
Little family for a ferret 4 letters. White domesticated ferret. White domestic ferrets


More than 800 years ago, man tamed ferrets - representatives of the weasel family. Among pet lovers today, the most popular of them is the white ferret.

The white ferret is the most popular pet.

People paid attention to them because ferrets are excellent at catching rats and mice, thereby helping to maintain food supplies. In the Middle Ages, instead of dogs, they were taken with them to hunt rabbits.

People fell in love with this animal for its snow-white color, cheerful character. From early childhood, he has an instinct to follow. Under natural conditions, ferrets follow their mother, and at home they follow people, a rolling ball or a wind-up toy. Young ferrets are playful, their behavior is similar to that of kittens. It is very interesting to watch their games, when with fluffy tails they chase each other, drag their brothers by the scruff of the neck, and fight off the attackers with all four paws. And adult ferrets love to sleep, their sleep can last 15 hours. The sleep can be so deep that the owners cannot wake their pets.

Domestic ferrets are well trained, know their name and respond to it. The owners walk them on a leash like dogs.

To attract the attention of the owners, the ferrets lightly bite their fingers, pull on their clothes.

If the ferret is aggressive or frightened, it emits a peculiar hiss, like a cat, it raises its fluffy tail. And if he wags his tail, he expresses pleasure or excitement.

The body shape of a domestic ferret resembles a dachshund: short legs and a long body up to 40 cm in males and 30 cm in females. The tail is fluffy, its length is equal to about half the length of the body. The weight of large animals reaches 3 kg. The structural features of the skeleton allow them to crawl into such narrow gaps that other animals cannot squeeze through. People use this ability: ferrets help them drag telephone and electric wires, move small objects through narrow and long channels.

Baby ferrets are white at birth. Sable color appears after 2-3 weeks. The hair darkens on the paws and on the tail, around the eyes, a characteristic mask is drawn on the muzzle, the undercoat acquires a grayish tint.

Often there are albino ferrets. A special substance, melanin, is responsible for the color of animals. If it is not enough in the tissues, individuals with white hair and red eyes appear. This phenomenon is typical for all kinds of animals and humans.

An albino ferret can be white with black eyes. This is the rarest and most expensive type.

At home, with proper care, a ferret can live up to 10 years. Under natural conditions, he lives up to 5 years, but often falls prey to larger predators.

Albino ferret with red eyes and white fur.

Features of caring for ferrets

Caring for the animals does not depend on their color, but the white domestic ferret quickly gets dirty. This is explained by the fact that he is looking for secluded places to sleep or for food storage. Usually such places are under cabinets and beds, where cleaning is rarely carried out.

In order for the pet to always look attractive, it needs to be washed periodically. Animals love to bathe, and pet stores have a large selection of shampoos for them.

Males require more attention. Their sebaceous glands are actively working, the coat turns yellow. If it is not planned to raise young animals, then the male should be castrated. Then the activity of the glands will decrease, and the wool will take on its original white color.

White ferrets are prone to many diseases, so they need to be periodically shown to the veterinarian.

For a ferret to be healthy, it needs to be fed the right and balanced diet.

Proper nutrition plays an important role. Many owners believe that their pets are omnivores, so they try their best to diversify their diet.

The diet should include:

  • raw chicken egg (1 time per week);
  • milk;
  • calcined and fat-free cottage cheese;
  • bananas;
  • raw poultry meat (turkey, chicken, duck);
  • raw rabbit meat, veal;
  • fish (flounder, trout, mackerel, cod, haddock, horse mackerel).

You can not feed ferrets with pork, beef, lamb, venison. Do not give large quantities of vegetables and fruits, especially stale ones. The solid fibers contained in them are not digested by the ferret's stomach and can lead to a stop in the activity of the stomach.

Ferrets love cat treats purchased at pet stores. Before you give them, you need to read the description of the product. It should not include fruits and sugar.

Improper feeding can lead to diseases, poisoning and death of the animal.

Adult ferrets are not aggressive. But you need to remember that these are predators. Therefore, it is not worth keeping them in apartments where there are small children.

Do not get a ferret if there are small children in the house.

Ferrets love to steal small things and products from their owners, which they then hide in secluded places. Therefore, small expensive items should be stored in places inaccessible to them.

Under natural conditions, ferrets dig holes. Therefore, at home, they often try to dig them in linen, dishes and food cabinets. So that they do not thereby bring harm, it is necessary to create conditions for them that imitate the digging of holes. It is necessary to put a container filled with gravel, expanded clay, pieces of foam, and other small items.

Ferrets are domesticated little carnivores. Ferrets were made pets about 800 years ago and to this day these pets do not cease to please their breeders. Ferrets are representatives of mustelids, but differ significantly from their wild counterparts.

The white ferret is a common pet

White domestic ferrets

Among all representatives of the animal world there are albinos. The marten family is no exception. The origin of this color in animals is caused by insufficient presence in the tissues of the color pigment - melanin. It is the low content of melanin in the cells of ferrets that makes their coat white and their eyes red.

An albino ferret differs from just white in red eyes

Colors of ferrets

There are only two main colors of ferrets on which hybrids living at home are based:

  1. Sable.
  2. Albino.

All ferret puppies born in captivity are white-coated at birth. Later, the color takes on its shape. The sable color appears in puppies after two to three weeks:

  • The paws and tail are dark.
  • A yellowish-gray undercoat appears.
  • The mask starts to draw. The hair around the eyes darkens.

Initially white ferrets may have darker coats with age.

In addition to these two primary colors, there are varieties that appear as a result of genetic changes. Color combinations may differ slightly from the original sable or have strong differences:

Color name ost Underfur Eyes Nose
Albino White, sometimes there are light cream blotches Red. No shades. Pink
Champagne White to light brown White to light cream Brown or black Pink with whitish spots
Cinnamon The base is white or light cream in color, the edges are light brown with red White. Light cream Any shade Light beige to brown
Steel or mother-of-pearl The outer hair is white and black at the end. Only white Any shade Black to brown

These colors arose as a result of genetic experiments with the breed in order to discover more and more beautiful changes.

The most expensive species is the white dew animal. With this color, the albino ferret is a partial albino, since this is manifested only in the color of its coat, the eyes of this species are black. It is these features that make this species the most expensive.

But other than color, ferrets do not undergo genetic changes. Therefore, care for each pet, regardless of color, is the same. Nutrition does not depend on color, and with a properly composed diet, a ferret can live for a long time. Domesticated animals are able to live from 4 to 7 years.

Champagne Ferret

Features of care

The domestic white ferret is a fairly common type of animal. People like his snow-white coat, but it is she who can disappoint the breeder.

In order for the animal to always be snow-white, you need to follow it. By nature, ferrets are very nimble and not calm animals, their activity is simply amazing. Ferrets are very fond of all sorts of secret places, but where in such places without dust and dirt? This is the difficulty of maintaining the purity of the animal's coat.

In males who have not undergone a castration procedure, excessive activity of the sebaceous glands may be observed, this will immediately affect your pet's coat. The coat will turn yellow and look unkempt. If fertility is not required (you are not aspiring to become a ferret breeder), then neutering is the way to go.

After castration, the work of the sebaceous glands will return to normal and the condition of the coat will return to normal, the white domestic ferret looks white again.

In modern stores you can find a large number of shampoos and degreasing pastes that help keep your pet's coat in check if you are not going to castrate it.

The ferret will need to be bathed regularly


The diet of the white ferret is no different from that of its brethren.

Preference should be given to meat food, as your pet is a predator.

The pet will benefit from eating in small quantities:

  • Raw chicken eggs. No more than once a week.
  • Bananas and milk.
  • Turkey in small quantities, raw.

Don't give your ferret raw vegetables and fruits. in large numbers. The hard fibers that are found in all fruits and vegetables are not digested by the animal's stomach and can cause serious problems.

Treats available at pet stores can help you make your pet happy. Cat treats are also suitable for a ferret, but just read the ingredients carefully, the treat should not contain sugar and fruits.

Remember that a properly composed diet and a balanced diet, combined with proper care, can significantly extend the life of your pet. Do not forget about a regular visit to the veterinarian, because the ferret is a very capricious animal in terms of disease. If you follow all the rules of care, then your pet will live a long and happy life.

The white ferret is one of the domestic varieties of the forest predator. Such animals became about 800 years ago. Their ancestor was a wild ferret. This type of animal is classified as a mustelian breed, although white ferrets, or ferrets, are very different from their counterparts. Wild ferrets are usually colored red. They live in the forests. The American subspecies of this animal - the black-footed ferret - was almost exterminated, but in Lately conservation measures have increased the population of this animal.

The white ferret is one of the domestic varieties of the forest predator.

A ferret-like predator, the ermine, also lives in forests or is bred on special farms for its valuable fur. They began to grow ferrets 2 thousand years ago, when a person needed protection of stocks from various small rodents. Forest mammals of this species were the object of hunting because of the fur, but now almost no one hunts them. Farmers do not really like these small predators, because although they are beneficial by destroying ground squirrels, field mice, they can also hunt poultry.

In order for the animal to always be white, you need to take good care of it.

Origin of the white domestic ferret

This type of animal originated from red ferrets living in forests, which in natural conditions can be 2 primary colors: white (very rare in nature) and red.

Ferrets white domestic, in turn, are divided into sable albino and completely white. The animal of the first species has white fur at birth, but later (after 2-3 weeks) its tail and paws may darken, and the undercoat becomes yellowish, and the hairs also darken around the eyes.

An animal of the second species is born completely white, can retain its color all its life, but in most of these ferrets, the coat darkens with age.

How to care for white ferrets (video)

Between these two main types of color, there are many other varieties, for example, there are cream blotches, completely black animals, often the animal is painted in Brown color. There are also pink ones. The most expensive animals of this species are completely white, but their eyes and nose are black, not red, like other albinos. The nutrition of animals does not depend on their color. In captivity, the animal lives from 3.5 to 7 years.