
How to use affirmations effectively. Affirmations: rules for compilation and use Apply affirmations



Affirmations are a collection of feelings, thoughts, emotions, and words that we use throughout our lives. These are our beliefs and statements. The more they are worn, the better the person’s life is.

These substances only have an impact on a person’s personal life. With their help, it is impossible to influence others. By formulating thoughts into short, succinct statements, a person replaces unproductive thoughts about life with clear positive attitudes that help to become happy and achieve significant success in all endeavors.

To understand in more detail the impact of affirmations on a person’s life, read Louise Hay’s book “Affirmations.” She has personally proven the positive impact of her technique. She is already 88 years old, she is absolutely a woman who cured herself of a malignant tumor with the help of a recovery mindset, proper nutrition, visualization, etc.

How Affirmations Work

The first thing to remember is not to confuse the concepts of “affirmation” and “visualization.” In the second case, a person studies a subject or problem in detail, drawing a detailed picture for himself. In the case of affirmation, everything is completely opposite - you must fit all the complexity and variety of factors into a short, understandable and succinct phrase.

“I” is the first letter in personal life.

The wording of each affirmation should begin in the first person - “I”, “me”, “mine”, etc.

There is only one time - the present.

When creating an affirmation for yourself, remember that it should only exist in the present tense. Even if this is not yet an accomplished fact, formulate it as a given. That is:

“I will become successful!” — incorrect self-coding;
“I am successful!” - the correct version of the affirmation.

With your mind.

Do not use other people's thoughts, mistakes and statements. Your affirmation should be a thoughtful and clearly structured statement that is only yours. If you do decide to use other people's ideas, reformulate them in your own way.

Affirmations only cause a desire for new achievements and give a charge of vigor.

Formulas without negations.

For self-coding, you cannot use words that have a negative meaning:

“No way,” etc.

If you claim that you cannot have troubles, then the phrase is better formulated as follows: “I am a problem-free person.”

Think about how many times a day you say negative thoughts out loud. You express them with the phrases “Everything is lost!”, “I’m shocked!”, “Nightmare!” etc. Discard them immediately! Even if the desire to emphasize the current situation with these words is irresistible, replace them with an expression of delight - “Hurray!” Can't say it out loud? Talk to yourself. The main thing is to replace the negative with the positive.

Errors in writing affirmations

Affirmations only work if a person uses them systematically. It is necessary to list the mistakes that practitioners make:

Composing phrases.

Incorrect wording of coding phrases.

Changing the world.

A person who uses the method of affirmations must remember that by changing his worldview and attitude towards the surrounding reality, he changes the world around him. Verbal encodings change us and our worldview, but do not affect the people around us. Until people believe in the self-coding technique, they will not change their lives with it.

Therefore, an affirmation that names a specific person who should do something for you does not work:

“The director appreciates me, and the employees respect me” is not correct;
“I am a respected person in the office!” is the correct option.

Regular practice.

The mistake of those who are carried away by the idea of ​​affirmation is the irregularity and unsystematic nature of classes. It takes a long time for the settings to take effect. To correctly distribute your efforts and calculate the time until the first results, use five rules:

To achieve success in the shortest possible time, do something for it every day. Constant (systematic) efforts will give quick positive results;
Approach your goal in small steps. That is, from a simple step to a more complex one;
Determine the end goal, develop an action plan, and define specific deadlines for each stage;
Don't expect instant results, be patient;
Don’t get distracted by little things, act purposefully and carefully think about each upcoming stage.

In addition, you must have complete information about the goal you are striving for

You will achieve the first positive results by the end of the third month after starting classes.

Limited number of phrases.

In an effort to get everything at once, people create many phrases for themselves at once, which they then get confused about. Therefore, ten affirmations to start with is quite enough! Subsequently, add new ones, but start small.


If you feel that the phrases you have constructed do not evoke a positive response in your soul, think about the reasons. There are only two of them:

You strive to get something that contradicts your beliefs and views;
You still don’t believe in the success of your event.

In both cases, you need to rethink and, looking at it from a different angle, and formulate the affirmation in words that will evoke a living response in your heart. Dissatisfaction and misunderstanding of the results of your efforts will give the opposite of the desired result. When you hear the word form that you have chosen as your assistant, you should feel joy and inspiration.


Over time, a person gets used to everything. But affirmations do not tolerate disdain. It is necessary to pronounce phrases only with the full effect of presence and attention. Each time you say the key words, feel them with the same intensity as the first time.


You can correctly formulate a goal and strive for it with all your heart, but you are increasingly moving away from the result. What causes this? The answer is to set yourself a global goal, along the way to which you will take many small concrete steps. These steps are the platform for further advancement. Specify intermediate stages, draw up a plan of actions and tasks that you will solve for further progress.

Unrealistic goals.

The goals that you set for yourself, and to achieve which you create affirmations, must be absolutely realistic and achievable. The likelihood of this happening must be high.

To better understand what we are talking about, here is an example:

“I find a bag of gold bars!”

The dream is illusory, it is unlikely to come true, but it’s worth a try. If you phrase this phrase differently, the possibility is not excluded:

“There was a gang fight, as a result of which they lost a bag of gold bars, and I find it!”

The example is more likely from the realm of science fiction, but it is easier to learn to build a chain of thoughts, plans and actions using it.

To increase the likelihood that an event will occur, you need to do the following:

The scenario of the event must be formed in your head in the smallest detail. You don't see any other option;
Immerse yourself in the topic of the script headlong or penetrate into the structure where you want to penetrate;
Know about (at least) where the upcoming gang war is planned;
Being in the right place at the right time;
Know escape routes;
Wait until the conflict begins, or better yet, “inflate it” yourself;
Know which car contains the bag of gold and pick it up on time;

This is a utopian, and at the same time, simple affirmation that began with and ended with complete success.

How to write an affirmation correctly

Now we can give examples of correct composition of affirmations:

Write it down and remember it.

Formulate and make a list of affirmations. Next, rewrite it on three media:

Electronic. Retype the list of affirmations and save it in any electronic text editor;
Get a special notebook and copy the entire list by hand. When you reproduce thoughts on paper with your own hand, you understand more fully the meaning of what is written;
It is better to make a video recording, but if this is not possible, record the affirmations on the voice recorder of your own phone.

Time for yourself.

Set aside time every day to read out loud all the word forms you use to achieve your goal.

Run affirmations twice a day, following these rules:

This method is considered effective because while listening to the audio recording, you fall asleep. The human brain is designed in such a way that it records the last information it receives before going to bed.

One more chance.

While traveling to and from work, during your lunch break, or at any convenient time during the day, listen to an audio recording with a list of settings. It’s better if your favorite slow melody plays at the same time.

Reverse side of the notepad.

On the back of the notebook in which you wrote the affirmations, write down your own achievements. Whether they are big, small or completely insignificant, it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that they exist and you have achieved them.


As was said earlier, for, you need to take action, and not just assert. Remember the Eastern folk wisdom, which says that you can endlessly repeat the word “halva”, it will not make your mouth any sweeter.

Increasing return on practice

To intensify the process and increase the impact of practice, follow these rules:

Affirmations work well with visualizations;
Take an oath from yourself not to "give up" and not to despair. Write down the commitment on paper and stick it in a visible place in the house (for example, on a mirror or on the refrigerator door);
Before using the technique, think in detail whether you can accomplish what you have planned, whether you have enough patience and willpower for this.

Learn to see the positive traits in all manifestations of life. Radiating positive, striving to bring people joy, compassion and empathy, you will beautify your life and the lives of those around you.

The last tip is probably the most important. Before you follow the points of the methodology, free yourself from the negative. Mentally ask for forgiveness from yourself, your body and all those whom you voluntarily or involuntarily offended in this life. From now on, now you will begin to think only about the good, and live in anticipation of daily joys.

22 March 2014, 12:06

Positive affirmations are phrases that we tell ourselves to achieve the desired results. They give us the ability to see opportunities and become better people. Thoughts pass through our attention by the thousands in a single day, and they are often of a negative nature. By making the repetition of affirmations a daily practice, we gain a powerful tool to strengthen our inner foundation and move towards happiness!

Affirmations aimed at changing oneself (“I want to change”) are said in front of the mirror, looking deeply into one’s eyes or examining one’s face. This is a very powerful remedy! And to strengthen it even more, you can touch your throat with your hand, thus stimulating the center of change located on the throat.

Affirmations are repeated 10 times, but several such approaches can be done daily and you should work in this way until all resistance to change or any hesitation disappears.

Forgiving those around you and, in general, everyone with whom you have grievances is the most important action that opens the way to further transformations!

However, when you forgive others, you should also forgive yourself - don’t forget about it!

The affirmation for self-approval (“I approve of myself”) is said 300-400 times a day, turning it into a kind of prayer. This affirmation brings to the surface many destructive forces, which soon after the start of classes manifest themselves in the form of irritation and self-criticism (“What’s there to approve of, I’m fat (stupid, lazy, unlucky, sick, old, etc.). And why Is this whole stupid idea anyway?”).

Gradually, this affirmation leads to liberation from dependence on the opinions of other people about you and to the understanding that your shortcomings are just your personality and they are no worse than other people's virtues.
In principle, multi-colored affirmation posters, with the help of which we declare our desire to the universe, can be used not only at the initial stage, but also in the future, only in this case they should be dedicated to some enduring values. Such posters are best placed taking into account the principles of the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui. At the same time, affirmations aimed at material and spiritual wealth should be placed in the southeast, and those that relate to our material dreams and projects are best placed in the west. Affirmations about love, family and marriage made by a woman in relation to a man should be placed in the northwest, affirmations on the same topic made by a man in relation to a woman are best placed in the southwest, and affirmations regarding self-esteem are best placed in south, into the glory zone.

Different people use affirmations in different ways - some read them aloud, others silently, some do it in the morning or even at dawn, others at any time when there is an opportunity, using every free minute when thoughts are not occupied with various kinds of problems or are within non-intellectual activities (while waiting for a tram, washing dishes, resting). I would add one limitation to this wide range of possibilities - affirmations are best done during the day, or at least during daylight hours.

If we proceed from the mantric essence of affirmations, then their reading should be started aloud, then repeated a little audibly and, finally, pronounced silently in the depths of oneself.

Since there is no consensus on how many times and how affirmations should be said, I will simply tell you how I do it myself.

The number of destructive instructions identified when working with the subconscious on any problem determines the number of affirmations that will be required to block it. Usually these are 30-50 affirmations, that is, one page of text.

Initially, all the affirmations are read in a row, as if outlining a circle of work, and this is done once. After this, reading the list begins again, but now each affirmation is read three times, bending the fingers with each reading. This simplest method of counting turns out to be very convenient, considering that a few minutes after you start reading, your consciousness becomes slightly cloudy and it becomes difficult to determine whether you have read a particular phrase and how many times.

Such cycles of three-fold reading are repeated three times, so that each affirmation is said 10 times.

Depending on the capabilities, such sessions of working with affirmations are held two to three times a day, which gives a daily volume of about 1000 affirmations.

As the resistance of consciousness when reading affirmations falls, the volume of their pronunciation decreases, and at the moment when the spoken words and thoughts merge, a transition occurs to the pronunciation of affirmations with an inner voice. At the same time, a feeling is born that the affirmations seem to settle inside the head.

An affirmation is considered completed if there are no longer any noticeable sensations when reading it. The worked out affirmation is skipped, and the package of affirmations is considered worked out when all of its affirmations have been worked out.

If your emotional strength allows, you can work with several packages of affirmations simultaneously.

Unlike the process of reprogramming the subconscious, the presence of strangers when reading affirmations does not affect the result, unless you yourself feel discomfort from it.

To enhance the impact of affirmations, you can read them with expression, imagining as clearly as possible what you are talking about, up to complete sympathy (identification with another subject).

To further enhance the impact of affirmations, you can smoothly change the volume from the strongest to a fading whisper and again to maximum volume and do this cyclically for some time.

Changing the pitch of the tone further enhances the influence of affirmations. At the same time, the tone smoothly drops to the lowest you are capable of, and often this tone is even lower than the bass, because the voice sounds right in the throat. And then the tone gradually rises to the very top, almost to a squeak. Naturally, at the boundaries of the range the sound volume drops, but this is no longer significant.

When working with affirmations, you can prepare a glass of water in advance and drink it after finishing the work. If affirmations are pronounced at a good emotional level (17-18 points), then you may notice that the taste of the water has changed somewhat.

1. Get rid of the feeling that this is funny. When doing something for the first time, or something we are unfamiliar with, we may feel like it is funny. Get rid of it. You don't laugh when you say something bad about yourself, but when you praise yourself, you feel awkward. Just do it and don't worry if you feel weird. The time will come when you will feel less and less uncomfortable.

2. Begin your statement with the word “I.” The more you personalize what you say, the more it will be directed at you.

3. Your affirmations should speak in the present tense, as if what you are talking about already exists in reality. A statement that speaks in the present tense receives more energy. Try to avoid words: maybe, will or should.

4. Keep your sentence short and simple. Let your statement be meaningful to you. If your affirmations are large, we may find them too difficult to repeat on a regular basis. Large statements work well during mediation.

5. Practice. Teaching your inner voice to speak well takes practice. It's like developing muscles. Practice and your affirmations will become stronger.

6. Clear vision. See clearly that what you declare is real in your life. Associate yourself with the positive statement so that it becomes a part of you.

7. Write it down. Writing down affirmations will help your mind remember the new statement.

8. Repeat them often. Repetition makes learning easier. The more often you say positive statements, the more they become a part of you.

9. Make it fun. Enjoy repeating affirmations. Smile and maintain a feeling of lightness.

10. Remember to be gentle. The more you praise and cherish yourself, the more you enjoy life. Have patience and love.

How to make affirmations?

Make them personal
Keep them short
Write them in the present tense
Use familiar words that “touch” you
Be precise and careful in your wording
Add the words “easy”, “comfortable”, “most convenient”
Don't use negative, use constructive words

How to work with affirmations?

Place them everywhere you look often - in the house, in the car, at work.
Record each 10 to 20 times
Repeat them out loud as many times a day as possible. Speak confidently, with feeling and enthusiasm.
Record them on a voice recorder and listen at any convenient time.
If the words or tone in which they are pronounced seem inappropriate to you, you do not feel them, repeat with changes until you like it.
If your inner voice says “NO” when you say affirmations, ask yourself: “What do I really believe about this?”

Affirmations are the affirmation and perception of something as true. That is, everything that a person says with confidence and conviction that he is right is an affirmation.

And if a person says that this country will not allow it to develop as it would like, or that the world is filled with fools, then so be it, he will be surrounded by complete prohibitions and fools. Even if he uses affirmations for success and good luck and prosperity every day, but does not believe in it, he is unlikely to achieve anything.

Our thoughts are the strongest magnet that attracts good luck to some people, while bringing down a lot of misfortunes and troubles on others.

It is not so easy to lead magically, but those who master such energy can fulfill even, at first glance, an impossible wish. And affirmations for every day will be a good help for managing thoughts.

Each of us has our own beliefs that have been formed over the years and experience. Everyday affirmations help replace beliefs that prevent you from achieving success in anything. Consciously composed desires, repeated out loud or to yourself, will not keep you waiting, it is only important to compose them correctly.

How affirmations work

When we watch or read about completely impossible things that happened to ordinary people, it seems that life resembles a fairy tale. Someone became a millionaire, and just recently could not make ends meet, someone, contrary to the doctors’ prophecy of lifelong disability, recovers and becomes a full-fledged member of society, someone, being a “gray mouse,” marries successfully and lives happily to the envy of their more beautiful girlfriends.

Do you think it's fate or miracles. No! This is just the power of thoughts, or as they say now, the power of positive affirmation. And each of us can become the hero of a fairy tale.

What should affirmations be?

When composing affirmations, you must remember to avoid negative phrases in them, such as “not, never, stopped, quit, etc.” Instead of the words “I quit smoking,” it is better to use the words “I am leading.” All thoughts should be spoken in the present tense. Our unconscious does not understand times, and it will not accept the words “I will, I will receive, I will earn.” Right now you become a confident person, not tomorrow or later.

For women who say that they will become slimmer and younger, the subconscious mind first perceives their current state, that is, at the moment, they are thin and middle-aged. So all thoughts will stall in anticipation of the future.

For self-confidence, you should not say that tomorrow after a haircut you will be even more confident in yourself, that is, today there is no confidence. You already feel strong and confident, and a haircut will only highlight your lovely facial features; today it’s easy for you to speak in front of an audience, and so on.

Strong emotions are caused only by specific attitudes that are compiled accompanied by positive thinking, and especially when your thoughts are spoken out with some amplification, you will be able to make sure that they really work. For example, instead of saying “I bought myself a new fur coat,” you say “I bought myself a long mink coat with a hood.” Where do you think the more emotional statement is?

When you add images with inspiring words to your desires, the power of the affirmation doubles, since the words “amazing, easy, joyful” cause emotional satisfaction.

Proper Use

Affirmations can be used in two ways:

  1. You can pronounce them or write them down yourself;
  2. You can also listen to affirmations that have already been compiled by someone.

When pronouncing thoughts on your own, it is important to monitor your internal state, since your state may indicate a completely different direction of your thoughts. For example, when pronouncing affirmations for success, a certain protest appears inside you, which in an inner voice says that what you said is not true.

Let's look at a specific example: you are trying to convince yourself that you earn 5 thousand dollars a month, but your inner voice says that they have nowhere to come from. You insist that you are smart, slim and beautiful, but a quiet inner whisper says that you are a stupid and ugly fatty.

The rule for following the flow of thoughts

For your affirmations to be effective, you need to track your internal thought currents, that is, those thoughts that arise as a background screensaver after your affirmation for success or something else.

Otherwise, affirmations for every day in tandem with internal protest will not only not bring any benefit, but can cause harm.

Agree, obese women, standing in front of the mirror, will say that they are slim. Naturally, an inner voice will say that this is not true. In this case, you need to come up with more realistic affirmations for women, for example, that they are becoming slimmer every day, and all useful elements are absorbed by the body, and harmful ones do not linger in it.

How thoughts are perceived by the subconscious

Affirmations for women, as well as for men, should not go completely against today’s beliefs. Let the affirmations for women be close to what you would like, but slightly modified.

Someone might ask, why then have affirmations for every day that do not contradict the facts? You need to be able to separate facts and mental beliefs. For example, if a person is obese, then this is a fact. And the fact that women become fatter with age, as their metabolism changes, and it is impossible to be as slim as before is a belief, but not a fact. And there are many examples of this.

This is a mental map that you can work with. Each tracked thought needs to be worked out. Ask yourself where you might have heard this, who said it, is it true for all people, are there any examples of the other side. That is, facts that may be only one of the options for your view of the world or your subjective opinion can be refuted.

How to properly rebuild your beliefs

For women who have discovered mental views in themselves, actions are necessary in which they must seek out and build new beliefs from examples that prove the opposite.

At the same time, you need to look for confirmation that your body is able to determine the elements that are necessary or harmful to it. Over time, women will change their understanding of what her body is, how it works, how smart it is, and that it can be trusted.

Automatic repetition of affirmations for women, but, at the same time, the absence of changes in their worldview, regarding a specific example, simply will not have an effect, since they will constantly come across old beliefs.

Such affirmations for women as “I am the smartest, the most beautiful” and others will come to the same outcome. The subconscious will not agree with such an attitude, since you cannot be “the best” only because the subconscious will resist the idea that there is no one better in the world.

Images and sensations

You need to be extremely careful when constructing affirmations for women. If we assume that you consider yourself not a very smart person, then the words “I’m very smart” should not be said. It is enough to say a phrase that you are smart enough to be happy. This option will be much easier for you to believe.

Make sure your daily affirmations are accompanied by positive images and feelings. If you just mumble for show, then such efforts will not be successful, even if you recite affirmations for every day three times a day.

The unconscious does not speak in words, it can only understand feelings that give significance and emotional connotation to information, and images that communicate about the information itself.

Why do many people ask that our unconscious understands bad thoughts instantly? Because negative thoughts are accompanied by strong emotions, which the unconscious picks up immediately.

Prohibition of negative images

When creating affirmations for success or affirmations for self-confidence, you should not use negative images. For example, you recite affirmations for self-confidence in this way: “I am not afraid to speak in front of an audience.” The unconscious sees your frightened appearance, nothing more. Here you need to use affirmative affirmations for self-confidence: “I speak boldly in front of an audience.”

Errors allowed

When drawing up affirmations, many people make serious mistakes and do not get any effect from them:

  • For example, a word such as “can” is not perceived by the subconscious. It is already confident in your abilities, and nothing will force it to act, since you do not take any responsibility with this word.
  • Working with affirmations should be regular, and occasionally spoken thoughts are forgotten by your subconscious. Today you will wake up and express your desires, and tomorrow you will already be preoccupied with other pressing thoughts; naturally, your subconscious will work only with those thoughts that overcome you.
  • The use of the word “I will” does not refer to the present tense, that is, the subconscious is sure that you do not now have what you dream of.
  • Repeating different affirmations weakens their power. Try to focus your thoughts on one thing, and once you achieve this, you can move on to other dreams.
  • And probably the biggest mistake is lack of patience. You need to understand that working with your thoughts requires a lot of effort, because you are trying to break your stereotypes, consolidate new beliefs and achieve the desired result. Is it possible to do such titanic work in a few days?

Translated from Latin, “affirmation” means “affirmation.” The name itself already carries one of the key rules that must be taken into account when composing affirmations. This is an affirmative short phrase. When repeated many times, it reaches the subconscious level. With the help of affirmations, a person improves his psycho-emotional background, which leads to a qualitative change in personality both as such and in life in general.

How to use and pronounce affirmations correctly? All statements must be supported emotionally. Soulless repetition of what you have written or memorized will give you absolutely nothing. You need to believe in what you say. Strengthen every victory and even the smallest success or shift that brings you closer to your goal. You need to choose affirmations only those that are most suitable for you.

It’s even better to come up with them yourself. You cannot use negative statements or wish harm on someone. You should always thank the Universe, even if you didn’t get exactly what you wanted. State your desires clearly. Before creating an affirmation, imagine the result you want to get in as much detail as possible. Phrases that contain the dynamics of development work best.

For example, you have recently become more depressed or you simply want to improve your psycho-emotional state. You can say the following affirmation: I am satisfied with everything as it is, I am satisfied with my life, I like myself as I am - and similar ones. But there is no development in these verbal forms. Which is contrary to the laws of the Universe. This means your energy will not go towards realizing your plans, but towards confrontation with higher powers. It's better to phrase it in a more positive and dynamic way:

  • I am changing for the better;
  • I am satisfied with my successes and develop further;
  • I accept myself as I am and strive to become better and more perfect;
  • I like my life and all the changes taking place in it;
  • I’m doing well and every moment I’m becoming kinder and happier;
  • I accept all events with joy and love.

Do not confuse affirmations with visualization. Do not say them in a negative mood and when you do not believe in their power. If your feelings oppose what you are saying, stop the practice and try to understand the reasons for the protest. Without positive emotional reinforcement, affirmations are not effective or can lead to disastrous results.

All affirmations can be sung, simply spoken out loud and mentally concentrated on them, or written down repeatedly. You can also decorate them beautifully and hang them in a prominent place, on a mirror or wall, or as a screensaver on your phone.

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We often hear words addressed to us. Neutral, good, evil, in general - different. Some might say that words don't have much effect on him. However, it is not. Words have an impact. Not always strong, not always obvious - but they influence. And water, as you know, wears away stones.

And in such a situation, kind words filled with positive emotions will help change the situation for the better. These are the kind words carrying a positive emotional charge, are called affirmations.

It is important to note: the right affirmation is not just words, it is carefully selected words filled with strong positive emotions: joy, enthusiasm, inspiration!

In this article, we will describe how to use affirmations correctly so that they have the most beneficial impact on your life.

Where to begin?

  • Let's describe your wishes on paper.

Write down in detail everything you want in the future. Write in a positive manner, as if already happens the way you want. Based on the current task status. For example, you can’t buy a new car now, but you really want it. On a piece of paper you write: “I am successfully earning money for a new car.”

This is what you should do with every worrying question in life, thinking big and not filling your head with “what if I can’t?” thoughts. or “where will I finally get the money?”

Your inner realignment will begin with affirmations written in the present tense!

  • We form affirmations.

Important! Offers should not contain prefixes and prepositions with " Not“, you only need pure motives and sincere desire, written in a positive way.

  • We monitor the quantity.

It's important not to overdo it. Agree, repeating 50 sentences a day is tiring, time-consuming, and unnecessary. Try to have no more than 3-5 active installations, with a few words in each.

Examples of affirmations to change your life for the better

Depending on your aspirations, formulate short phrases that will best suit your needs. your desires. Add more specifics from your life. The spoken phrase, if it is truly “yours,” should in itself evoke a feeling of joy, enthusiasm, and warmth in the soul. Here are some examples:

  1. The Universe gives me many opportunities to earn any amount of money.
  2. I love learning and I'm good at it!
  3. My body is the best place to live!
  4. I'm happy to earn money for a new car.

The best time for mental attitudes

For affirmations to work, they must be said out loud regularly and as often as possible. Let's look at the key points when it is best to pronounce them:

  • An explosion of positive emotions.

The ideal moment is when you are at the peak of positive emotions. In this state, positive affirmations are literally absorbed into the subconscious.

Have you ever noticed that in the most difficult moments some negative thought can cling, sit in the mind for a long time, and constantly “pop up” in the mind - if so, then you definitely understand the power of the “right” moment.

In order for the attitude to be firmly entrenched in your mind, say it during a surge of positive emotions. What could it be? For example, a concert of your favorite band, a dream come true, a roller coaster, or any other situation that evokes a storm of pleasant emotions.

  • A state of peace, calm.

When the mind is calm, it easily perceives information. A good practice is to repeat affirmations before bed, when you are relaxed or calm after a good meditation.

When are affirmations not effective?

This is not to say that there are situations when affirmations do not work at all. But there are situations when their effect is small, so it is useful to know when and how to use affirmations correctly.

For example, if you feel irritated, tired, empty, try to rest and gain strength.

Sometimes hopes for the future and goals themselves can become a source of vitality and self-confidence. But this technique involves planting positive verbal programs in the subconscious, accompanied by positive emotions.

Therefore, if you feel empty, it would be best to just lie down in silence for a while or do something you love: read a book, listen to good music. If you are determined to work with affirmations, first meditate and only after that pronounce your settings. Meditation is a fairly powerful tool for strengthening personal energy.

Affirmations are an important step towards living a life that matches your desires. But you need to work with them correctly, and then success guaranteed!