
How to lie correctly. Instructions for use. How to learn to lie. Lessons in lying How to learn to lie 50 simple rules to read


As children, we were taught not to lie. Never and no one. However, life, as often happens, crosses out school lessons and stubbornly pokes us into the fact that you cannot live without lies. And the tireless British researchers of everything in the world also add: it turns out that any adult person tells a lie about 88 thousand times in his life!

The list of the most common deceptions includes, of course, everyone's favorite "Good to see you", "No money, I'm broke myself now" and "Thank you, I really really like it." That is, they lie to everyone, to everyone and always. But some do it well, making life easier for themselves and pleasing others, while others do not do it very well, bringing only pain and suffering to everyone around.

So, how can you learn to cheat easily, beautifully and safely? In this case, as in any other, there are secrets and unwritten laws.

Small and big lies require the same attention

This is one of the main rules that the future master of lies must learn. Each of your deceit, regardless of its meaning, you will have to remember forever and build your further behavior based on this. However, it seems to some that it is good enough to remember only the most important deceptions, and lies on trifles do not deserve any attention. This is where inexperienced liars usually burn. Having piled up a whole mountain of lies, they then forget what, to whom and when they said.

Therefore, try to memorize well every, even the smallest, stroke. And since human memory is not unlimited and you definitely won’t be able to remember everything, the main rule follows from this:

Lie as little as possible. This is the only way to achieve authenticity.

Use distraction and switching

A real master of deceit, like a Spanish matador, draws his sword only at the decisive moment and strikes with just one blow. The rest of the time, he skillfully diverts the attention of the victim with the help of skillful movements with a red cloak. The art of lying uses similar techniques, and sometimes skillfully switching the interlocutor's attention to another object or changing the topic of the conversation altogether eliminates the need for you to lie. Think over in advance the line of your behavior in such a way that you do not have to tell a lie at all. Just do not overdo it, because inept possession of a muleta can cost the matador his life!


In any case, practice is needed, and in such an important matter as deceit, you definitely cannot do without it. But since practicing on living people is not very humane, we will train on ourselves. Stand in front of a mirror and repeat your lie until it looks completely natural. Ideally, you should convince yourself of the veracity of your words.

The ideal lie is the one that you were able to believe yourself.

Never make excuses or confess

If you are suspected of lying, then the worst thing you can do is to start writing more and more lies to justify yourself. If the building staggers, then it is necessary to escape from it, and not urgently complete the construction of new floors. Therefore, respond to all accusations with proud, offended silence or moving on to another topic.

As for "voluntary surrender," this is tantamount to a direct shot in the temple. Often there are situations when the truth is equally harmful to both sides and the side accusing you, just like you, despite all the harassment, would not want to hear it. Never give up, even when your back is against the wall. Stand your ground against logic, evidence and common sense.

Do not lie to your loved ones and those who love you

You can think over your line of behavior many moves ahead. You can practice brilliant acting skills in front of a mirror and develop the most believable intonations. You will provide yourself with alibis, witnesses, a second line of defense and escape routes.

And they still know the truth. This is not amenable to scientific explanation, because we do not believe in all these “feels with the heart” and “dreamed in a dream.” Let's put it differently: a special non-verbal psycho-physiological contact is established between some people, thanks to which they unconsciously feel the slightest changes in each other's state. So it's best not to even try. It still won't work.

In school you were taught that lying is not good. However, it turned out that in real life one simply cannot do without lies. In what situations is it better to be cunning and how to remain unexposed?

11:14 28.08.2014

Think about how often you cheat. According to statistics, even a crystal-clear person is forced to do this about 7-10 times a day! There are many situations in which it would be tactless, immoral and even inhumane to tell the truth. Therefore, we all time. We assure the baby that Santa Claus brought gifts under the Christmas tree, we agree with the authorities so as not to inflame the atmosphere in the team, we compliment the ugly girls ... And without such a virtuous lie one cannot live in society. It's no secret that truth-seekers and truth-tellers often turn out to be outcasts. For some reason, they are not in a hurry to invite them to cheerful companies, they suffer from loneliness more often than others. Yes, and many families can be saved only because the spouses tell each other far from the whole truth.

Versatile and powerful

Psychologists distinguish several types of lies - depending on the purpose for which they are used.

Perhaps the most common type of untruth is silence. It's easier to say something than to invent something. Politicians, diplomats, investigators, lawyers are well versed in this kind of deception. And of course, unfaithful spouses!

White lies are most often used by doctors. When the patient is not informed about a fatal disease or about the danger of an upcoming operation. Yes, and you yourself in response to the question of your old grandmother: “How are you?” - you can hardly start listing all the troubles at work and quarrels with your loved one. On the contrary, in order to save her poor health and not to worry once again, you will say, they say, everything is wonderful and wonderful with you.

The most harmless lie is a lie for the sake of a red word

About myself, my love. For example, your friend bought a blouse in the market, but proudly says that distant relatives sent it to her from America. Or she rested in a two-star shed in Turkey, and tells you in secret that her rich lover took her to the Emirates. Well, if a person wants to be godfather to the king - let him stay! The main thing is that it does not affect the interests of other people in any way.

A completely different matter is manipulative lies. A serious weapon in the hands of clever scammers who arrange street scam lotteries or prize draws. Other tricksters manipulate in order to discredit you in front of others, to quarrel with friends. It is unlikely that you will calmly react to a statement like: “You know, your friend Natasha told such things about you yesterday ...” The main thing is not to fall for their hook.

Subtleties of correct deception

Yes, you face lies all the time. Sometimes you yourself have to tell a lie - an undeniable fact. However, the deceiver must have certain qualities,
among them - the ability to express thoughts aloud, the gift of persuasion and excellent memory. Try to take into account also the following: your lies in any case should not harm. Is it possible to learn to deceive truthfully and beautifully? Let's try.

  • There must be a good reason for lying

Psychiatrist Charles Ford, author of Lies! Lie! Lies!”, declares: “Pathological liars cannot stop. They lie constantly, without any need. They are exposed very often. Experienced deceivers, on the other hand, carefully guard their secret weapons. They will not use it until they understand that the right moment has come and with the help of deception you can get what is really needed. A person caught in a lie instantly spends a credit of trust.

  • Prepare in advance

Thinking through the legend, stock up on believable details. For example, when explaining your late arrival home, you are going to say that you were with a friend at the movies. Be sure to find out in detail about the film, about the beginning and end of the session, and even about the assortment and prices in the bar of this cinema. By the way, you can remember how a waiter was rude to you three days ago in some cafe, and vividly describe the scene, as if it happened to you today in a cinema bar. The abundance of details, even extraneous ones, will make the listener treat your story with great confidence. Say the prepared lie aloud several times and try to believe in it yourself.
By the way, recently there have even appeared firms specializing in providing their clients with reliable alibis (some agencies of private detectives are engaged in this). They are ready to provide fake hotel receipts, a ticket to a movie show that you did not attend, or travel documents for a train that you were not on.

  • Don't ask questions!

You can go the other way, on the contrary, - a minimum of details. It has been reliably established that the most convincing liars are people who know how to stop any attempts to question them. Let's take the same situation - you come home later than usual. You are being interrogated with prejudice, where did you stay so long after work? Try to beat exactly what you are suspected of. State that you had a date with your sixty-five-year-old boss with asthma, you had a wonderful romantic evening in the sauna, after which he promised to divorce his wife and offered you his hand and heart. It is unlikely that after such a statement, and even uttered with a certain intonation, the jealous will want to continue the questions.

  • Watch facial expressions and gestures

When you want to catch your child in a lie, you say: “Look into my eyes!” After all, it has long been noticed that liars, trying to cheat, look away, cover their mouths with their hands, scratch behind their ears, rub their noses. All right. But this applies only to useless deceivers. Masters of mystification control themselves no worse than famous actors. So work out the lie in front of the mirror. Moreover, if you tend to tell something, actively gesticulating, then you should not change your manner of communication. Excessive stiffness, like excessive fussiness, can give you away. In the subtle art of deception, facial expressions, intonations and gestures are no less important than in the theater.

  • If the secret became clear

Each of us has our carefully hidden secrets, secrets, and when something suddenly comes to the surface, we feel not the best way. And if you were caught lying, pushed against the wall - what to do? Unlock? make excuses? It hardly sounds convincing. There are many ways to get out of a sticky situation. The main thing is not to panic.
So, the first scenario is to silently agree. In no case do not indulge in long explanations, trying to justify yourself. You can even ask for forgiveness, without specifying, however, for what.

And you can try to go on the offensive! Let's consider such a case. You spent the money that you and your husband saved for six months on vacation, buying a stunning outfit for the New Year. Of course, you boasted of a new thing, only the cost of it was significantly underestimated. You hoped that the vacation was still far away and in a couple of months you would reimburse the amount. But ... he discovered the loss - and in a rage! Where's the money? Agree, it’s hard to explain to a man that this “rag” can cost so much! Better remember him all the anniversaries of your wedding, when he forgot to congratulate you, or the cost of a stupid piece of iron on the bumper "for beauty." After all, everyone knows that the best defense is an attack!

However, it may also happen that the untruth you told went with a bang, but you are tormented by remorse. You are insanely afraid of a possible exposure. There is only one way out - confess yourself. Yes, it will be unpleasant, but you will retain your self-respect. As they say, five minutes of shame - and that's it, you can forget about fear and live on with a clear conscience.

There are no people who would never lie in their lives. Sometimes everything went like clockwork, but it happened that the deception was discovered. You are not the first, you are not the last! This is an exceptionally valuable experience to learn from. After all, the best guide to cheating is your own life. But if lying disgusts you, it is better to tell the truth when it concerns you, or remain silent when it comes to another person.

Express test

Can you deceive?

Want to see if you can be a liar? Answer these questions as honestly as possible. If you lie to yourself, then lying to others is a trifle for you.

  1. Sometimes I consider myself stupid.
  2. I think very poorly of some people.
  3. I don't care what others think of me.
  4. It happens that you want to hit someone or insult someone.
  5. I have flaws.
  6. If I can get something for free, I won't refuse a gift.
  7. I love the attention of the opposite sex.
  8. My friends don't suit me in everything.
  9. Sometimes I like to listen to rumors, gossip.
  10. I want more than I can.
If you answered yes

1-3 times Pretty liar
You seek to embellish yourself, your actions, so it costs nothing for you to lie. Try not to overestimate your self-esteem and at least be sincere with yourself.

4-6 times Reluctant deceiver
Sometimes you go against your conscience, but you do not like to lie and use this tool as a last resort, when there is no other way out. Correct position!

7-10 times Like a crystal!
You are amazingly honest! You think that bitter truth is better than sweet lies, and with truthful arguments you are even ready to hurt a person. Consider whether this is always appropriate.

Tricky Situations: Lie or Tell the Truth?

Truth and lies are also different. Can be cut true
arguments, or you can mitigate them with a compliment, friendly advice.


Wrong reaction

Correct reaction

A friend has bought a new item that does not fit her style at all and asks if it suits her.

Tell the truth: “What are you wearing? You look terrible! - just spoil the mood.

Lie: “You are beautiful!” How can a friend trust you? Both an honest answer and outright lies, as you yourself understand, will be equally inappropriate in this situation.

“The change is very beautiful. But in order to look your best in it, you will have to buy a couple more things. Please advise which ones.

The child caught you and your husband making love and is now wondering what you were doing

Blushing, deceive. they say, nothing, dear, we didn’t do it here - it seemed to you

“Dad and I missed each other and now kissed, hugged and played.”

You were late for work because you overslept. How to explain a late arrival to the boss?

The truth is appropriate if this happened to you for the first time and you have a trusting relationship with your boss. In other cases, it will be taken as irresponsibility.

It is best to apologize and, without going into unnecessary details, say that family circumstances delayed and this will not happen again in the future.

After work, you met your ex-boyfriend. Now my husband is wondering where you've been.

To tell the truth: “I was sitting with Vovchik in a cafe” - the spouse will not be very pleased. Come up with a beautiful story about an urgent task from the boss - this can be tested.

Tell the truth, but not the whole truth: "I met a classmate with his wife - we went to a cafe to drink a cup of coffee and chatted."

Every person in his life at least once lied or was deceived. There are many reasons why people lie. Most often this is due to the desire to look better than it really is. It would seem that lying is so simple, but it is worth remembering that a lie destroys a person from the inside and violates his harmony. The fear of being exposed brings great discomfort, which over time can turn into serious ones. Many people begin to understand with age that deception is not a way out of the situation, so they think about how to stop lying.

Lies for good

That wording is a pretty weak excuse. It is very difficult to determine the line when lying does not do harm. And does it exist? In any case, the deception will sooner or later be revealed, and the person who composed the legends will feel very uncomfortable. It is difficult to prove that this was done for good and not for harm. Lying destroys even the strongest relationships, aggravates situations and negatively affects health.

Why do people become liars?

As a rule, no one plans to become a cheater. This happens gradually, but inevitably leads to the fact that a person asks the question: “How to stop lying?” The process begins with the fact that people say the information that the interlocutor wants to hear. They believe that "innocent" lies will not harm anyone. But this is not so: an unpleasant aftertaste and fear of “getting caught” remain.

Reasons for lying

To understand how to stop lying to people, you need to understand why this happens. Sometimes a person realizes with chagrin that he very often tells a lie. Fiction can be of a different nature, but the result is always the same: people lie and stop remembering what, when and to whom they said. Lies grow like a snowball, this leads to sad consequences.

Psychologists identify the main reasons why people cheat:

How to deal with the desire to lie?

When thinking about how to stop lying, the first step is to acknowledge the problem. Without this, getting rid of such an addiction is unlikely to succeed. The next step is to calm down. No need to remember with horror when, what and to whom was said. It is enough to apologize to those people who had to listen to fables. And when the desire to lie again arises, it is necessary to remember the promise made to oneself.

Be yourself

You should not compare yourself with other people and be guided by their actions and thoughts. Each person is an individual. To earn respect from others, you need to remain honest and work on your inner world.

Telling the truth is easy!

For people who are thinking about how to stop lying, the advice of a psychologist will come in handy. Experts assure that telling the truth is simple and pleasant. In the future, you will not need to strain and frantically remember your stories. It is much easier to analyze the situation once than to live in constant fear that the truth will be revealed and you will have to relive unpleasant moments. This destroys inner harmony and makes you restless.

There is no "little lie"

People who justify their deceit with such a concept as "lie of silence" are deeply mistaken. No need to look for excuses and dress up lies in beautiful forms. Not telling the truth that is known is also a lie.

Lies for the sake of reputation

Tips on how to stop lying can only be effective when a person realizes the futility of his own lies. No reputation will last long on false stories. But regaining the trust of others will be much more difficult, and sometimes almost impossible. It is better to look for other paths to the heights that will help achieve sustainable and unshakable results.

"Little Truths"

It is very difficult for people who lie all their lives to understand overnight how to stop lying. Therefore, psychologists recommend starting with small steps. It is necessary every day to speak the truth where before there would be a lie.

Lying is a kind of theft: a person dishonestly receives respect, love and recognition from people. It is more expedient to direct your energy to understanding how to satisfy emotions in an honest way. This will become a strong base for self-development and building relationships with others.

Almost all famous people owe their success to the ability to cheat and deceive. It's time for you to learn something from the great deceivers and swindlers. Cheat correctly and qualitatively!

As they say, "life experience is a matter of education, and common sense in dealing with people is based on fraud." Our time proclaims itself civilized. But the more civilized a society is, the more lies and deceit occupy a place in it. Harro von Senger

In the animal world, too, there is deceit. Animals disguise themselves, take on other disguises and are cunning. They do it to survive and it's genetically built into them. Modern man also wants to live. To live well and happily, and for this sometimes it is necessary to lie.

People have been lying since ancient times. On an old tattered scroll, "The Tale of Truth and Krivda" was found. The fairy tale was written more than 3 thousand years ago in the era of the pharaohs of Ancient Egypt. On a papyrus scroll, we can read about deceit, revenge and confrontation between the two brothers Pravda and Krivda. Thus the history of deceit, beginning in time immemorial, has passed through history.

Only bad and unfit people lie? Come on! Even in literature, the most positive characters deceived and wriggled. Shakespeare's Hamlet deceives his kin with a madness he doesn't have. Juliet - imaginary death.

But the most dexterous schemers and masters of flattery were adventurers. Take, for example, the legendary Count Alessandro Cagliostro. He owed his success precisely to the skill of the great deceiver.

Almost all famous people owe their success to the ability to cheat and deceive. It's time for you to learn something from the great deceivers. The principles that great adventurers use can be useful to you in your daily life. Chances are you won't run scams like Count Cagliostro. But with the help of them you will learn to deceive. This is necessary for a successful life! This is the art of the great deceivers!

Two little mice fell into a bucket of milk. The first mouse raised its paws and drowned. The second mouse did not think to accept. She fought for her life. She churned the milk into butter and finally got out. Lord - I'm the second mouse! Movie "Catch Me If You Can"

Cheat correctly and qualitatively!! Almost all famous people owe their success to the ability to cheat and deceive. It's time for you to learn something from the great deceivers, crooks and swindlers.

1. The simpleton principle

The cunning is not the one who is considered cunning, but who is mistaken for a simpleton. P. S. Taranov

Build a reputation as a simpleton. Be simpler, clearer, seem a little silly and naive.

Form the image of a truthful, honest, but down to earth person. A charming smile, positive behavior, kindness and a confidential tone of conversation are your weapons. Create an intellectual superiority over you. As long as people think they are smarter than you, they will be easily fooled.

Pretty girls often use this method. They are ready to seem like a "stupid blonde" for a quiet life and the realization of their plans.

2. Information flow principle

Our mind contains both those truths that should be spoken about and those that should be kept silent. A. Rivarol

It is not necessary to lie, but you can change the information flow in favorable conditions for you. You can hide information, distort, give in to the chosen method, distort and focus on profitable facts. Such deception is more believable and easier to control. In the event that your deception is discovered, you will not suffer as much as with outright deception.

3. The principle of parallel reality

Create the desired "smoke screen". Distract the victim from the most important thing and create the background you need. Against the backdrop of parallel reality, deception looks more natural. Use more color for your lies. Create a situation, circumstances confirming your words and honesty.

This method, for example, is used by ruined people. They overspend and lead a luxurious lifestyle, misleading others. (See Confidence Rules)

4. The principle of manipulation

Create such conditions when the enemy acts according to your plan. Push him to form certain conclusions that are beneficial to you. You are not lying, the man himself came to such a conclusion.

Tell the truth under the guise of deceit. As Otto von Bismarck said, "If you want to fool the world, tell it the truth." This technique works well in personal relationships.

5. The principle of open lies and treachery

It is not necessary to cover lies or lies with facts. You can cheat openly. You can be treacherous by saying one thing and doing another. This type of deception requires a good memory and caution.

6. The principle of diversion

When hiding a lie or deceit, distract with another bright fact. Let the interlocutor take the bait, divert attention. Do it the way magicians and card sharpers do it. They do tricks, distracting by talking and manipulating their hands. So you throw in distracting facts that mask the deception.

7. The principle of masking deceit

Hide deceit under the guise of care and kindness of the heart. Even great deceit can be hidden under noble intentions. (cm. How to lie or the school of little liars)

8. The principle of thought tossing

A person believes more in those thoughts that have arisen in his own head. Do not speak directly, but act with hints, indirectly influencing a person. People will believe in what they themselves have come up with. The sprout you have planted will give you the right thought. The fact that you threw a thought, no one will remember it.

9. The principle of using human desires

Give the man what he wants. Promise him to help with his problems or hint at a successful outcome. When desires become more real, one forgets everything. A person who helps cannot cheat. Later, you can stab him in the back and trick him easily.

10. Principle of weaknesses

“To each pick up a master key. This is the art of managing people. He does not need courage, but dexterity, the ability to find an approach to a person "Baltasar Gracian

Every person has a key. This is more likely to be not a noble, but a base side of a person. Play on self-interest, envy, jealousy, ambition, pleasure, greed, stupidity or voluptuousness. Use the lowest and darkest human instincts. You can easily deceive or manipulate him.

11. The principle of the use of lies and deceit

If you love, then the queen, if you steal, then a million!

The French philosopher and writer Luc de Clapier de Vauvenargues said: "The limit of cunning is the ability to manage without using force." Use the art of the great deceivers only in extreme cases. Do not trade for trifles. If you love, then the queen, if you steal, then a million!

A person who has never told a lie in his life is most likely either already dead or moved to live in an institution for the insane. Journalist Kolya Sulima tells how and to whom you can lie in order to sound convincing.

One night they called me and said that I had to go to the alarm in the store - this was part of my duties. Tired, on autopilot, I replied, "Sorry, I'm not home right now." At the other end, after a pause, they retorted: “How do you explain the fact that we are calling you at home?”

Let's not portray immaculate angels. We lie so much that none of us will remember our first time. Unless especially vivid episodes, and only in cases where we come across - successful lies are always erased from memory. Because we ourselves believed in it. In the real world, it is impossible to survive without lies. And if so, let's analyze how to succeed in this matter.

Let's start by debunking the myths presented by the film "Seventeen Moments of Spring". No one will give us, like Stirlitz, the opportunity to lay out match animals on the table for hours in an attempt to build a plausible version of events. You need to understand that by the time you are about to lie, you should have a plan of action and a story ready. Citizens from the cinematic Gestapo could afford to dismiss the nurses and marinate the spy so that he could compose an alibi for himself. They only had the fate of the Reich at stake, but you risk your career, family peace or your mother's health.

1. Design the legend ahead of time

Amateurism and carelessness are the key to immediate failure. It is easy to lie to children under the age of five. Their RAM will still erase everything without a trace, and the next day you will receive a clean version, fresh from the press. But if you are going to lie to an adult, then do not deny him the ability to critical analysis. Your version of events should be logical, flow from your usual lifestyle and daily routine. If you have never suffered from a love of painting, no one will believe that you cried for two hours before Pukirev's "Unequal Marriage".

2. Throw in details

The devil is hidden in the details. They make the legend believable. It is the details that are remembered best of all, and not at all the last of what was said, here I will again refute Stirlitz. It looks like he was a total liar. Lie only about places and events that you can accurately describe - you have been there. But have a sense of proportion - too bright details arouse suspicion. One or two anchors, casually served like an ace out of the sleeve, no colorful stories and gypsies with bears.

3. Involve a minimum of third parties

Turning a lie into a sequel to Warrior and Peace is extremely dangerous. If you have a dubious reputation behind you and your version will be checked, take precautions. First, clearly stipulate the course of events with accomplices. Do you already have compelling details? Describe them in detail to your partners.

Ideally, the number of witnesses should tend to zero. A loyal friend or girlfriend with sufficient IQ who can remember the date, time and place and put the facts in the correct order. The more people you involve in your plan, the more likely it is to fail. Someone at the time of interrogation will be drunk, someone is driving - and write wasted.

Women show an order of magnitude more courage and inspiration when it comes to complex designs. I know a girl who involved dozens of people in the system of lies to her own spouse: she managed to fly to different cities, once even paying for a ticket from her husband’s card. Someone took her from home “to the bathhouse”, for which she always had a backpack ready: on top of a towel and a washcloth, under them shoes and an evening dress, they came for her, for persuasiveness, taking their own child, or her husband himself took her to friend, but all her routes invariably ended in someone else's bed. Two years. In the end, of course, a divorce, but the network was never revealed.

4. Control the body


In addition to your mouth language, you also have body language, which is often quite treacherous. For an inexperienced liar, this becomes a problem: in terms of expressiveness, body language is in no way inferior to verbal means and betrays red-handed no worse than fingerprints. Body language is read subconsciously: it is enough to be squeezed, avoid eye contact, fold your arms in a protective position - and now you are already starting to drive needles under your nails. And all the damn adrenaline that causes sweating, shortness of breath and unnatural movements. Try to lie on the phone first - so you will not be seen. If you need to lie personally, do breathing exercises, calm your nerves and act: a straight back, open arms, a firm look. Just don’t try to drink to relieve tension - tell everything as it was, and even slip out about that incident, about which it’s embarrassing to remember.

5. Control your voice

Take a cue from Frank Sinatra when he sings "Strangers in the night". I am ready to believe his every word: I swear, everything was so. Why? And he presents it well! A man, however, is easier to deceive than a woman. Due to genetic reasons, women are much more subtle in capturing the nuances of speech and isolating inconsistencies from what they hear. It is this ability that allows them to hear the cry of their baby in the midst of the roar of an electric meat grinder. The highest category of complexity is wives and mothers. During the time that you spent together, your speech was recorded in their memory in the form of a certain set of vibrations (do not flatter yourself about the fact that women are interested in what you weave daily). Deviations in timbre and tempo are immediately registered and arouse suspicion. Lie better to men, so the risk of getting caught is much less. But in all cases, follow simple rules: relax the abdominal muscles, release your breath, breathe evenly. Laugh in the right places, there is nothing more useful for distraction than laughter.

6. Believe in everything yourself

The universal and invincible way to lie is to believe yourself that it was so. This is the major league, Oscar nomination in the Lie category. True, only true artists are capable of such a thing. The inspired chatter of these citizens will find its way to any heart: the eyes burn with a restrained brilliance, the voice lulls, the gestures inspire confidence, and here Konstantin Sergeevich wipes away an old tear, saying: “Darling, I believe you.” This takes time and preparation. Rehearse your part in front of a mirror, looking into the depths of your soul, memorize it from beginning to end and back until your legend begins to dream of you.

7. Attack!


Politicians are creatures genetically predisposed to lying that inhabit our planet. In addition to natural hypnotic data, they usually also have methods of diverting attention. In case you are caught in a lie, use their know-how. There is no better defense than an attack - remind your opponent of an episode from the past when he behaved reprehensibly. It doesn't matter if it has anything to do with your lies, it is important for you to shift the blame from your head to a healthy one. Demagogy and self-confidence are the best helpers here: “How could you lie to me?” “How could you not love my grandmother? She moved from Shchuchin, just to be closer to you! ”, - and the conversation immediately takes a direction that is beneficial to you. The best instances of politicians immediately came up with offensive nicknames for their opponents based on physical and personal characteristics, but I do not recommend this method to you. Especially if you need to lie to your mother or wife.

8. Deny everything

Common sense, logic, even video recordings - everything gives in to the reinforced concrete word "no". If you lie to loved ones, the task is made easier - they are obviously determined to forgive you.

My friend's wife once found a pack of condoms in his bag. She carefully cut each in half and put the pack back, zipping it shut. Since then, none of them has hinted at the incident, but each drew the appropriate conclusions for himself.

People can cheat on spouses for years according to the schedule, while the second half will know where and why the first one goes every Saturday - everything, right down to the exact address. And don't make any noise. Only the most consistent of people will seek your final fiasco. If they act like this, chances are your relationship is in a coma. You will certainly be acquitted, be patient. The main thing - do not try to show weakness and begin to apologize!

9. Agree with everything

Paradoxically, this method works just as well as the previous one, especially with men. Without fear of being labeled a sexist, I will note that there is something incredibly attractive in a penitent woman. Either the cultural heritage of Mary Magdalene is to blame, or the alpha male valve is triggered, but I want to start forgiving immediately. Even the last of the men likes the role of the generous Caesar, looking out of the box at the gladiatorial circus.

10. Train your memory


When embarking on the slippery slope of a liar, remember that you will have to keep in mind all the details of your compositions. A good lie is like a chess player: in cases of multi-move combinations, he keeps all the threads under control, like a spider in a web. Only a complete idiot will keep records, it’s better to admit everything right away, the result is still the same. The laziness of the mind is punished by exposure.
My friend had a heavy passion for order, she kept all her vacation photos on her work computer in the Vacation folder - both with her husband and with her lover. Convenient and no need to search. Needless to say, her husband dropped by her office one day asking her to send a couple of emails?

Lying is a high art. It combines acting and math skills, trains the flexibility of the mind, memory and in the long run promotes longevity of the brain. If it were not for the moral and ethical nuances, I would recommend lying in a high school course. Alas, at the moment we are left with crosswords, puzzles and macrame courses.

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