
How is the New Year celebrated around the world? New Year in different countries of the world How the New Year was celebrated in the world


Luzin Artem Valerievich

I wanted to know how they meet New Year in different countries, to find out where the tradition of celebrating the New Year came from and why this holiday is celebrated in different time years. I was curious to know if the Russian traditions of celebrating the New Year are similar to the traditions of other peoples, and I described the most interesting ones in my work.

The traditions of the New Year holiday are different for all peoples. But for everyone - this is fun, jokes, fireworks, Santa Claus, gifts, this is a cleansing from everything bad and the expectation of well-being, happiness. In my opinion, not only the feeling of the New Year holiday, but also the preservation new year traditions bring people happiness and peace in every home. People pass on New Year traditions from generation to generation, and we must know them, observe them and, when we grow up, pass them on to others.



How is New Year celebrated in different countries?

From educational literature I learned that the custom of celebrating the New Year's holiday originated in the 4th millennium BC. on the banks of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. In the famous state of Babylon, a cuneiform tablet was found, which tells about this. And then the New Year began to be celebrated in other countries. I was curious to know if the Russian traditions of celebrating the New Year are similar to the traditions of other peoples, and I described the most interesting ones in my work.

Australia . Australians celebrate the New Year on January 1st. .. on the beaches, at this time there is a 30-degree heat, and Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden distribute gifts in bathing suits. Main holiday events- fireworks, the first illuminates the sky at 9 pm, and the second at midnight.

America. In America, Santa Claus brings gifts to children on Christmas night, December 25th. The whole country participates in the New Year celebration. There are noisy, colorful street balls and processions. At midnight, people congratulate each other, hug, kiss, car drivers honk. Rattles, whistles, horns are heard everywhere. In New York, in the last 10 seconds of the outgoing year, a huge illuminated apple is lowered down the spire. At this time, crowds of people begin to congratulate each other.

New Year's table is very rich. Mandatory dishes are peas, beans with black spots - they bring good luck and wealth, Hoppin John rice dish and a large birthday cake.

Africa. They learned about the tradition of celebrating the New Year's Eve from Europeans. African Santa Claus lives on the highest mountain of the mainland, Kilimanjaro, where the snow lies. When the holiday time comes, the kind old man dresses up in his red fur coat, picks up a huge bag of gifts and goes down the mountain to the people.

The Bavenda tribe lives in South Africa. They consider the python to be the guardian of the tribe. On New Year's Eve, girls of 13 years old dedicate a dance to him. They line up in a chain, hold each other by the elbows and wriggle, imitating the movements of a snake, dancing to the sound of tympanums.

Brazil. The coming year is celebrated with cannon shots. At this moment, people begin to kiss, they believe that if you have time to kiss a person, the year will be happy. The streets of the cities are festively decorated, small bells and flowers are hung on poles. And in Rio de Janeiro at midnight, thousands of people dressed all in white head to the sea: candles are placed in the sand, flowers are thrown into the sea, since the bay in which the city lies is opened by the Portuguese on New Year's Eve.

Germany. The custom of decorating the Christmas tree was born in Germany. In the last week of November, Christmas markets open in almost all cities. for sale Christmas decorations, gingerbread, roasted chestnuts. They bake houses from ginger dough and populate them with little animals made from prunes and raisins. As soon as the clock begins to strike midnight, people jump on chairs, tables, armchairs, and with the last blows together, with joyful greetings, jump into the New Year.

Italy. In Italy, gifts are not given on New Year's Eve: all gifts were given at Christmas. But they also have their own traditions. On the festive table there must be 2 dishes - lentils and boiled sausage. It is also mandatory to eat dried grapes in bunches at the New Year's table - a symbol of health and longevity. In Italy, on New Year's Eve, it is allowed to shout loudly to celebrate the New Year with an open heart. Not so long ago in Italy there was a tradition before the New Year to throw unnecessary things out of the windows, even furniture. But now it is not observed, because people have become thrifty, they do not buy a lot of things for the future. Yes, and it is dangerous to throw out the window, because there are people, cars.

Italian Santa Claus is good-natured, cheerful, ruddy, with a luxurious white beard. And soon after him comes the "grandmother Morozikh" - Befana with gifts that she leaves in a stocking. For naughty children, she leaves a coal, a pinch of ash or a rod. It's a shame, but they deserve it!

Israel. The Jewish New Year is celebrated in autumn and is called Rosh Hashanah. Everyone wants to enter the New Year with pure thoughts and a soul free from sins. To do this, believers come to the seashore with the words of the prayer “You will plunge all our sins into the abyss of the sea” and carefully shake out their pockets so that there are no crumbs.

Usually acquaintances and strangers greet each other with the words “May this year be kind and sweet!”. Traditional dishes New Year's table- apples, honey, round challah. But the main treat - fish head so that each person is a head, not a tail.

China. The Chinese celebrate the New Year twice. One is on January 1, the other is on the day of Chinese lunar calendar. This is the day between January 23rd and February 19th. For the holiday, it is customary to give amulets and talismans, for example, a rake, with which you can "rake" a lot of happiness.

In the family, everything begins with the expulsion of spirits - the cleansing of the house. All furniture is moved, garbage is thrown out the door. On the night of December 24 - the time of God hearth, a farewell dinner of sweet dishes is arranged for him, after which he rises to heaven and tells the highest deity sweet speeches about the household.

Before the New Year, much attention is paid to the front door. They install a special screen so that evil spirits cannot enter the house.

The New Year is not complete without deafening firecrackers, rockets, explosions. Everyone jokes, sings, but watch their speech. Not a single word about misfortune should not be uttered so as not to call it into the house.

On the first day of the New Home, everyone is at home, especially the hostess does not go anywhere, otherwise happiness can slip out after her.

Turkey. In Muslim countries, the New Year - Navruz (Nevruz) falls on March 21 - the day spring equinox and literally means "new day".

This holiday is not celebrated at night, but on a bright day. At a solemn moment, all family members should be at home, sitting at a table set according to tradition. The rum of dishes must contain seven items starting with the letter “s”: greens of sprouted grains (saben), rue (sepand), apples (sib), garlic (syr), vinegar (serke), wild olive (sinjid), thyme ( satar).

V countryside on the first day of Nevruz, a solemn ceremony of laying the first furrow is performed, after which sowing begins.

Japan. In Japanese, the New Year is called "Segatsu" - "true month, the first month of the year.

It has long been customary to decorate a home with specially grown dwarf plants (bonsai). Purple-leaved cabbage heads are often found among New Year's decorations. They are also included in bouquets in combination with plum branches. Preparing for the New Year, the Japanese make kites, bright lanterns, paint them with hieroglyphs of wishes.

Until now, decorations play a special role - amulets from dark and impure forces - shimekazari. This is a straw bundle, to which strips of paper, tangerines, coals, and dried fish are hung.

In the evening the whole family gathers for dinner. This evening they serve thin noodles made from buckwheat flour - soba. The longer the soba, the longer the prosperity in that house will last.

On this special day, the Japanese dress up in kimono and have elaborate hairdos, even the men. On New Year's Eve, the bronze bells of Buddhist temples beat off 108 strokes, believing that they expel 108 worries that darken a person's life. Also, before the celebration of the New Year, the Japanese buy pictures depicting a sailboat with gods on board. On New Year's Eve, everyone dreams of seeing the desired dream - the seven gods of happiness on this ship.

The celebration of the New Year is accompanied by games and entertainment. Traditional dishes are prepared for the New Year's table: rice cookies - a symbol of abundance, a dish of peas for health, carp, a symbol of strength, candied slices of seaweed - wishes of happiness, caviar - wishes for having many children.

The exchange of gifts takes place in the evening. They give a rake decorated with cranes, coins for luck, a fan, tea, dried fish wrapped in a colorful wrapper. Parents give their children a coin in a special envelope as a symbol of happiness and prosperity. Celebrate the New Year in Japan for 7 days. At the end of the celebration, colorful parades of fire brigades are held in the cities, and then all New Year's decorations are burned.


I was very interested in the research topic, but it is difficult to tell about many countries in one work, so I described, in my opinion, the most interesting New Year traditions and made a coloring book with New Year pictures according to the traditions of different countries.

I learned that the tradition of celebrating the New Year came to us from Babylon in the 4th millennium BC, and then the holiday began to be celebrated in other countries. I realized that initially the holidays arose as agricultural rites that helped the peasants turn to nature with a prayer for protection and help. After the end of the holiday, the earthly world seemed to them renewed, and the person himself - purified, wise.

For every nation, the New Year did not always begin in winter, but also in spring, autumn, which is associated with the awakening of nature.

The traditions of the New Year holiday are different for all peoples. But for everyone - this is fun, jokes, fireworks, Santa Claus, gifts, this is a cleansing from everything bad and the expectation of well-being, happiness. In my opinion, not only the feeling of the New Year's holiday, but also the preservation of New Year's traditions bring happiness and peace to people in every home. People pass on New Year traditions from generation to generation, and we must know them, observe them and, when we grow up, pass them on to others.


1. Big book of holidays of the peoples of the world. M., Eksmo, 2008

2. Children's encyclopedia. No. 12, 2005.

3. Kreten N. Holidays. M., Astrel, 2002.

4. Lokalova S., A holiday as a gift. Yaroslavl, Academy of Development, 2002.

5.Lavrent'eva L.S., Smirnov Yu.I. culture of the Russian people. Customs. Rites. Folklore. S-P, Laritet, 2005.

6. Russian traditions and holidays. L. Mikheeva, M. Korotkova, M., Bustard Plus, 2007.

7. Christmas. New Year: customs, rituals, superstitions, fairy tales. Comp. L.O. Voznesenskaya. Institute of Practical Psychology. 1997.

8. Change, No. 1-2006.

9. I want to know everything. Holidays. Children's enc./E. Chekulaev. M., Astrel, 2001.

All the kids are looking forward to new year holidays, because this time is usually remembered by the abundance of various sweets and amazing gifts. Of course, for kids this part of the holiday is the main one, but do not forget that Grandfather Frost brings gifts not only to obedient children, but also to those who know the history of the New Year. Therefore, it is better for us to prepare in advance for the holiday and still get acquainted with the history of the New Year in our country. We will also get acquainted with the most interesting and unusual traditions of celebrating the New Year from other peoples, and perhaps we will borrow several rituals from them. We are used to celebrating the New Year on the night when the last month of the year ends, although earlier everything was somewhat different.

By the way, in some countries of the world, the New Year celebration falls on a different month of a completely different time of the year.

So, let's find out how and when we celebrated the New Year some time ago. The history of the new year is interesting for both children and adults. In addition, we will meet some interesting facts about New Year celebrations in other countries.

History of the New Year - for children and adults

The holiday was March 1st. Imagine celebrating the New Year without snow, gloomy skies and severe frost? Of course, our March most often resembles January, but, nevertheless, not everyone would like the spring New Year.

It is unlikely that people used to think about the nuances of the celebration, because they had completely different concerns at that time. Well, for us the absence new year mood may seem like a real tragedy.

Why did March become the starting point of the new year? But the fact is that it was in this month that people were already actively engaged in preparing for the sowing of fields, because their comfortable existence directly depended on the harvest.

Therefore, they tried their best to meet the next year so that it would bring them a rich harvest. By the way, the lighting of garlands in this magical time originated from that time. After all, among the Slavs, lighting fires meant that this year the harvest should be rich.

New Year September 1st. But, already with the adoption of Christianity, everything changed, and the New Year began to be celebrated on September 1, when most of the harvest had already been harvested.

It was in such a season that people could arrange a real holiday with an abundance of delicious dishes.

Holiday New Year January 1. But since 1700, Peter l gave a decree that said that the countdown of the new year would begin on January 1, as in other European countries.

It was at this time that a tradition appeared to decorate an ordinary spruce with various decorations that help it transform into a real New Year's tree.

Since then, people have begun to celebrate the New Year according to all the traditions that we have long been accustomed to.

Pompous celebrations were held, accompanied by fireworks and costumed festivities.

New Year is a holiday story for children. Traditions of different countries

The New Year traditions of some countries may seem somewhat “wild” to us, although they are familiar to their inhabitants.

Perhaps some of our customs may cause some surprise, but this does not mean that they should not be respected, right?

Let's take a look at how people are used to celebrating this amazing night in different countries. It is interesting that absolutely identical traditions do not exist, even in neighboring countries.

We will talk about how the New Year is celebrated in different countries, we will consider only the most interesting examples celebrations that will definitely surprise you with their unusualness.

1. England

Exactly at midnight, the British open the doors to the backyard so that all the bad things that happened in the past year leave this house.

So, they not only say goodbye to past troubles, but also see off all the good things that happened this year. Such a ceremony is carried out with the onset of midnight.

But before the clock shows one minute of the new year, you need to have time to open the front door. That's right, they seem to invite the New Year not only to their home, but also to their lives.

In addition to the New Year tree, the British decorate their homes with mistletoe sprigs, which are placed above the doorway. A rather tricky move, because those two who find themselves under such a plant will have to kiss.

2. Hungary

Interestingly, the Hungarians most often call the New Year's holiday "Sylvester", and this is due to the fact that the beginning of the celebration falls on the evening of December 31st. It is this day that the Hungarians consider Sylvester's Day.

Everyone prepares for such a holiday in their own way, but, in the first seconds of the new year, everyone, as one, begins to blow various whistles and pipes.

Thus, people simultaneously drive out evil spirits from their own homes, and invite joy into the house, with the help of sounds emanating from a festive klaxon.

3. Germany

A minute before the clock strikes "New Year", everyone sitting at the festive table climbs into their chairs and waits for midnight.

With the first chime of the clock, everyone standing on the chairs jumps off them at one moment, as if moving into the new year. Imagine how much noise there will be in a house where many children live.

4. Italy

Well, the Italians even celebrate the New Year in their classic style. Everyone has heard about Italian quarrels, the consequences of which are tons of broken dishes, so they are definitely not going to change their traditions on New Year's Eve.

People are throwing the same broken dishes out of the windows that have accumulated over the past year. But besides this, old furniture and clothes are thrown out of the window.

But even such unnecessary things need to be seen off correctly, therefore, crackers and confetti fly after them.

Such a rite may seem somewhat wasteful, but the Italians are not at all worried about this.

They are not afraid to get rid of the old, because a new purchase always brings a lot of joy.

Well, children, instead of the usual Santa Claus, are waiting for the sorceress Befana. According to legend, she arrives on her broom only once a year, on New Year's Eve, and gives children gifts that they have been dreaming of all year.

Children, along with their parents, hang small shoes on the fireplace that evening for the sorceress to fill them with gifts.

5. Spain

This people has its own bizarre traditions, one of which is eating grapes. Moreover, the Spaniards eat it only in a certain amount, which is equal to the number 12. Thus, they salute each of the months of the next year.

6. Scandinavia

This people probably broke all records in the category of the most unusual New Year's traditions. After all, not everyone will grunt on New Year's Eve, right? And their custom just implies grunting, and they do it under the table.

The Scandinavians are sure that in this way you can easily drive away all the troubles from your family. In general, not such a bad way, and most importantly - fun.

7. China

Seen at least once in a lifetime Chinese lanterns? Yes, of course they saw, because they are considered almost the most striking symbol of modern China. So, the New Year, just, is considered the festival of lanterns.

It is interesting that this holiday is celebrated every time in different ways, or rather, its date changes. That is, absolutely any date can be the starting point of the new year.

But, do not think that the numbers are chosen randomly, they are not at all. In terms of holidays, the Chinese always follow the calendar.

Let's move on to the celebration. It consists in lighting the very orange lanterns that we associate with this country.

But, their main purpose is not at all aesthetic. People believe that only such flashlights are able to drive away all evil spirits.

8. Japan

On New Year's Eve, Japanese children dress up in new clothes, which should bring prosperity to the family. In addition, there is a special task for children.

We are used to writing a letter to Santa Claus, in which the secret of the greatest children's desire will be revealed.

But the kids of this people depict their dream on a blank sheet of paper using paints or pencils. It is believed that this is how it can be achieved.

9. India

Surprisingly, in India, the New Year is celebrated as many as eight times. Imagine, we don’t always survive even one night, but there we have to responsibly meet the same year all eight nights a year.

By the way, on one of these celebrations, they have to eat leaves of the neem-neem tree, which are not very tasty, to say the least.

It tastes quite bitter, but people have to do it, because their faith is much stronger. They believe that the foliage of this tree will help maintain health, and also help to cope with any troubles.

10. Bulgaria

But in this country, people are accustomed to celebrating the coming year at home, in general, just like in our country. This holiday is considered a family holiday, so only the closest people are present at the festive table.

The youngest child is solemnly placed on a stool near the Christmas tree, and the baby happily sings New Year's carols. He wishes well-being to all present, for which they give the baby gifts.

11. Cuba

The Cubans have one interesting custom, which is to fill all the vessels with water. And exactly at midnight, all the water pours out of the windows. In this way, people see off the outgoing year.

12. France

The kids find their gifts left by Per-Noel, not under the tree, as we are used to, but in small shoes. They are hung right on the fireplace or left near it.

A bean is hidden in the birthday cake that is baked every year. The one who finds it will be called the "bean king", which means that all the wishes of the king will have to be fulfilled this very minute. But such a small piece of power goes to the winner only for one night.

13. Sweden

Every year, the children pre-select their Queen Lucie, who will be dressed in a white robe (she is the queen of light, after all).

Her main task is to distribute all the gifts intended only for obedient children. In addition, she does not bypass pets.

What is Santa Claus called in other countries?

We are accustomed to calling such a character “Frost”, probably only for our fierce winters.

Our grandfather is dressed in a warm red coat that will keep him warm in the January frosts. He has a long gray beard, and on his head is a red hat in the season of a fur coat.

Every child knows Santa Claus, and looks forward to seeing him every year. But he usually comes not alone, but with his assistant - the Snow Maiden, who helps him distribute gifts to all obedient kids.

Here, for example, in Western European countries, as well as in America, they used to call such a festive character Santa Claus.

He, for the most part, looks like our Santa Claus, because he also wears a red suit, decorated with white fur.

Only Santa Claus has a cap on his head, instead of a hat. In addition, he has a heavier build.

But in Sweden there are two such New Year symbols. The first grandfather was called Yultomten, and the second was named Yulnissaar. Both characters take part in the process of giving New Year's gifts, which they leave on the windowsills in the children's rooms.

Finland she was most remembered for her "Santa Claus", who received the name Joulupukki. He is also wearing a red suit, which is complemented by a cone-shaped red hat. His assistants can be called gnomes, who are dressed in colorful costumes.

France also could not stop at one character, so they also have two Santa Clauses. One gives children gifts that they have long dreamed of, and he brings them in a wicker basket. The other plays the role of a negative character, who, every now and then, punishes naughty children.

in Italy the role of Santa Claus is played by the fairy Befana, who flies into the house on a broomstick through the chimney. She leaves gifts only for obedient children, but for those who did not behave very well this year, she leaves only ashes.

It does not matter exactly how to celebrate the New Year, and most importantly, that all relatives are nearby, and wishes come true at the click of a finger.

And, of course, gifts should correspond to the desire of every child who has been waiting for this magical night all year. And it doesn't matter who brings the gift - Santa Claus or a fairy, because in any case, it will be delivered to the child.

I hope the story of the New Year for children will be interesting and informative. Remember, the most important thing is to believe in a fairy tale, regardless of age. And don't forget to believe in miracles, because only your faith fuels them.

New Year's Eve is undoubtedly the favorite holiday of children. Each kid is waiting for something magical from this holiday, decorates the Christmas tree with joy and looks forward to the arrival of the main magician - Santa Claus. Have you ever wondered what is the history of this fabulous holiday? Today I propose to plunge into the past and study a little the history of the celebration of this solemn day. Certainly, every child will be interested to learn the traditions and customs of the inhabitants of past centuries. And besides, such an entertaining story will also expand the horizons of the baby.

New Year's story for children preschool age always more interesting, fabulous, covered in secrets. Children listen with bated breath. After all, this is a favorite holiday for children. Santa Claus, Christmas tree, gifts, it's so exciting and reverent.

The story of the new year for children in Russia

The most unexpected fact of celebrating the New Year in Russia is that this day was not always celebrated on the first of January, as we all used to think.

For a rather long period, the beginning of the year was celebrated on March 1st. Such a reckoning began in 988, when Prince Vladimir adopted Christianity in Russia.

The first day of spring was chosen for the beginning of the year not by chance, because it was from this day that work began in the fields, and the earth came to life again after wintering.

Already in those distant times, people dressed up Christmas trees and lit lights on them. It was believed that the more shining lights on the tree, the more fruitful the coming year would be. The lights, of course, were not at all what we see them now.

Our ancestors used candles for festive lighting, which were installed in glass containers.

By the way, not only spruce acted as a New Year's tree, it could be any other tree. And they decorated it with sweets, nuts or fruits.

A little later, a tradition appeared to celebrate the New Year in September, and March 1 remained the beginning of the year according to the church calendar.

In this regard, there was some confusion with the celebration, so the Russian Tsar issued a decree to postpone the holiday to September 1.

The New Year was celebrated mainly in city squares, near churches and temples. In the morning, the king went out to the people and distributed alms. On this day, every person had the right to turn to the king with their petitions and problems.

Each family laid tables for the New Year with an abundance of delicious dishes. Especially popular were pies, often baked from pea flour.

Fish, meat, berries were used as fillings. Pancakes and pancakes were also baked to the table. From drinks, the ancient Slavs preferred to prepare berry jelly.

Adults prepared alcoholic drinks in advance, based on berries, fruits and yeast. Of the vegetables on the festive tables, radishes and turnips were usually present, both in salads and cut into pieces.

The meat of ducks or geese was also cooked, they were baked on coals. The Slavs decorated the huts with spruce branches.

In 1699, Peter the Great issued a decree abolishing the celebration of the New Year on September 1. Since that time, the holiday was officially postponed to January 1.

Peter the Great was very fond of European traditions, so he tried to make life in Russia appropriate.

Since that time, the New Year has become a cheerful and noisy holiday, the king even built the first fireworks rocket.

In addition, it was customary to shoot guns and cannons to all residents to make the holiday seem even more grandiose.

They began to celebrate the beginning of the year until the very morning, singing songs and exchanging prepared gifts.

But everyone's favorite wizard appeared later. More precisely, he was before, but in a different guise. It was just a fairy-tale character who had incredible generosity. The New Year's hero was extremely kind and brought gifts to each kid.

But the usual clothes - a red coat, a staff and a long beard, the wizard received only by the middle of the 19th century, in other matters, like the modern name - Santa Claus.

And a little later, he also had an assistant - the granddaughter of the Snow Maiden.

An interesting fact is that the New Year's wizard is a fantasy not only of the Russian people. Each country has such a good companion of the holiday, only in each of the countries it has its own name.

History of the New Year in other countries

Now consider how the New Year is celebrated in other countries.


In Japan, the familiar Santa Claus is called Oji-san. And the New Year's holiday itself lasts almost a month, starting from December 25th.

Residents decorate their houses with spruce branches or olive branches. It is believed that this promises wealth in the coming year.

Before the holiday, the Japanese visit temples and treat each other with rice cakes. Moreover, the color of these cakes should be pink or white, since these colors, according to the inhabitants of Japan, bring happiness and good luck in their endeavors.


The Chinese magician is called Sho-Hin, and the festival itself falls in February. The holiday is very noisy, with the use of all kinds of firecrackers, firecrackers and fireworks.

The Chinese are sure that the more they have fun and make noise on New Year's Eve, the more they will frighten evil spirits and drive them away as far as possible.


But in hot Thailand, the beginning of the year falls on April 13th. To attract good luck, Thais pour water over the Buddha Statues with jasmine or pink flower petals.

However, not only the Statues get it, every resident who finds himself on the street on a holiday falls under the festive shower.

According to tradition, the inhabitants of this country prepare in advance a mass of water pistols and various spray devices in order to in an unusual way congratulate acquaintances and strangers met people.


On the eve of the holiday, residents spend funny carols, and then go to the festive table. As an obligatory treat in every home, there is a sweet berry pie, a piece of which is left for St. Basil.

Another interesting tradition is the throwing of a pomegranate by the head of the family. The bottom line is that when falling, the pomegranate shatters into many grains, and the more grains scatter, the more successful the coming year will be.


In Turkey, New Year falls on January 1st. Residents decorate Christmas trees in advance, decorate their homes with lights. On a rich festive table, there is always a stuffed turkey, fresh fruits, and various sweets.

Children consider St. Nicholas to be the main Magician, to whom they write letters in advance with wishes for gifts.


Germany, like Russia, celebrates the holiday on January 1st. However, the table is a little poorer than it is customary to set in Russia.

The main dish of the New Year's table is baked carp. The Germans also like to decorate the table with fresh fruit, champagne, punches, sweet pies or cakes.

But gifts in this country are not given at the beginning of the year, and if they are, they are purely symbolic - in the form of postcards or magnets with the symbol of the coming year.

The thing is that a week before that, Germany celebrates Christmas. And this holiday is celebrated more, so residents exchange gifts on December 25th.


Residents of Switzerland celebrate the New Year on the night of December 31 to January 1. Everything around in this country becomes bright and festive.

Streets, shop windows, houses and yards are decorated. In every city, street fairs begin to operate, where you can buy various souvenirs, Christmas decorations and handmade items.

In the center of the fair, a green forest beauty flaunts in lights.

The holiday usually begins with a family feast. Goodies are usually used to make fondue, homemade cookies, different kinds cheeses.

And from drinks, the Swiss especially respect hot chocolate or champagne.

Despite such different traditions and even the dates of the celebration of the New Year, each of us is looking forward to the holiday. It's so nice, at least for a moment, but still to return to childhood and believe in magic a little ...

Presentation on the theme of the New Year. The history of the holiday - video

How the New Year is celebrated in different countries, history and traditions - all about beauty and health

As noted main night years in different countries? What traditions are followed by people living on different continents? Where is the new year not in winter? In this article, we have collected the brightest facts about the favorite holiday of millions of people.


On New Year's Eve, Finns tell fortunes on wax, and many dishes and drinks are put on the festive table. The most desired treat for northerners is sweet rice porridge and plum jelly.

Finnish Santa Claus is called Joulupukki. This name is translated as "Christmas goat", so the good grandfather is called because he rides a cart drawn by goats. The old man hears well, so it is better for him to talk about his desires in a whisper so that the evil spirit does not find out about them.


On New Year's Eve, Swedish children hold an election for Lucia, the Queen of Light. The girl assigned to this post puts on a dress white color and a crown on which lighted candles are fixed. Lucia treats pets with treats and gives gifts to children. The festival of light is accompanied by bright lights lit on the streets, as well as in houses.


At the crucial moment of the arrival of the New Year, the inhabitants of Hungary take out horns, pipes, whistles from the bins and whistle with all their might. In this way, they cleanse the house of evil spirits and free up space for well-being and joy.

Hungarian New Year's dishes include peas, beans, nuts, apples, honey and garlic.


On the eve of December 31, the French decorate the house with figures made of wood and clay. Santa Claus in France responds to the name Per Noel and puts presents in children's shoes. The king of New Year's Eve is a child who receives a festive cake with a baked bean inside.


Each Spaniard eats a dozen grapes to the sound of local chimes - this ritual will give good luck for the whole next year. Spanish stores even sell jars of seedless and skinless grapes. Another interesting point: the New Year should be celebrated in red underwear so that you do not experience material problems over the next 12 months. The tradition applies to both men and women.


Many people know that on New Year's Eve, Italians get rid of old things by throwing them right out the windows, according to medieval traditions. This custom is not observed in all large cities, it is mainly alive in the countryside. On January 1, the inhabitants of Italy go for running water and carry it home, trying to meet a hunched over old man. This is believed to bring good luck, unlike running into children or monks.

Instead of Santa Claus, gifts in the country are distributed by Fairy Befana flying on a broomstick. However, there is also a magic grandfather in Italy, his name is Babbo Natale.

At the festival, the inhabitants of the Apennines eat lentils, nuts and grapes, which are symbols of health, prosperity and long life.

South Africa

As in Italy, in South Africa they get rid of old things by throwing them right out the window. True, in last years the authorities are seeking to ban this tradition for security reasons.


Nepalese do not throw things away, but immediately burn them in the fire of New Year's bonfires. When the morning comes, the people of Nepal decorate themselves with patterns and begin to dance and sing, celebrating the festival of colors.


The British celebrate the New Year peacefully and at the same time in a variety of ways: they play scenes from fairy tales, arrange a carnival and street fairs. For gifts, children prepare not a stocking, as in a number of countries, but a plate that they put on the table. A little before midnight, the silence is broken by the ringing of a bell, which signals the onset of the New Year. At the same time, lovers kiss under the mistletoe branch - it is believed that this romantic ritual saves the couple from parting for the next 12 months.

On the classic British holiday table there are turkey with potatoes, chestnuts, sauce, pastries with meat filling and stewed Brussels sprouts. For dessert, fruit is served, as well as pudding.


The German Santa Claus, like the English one, puts gifts on a plate for children, but travels on a donkey. Adults have fun with lead divination, board games and fireworks.

The Germans almost do not prepare hearty dishes for the winter holiday, they limit themselves to snacks such as raclette and fondue. Fish dishes and donuts are popular.


Scottish New Year is called Hogmany and takes place in the format of a fire festival. Its participants burn barrels filled with tar and symbolize old year. It is also a tribute to ancient traditions, according to which the flame protected from evil forces and, thrown into the water, provided people with the support of water spirits.

The most welcome first guest on January 1 in a Scottish house is a brunette who does not cross the threshold empty-handed. A man with dark hair, according to local beliefs, brings good luck. Guests coming to the feast should bring coal with them, which they will later throw into the fireplace for good luck.

On the New Year's table in Scotland in the morning they serve oatmeal, cheese and pudding, in the afternoon - steak, goose, apples in dough or a pie.


New Year in the Country rising sun they meet in new clothes to protect themselves from diseases and, in general, to become a favorite of Fortune. The Christmas tree is a small mochibana tree. Pine branches decorate the doors. Bamboo sprouts and branches, peach and plum mini-trees are also welcome. On New Year's Eve, every Japanese dreams of hearing 108 bells in order to become better and get rid of negativity.

Health and well-being in the family are symbolized by dishes such as rice, noodles, beans and carp.


For the Vietnamese, the New Year begins between January 21 and February 19. They decorate the rake, which symbolizes the ability to get money and happiness. The local Santa Claus - Tao Kuen - is considered capable of flying across the sky, riding a carp, and becoming a dragon. For a magical spirit to fulfill a wish, you should tell a real carp about it and release it into a pond. The wonderful fish will certainly convey these words to God. In the New Year, it is also customary to exchange good wishes written in black and red, decorate the house with peach blossom branches and blow up homemade firecrackers.

The main Vietnamese New Year's dishes are made from rice.

Ecuador, Peru

In large cities of these countries, rituals are held on New Year's Eve, people communicate with shamans and try to see the future with their help. Divination by egg and beer remains popular.

Signs are also widespread. To attract good luck, Peruvians and Ecuadorians decorate a beautiful young woman with fruits. Happiness also helps to attract the clothes of an optimistic yellow color and love is red. Ecuadorians who dream of spending a year traveling must run around the house several times during the chiming clock with a suitcase in hand. And in order to get rid of last year's negativity, it is recommended to throw a glass filled with water out of the window. With it, everything evil that is present in human life will be destroyed.


A character called the Old Year is hailed as the protagonist of the Colombian carnival. He walks on stilts and entertains children with funny stories. The local Santa Claus, who is called Papa Pasquale, is in charge of the fireworks. Before the New Year, they organize a parade of dolls.


The New Year here is based on the celebration of the day of the water goddess Imanji, the patroness of sailors. They bring gifts to her in the form of candles and flowers, which are sent by swimming, and make wishes. On New Year's Eve in Brazil, the chimes are not beaten - the second left until midnight is counted out loud. Of the gifts, mostly souvenirs are given, since the main presents are handed over at Christmas. On a festive night, dressed in white (in small towns - in blue) people fraternize, forgive each other and watch the light show in Copacabana and fireworks in the place di Freitas together. After the New Year, the carnival begins.

USA, Miami

The most noisy and fun events in the New Year unfold on Ocean Drive - the central one in Miami Beach. Here, not only unusual dances and outfits are prohibited, on the contrary, they are welcome. Performances by musicians and artists take place near a Christmas tree hung with toys and garlands. Another option to celebrate the holiday is to go to a cafe or restaurant where stars perform, often world-class. Wealthy tourists go on a New Year's Eve cruise on a yacht and watch the fireworks from the deck of this luxurious ship.


In the country of kangaroos, the New Year is celebrated not in winter, but in summer. The celebrations take on the most serious scale in big cities, where diverse creative teams perform in the open air. One of the largest fireworks on the planet is launched into the sky at Sydney Harbor. The splendor of the fireworks is very pleasant to evaluate from the tower of the city of Sydney, tickets are sold there in advance. Tasmania and Victoria host The Falls Festival, which is especially popular with young people. In all states, Australians congratulate each other on the New Year loudly and noisily. On January 1, they go to the beach, where they enjoy surfing, dancing and organizing picnics. The parties continue for 5 more days.


Residents of Panama try to be as noisy as possible on the holiday in order to enlist the support of the forces of good.


Burmese celebrate the New Year in the middle of spring, 3 days are allotted for the holiday. To appease the gods, tug-of-war competitions are held in Burma.


On New Year's Day, Chinese people bathe the Buddha in temples and practice dousing when they hear good wishes to your address.


For the Israelis, the New Year comes in September. Before the holiday, they eat pomegranate, honey, apples and fish and pray. Particularly important appeals to God are announced next to the reservoirs.

Perhaps you will use some of these ideas when celebrating next New Year. Happy holidays to you!

New Year is one of the few holidays that is celebrated with the same enthusiasm all over the world. However, in each country this happens in a special way. Sometimes come across interesting traditions sometimes very familiar, and sometimes more unexpected. Today we will talk about them.

England. Meeting the New Year here is associated with home comfort and hospitality. The British believe that the first guest brings happiness for the next 365 days. Or misfortune. If a person enters first and brings a traditional gift, good luck for the whole year is guaranteed.

Denmark. On the thresholds of houses you can see a bunch of broken dishes. People usually break plates on their friends' doors. Old dishes are not thrown away, but stored specifically for this. It is believed that whoever has more broken plates at the door has more friends. There is also a tradition of jumping off chairs at midnight. So they "jump" into the new year.

China. The Chinese always paint their front doors with red paint, symbolizing happiness and good luck. On this day, all knives are hidden - so that no one cuts themselves, because this way you can “cut off” luck for the whole family for the whole next year.

Brazil . Prosperity and wealth in the country is symbolized by lentils. Theme traditional dishes of the New Year's table are prepared from legumes or with the addition of legumes. The clergy dress in white and blue clothes and perform a ceremony in honor of the goddess of water. And in Rio de Janeiro, a boat with candles, flowers and symbolic values ​​is launched into the water, into the ocean. For health, happiness, prosperity.

Austria. No celebration is complete without roast pig and mint ice cream for dessert. Some local version of Olivier and tangerines.

Belgium. New Year's Eve is called Saint Sylvester's Evening. The celebration takes place mainly in the family circle, where everyone exchanges gifts and wishes.

Egypt. Here they believe that the real New Year comes only when the new moon is visible in the sky. New Year's atmosphere is very festive and cheerful.

Greece. The Greeks revere St. Basil, one of the founders of the Greek Church. They bake bread with coins inside. Whoever comes across this - because to carry the whole year.

Wales. At midnight, when the clock starts to strike, the front doors open and close for a second. So the old year and misfortune are let out of the house. As the clock strikes for the last time, the door is opened again, this time letting in the New Year and all the good things.

Japan. It is also a family holiday for the Japanese, starting with decorating the house and inviting happiness and good luck. They do spring cleaning, repay all debts, fulfill all broken promises. New Year is associated not only with a Christmas tree. Not even a Christmas tree, to be exact. traditional plants in New Year's compositions is pine branch (for long life), bamboo (abundance) and plum blossom (nobility). And if there are bells in the house, then you need to ring every 108 times to get rid of all 108 misfortunes.

Philippines. All round objects bring good luck. Therefore, one must eat grapes, have at least a few coins in one's pocket, wear dresses with polka dots, and the like. Then the next year will be full of happiness and prosperity. It is also customary to make noise here - the New Year should be celebrated as loudly as possible in order to scare away all evil spirits.

Spain. You need to eat 12 grapes for each blow of the chimes. One for happiness, luck and luck for each month. The tradition, which originated in Spain, subsequently spread to the countries of Latin America.

Puerto Rico. A bucket of water can pour out of the window on you. Don't be scared. It's just the Puerto Ricans cleaning the house and the street of all the bad things that happened last year.

Chile. Mass is held on New Year's Eve and people visit deceased relatives in the cemetery. Often the New Year is celebrated there.

Italy. Perhaps you will not even be surprised that cheerful Italians celebrate the New Year for three days in a row. Houses are decorated with greenery and lights, and gifts are chosen very carefully. And sometimes at midnight, hateful objects fly out of the windows, which have no place in the next year.

USA. The kiss at midnight is traditional; and if you are standing under the mistletoe, you must also kiss the one who is standing nearby.

Ecuador. At midnight, Ecuadorians burn an effigy of the old year. It may have different kind- from an ordinary garden scarecrow to a whole monument with photographs of famous actors, singers, politicians and everyone associated with the year that is passing.

In Mexico, Argentina and Peru be sure to wear colored underwear, besides, you must remember that each color symbolizes something, and choose accordingly.

And, of course, Ukraine . We have many New Year's traditions, but everyone believes in one thing: how you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it. So let your New Year's Eve be unforgettable!

New Year in different countries of the world is celebrated in different ways - the traditions and customs in each state are special. The most amazing thing is that everyone adheres to them - both adults and children. And Santa Claus is sure to be in every country, only somewhere he is called Santa Claus, and somewhere - Joulupukki.

France: to whom goose, and to whom cakes

Many of us would like to meet and spend the New Year in Paris. But few people know that the Christmas holidays begin here on December 6 - the day of St. Nicholas. It is on this date that Per Noel - the French Santa Claus - gives gifts to obedient children. He wears wooden shoes, moves on a donkey, carries presents in a basket behind his back, and leaves them after entering the house through the chimney. According to European tradition, all gifts are placed in shoes, which the children place in advance next to the fireplace.

New Year in Paris is celebrated in a special way. The table must be richly stocked with smoked hams, salads, pastries, sweets and wine. Moreover, in different provinces of the French state, the main festive dish is different: the Burgundians prefer turkey with chestnuts, the population of Brittany prefer buckwheat cakes with sour cream, and the inhabitants of the northeast always serve goose as the main dish. But the French do not have a Christmas tree - instead, they decorate the doors of their houses with mistletoe branches.

Germany: we are waiting for Weinachtsman!

New Year in Germany is always celebrated with noise and fun. Moreover, no one sits at home - young people walk around the city, and older people go out to restaurants. The traditional dish for this holiday is baked carp, however, the Germans are very fond of modern dishes. The celebration itself is called "Sylvester" - in honor of the clergyman who died on December 31, 335. Santa Claus brings gifts to children, and the children of Berlin, Cologne, Munich receive presents from the Weinachtsman Christmas man - he is wearing an inside-out fur coat, and in his hands is a rod with which he punishes naughty children. Weinakhtsman's companion is the blond Kristkind, who looks like the Russian Snow Maiden. If the kids improve and read poetry to her, she rewards them with apples, nuts and sweets. In general, the New Year in Germany is held by analogy with most other countries.

UK: real English stiffness

In the United Kingdom, as in many European countries, the first and main holiday- Christmas, and only then New Year is celebrated. London is traditionally decorated richly and luxuriously: a large Christmas tree, which is brought from Norway. There is also a New Year's parade - the most massive folk procession. The traditions of the New Year in England involve the festive decoration of houses. Gifts for children are presented by Santa Claus, dressed in red clothes. It should be noted that the British are one of the few who continue to give each other New Year cards and simple souvenirs. An interesting local custom is to let the New Year into the house - this is done at twelve o'clock at night, when the chimes strike. It is believed that you need to open the doors and thereby move from the old frontier to the new.

Spain: Santa Claus with a flask of wine

As already mentioned, the New Year in different countries of the world has its own traditions. The Spaniards, like the British, observe all sorts of customs associated with Christmas, and New Year's Eve is an occasion to just take a walk on the street and have fun. However, there are certain rituals for this occasion. For example, while the chimes strike twelve times, you need to have time to eat twelve grapes - it is believed that this will lead to the fulfillment of desires. Since the country is closely connected with viticulture, the New Year in Spain is also celebrated with an emphasis on this particular feature. For example, grapes eaten at night promises money throughout the next year. In the Spanish state, the time period from December 25 to January 6 is called the "Holy Twelve Days". As for Santa Claus, he is also in this warm country, they only call him Olentzero. He wears national simple clothes and always takes a flask of good Spanish wine with him.

Czech Republic: a rich table

On January 1, this country celebrates the Day of Czech Statehood, and the night from December 31 to January 1, the Czechs, like the Germans, call "Sylvester" - in honor of the saint, whom we have already mentioned. New Year in Prague is celebrated on a grand scale, but the locals do not walk until the morning - they prefer to go to bed early. Of course, the old New Year's customs are already forgotten here, but there are still a number of national traditions. For example, it is customary to gather at a huge table with the whole family, while the table should be very rich. The most surprising thing is that lentils or soup with small cereals must be present on it - this is a symbol of money. New Year in Prague is a wonderful time. It is worth coming to the amazingly beautiful Czech Republic to relax in the mountains and spend the beginning of the year as actively as possible.

Ukraine: first there was Karachun...

In this fraternal state, the New Year is celebrated in the same way as in our country. True, back in the days of Ancient Russia, Ukrainians called this celebration “Karachun”. One of the main traditions that has remained in some cities to this day is sowing on the first day of the new year. The ritual assumed that the children would sow for the future harvest so that it would be rich. Much attention was paid to divination. But the modern New Year in Ukraine is held in European traditions - with a Christmas tree and festive festivities.

Belarus: Zyuzya is waiting for you

This country is already interesting because Santa Claus has his own residence here. The fabulous estate is located in the Belovezhskaya Pushcha itself, and therefore now you can easily get to visit it. Residents of the country are always welcomed by Zyuzya - this is the Belarusian Santa Claus, who is famous for his hospitality. New Year in Belarus is simply not possible without this fairy-tale character, personifying the cold. He treats all his guests with delicious herbal tea from a samovar and pancakes. On this holiday, it is customary in the country to dress up in interesting costumes, put on makeup and walk the streets in this form. The New Year in Belarus is not complete without festive festivities.

Finland: birthplace of Joulupukki

Finland is a magical country, people here believe in fairy tales and miracles. Probably, this is also because the famous Santa Claus comes from Suomi. Many traditions and customs have been preserved here, so many tourists come here to celebrate the New Year. For example, the Finns love to set fire to huge barrels of tar and thus see off the old year. New Year in Finland is a holiday with an emphasis primarily on family values.

What else attracts tourists in this snowy country? Of course, Santa Claus from Lapland named Joulupukki. A huge number of people come to festivities in Lapland to see the real Finnish Santa Claus, dance with him and ride reindeer. Another interesting event that takes place in Suomi in holidays, is a festival of snow and ice. It has been held for many years and consists of creating ice sculptures that are very realistic.

New Year's Eve in Finland also involves a plentiful table, and the dishes on it are the simplest: potato casserole, salted salmon, chicken legs and gingerbread are must-have dishes.

Turkey: New Year in Pajamas and Slippers

It must be said right away that in this country the New Year is not the brightest and main holiday of the year. Elderly people do not consider it a significant event at all, therefore they prefer to go to bed early, and decorating a Christmas tree is not at all encouraged by Muslims. In most families, this celebration is not celebrated in any way, but takes place at the TV, as the Turks themselves say, in pajamas and slippers.

The New Year in Turkey is notable, perhaps, only for the obligatory participation of almost every family in the Milli Piyango New Year's lottery. The main prize, by the way, is a rather impressive amount of money. Nevertheless, there is Santa Claus in the country, and his name is Noel Baba. He also brings gifts to the children, but this is not so common among the locals. As for the youth, like in many countries of the world, they like to take to the streets and celebrate in the crowd. Many Russians prefer to celebrate the New Year in Turkey - in the country's hotels that receive tourists throughout the year, festivities are organized for vacationers.

Karelia: ride Malamute and Husky

Karelia is the northern part of Russia, so the celebration here is the same as in most domestic regions. However, there are also distinctive traditions. So, in ancient times, the Karelians called the holiday "Syundum", and it lasted from Christmas until the very Epiphany. And the most magical was the first day of the new year: no things could be taken out of the house. It was also believed that the arrival of a man, especially a bearded one, would bring prosperity to the family, but women were afraid of the visit - he promised misfortune. New Year in Karelia implies great attention to the table: it should literally burst with delicious dishes. A required attribute- yarn pies that are stuffed with oatmeal or sugar and are used for divination.

Today Karelia is very popular among tourists. Active attention is paid to eco-tourism. And beautiful landscapes, even winter ones, are worth seeing. Now a new direction is actively developing - dog sledding. To do this, you can go to the largest nursery in Russia - to the village of Kudama. Here you will be offered to meet the cutest huskies and Alaskan Malamutes.

New Year in Karelia is an opportunity to touch the beauty and picturesque nature, visit local nature reserves and world-famous islands, including Valaam.

India: instead of a Christmas tree - flowers and candles

This country is distinguished by rich traditions and customs, and in each area of ​​rather big India, the New Year is celebrated in different ways. Unlike us, Indians do not put a Christmas tree in their house - they prefer to decorate their homes with flowers, leaves, candles. Agree, it doesn’t look like Russian realities at all? The New Year itself in India is called Vishu, it is celebrated in the sign of Aries - from the end of March to April. It is noteworthy, but the celebration is rather family and even personal, so no public actions take place. True, it cannot do without traditional dances and performances.

The first day of the year is called the Cow Festival in some regions. This day is dedicated to honoring these domestic animals. On the eve of the celebration, delicacies are prepared for them. The next day is the honoring of relatives and friends, and on the third day, religious practices are held. New Year in India can be celebrated at different times. For example, Gujaratis celebrate it in autumn - in October, while all houses are decorated with lanterns and candles. It is noteworthy, but, unlike the Europeans, the inhabitants of India not only congratulate each other on the holiday, but also thank the gods for giving them the opportunity to live another year.

Thailand: Fabulous Songkran

This is another magical country that does not fit in our associations with snow, cold weather and Santa Claus. However, the New Year in Thailand is still celebrated on April 13th. This date was not chosen by chance. There is a legend in the country about a boy who understood the language of animals and birds. And this skill of his did not give rest to the God of fire. He offered the boy a bet: if he does not answer three questions in a week, he will be beheaded, and if he answers correctly, God himself will lose his head. In the end, the boy could not find the answers until the eagle helped him. The god of fire had to lose his head - her child put it in a bag and hid it in a cave. Now, on the first day of the year, the daughters of God carry out a basket with a head as a symbol of worship to their father.

National New Year in Thailand is called "Songkran". It is celebrated for several days - from 13 to 15 April. The essence of the Thai calendar is in twelve cycles, each of which is dedicated to a specific animal with its own set of features. Accordingly, every year will correspond to these features. During the holiday, Thais, and especially local children, go out into the street with buckets of water and water passers-by - this is how they congratulate everyone on the New Year. Water is a symbol of all living things, it brings grace to everyone it comes across. And in Changmai, for example, instead of buckets, a pump is immediately used, pouring water on those around from the moat in the city center. Historically, Songkgran is a holiday of love, respect, so Thais prefer to celebrate the New Year at home, with their families. In addition, residents visit the temple, where they treat the monks with delicious dishes, fruits or a new cassock - this symbolizes the veneration of the clergy. Each visitor to the temple takes away a handful of sand from the territory. At home, a ritual of washing the Buddha is necessarily performed - his statue is poured with water with rose petals, jasmine, and each member of the family does this.

New Year in different countries of the world is a special holiday. It is popular among Thais to tie strings on the wrist of their guests - they symbolize happiness.

Egypt: when the Nile floods...

In most countries, December 31 and January 1 are holidays, sometimes even public holidays. The same cannot be said for Egypt. In ancient times, the beginning of the new year in this country did not fall in winter and was generally calculated based on the flood of the Nile. The first season of the year came after the ascension of the sacred star for the Egyptians Sirius. And the flood of the Nile for the territory, 95 percent of which is occupied by the desert, was a real sacred period.

The New Year in Egypt today is in many ways similar to our perception of this holiday. Accustomed to tourists from all over the world, locals even decorate their homes and shops with New Year's tinsel and garlands. Of course, it looks very unusual, given that it's hot outside. But instead of a Christmas tree, the Egyptians put a thuja or poinsettia - a flower with green and bright red leaves. In an effort to avoid frost and spend long holidays with benefit, many Russians prefer to celebrate the New Year in Egypt, on the Red Sea.

The most unusual traditions

  • In Bulgaria, before the start of the holiday, everyone is in a hurry to buy dogwood sticks - Bulgarians will hit their guests and relatives with them to wish them happiness.
  • In Denmark, it is customary to serve sweet rice porridge with a secret - this can be an almond or other nut. If he gets caught by an unmarried girl, she will get married, and the rest will just be happy.
  • New Year in different countries of the world is most often bright event with their own characteristics. For example, the Chinese decorate the Trees of Light with lanterns, flowers, garlands. And Chinese Grandfather Christmas Dong Che Lao Ren brings gifts and puts them in children's stockings hung on the walls.

  • The Scots also do not sleep on New Year's Eve - they take a slice of cake, a glass of wine and coal and go to friends or relatives. Thus, in their opinion, they will supply their friends with food, drink and warmth for the whole next year.
  • On the eve of the festival, the Swedes give each other homemade candles - they play an important role, because in the dead of winter in Sweden it gets dark early, and one cannot do without light.
  • In Greece, at exactly twelve o'clock in the morning, the head of the family must go out into the yard and smash the pomegranate fruit against the wall: if its grains scatter around the yard, the family will live this year happily.
  • New Year in Ukraine, as we have already mentioned above, is accompanied by fortune-telling and dancing, and in Norway at this time, children are waiting for gifts from ... a goat. And this is no coincidence: in the Scandinavian state, the goat occupies a privileged position. According to legend, King Olaf II of Norway saved a wounded animal by lifting it off a cliff. The goat was cured, and as a sign of gratitude to her savior, she brought him medicinal plants.
  • In Hungary, the New Year's Eve is accompanied by a whistle, and any pipes, whistles and horns are suitable for this. With this action, the Hungarians drive out evil spirits and protect their homes from them.
  • In Japan, 108 tolls of the bell announce the beginning of the New Year. According to legend, each blow is the expulsion of one of the human vices with eighteen shades. In the first seconds of the new year, you should definitely laugh - this brings good luck, according to local residents. And so that happiness enters the house, front door carefully decorated with bamboo and pine branches. By the way, the Japanese Santa Claus is called Segatsu-san (Mr. New Year). And the rake is considered the most popular accessory - the Japanese plan to rake happiness with it every year.


The New Year is a magical holiday, because it is no coincidence that many people believe that it will certainly bring new happiness with it. And the traditions of various countries say that local residents expect more from this celebration than just a festive mood.