
How can I live without my beloved? I can’t live without my loved one: what to do. Love yourself for real


Hello, dear readers. Today we will talk about how to live without a loved one. Situations in life can be varied. Perhaps you had to break up with your significant other or a tragedy occurred and that person is no longer with us. It is important to understand how not to withdraw into yourself, not to lose the meaning of your existence, not to fall into depression, but to come to terms with what happened and continue to live. This is what we will talk about in this article.

Situation options

If young people live together under the same roof for a long time or simply spend a lot of time together, they get used to coexisting. But at one moment everything can collapse, your loved one will no longer be around, but everything will continue to remind you of him, and your memories will also be alive. In this case, it is very important to understand how to overcome yourself, how to learn to live on.

Some people, under the influence of a breakup, begin to withdraw into themselves, silently experience the loss, engage in soul-searching, and become depressed.

Separately, it is worth considering the situation when the person you love has not left, but died, he is not among the living. In this case, advice is unlikely to help you, but you can get the best help from a professional psychotherapist or doctor who will help you cope with the pain of loss. Sometimes you can survive such pain by helping people who find themselves in a worse situation than you are at the moment.

Read on to find out what to do if you are familiar with the phrase “I can’t live without my girlfriend (boyfriend)” after your partner has broken off all relations with you.

  1. If you have any gifts from your significant other, then it is better to get rid of them or at least put them in some drawer and hide them so that they do not catch your eye. As for photographs, they also need to be removed from view for a while. However, you should not rush to delete photos together. After all, this is your memory. The day will come when you will come to terms with the fact that the person who just left you was not the only one. But how nice it will be to remember the old days. Although in certain cases it is still worth destroying the pictures, especially if your ex-lover hurt you very much before leaving.
  2. Start making changes in yourself. It's time to open a new page in your life. It doesn't have to be drastic changes in appearance. Although such changes will also have a beneficial effect on one’s own perception. You can, for example, change what you like to do in your free time, do something you weren’t into before.
  3. You shouldn’t withdraw into yourself, stay alone with yourself. is now your worst enemy. Try to be around other people most of the time, preferably those you can trust who will support you. At the same time, it is recommended to go with friends to some events, exhibitions, or to the theater. This is what you need now - to unwind, to get distracted. If you are alone with your best friend, with whom you will discuss the ended relationship, then the situation will only get worse.
  4. Treat yourself, do something that really brings you pleasure, something that you have been denying yourself for a long time. This does not mean that you need to abandon the strict diet or proper nutrition that you have been giving preference to lately, deciding to forget about all the restrictions and start eating cakes, processed foods, and drinking soda. This will only worsen your already sad emotional state. Here we are talking about what you previously regretted money on, but always dreamed of. For example, you might buy a dress that costs more than you could afford.
  5. Sometimes it's better not to restrain yourself, to cry if it's really necessary. It is important to be able to find a person to whom you can tell about your emotions, about what happened, about how bad it is now, how painful it is, and that this person is truly reliable, able to listen, help with advice, and provide the right support.
  6. Decide on it if you haven’t had one before. You are now categorically not recommended to sit idle in your free time. Having caught a minute, you need to devote it to something interesting, something that will interest you, captivate you, something that will allow you to see the results of your actions.
  7. If possible, go on a trip. This doesn’t have to be a trip outside the country, you can just go out of town. Sometimes a change of environment helps. Especially if your ex lives nearby or you have to work together, and further meetings only exacerbate your pain.
  8. Having parted with your soulmate, you should not bother her, write on social networks, send SMS, call on the phone, humiliate yourself, hoping that your loved one will return to you. This is how you lose your pride and ruin your self-respect.
  9. If you had favorite places that you always visited together, now you need to avoid them, because the associations are still alive in your memory.
  10. Realize that in any breakup of a relationship, the fault always lies with both partners, even if you don’t understand it now. It's time to understand that the person was sent to you for an experience, that you need to learn some lesson from this relationship, draw conclusions.
  11. Don't let fears settle in your heart. If you are currently single, this does not mean that you will always be so. We are the makers of our own destinies. And you shouldn’t rush headlong into a new relationship. This won't lead to anything good. You just need to switch to something, take care of yourself, and the right person will appear on your path in life.
  12. It is unacceptable to blame yourself for what happened, to engage in self-criticism. Even if you really made mistakes, you can’t change anything now, just accept the situation as a life lesson.
  13. If now it seems that the person with whom you broke up was your ideal, the love of your life, then it’s time to understand that this is not so, that now your mind is clouded, that there are no ideal people, everyone has their shortcomings. Therefore, it would be a good idea to conduct a general analysis of your ex-partner, discarding your heart and turning on only your mind. Sometimes awareness of negative qualities allows you to understand that what happened to you was not what was imagined, that it was just an illusion, and you are open to new relationships.
  14. Admit to yourself that your old relationship is already in the past. If you couldn’t resuscitate them, then you should let them go, move on, and start a new life. If you decide to visit a psychologist, he will help you work through the situation, teach you how to let go of an event that may have played a key role in your life, tell you how to learn a lesson from it, and teach you how to move on.

Realize that right now you are experiencing severe mental pain, a feeling of despair, and possibly fear. However, some time will pass and only emptiness will remain in your soul. You will understand that life is not over, that everything is still ahead.

If you are familiar with the phrase “I can’t live without the man or woman I love,” then you now know that many people face a similar situation. After all, feelings in one couple are not always mutual. It happens that someone loves more. The main thing is to understand that if at the moment you are left alone, then it is destined to be so. And even though it’s excruciatingly painful right now, time will put everything in its place. Life goes on, you will definitely meet that person, feelings for whom will be much stronger than what you are experiencing at the moment.

With a loved one, especially if the breakup was his initiative, there comes a period in the life of every woman when she needs to make a certain choice: start a new life or continue to exist in suffering and grief, remembering her loved one.
Of course, everyone understands that they now need to change something and learn to live again. But how to do that? Here are a few rules that will help you cope with depression and learn to live without your ex-boyfriend.
1. Look around and understand what reminds you of your loved one: photographs, souvenirs from vacation spots you spent together? His personal belongings? The sofa you bought together? All this needs to be removed. It's best to throw it away so that you can't take all these things out of the box on a lonely evening and reminisce again. Well, if, for example, it’s difficult with a souvenir or photographs, then you can ask to keep these things with you, and then pick them up in a year or two. Over time, the memories will not be so vivid, and your loved one will no longer evoke such strong emotions in you.

2. Change your appearance. Go to a beauty salon and ask a specialist to cut your hair and dye your hair a color that you have never dyed but have always dreamed of. Spend as much time as possible in the beauty salon and order a range of procedures and services. This will help you relax and have a lot of fun, forget about your problems and, most importantly, increase your self-esteem. Perhaps after this you will think: was he, my beloved, worthy of such a beauty like me?

3. Fulfill your deepest desire. Has your ex-lover watched your figure? Did you deny yourself sweets because of him? Buy a huge cake and invite your friends. Time will pass unnoticed during a cheerful conversation, and this will allow you to have fun.

4. You can continue the evening with friends somewhere in a nightclub or cafe. Perhaps a new acquaintance awaits you there, which will change your life in an instant.

5. Find a hobby or a new job. A new activity will help you forget about all the sorrows and bad weather that haunted you after parting with your loved one. A new hobby will help you immerse yourself in your worries and affairs, meet new people, and create something beautiful and useful. You yourself will not notice how your love no longer worries.

6. Go on a trip. Rest will put your thoughts in order and set you up for a new wave.


If they left you. You will clearly be the center of attention, receiving your partner's "what an asshole" characteristics. or “what a bitch!”, as well as valuable instructions on how to live further... Usually this does not help for long... Brenda Davis compared a person to a daisy, which has something at its core. At this stage, it is important to separate what situation you find yourself in after the breakup and what personal feelings and experiences you have about the breakup in general.

Helpful advice

Tips for life. Articles. I was abandoned or how to move on after a breakup. The situation when a loved one leaves you seems terrible and very difficult. The question is not easy, but very common, because, unfortunately, both very young people and already mature, family people break up. At first, everything around loses its color, all feelings, except for the aching pain in the heart, become dull. But, believe me, it’s only in the very first time after a breakup that the world becomes unkind.


  • how to learn to make your loved one love only me

I don't know how to live further. There was a suicide attempt, but they saved him in time. I can’t live without my loved one, whom I myself abandoned because I was afraid of betrayal and that he would leave me, I suffered for a long time, then I decided to return everything, but she didn’t want to. He said that he no longer has feelings for me and he has another girlfriend. When he found out that I tried to commit suicide, he said that I was just selfish, he didn’t even come to see me at the hospital, which was very offensive. Please don’t judge, I understand that I need to try to forget, to let go, but I can’t.
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Lena, age: 18 / 06/22/2015


Len, yes, the main thing here is to let go. It's not easy, but it's necessary. Well, it wasn’t yours, since you left and there’s no need to kill yourself like that. Yes, it’s hard, I’m going through this too. But there are plenty of ways to forget it. You are 18 years old, do you think this is the last person you will meet in your life? By the way, the means are as follows: the website Survive. RU. True Love website. Prayer for yourself, for him. Sports, active, just so that you only have the strength to crawl to bed, communication with people who are even worse off, good deeds, as much as possible, and working on thoughts, fighting bad thoughts, especially those pushing you to commit suicide - with prayer. Thank God for everything! Lord have mercy. And until your soul calms down, believe me, this is the only thing that will pull you through, and also confession and Communion. The ABC of Faith, read about it there. God help you Elena! And by the way, with such a royal name, and even giving up like that, isn’t it stupid? Pray to your intercessor Helen Equal to the Apostles.

Divirgent, age: 21/06/23/2015

Hello, Lena. Remember once and for all that not a single man in the world is worth your life. Guys come and go, one is better than the other, you evaluate, choose, this is normal and natural, but you have only one life, and you need to take care of it!!! Your mother did not give birth to you so that you would end up in a coffin because of some boy. You yourself see that you cannot prove anything to anyone by suicide, no one appreciated your “action”, which means get better and live a normal, fulfilling life. You still have time to study, look for a job, and have time for relationships. You are young, free, so many opportunities, prospects, so many doors are open to you!

Irina, age: 27/06/23/2015

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Love inspires poets, musicians and artists, but not everyone can meet it in real life. Sometimes life circumstances turn out to be stronger than a person’s desires, forcing him to spend years alone. How to live without love in the modern world, and is this feeling so important for a strong, successful person?

Options for loneliness and ways to combat it

Psychologists have repeatedly studied the phenomenon of love and loneliness, and came to the conclusion that there are three types of the latter concept:

  • temporary loneliness, when, having interrupted one relationship, a person has not yet had time to enter into another;
  • voluntary loneliness implies a balanced renunciation of feelings for one reason or another;
  • loneliness in love, which one has to face if there are not enough feelings in the relationship.

Yes, it often happens that a person, having interrupted one relationship, is forced to wait several months, or even years, for the next ideal to appear. In such situations, there is only one way out: without fear, look for your soulmate, attend events, parties, any gatherings where a long-awaited meeting may take place.

If the desire to be alone is dictated by internal, emotional considerations, then you will have to delve into your own feelings before taking on a relationship. Sometimes, after a difficult breakup, a person becomes so disappointed with romance that he completely excludes it from his life. He learns to always be alone, enjoying meetings with friends and relatives. In such situations, psychologists advise either waiting out the storm, or overpowering yourself and trusting new feelings.

If a person feels unhappy in a relationship, then loneliness in love will inevitably overtake him. In such situations, there is only one way out: end relationships that do not bring any pleasure in order to open up to new acquaintances.

How to exist without love

Psychologists are sure that a person vitally needs love, and without this feeling he plunges into depression. Perhaps its signs will be invisible at first, but month by month they will only get stronger. How can you live without such sincere feelings, and what advice do psychologists give?

  1. In order not to feel the blues, you need to engage yourself in a variety of activities, from advanced training courses to going to the cinema and theater. The less time a person sits at home and thinks about loneliness, the better it will be.
  2. Traveling is a sure way to forget about your own loneliness for a long time and immerse yourself in a world of pleasant impressions.
  3. Psychologists advise communicating more with friends and relatives, because their support will once again remind a person that he is needed and needed by someone.
  4. Immersing yourself in work is another alternative for someone who is temporarily left without love victories.

The best way to forget about love, at least for a while, is to spend the maximum amount of time outside the home. The blues will quickly recede, and the person himself will be able to experience all the delights of loneliness. This concept itself should not be perceived as purely negative, because loneliness has many advantages, and it is precisely this that can give a person absolute freedom.

Also, you don’t need to deprive yourself of new acquaintances, because the more people there are around, the more confident a single person will eventually feel. Thanks to the environment, you will be able to cope with any blues, and perhaps among your new acquaintances you will find that same notorious soulmate.

How not to live without love

Sometimes, having lost a stable relationship, a person begins to do stupid things, for which he later becomes very ashamed. How not to fight loneliness?

  • alcohol is the main enemy of any person suffering from love, and there is no need to turn to it even in extreme cases;
  • promiscuity is also unlikely to help you forget;
  • there is no need to constantly feel sorry for yourself and complain to others about your unsightly lot;
  • psychologists advise not to fall into the blues and not lock yourself at home during this period, because time of loneliness can be used wisely.

Living without love can sometimes be difficult, especially if a person has always been in a long-term and stable relationship before. However, this does not mean that you need to eat stress or wash it down with alcohol: the more time a loner devotes to self-improvement, the better it will be for him.

Psychologists urge people not to have complexes due to the lack of love relationships in their personal lives, because they can be replaced by communication with friends and career achievements. Even if a person ultimately fails to build a family, he can achieve success in other areas.

It is possible to exist in the modern world without love, and many people choose this path voluntarily, simply not trusting the opposite sex. However, once you let this sincere feeling into your life, a person will be able to realize all its advantages, against the background of which even long-term loneliness will seem worthless.

Maria, Moscow

Some people are more suited to living alone, others less so. Hmm, well, let's say, not completely alone - without a loved one. But no one really wants to be alone, neither a “lone wolf” nor the soul of the company. Do not agree?

Only someone who doesn’t know what it’s like to truly be with someone, or someone who realizes the full value of a period of life spent in so-called “loneliness,” can argue with such a statement.

Grand Limitless

How much time do we have in life, a lot or a little? Even if you knew in advance the number of years you would live, would you be able to answer this question? We talk about this - both. “Oh, life is so short!..” or “Oh! How quickly time flies!” Nobody says there's a lot of time? Perhaps, but for some reason, everywhere you look, everyone acts as if this is true!

A lot, a little - no matter how much, the key point is that our stay on this planet is limited. The finitude of each of the stages that we go through on our life path is also immutable. In another way, they can be called segments of our development.

After all, you are not the same person now as you were at school. Or what happened yesterday. We change every day because everything that happens to us affects us. In essence, this is the purpose of our existence - transformation, renewal and creation of what previously did not exist. Both in relation to ourselves and the matter of our existence...

Time for

Based on this understanding, it becomes clear: since each station on the route of our train is encountered only once, we need to make the most of the opportunities that it provides.

Remember your former self! There must be something that was, is and will remain constant in you, but there are probably many things that were relevant to you then, but are not now. Or now you simply wouldn’t find the time for this.

What if our spiritual growth is similar to formal education, only it is carried out according to an individual course and is invisible? (There are no supporting artifacts, such as diplomas and other things that delimit the transition from one stage to another.) We go to kindergarten, then to school, get a profession, and in most cases continue further along the path of development to improve our own skills. You can't put one on top of the other. Everything is subject to strict consistency. Having mastered one, we become able to comprehend the other.

The lessons of personal growth that Life teaches us are exactly the same. It's like levels in a computer game. We pass one, then move on to the next. At the same time, the circumstances of our lives change. When the previous picture has already exhausted itself and does not bring any useful grain for us.

Moral courage

If we had the opportunity to independently direct this invisible path of ours, it would turn out completely differently. And I'm talking about adjustments that are not at all for the better.

We simply would not be able to make this choice. We could not give up what is dear to our hearts and is simply familiar to us, for the sake of what is a necessary condition for our spiritual growth.

This requires ruthlessness. And we often lack it. Not because we are weak-willed. Due to confusion of concepts. We confuse pity with kindness, while these manifestations are often polar in meaning.

Therefore, it often turns out in life that we live as if with our eyes wide shut. We want to move forward, develop and declare our intention to Life. (Or, at a minimum, we clearly feel it in our soul and cannot pretend in this regard to ourselves.) However, we find ourselves not ready to pay the price that such a change will entail.

How to live alone

You're probably thinking, well, she started demagoguery here, where is the promised topic about the advantages of living alone? (I’ll clarify again: without a loved one.) And that was all about her, dear ones. Eyeliner, so to speak. Because there is no other way to reveal it, there is no other way to see it.

It is difficult to go through changes in life when they happen to us, but it is no easier to decide on them yourself, even when you understand that they are absolutely necessary. Therefore, believe me, I know that if you find yourself at this point in your journey without a partner, then there is a good reason for this. See this as your greatest opportunity to make the most of your remaining time!

Why do I claim that I “know for sure”? Because, guys, I was alone for a very long time. And, since there was nothing to compare with, I felt quite comfortable in this state, there was no “extra” time left. But when it stopped - hurray, long-awaited mutual love, flowers, spring and complete mind-blowing - I suddenly realized how lucky I was. That this hasn't happened to me before. (From such a statement, you might think that I was not very pleased with the newfound feeling, but no. The reason is different.) Because I managed to do a lot of other things while this was not in my life! I did a lot and realized about myself, which was completely incompatible with the status of a newly acquired soul mate!

That's why. What to do with the “single”/“single” status? Understand, this won’t last forever! Like all the pieces we talked about above! This will pass! Accept this wonderful blessing to focus on yourself and your journey.

In addition, this is a great opportunity to move to a different quality of relationships in your life. If you understand who you are and where you want to move while you are on your own, this will attract a partner to you who will satisfy precisely this understanding of life by you, and not just a partner “you can put a tick” (or a stamp in your passport, for whom it is more like).

To meet

Is it possible to study at school, college and university at the same time? Probably not, even if these establishments were at the same level of the hierarchy. Among everyone’s acquaintances or acquaintances, there is a person with two higher educations, but personally, I have not yet heard of anyone who received them at the same time. First one thing, then another.

Let's say we are in kindergarten now. Or school. But we are where we are, and why not be completely present in the present, so that when time passes, we can fully turn to what the new stage brings us.

I don’t know how you love, but when I love, at some point I stop understanding where I end, where my love and the one to whom it is addressed begins. It all resembles some kind of tangled lump with difficult-to-define boundaries. Or, even if I clearly recognize myself, my boundaries in these relationships, it is not easy to figure out whether I would be like this if they did not exist, i.e. Is this me being real, or am I adjusting/being influenced by newfound love.

So, if you find yourself alone, the first thing I recommend is to start rediscovering who you are, and to keep that firmly in mind when love looms again on your horizon.

However, everything that I wrote above does not reflect the importance of that stage, which is those segments of our life when we do not have a partner.

If all there is in life is one big school, then we must understand that each of these students is on his own. Our roles alternate - in different situations we are both teachers and students. We move from class to class: we make a career, start a family, have children. Change is inevitable, and we ourselves don’t want to be stuck in kindergarten for the rest of our lives. Classes change, our teachers change, we learn new lessons, and although we also change, in all this chaos we are guaranteed to be constantly present only ourselves. It’s no wonder that almost every third book in a bookstore trumpets the importance of self-love!..

When you are with someone, you learn lessons together or those lessons that you are able to learn thanks to this person (as he, in turn, thanks to you). But when you're alone, you're never really alone. Here it is, School. All here. There is always something to learn and someone to learn from.

If you are alone and suffer greatly from this, perhaps the reason is that you lack your own attention to yourself. And when another one appears, the problem will not be solved. If you are too lazy to deal with your own desires and plan to satisfy them, why should another person take it upon themselves? Don’t hope that if you don’t give a damn about your soul, someone else’s soul, even your loved one, you will be able to pay full attention and truly love.

If you are alone right now, enjoy it. Learn to enjoy it! And when, enjoying life and yourself, you forget that, in theory, you are missing someone in your life, such a person will certainly appear. And you, in turn, will grin contentedly to yourself: “It’s so good that I didn’t waste time being alone, and rightfully left the classroom with a “Single” sign".