
Beauty secrets of Ekaterina Klimova . Ekaterina Klimova: “The main thing for health is breakfast” Secrets of Ekaterina Klimova


Publicity obliges famous ladies to look impressive and impeccable. And if an ordinary woman can justify extra pounds by the recent birth of a child, then on the star Olympus even the presence of several children is not a reason to relax and allow herself to gain weight. Celebrities with many children can sometimes give their young colleagues a head start.

“StarHit” chose famous mothers with many children who have ideal figures. For some of them, perfect forms are achieved at the cost of incredible effort, while for others, slimness is simply a natural gift. But one way or another, all the heroines of our selection prove that you can look perfect at any age and with three or four children.

Maria Pogrebnyak

Three children

Maria Pogrebnyak is considered one of the most spectacular and successful wives of Russian football players. She successfully combines raising three sons with a career as a designer and model.

Surprisingly, giving birth to boys every two years - the eldest son of Maria and Pavel Pogrebnyak Artem is nine years old, the middle Pavel is seven, the youngest Alexey is four years old - the mother of many children at 28 years old has a more toned figure than at 19. The secret of her slender silhouette is daily exercise fitness and low-calorie food.

“After three births, it was hard to get the skin and abdominal muscles in order. I, like everyone else, believed that there were super pills for quick weight loss. All lies! Where did I order them from?! I spent a lot of money, but a miracle did not happen and will not happen, this is advertising. Only sports and proper nutrition. You need to give up flour, sweets, and fatty foods,” Maria Pogrebnyak shares her experience.

By the way, the football player’s wife is often criticized for her subtlety. Some subscribers believe that Maria’s thinness is excessive and advises her to stop exhausting herself with diets. However, the beauty fights off the attacks, a little offended that some consider her anorexic.

Three children

Three sons in a row were born to TV presenter Dmitry Dibrov by his young wife Polina - the eldest Sasha is 6 years old, Fedya is 2 years old, and the youngest Ilya is only nine months old. A mother of many children once admitted that during her pregnancies she steadily gains a huge number of kilograms - more than twenty, because she does not deny herself anything. True, after giving birth, Polina gets rid of these kilograms fantastically quickly. In just six months after the birth of her youngest son, Ilya, the young woman managed to return to her previous shape and even, according to some estimates, become even stronger. It's all about willpower. Polina is actively involved in sports. She eats five times a day in small portions so as not to feel too hungry during the day. In the morning, before breakfast, the TV presenter’s wife drinks a glass of water and two tablespoons of flaxseed oil. “I never skip dinner because it’s such a social meal. In the evening, the whole family gathers at the table, discusses the past day, and makes plans for the future. For dinner I cook meat, poultry or fish. There are always vegetables as a side dish. As you can see, I eat fully and correctly,” Polina said in an interview.

Recently, Polina Dibrova has been actively involved in dancing, and looking at pictures on the microblog of a mother of three children in tight training tights, many of Polina’s fans agree that a woman can do anything if she has the desire.

Four children

Looking at the photographs of one of the most beautiful actresses of Russian cinema, Ekaterina Klimova, it is difficult to believe that she is a mother of four children. The young woman is raising a 13-year-old daughter, Lisa, from Ilya Khoroshilov, two sons from Igor Petrenko - 9-year-old Matvey and 7-year-old Korney, and a four-month-old daughter, Bella, whom the actress gave birth to in marriage with actor Gela Meskhi. Obviously, pregnancy and childbirth do not affect Klimova’s figure in any way. The 38-year-old celebrity can easily give young nulliparous beauties a head start. According to the artist, the issue of extra pounds has never been an issue for her. Ekaterina Klimova claims that she doesn’t have to make any special efforts to look perfect.

“Thanks to mom and dad, I’m not doing anything special,” a mother with many children said in an interview, hinting at good genetics. Klimova calls her demand in the profession one of the secrets of her excellent form. She does not stay with her children on maternity leave, but returns to work immediately after giving birth. According to the actress, during periods of rehearsals, filming and performances in the theater, she loses kilograms every day. However, on the Internet you can also find photographic evidence of how Ekaterina Klimova keeps in shape with the help of yoga.

Three children

On Instagram, one of the most beautiful young women in Russia, Inna Zhirkova, there is no advice on proper nutrition, no photos from the gym. Obviously, she doesn’t really like to talk about secrets, but she demonstrates her wasp waist with enviable regularity, invariably arousing the admiration of her fans. “In great shape, beauty!”, “Like a girl, such a thin, chiseled figure,” followers showered the young mother with compliments. Meanwhile, the “girl with a chiseled figure” and her husband, football player Yuri Zhirkov, have three children – seven-year-old Dmitry, five-year-old Milana and five-month-old Daniil.

Anyone who thinks that Inna Zhirkova’s slimness is a gift from nature is mistaken. The rules for returning the wife of a famous football player to ideal shape after childbirth are very simple only at first glance - the desire to have a good figure, love for those around you, proper nutrition - often in small portions, physical activity. Obviously, this cannot be done without tremendous willpower.

“During my third pregnancy I only gained 20 kg, why only? Because in the first two I managed to gain 30 kg,” the beauty admitted in an interview. Like other star mothers, Zhirkova does not deny herself anything during pregnancy, but after giving birth, a period of strict restrictions begins. “First of all, I eat less and forget about chocolates,” says Inna. “I try to eat porridge in the morning, drink as much water as possible, and not eat in the evening.”

Four children

Many people give 33-year-old supermodel and mother of four Natalia Vodianova no more than 20 years old - she looks so beautiful and young! She is one of those lucky women who does not need to return to her previous shape after giving birth through incredible efforts. The model simply does not gain excess weight during pregnancy: thanks to excellent heredity and healthy eating habits. “I’m lucky, I’m not really gaining weight, like many models,” Natalya Vodianova said in an interview with one of the publications. - On the contrary, during pregnancy I lost terribly weight every time - live birth, terrible stress, feeding. When I gave birth to Lucas, I lost a lot, a lot of weight, and it helped my career tremendously. This was my moment of rise."

However, despite her good genetics, Natalya strictly monitors her health. Constant physical exercise has allowed her to take part in the charity Paris Half Marathon over the past few years. And on top of that, the supermodel has her own rules regarding food - she has been following a blood type diet for a long time and assures that it is not at all difficult.

Now Vodianova is preparing to become a mother again. Her fifth baby will be born this summer. Natalia's children - 14-year-old Lucas, 9-year-old Neva, 8-year-old Victor and one-and-a-half-year-old Maxim - are waiting for their mother to give them a little sister.

Three children

The star of the series “Capercaillie” Maria Boltneva in November 2011 gave birth to three sons at once - Andrei, Timofey and Plato. During her pregnancy, the actress gained about thirty kilograms, but got rid of them incredibly quickly.

“During pregnancy I weighed 84 kg, and literally two weeks after giving birth I weighed 55 kg, as before. But the body has changed in any case, and I like it - it has become more feminine,” said Maria Boltneva in an interview with StarHit.

The extra pounds instantly disappeared thanks to the activity of the young mother: caring for three newborn babies at once is a very energy-consuming thing, burning calories at an incredible speed. Maria, by the way, coped with all the troubles with the help of the mother and father of her children, Grigory Lezhava. She quite deliberately refused nannies in the first months of the boys’ lives. The young mother more than compensated for her gym sessions with walks with her sons. Pulling a stroller with three toddlers who are actively gaining weight is worse than a barbell! Plus, Boltneva is very relaxed about food, considering lunches and dinners an optional part of the daily program. “I’m too lazy to cook for myself, I’ll eat cereal in the morning and run around all day,” the actress admitted.

Three children

From the outside, the 34-year-old ex-soloist of the Demo group Sasha Zvereva and her 12-year-old daughter Vasilisa could well be mistaken for sisters - the mother of three children looks more like a young girl than an adult woman, who is also breastfeeding a recently born baby. Meanwhile, Sasha Zvereva assures that the secret of her slimness is precisely in breastfeeding. She fed all her children – Vasilisa, Makar and Lev – herself.

“Breastfeeding – and the extra pounds never happened. But hardware procedures help me tone my skin,” the singer shared her experience in an interview. “With the birth of my second child, I completely gave up meat and protein products and feel just great.”

Last summer, Sasha Zvereva showed no hesitation in photographs taken a week after the birth of her youngest son, Lev.

“I’m certainly not in the best shape. And this is absolutely normal,” the young mother commented on the photo. - I’m not embarrassed to say this to the girls. A month after giving birth, I will start going to the gym every day, but without going overboard - I like soft maternal forms, not pieces of muscle.” Then the singer made a commitment to herself - to regain her pre-pregnancy figure by November and successfully fulfilled it.

Fans of the star often ask her questions about the diet that Sasha adheres to, thereby keeping herself in great shape. The singer willingly says that her daily diet includes porridge with butter, vegetable soups with cereals, baked/steamed vegetables, lactation tea with dried fruits.

Three children

There are real legends about Yana Rudkovskaya’s slender figure. The producer's flexible figure and thin waist evoke the envy of the fair sex, and men, looking at her perfect form, are literally speechless. The mother of three sons often posts pictures in luxurious outfits that highlight her incredible grace.

After the birth of her youngest son, Sasha, Yana Rudkovskaya lost the pounds she had gained during pregnancy in less than a month. “I’ve been on a strict diet for a week now, after giving birth, I drink only kefir and eat low-fat yoghurts, I set a goal - to return to my weight by February 1!”, the young mother reported in January 2013 on her Twitter. At the same time, Rudkovskaya admitted that the restrictions were very difficult for her. Although, as it became known from the same Twitter, the producer has not gained that much weight: “Well, lose another 6 kg and you’ll be exactly 50!” Just like in the old days! For us, it’s just a piece of cake!”

Now, with a height of 168 cm, Yana Rudkovskaya weighs only 48 kilograms and, of course, looks much younger than many of her peers. It's hard to believe that this fragile beauty celebrated her forty-first birthday in January! The producer has repeatedly stated that she leads a healthy lifestyle and eats right - that’s the whole secret of her youth and beauty.

Three children

TV presenter Yulia Baranovskaya is raising three children alone, whom she gave birth to in a civil marriage with football player Andrei Arshavin. However, the 30-year-old star herself admits that she does not feel like a mother of many children - rather an older sister to her sons Artem and Arseny and daughter Yana. Note that Julia looks as if she never gave birth! There are no photos in a swimsuit on her Instagram, but there are a lot of photos in chic, tight dresses that emphasize her slimness. Such shots invariably earn virtual applause from Yulia Baranovskaya’s many fans. Apparently, her fragility and grace are simply a gift from nature, because the TV presenter does not diet or go to the gym. According to her, her slimness is simply an internal state.

“Recently I was wearing a revealing dress, and the girls said to me: “Lord, how much time do you spend in the gym?” And I don’t spend time in the gym, I don’t lift dumbbells. I am deeply convinced that everything in our lives comes from the head, from internal problems. And excess weight, and illness, and everything, everything, everything,” Yulia Baranovskaya shared in a recent interview. - I don’t feel like a mother of three children. Rather, I feel like their sister. And I communicate with them the same way - on equal terms. I'm not a mother hen. That’s probably why I don’t become her outwardly.”

Not every woman can boast of weighing 54 kilograms just a year after the birth of her fourth child. Katya - maybe. An ideal figure and a blooming appearance are the result of working on yourself, and not just mysterious genetics. “Water does not flow under a lying stone,” explains Katya. Of course, this motto concerns not only appearance, but also lifestyle in general.

Katya, you just finished filming the series “Bitch”. You said that you don’t consider your heroine to be such. Why?

The actor always acts as his character's lawyer. You must stand in his place, try to justify him. My heroine Christina is simply an emancipated woman of our generation. She has a mathematical mindset, she does not live by feelings, but at the same time she remains a sincere person who does not impose her principles on anyone. Recently I had a more complicated story when I was asked to play a woman maniac during an audition! You had to bare your teeth and flash lightning with your eyes. I realized that there are heroes whom I cannot justify, no matter how hard I try.

Have you ever had to cheat to get a movie role?

When I found out that for my role in the comedy “Love and Sax” I would need to learn to play the Celtic harp in two months, it seemed to me that this mission was impossible. For some reason, director Alla Surikova was sure that I could play the guitar, which means I could play the harp. I didn't try to dissuade her. (Laughs.) Only at the very end was I able to admit how far I am from the world of music. Of course, at the institute I took vocal classes and tried to play the piano, but God did not give me any particularly clear voice or perfect pitch. I had to go to a children's music school, study with a teacher, and learn verses at home at night. As soon as filming ended, I immediately unscrewed the legs of the harp, put it in a case and sent it back to the owner. (Laughs.)

This is the second year you have been collaborating with the Spanish jewelry brand TOUS. Tell us how your relationship is developing?

Being a TOUS ambassador is a very pleasant mission. There is nothing special required of me other than to wear jewelry, which I already like. (Smiles.) It’s great that there is variety in the collections of this brand: there are miniature jewelry that can be worn all day, and there are luxurious ones for evening outings. On my favorite pendant, in almost childish handwriting, it says: “Mom.” I love it! By the way, the Spanish brand has not only jewelry and costume jewelry, but also accessories - bags, scarves, glasses and a children's collection for the little ones.

So, your youngest daughter, Bella, already has jewelry from this jewelry brand?

Yes, our godmother, actress Katya Vulichenko, gave her her first earrings. (Smiles.) In Spain, for example, they pierce their ears very early, but we decided to hold off on this for now. My eldest daughter, Lisa, only got her ears pierced at the age of 13 and at her own request. I don’t want to force anything on the children, so for now the earrings are kept in a box and waiting in the wings.

Now Lisa is already 14. You probably have the same clothing size?

Yes, but until recently Lisa categorically did not like everything I bought for her. Now she has matured and wears my things with pleasure, we choose a lot together. I'm glad she has her own taste. When she slowly began to put on my makeup, I didn’t interfere. I just reminded her that she needs to know when to stop.

How do you, a mother of four children, manage to stay in such great shape?

I'm working on myself! I can’t say that I always eat right, but I strive for it. As usual, we think: we can relax on weekends and holidays, and then somehow we’ll lose weight. But why dial and then reset? I try to find time for spa treatments, I love massage and swimming. I always have a sports bag in my car so that after the performance I can go to the fitness club, and a bottle of still water. Do you want to eat? Have a drink.

Do you have a large wardrobe?

No, my wardrobe is getting smaller and smaller over the years. It used to be like this: I’ll spend my last money on some crazy boots, and then I realize that I have nothing to wear them with. And here they are in the box... Now I try to select things in sets. Of course, I had outfits purchased during the period of hormonal imbalance during pregnancy. (Laughs.) All of them have already been distributed. I also try to travel lightly: my suitcase looks almost like hand luggage. Touring life disciplines!

Today, many actresses support Russian designers. Do you have your favorites?

You know, international brands have recently been showing something that is impossible to imagine on the average woman. These are rather works of art that exist separately from humans. Still, I prefer clothes that blend in with me and highlight my strengths. That's why, of course, I love Russian designers! I am friends with Masha Tsigal, Svetlana Tegin, Natalya Dobryanskaya, Galina Vasilyeva. You can not only find a suitable outfit from them, but also ask for advice - for example, what accessories, shoes and jewelry to choose to match the dress. Dialogue with the designer shapes taste.

Has your life changed a lot over the past year?

With the advent of my fourth child, all my interests boil down to one simple desire - to spend more time with my family. My life is somewhat similar to tennis. First you hit one ball, then two balls, then three... Now four. (Smiles.)

Style: Yuka Vizhgorodskaya. Makeup: Anastasia Kokueva/Guerlain. Hair: Tanya Rosso/Wella Professionals/Wella Podium Team

The diet of the famous theater and film actress Katerina Klimova has received recognition from her fans. Having three children, she continues to stay in great shape, maintaining an attractive appearance. How does she do this? What is the essence of the diet she follows?

Thanks to the use of this diet, real weight loss occurs in a short period of time. At the same time, there are no special restrictions, fasting, which lead to neuroses and metabolic disorders.

The diet is based on the method of an integrated approach to the problem of excess weight and obesity. Thanks to this, any person can develop their own method of losing weight, which will help not only normalize weight by obtaining the desired proportions, but also continue to maintain the optimal desired weight.

Diet principle

The actress was never keen on hunger strikes, raw food diets or separate meals. She does not accept strict restrictions, and believes that diets that involve rapid weight loss in a short period are not very effective, since the lost pounds quickly return.

The essence of losing weight for a star is to gradually reduce your body weight, as well as its subsequent retention based on both an individually selected set of exercises and an individual set of necessary food products.

The selection of products is based on the following indicators:

  • blood type;
  • zodiac sign;
  • date, year of birth;
  • blood parameters (biochemical).

To avoid any consequences, it is necessary to conduct an examination that will help exclude the presence of endocrine diseases.
Katerina was able to speed up the weight loss process by visiting the pool.

She was always interested in swimming, even during pregnancy she did not stop swimming. After all, it has a number of important advantages: all muscle groups work; the back and spine are relaxed and massaged with water. The actress did not forget about massage treatments.

Stress is a taboo

Knowing that extra pounds are actively gained during times of stress, since many people prefer to “eat it up,” Ekaterina Klimova has developed other ways to combat depression and terrible mood.

According to the actress, it is important to be in demand, to have something you love, to which you devote yourself completely, which takes a lot of energy. And the diet will only be a good addition.

Ekaterina Klimova is a famous actress of both cinema and theater. Russian viewers know Ekaterina Klimova as “Sins of the Fathers”, “Poor Nastya” and “Games of Throwing”. Despite the fact that the actress has three children, her figure still remains the standard for many women. Many people are interested in the question of what diet Ekaterina Klimova allows her to always stay in shape.

Food addictions of Ekaterina Klimova

The actress was never a supporter of restrictions, and was never keen on separate meals, raw food or tests of willpower on only water or juices. The star has quite reasonable human preferences. So, for example, when a busy work schedule occasionally gives Catherine a day off, she spoils her family with rich borscht or pancakes with sour cream, red caviar or jam.

Stress management

It's no secret that during times of stress, excess weight comes on much faster. This is where many people make mistakes, trying to combat stress with various goodies. But Ekaterina Klimova has slightly different measures to combat stress. The actress prefers to turn off her cell phone and retire from everyone while taking a bath. If her work schedule allows, then Ekaterina prefers to visit the SPA salon. But the star also has another method of dealing with stress, which is familiar to every girl: the actress simply goes to the stores to buy new clothes. If there is no time to deal with stress and you need to go back to the set, then the star simply calls a friend and discusses his problems with her. But what Ekaterina definitely doesn’t do during stress is go to the refrigerator.

How Ekaterina Klimova lost weight

Ekaterina Klimova, like most mothers, gained weight three times after giving birth. It is known that after the first birth, the woman gained as much as 20 kilograms of excess weight. It’s interesting that the star is against all kinds of diets and all she did to fight extra pounds was immediately go to work, where the set is the best exercise machine that prevents excess weight from lingering for a long time. But among the usual procedures, the star prefers swimming pools and massages. By the way, Ekaterina was in the pool even when she was pregnant. In water, a person does not feel much stress on the back, and the whole body undergoes a good water massage.

It turns out that Ekaterina Klimova’s diet is just an abstract concept, because the actress is so devoted to her favorite work that in the coming years our star is in no danger of losing her beautiful figure.

Perhaps, figure problems are almost the most discussed topic in women's society. But this woman definitely doesn’t have such problems. It's amazing how Ekaterina Klimova has maintained such amazing shape. Not only is she 40 years old, but she also gave birth to four children. The ideal combination allows her to make a stunning impression, causing envy among the fair half of humanity. How does she do this?

History of success

Often in interviews she mentions good genetics, which allows her to stay slim without much effort. Still, Catherine is a little disingenuous. Based on the photo in which the actress is with her beloved mother, we can conclude that she may well have a predisposition to be overweight.

What's the secret? The ideal figure of the actress is the result of a whole system according to which Catherine’s life is built. Here are a few postulates:

  1. No quick diets. The stress that such a regimen brings to the body outweighs any fleeting benefits in the form of rapid weight loss. Everything unnecessary will return quickly. Each time it will be more and more difficult to get back into shape.
  2. The best diet is proper nutrition, and it should last a lifetime. Consistency is one of the most important principles of staying in good shape. The right lifestyle should be led constantly, and not from time to time. This applies to both food and sports.
  3. Sports are required. Ekaterina herself prefers a gym with classical loads and a swimming pool. By the way, you can swim during pregnancy.

Thanks to these simple and well-known rules, Ekaterina Klimova’s weight (it fits her height perfectly) has not changed. And this despite the fact that she is 40 years old and has four children.

Weight and height of Ekaterina Klimova today

Ekaterina Klimova does not hide her parameters, they are easy to find. Ekaterina Klimova’s height is 170 centimeters, and her weight is 53-55 kilograms.

The actress has a thirst for life. Wherever she realizes herself, Ekaterina works to the maximum, to the limit of her capabilities.