
Carnival in Venice dates. What you need to know about carnivals in Venice. The main events that can be seen at the carnival in Venice


The theme of this carnival is a game. The theme lends itself to multiple interpretations, from the masquerade itself, the dressing up, to "its more complex forms such as theater, art or the circus," the carnival organizers explain.

Installation of "circus" scenery on Piazza San Marco before the carnival.

In the photo - the installation of "circus" scenery on St. Mark's Square before the carnival.

According to Carnival Art Director Marco Maccapani, the Venice Carnival 2018 will be dedicated to "the ancient art of the circus, which consists of skill, acrobatics, magic and amazement of the audience."

Grand opening of the Venice Carnival

Express info by country

Italy(Italian Republic) is a state in Southern Europe.

Capital - Rome

Largest cities: Rome, Milan, Naples, Turin, Palermo, Bologna, Florence, Catania, Venice

Form of government- Parliamentary republic

Territory- 301,340 km 2 (71st in the world)

Population– 60.79 million people (23rd in the world)

Official language– Italian

Religion - Catholicism

HDI - 0.873 (27th in the world)

GDP– $2.141 trillion (8th in the world)

Currency– euro

Borders with: France, Switzerland, Austria, Slovenia

La Festa Veneziana - the opening - as usual, began with the fact that on the evening of January 27, a carnival-circus costume procession passed along the canal in the Canareggio area. In the afternoon of January 28 - the second part, the boat parade along the Grand Canal.

Competition for the best mask (beginning - February 3)

Masquerade is one of the oldest traditions of carnival, which is about 700 years old. Those who participate in the carnival from Thursday to Saturday (February 8 - February 10) have a chance to participate in the final of the competition on Sunday, February 11.

Masks at the carnival-2018. Photo: Top Travel Tips

Festa delle Marie (beginning - February 3)

The traditional competition for the title of Carnival Queen dates back to the period when the doges ruled Venice and twelve of the most beautiful Venetian girls competed annually for a prize - jewelry and a wedding dowry. On February 10, the final will take place with a parade of twelve finalists selected in the previous stages. This event will end on stage in St. Mark's Square on February 13 at 4:00 pm. The winner - "Maria" - will arrive in a gondola to the square and receive her crown.

Parade of the finalists of the contest "Queen of the Carnival" -2017. Photo: official website of the Venice Carnival

Official dinners and balls

They will take place on February 3 and 4, then from February 8 to 13 (the intensity of events increases towards the end of the holiday). The main official dinner (with music and light show) will take place on February 3 at Ca ‘Vendramin Calergi overlooking the Grand Canal.

Dinner Show at the Venice Carnival 2017. Video: Venezia Unica

Venice Carnival 2017. Photo: EPA

Flying Angel

On February 4, in St. Mark's Square, the winner of last year's Festa delle Marie, dressed as an angel, "flies" over the square, gliding along the rope from the St. Mark's Campanile to greet the Doge.

Eagle flight

On February 11, in St. Mark's Square, a man in a luxurious bird costume will “fly off” from the same bell tower. This is a new, but no less beautiful tradition.

Venice Carnival 2017

Eagle flight at carnival 2017. Photo: EPA

Svolo del Leon

On the evening of February 13, the winged lion is honored - the symbol of Venice. A huge portrait of Leone di San Marco will fly up a tightrope to the bell tower in Piazza San Marco over the heads of the crowd below. "Svolo del Leon" and the awarding of the Carnival Queen Maria are the final events of the carnival.

Magnificent Venice like a magnet attracts lovers and romantics from all over the world. But on the eve of Lent, something unimaginable and enchanting is happening in the city. The streets are full of masks. Passers-by are all dressed in unthinkable masquerade costumes. There is a feeling that he was in a fantasy country inhabited by fabulous creatures.

The atmosphere of celebration and fun is almost physically felt in the air. There is loud music and laughter everywhere. Blame it all, of course, the famous Venice Carnival. It receives hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world, literally overflowing this Italian town in order to join the unique celebration that has come down to us from the Middle Ages.

They are well-deservedly popular at the Venice Carnival - there will be plenty of impressions from such a holiday.

History of the Carnival in Venice

Some historians consider 1094 to be the founding date of the Venice Carnival. It was then that the first documentary mention of him appeared. But, perhaps, this holiday is much older, as it is known about the tradition of holding masquerades and carnivals in this region since ancient times.

It should be noted that carnival masks in the form in which we imagine them appeared only in the 13th century. The next step was 1162. Sources report that people held festivities in Piazza San Marco, thus celebrating the victory over the patriarch of Aquileia.

It is assumed that from that moment the carnival began to be held annually. During the celebration, people from different classes could hide their true identity behind masks and sit down at the festive table together, casting aside class prejudices. Therefore, nothing could interfere with unbridled fun and luxurious feasts.

In the format in which we know it now, the carnival has existed since the eighteenth century. They even tried to ban it and did not hold it for seventy years. But in 1979, Federico Fellini restored justice and returned Venice to its traditional holiday.

The official start of the costumed festivities is the raising of a huge dove made of paper over St. Mark's Square, which soon turns into a rain of shiny confetti.

There is a sign that if even a tiny sparkle hit a person, then for a whole year it will be his talisman of good luck, attracting wealth and prosperity. Even if you do not believe in omens, still try to grab such a souvenir for yourself as a keepsake of the holiday.

How to take part in the Venice Carnival?

The opening ceremony of the carnival will take place on January 27. Even if you didn’t manage to come that day, you don’t need to be upset. Masks for every taste are sold literally everywhere - in specialized stores or just on the streets.

Here already count on your budget. The cost of one mask can reach 150 euros. But we advise you not to rush to part with the money immediately. Walk around the city and look at the assortment. We are sure that you can find a no less beautiful and original copy for 15-20 or even five euros.

At the same time, such a mask can be more convenient than an expensive bulky option. After purchasing the mask, you can say that you are officially ready to take part in the Venice Carnival. Dress up and join the party.

How is the Venice Carnival?

Luxurious palaces on the banks of the Grand Canal are booked long before the opening of the carnival. It is here that the most luxurious costume balls will be held for fourteen days, attended by celebrities and millionaires.

Some of them are held by invitation and are closed from free visits. But there are still many events that can be accessed relatively freely. Assuming you can afford to pay around 400 euros per evening.

If you do not have a VIP invitation, extra money and even a banal carnival outfit for a ball, believe me, you can also have a lot of fun and interesting time. You get great pleasure just looking at people in masks. You will not see such a number of bright ideas and outfits of past centuries anywhere else.

Venice seems to be going back a few centuries. The most popular are clownish costumes, images of courtesans, brave knights, nuns and simply noble ladies and gentlemen of the 18th-19th centuries.

Remember that for two weeks, while the carnival is going on, not only all hotels in the city are booked, but also many popular restaurants. They host endless costumed banquets, usually closed. Everything that happens inside can be observed through large windows-showcases.

Sometimes it's interesting enough. Some participants specially prepare for the carnival, improving their costumes and creating new unique looks. They willingly communicate with tourists and pose for selfies and photos for memory. The whole city turns into one big party, so you definitely won't be bored.

Closing of the carnival

During the closing ceremony of the Venice Carnival, a grandiose costume parade and dance show are held. The fun begins to slowly subside only in the late evening, when the bell ringing announces the beginning of Lent.

After that, the most luxurious and unusual winter holiday in Europe is officially closed. The streets are gradually emptying, and the guests return home, having preserved unforgettable impressions and hoping to return here again.

Dates for the Venice Carnival 2018

Carnival in Venice will take a little longer than two weeks. It will open on January 27 and end on February 13. The opening ceremony will take place on Saturday night, so try to arrive on time to take home the "lucky" sparkle left over from the dove.

The next day, January 28, the second stage of the carnival will begin with folk festivals and costumed processions called "The Festa Veneziana". The ringing of the bell, speaking of the end of the holiday, will sound on Sunday, February 13, 2018.

Tourist trips to Venice have always been very popular. Many people associate this city with love, romance and, of course, with carnival. As we know, before Lent, the streets of Venice miraculously turn into theatrical stages. promises to be the most enchanting in all the years of its holding.

Surprisingly, it seems that these days absolutely everyone puts on a variety of masquerade costumes. Walking through the streets, you realize that you found yourself in a fairy-tale land inhabited by all sorts of fantastic creatures.

It seems that the air around you does not consist of oxygen, but of joy and fun. The carnival atmosphere is so deeply felt. Cheerful music constantly sounds everywhere, and laughter resounding from all sides makes this holiday even more fun.

Hundreds of thousands of people come to the carnival from all over the world. During its celebration, the Italian city does not just become the center of the world, but turns into a medieval city that existed many years ago.

If you do not want to miss such a carnival, then go to Venice. Waiting for you there:

  1. original costumes.
  2. Fairy masks.
  3. Music and fun.

If you have the appropriate outfit, take it with you. If it is not there, then do not worry, you can easily purchase it directly in Venice

Most historians believe that the carnival in Venice was founded in 1094. After all, the first mention of it appeared in the documents of this year. However, many assume that the carnival is much older than everyone thinks. Indeed, even in ancient times, it was in this region that traditions appeared to arrange various masquerades. Many do not know, but carnival masks in the form in which we are accustomed to seeing them appeared in the 13th century.

The next entry about the carnival was subsidized in 1162. During these times, peculiar festivities were held in Piazza San Marco. They celebrated the victory over the patriarch of Aquileia.

Many argue that it was from that time that the carnival began to be held annually. All residents could participate in it, regardless of what class they belonged to. After all, who you really could be hidden under a mask. Therefore, people sat down at the festive table, not even guessing who was sitting next to them. The main thing is that it absolutely did not interfere, and maybe even positively influenced the holding of the holiday. Feasting and fun were held on a grand scale.

As we know it now, the carnival was transformed in the eighteenth century. At a certain time, it was forbidden to hold it and it was forgotten for seventy years. However, in 1979, the famous Federico Fellini decided to bring this traditional holiday back to Venice.

Today, the carnival officially begins with the raising of a huge dove over St. Mark's Square. It is made of paper and subsequently turns into a kind of rain of shiny confetti.

Everyone present at the festival knows the tradition that the one on whom at least one sparkle falls, it will become his reliable talisman of good luck for the whole year and will attract prosperity and wealth.

Even those who do not believe in this omen, certainly try to take at least a little sparkle for themselves as a memory of the carnival.

How to take part in the Venice Carnival?

The solemn ceremony of the holiday will be held on January 27. Everyone is trying to get to her. However, do not be discouraged if you do not have time to come to it. Masks for the carnival are sold throughout the entire time of its holding literally at every step.

The price of one such mask sometimes reaches 150 euros. However, do not rush to buy it right away. Walking around the city, you can find a mask that suits you for 15, or maybe even 5 euros. At the same time, such a mask will be no worse, and perhaps even better than a more expensive option.

If you have already purchased everything, then you are ready to take a full part in the Venice Carnival

Therefore, do not hesitate and it's time to join the general celebration.

How is the Venice Carnival?

Absolutely all luxurious palaces located on the banks of the Grand Canal are booked in advance. After all, it is here that the most grandiose costume balls will be held for 14 days. They will be attended by a large number of celebrities and millionaires.

Most of these balls are by invitation only. But there are plenty of events that you can get to for as little as 400 euros for one evening. However, if you do not have an invitation or a tidy sum of cash, do not be discouraged, you too can have plenty of fun on the streets of the festive city.

Medieval costumes are simply amazing in their beauty. It seems that there is no other place on the planet where you can see so many different costumes at the same time. The most popular of them are costumes:

  • jester;
  • brave knight;
  • noble ladies and gentlemen;
  • courtesans;
  • nuns.

Which of these images to choose is up to you.

Often, during the carnival, all popular restaurants are closed to ordinary tourists. Basically, costumed banquets are held in them, and it’s just impossible to get to them.

Most people watch what is happening through the window-showcase. And it's pretty interesting. Most of the participants in such events prepare in advance for the carnival.

To do this, they create unique images and sew original costumes. All of them with great pleasure communicate with passers-by and pose for photographs as a keepsake. Thanks to this, at a certain moment, the whole city turns into one big holiday.

Closing of the carnival

At the closing ceremony of the carnival, a huge costumed parade is traditionally held. Then a grand dance show is held. And only by late evening all the fun gradually ends.

Venice Carnival 2019: program and dates of the festival. What to do and how to spend time if you are lucky enough to be in Venice during the winter festivities.

#2. Savoia & Jolanda 4*

High-quality European "four". A smart decision is to choose a hotel in the Castello area and withdraw from the bustle of San Marco for the night. The hotel has palace-style rooms (warning lovers of minimalism) and a terrace overlooking the Grand Canal.

Hotel Savoia & Jolanda 4* (Carnival of Venice 2019)

#3. Splendid Venice 4*

There are many advantages: location, the ability to order a water taxi to the entrance, a panoramic rooftop terrace, the proximity of San Marco (500 meters). The hotel took care of comfortable beds and delicious breakfasts. We are in love with him! 8.7 points on + 9.5 (!) for location.

Hotel Splendid Venice 4* (Venice Carnival 2019)

#4. Hotel Anastasia 3*

One of the best budget hotels in the San Marco area. To the famous square 300 m - none of the events of the celebration will pass you by! The rooms are well furnished, guests also note the hospitality and professionalism of the staff.

Double room in Hotel Anastasia 3* (Venice)

#5. Hotel Bel Sito & Berlino

Hotel in traditional Venetian style at an adequate price. The design of the rooms is very romantic, everyone will like it, but especially couples in love! The food is delicious, wi-fi works well, all the main attractions are nearby.

Remember - Hotel Concordia (Carnival of Venice 2019)

What to buy at the carnival in Venice

Once at the carnival, you will surely want to treat yourself with gifts. Souvenirs that you don't mind spending money on in such an expensive city as Venice:

Arcana I Mage (Tarocco del Carnevale di Venezia) - the most valuable find at the Venice Carnival!

  • Carnival mask. Without this beauty, you are unlikely to leave the city. For gifts, buy several copies at an average price, and the minimum program can be considered completed;
  • Champagne Bellini- sparkling drink with apricot flavor. If you want something more elegant, take a look at wines from the province of Veneto. For the price of 10-12 EUR you will get a worthy gift;
  • Tarot cards with a Venetian theme. A deck that can be used as a guide - Tarocchi di Venezia Dal Negro Publishers. It has been discontinued, but is rarely found in Venetian shops. Taro Casanova from Lo Scarabeo also pleases with views of the city, you can buy everywhere. Tarocco del Carnevale di Venezia 1988, entirely dedicated to the carnival in Venice. It is difficult to find, but if you suddenly succeed, you should know that collectors are ready to pay 500 EUR for one copy;
  • One of the thousands confetti on which the dove scatters during the opening ceremony. The souvenir is absolutely free, but the most valuable.

Excursions in Venice and surroundings

The best excursions in Venice are not mass “gondola rides”, but unusual routes from locals. They are created by creative people who have something to tell and show. All tours are conducted in Russian.

Production of carnival masks in Venice

In conclusion, the most beautiful video dedicated to the Venice Carnival, which we managed to find. Watch and be inspired!

Visit and find out which ones are worth spending money on. Find out how it goes and as well as a souvenir.

Venice attracts romantics and lovers from all over the world. Before Lent, a completely different, festive atmosphere reigns in the city, the streets are filled with masks. Almost everyone wears masquerade costumes. For a moment, you might think that you are in a fairy tale.

There is music and laughter everywhere. All this happens on the day of the most famous Venice Carnival. The festival brings together hundreds of thousands of people from different countries who want to take part in the celebration.

Tours to Venice are very popular, because everyone will have a lot of pleasant impressions from what they see. Many do not want to miss this tale.

History of the Venice Carnival

According to history, the Venice Carnival was founded in 1094. It was during this period of time that there was the first mention of it, so it is possible that the holiday was founded much earlier. As it became known, the tradition of holding carnivals and masquerades has come to us since ancient times.

It must be said that carnival masks appeared in the 13th century. It is assumed that the carnival began to be held annually since 1162. This holiday allowed all people to hide their nature behind a mask and sit down with everyone at the table, while discarding all prejudices.

In the form in which the carnival is now taking place, it began to exist since the 18th century. There was a time when they wanted to completely ban it and not hold it for seven years. However, in 1979 justice was restored and the holiday returned to the city.

How to participate in the Venice Carnival?

The opening ceremony of the festival took place on January 27. Therefore, everyone who did not have time to attend the opening should not be upset, because you can buy a mask in any store or even on the street. Here you should count on your budget, because one mask can cost 150 euros.

But you should not immediately buy the first mask that comes across, you can walk around the city and view the entire range. You can buy an equally beautiful mask for a very reasonable price. After buying a mask, you can safely take part in the carnival.

How is the carnival going?

Palaces located on the banks of the Grand Canal begin to book long before the holiday. Since it is there that costume balls will be held for two weeks, which will be attended by millionaires and celebrities. Many of them will be held by invitation, and some will be completely closed.

But despite this, there are still many other events that you can freely access. However, there is one condition, for the evening you have to pay 400 euros. If a person does not have an invitation, a lot of money or an outfit, do not be upset, because he can also have fun.

You can get great pleasure even from the sight of people in beautiful masks, which is impossible to see anywhere else. It is clownish costumes, images of brave knights, courtesans, noble ladies, nuns, and gentlemen of the 18th-19th centuries that are gaining great popularity.

During this period, many popular restaurants are also booked, which should also be taken into account. The restaurants also host various costumed performances, which can be viewed behind large display windows.

There are participants who are preparing for this celebration, they improve their costumes in advance and come up with new images. They also take photos with tourists and communicate with them. The whole city is having fun and celebrating the carnival.

The end of the carnival

On the day when the closing of the carnival takes place, the largest costume parade is held, as well as a dance show. The fun ends in the late afternoon, when the bell ringing is heard, announcing the onset of Great Lent.

Only after that is it considered that the holiday has come to an end, writes the portal C-ib. All the people go home and the streets become empty. But everyone will remember for a long time what happened on them.