
Online birthday invitation maker. Examples of invitation texts for anniversary and birthday invitations Download beautiful invitations


An invitation letter is a way to invite the addressee to attend a certain event or to be present at some event. An invitation can be expressed orally, but in business relations it is the written form that is most common, which has a number of advantages. In this article we offer several sample invitation letters for participation in an event, conference, or exhibition. There is also an example of a written invitation to an interview with an employer and an invitation to cooperate.

In business relationships, an invitation letter is an important element in building trust and respect between the two parties. A written invitation to take part, visit, watch is a sign of special attention, in addition, it allows the recipient not to forget about the important event awaiting him.

Why is it necessary? invitation letter:

  • confirms that the recipient is really invited, allows you to avoid mistakes;
  • reminds of the time and place of the meeting, event to which the recipient is invited.

Why written invitation better than oral:

  • allows you to notify a specific person about any important event or event;
  • reminds the recipient of plans and will not allow them to forget an important event;
  • acts as an additional sign of attention and respect - the sender took the time to communicate the invitation information to the recipient in writing;
  • It is possible to send even to those people with whom it is not possible to talk by phone or in person.

How to send invitation:

  • transfer personally from hand to hand - bring it to the addressee and hand it over, this method allows you not only in writing, but also orally to invite the addressee to an event - a meeting, interview, meeting, exhibition, conference, reception or other event;
  • send by Russian Post, if the event is particularly important, then you can send it by a valuable letter with a list of the attachment, but the sending must be done in advance, taking into account the delivery time of the letter to the invitee;
  • sending by e-mail is a very simple and convenient method, if the addressee’s e-mail is known; this method is often used by recruiters when sending a letter with an invitation to come for a job interview.

In order for this document to perform its function correctly, it must contain a sufficient amount of information. The information must be of such volume that the addressee has no questions regarding the planned event, place and time of its holding.

In order for the address to make sure that the invitation is sent to him, you need to provide information about the recipient. Typically, this information is located in the upper right corner of the letter form in the dative case. If this is an organization, then write its name and location, full name and position of the head. If this is an individual, then his full name and residential address.

Next, indicate from whom the letter was sent. It is important to indicate not only the name of the organization or the full name of the originator and sender, but also contact information, which allows you to ask the author of the invitation letter if you have questions regarding the planned event.

The text of the letter begins with an appeal. The polite form is used. If this is a specific person, then be sure to indicate his full name or first name, patronymic. For example, “Dear Olga Vladimirovna!” or “Dear Alexander!” The appeal depends on the type of event, the degree of acquaintance between the originator and the recipient. If these persons are not close acquaintances, it is enough to limit themselves to the neutral “dear.”

How to invite to an event

  • the date of the event - meeting, conference, interview, exhibition, conference, official reception, indicate not only the date, but also the exact time;
  • venue – the information in the letter should be sufficient so that the invitee has no questions about where to go. It is important to indicate not only the address (street, house), but also additional information - where to go, where is the entrance, what floor, what office, hall. It is also possible to attach a traffic diagram to the letter. If necessary, they also indicate the type of transport that can be used to get to the event venue. That is, the information should be as complete as possible so that the person invited to participate in the event does not wander through the corridors in search of the venue of the event, does not waste time, or is late. Inaccurate information regarding this detail is disrespectful towards the invitee; he will have to clarify exactly how to get there and what to drive;
  • type of event, its name - it is also important to indicate in the invitation letter what type of event awaits the invitee; if it has a name, then it is written in exact accordance;
  • directly the word “we invite”, it also specifies what exactly the invitee should do at the specified event - participate, watch, observe, for example, you can invite to give a report at a conference, or you can invite to watch the speeches of other speakers at the conference;

Examples of invitation letter:

“Dear Anna Dmitrievna!

We invite you to take part in the celebration of National Unity Day on November 4, 2018 at the Golden Alley restaurant at Novosibirsk, st. Dekabristov 34, entrance from the end of the building.”

“Dear Daniil Mikhailovich!

We invite you to attend the all-Russian conference “Changes in accounting and tax legislation in 2018”, which will take place on November 22, 2017 in the small conference hall of the Zheleznodorozhnik Palace of Culture, Ekaterinburg at the address Ekaterinburg, st. Zheleznodorozhnaya 23 (main entrance, 2nd floor).”

  • content of the event - if this is a conference, you can attach to the letter a list of speakers, who will participate in it, and topics of speeches; if this is a celebration of an event, then a brief program of the event.” This information will allow the recipient to assess the degree of interest in the planned event and prepare for it correctly;
  • please let us know if you plan to attend the event. If you want to find out the exact desire of the addressee to attend an event, then you need to clarify at the end of the invitation letter whether the person will come on the specified day at the place of invitation. You should indicate exactly how you want to send your response - by email, postal letter, telephone call, or other means.

The completed letter is signed by the addressee indicating the date of composition. If necessary, the completed document can be packed in a beautiful envelope and sent to its destination.

It is important to make sure that the text includes contact information for feedback.

Sample invitation letters to the exhibition:

How to invite for an interview

Candidates for a vacant position are usually invited for an interview either by telephone or by email.

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Welcome to our convenient website, an online printing store where you can easily and simply online choose a ready-made design or create your own and print business cards, invitations, postcards, calendars, photo collages, flyers, leaflets, booklets and other printed products . Finished layouts can be sent for printing to the Printing Center nearest to you to pick up the order in person. Or order delivery! Don’t waste time searching for pictures, layouts on the Internet or a designer, do it all yourself - it’s easy and simple! Three steps and your business card is ready!

There are more than 5,000 free templates on our website! Choose a ready-made template for a business card, certificate, diploma or diploma, add your text, company logo, drawing, photograph, directions and send it to print! Create a fun invitation for a child, party or anniversary. Choose a romantic wedding invitation. We print quickly and efficiently! See for yourself!

In business relationships, invitation letters to events are often used. Conferences, exhibitions, interviews and various oral presentations are practically not offered to attend. An official notice allows you not only to remember the date, but also to express respect to another person.

If you draw up an official invitation to an event incorrectly, it will not fully fulfill its main functions. The letter must contain sufficient information.

Invitation letter – what is it and what is its role?

A business letter with an invitation text is a way of notifying about an event. The notification may be about a conference, charity evening, concert, seminar, interview or any other action related to certain events.

What functions does an official letter perform?

  • Makes it possible to notify a person about an upcoming event or important event.
  • Confirms that the person was really invited to a certain place, thanks to which unnecessary mistakes can be avoided.
  • It is a means of reminding about the place and time of the event.

Instructions for writing an invitation letter

What do you need to indicate in order to correctly draw up an official invitation to an event?

  • The actions of the invited person at the event must be specified.
  • It is impossible to do without specifying the event type. The recipient must understand what to expect during the visit.
  • In any case, the date and exact time of the event, as well as the location, are displayed.
  • In some situations, it is necessary to talk about the contents of the meeting. For example, when inviting a conference, you can specify a list of speakers.
  • Sometimes they ask about plans for attending an event. To find out the exact wishes of the recipient, please inform them via email, telephone call or any other available method.

Attention: If you need to thank an employee or any other person at an official level, it is recommended to draw up.

As for the design of the invitation letter, there is no standard format for writing it. The notice sent is usually presented in a presentable manner, as opposed to a regular business letter written on plain letterhead. In the case of invitations, high-quality paper, various decorative elements and additional accessories are often used. The text can be handwritten in calligraphic handwriting. Standard business letter forms are used in rare cases.

Ways to send an invitation to an event

There are various ways to deliver a letter to the addressee. Much will depend on the number of people invited, where the recipient lives and some other factors.

What options are there?

  • The first of them is hand-delivered, that is, the letter is handed over personally to the addressee. Instead, you can use the services of courier services.
  • The second option involves sending by mail. If the event is very important, then it is better to send an invitation by a valuable letter, making an inventory of the attachment. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the delivery time.
  • The third way to send is email. This option is most common when invited for an interview. It is used less often for attending other events.

event invitation templates

As a template, you can use ready-made samples. They will help you create an official invitation to the event. However, the specifics of this or that letter should be taken into account. Much of the text will depend on the type of event being held.

For an interview

Candidates are most often invited to fill a vacant position by phone or email. When choosing the second option, information about the organization that wants to attract a person to work, the exact time of the event, as well as a list of documents for review are indicated.

To the exhibition

The text of the invitation to the exhibition should be concise. Don't talk too much about the event. It is only necessary to mention the most important points. The recipient must understand why the exhibition is being organized, what he can see there, and what time he needs to arrive.

To the conference

A conference invitation letter is sent to notify people of the meeting location and timing. When compiling the text, the status of the participant must be taken into account. The result should be an information-rich and clearly formulated message.

Let's sum it up

An official letter of invitation to an event allows you to convey to the addressee all the necessary information. He will not have to make an effort to remember the date and time, location and other points that matter. It will be enough for a person to read the text again at any time.

Thus, we can conclude that it is better to write a formal invitation to an event than to contact another person verbally. The advantages of written notice in this case are obvious, so you should not refuse them.

Welcome to our convenient website, an online printing store where you can easily and simply online choose a ready-made design or create your own and print business cards, invitations, postcards, calendars, photo collages, flyers, leaflets, booklets and other printed products . Finished layouts can be sent for printing to the Printing Center nearest to you to pick up the order in person. Or order delivery! Don’t waste time searching for pictures, layouts on the Internet or a designer, do it all yourself - it’s easy and simple! Three steps and your business card is ready!

There are more than 5,000 free templates on our website! Choose a ready-made template for a business card, certificate, diploma or diploma, add your text, company logo, drawing, photograph, directions and send it to print! Create a fun invitation for a child, party or anniversary. Choose a romantic wedding invitation. We print quickly and efficiently! See for yourself!