
Cool statuses wedding. happy wedding day status


It was a gay Scottish wedding: six bagpipes broke!

Previously, it often happened that parents introduced the bride and groom only at the wedding. Now at the wedding, the bride and groom introduce their parents ...

Wedding - flowers, limousines - a moment, and life is eternal ...

A wedding is a crowd of drunken smart people yelling “Oiko”, drinking from shoes, fighting and dancing at the same time.

The wedding was quiet. The restaurant had wi-fi.

At the wedding, the groom decided that it would be easier to ransom his brother out of prison for that kind of money than to ransom his bride.

If the wife was smart and beautiful before the wedding, and after the wedding she became even smarter and more beautiful - this is an occasion to feel the horns.

Have you also noticed that in fairy tales after the wedding they write: “This is the end of the fairy tale. » ?

I don't trust weddings - everything ends in marriage.

Before the wedding, a woman thinks: “Better than him - no!” Before the divorce: "Worse than him - no!" And he's wrong all the time!

In the registry office: - Do you agree to marry this woman? - Nn-no ... - And this one?!

When the bride throws the bouquet, and a crowd of girls tries to catch it, the guys on the sidelines convulsively think: “if only it wasn’t mine, if it wasn’t mine!

You will be together in joy and in sorrow until ... a lack of love separates you

We bought an apartment, now it remains to lose weight in order to buy the best dress and is ready for the wedding!

Honey, have I forgotten who I will be to your mother if I marry you? mother's voice from the room: - a savior, only a savior.

The daughter of the director of the dining room knew from early childhood where her wedding would take place.

According to statistics, half of weddings end in divorce and the other half in death.

The best proof of love from both sides is a diamond wedding!

The wife must be carried in her arms, and she herself will sit on the neck.

He greeted me… The dress will be white, there will be THREE children!!!

When at a wedding from someone else's love goosebumps - it's great.

Take me! Not just like that, but - as a wife!

I watched the horror movie "Saw" - I came up with wedding contests for my sister.

Is there life after the registry office?)

A young woman wants to change her last name. As well as the marital status of your future spouse.

And before the wedding, it is necessary to discuss in advance which of the guests will be paired with whom when the fight starts)

I always dreamed of being a witness at a wedding, consider it in the center of the movement, but you don’t need to get married.

Cinderella: - Well, the shoe came up. When is the wedding? Prince: - It was a semi-final, now we will measure a bra of the fifth size.

Passion for alcohol leads to the registry office.

A wedding for love is a receipt for naivety.

I won’t order a toastmaster for a wedding, it will be cheaper to get my friends drunk and there will be enough fun for 3 days)))

Marry me now! And then all the girlfriends complain about their husbands, they are so unhappy! I'm the only one who's happy, but it's embarrassing

It all started with a wedding. I put the ring on the wrong finger, on the wrong hand, on the wrong girl...

Only a man who considers you the only one is worthy of your “YES!

Let your friend down, undermine his family budget, invite him to the wedding!)))

What kind of morals have gone ... Soon I will probably make a peasant an offer ... -Will you agree to be my husband? I will give you a ring...

For the first time, I don't want to be a guest at a wedding. .because it's HIS wedding!

A diamond wedding is love that has conquered death.

Established fact: Marriage is the only booze that a woman dreams of since childhood.

It's good when a girlfriend gets married, because her head hurts for everything, and I have only a holiday!

And we will have the first time at the first marriage ... Are you weak?)))

Marriage is a means of solving one's problems: where to live, whom to exploit, at whose expense to profit,

Take care of your dress again, and your wife from a young age.

I would really like to hear these words from one little man: “Do not be bored, dear, soon on Friday I will come for you to your parents and take you to me. Wait.

I am kind, white and fluffy, and with a ring on my ring finger I will become just wonderful, honestly, honestly ...

A professional wedding photographer can consider himself when pigeons at the registry office begin to recognize him.

A man is the crown of creation, and women strive down the aisle.

Grandma, the leg is healed, where is the wedding?

Love is not a reason to rush headlong to the registry office!

A wedding is not only a serious matter, but also joyful and interesting, pleasant and beautiful. And it is not at all necessary to write bright and interesting poems about the importance of a new family for society in your status. It’s just worth limiting yourself to a few cool statuses that can be easily changed from time to time. That is why it is worth using not only solid and important words about the wedding and love, advice and love, but also jokes. It has been proven that it is perceived much easier than solid words and serious wishes. Therefore, funny words, bright and interesting, and sometimes funny pictures of a wedding theme can become much more interesting than traditional words that have long set your friends on edge.

Girls, get married! No man should go unpunished!

If marriage is the lottery, then divorce is the jackpot.

From a kiss to a quarrel is one step, and from a quarrel to a kiss - a week, or even new boots!

Girls, if a guy replies to your text message during a workout... Marry him!

On the fifth day of the wedding, only the marriage certificate saved from confusion.

A strong marriage is two lives well glued together. But, alas ... not everything depends on the glue, it often comes off near the glued place.

An engagement ring on a man's finger is proof that someone entrusted him with their fate.

What is a marriage certificate? For women, this is a constant source of profit, and for men, this is a coupon for three meals a day!

Here you immediately feel the difference in the age of the bride and groom. The groom's baby photos are all black and white, and the bride's are digital.

The opinions of the spouses may sometimes not coincide, which always happens. (Cool statuses for the wedding)

I want to ask for your daughter's hand! - Look how cunning you are! Take it all!

The wife must be carried in her arms, and she herself will sit on the neck.

The prerequisites for Marriage are Love and Respect between spouses... if none of these are met, there is no reason to live together...

Women wear a wedding ring to make their girlfriends envy them. Men wear a wedding ring to get sympathy from their friends!

If you behave badly, I will marry you, and I will stay with you!

My wedding will be my mother's happiest day, and I see her waving a white handkerchief and saying "finally got rid of!"

In marriage, women most often lie because of love for their own man ... But men - because of love for someone else's woman ...

A sign - if everything is fine with you and someone has fallen in love with you ... wait - soon your ex will remember his feelings ...

And I'll invite him to my wedding! Not because I am so kind, but because there is no wedding without a groom!

The husband is such a babayka ... from whom you can’t hide under a big blanket!

Let's go for a walk? - Sorry, I can't. -Why? -I'm going to the wedding... -Hmm, and then? - And then I'll be married.

Everyone in the family is equally divided: the husband - a tie, the wife - a fur coat! (Cool statuses for the wedding)

There will be agreement - there will be happiness! From now on, only "We" - not "I", and there will be a strong family!

The point of any wedding photo session is to take as many photos as possible in different bushes of the city.

A man feels seven years older the day after his wedding.

They called me here to get married ... right on the first date ... I honestly answered that I had already been there and I didn’t like it ...

Before the wedding, the groom often calls the bride a mouse, a bird, etc. With each year of living together in marriage, animals become larger ...

I wonder what the one I marry is doing now?

Family replaces everything. Therefore, before you start it, you should think about what is more important to you: everything or family.

After the wedding, I started having vision problems! I don't see money!

If one of the spouses is a complete zero, then during a divorce, it is impossible to divide jointly acquired property and other valuables into it!

Marriage is a peaceful coexistence of two nervous systems... Sometimes very nervous ones!

Leaving the registry office, a woman ties up with the past, and a man with the future.

No matter how much you love a girl, she still looks at the registry office.

If you want to marry smart, beautiful and rich - marry three times.

You can't love without thinking, you can't think while loving.

They marry fools, and then they wonder how they lost half their kingdom.

They constantly tell me: take yours by the horns and drag it to the registry office. As if they still know what they instructed ...

So that you celebrate your wedding at McDonalds.

A wedding is good, a wedding bouquet is even better.

Women! Well, of course, you need to know your enemy by sight. But why put his name on your passport?

Popular sign: positive test - and you are the bride.

The second marriage is a victory of hope over common sense. (Cool statuses for the wedding)

And kilometers are just a test. Who is stronger - comes to marriage.

What is a Russian wedding without a fight. Hooray!

The desire to marry lasted until breakfast, and then passed.

The marriage ceremony is coming to an end. Relatives and friends can say goodbye to the groom.

Getting married is not difficult. It's hard to be happily married.

No wedding has the power of grace until two have been married by love.

Real love is not made. They give it to each other from happiness.

The rings on the roof of the wedding car mean that the score is still 0:0.

Marriage is a long-distance train from which many get off at the nearest station.

The marital duty to my husband... forced me to change my name... and now I'm not Katya... but... Emmanuel! =)))

If a man asks for a woman's hand, then his own is tired ...

A good wife is the ornament of a husband. She is the most precious treasure in his house. Whoever finds a good wife finds a happy life.

Married - this is when you used to eat goblet "Doshirak" for lunch, and now your young wife carefully adds two tablespoons of stew and a spoonful of mayonnaise to it.

The problem with most marriages is that drunk husbands love their wives very much, while sober wives do the opposite.

I will never forget where, when and under what circumstances I got married. But that's why ... I can not remember!

If you have already given a woman a hand and a heart, then what's the point of being so nervous about a wallet?

You have 2 options: Either I marry you, or you marry me! Choose!

The biggest and most incomprehensible deal is made in the registry office: five minutes of formalities and you pay off your marital debt all your life!

"I'm all yours". Later: "I did not say that everything is only yours"

True love is a mystery shrouded in marriage. (Cool statuses for the wedding)

Most people get married and get married from an excess of love, but, as a rule, they disperse from its lack.

Many girls marry men who remind them of their father. Is that why their mothers cry at the wedding ceremony?

Love is not afraid of anything, even the registration of marriage.

Trite - this is noodles on the ears and in bed ... But for the hair and in the registry office - this is original ...

Now good wives are not looked for in clubs, discos and bars, but they are beaten off from fools who do not appreciate them.

Secret of a happy marriage: do what your wife tells you to do.

A husband is a person who, after washing the plate, looks at his wife as if he had just licked the whole apartment.

Every woman, in addition to the child she gave birth to, has another child that her mother-in-law gave birth to!

Marriage is a replacement for the attention of many for the neglect of one.

I also thought about getting married. I looked in the refrigerator, saw only mineral water there and realized that I should get married. Then I went to the store and changed my mind.

Marriage is an attempt to convince society of the justification for spending time together.

Better to marry an ordinary guy than a prince. The prince will not sit by your bed when you are sick, will not wash the dishes for you if you are tired, will not carry you in his arms. Because the prince is HE, not YOU...

Actually... I don't care about your plans! I plan to marry you in a couple of years!).

Seeing the number of my friends in contact, my mother said: “No, son, we will not pull such a wedding!”.

I like men who know what they want. Saw. Fell in love. Married. And not "let's enjoy each other", "let's take a closer look", "let's try to live together." And it stretches over years.

Living together is 90% patience, the rest is love.

Marriage is not marital status….. it is a medal. It's called "For Courage!"

Marry that girl... who will take care of you like a mother... and obey you like a sister!

Love is a form of temporary insanity that can only be cured by marriage.

Marriage is a peaceful coexistence of two nervous systems... Sometimes very nervous ones!

The path to a happy marriage runs through a man's stomach, and to divorce - through his liver...

Bunnies, cats and suns marry and get married, and goats, females and deer are bred.

Mom, why is the bride always in a white dress at the wedding? - Because, son, this is the most joyful and bright day for her. - Aaaa, well, now it’s clear why the groom is always in black ...

The wedding should not be with someone with whom you can live! And with those without whom you can not live!

A conversation between two girls. I have a wedding tomorrow, are you coming? -I don't know, do you?

At the wedding, the bride was stolen by flight... The groom's hope lit up...

A wedding is good, a wedding is satisfying!)))

Student wedding: - Wait, why doesn't the bride drink? So she didn't give up!

I'm getting married... for the tenth time. Lord, how many men have I made happy! :D

I can't get married! - When is your wedding?

If you gave a woman a hand and a heart, then what's the point of being so nervous about some kind of wallet?

If you want to marry smart, beautiful and rich - marry three times.

No, before the wedding he did not stutter ...

SMS before the wedding: "I love, I wait, I miss." ... SMS after the wedding: "Bread, toilet paper, milk."

There are 3 moments in a guy's life: dating, marriage, alimony ...

When dreaming of creating a family with someone, you should remember: cockroaches do not scatter anywhere after the wedding! So think about it: will yours get along with strangers?

Before the wedding, they throw dust in each other's eyes, and after they wash it with tears.

I told him this: "Either you marry me, or I marry you! And you yourself choose what date the wedding will be!"

Matchmaker with a guarantee! If I don't find a suitable bride for you within a week, I'll marry you myself!

Well, if a girl decided to make someone happy, then nothing will save this poor fellow.

Before the wedding, the groom often calls the bride a mouse, a bird, etc. With each year of living together in marriage, animals become larger.

A real woman should be married three times: the first - for SHOCK, the second - for CHIC, the third - for CHECK

Georgian wedding is held on a grand scale, and Russian - on a grand scale.

The most common phrase on the wedding night: "Only 500 rubles? And friends are also called!"

A woman is like a grenade - safe as long as she has a ring. A man is like a tank - where the gun looks, the tower goes there.

Dad! When they come to ask for my hand, don't fall on your knees and don't shout "You are our Savior!!!"... just nod your head quietly...

Old ladies at weddings always told me, "You're next." They stopped doing that after I started saying the same thing to them at the funeral)

You need to get married once ... well, a maximum of six;)

Marriage is a mirage in the desert with palaces, palm trees and a camel. First the palace disappears, then the palm trees, and finally you are left alone with the camel.

The husband is such a babayka ... from whom you can’t hide under a big blanket! =)))

After the wedding, I started having vision problems! I don't see money!

A cool status about the wedding: The servant of God Sergey is getting married, and the fear of God Natalya ...

I like men who know what they want. Saw. Fell in love. Married.

And not "let's enjoy each other", "let's take a closer look", "let's try to live together." And it stretches over years.

After the candy-bouquet period in a relationship, comes the kostryulno-cutlet!

Well, you should have thought of giving it out after losing your virginity - "Nothing, it will heal before the wedding!"... :D

The point of any wedding photo session is to take as many photos as possible in different bushes of the city.

Ha! Do you think we'll stop talking?! No matter how!!! I'll dance at your wedding too!... In the bride's dress...

What is a marriage certificate? For women, this is a constant source of profit, and for men, this is a coupon for three meals a day!

There will be agreement - there will be happiness! From now on, only "We" - not "I", and there will be a strong family!

Giving me MARRIED ... Relatives said: We have GOODS ... AND YOU ... KAPETS! =)))

The daughter of the director of the dining room knew from early childhood where her wedding would take place.

The second marriage is a victory of hope over common sense.

Married - this is when you used to eat goblet "Doshirak" for lunch, and now your young wife carefully adds two tablespoons of stew and a spoonful of mayonnaise to it.

Have you also noticed that in fairy tales after the wedding they write: "That's the end of the fairy tale."?

I'm still too young... to wonder if there is life after death? I'm much more interested in... is there sex... after the wedding???

Get married, right? Where is this wretch hiding?

Instead of saying "I love you" 1000 times, just wear the ring once.

Girls, learn how to cook! It doesn't matter who you marry, it will want to eat anyway!

An engagement ring on a man's finger is proof that someone entrusted him with their fate.

Do you swear to chop off your dick if you cheat on me? - No. - I swear!))

One day you will call me and ask: "What are you doing?" And I will answer: "I'm getting married!!!"

I will never forget where, when and under what circumstances I got married. But that's why ... I can not remember!

All men are goats! - Yes honey. Everything. - And you too? - I'm the biggest goat in the world! - Then why did I marry you and live with you for so many years? - And now we have smoothly moved on to the topic that all women are fools.

Bought wedding rings the other day. We are already sitting at home, looking at the tag, and there, in the manufacturer's column, it says "LLC My Charm" =)

A good wife is the ornament of a husband. She is the most precious treasure in his house. Whoever finds a good wife finds a happy life.

The guy sends SMS to the girl: - This subscriber asks you to marry him. Answer: - Dear subscriber, there are not enough funds on your account for this operation.

What else is the ransom? A wedding costs so much these days that it's easier to ransom a brother out of jail than a bride out of a family.

Just as there can be no wedding night without a bride, so a toast uttered without wine is not a toast, but just words.

Tamada asks the bridesmaid who caught the wedding bouquet: “Do you know what this means?” - "Certainly! After all, this will be the third!

The situation is simple: you are his future, his bride! And I am his past, which sometimes returns to the present.

Best Status:
But Ivanovo is a famous city of brides. Only here men do not go out at night without their girlfriend for fear of being raped.

A breakup is not a reason to stop talking! I still want to dance at your wedding, after all! In a white dress, of course.

Tamada announces the winner of the competition: "And our bride made the most terrible face, and she receives the first prize." Winner: “Excuse me, what contest? I thought…”

The bride is a girl whose dreams of happiness have come true.

A toast without wine is just beautiful words, and a wedding night without a bride is the first betrayal.

A gentleman will always let a lady go ahead if there is a slit in her dress at the back.

in my opinion, the best thing is when a loved one starts talking with you about the family, about the wedding, about children, this makes you truly happy.

how I want to look at you in a couple of years when you see the album “my wedding” in VK.

It was like a dress from Donna Koran. you know that it's not your style, but you try it on just in case!

One wise woman said: “There are 3 cases for tears: a wedding, a funeral and the birth of a child, and the rest is all f*ck ...”

A diamond wedding is when the relationship between a man and a woman has really gone too far.

if I ever do well, I'll just dance, and I'll dance at my wedding with you.

I want them to shout “sweet” at my wedding. I want to be sweet in life. And not to feel bitterness and resentment.

Goodbye, mom and dad credit card… Hello, new blouse, miniskirt, dress and lectures about finances and their problems…

wedding.. the coolest holiday in our life!

On the eve of the wedding, there were minor disagreements between the young people: the bride insisted on a dress with a veil, and the groom did not want to get married at all.

The director of the CAR SHOWROOM comes to a marriage agency, wants to get married! They show him the BRIDES catalog, he chooses a suitable photo and asks: do you have a TEST DRIVE?))

Children do not always know when their parents have a wedding))) Thanks to the neighbors, otherwise I would not have known that I am 4 months pregnant and that I have a wedding soon)))

- When is the wedding? - with whom? O_O - With the one you love ... - unfortunately they don’t paint with a martini.

The dude comes to church for confession. – Holy father, I had sex with my fiancee before the wedding 15 times a day. It is a sin? Yes, my son, lying is a great sin.

There was a carriage at the church, There was a magnificent wedding, All the guests were smartly dressed, The bride was the most beautiful of all.

I will become his wife in 16 days ... And now I sit and think whether he loves me or not ... Do all brides have such a depression? ...

- I had the best day ever!!! - Wedding?! Oo - No, that you left him yesterday.

Tight dress is not for everyone.

A young man wakes up with a hangover: - Where am I? Who am I? What happened with me? - You are Vasya. You are at your wedding. - And who is the bride? – Chi Galina… chi Palina?… – CHIPOLINO?!!!

wedding: the men are sitting bored here one of them gets up and with the words: “you must start sometime” hits a neighbor in the ear.

I am in a wedding dress, veil, in a house full of guests, my relatives are nearby ... flowers ... many flowers ... my mother is crying, straightening my hair. but then someone closed the coffin.

Thinking about how we will be together. It’s like I’m a groom, like you’re a bride. And you dream and read all the poems that you wrote to me.

As a rule, by the time of the wedding, the bride is in seventh heaven with happiness and in the sixth month from carelessness ...)))

- You are a monster. - Yes, I am a monster, and you love me, which means you are as stupid as the bride of Frankenstein.

There is a wedding in the next entrance, and a basement decorated with white fabric and bows. Q: Where will the bride leave? oo

When the bride throws a bouquet, and a crowd of girls are trying to catch it, the guys think: at least not mine ..))

it was a frenzy when the bride from the closet yelled “Mom! the bridegroom must pay a ransom for me, and not you to him, for the fact that he takes me as his wife! ”...

Life is not a novel on glossy paper or a movie story on 35mm film. Happy ending and wedding are optional.

I'm a magician... I had a girlfriend, I'm just like that - and already a bride! then one more time - and already a wife ...

- Girl, this dress spoils you. If you don't like it, I can take it off.

Well, just think, you weren’t at the wedding, for that I’ll be present at the divorce ...

And in my opinion, the height of cynicism is to put on a wedding with a pregnant bride and a bunch of relatives of the older generation the song of Glucose “I wanted a groom - so I flew in” ...

Mom, why is the bride always in a white dress at the wedding? Because, son, this is the most joyful and bright day for her! And, well, now it’s clear why the groom is always in black !!!

the most cruel phrase for a guy “Darling, let's go to buy me a dress tomorrow ..”

- Well, it's easy for a girl to attract attention: she put on a red dress and that's it. - Well, the guy is also easy: he put on a red dress ..- This dress makes me fat .. - You are full of what you eat 8 times a day.

Marijuana and Russian brides are now being ordered through the Internet. I'm sure we'll find a kidney too!..

I'm getting married in a week. I went to bed yesterday, but in my thoughts .. dress ... rings ... guests .. and then BAM! And I thought ... what are the names of woodpecker chicks? I didn’t fall asleep until morning ... (c)

Status of the girl: “Wedding is coming soon!!! I’ll marry either Lyokha, or Sasha, or Seryoga!)))” comment: “I haven’t figured out who is the best yet?)))” answer: “I haven’t figured out who the father is yet ...”

A wedding is the best way to see distant relatives in close combat

¦I'll wait for the one who, while talking to me on the phone, will turn to a friend and quietly say: “Bro, this is She, my bride” ¦.

her hair is “vela-color”, the dress is “vela-visage”, and her legs are “velo-ciped”))

first friendly walks, friendly kisses, then friendly sex .. and then what??? friendly wedding and friendly children???

Lilia Khegay, psychic clairvoyant will answer questions about your future

He has a wedding in January and I have a child in January from him to be born 🙁

Today, his younger sister took away his phone and started talking to me... - Do you love him?! - Yes, I love it a lot! - So tomorrow the wedding!!! ... And in the evening he proposed to me¦

Marry somebody. So I want to take a walk at the wedding))

Nobody to each other, we always quarrel, swear, we almost fight ... but everyone is sure that the wedding is coming soon !!!

I bought a pregnancy test, a marker, and a wedding dress!

bride and groom tili dough, groom at work, bride in compote (childhood)

the main thing is not a wedding, the main thing is to show off in a dress ... 😉

in two days the long-awaited holiday. My wedding.* my god.* thank you. – When is your wedding? - 21st of June. When is the shortest night of the year? - Yes. - Coward (s)? =D

Thanks to the neighbors, otherwise I would not have known that I am 4 months pregnant and that I have a wedding soon)))

And then what? ..-and then the wedding, children and happy old age ..

Once my mother told me: “There are three cases for tears, my daughter: a wedding, a funeral and the birth of a child, and the rest is all garbage”

A beautiful dress may look beautiful on a hanger, but that doesn't mean anything. A dress must be judged when it is on a woman, when a woman moves her arms, legs, bends the waist of Coco Chanel

it becomes scary for friendship then ... when you ask a friend which dress looks better on me ... and in response you hear - xs ... Student wedding: - Wait, why doesn't the bride drink? So she didn't give up!

Darling, you hid my evening dress again, naughty ... well, open your fist.)))

My girlfriend found out that I have a fiancee. Right now they are both going to my house to tell my wife… AAAA… what to do?

in a few years made her grow old for a lifetime .. she almost went crazy ... but until the last she kept her wedding dress ...

transparent night. dark and boozy. looking at the stars. What does the dress I threw in the trash dream about? what are you sad about? yes, yes, not everything is so simple ... but even the stars shine above the garbage can ...

After a good bachelor party, a wedding is generally not so necessary!

Do you have a favorite moment at weddings? - Yes, there is, when the music starts to play, and the bride appears, and everyone turns to look at her, I look at the groom, you can see everything in his face - it is full of love.

I met my ex (2 years apart). He: Hi, how are you? - Okay, I have a wedding tomorrow. -Ah, got it. What do you do after marriage?

We have a long tradition in the Caucasus - to steal brides! - And we generally steal a tradition ...

In many years, we will remember our best moment in life, and this is not our first jointly prepared dinner, and not even our wedding, this will be the moment when I give you a SON

Status about Wedding Day should be the most touching and exciting of all statuses. The following phrases are specially prepared for your beloved soulmates.

If the wedding is for guests, then the wedding day should be just for you.

  1. All my life I dreamed of getting on the 14th page of my passport, and they just canceled it all. Too weird a coincidence.
  2. I dream of celebrating a golden wedding. 5 years lived, 45 left. Just.
  3. In times of widespread immorality, believing in the perpetuity of marriage is already an achievement.
  4. What do I like in my life? I love being a wife. My spouse.
  5. Do not believe that feelings fade away. Real feelings burn equally hot on any wedding anniversary.
  6. I knew that I would marry you because your flowers withered very slowly...
  7. Today I realized that we have not just a wedding anniversary, but an anniversary of mutual understanding, devotion and, of course, love.
  8. Once you were my dream, and today we celebrate another wedding anniversary. Came true 🙂
  9. This year has gone like a fairy tale. All because I lived it with you.
  10. When you have a good mother-in-law, this is, of course, good. But suspicious.
  11. No, I will not say that everything was smooth. But in these two years, I realized that I married my man.
  12. Darling, since I married you, I have deprived other girls of the chance to find the perfect husband!
  13. The best evidence of our love is a constantly unmade bed. Happy wedding day, love!
  14. Slowly but surely we are moving towards a golden wedding!
  15. The secret of our happiness is a lot of patience, and just a little bit of romance.
  16. No need to compare us with pigeons or swans. We are a cup and saucer from the same service.
  17. Why are we still together? Because I love you. And also - because behind you I'm like behind a stone wall.

Our marriage is a daily challenge. In the good sense of the word

No matter what anyone says, but every girl dreams of a wedding. Catch special phrases on this topic - beautiful statuses about the wedding.

  1. Someday the day will come when I can marry you. And he is getting closer.
  2. You need to get married only at a conscious age. And very smart people need to become professors, and not give advice ...
  3. A wedding is an official statement that you trust your happiness to someone else.
  4. Today everyone envy me. Because I'm getting married to the best groom ever!
  5. The most successful marriage is the one that has developed by itself. So let's drink to him!
  6. And let it be a little sad that I'm going from my parents' house. But now I'm yours.
  7. You don't have to swear eternal love. Enough to swear in love here and now!
  8. Not calculation, not profit, not because it's time. But simply because love. And today I will sign under it!
  9. Of course, a wedding costs a lot of money. But what kind of wedding is this, “in the family circle”?
  10. It's good that we are already getting married, and the candy-bouquet period has not ended with us.
  11. Living with you is almost impossible. But I'm getting married precisely because I can't live without you!
  12. In this hustle and bustle, I realized that everything is not so important. The main thing is that we have a whole life ahead of us.
  13. Don't talk about how much you love me. Do you love strongly? Get married!
  14. So the time has come when we could have fun at the wedding. Because now it's our wedding.
  15. They say it's stupid to get married because she's a good cook. But damn it, how well she cooks!
  16. To be honest, I'm looking for benefits in marriage: I want strong, brave, and beautiful at the same time!
  17. We have lived to a time when no one cares whether the bride is a virgin or not.

A good marriage comes only after a good friendship

Statuses about the wedding anniversary - do not burn with the same passion, but are filled with more love. So be sure to remind your significant other how much you love her!

  1. 3 years together. Happy for us, not happy for the girls. Judging by their stories, I took my last real man.
  2. They say there are many hardships ahead. But we do not believe them, because we will endure everything together!
  3. Everyone brags about their earthly “loves”, but I don’t have much to brag about. I casually show off my wedding ring.
  4. They say you don't have to marry the one you love. Lie.
  5. Smart girls in the first year of marriage do not learn to cook themselves, but already teach their husband to cook.
  6. So much time has passed since we found ourselves at the altar, but you, my dear, are just as beautiful.
  7. I never dreamed of getting married. I could not even imagine that I would marry such a wonderful person as you.
  8. It doesn't really matter how much money we have. It doesn't matter how many friends we have. The important thing is that we go hand in hand.
  9. I have become truly happy since I received my marriage certificate.
  10. Girls, you need to marry someone who has a heart. Proven in practice!
  11. How can love for a woman with whom you have common children fade away ?!
  12. Exactly two years have passed since the most successful marriage in the world!
  13. A chic wedding is love. A great anniversary is love.
  14. I don’t know how else to thank my husband for a gorgeous anniversary. Oh, I'll write more in the status!
  15. A happy anniversary is not a bunch of gifts. This is when a couple in love looks at each other with special tenderness.
  16. Exactly 4 years since our love was legalized. Happy holiday, my love!

Forgive each other, love each other, and, of course, celebrate more and more anniversaries!