
Cashew nuts – benefits and harms, composition and rules of administration. Some details about the fruit


How often, when we eat different foods, we don’t even think about how beneficial or harmful they are to the human body. As a result of this, various diseases arise, because it is not for nothing that they say: “We are what we eat.” Therefore, if you already have diseases (especially chronic ones), or you feel periodic ailments, be sure to reconsider your diet.

And in this article we will look at a product such as cashew nut, beneficial properties and contraindications.

Origin of cashew

This nut was first discovered in Brazil, and today it grows in many warm countries, such as Indonesia, Thailand, Nigeria, India, Vietnam, and the countries of South and Central America. The fruit itself has two parts - soft, very similar to an apple (which is why the nuts are also called “cashew apple”), and hard, that is, the nut itself. The soft part is also eaten, but it must be eaten immediately, since it is stored for no more than a day (therefore, it is not transportable to other countries, and you can only try it where it grows). From such an “apple” you can make compote, juice, jelly, and alcoholic drinks.

But the hard part, cashew nut, can now be bought in any supermarket. Everyone knows that the fruit has many useful substances, it has excellent taste, so it can be added to various culinary dishes. Next we will look at other information about and contraindications for this product.

Calorie content and composition of nuts

So, what can we say about the calorie content of this nut? Can I use it while losing weight? What beneficial substances does it contain? You can immediately say that it contains much less fat than almonds or walnuts. But much more carbohydrates, proteins, fiber, starch and natural sugar. Cashews also contain vitamins B, E and PP, various minerals (zinc, iron, magnesium, sodium, calcium, potassium, manganese, copper, selenium). This nut is one of the foods that has a large amount of Omega-3.

Thus, you can provide your body with the above substances if you include cashew nuts in your diet. The beneficial properties (the norm per day of such a nut should be only thirty grams), which we will discuss below, allow you to establish various functions in the human body, as well as resist many diseases.

medicinal properties

Now let’s take a closer look at what beneficial properties and contraindications it has. Let's look at the positives first. Now all over the world, dentists recommend including this product in the diet, since scientists have identified special substances in its composition that can fight harmful bacteria that destroy tooth enamel. African healers use crushed nuts to treat already diseased teeth, as well as inflamed gums.

For women and men, it has a positive effect on the reproductive organs due to the presence of vitamin E. That is why some experts consider this nut an aphrodisiac that stimulates libido. However, this particular quality has not been proven.

Cashews are recommended to be included in the diet of people suffering from skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis or others that arise due to metabolic disorders. Even if you do not have such problems, eating nuts daily is a good prevention. If you want to get rid of warts, dermatitis or cracks on the skin, then a decoction of cashew shells will help you.

The product strengthens the body's immunity well. If you eat nuts daily in small portions, your body will acquire good resistance to infectious diseases and other ailments. In addition, your blood cholesterol will normalize, and excess harmful and unnecessary cholesterol will go away. And all this thanks to unsaturated Omega-3 fatty acids.

Other positive properties of cashew nuts are tonic, antiseptic, antibacterial and antimicrobial effects. Where they grow, the fruits are used not only in their pure form, but also in decoctions. They help with almost all respiratory diseases (bronchitis, asthma), and are also useful for influenza and some inflammatory processes.

Cashews are prescribed to promote cardiovascular health, as well as in the presence of diabetes or gastric disorders. There is another interesting property of nuts - consuming them during weight loss, as well as weight gain. The product is well absorbed and saturates the body with everything it needs.

Cashews against cancer

It should be noted that cashews have a positive effect on the body if it is affected by a cancerous tumor. The product has anti-carcinogenic activity due to polyunsaturated fatty acids. In addition, cashews contain proanthocyanidin, which has the ability to suppress tumor growth factor. Moreover, it is not found in other nuts, so oncologists recommend including cashews in the diet as a cancer prevention measure. Of course, it will not cure the disease, but it can prevent it.

Why do women need these nuts?

Women should definitely eat cashews, since for the normal functioning of the reproductive organs it is necessary to receive all the necessary substances in which this nut is so rich. If you have painful menstruation or premenstrual syndrome, then regular consumption of the product will reduce pain (thanks to the large amount of magnesium). It is also recommended to eat it if your body receives heavy stress (physical or emotional).

Nuts have a positive effect on women's skin due to the presence of nicotinic acid, vitamin E and Omega acids. Therefore, oil from this fruit is often added to cosmetics. Let's also look at what other beneficial properties and contraindications cashews have. Pregnant women are often advised to consume this fruit. In addition to obtaining the necessary substances, the product stabilizes blood pressure and heart function, prevents anemia, helps form the child’s bone skeleton and maintain immunity at the proper level. However, keep an eye on your condition. If these nuts cause allergies in you, then you should not include them in the menu.

Harm of cashew nuts

In this article we look at the beneficial properties and contraindications of cashews for women and men, as well as for children. In principle, there are few contraindications. The most important thing is individual intolerance to the components, that is, allergies. It is also recommended to reduce the dose of nuts if you have kidney disease, as this product contains oxalates that can crystallize in large quantities, resulting in an increased risk of kidney stones. This also applies to those who already have osteoporosis.

Separately, it should be said about an overdose of nuts. In this case, you may be slightly poisoned, that is, you may experience nausea, diarrhea, swelling, zooi and other symptoms. Therefore, eat no more than the recommended dose per day. You should also not eat unprocessed nuts, as they have a toxic film (this is advice to those who see a fruit growing on a tree and decide to pick it). Cashews are processed by specialists who know how to do it, so the fruits are already on sale, ready to eat.

Where can you use cashew nuts?

We have studied in detail what a cashew nut is, its beneficial properties and contraindications, and its effect on the human body. Now we should tell you where you can use this product. Nuts are often used in cosmetology in the form of oils and extracts, adding to various masks, shampoos, creams, and so on.

Cashews are also added to various dishes as a flavoring additive. For example, in salads or deli meats. A great option is to add nuts to various confectionery products. The fruits can simply be rolled in honey or glaze.

How to choose and store nuts correctly

Having examined cashews in detail, the beneficial properties and contraindications of nuts, their use can be said that they are kept cool. In the refrigerator, storage time increases to several months, and in the freezer - up to a year. In the heat, nuts lose their healing properties, begin to taste bitter and become unsuitable for consumption. Therefore, when choosing cashews, be guided by their color. They should be whole and uniformly golden brown in color.


So, we have studied what useful properties and contraindications cashews have. Photos of this product are also presented in our review. Remember that the nuts must be roasted. Also, you should not be zealous in consuming them, so as not to spoil your stomach.

Cashew nut has long been popular and loved. It is valued for its mild taste and beneficial properties. This is a guest from warm countries (Brazil, India, Thailand, etc.), where it is grown and exported to “cool” countries. This article is about the benefits and harms of cashew nuts.

The way the nut grows causes, at a minimum, surprise and, at maximum, admiration. The fruits of the evergreen cashew tree are doubled and resemble an apple with a cashew nut attached below (which is essentially the seed of this tree, growing not inside the fruit, but outside). The apple is very popular among local residents because of its beneficial qualities; various sweet delicacies are prepared from it (jams, jams, compotes). It quickly deteriorates after harvesting (within 24 hours), so only nuts are exported. The cashew nut itself grows, of course, in a shell, under which there is a poisonous oily cardol. This substance can cause chemical burns. But even here, an enterprising person found a way out and learned to separate the nut (a gift of nature and a storehouse of health) from the protective poison surrounding it. The nuts are peeled by hand by experienced workers and then roasted to evaporate any remaining oil. That's why you will never see cashew nuts in shells on sale. And if you find it, don’t taste it or try to clean it yourself. You'll get red, scaly, and painful blisters that will take at least a week to go away. This is the irony that nature embodied in the fruits of a popular tree. Not only the fruits of the cashew tree bring benefits to humans, but also the leaves, bark and shell of the nut, which are actively used in medicine and industry.

Composition of cashew nuts

Per 100 g of raw walnut there are 553 kcal, which is significantly lower than that of the native walnut (700 kcal per 100 g). Fat - 44 g, protein - 18 g, carbohydrates - 27 g. Cashews, like all nuts, are a nutritious and energy-rich product. It can be called the fruit of contrasts and opposites. Cashews are recommended for consumption by both underweight and overweight people.


Vitamin name

Quantity per 100g

Role in the body

Vitamin E

0.9 mg

Antioxidant, prevents aging, improves metabolism, very necessary during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period.

Vitamin K

34.1 mcg

Promotes the building of bone tissue, normalizes energy metabolism, and removes toxins.

Vitamin C

0.5 mg

Powerful immune booster.

Vitamin B1

0.42 mg

Doctors called this vitamin antineuritis.

Vitamin B2

0.06 mg

Very important for vision.

Vitamin B5

0.86 mg

Regulates intestinal function, protects against the harmful effects of antibiotics, and is necessary for the transmission of nerve impulses.

Vitamin B6

0.42 mg

Needed for the proper functioning of the central nervous system and various enzyme systems of the body.

Vitamin B9

25 mcg

Without it, the formation of new blood, skin and hair cells is impossible.

Vitamin PP, niacin

1 mg

Proper functioning of the stomach, pancreas, conversion of food into energy - all this is impossible without naicin.


Name of mineral

Quantity per 100g

% of the daily value of an adult

Role in the body


593 mg

Strong muscles, bones, teeth.


292 mg

Necessary for healthy teeth, heart, and metabolism in the body.


660 mg

Together with magnesium, they keep the cardiovascular system in order. A person needs it in large quantities.


37 mg

Main component of bones and teeth. Prevents allergens and viruses from entering the body.


12 mg

Affects metabolism, blood pressure, contraction of the heart muscle.


Name of mineral

Quantity per 100 g

% of the daily value of an adult

Role in the body


2.2 mg


Normal hemoglobin level, formation of red blood cells, functioning of the respiratory system. Copper plays a vital role in the formation of collagen and affects skin color.


1.7 mg

Connective tissues, bones and cartilage, the brain and nervous system are in dire need of magnesium.


5.8 mg

Promotes growth and puberty of the body. Needed for immunity. Countersacts viruses, toxins and cancer.


6.7 mg

The level of hemoglobin, the functioning of the thyroid gland, the formation of protective immune cells, as well as the functioning of B vitamins cannot do without iron. Raw cashews contain more iron than cooked meat.


20 mcg

Antioxidant. Needed for thyroid hormones. Protects the heart

Benefits of cashew nuts

The effect of cashew nuts can be described as restorative; they tone, relieve inflammation and restore the body.

  • If you look at the composition of nuts, you can immediately see their enormous benefits for the cardiovascular system. A handful of cashews daily will be a good help for heart patients.
  • People with low hemoglobin, exhaustion, and underweight will also benefit from these nuts.
  • Crushed cashews have a therapeutic effect for diseases of the oral cavity. This has been proven by modern Japanese scientists and has long been familiar to African healers.
  • Cashew nuts perfectly strengthen the immune system, helping to protect the body from viruses and other infections.
  • If you are obese, it is useful to eat cashews little by little, replacing other high-calorie foods.
  • Due to the high content of magnesium and B vitamins, nuts will “correct” the nervous system well and help you become calmer and more reasonable.
  • Cashews contain proanthocyanidin, the anticancer effect of which is currently being actively studied.
  • Cashew nuts will be very beneficial for women. During pregnancy, when normal hemoglobin levels and resistance to stress are so important, 30 grams of nuts daily will be useful.
  • These nuts are excellent at reducing bad cholesterol levels.

Harm of cashew nuts

  • All nuts have an increased allergenic effect on the body. Be careful and don't eat too much.
  • Pediatricians do not recommend giving whole cashew nuts to children. If you want to treat your child, chop it up and give it a little.
  • People suffering from osteoporosis and kidney disease should not consume cashews.

How to select and store cashews

Cashew nuts are also called Indian peanuts. In our area, you can most often find cashews salted or fried, less often - raw. Salted and roasted cashews are ready to eat.

When choosing nuts, make sure that they are whole and light. Be sure to try before you buy. The nuts should not be wrinkled, they should not have the smell or taste of mold.

Storing cashew nuts is easy. A prerequisite is a tightly closed container. At room temperature, cashews remain usable for a month, in the refrigerator - 6 months, in the freezer - up to a year.

Thus, by consuming cashew nuts daily and in moderation, you can give your body good nutrition. Treat yourself to snacks with cashew nuts. It's tasty and healthy.

In the article we discuss cashews. You will learn the beneficial properties of the nut and contraindications for its use. We will tell you how to eat cashews during pregnancy and childhood. By following our tips, you will learn how to roast and store nuts.

Cashew is a tropical tree of the Anacardiaceae family (lat. Anacardiaceae). The plant is also known as western cashew, Indian nut, and acaju.

The cashew fruit of the same name is nut-shaped and shaped like a boxing glove. The nut is located on an edible pear-shaped stalk called the cashew apple and the caju apple. This part of the fruit spoils quickly, so you can only try a cashew apple in the plant’s natural growing environment.

The edible kernel is surrounded by a dense shell that resembles the cells of a honeycomb. On top of the shell, the nut is surrounded by a green and smooth shell with a high content of phenolic resin. The length of the fruit is about 3 cm, weight - 1.5 g.

How does cashew grow?

The homeland of cashews is Brazil. Here it grows wild. The plant takes root easily and is cultivated in many heat-loving countries: India, Vietnam, Nigeria, Iran and Azerbaijan. In one season, up to 20 thousand tons of cashew apples are harvested.

This unpretentious plant can be grown even at home. The soil must be fertilized, and as the weather warms up, keep the plant outdoors, for example, on a balcony. Cashews bear fruit 3-4 years after planting.

Chemical composition of cashew

Cashew contains:

  • fatty acid;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • fats;
  • proteins;
  • carbohydrates;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin E;
  • phytosterols;
  • starch;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • sodium;
  • iron.

Cashew calories

Cashews contain much less fat compared to almonds or hazelnuts. Calorie content 100 gr. nuts - 600 kcal. Roasted cashews are lower in calories - 572 kcal.

Beneficial properties of cashews

The rich composition of nuts explains the presence of beneficial properties. Cashews have antibacterial, antisclerotic, anti-inflammatory, restorative and tonic effects. Nuts strengthen the immune system.

Cashews normalize the functioning of the digestive system and brain. It lowers cholesterol, improves blood quality and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Nuts improve vascular permeability. The high potassium content strengthens the heart muscle.

Cashews increase visual acuity, improve concentration and memory. Nuts prevent the development of atherosclerosis, osteochondrosis and arthritis. Cashews strengthen teeth and gums and eliminate their bleeding.

Nuts have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails. They have a strengthening and nourishing effect. Skin and hair acquire healthy shine and elasticity, nails become stronger.

Cashew benefits and harm

Cashews are useful for anemia, hypertension, dystrophy, psoriasis, diabetes and other endocrine diseases. It strengthens the immune system and normalizes metabolism. But despite this, nuts can harm the body.

Excessive consumption of nuts can trigger an allergic reaction. Overeating cashews leads to a malfunction of the liver, and symptoms of poisoning may appear: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

Cashew uses

Thanks to the extensive list of beneficial properties, cashews are used in medicine, dietetics, cosmetology and cooking. Let's take a closer look at each application:

  1. For medicinal purposes, cashews are used for anemia, metabolic disorders, weakened immunity, and diabetes. The nut is effective for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, psoriasis and dysentery.
  2. In nutrition, cashews are used to enrich the diet with nutrients. Nuts cannot be considered a dietary product due to their high calorie content, but they are ideal for healthy and satisfying snacks. Vegetable fats are quickly absorbed by the body and, if the daily norm is observed, contribute to the breakdown of fat deposits.
  3. Cashew oil is used in cosmetology. It is added to cosmetic products for skin and hair care. The product has a strengthening, tightening and nourishing effect. Cashew oil is often used to whiten pigmentation.
  4. In cooking, cashews are valued for their mild, creamy flavor. In Asian cuisine, nuts are added to soups, meat and vegetable dishes, salads, sauces, and desserts. Europeans more often use nuts in their pure form as a snack for beer or as a dessert in combination with honey. Cashews are added to salads and ice cream.

How much cashews can you eat?

In order not to harm the body, adhere to the daily intake of nuts. Nutritionists recommend consuming no more than 30 grams. cashews per day, that's about 10 cashews.

Cashew for women

The main benefit of cashews for women is their beneficial effect on skin, hair and nails. The nut is rich in vitamin E, which has a nourishing and strengthening effect.

Cashews improve blood quality, saturate with oxygen and help restore blood volume after heavy periods. In addition, cashews stimulate sexual desire and have a beneficial effect on a woman’s hormonal levels.

Cashew for men

Cashews are also beneficial for men. The nut increases sexual activity, energy and stamina. It improves spermatogenesis and increases potency. The nut is useful for athletes, it helps to restore strength faster after training.

Cashews for children

Cashew is the softest nut with a pleasant creamy taste. Children love him very much. But despite the impressive list of beneficial properties, cashews are not recommended for children under 3 years of age. This restriction is associated with a serious burden on the child’s digestive system. At an early age, the liver does not yet have the necessary amount of enzymes to break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Cashews during pregnancy

Cashews are a strong allergen, so you should use them with caution during pregnancy. It has a mild laxative effect and helps with constipation, which is typical during this period. Cashews reduce the risk of fetal pathologies and stabilize blood pressure.

Nuts are good for breastfeeding. They have a beneficial effect on the digestive system and saturate the bodies of mother and baby with a complex of vitamins and minerals.

How to roast cashews

Cashews are sold only in peeled form. The nut shell contains a resin that causes burns. Therefore, the fruits are cleaned immediately after picking and subjected to heat treatment, which destroys the harmful effects of the resin.

To fry cashews at home, use a frying pan. The nuts are spread on it in a thin layer and fried over low heat, stirring constantly for 5 minutes. To fry large quantities of nuts, use a baking sheet and oven.

Roasted cashews have a pleasant aroma and richer taste compared to raw cashews. The fat content of the fried fruit is lower than that of the raw fruit, but at the same time it retains all its beneficial properties.

Cashew butter

Fatty oil is obtained from peeled nuts, which is also used in medicine, cosmetology and cooking. It is a powerful aphrodisiac and is often used for aromatherapy sessions.

The product is used externally to treat skin diseases. The oil is taken orally to strengthen the immune system and normalize digestion.

The product is used to nourish and strengthen skin, hair and nails. Massage with oil. In cooking, the oil is used for dressing salads. It is added to baked goods to give a pleasant nutty taste.

Contraindications and restrictions

The only contraindication to consuming cashews is individual intolerance. Use nuts with caution during pregnancy and childhood. Doctors do not recommend giving cashews to children under 3 years of age.

Where can I buy

Cashews can be purchased at any supermarket. Raw and roasted nuts are sold. Salt, spices and honey can be added to them. The cost of nuts is 750-800 rubles per kg.

Cashews should be stored in a cool, dry place. Nuts retain their beneficial properties for a month. If you store them in the refrigerator, the shelf life increases to 2-3 months. Cashews can be stored in the freezer for a year.

Cashew nuts are usually distinguished from a huge number of others due to their unusual shape. Botanists (we are talking about real botanists - those who study the plant world) do not consider them nuts at all and consider them as fruits consisting of 2 parts. The first part is the peduncle, the second is the apple. The apples themselves are very tasty and juicy, but many will never try them due to the impossibility of transportation. But the nuts themselves are brought to us. Cashew nuts, the benefits and harms of which have been well studied, deserve a separate discussion.

General information

Cashews are commonly called Indian nuts or acajus. The product has found its application in medicine and some industries. Many experts call nuts “the food of the future,” but not everyone knows about the beneficial properties of nuts. And there are plenty of them.

Cashew - how does this botanical two-component miracle grow? Hazel is an evergreen tree with a total height of up to twelve meters, very similar to or.

The name of the tree comes from the Ticuna Indian tribe inhabiting Brazil. In the language of the ancient Indians, this tree was called “yellow fruit”, after which the English people gave it the name “cashew”. That's what they call it now.

Benefits of cashew nuts

Indian tree nuts are considered a product with very high nutritional value, which has a positive, healing effect. Using nuts in your daily diet, you will significantly improve brain activity, restore intestinal and stomach function, normalize your sex life, etc. The vitamins and microelements that make up cashews have a beneficial effect on blood vessels, contribute to the normal functioning of the heart and metabolism in the body.

It is recommended to take cashew nuts for a fairly large number of different diseases:

  • Psoriasis;
  • Anemia and diabetes mellitus;
  • Metabolic disorders;
  • Dystrophies;
  • Toothache and sore throat;
  • Bronchitis and bronchial asthma;
  • Hypertension;
  • Stomach upsets.

As you can see, a fairly voluminous list of diseases is treated by cashews, the beneficial properties and qualities of which are complemented by tonic, antiseptic and antibacterial effects. With long-term consumption, the fruit can cure dysentery. Decoctions of nuts help well as an antidote after snake bites - although in such cases you should definitely go to the doctor, and not try to rectify the situation by eating nuts or decoctions from them.

Harm of cashew nuts

In addition to the beneficial properties of the Indian nut, unfortunately, there are also negative ones, but they appear only when it is consumed raw. The point is the caustic resinous juice, which is located between the nut shell and the shell. This juice contains cardola liquid, which, when interacting with the skin, can cause severe chemical burns. Externally, it is a liquid, similar in consistency to oil, and it will not be difficult to notice it.

When burned with cardola, the skin becomes covered with blisters, causing severe pain. Do not try to extract the nuts from the shells yourself. In supermarkets and stores, the nuts are supplied after preliminary chemical treatment, which removes the dangerous liquid from the cashews.

We’ve sorted out the benefits and harms of cashew nuts, let’s now consider various aspects of its food use.

Using cashews in baby food

When using cashew nuts in children's diets, you need to follow some rules. First of all, keep in mind that the product is highly allergenic! You should not give your child nuts if he is overweight - or at least reduce their consumption several times!

Doctors advise not to neglect the child’s health and buy balanced baby food products with nut additives. This kind of food definitely won't do any harm.

Use during pregnancy

Cashews are not prohibited for consumption during pregnancy, but you should abstain if you experience an allergic reaction after eating nuts. But even if your body reacts calmly to this type of nut, overeating cashews can also cause unpleasant consequences.

During pregnancy, a balanced and rational diet is first of all important! Therefore, cashews will be beneficial for the body of mother and child only if they are part of a well-thought-out diet.

Use of cashews in dietetics

Despite the high-calorie content of nuts, they have found application in dietetics due to their low fat content compared to, etc. Note that cashews have a calorie content of up to 600 calories. To get the desired effect, nutritionists advise consuming no more than 30 grams of cashews daily as an excellent source of proteins and carbohydrates.

Indian nut is used in many diets as an irreplaceable source of energy value. Some diets based on them help you gain weight, others help you lose weight. Nutritionists became interested in this nut in the 80s, proposing to completely replace animal protein with nut protein. This diet, of course, is extreme, but quite balanced. The duration of the diet was 10 days and required a weight loss of 3 kilograms. During the diet, patients should completely forget about sweets and sugar.

Cashew nuts are an excellent hunger catalyst due to their rapid absorption by the body.

Diet menu using cashews for the day


  • Light salad of crushed cashews and tomatoes. Refuel. Black coffee.
  • A small slice of pizza stuffed with tomato, green pepper, Indian nuts and goat cheese.
  • Cottage cheese casserole, orange juice with. Tea.


  • Potato soup made from . Salad leaves with cashew nuts, dressed. A glass of juice from or tomato.
  • Puree soup with porcini mushrooms, seasoned with sour cream. A handful or a glass of berry juice.
  • A glass of unsweetened yogurt, tomato soup, salad.

Afternoon snack

  • A handful of cashews with raisins or apple.


  • Liquid oatmeal, boiled in water, with or.
  • Carrot salad, dressed with cream or sour cream, compote from and.
  • Cold, salad made from pickled and scalded cheese, seasoned.

By choosing one of three options for each meal, you can lose up to 5 kilograms in a week.

Use of Indian nut oil in medicine and cosmetology

Essential oil is made from cashew nuts, which is a fragrant, viscous liquid of a pale yellow hue. The essential oil contains vitamins, provitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances. This is not used effectively in cosmetology and medicine.

Cosmetic and healing properties of Indian nut essential oil:

  • Nourishes and softens the skin;
  • Relieves pain and even heals wounds;
  • An excellent antiseptic;
  • Tones and relieves inflammation, helps tissue regeneration;
  • Gives a rejuvenating effect.

Cashew nut oil is used in many pharmaceutical preparations that have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. With the help of medicines based on the Indian nut, a huge number of pathologies and depressive conditions are treated.

In cosmetics, the use of oil is much wider. It helps to rejuvenate the skin and improve its color, eliminate wrinkles, relieve itching in the scalp and eliminate hair loss and brittleness. The oil is ideal for all skin types, alone or in combination with any other oils. People use it to care for their hands in case of redness and inflammation, hypertension, sore throat, toothache, impotence, bronchitis, asthma and other diseases.

Use of Indian nut in cooking

Cashews enjoy deserved popularity in cooking. These nuts are an excellent snack and go perfectly with first and second courses, pastries and salads. They are stuffed with fish, added to meat dishes, baked in yogurt and used as a side dish.

Cashew and Sweet Potato Dish


  • One-third cup of chopped cashews;
  • Half a cup of sugar;
  • Half a teaspoon of salt;
  • 6 potatoes;
  • Spoon of butter;
  • A quarter of a teaspoon;
  • 250 grams of peaches.


Potatoes are boiled with salt, dried and peeled. The drained potatoes are cut into slices.

Indian nuts, sugar, and salt are mixed in a bowl.

Place a layer of potatoes on the bottom of the pan. Next is a layer of peaches and cashew mixture. Place the remaining potatoes and other ingredients as the second tier. The pan is placed in the oven for half an hour. Before serving, the dish must be poured with syrup.

How to properly store cashews?

Most often, cashew nuts sold in stores are ready to eat. Most often they are sold salted or fried in chocolate glaze or honey. When purchasing fresh processed nuts without additives, make sure they are whole and not chopped. They should look smooth and not wrinkled, dried out or moldy.