
Is ultrasound dangerous during pregnancy: the effect of different types of ultrasound on the fetus. How many times can ultrasound diagnostics be done during pregnancy? Is frequent examination in the early stages harmful to the fetus?


Ultrasound examinations have appeared in medical practice relatively recently. But in a short time they turned from an outlandish novelty into a familiar procedure. In particular, expectant mothers know firsthand about him. It should be noted that ultrasound evokes different feelings in people - some consider it a completely safe procedure, while others try to avoid it if possible. Expert opinion also differs. Some argue that frequent ultrasound during pregnancy is absolutely harmless for both mother and child, while others believe that without special instructions you should not get carried away with it. It should only be noted that this procedure is still being studied, so at present no one can give a definite 100% answer. Therefore, it is better to do an ultrasound only as prescribed by a doctor.

How often should an ultrasound be done during pregnancy?

With normal fetal development, ultrasound examinations are performed 3 or 4 times during the entire period of pregnancy. This usually happens at 12 weeks, then at 22 (sometimes also from 32 to 37) and immediately before birth.

All these procedures are necessary to ensure the normal development of the fetus and the absence of any abnormalities. In addition, they help to determine the sex of the unborn baby in the early stages.

In some cases, frequent ultrasound examinations may occur during pregnancy. But this does not happen at the whim of the future parents, but only in case of serious deviations that threaten miscarriage or pathologies in the development of the fetus. Ultrasound examinations can be performed as often as the situation requires. Sometimes they help correct situations that would otherwise lead to termination of pregnancy. The degree of severity can only be determined by a doctor who will compare the risks, choosing the most rational way.

The harm of frequent ultrasound

It is impossible to say with complete certainty how harmful frequent ultrasound is during pregnancy. However, in such a situation, even the slightest risks should be avoided. Therefore, you should not once again go for an ultrasound examination just to look at the future baby.

To form your own opinion, you need to learn about both sides of the issue. In this case, the opinions of experts are ambiguous. But first, it is important to understand the operating principle of ultrasonic equipment. Its work is based on ultrasonic waves. They create microscopic vibrations that cannot be detected by hearing. These waves are repelled from the tissues of the embryo and returned to the apparatus, which processes the information, displaying a picture on the screen. This way, future parents can see the future baby with their own eyes. In the very early stages, it looks like a small bright spot with a flickering dot, which is nothing more than a small heart. As the fetus develops, it takes on human features, and by the end of pregnancy the face and entire body are clearly visible. Many parents are touched by this, but they doubt the safety of such a procedure.

Frequent ultrasound during pregnancy: can only be done in cases of emergency

Some experts who consider frequent ultrasound scans during pregnancy to be harmful refer to outdated studies that have shown that some developmental abnormalities have been identified in the younger generation. All babies were subjected to ultrasound during intrauterine development. In particular, an increased percentage of left-handers among them was noticed. It is believed that there may be other hidden consequences. However, currently improved equipment is used, which has a milder effect.

Some expectant mothers claim that fetal activity increases during an ultrasound. It may seem that in this way the baby reacts to the harmful effects of ultrasonic waves. However, with the same degree of probability we can say that this reaction is caused by the touch of the sensor and the mother’s excitement.

There is also a version according to which ultrasound waves create vibrations that can disrupt the development of the embryo. There is a version that in the early stages they can even lead to DNA failure in cells. But qualified experts consider such statements to be nothing more than irrational fears of future parents.

In general, to date, no serious consequences of frequent ultrasound have been identified, but research is ongoing. This means that there still cannot be 100% certainty. In this case, only one piece of advice can be given to future parents - do not resort to ultrasound unless necessary.

Also, remember that ultrasound is a voluntary procedure. If a woman feels well and there are no indications for additional examinations, then she has the right to refuse an ultrasound.

Currently, the principle of so-called natural parenthood has become quite widespread. Some families strive to get closer to nature and refuse many of the means of the modern world. Including they do not want to conduct ultrasound even in minimal quantities. It should be noted that this is their moral right.

For a favorable pregnancy, it is very important to choose a competent specialist who will prescribe only the most necessary procedures. But a lot also depends on the expectant mother. She must listen to her inner feelings, then her body will signal in advance about any deviations. And no matter what your doctor says about the safety of ultrasound, try to minimize such procedures unless they are truly justified.

Probably every expectant mother has at least once wondered whether it is harmful to do frequent ultrasounds during pregnancy. Will there be any negative consequences for the baby after this study, and most importantly, will it hurt him? In our article we will dispel all the myths about the global harm of ultrasound and figure out why it is needed.

Let's figure out why ultrasound is done for expectant mothers during pregnancy. Basically, this is done only for the benefit of finding out how the fetus is developing, whether there are any deviations, and whether its development corresponds to the gestational age. Without an ultrasound, the expectant mother risks not finding out in time that the baby suddenly needs help. For example, it lacks oxygen or is not positioned correctly in the womb. The ultrasound also shows whether he has any congenital abnormalities that are incompatible with life.

Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) is a non-invasive examination that is performed by driving a probe over the surface of the skin. With the help of ultrasound, it is possible to determine the condition of the fetus and internal organs.

It is known that ultrasound is used in medicine to treat various diseases; it is also used by the military on submarines and aircraft. In dentistry, teeth are cleaned and whitened with ultrasound, and this is not the most pleasant procedure. However, ultrasound during pregnancy differs in nature from the above. If we compare the first with the second, we can draw an analogy with the roar of music at a disco and the sound of the sea surf. Therefore, if some expectant mothers think that their baby burns or stings during an ultrasonic examination, then this is a big misconception. Moreover, doctors perform ultrasounds and take measurements with a sensor that is not constantly on. They take something similar to a photograph using a sensor, and then look at the condition of the baby and his internal organs on a computer monitor.

Ultrasound during pregnancy should be done as many times as the doctor says. If there is no indication for additional testing, then only 3 times during the entire pregnancy are sufficient.

If the doctor says that it is necessary to repeat an ultrasound of the fetus after some time, then in no case should you refuse. Perhaps, if you refuse, the harm to the baby will be many times greater. It is important to closely monitor the state of its development.

Is ultrasound during pregnancy harmful to the fetus?

It is generally accepted that no global negative impact on the fetus occurs during ultrasound. But you should not do an ultrasound on your own initiative without a doctor’s testimony. Many parents want to see their baby as often as possible, even while he is in the mother's stomach, and go to various private clinics to do 3D and 4D ultrasounds. There is no good in it if it is done every month. Or in parallel with standard ultrasound in the antenatal clinic. After all, with 2D and 4D ultrasound, the ultrasound power is slightly greater than with a regular one. Instead of some kind of planned screening, it is enough to do a 4d ultrasound, with a video recording, and at the same time take all the necessary measurements of the baby. Answering the question of whether ultrasound during pregnancy is harmful to the fetus, we can say that there is no 100% guarantee that it is absolutely safe. As already mentioned, once again it is not worth exposing the baby to various radiations if there is no indication for this.

Every woman, knowing that she is carrying a child under her heart - the most precious thing that fate can bestow upon her - will take care throughout her pregnancy to eliminate even the minimal risk for the normal development of her little blood. And therefore, it is not at all surprising that many pregnant women wonder whether passing women in an “interesting” position is harmful, and whether it will cause damage to the baby?

It would be useful to recall that the abbreviation ultrasound stands for ultrasound examination. Ultrasound devices have nothing in common with an X-ray machine: they are designed to study the fetus using ultrasonic waves, which, reflected from the baby’s tissues (if the fetus is examined), display a silhouette on the monitor screen using special programs. Ultrasound examination does not have any harmful effect on humans, although it may disturb the baby in the womb. It's all about the thermal effect of ultrasound on the fetus, which, by and large, does not pose anything dangerous, according to doctors.

And yet, the question of the dangers of ultrasound during pregnancy is currently considered open, as it has not received a clear answer. Some argue that ultrasound is absolutely necessary to monitor the condition of the fetus, and it does not pose any danger to the child. Other scientists insist that it is better to avoid ultrasound during pregnancy, if not at all, then at least not to resort to it too often, so to speak, "not to tempt fate." Animal experiments have shown that ultrasonic waves affect the growth rate and development of the embryo as a whole. But in relation to humans, targeted research in this area has not been conducted. Although for the entire time of using the ultrasound method during pregnancy, as experts note, there have been no confirmed cases of negative effects of ultrasound on the condition of the fetus.

Arguing about whether ultrasound is harmful during pregnancy, only one thing can be confidently said: if it is carried out according to the indications, then this research method makes it possible to detect deviations from the norm in the development of the fetus at an early stage or completely exclude them. Thanks to ultrasound, it is possible to determine in time any complications that may be associated with the condition of the mother - her,. It is imperative to correct them, because they pose a real threat to the baby. And in this case, ultrasound becomes, of course, a very tangible help.

During pregnancy, if it proceeds physiologically, ultrasound is usually performed up to three times. In the early stages - 11-14 weeks of pregnancy - using ultrasound, the probability is determined, the gestational age and the number of fetuses are specified. The second ultrasound during pregnancy, according to indications, should be carried out at a period of 20-24 weeks - it makes it possible to study the condition and amount of amniotic fluid, the degree of development of the umbilical cord, exclude pathologies of the fetal organs, and, if the parents wish, determine the sex of the child. The last ultrasound for the expectant mother is prescribed already in the late stages of pregnancy, almost before the birth itself - at 32-34 weeks. During the procedure, the doctor assesses the baby’s weight and degree of development, presentation of the baby, condition and location of the umbilical cord.

Many doctors call ultrasound one of the safest modern methods of fetal examination, which, among other things, greatly facilitates pregnancy management. But they immediately make a reservation - this does not mean that you can resort to ultrasound as much as the expectant mother wishes, motivating her desire by caring for the child. Three ultrasounds during a normal pregnancy are quite enough, and you should go for additional sessions only if the doctor sees the need for it.

Especially for- Tatyana Argamakova

The question of whether ultrasound is harmful to humans is of interest to a huge number of patients and their loved ones. It is especially important to understand the effect that ultrasound has on the child and fetus (especially in the early stages of pregnancy).

This issue should be approached scientifically. The everyday speculations of ordinary citizens, although filled with emotions, essentially mean nothing.

In this article we will consider the issue of the dangers of ultrasound for humans from a scientific point of view. We will also talk about how often and how many times an ultrasound can be done during pregnancy (including in the early stages).

The question of the influence of ultrasound on humans has been raised since the very beginning of the appearance of this medical diagnosis. Patients are especially interested in the effect of ultrasound on the child and what will happen if they undergo frequent ultrasound.

The world is divided into two camps: some completely trust the ultrasound diagnostic technique, while others are skeptical and sometimes hostile towards it.

And this applies not only to ordinary citizens. So in some countries, in the wake of talk about the dangers of ultrasound, ultrasound was completely prohibited. Is this action justified?

Probably not. And it's easy to explain. After all, the fact is that only an ultrasound examination can confirm or refute the following diseases of pregnant women and women in labor:

  1. Multiple pregnancy (it is important to confirm it in the early stages, as there is a high probability of serious problems).
  2. Ectopic location of the child ().
  3. Placental abruption.
  4. Hereditary diseases of the child.
  5. Violations of the formation of the child’s body (and its individual structures).

And, it would seem, this is where we can finish the list of diseases that can be avoided by performing an ultrasound on time. However, we should not forget about non-natal pathologies:

This list can be continued for a long time. However, this is not necessary, since supporters of abandoning ultrasound believe that the disadvantages of ultrasound still outweigh its diagnostic advantages.

Does ultrasound create vibrations that are dangerous to humans?

One of the arguments of supporters of refusing to perform ultrasound is the assertion of dangerous vibrations (resonance) created by the ultrasound apparatus. According to them, the fact that the ultrasound sensor operates at a frequency of 20 Hertz may trigger the development of cancer.

The mechanism, according to them, is simple: cancer cells have a certain spectrum of vibrations, which sets their replication (reproduction) rhythm. And this rhythm exactly coincides with the rhythm of the ultrasonic sensor.

And then a healthy cell, having its own “healthy rhythm,” begins to work either in discord (chaotic rhythm) or synchronizing with the rhythm of the ultrasound sensor. That is, based on their linear logic, with the rhythm of a cancerous tumor.

The inconsistency of this assumption is beyond doubt. There is no evidence that cells have rhythm. Moreover, even if it existed, then through what mechanisms should an essentially autonomous (self-organized) cell adapt to a foreign rhythm?

This makes no sense both from an evolutionary point of view and from the point of view of human logic. In addition, this statement does not have any evidence in the form of certain experiments.

Does ultrasound cause mechanical damage?

Quite often, supporters of the dangers of ultrasound refer to the fact that ultrasound creates a mechanical effect on soft tissue. And, in their opinion, this mechanical effect is destructive.

So these people also refer to the fact that nothing can pass without a trace. This means that ultrasonic waves are also reflected on the examined organs.

Fortunately, seventh grade physics completely refutes these imagined dangers. Ultrasonic waves emitted by an ultrasonic sensor are negligible in terms of their impact, and they cannot damage anything.

And this is easy to check, since with destructive possibilities, they would first of all damage the skin, which is the first barrier to the passage of ultrasound. Patients would notice various variants of pigmentation disorders, eczema, dermatitis at the ultrasound sites.

However, this does not happen. Yes, and ultrasound can be used to destroy the body, but this requires slightly different equipment. A conventional ultrasonic sensor is not capable of this at all.

In addition, if the force of the mechanical impact of the ultrasonic apparatus is so great, then why do we not observe rupture of the capillaries of the eyes during their diagnosis? After all, the eye capillaries are very thin, they are extremely easy to damage.

They do not respond to ultrasound and high-precision sensory systems of the body. The patient being examined simply does not feel the effects of ultrasonic waves. Then what kind of destructive mechanical effect are we talking about?

Is frequent research harmful?

Probably everyone has heard about the dangers of frequent use of ultrasound. And we are usually talking about frequent ultrasounds of the child (including the fetus). They say that children are more susceptible to negative influences than adults.

And the argument about the dangers of frequent ultrasound diagnostics is based on the fact that since single examinations are not harmful, then multiple ones, by definition, should be so. This logic has ancient roots: small doses of poison are medicine, and large doses are poison.

However, in the case of ultrasound, it is not applicable to indicate “doses”, because this is not an x-ray. Ultrasound is vibrations and nothing more: they don't accumulate(accumulate) in the body like poison, and certainly do not poison it.

Medical practice shows that frequent ultrasound of a child (or an adult - it doesn’t matter) does not threaten anything. At the same time, the age of the child does not make a difference: it can be a baby, a teenager, or even a fetus in late pregnancy.

This is all due to the general belief among ordinary people that frequent ultrasound is harmful. Therefore, the administration of many medical institutions went to meet them in order to meet their requirements. No evidence of harm frequent ultrasound in both a child and an adult, current medicine does not have.

Harm of ultrasound for a child (video)

General conclusions

It is worth recognizing that sometimes the arguments of supporters of refusing ultrasound examination can make you think. However, if you delve into the study of the issue, it becomes clear that these arguments are untenable.

A huge number of ultrasound diagnostics are carried out every day all over the world. The bill goes to hundreds of thousands of procedures every day. Moreover, the procedure itself has been used for many years, and during this time not a single case of complications from ultrasound has been reported.

At the same time, one can often encounter the opposite situation, when people who say a firm “no” to having an ultrasound scan later regret it (due to the slowdown in the diagnosis of diseases). Sometimes they are simply not sure that ultrasound works, but more often they are afraid of this procedure.