and the duration of bleeding is 3-5 days. The beginning of the cycle is considered the first day of menstruation. Ovulation occurs approximately in the middle of the cycle - from 11 to 15 days after the start of menstruation.

For the birth of a daughter, sexual intimacy between spouses must occur four days before the expected release of the egg, i.e. 8-12 days after the start of menstruation. For example, your period started on August 10th. The probable release of the egg from the ovary occurs on August 21-25. Therefore, you can conceive a daughter from August 18 to 21.

According to the "youth" of blood

On the Internet there is a description of a method of planning a son or daughter using the so-called “youth of blood”. It is believed that blood tends to renew itself: in men once every 4 years, in women - once every 3 years. The gender of the one whose blood turns out to be “younger” at the time of fertilization will determine the gender of the heir.

For example, the father’s age is 28 years, the mother’s is 24 years old. Simple arithmetic will allow you to calculate that a man has gone through 7 renewal cycles, and a woman – 8. That is. the mother’s blood turns out to be “younger” than the father’s blood, and they will have a daughter.

By blood types and Rh factors

Some people claim that it is easy to calculate the sex of the planned baby based on the blood type of the parents. There are even different tables and online calculators that compare the groups and rhesus of parents.

What this method is based on is not fully known. Some sources say that it was invented by a close associate of the soothsayer Vanga, who for many years collected prediction statistics and compared the blood types of parents.

In practice, this method does not stand up to criticism. After all, many married couples already have both sons and daughters, including opposite-sex twins. According to the logic of this method, all parents should give birth to either sons or daughters.

According to the lunar calendar

It is believed that the female menstrual and lunar cycles are connected. The moon stays in one zodiac sign for approximately one day.

Astrologers divide all zodiac constellations into male and female:

  • Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius are masculine signs;
  • Female signs belong to the elements of Water and Earth: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces.

The nature of the sign in which the Moon is located at the time of sexual intercourse will theoretically determine the gender of the unborn baby.

In practice, this method also does not work. After all, both boys and girls are born every day, despite the current moon sign.

Chinese calendar

The Chinese suggest using a table comparing the woman’s age and the month in which conception occurred. Gender is indicated at the intersection of rows and columns. For example, if the mother is 20 years old at the time of pregnancy planning, and fertilization occurred in February, then the gender of the baby, according to the table, will be male. A 24-year-old woman who decided to conceive a baby in May will give birth to a daughter.

Despite the fact that the Beijing Institute of Science guarantees 97% reliability of this method, it does not work for all parents. Again, according to the theory of probability, either a son or a daughter can always be born. If the baby's gender matches the values ​​in the table, this is a statistical coincidence.

Japanese tables

The Japanese method of choosing gender using a table is similar to the Chinese one, but more complex. First you need to find the woman's birth month and compare it with the man's birth month. There is a number at the crosshairs of the columns and rows. It must be compared with the month of conception in the second table.

This method allows for statistical variability. For example, if the expectant mother was born in February, and the father was born in October, then at the intersection of the column and row in the first table we get the number 10. We correlate it with conception in March. From the second table we see that at the intersection of columns and rows there is the same probability of having both a son and a daughter.

Vinegar douching

There is another method of influencing the gender of the planned baby using vaginal douching, which must be done before sex. It is believed that sperm carrying the Y chromosome (male) do not survive in the acidic environment of the vagina, while sex cells with the X chromosome (female) respond poorly to an alkaline environment, but feel better in an acidic environment.

Therefore, if you wash your vagina with an acidic solution, you will increase the likelihood of having a daughter, because... There should be more female sperm remaining than male sperm. The solution recipe is as follows: 2 tablespoons of acetic acid per 1 liter of boiled water.

Attention! This method of sex planning not only does not justify itself, but also carries a health risk. Disruption of the natural microflora of the vagina after douching is fraught with the development of thrush and increases the likelihood of a bacterial vaginal infection.

Poses to help conceive a daughter

The idea that the position of a man and a woman during sex affects the gender of the baby is quite ancient. But if you turn to science and logic, it becomes clear that nothing depends on this. The position of the bodies of future parents during sex does not in any way affect which sperm gets to the egg first.

According to some eastern ideas (India, China), the dominant position of a woman during sexual intercourse contributes to the birth of a girl. And vice versa: if a man plays the leading role during intercourse, then this increases the likelihood of having a boy.

Therefore, to conceive a daughter, you need to choose the following positions:

  1. The woman is on top facing her partner (the so-called cowgirl).
  2. The woman is on top with her back to her partner (reverse cowgirl).

The partner can transfer her body weight to her knees or squat.

Attention! Some doctors claim that the reverse cowgirl position increases the likelihood of conception in principle, especially if the partner has a curved uterus.

There is another interpretation of the method of planning the baby’s gender by choosing a pose. Male sperm (containing a Y chromosome) are more mobile and reach their target much faster. With deep penetration, ejaculation occurs directly near the cervix, and fast male sperm usually outstrips slow female ones.

But if they have to travel a greater distance, this leads to the death of most of the germ cells with the Y chromosome. The less mobile, but more tenacious X chromosome has a greater chance of connecting with the egg. Therefore, to give birth to a girl, you need to choose a position that provides relatively shallow penetration (missionary, on your side facing each other, “spoons”).

Diet and nutritional habits for conceiving a girl

It is assumed that food also affects the gender of the unborn baby. For example, for the birth of a daughter, both parents should consume foods containing large amounts of calcium and magnesium, but reduce the amount of foods with high concentrations of potassium and sodium. Exactly how this affects sperm and eggs is unknown.

But if you want to try this method on yourself, you need to rely on:

  • dairy products;
  • eggs;
  • nuts;
  • fish;
  • leafy vegetables (spinach, lettuce);
  • sesame seeds and sesame oil;
  • rice, semolina;
  • tomatoes;
  • carrot.

According to popular belief, eating red meat increases the likelihood of having a son, because this product has a rougher “masculine” energy. Dairy products, especially sweet ones (condensed milk, cottage cheese), as well as fruits, have a “softer” feminine energy and contribute to the birth of a daughter.

What does science say - genetic diagnostic method

The choice of the sex of the unborn child is not always determined by the wishes of the parents. Some hereditary and genetic diseases, present in one or both parents, are inherited by a male or female fetus.

For example, boys suffer from hereditary hemophilia or Duchère's dystrophy. If the parents are carriers of hereditary diseases, doctors recommend choosing the female sex of the embryo.

With the help of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) - in vitro fertilization - it is quite possible to influence the gender of the unborn baby. There is a method of preimplantation genetic diagnosis, when a fertilized egg at the division stage is diagnosed within two days. If the embryo is female, it is transplanted from a test tube into the uterus.


It is impossible to influence the gender of the unborn baby and give birth to a boy or girl “to order”. All methods based on calculating the day of ovulation, lunar day, and various tables are pseudo-scientific. In practice they don't work. Even if some couples manage to conceive a girl using one of the methods, this does not confirm its effectiveness.