
How to entertain children in their free time. What to do with a child in the evening (14 calm games) How to entertain children at a holiday


Why do children spend days on their tablets? Because they are simply bored at home, and their parents do not try to occupy them with something interesting. And in vain, because there are so many cool ideas on how to entertain your baby at home. We'll tell you about the 15 best!

Let's cure all the animals?

Play Doctor Aibolit with your baby. Let the child see if his favorite bear, plastic soldiers and stuffed elephant are healthy. Tell your baby about diseases such as colds, high fevers and conduct a “diagnosis” of toys.

creative necklace

Take a thread, buttons, a ring and other small items that will be suitable for creating an original necklace. If your child is older and loves to play with dolls, show him how to make outfits for his favorite Barbies. And then the baby will be able to try himself as a designer!

Drawing from the future

Let your child draw your family in 10 years. Ask the baby “How do you see dad, mom and yourself in the future?” The kid must draw this on paper.

Unusual Fleet

Fill the children's bathtub (or basin) with water and launch a lot of boats into it. These could be plastic lids, soap dishes, empty cream boxes. Tell the little one that this is his personal fleet and he must organize a sea voyage.

Guess who?

Place a few of your child's toys in the bag. Then ask your baby to close his eyes and guess by touch which toys are hidden in the bag.

Postcards for friends

Ask your child to make some cards for friends and family they miss. Then, by the way, postcards can be sent by mail.

Shadow play

Organize a real shadow theater! The same as in our Soviet childhood. Show your child a wolf cub, a bunny, a snake. He himself must also come up with figures and show them on his fingers.

Cardboard house

Take a cardboard box and arrange it like a house for a doll or pet. Place a toy rug inside, paint the walls, make windows and a door.

Castle of pillows and blankets

Feeder for tits

You can cut out a small house out of cardboard, pour grains into it and hang the feeder on a tree in the yard. And let the child watch how the titmice flock there.


Take three cups and hide a coin under one of them. Rearrange the cups several times and tell your child to guess where exactly the coin is hidden.


Using special children's cosmetics, create an unusual makeup for your daughter. Let the little one draw something on your face too - see who did the best job!

Find the bear

Another game of hide and seek, only in this case the baby needs to look for his favorite toy. Place the teddy bear in a secluded place and let the child guess where it is.

Who knows more fairy tale characters?

Start naming characters from fairy tales that you know (Cinderella, Dwarfs, the wizard). Let the baby do the same. Whoever remembers the most characters wins.

Home concert

Using available materials - plastic cups, sticks, empty boxes, create some new melody. Or “tap” the rhythms of familiar songs - the baby must guess them.

In ancient times, children grew up without toys, educational books, cartoons and activities. The way of life of ancient man was such that absolutely everything was done by hand, and the child was included in the daily affairs of the tribe from birth. Modern life is structured differently: there is no need to hunt mammoths, weave baskets, make tools, or sew clothes. The washing machine is done, dinner is cooked in a slow cooker, we buy clothes and food in the store. That is why modern parents cannot avoid coming up with activities and games for their little ones. In some activities, the presence of an adult is required, and some are needed just so that the adult can find time for his own affairs.

How to entertain a baby

While the baby is small, games and activities with them are very simple. A baby up to a year old can be easily captivated by a bright rattle. This age is most associated with the development of various sensations. The baby is interested in everything: touching, hearing, seeing, licking. It is best to direct your efforts towards getting to know different sensations.

Together with your baby, you can sort through rags of different textures, press the buttons of a musical toy, and look at large pictures in books. Sometimes the mother may leave the child, leaving him with a spinning mat or in a developmental mat, where he can touch and look at a lot of things. However, by the end of the first year of life, the child masters moving in space: either he confidently and very quickly crawls and stands on support, or tries to take his first steps. From this moment on, his interest is increasingly directed towards studying the world around him, and the mother needs to be puzzled by new ideas for activities for the baby.

Spending time with a baby aged 1-2 years

At the age of 1-2 years, the best play partner is the mother. Of course, a child will also be interested in the company of peers, but children develop precisely in the process of joint activities with an adult. What can you do with your child?

  • Blowing soap bubbles. Usually all kids love to watch multi-colored soap bubbles fly and watch the “magic” of water turning into multi-colored iridescent bubbles. They will be interested in where so many bursting balloons come from, and the child will definitely want to try to blow a soap bubble himself. This activity can drag on until the solution in the bottle runs out.
  • Artistic creativity. A one-year-old baby will be happy to paint with finger paints; at 2 years old, a child can already cope with liquid gouache, watercolors, pencils and felt-tip pens. It makes no sense for mom to actively participate in the drawing process: let the child study the properties of paints himself, mix colors and make his own discoveries. In this process, an adult is only required to correctly organize the artist’s “workplace” and slightly direct his actions.

Creative activities for children from 1 year old - finger painting

  • Modeling. Offer your baby play dough or regular soft plasticine. You can show your baby how to roll a ball, a sausage, or how to make a flat cake. You should not demand specific results or teach your child to sculpt specific shapes: children are always interested in studying the properties of the material themselves. The advantage of this activity is the development of motor skills.

Making from play dough

  • Reading books. Children 1-2 years old are not yet able to perceive long prose and grasp the plot thread. No matter how much we love fairy tales, 1-2 years is the age of poems and rhymes. Short poems on topics that are clear and familiar to the child will be just right. In this case, parents do not have to “reinvent the wheel” and give preference to the classics of children's literature. Also, children really love special musical children's books.
  • Role-playing games. At about 1.5 years old, children develop an interest in role-playing games. In such a game, the child imitates an adult, performing the actions that he himself observes every day. The most popular stories for kids are feeding a doll, swaddling it, rolling it in a stroller, putting it to bed. True, many manipulations are still inaccessible to the baby, so it cannot be done without the help of the mother. The older the child, the more “advanced” the plots of his games become.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

  • Active games. Not a single day with your child should go without them. Why don’t you sit at the table all the time with brushes, plasticine and books?! You definitely need to run and jump and warm up. For example, you can entertain your child by playing catch. If a child does not yet know how not only to run, but also to walk confidently, you can roll a ball on the floor or jump on a fitball.

  • We play with toys. It is not enough to fill the entire nursery with different toys. A child can only master them with an adult, so moms and dads definitely need to get involved in such games. For children 1-2 years old, cubes, pyramids, musical instruments, frames with inserts, and construction sets with large parts are ideal.

Toys for a child 1-2 years old

  • Air balloons. Children love to play with balloons. You can draw on the balloon, you can inflate it and let it go without tying it - it will whistle very cheerfully and quickly as it deflates. The child will be surprised and interested in how such a small piece of rubber can be used to make a light and large ball. (From personal experience: a small inflated ball was stuffed under a boy’s T-shirt (like a big tummy). His joyful surprise knew no bounds. For about 10 minutes he ran around with the happy face of the owner of a miracle under his T-shirt! -zanyat-rebyenka-v-1-2-goda.html)

What to do with a child

“Distractive” activities for a baby (1-2 years)

Sometimes a mother needs to keep her baby busy to do planned household chores or just take a little break. It is not safe to leave a child idle and unattended, so it is better to offer him some interesting activity.

  • Paper expanse. Both at 1 and 2 years old, babies show great interest in rustling, tearing or crumpling paper. The safest option is to give your toddler a roll of toilet paper. Perforated paper comes off interestingly, sheet by sheet, and what a pleasure it is to unwind the roll and see what’s in the middle. Newspapers and magazines rustle great, but it is not advisable to give them to your baby: newspapers get very dirty with paint, and sheets of glossy magazines have sharp edges that can easily hurt you.
  • A bag of surprises. We put various items in a textile bag or gift bag and give it to the baby. Children are interested in taking out objects one by one, examining them, and putting them back. By the way, many kids love to rustle with supermarket bags. This is not the best activity for a child: the baby can put the bag on his head, bite off and inhale a piece of cellophane. Such games are possible only under the strict supervision of an adult.
  • Kitchenware. If mom needs to cook dinner, you can take the baby with you to the kitchen. All children like plastic containers, silicone spatulas, pots, spoons and ladles.
  • Pour, pour. A meditative activity such as pouring water from container to container or pouring cereal can captivate a child for a long time. To play, you need a large basin, which we fill with either water or something loose (large pasta, beans) and various jars, boxes, bottles. If a child plays with pasta or cereals, choose an option so that the particles are large.

Games with GREATS for the little ones

  • We include it in household chores. In some situations, you can not try to occupy the child for a while, but do household chores together. For example, give him a damp cloth and show him how to wipe off the dust. At 2 years old, the baby will be able to use a baby floor brush and even wash the dishes. You can put the toddler on a stable stand near the sink, open the water tap, soap the sponge and let him wash the plastic dishes.
  • Interactive toys and cartoons. Of course, it’s even better for a child to watch cartoons with adults, but sometimes a mother needs to concentrate well and not be distracted by the child at all for 15-20 minutes. You should not abuse this method and “turn off” the baby from the daily life of the family, because observing the actions of adults gives much more for development than the most “developmental” cartoon.

It is better to alternate joint and separate activities, but you must give the child the opportunity to get bored, be idle and come up with a game for himself. Constantly introducing ready-made games and activities inhibits the child’s creative development and dulls his cognitive activity.

Let's summarize.

  • Entertainment with an adult:
    • Bubble;
    • Air balloons;
    • Drawing with paints (finger, watercolor, gouache);
    • Modeling with dough or soft plasticine;
    • Books (can be music);
    • Role-playing and active games;
    • Games with toys;
  • Child's independent time:
    • Toilet paper/newspapers/magazines;
    • Rustling packages;
    • Pouring water;
    • Sprinkling of cereals;
    • Doom help: washing dishes/cleaning;
    • Cartoons.
    Note to moms!

    Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of the terrible complexes of fat people. I hope you find the information useful!

"Rain again! You can’t go for a walk!” – the mother of a three-year-old boy exclaims with sadness in her voice, looking out the window.

This woman is not at all a fan of jogging in the fresh air; she is simply now faced with the task of keeping her child occupied at home. Of course, you can put on rubber boots and go to visit or the library, but there are circumstances that do not allow you to go outside - for example, the period of recovery. In this case, parents need to look at the day at home not as a boring confinement within four walls, but as an opportunity to have fun spending time together and try something new.

How to keep your baby busy and free up your time

When choosing entertainment and useful activities, you cannot go overboard and turn into an animator under pressure. The child always feels his mother’s mood. It is best to follow these principles:

  1. Half an hour of “quality” time spent together will free up two hours for mom to do housework. The baby vitally needs these minutes, which his mother devotes only to him, he feels that his mother loves him, gets new ideas for play, and then for some time he is ready to occupy himself on his own, only occasionally running up and sharing his successes.
  2. Each type of activity that parents introduce to the child should include independent play.
  3. Parents should not dictate clear rules for the game; it is better to offer some new materials or ideas for its development, and then disappear for a while on business (for example, if a dad gave his child a soft PVC pipe, there is no need to insist that this should be a pipe for the home , maybe the child will make a water pipe out of it).
  4. The goal of parents is not to entertain their son or daughter, but to show them all the variety of activities.

Children's outdoor games for home

If the child is completely healthy and needs to release pent-up energy, and the mother wants not all the things in the apartment to be thrown into disarray, then you can try the following proven entertainment for home leisure.

Obstacle course

Even in the smallest apartment there is an opportunity to create an obstacle course with your child using available materials:

  • a board placed on two books is a bridge;
  • sponges for washing dishes - bumps;
  • thick rope - winding road;
  • pillow - island.

Walking along the route, the child not only has fun, but also practices various skills - balancing, jumping on one or two legs; Plus, it will also be a foot massage track.

When choosing what to do with your children at home, set up a fairy-tale world, and then leave the children to play in it on their own. It’s enough for mom to come up occasionally and offer different complications for the course, but, most likely, all this won’t be needed, the baby himself will continue to improve the obstacle course.

Ready or not, here I come!

Try playing hide and seek, the game has hundreds of interpretations, the difficulty depends on the age of your son or daughter. You don't have to hide yourself. You can offer the baby to hide a few toys, and the mother will look for them, then the roles change; players help each other with the words “Hot - Cold”.

When thinking about how to keep older children occupied, it is good to organize a “Treasure Hunt” with a simple map or clues, for example, “The treasure is hidden in the wild jungle under the tallest palm tree” (i.e. on the windowsill under the largest flower).

Hide and seek can become educational if you send your child to look for three objects starting with the letter R, or give the child a magic box (paint the egg carton compartments in different colors) and give the task to collect small objects around the apartment by color, and then compose a funny story with all the treasures a fairy tale or tell the story of each thing.

My funny soft ball

You shouldn’t completely give up playing with a ball if you want to keep your apartment in order; just make a soft ball (loosely stuff a sock or stocking) or take a small light pillow. With such equipment you can safely play “Edible-Inedible”, “Letters” and other games that require throwing a ball.

Balloons for all occasions

Parents should always have balloons ready; they will amuse and occupy the young restless child in any situation: at home, in the country, on vacation. Children will enjoy fighting with balls (long balls), volleyball or tennis with balloons. After playing one of the active games, you can leave the baby to paint the balls with a felt-tip pen; it’s very exciting to turn a pink ball into a funny piggy, and a long blue ball into an air train and run around the apartment with it.

Get ready to exercise!

Try to arrange a fun exercise with equipment and musical instruments, choosing positive music, preferably melodies of different tempos:

  • to the first song the car will drive around the room: the baby runs and turns the steering wheel;
  • under the second - the butterflies flew: the baby waves his hands with two scarves;
  • under the third - the cat went out for a walk: she walks on all fours, rolls a ball, etc.

You need to do the exercises together several times, select what you really like. Then it will be enough to turn on the music and leave the equipment, and the child will have fun himself.

Now there are many ready-made systems of this type, for example, Ekaterina Zheleznova’s “Music with Mom” complex, but no one forbids you to choose songs and movements yourself. Simple “dancing with a tambourine” and other musical instruments will also bring pleasure.

Little master of a big house

Building your own hut from pillows, blankets, and chairs will never lose its popularity. Find time to light the interior with a flashlight and invite all the toys to visit. The mother can start the game together with the baby, and then only “enter the light” and offer new material for construction.

Frog in the pond

This is an incomplete list of activities that parents can use when puzzling over what to do with their child at home or in the country. Of course, as a last resort, if the mother is sick and very busy, then she will have to turn on some good cartoon or get a tablet with an educational game, but this should not become part of the routine.

If parents entertain their child in this way too often, they deprive themselves of a lifesaver that could save them in critical situations. For example, with cartoons and a tablet it is easier to do inhalation or measure the temperature if the child is not spoiled by them.

If there is a schoolchild growing up in the family, read about it. Don't let your children get bored!

Work, household chores and other worries take up a lot of our time, often to the detriment of communication with our children. Even when we have free minutes, we don’t always know what interesting things we can do with our children, besides reading and simple games.

Some parents get out of the situation, including cartoons or game on computer so that the child “does not interfere.” In our opinion, this is an extreme measure when there is really no time to pay attention to the baby.

Today we decided to offer you interesting ideas that, on the one hand, will not take up much of your time, and on the other hand, will surprise and occupy the child for a long time. You can quickly and easily create a “miracle” with your own hands, with a minimum of material costs. Try to “conjure” your child, following our tips.

Cardboard house

Cardboard is an excellent material for building houses. It is easy to cut, bends well and is quite durable after gluing. Depending on your imagination, the size and density of the cardboard, you can make either a large house for a child or a small house for dolls.

It is better to make a house for a child in such a way that it can be folded and put away at any time. To connect the parts in this case, it is more convenient to use tape rather than glue, and if necessary, glue reusable Velcro. Don’t forget to provide a window and doors; curtains and other decor will also come in handy.

Soap bubbles can be blown almost endlessly. At least until the solution runs out. To prevent this from happening soon, make a large supply: 3.5 liters of water, a glass of dishwashing liquid, a tablespoon of glycerin. The barrel of solution is ready!

22. Drawing without stains

If you pour a little shower gel mixed with dyes into a durable, hermetically sealed bag, your child will be able to draw futuristic pictures with their fingers without getting dirty!

23. DIY car wash

Kids can play for hours in the bathroom with a real car wash, which can be made from a five-liter plastic jerry can, scouring pads and moisture-resistant adhesive tape.

From the canister you need to cut out the body of the sink with entry and exit. Cut dish sponges into thin long sticks and glue them vertically to the ceiling of the sink. Use permanent markers to color the design. Place shaving foam in empty yogurt containers, take old toothbrushes and toy cars. The imagination will do the rest.

24. Science experiment with balloons

Show your child a chemical experiment in the kitchen. Pour a spoonful of baking soda into a balloon and pour vinegar into an empty plastic bottle. Place the ball onto the neck of the bottle and secure tightly. Gradually pour the baking soda from the balloon into the bottle. The neutralization reaction will release large amounts of carbon dioxide, which will inflate the balloon.

25. Frozen Dinosaur Egg

If your child loves dinosaurs, show him how ancient lizards hatched from eggs. Place a dinosaur figurine in a balloon and fill it with colored water, then put the balloon in the freezer. When the water freezes, call the young paleontologists. Remove the “shell” of the ball from the eggs and look at the dinosaur in the ice. You can remove the toy using a small hammer (you just need to do this with swimming goggles so that small pieces of ice do not damage your eyes).

26. Banana ice cream

You can make popsicles with just one ingredient. Take bananas (preferably slightly overripe), peel and cut into thin pieces. Place in the freezer. After a couple of hours, remove the frozen bananas and blend in a blender until the mixture resembles thick sour cream. The ice cream can be eaten immediately or put into molds and re-frozen. Older children can handle the cooking themselves!