
Alcohoroscope: what does your favorite alcohol tell about your character? How to find out a woman's character by alcohol A woman's character by alcohol


A woman's favorite alcoholic drink can tell a lot about her character.

Champagne is preferred by young coquettes who love attention from men. These are lovers of a good laugh, and at the same time very trusting. Hohotushki can drink quite a lot and instantly become drunk.

Cognac is called a drink for older women who lack attention and warmth. They will not refuse a sweet dessert, for example, a bar of chocolate and ice cream. The sparkling eyes and glowing cheeks of cognac lovers reveal all their cherished desires.

Whiskey is suitable for self-confident women who completely lack any complexes. Whiskey lovers are extravagant natures, capable of unusual actions, the result of which cannot be predicted in any way. They prefer the drink in its pure form without snacks; sometimes they drink whiskey and cola. Although whiskey is a strong drink, women who prefer it get drunk slowly, but are capable of actions that are embarrassing to remember the next morning.

Extravagant people choose tequila with salt, which adds wildness and a little wildness to them. They drink often and in large quantities.

Rum is a drink for individuals who boldly undertake any experiments. They are always open to new and bold ideas. Rum lovers get creative and often mix drinks, choosing proportions that are not always justified and often unexpected. They leave in English, without saying goodbye, if they manage to stop in time.

Ladies who know nothing about alcoholic beverages like to indulge in gin and tonic. That's why they underestimate this explosive mixture, from which you can get drunk very quickly. As a result, they suffer from headaches in the morning and try to remember last night. And that's the best case scenario. After all, you can wake up in someone else’s bed...

Red wine is an ideal drink for passionate and gambling women. Behind the image of a prude lies the fire of sexual and erotic fantasies, seasoned with sensual emotionality.

Women who know their worth choose white wine. They are slightly cold, cautious and calculating. To shake them up, it will take a fair amount of time and alcohol, but even in a state of intoxication, white wine lovers do not make rash decisions.

Young ladies who don't drink much love liquor. These are inexperienced natures who do not take the initiative. But they have impatient expectations in their souls. They get drunk very quickly and often with dire consequences. And the next morning they promise themselves that they will never touch liquor again.

Good housewives and workmates are beer fans. Women, without any special pretensions, will, if necessary, share dinner with a man they know and agree to have children with him.

Strong-willed and decisive ladies choose vodka. They prefer specificity and clarity in all situations. Their life principle: said and done. They are distinguished by good health and nerves of steel. They usually have a good appetite, because they need a good snack to go with vodka. They remain sober for a long time and openly communicate their desires to others.

It turns out that you can learn about a woman’s character through the alcoholic drinks she prefers.

I’ll say right away that I have nothing to do with these conclusions, but perhaps men reading my Diary will take note of them.


It is drunk by women with a strong character, strong and strong-willed. They do not hide their desires and get drunk very slowly.


A drink for women of “Balzac” age who need warmth, care and affection. Pay more attention to her, try to understand her soul and she will love you forever. She gets drunk quickly, but at the same time remains a damn attractive person.


It is preferred by coquettes and laughers. Such women are not averse to marrying a man who is much older than them. They sometimes cheat on their husbands and get drunk almost instantly.


Whiskey is drunk by self-confident women, as they say, without complexes. After drinking, they can show extravagance and be unpredictable. They get drunk quickly, and the next morning they don’t like to remember what happened yesterday, and they can do a lot of things.


For extravagant, “explosive” young ladies. They can be violent and dangerous at the moment of extreme intoxication, although after several servings of alcohol they instantly “pass out.”


The favorite drink of women who love experiments in everything. They sober up before they get drunk, and often disappear in English. In a word, complete unpredictability that you won’t get bored with!

Gin and tonic.

Women who prefer this drink love to “put on a smart face” and talk about things they have no idea about. They get drunk quickly, and the next morning they can’t remember what happened to them, interesting or not.

Red wine.

It is preferred by emotional and passionate people. On the surface, a woman may be restrained, but inside there are hurricanes raging. They get drunk slowly, but with sense, taste, and arrangement. In a state of slight intoxication they are inimitably beautiful...

White wine.

Discreet, self-aware, cold and calculating socialites drink. They always remain sober and extremely careful in their actions. These ladies are excellent conversationalists, but they frighten off the stronger sex with their outward coldness, which sometimes hides a hot temperament.


Sweet drinks are for “sweet” women who prefer to lead a home lifestyle. They cook and run the house well. They love expensive gifts and are as affectionate as cats.


Great for female “no pretensions” friends. They are “great guys”, “on the board.” It’s good to consult with them and be friends. They are irreplaceable workmates. As they say - it’s not scary to go on reconnaissance, your rear will be provided......

(According to the site:

Is it all true or fiction - I don’t know! What I “bought” for is what I “sold” for. :-)

Dear women, what alcoholic drinks did you prefer before you came to this site? And do you believe in the relationship between female character and alcoholic beverages?

And I can suggest that men try to draw up the correct portrait of their chosen one, as they say: “Forewarned is forearmed” :-) (Joke)

Happy upcoming holiday, dear women, and may nothing disturb you these days!

And this article will only make you smile :-) I wish you all the best, sobriety and health!

Incredible facts

Want to know more about your new friend? Or maybe you are curious to discover new features of your soul mate or look deep into yourself?

Then remember what alcoholic drinks you prefer and see the result!

Favorite alcohol

Champagne is responsible for the celebration of life

Sparkling wines symbolize celebration and luxury, long-awaited victories and great beginnings, which is why they are usually drunk on special occasions. However, if you agree with Winston Churchill and think that there is no need to look for an excuse to drink champagne, then this says something about you. By the way, Churchill liked to drink champagne at breakfast.

Woman - champagne– this is a real laugh and flirt, but do not confuse it with frivolity and carelessness. On the contrary, such women are quite calculating and cold-blooded, and often choose men much older than themselves and higher in status.

Man - champagne- This is a real extrovert who loves to be in the center of attention. It is often said about such men that they are the life of the party. Their cheerfulness is perfectly combined with assertiveness and courage, which is why they achieve significant heights in life.

I love wine

Wine will tell you that trusting first impressions is not always right.

Hedonists and aesthetes love wine. Most likely, the ancient Romans knew about this, which is why they forbade their wives to drink wine. Until 195 BC, a man had the legal right to kill his wife if she suddenly dared to taste the nectar of the gods. After this, the laws were relaxed somewhat, and the death penalty was replaced by divorce. Fortunately, these prejudices are a thing of the past.

Woman is wine- This is a very sophisticated personality. Red wine is preferred by passionate women who like to enjoy every moment in life. White wine lovers are real ladies: they know their worth, are reasonable, restrained and practically do not get drunk. In most cases, both the first and second are quite ambitious by nature and understand perfectly well how to achieve their goals.

Man is wine is a true gentleman with a broad outlook, impeccable manners and a ton of charm. However, it often happens that this is all a mask, and instead of a noble knight, when you get to know him better, you get a self-confident egoist.

Alcohol and character

Vodka is a simple calculation and romance

Vodka is the most Russian drink. The Poles did not accept this fact for a very long time, attributing the laurels of its creation to themselves. The case even went to court. The litigation dragged on for five years, from 1977 to 1982. As a result, the international arbitration court still appropriated the “parenthood” of Rus'.

But what does the fact that he loves this strong alcoholic drink say about a person’s character?

Woman - vodka is a representative of the fair sex with an iron will and strong character. At any moment she knows perfectly well what she needs and how to get there. She acts as straight as she speaks. However, do not think that you have encountered a snow queen, everything is quite the opposite: such women are very kind, cheerful and have a great sense of humor.

Man - vodka loves to make an impression, he is quite suspicious. It is this type of men who often do various crazy things, sing serenades under the windows at night, buy armfuls of flowers. But remember that such a romantic has another side: he goes out as quickly as he lights up.

Whiskey is the opposite of vodka

Since its inception, whiskey was considered a medicine, not a recreational drink, so even during Prohibition in the United States there was no ban on it. But at that time it was allowed to be used exclusively for medical purposes.

And in fact, whiskey contains ellagic acid, which is believed to be able to suppress the growth of cancer cells, protect against the development of cardiovascular diseases, and is also a strong antioxidant. But who likes this alcohol?

Woman - whiskey prone to rash actions and overly self-confident. Such ladies do not like to remember in the morning what they did the night before. Such women are very proud, emotional, but easygoing.

Man - whiskey a real colonel: he is brave, restrained, reasonable, and knows how to set priorities correctly. It is for these reasons that he quickly achieves his goals and reaches career heights. These men, among other things, are incredibly generous, so the opposite sex is drawn to them like a magnet.

Cognac and character

Warm and noble cognac

Of all strong drinks, cognac is the most refined, because it needs to be enjoyed, it needs to be savored. A good cognac connoisseur, the same Churchill, said that good cognac can be compared to a woman. There is no need to take it by storm, first it is better to warm it in your hands, tenderize it and only then bring it to your lips.

But what can you tell about the character of a person who prefers cognac?

Woman - cognac- This is the most faithful wife and skillful keeper of the home. She always cooks deliciously, knows how to make the house cozy, she needs warmth and tenderness. She will love her husband all her life, devotedly and selflessly, she will be his best friend and most reliable support.

Man - cognac is a real aristocrat who has a kind heart and at the same time a steely character. In any situation and at any moment he will be responsible for his actions, he is decisive. They say about such men: “strict, but fair.”

The drink of forever young - beer

As American President Benjamin Franklin said on the $100 bill, beer is proof that God loves people and wants them to be happy. This foamy drink, which is very invigorating, is mostly loved by those who love life.


This fizzy drink is preferred by coquettes and gigglers. Women who choose champagne are playful and frivolous and would not mind having a lot of fun today. It is not surprising that this drink is a regular at all-female parties. It makes you drunk quickly, which means that if a woman drinks champagne with you, then she trusts you.

This strong alcoholic drink is drunk by strong, strong-willed women with a strong character. They do not hide their desires and get drunk very slowly. Often the desire to drink vodka is caused by overload in women. Perhaps she is very tired at work or has experienced severe psychological stress lately. It’s better not to overdo it with vodka, but choose relaxation, peace and male care as a method of calming down.

This is a drink for women who need warmth, care and affection. Pay more attention to her, try to understand why she wants to drink? Cognac is not a drink that makes you quickly drunk; it is chosen by balanced, self-confident people.

Women drink whiskey without any complexes. After all, everyone knows perfectly well that intoxication comes quite quickly from whiskey. If a woman goes for it, she is ready for any turn of events. Those who lack thrills and new impressions in life tend to drink whiskey. After drinking, women, like men, can show extravagance and be unpredictable.

A drink for extravagant young ladies. Drinking tequila means having good taste, many believe and choose fashionable cocktails with tequila. If there is enough too much, a woman’s behavior can become completely uncontrollable, especially if she is not used to dealing with her emotions. Therefore, it is better to stop the lover of the insidious taste of this drink in time.

A simple and understandable drink that doesn’t make you particularly drunk. It is chosen by cautious young ladies who want to control themselves and everything that happens around them. Of course, you can drink a lot of rum-cola, but usually they drink it just for show, trying not to stand out in a company where everyone drinks alcohol.

Gin and tonic
A drink for intellectuals, people who love to speculate. After drinking gin and tonic, a woman can start talking a lot and on different topics. This is a sign that she needs to talk it out, that she has few moments in her life when she can just be herself. Be an attentive listener and you will win the heart of a gin lover.

Red wine

Wine is preferred by emotional, passionate people. On the surface, a woman may be reserved, but inside she is a hurricane. Wine is chosen by women who know a lot about food and drink and have a taste for life in general. With such a drink the evening will be successful in any case.

Household women who love sweets are very big connoisseurs of liqueurs. The desire to feel a sweet taste conveys a woman's desire to receive pleasure, because, as surprising as it may sound, liqueur is a very romantic drink.

A woman chooses beer to be closer to a man, to male company. There are, of course, people who simply love the taste of this drink with various snacks, but the psychological point is undeniable - beer is still a man’s drink. Such a woman is a good friend, even if it is your wife. Beer is good because it does not make you drunk for a long time, and it is also not capable of causing as much harm to the female body as other alcoholic drinks on this list. Smart women choose beer.

This is a fairly small list of alcoholic drinks, but it will help you understand the motives of a woman who chooses this or that alcohol. Psychology does not sleep, the choice of alcohol is a wonderful indicator of the state of a beautiful lady at the moment.

It’s worth thinking about what happens in the lives of women who try to escape reality with the help of alcohol. Sometimes it’s just pampering, and sometimes it’s a way to show your loved one that she needs care, support and understanding.

Remember to have a sense of proportion and drink alcohol wisely. As one famous song says: “Don’t drink wine, Gertrude, drunkenness does not make ladies look good.” You can feel the rich taste of the drink even if you drink a little of it, but psychological problems, unfortunately, cannot be solved with the help of alcohol.

Tell all your friends about the connection between alcohol and the emotional state of women! This information gives food for thought.

Woman character may change depending on her mood. After all, we all know very well that the fair sex is under the power of emotions. Of course, alcoholic drinks won't tell you too much. In order to get to know a person well, you need to spend a lot of time with him, communicate for a long time, and face various difficult situations with him. But it is quite possible to recognize basic information, including the lady’s emotional state. And don’t think that this article is just fiction.

Woman character very complex and multifaceted. While on a date with her, pay attention to what drink the girl chooses to determine what mood she is in and how best to behave with her. This knowledge will allow you to understand how best to behave and what to do in the company of a lady. And most likely, it will help you develop your relationship in the right direction. So, here are the main drinks that women prefer:


Sparkling sparkling wine is loved by girls who are flirty and funny by nature. Most likely, your companion is frivolous and playful. Of course, you will have a great time with such a woman and she will give you a lot of positive emotions. But you can’t count on a serious relationship. Champagne is sometimes called a woman's drink. After all, it is precisely this that is often present at ladies’ parties; it gives light fun.


Strong, drunken vodka is the chosen one of strong-character women with strong willpower. Such ladies have an iron character, they are often masculine. In addition, such a woman may have a difficult life, hard work, and problems with her family. And the desire to drink vodka may be caused by the need to unwind, relax and forget. Girls drink vodka after psychological trauma, stress, or strain. Such women need a man nearby, strong, serious. And then they will stop pouring vodka on their grief.


Cognac is chosen by women who, by their nature, need a man's embrace. They vitally need affection, care, and the warmth of loving hands. If your companion chooses cognac, most likely she is a calm and fairly balanced woman. She is confident in herself, but still she needs a protector for whom she will be the center of the universe.


Whiskey quickly intoxicates and therefore we can say with confidence that this drink is chosen by those ladies who have no complexes. Such a woman needs thrills, new adventures and entertainment. A girl who drinks whiskey is capable of pulling any trick, so be mentally prepared for this. But in addition, in this way the lady shows the man that she, in principle, is ready for anything.


Tequila is a drink of women of extraordinary character. Such a representative of the fair sex has taste, she is elegant and attractive. The girl does not necessarily choose tequila in its pure form; it can be various cocktails. But too much tequila can lead to an unexpected outcome. So try to stop your date before she drinks too much and starts playing tricks.


This drink tastes quite good and is very simple. It doesn’t give you too much headache, and you can drink it little by little over a long period of time. A woman who chooses rum-cola is careful. She will not allow herself too much and will keep everything under control. You shouldn’t count on an intimate continuation of the evening with her. But if you can conquer her, a serious relationship will be incredibly successful.

Gin and tonic

Gin and tonic is not exactly a woman's drink. It is often preferred by men during an intellectual conversation. But if a representative of the fair sex preferred gin, this means that a lot is happening in her life, and she definitely needs to talk it out. If you listen carefully to such a girl, you will definitely win her heart.

Red wine

Women who are passionate by nature love wine. And even if your date seems sweet and modest, her choice of alcohol says that she is a hurricane girl. She knows a lot about both drinks and life itself. Most likely, spending an evening with such a lady will give you a lot of positive emotions. Character of a woman.


Liqueur is a truly feminine drink. It tastes sweet and pleasant. The liqueur is chosen by girls with a romantic character. They love the taste of this drink, because it gives an incredible sensation. Liquor suggests that a woman loves pleasure and strives for it.


Beer is chosen by the woman who wants to gain the trust of a man and become part of his campaign. Of course, there are girls who themselves love beer with a good snack - but this is a rare rarity, because it is a man’s drink. Such a woman is capable of a serious relationship, but she can also become just a good friend. As a wife, she will completely suit you, because she will be able to support and understand any situation. The woman who chooses the beer is incredibly smart.

Of course, this is not a complete list of alcoholic drinks that your companion can choose. But even he will help you understand what kind of woman is in front of you. This is just psychology, which is expressed in the choice of a girl. Even if you can’t exactly determine a permanent character, today’s mood definitely is. Try to understand what makes a woman drink. Do you want to have fun, or escape from real problems? Some girls need alcohol to show that I’m ready to relax, while others need peace and a real man next to me.

The character of a woman, of course, can be determined with the help of alcohol.. But remember that everything is good but in moderation. Especially if it concerns a representative of the fair sex. If your companion abuses cocktails and drinks, think about whether you want to continue the relationship with such a girl. After all, if you want a serious relationship, this means that your woman must give birth to a child, and a healthy one. And it’s better not to get carried away yourself, because in this case the lady may decide that you have a problem with alcohol.

About the character of women: