
International Day of the School Librarian postcard. Congratulations to the librarian. Congratulations in verse to the librarian


School libraries we celebrate the holiday,
There are a lot of textbooks and books in it.
Here books are given to us not for entertainment.
They bring us knowledge, and benefit, no doubt,
There should be silence in the school library,
And in the rustle of the pages there is music heard,
Here the letters come to life to perform a miracle,
We can't help but love the school library.

To take a book to school -
There is a library
There are books in a row,
There is a filing cabinet for everything.

On this day, you need to congratulate
This establishment
After all, without books, our school -
Empty institution.

You can only wish -
big replenishment,
Doors open every day
And frequent visits.

Every schoolboy knows
From the very childhood,
Libraries needed
There are no halls in the school!

Here books give knowledge
And peace of mind
Everyone has
Favorite hero.

So with a universal holiday,
Happy library day.
I wish you all very much
Happiness and success!

School of all libraries
I praise the workers.
You smiles and warmth
Little fans.

Open the world for children
Nice and deep.
Let them walk in your halls
Light streams.

They will help, they will find there,
The book will be picked up in no time.
All will be told, all will be shown
And often they tell us.

And today on this day
The holiday is not too lazy to celebrate.
I'll tell you without consolation -
It's library day.

Congratulations on this day.
We will do this together.

Teaching light, everyone tells you,
Listen instantly.
Become the smartest person on earth
It's completely easy.
It is enough just to know
What will be written in the books.
school library
It will help you right away.

Happy International Day of School Libraries,
We wish you the right, good file cabinets,
So that visitors do not speak too loudly,
Literature was not delayed for long.

To bring you cakes for tea
And to be held accountable for violations.
Let the increase come to your salary,
May you live happily and richly.

To be smart guys
You need to pick up books.
And it will be absolutely great
If you read them.

What story did you read?
Get a new one at the same time.
Books are best friends
Can replace toys.

And not to waste money
Books can be exchanged.
But for this one day
The library must be seen.

Knowledge is in the school
No, not in the air itself,
And they live culturally
They have a special house.

Schoolchildren to the library
They go to choose books
There are no nicer places
And think and sleep.

May this temple of science
Blooming day by day
We congratulate you on the holiday
Everyone who works in it!

The boys sit side by side
They look at the tablets like that.
Don't take them away from the screen
Even the sound of a drum.

Crying books and notebooks -
They are not happy now.
What to do, how to be
How to surprise kids?

I know one secret -
Cut off the internet!
And then all the children together
Will read obediently!

Run to the library
And they love to read books!
And immediately the children will grow wiser -
After all, the book is the most important thing in the world!

Congratulations to the librarian in verse

Lots of different shelves
The smell of books here is special!
Silence always stands
Only pages sometimes
The voices will rustle,
Are distributed here quietly!
It's comfortable and convenient here
It's calm and easy here
So good for the soul!
Here meets the librarian,
amazingly cute,
To visitors - good!
And help with all advice,
And well-read, smart!
Congratulations librarian,
After all, you are the only one!
We want a lot of light
Happiness, joy, warmth!

Comic congratulations to the librarian

Your ideal is literature,
And the house - it looks like a museum,
Prefer nature
Soul impulse and syllable stronger.
Maybe you just needed
Go to the dentist
Ile unlearn to be a lawyer,
To find recognition.
But God sees - you are where you need to be,
And let your friends envy
After all, hundreds of books are your reward.
So be happy always!

A short congratulations to the librarian

From the bottom of our hearts we congratulate you on this amazing event! Please accept our sincere wishes for good and immense happiness, mutual understanding and success in all endeavors! Let the words fill your soul with grace, and let the work bring true pleasure!

Congratulations to the librarian in official prose

Since childhood, many have been familiar with the wonderful world into which library visitors are immersed. People of the older generation know this especially well, because once upon a time, in order to read a treasured book or take home a collection of fairy tales, one had to stand in line. I wanted to make friends with the librarian, it seemed that then he would give out the treasured book faster. And, then, you will open the long-awaited pages and plunge into the world created by the author.
Many came to the quiet reading rooms, filled with the unique smell of paper, printing ink, and something else elusive, to write notes, study or just read in silence. And here the librarian came to the rescue, who always quickly and accurately found the necessary literature.
Today, despite the age of the Internet, libraries are still attractive to thousands of readers who are happy to come here to learn something new, to communicate, to exchange information.
We congratulate our librarian on a wonderful holiday!
Let the world that you create for us give you many interesting sensations! We wish you prosperity and prosperity, good health, good luck and many new works that you will be glad to offer us, your readers!

Congratulations to the librarian

The age of technology has arrived
And many are accustomed to the Internet!
And I'm still in a hurry and with pleasure,
To your favorite library!
I seem to know her employees for a long time,
I love and respect librarians!
They will be able to find an article for me,
How to choose a book give me advice!
And if I want to know more news,
Please, here are the papers for you!
Support the conversation, give a smile,
Everything will be written down in the subscription!
And, really, I'm glad today, friends
Say a word for the librarian!
I wish you great love
More readers in the halls!
And always be happy
Comfort and home warmth!

Friendly congratulations-toast to the librarian on his birthday

Before I say a toast to you personally, I want to note that the sphere of culture and the people working in it rarely enjoy the attention of society. Even less often they become an object of study, and it is precisely the level of cultural development that most clearly indicates the level of development of the country.
The well-known stereotype that a librarian is a “gray mouse”, quiet, inconspicuous, is completely wrong: a huge number of interesting people work in libraries. A prime example is you. A very important person is a librarian: a model of culture, to some extent a teacher too. She should have such an expression on her face that you want to approach her. Patience, benevolence, tact, the ability to smooth the situation, sociability, sociability are necessary for the librarian in his work. Being able to find contact with the reader is the most important thing. And, as for the children's library, the librarian must have a very strong tolerance for different children, be able to talk with them, keep the audience
You, our dear birthday girl, have no problems communicating with readers, when they often do not know what exactly they need, and expect the librarian to guess what they need. Often people come to the library not only to just borrow a book, but also for communication, and you need to look for an approach to them. Because you are very friendly...very erudite...very tolerant, tolerant.
You also have difficulties: lack of time when you need to find some book for a person, and it happens that you can’t find it right away, because you can’t re-read everything. We wish you that people more often admire the fact that you are a librarian! Today, mostly all economists, accountants, entrepreneurs and lawyers. And you are a librarian! Is it possible to meet a librarian every day? We wish you love, admiration and reader gratitude, our glorious librarian!

Congratulations to the librarian with a quote in prose

“The greatest treasure is the library,” wrote V. Belinsky. “The whole life of mankind consistently settled in the book: tribes, people, states disappeared, but books remained.” Library Day since May 27, 1995 is rightfully professional holiday Librarians - Happy Librarian. The contribution of Russian libraries to the development of domestic education, science and culture is invaluable, and their role in the life of society is high. The role of the book in the socio-political and historical-cultural life of every nation is invaluable. We sincerely congratulate all library workers on their professional holiday. We wish that the flow of inquisitive readers does not dry out in the halls of libraries, so that your work helps communication and mutual understanding between peoples of all nationalities.

Congratulations in prose to the librarian

On this amazing day, we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts! We want to wish only the most sincere, warmest and kindest events in life! Let the book of your earthly journey be voluminous and excitingly interesting, and let there be no place for negative characters in it!

Congratulations in prose to the librarian

On this amazing day, we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts! We want to wish only the most sincere, warmest and kindest events in life! Let the book of your earthly journey be voluminous and excitingly interesting, and let there be no place for negative characters in it!

Congratulations in verse to the librarian

Choose a book, poem, article
Sometimes, well, I just can't.
And then I go with a question
Only to him, only to him, only to him...
Choose an author or poet,
To find answers to questions
He will help, he knows them all,
Best of all, best of all, best of all...
I wish him when we meet:
A lot of happiness, it heals the soul,
He deserves success, love:
So live, so live, so live!

From school we remember the smell of libraries,
Books with yellowed leaves
And we never forget those
Who helped with the preparation of lessons diligently.
Congratulations to all librarians,
May all your dreams come true
May you always be lucky in everything
Good health, prosperity to you, goodness.

In the school library
Peace and silence
45 minutes
She lasts here.
But it just rings
Call for change
Pupils instantly
It will be filled with walls.
Happy library day to you
Congratulations to school
Let the streams of readers
Merge into the oceans
Let books help
You learn and live
And for all questions
Find answers.

Congratulations on international day school libraries of all employees and visitors! Let even the most sophisticated reader in every school library find exactly the work of literary art that he will like!

Here are our secrets of the century -
They are in multivolume collections...
in school libraries
We draw our knowledge.
Glory, well-deserved honor,
Maybe they'll come later
But for this we all need -
Daily hard work.
Neither age nor rank matter,
No time limits
To improve knowledge -
We return again to the origins.

We draw information for lessons in libraries,
The librarian helps us with this,
Card file knows by heart,
Life will always be fabulous.
On school library day congratulations accept,
Live happily ever after
Let the cherished dream come true
May the sun of happiness always shine on you.

Every student
The schoolboy knows
From childhood,
Libraries needed
There are no halls in the school!
Here books give knowledge
And peace of mind
Everyone has
Favorite hero.
So with a universal holiday,
Happy library day.
I wish you all very much
Happiness and success!

Dear librarians of school libraries, we want to thank you for your painstaking work and for the fact that you instill in students with your work a reverent and careful attitude to the book. God bless you family well-being, happiness and prosperity! Happy International Day of School Libraries!

So as not to be stupid, like a stump,
On the contrary, to become smart,
You need to throw away laziness,
More books to read!
For any question, the answer
Books will be given to you instantly,
After all, there is no wiser book,
Books won't let you down!
Today is Library Day
In schools that have found shelter
In them, the streams of book rivers,
You are always expected with hope!
I hasten to congratulate everyone
Anyone who loves the book temple,
On a beautiful day of libraries,
I wish you good books!

We thank the librarians for their hard work,
We want to sincerely congratulate you on the holiday,
We cannot imagine the educational process without you,
May luck smile upon you, every hour.
Let life flow like a full river
May happiness always smile at you
Let work inspire
Let the mood be great.

They pour in the school of knowledge of the river.
Well, where is their spring?
Everyone knows - everyone in the library
On the pages of wise books.
Everyone who fell in love with knowledge
Congratulations on this day.
After all, who made friends with the book,
He will not be stupid as a stump.

On the International Day of School Libraries, let each of them hold wonderful, friendly and sincere meetings, at which famous writers and masters of the word will be able to instill in even the most zealous varmint and fidget at school a love of literature! May the libraries be filled with new material and flourish!

The boys sit side by side
They look at the tablets like that.
Don't take them away from the screen
Even the sound of a drum.
Crying books and notebooks -
They are not happy now.
What to do, how to be
How to surprise kids?
I know one secret -
Cut off the internet!
And then all the children together
Will read obediently!
Run to the library
And they love to read books!
And immediately the children will grow wiser -
After all, the book is the most important thing in the world!

You can't imagine life without a book
You unobtrusively instill a love of reading,
You live according to the principle: “Learning is light, not learning is darkness”,
All-knowing librarians honor and praise.
Today is your holiday, congratulations,
We wish you all the best in life
Good health, good luck, warmth,
May life always be a fairy tale.

School of all libraries
I praise the workers.
You smiles and warmth
Little fans.
Open the world for children
Nice and deep.
Let them walk in your halls
Light streams.

On the International Day of School Libraries, we congratulate students and librarians themselves, because both of them cannot imagine their lives without wonderful, interesting and informative books! May great horizons open before schoolchildren, like a book binding, and libraries will always be in demand!

Come boldly into the book hall,
Here the spirit of centuries lingered,
Here is a treasure of sciences on the shelves,
Lost to inquisitive eyes.
Come boldly into the book hall,
Here, young people are very welcome,
Here wisdom quietly rules the ball,
For the truth, not for the parade.
Come boldly into the book hall,
A milestone in life will begin with him,
Your bold and successful start,
Your throne room is a library!

Thank you for your help in choosing the right material.
We wish good luck to all school libraries,
Let the good news surprise you
Let all librarians be rewarded for their work.
We wish you stability, good luck, happiness,
Let all bad weather fly by
Let no doubts visit you
Let life give only inspiration.

A Necessary and Important Service
School carry libraries.
Instilling in children the love of reading
In a young open man
Passion for discovery and creation.
AT new world they call the children
They give the joy of secrets and the joy of knowledge
And give them a lot of ideas.

Our omniscient librarians, without your work we cannot cope! Thank you for your efforts, for urgent help in selecting the required material, for the prompt search for the necessary books and textbooks, and for the kind smiles that you bestow on us! We wish you a happy, long, eventful and joyful life among relatives, close friends and colleagues!

School libraries today
I congratulate everyone involved,
After all, each book seems to be a step
It always accompanies us upward.
Books give us joy, kindness,
And they teach us a lot:
Leave anger, rudeness, fuss ...
Librarians, congratulations!

And let time rush like a chariot
Ages change over the centuries.
We propose a toast to the man
Keeping libraries warm!
Library... Silence... Centuries...
History, and thousands of names!
We bless you for longevity -
All those who are in love with their beautiful work.
The profession is as old as the world and time,
From the first scrolls to large volumes.
You love and cherish faithfully
Motes of time and the commandment of the ages.
Happy ... you were trusted with secrets
Tolstoy and Pushkin, Chekhov and Krylov,
And your heart is pierced by the sun
Jack London, Mayakovsky and Svetlov.
You don't give books on receipt...
You give people a great peace.
And in children's souls - unopened, pure -
A divine idol is born.
Here thoughts, feelings, secrets, wisdom of the age.
Let the winds of change blow in the world
Keep your valuable treasure, library!
Let oblivion and decay not touch books!

Sometimes the librarian is invisible
Among the many newspapers, magazines, books,
He holds the key to all these riches,
From the hands without letting go for a moment,
And with that key he opens the door
In the world of information that we really need,
And any information comes to life,
When it becomes useful;
Even though we live in the twenty-first century,
And everyone has access to the Internet,
There is no alternative to the library,
There is no substitute for a librarian!

Congratulations on Library Day,
Our dear workers,
Let the years go, century after century -
A book is what decorates the world.
The book is a joy for the soul,
Good friend, teacher, faithful companion.
May we continue to the radiance of the peaks
She leads the world with a deep essence.

We wish you always love
And be loved too
Live a happy life
What could be more beautiful!

We want to congratulate you on the day of the librarian,
Wish you peace and goodness.
Have fun, rejoice, and a holiday,
Let it last until morning.
We will all sing a song to you in unison,
We wish you happiness and warmth,
Pulling luck by the tail
Win an apartment for you and a cottage,
And a convertible to boot.

Dear pilots of the book sea,
Fairies who bring joy to others
Your work is sometimes invisible, but stubborn
And definitely necessary.
Sincere, ardent, always kind,
In difficult moments, without hiding your face,
You through reefs, surfs and foam
You lead people's hearts to knowledge.
You open up new spaces
In a stormy stream of rustling pages,
Always striving for everyone to understand
That hope knows no bounds.
Dear fairies, hot souls,
Modest in life, saints in dreams,
Let life's colds bypass you,
Let the excitement in your eyes not go out.
And on Earth they will be revered
In the darkness of generations and at any point
Your efforts, giving a miracle -
The miracle of communication with the book itself.

Bindings, covers, shelves of books,
This world is not for everyone, but for those who comprehended
That all the mind and strength of all being,
Century after century, she gathered in a book,
And to comprehend to know, it may seem everyone,
But there is no time, everything later, the day is not important ...
But there are people, they are from a special test,
Always together with a book, I will say - right from childhood,
And on their Day of congratulations, for them by all means,
They will sound respectful and very respectful,
Good luck, success, wonderful moments,
And the same as in books, great deeds.

Dear friends! today we celebrate the Day of Libraries (not librarians) in our country, which means that this is a holiday for everyone who loves to read and loves books. I congratulate everyone who at least sometimes crossed the threshold of libraries and wish that the pleasure that a good book never left us.

The black girth of the binding is silent,
Pages tightly embraced in the spine,
And the book is still. But the book is hunting
Cling to a human warm hand...

/Mikhail Svetlov


Power, stronger than time, hidden
In rows of pages, on the shelves of libraries:
Burning like a torch in the darkness, she
Sometimes it stings like a poison dart.

In past centuries, someone's mind lit
Glittering - and it still shines!
Or I could strain the strings of the bowstring, -
And the arrow is still aiming at the same target!

We breathe the light of obsolete centuries,
Opening before us the distance of the road,
Everywhere a reflection of inspired words, -
Now the sun of the day, then the silver-horned month!

But we value the golden quiver
Singing arrows, bequeathed in pages,
Weapons for all times and countries,
On all paths, on all earthly borders.

In the mist, where the judgment of life has not reached,
Where the shadows of lies are sinuous and unsteady, -
There is a vengeful dart of immortal books,
Sophisticated for centuries, beats without error.

/Valery Yakovlevich Bryusov

We bought books with mom
Our Sonechka-baby.
Sonya asks: - Read!
Hurry up and open the book!
With a book you will find yourself
In the world of magic
In the world of adventure
Miracles and witchcraft.
Here evil will be defeated,
Good must reign here!
The book is important necessary thing!
Everyone needs to love and protect her.
And Sonya knows from an early age:
There is no better gift than a book!

/Marina Muller

Stumbled once, twice...
And suddenly you
Read four letters in a row
And you went, went, went -
And read the first word!

From word to word - as if over bumps -
Rush merrily along the lines ...
And so learn to read -
How to run
How to fly!

I know soon across the page
You will flutter like birds...
After all, immense and great,
Like the sky
world of magical books!

/ Andrey Usachev

In library

About yellowed sheets
Within the walls of evening libraries,
When thoughts are so pure
And the dust is drunker than the drug!

My lesson is difficult for me now.
Where from a strange dream to go?
I have now found a flower
In the process of ancient Gilles de Retz.

Cut through with a network of pale veins,
Dry but secretly fragrant...
Probably put it
Some lover here.

More from scarlet female lips
His cheeks burned hot,
But the gaze of the eyes was already dull
And thoughts are coldly cruel.

And, of course, the devil's passion
I got up in my soul, like singing,
What a gift of love, flower, wither
Was thrown in the book of crime.

And after, there, in the shadow of the arcades,
In the splendor of the marvelous night
Who noticed a dull look,
Whose cry was heard inviting?

There are so many secrets in love
So torture the old tombs!
It seems to me that the blood
Stains many pages.

And the thorn accompanies the crown,
And the burden of life is an evil burden...
But what's up with that, dude?
Tireless as time!

My dreams... they are pure
And you, distant killer, who are you?!
O yellowed leaves,
Shagreen covers!

/N. Gumilyov

Pick up a book

Spread her wings
cold pages
Warm up quickly!

Straightening the folds with your finger
Opened sheets. AT
breathe life into the pages,
In the intricacies of lines.

written by someone.
With another hand, not here
They were waiting for you in silence
In the silence of libraries.

warmed by the palm,
They talk, they sing
Tell you about secrets
And they will call you into a fairy tale.

Tired - close.
Leaves rustle...
Folding the covers-wings,
Silence on the shelves.

Pick up a book.
Spread her wings!
Cold Pages
Warm up quickly!
T.A. Speranskaya

Love and a long journey give birth
And if there are no countries and kisses in it,
No man with full hands
And there is no woman in every drop,
No hunger, desire, anger
and dear,
Neither a bell nor a shield
the book will become
The book has no eyes, the mouth is closed
and dead
Like the prescription of the Old Testament.
/ Pablo Neruda