
What do raw foodists drink? Is tea allowed? Raw food diet and coffee, tea, cocoa Do raw foodists need to drink water?


The question: “Do raw foodists drink tea or not?” is far from idle. Ever since people started thinking about a healthy lifestyle and began to get involved in various trends, many consider raw food to be one of the factors of health improvement. But they don’t dare to join - they don’t find the strength to immediately give up “bad eating habits.”

A raw food diet is not just a diet. It's a way of life. Followers of the movement consume only natural products. Some even refuse milk, believing that a return “to the roots” should be at that time. when people had not yet mastered animal husbandry and, accordingly, did not know how to milk cattle.

But there is no need to consider all raw foodists as radical vegetarians. There are those who consume raw meat in their diet - they are called paleo raw foodists - but most of them are staunch vegetarians.

We've sorted out the food. What liquid do raw foodists drink? Do they drink tea, juices? If milk is a natural product, and it can be assumed that ancient people could milk a hunted animal, then the tea leaves undergo a special treatment that activates the taste, and the juices must be specially squeezed out.

Raw foodists are allowed to drink natural water. But where can you get it in the modern world? Some people prefer still bottled water, but! This water can be stored for many years. Surely, they “helped” it with this, and it can only be perceived as natural water conditionally.

Tap water is absolutely not suitable. There are too many additives in it. Water from a source, if it is not a proven spring in an ecologically clean area, is scary to drink. Who knows what the waters of a given water horizon contain?

Raw foodists have found a way out: they use filters to purify tap water or switch to distilled water. It was distilled water that was consumed by one of the founders of the raw food diet, Paul Bragg. By the way, he died at the very respectable age of 95, and only because he fell from surfing.

What do raw foodists drink? Water, tea, juices? Some raw foodists don't drink at all. They believe that the body needs enough fluid, which it receives along with juicy fruits and berries. Such a diet is a very serious and even dangerous test for the body.

And yet, the question of whether raw foodists drink tea can be answered positively.

When tea is considered distilled water at room temperature, infused with herbs. If you add water to the grass in the evening, you can get a pleasant-tasting drink in the morning. And if you add a spoonful of honey, the taste will satisfy even a non-raw foodist.

The diet of raw foodists includes all fruits and vegetables, berries, nuts and honey.

There is a debate among adherents of the movement: can what is sold in stores be considered natural? Most raw foodists, realizing that it is difficult to call what is sold a natural product, grow their own food.

Raw foodists start their day with juicy fruits. In summer, it is advisable to greet the morning with apples and blueberries, in winter – with persimmons or oranges.

Despite the fact that raw foodists talk about the emergence of their movement. Like a return to the healthy food of our ancestors, it is difficult to compare their diet with the diet of a Neanderthal. The first people ate what they dug out of the ground or caught while hunting. Modern raw foodists can provide themselves with fruits from any climate zone in any season.

A raw food diet can be practiced if you have a healthy stomach. Contraindications also include childhood and old age - the latter if you have not adhered to vegetarianism throughout your life.

The transition to a raw food diet needs to be gradual. A sudden change in diet can worsen your health so much that you won’t be able to diet. It is advisable to consult a doctor; the type of diet may not be suitable.

And before you decide on such an experiment, you need to figure out what raw foodists drink and what they eat. So that strict restrictions do not become unexpected in the future.

Sometimes raw foodists drink tea. Just infuse it in cold water. Of course, such tea should be especially natural, brought directly from tea plantations and not subject to special processing. It is very difficult to get such tea.

After you find out what raw foodists drink and what they eat, it becomes scary. Is imaginary longevity really worth giving up so many pleasures? But when you realize how much time is freed from cooking, you inevitably think about a raw food diet.

I often hear in raw food circles that drinking water is not necessary due to the fact that there is plenty of it in fruits and vegetables. But let's take a closer look at the appearance of raw foodists. Often these are thin, almost dried-out people who behave aggressively and sometimes even inappropriately. But the most unpleasant thing about the excessive thinness of raw foodists is that their internal organs also shrink from lack of moisture. What is the reason for this phenomenon? Let's find out!

The fact is that everything that enters our stomach and differs in vitamin and mineral composition from water, our body perceives as food, throwing all its energy into digestion. Those. juices, smoothies, raw food compotes and infusions, etc. from the “point of view” of the body – food! And during digestion, part of the water contained in the “food” is removed from the body. But our body is wiser and is designed in such a way that it needs water to eliminate the lack of moisture in liquid environments and organs.

What kind of water to drink?

The most beneficial water for the body is electronegative water, i.e. with negative ORP. The activity of electrons involved in redox reactions in a liquid medium is called the oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) of the medium. The ORP of the human body, measured on a platinum electrode, during the experiment ranged from -100 mV (millivolts) to -300 mV. This is an indicator of the restored state of the liquid medium. For comparison, we can give the ORP values ​​of drinking water; it ranges from +200 to +300 mV, and sometimes reaches +550 mV. Water in a cancerous tumor has a positive charge. That is why, my dears, there are so many oncologies around the world. All you need to do is start drinking the right water. To create electronegative water, they have come up with quite a lot of devices that produce wonderful living electronegative water.

Akin water

What to do if you don’t have normal water at hand, but you want to drink. Drink! Only in the following way: take a small volume of water and start swirling it around your mouth for about a minute, but it can be longer, and then swallow it. Thus, you infect the water with the frequencies of your body and this water becomes charged.

Why do people suffer from edema?

I know people who deliberately do not drink water for fear of swelling. But in vain! The causes of swelling are simple. Let's look at the example of swelling of the head. Bags under the eyes, swelling of the face, heaviness in the head, drowsiness, nervousness - all these are signs of swelling of the head. And the whole point is that our brain, being in the skull, seems to “float” in water. If a person does not drink for a long time, the body, due to lack of moisture, begins to retain it in the head. The water gradually, like in a swamp, begins to rot. Toxins accumulate, cell waste drifts throughout the body, constantly poisoning it. Conclusion: you need to drink water to avoid swelling!

How to drink water correctly?

When I talk about drinking water, people start drinking it in liters and gulps. But this cannot be done, because... The body will simply remove a large volume of water due to the fact that it is not able to absorb everything, which means that it is our heroic kidneys that will try to remove all this excess moisture from the body. At this moment, the kidneys experience severe overload. But what to do? Drink water in small sips evenly throughout the day. In this way, the body will have time to stock up on moisture, and our kidneys will function properly without strain.

Good health to you! And at the end of the post, my new video on the topic “Raw food diet and water”:

A raw food diet is a nutritional system that involves a radical change in diet. It is expected that there will be a complete rejection of the usual heat treatment of food - frying, boiling, stewing, baking. Adherents of this diet point out that initially a person did not prepare food and ate it only in the form in which it is found in nature. This means that only raw food is natural for humans from a biological point of view. Avoiding heat treatment is the first step. Next, you need to figure out which foods and drinks are allowed and which are prohibited.

What can and cannot be eaten by raw foodists?

Traditionally it is believed that a good cook is a person who has mastered the art of cooking. In a raw food diet the opposite is true. You cannot eat anything that has been heated to a temperature above +42 degrees. If this condition is met, natural enzymes are preserved in the products. These are active substances that promote the digestion of food and facilitate its absorption.

Let's first look at the raw vegan diet. This is the most common type, which involves the rejection of all products of animal origin, that is, meat and fish cannot be consumed even in their raw form.

Authorized Products

People usually think that a raw food diet means eating only raw vegetables and fruits. In fact, the menu within this food system is varied.

Many products are allowed in their raw form:

  1. Fresh fruits make up up to 50% of a raw foodist’s diet. These products give energy and charge you with positivity because they are rich in glucose and nutrients. Scientists have proven that we get the maximum amount of vitamins from freshly picked fruits. As they sit, they become less useful.
  2. Fresh and frozen berries.
  3. Natural dried fruits - in winter you can keep your body in good condition with the help of prunes, dried apricots, raisins, dried apples and dates. The main condition is natural drying in the open air, and not in high-temperature ovens or using chemicals. Raw foodists call such dried fruits “sunfruits.”
  4. Fresh vegetables and root vegetables take up up to 35% of a raw foodist’s diet. They are often consumed not just raw, but even with skin. It contains a lot of dietary fiber, which improves intestinal motility. It is best to eat vegetables grown without the use of harmful fertilizers.
  5. Fresh, dried and frozen greens, including domestic and wild ones like dandelions and quinoa.
  6. Cereals are valued in a raw food diet for their high content of vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, vegetable fats and amino acids.
  7. Legumes are the leaders among other products in terms of the content of vegetable proteins, which the body digests more easily, fats and starch.
  8. Seeds - sprouted ones are most often used.
  9. Nuts make up about 15% of the diet of raw foodists. These are important products, but they should not be overused, as they can harm the body due to their high fat content (walnuts contain 12% carbohydrates, 18% proteins and 70% fats). People with liver disease, obesity and diabetes should be especially careful.
  10. Cold pressed vegetable oils. They are allowed to be eaten provided that during production the raw materials were not heated above +40 degrees. Even butter is prepared at home without heat treatment.
  11. Dried seasonings from natural herbs, herbs and vegetables.
  12. Raw and dried mushrooms.
  13. Bee products - honey, propolis, pollen, beebread, etc.
  14. Sea and other natural salts.

These foods can be eaten separately. Another option is to prepare complete meals, many of which are familiar to all of us. These are salads and soups, cocktails, breads, cheese, cocktails and smoothies, even cakes and candies. The taste of raw food seems unusual at first, but gradually the receptors are cleared and the taste impressions become brighter.

Prohibited Products

A raw food diet involves a complete rejection of food, the cultivation and production of which used chemicals, GMOs, and any types of high-temperature processing.

The following products are prohibited:

  1. Everything that was cooked with heating up to +42 degrees or more.
  2. Products of animal origin - fish, meat, eggs, cottage cheese, cheese, etc.;
  3. Cereals, breads and polished white rice.
  4. Genetically modified products, including grains, fruits, vegetables.
  5. Refined and unnatural vegetable oils - primarily the familiar sunflower and corn oils.
  6. Dried fruits treated with sulfur or dried in high temperature ovens.
  7. Store-bought muesli and instant porridges.
  8. Sugar and any products containing it.
  9. Black peppercorns and seasonings that are dried at high temperatures.
  10. Rock table salt.

Video: What should a raw foodist eat in winter? Daily diet of a raw foodist in winter.

What can and cannot be drunk on a raw food diet?

The drinking regime in a raw food diet is no less important than proper nutrition. The body must receive a sufficient amount of moisture - this is necessary for normal digestion and metabolism. The same rule applies here as with food. Drinks should not be prepared at temperatures above +42 degrees and should not contain chemicals or sugar.

Allowed drinks

It is very important to drink a lot of clean water when following a raw food diet. Boiled water should not be consumed. It is also better not to drink bottled water. Most mineral waters also do not bring benefits to the body.

The best water is that which is obtained from a personally verified source or well. Not everyone has access to this. What to do?

You should absolutely not drink tap water. It is not recommended not only in a raw food diet, but also in a normal diet. To purify tap water, you can use shungite, or slate stone. It has bactericidal properties. This stone absorbs harmful substances like a sponge. It is used not only for water disinfection, but also for its mineralization.

There are 2 ways to use shungite:

  1. Purifying water in a glass jar. You just need to put a slate stone in a container, pour water into it and wait. Shungite needs to be changed approximately once a month.
  2. Using shungite water filters. They are more convenient than regular coal ones. Some believe that such filters are also more reliable because they contain silicon and quartz. They last for about a couple of months.

Some raw foodists do not drink water, believing that they get enough liquid from vegetables and fruits. This is mistake. To cleanse the body you need 1.5-2 liters of clean water per day. During the first 1-2 years of a raw food diet, it is especially important, because during this time all accumulated waste and toxins are actively removed.

Other drinks that raw foodists can and should drink:

  1. Fruit, vegetable and mixed juices. They are very healthy, but they must be made yourself from fresh ingredients and consumed immediately after preparation. This way the body receives the maximum amount of vitamins. Good drinks are obtained when using an auger juicer.
  2. Fruit water. It is prepared like this: a juicy fruit is squeezed into pre-prepared water. It could be lemon with the addition of ginger root.
  3. Honey water - it is made with the addition of a spoonful of natural honey.
  4. Cold herbal teas and infusions. These are not the drinks that are prepared from tea leaves and boiling water. Raw foodists add the ingredients to a jar of water and leave it to steep in the sun. So the tea absorbs his energy and then transfers it to people. An approximate composition is a couple of rose hips, a dried echinacea flower and a pinch of herbs. If you need to quickly prepare tea, you can use water heated to +40 degrees. It turns out to be a healthy and tasty drink for every day.

There are also raw fruit compotes, coconut water, refreshing and warming drinks. There are many recipes, but you can come up with your own.

Prohibited drinks

If you decide to switch to a raw food diet, you will have to exclude the following drinks from your diet:

  1. Alcohol. Raw foodists do not drink beer, vodka, or whiskey, because these are poisons that poison the body. A controversial issue is the possibility of drinking grape wine made without sugar and heat treatment. Supporters of the drink believe that it is not very strong and contains beneficial substances from grapes, although it should not be abused. There is also an opinion that wine, even if it is made exclusively from natural ingredients, is alcohol, and therefore kills living cells.
  2. Store-bought juices and nectars. They are prepared not from fruits, but from powder with a lot of flavors, dyes and other chemicals. They bring no benefit to anyone.
  3. Boiled compotes - even if they are made from fresh fruits and berries, heat treatment is used. It is prohibited in a raw food diet.
  4. Green and black teas, coffee. They contain caffeine and are brewed with boiling water, so they do not fit into the concept of a raw food diet at all.

You must prepare all drinks yourself. This is the rule of a raw food diet. You can grow the ingredients yourself or buy them at markets from familiar sellers. There are also many raw food online stores where you can find a variety of food and drinks.

I think it is obvious to all raw foodists, or almost, that bottled water, sold in stores, is not very suitable for our cleansing bodies. What to do? Where can I get the right water? And what is she like, this one? the right water?

There are many opinions on this matter: some choose water purified simultaneously in two or more types of filters, others promote spring water, others drink homemade melt water, others collect rainwater or defrost snow, others... In general, there are a decent number of options. And everyone will have quite a significant reason in favor of their choice. Well, perhaps through filters or boiling - this is from despair, from the inability to obtain water in any other desired form.

It is quite difficult for a beginning raw foodist to decide what to drink, as well as what to eat. I doubt that there are people who, before starting their raw food journey, thoroughly studied and immediately started with completely natural food. Usually a person plunges into this topic while still green and gradually learns - he learns what is good and what is bad. It’s the same with me: just as at first I unknowingly ate all kinds of junk, I drank about the same.

I started with bottled artesian water, or at least still, and that was fine. After all, it’s not for nothing that water is suddenly stored quietly for a year? Probably for a reason - they helped her. Then he began to drink filtered and then boiled water. Well, then I read a lot of Paul Bragg, accepted his reasonable arguments, and also took into account how and how long this man lived, figured out how much longer he could live if he died at the age of 95 while surfing, and decided on his further course - he moved on on distilled water.

It turned out to be quite simple, just a little expensive. Well, it doesn’t matter - there would be a goal, but... Well, you know. There are sites on the Internet where you can look, read, and even order a good one. household distiller. By the way, fifteen minutes ago I set it to create another portion of pure H2O - you can hear the hard worker making noise behind the door with his propeller.

At first, the taste of distilled water was a little unusual, but it still differs from its liquid counterparts. However, after a few days my tongue tasted it, the taste began to be perceived as proper, and my body did not show any dissatisfaction. Since then I’ve practically only been drinking it; sometimes, because distilled water is unavailable, you actually have to drink boiled water.

Don't think, I don't encourage anyone to switch to distilled water, and I especially don't want to say that the rest of the water is wrong. As I wrote above, there are significant reasons in favor of different types of water. For me, the arguments in favor of the distillate turned out to be the most convincing, and at least there is no hassle with its creation, as, for example, with the same melt water.

What are you drinking? And what considerations guided your choice?

If you realize that you are not eating correctly and decide to radically change your life by switching to a raw food diet, you should remember that you will have to change a lot. A raw food diet is not just a refusal of boiled and fried foods, but a whole theory that many take years to learn. In addition to the fact that you won’t be able to taste fried potatoes with mushrooms, you will have to give up tea and coffee, with which many of us start our morning. Those who have decided to switch to “live” nutrition are interested in the question of whether tea is appropriate on a raw food diet and whether it will harm the body. It is definitely difficult to answer, especially considering the fact that the maximum temperature for processing food during a raw food diet is only 40 degrees, which is not enough to boil water.

Is tea harmful for a raw food diet?

The raw food diet, which originated as a theory of a return to origins when people did not know what fire was, causes a lot of controversy today. If everything is more or less clear with foods consumed, then many questions arise regarding permitted drinks. For example, many people think that we should give up milk, but it is not a fact that ancient people did not drink the milk of wild animals. Tea on a raw food diet raises many doubts, and many do not understand how boiled water can harm the body, especially considering that it is the basis for preparing medicinal herbal infusions.

One of the limitations of any type of raw food diet is the taboo on heat treatment of foods above 40 degrees, and it is impossible to prepare classic tea at this temperature. For this reason, raw foodists often refuse tea, believing that the body already receives a sufficient amount of liquid from vegetables and fruits, especially if you have chosen a radical type of raw food diet - fruitarianism. This may be true, but why give up medicinal herbal tea, especially since it can be prepared without exposure to high temperatures.

How to make tea on a raw food diet

If you decide to switch to a natural diet and still cannot give up tea, we will try to prove that a raw food diet and tea can be combined without harm to your body. In this case, it is important to follow some formalities. It is known that the food consumed by raw foodists. It should be as natural as possible, and most often they grow vegetables and fruits themselves, not trusting the products offered in markets and stores. But what about tea in this case and where to get quality tea.

First of all, you must find a source of good water, and this is quite difficult these days. If you think that the purified water sold in the store is clean, you are deeply mistaken, because in order for it to be stored for a long time, something is added to the water. You should also not trust spring water, which may contain microbes, not to mention the quality of untreated tap water, which contains a huge amount of harmful impurities. Raw foodists filter tap water themselves or switch to distilled water. We've sorted out the water thing, now it's time to figure out how to make tea without boiling water. Tea and a raw food diet mean a lot of new recipes and discoveries. Did you know that you can brew tea with cold or slightly warmed water? Raw foodists have learned to do this too, and their tea turns out excellent, the main thing is to use a natural, although not cheap, product. They also use cold water to brew tea based on beneficial plants from their home medicine cabinet. It can be. Both everyday teas and medicinal infusions.