
Payments to single mothers if their income is lower. Disadvantages of recognizing a woman as a single mother. Cash payments under BiR are paid to mothers


Being a single mother is a titanic task. A woman carries a baby alone, gives birth, and then raises it. Unfortunately, she has no one to expect moral support from, but she can receive financial assistance from the state. How much do single mothers earn? What social guarantees and payments are possible for them, and how can they raise a child if they are left all alone?

Who is a single mother?

It is worth immediately noting that Russian legislation does not regulate which women can apply for this status and which cannot. But how to obtain the status of a single mother in this case?

Officially, single mothers are women who give birth and “raise” children alone, while the baby officially does not have a father. A woman should not be in a formal union with a man while she was pregnant.

In addition, women raising adopted children on their own can also expect to receive this status. How to obtain single mother status if the baby was taken from an orphanage? The same rules apply here, that is, the mother must not be married and the adopted child must not have an official father.

Roughly speaking, single mothers include all women whose children have a dash in the “father” line on their birth document. When registering a baby, a woman receives a special certificate that documents her status.

Does the state help?

Despite the fact that government officials from time to time show interest in single mothers and try in every possible way to help them financially, the state budget is strictly limited.

To the question of how much single mothers earn in Russia, the answer can be unequivocal: not much. Of course, women with this status have some privileges compared to mothers in two-parent families, but the income cannot be called large.

State guarantees for single mothers

Any woman, including a single mother, who is officially employed, has the right to receive maternity benefits. To do this, the expectant mother must register with the antenatal clinic before three months of pregnancy.

The lump sum payment is calculated based on the woman’s average monetary income. What child benefit does a single mother receive when making a lump sum payment? Last year, the benefit amount was 33,089.10 rubles.

It is also worth noting that not only working women, but also unemployed mothers are entitled to receive a one-time subsidy. Last year, the size of the payment did not reach 15,000 rubles, but every year its size increases (is indexed).

Also, single mothers, like women with two-parent families, until their child reaches the age of 1.5 years, can count on a monthly benefit that is 40% of her average salary.

What else can mothers without work count on?

The state is trying to help not only working single mothers, but also unemployed women who are raising their children on their own. How much can a non-working single mother count on? Benefits are transferred only if a woman is left without a monthly income against her will. In 2016, the payment amount was 2,718.34 rubles for 1 child and 5,436.67 for 2 children.

Sometimes a non-working mother can receive 40% of her previous earnings. However, this is only possible if she is left without a job due to the liquidation of the enterprise.

After the baby’s age has exceeded 1.5 years, any mother, including a single mother, will receive only 50 rubles per child until he reaches the age of three.

Documents required for status registration

Before figuring out how much single mothers receive, a woman needs to formalize her status. To receive benefits and payments, you need to collect a certain package of documents. Here is a sample list:

  • a statement drawn up according to the sample;
  • passport;
  • documents that would confirm the fact of the birth of the baby;
  • a certificate confirming that the family consists of only two people;
  • a certificate issued by the registry office of the mother;
  • a certificate confirming the child’s residence in this region;
  • documents to confirm the official income of the mother;
  • details for transferring funds.

After the documents are collected

After a single mother has collected the entire package of documents to receive benefits and payments, she needs to transfer all the papers to the social service. It is advisable to submit documents in person, but it is also possible through a representative. In the latter case, the representative must have in his hands a document stating that the single mother trusts him to transfer documents, certified by a notary.

The social service worker must personally verify that all the papers have been collected correctly and in full, and after that he sets a period during which it will be decided what payments are due to the single mother.

It is worth remembering that the period for reviewing papers cannot be more than 10 working days. You can also submit documents through multifunctional centers and electronically in your personal account on the State Services website.

On electronic services everything is also described in detail, what benefits a single woman can count on and how much single mothers receive.

Regional guarantee for one-time payments

Not only the state, but also local governments (most often regional authorities) help single women. Most often at the regional level it is provided one-time benefit (single mothers can count on it if they collect the appropriate documents).

For example, in Moscow, if a woman is under 30 years old, she is entitled to a payment of five times the subsistence minimum for one child, seven times for two, and ten times for three or more children.

To receive such a payment, a single mother must have a residence permit in the city of Moscow.

In the Krasnodar Territory, all large families receive a payment of 100,000 rubles. Also in the cities of the Krasnodar Territory, it is provided for the issuance of land plots to parents with many children, although without ownership rights and without the right to sell the plot.

Monthly allowance for single mothers at the regional level

Regional authorities have the right to independently establish monthly payments to single women.

For example, A single mother in Moscow can receive, in addition to maternity leave, another monthly 2,500 rubles per child until he reaches the age of one and a half years and from the age of three until he reaches adulthood. A payment of 4,500 rubles is provided to single Muscovites who are raising children aged 1.5 to 3 years. Additionally, single mothers in Moscow can receive almost 1,500 rubles more for high food prices and low quality of life.

Similar payments exist in almost all Russian regions. At the same time, the woman retains the right to receive them even if she is married. But if a man decides to adopt a child, then all benefits and allowances will automatically be withdrawn from the mother.

Guarantees for single mothers from employers

It doesn’t matter at all what benefits a single mother is entitled to and how much single mothers receive; in any case, such women have the right to certain guarantees from employers.

  1. A single mother cannot be fired while she is raising a child under 14 years of age alone. And here the employer will not be able to violate this requirement. A single mother cannot lose her job even if she does not meet the requirements for the position.
  2. If an enterprise where a single woman works is liquidated, the employer is obliged to provide her with another job while maintaining her earnings.
  3. If a woman is being treated in a hospital with her baby, then the sick leave is calculated based on her length of service, but if the mother is being treated with the child at home, then the first 10 days of sick leave are paid in full, and after that half of the earnings are retained.
  4. If a child under school age falls ill, sick leave is paid in the amount of 100% of average earnings.
  5. A single mother can take 2 weeks of vacation at any time convenient for her.
  6. Single mothers do not have the right to refuse employment due to the presence of a baby. If the employer ignores this requirement, then the woman must demand a refusal from him in writing and report the violation to the appropriate authority.
  7. A single mother cannot be required to work overtime.

Social guarantees

In addition to guarantees from the employer, there are also social guarantees that a single woman can count on.

  1. There has always been a long queue at kindergartens, but a single mother should not suffer from this. Benefits for kindergarten are given to single-parent families.
  2. A woman raising a child alone can count on free meals for him during his educational process.
  3. Single mothers are also provided with compensation for preschool fees.
  4. The mother can submit a request for a one-time payment to purchase school supplies for the baby.
  5. Provision of some medications free of charge and a 50% discount on the purchase of other medications.
  6. Single mothers have priority over two-parent families to receive vouchers to sanatoriums and health institutions for their baby.


So, in the end, it’s worth looking again at who is considered a single mother and what payments a single mother is entitled to.

  1. Only a woman who “raises” a child alone, in whose birth certificate there is a dash in the line “father”, can be recognized as a single mother.
  2. Single mother status is also assigned to a woman who can document the absence of a second parent for her child.
  3. A mother raising a child alone can count on increased social benefits.
  4. Some regional authorities establish special subsidies for single mothers, sometimes creating comfortable conditions for them to raise a child.
  5. To obtain benefits and payments, a single woman must contact social authorities or multifunctional centers.
  6. Some benefits can be obtained directly from the employer or through the State Services portal.
  7. In order for social services to be able to establish payments and benefits, a woman needs to collect a certain package of documents.
  8. A single mother also receives guarantees from her employer. She cannot be fired, she can choose her own vacation time, she has no right to be forced to work overtime or sent on long business trips.
  9. A single mother can receive compensation for kindergarten fees, the right to free meals for a schoolchild, and count on free and discounted medications.

Single mother - these days this phrase no longer evokes the former condemnation. Single-parent families, where, as a rule, there are not enough fathers, are becoming more and more common. Moreover, among single mothers there are many successful, but very lonely women. Russian legislation provides for them a number of benefits, subsidies and payments. However, not all single-parent families can count on state support.

Law against society

If in society a single mother is considered to be a woman who raises a child (or several children) alone, then legislators have their own position on this matter. So, according to current legislation, a single mother is a woman who gave birth to a child out of wedlock (or after 300 days after divorce), and if it has not been properly established who the father of the child is (voluntarily or in court). If the child was born in marriage, or 300 days have not passed since the divorce, but the ex-husband has challenged paternity and there is a corresponding court decision certifying that the man is not the father, then in this case the woman is considered a single mother.

This status is also acquired by a woman who has not entered into marriage and has adopted a child. In other cases, the legal status of “single mother” is not assigned to a woman, which means she does not enjoy benefits and payments. And strange as it may seem, a widow is also not considered a single mother, although in this case the family is granted benefits due to the loss of one breadwinner. If the child’s father has been deprived of parental rights, then in this case the mother is not considered single, and the deprived father is still required to pay child support.

Simply put, a mother is not considered single if the child has an official father, whether he is alive or not. Thus, in the child’s birth certificate, the “Father” column should be empty, or this column should be filled in with unofficial data with the clarification “recorded from the words of the mother.”

A dash or “according to the mother”?

Everything has its advantages and disadvantages; both versions of single motherhood carry a lot of differences. Civil registry office employees sometimes recommend that single mothers do not enter their father on the birth certificate, but simply put a dash through. And they are absolutely right, because in the future this can free you from a number of bureaucratic difficulties.

It's no secret that for a mother and child to travel abroad, a notarized permission from the father is required. If the father's place on the birth certificate is vacant, the mother will not need to prove to customs officers that the father entered in her words is not legally real.

The legislation provides for a huge number of situations when certain actions concerning a child cannot be performed without the permission of the other parent. Another example confirming the advantages of an empty column is registration at the place of residence. If the parents are registered at different addresses, then the father’s consent and an extract from the “father’s” house register are not required for the permanent registration of the child at the mother’s place of residence. Of course, the law clearly states that passport office employees are required to register a child with their mother if they have a birth certificate, the mother’s passport and her application, but this still has to be proven. It is especially difficult for Muscovites. Our capital, as you know, is not rubber, so the procedure for registering a newborn here is seriously complicated.

And most importantly, nowhere in the legislation does it say that medical intervention in a child’s body requires the consent of both parents; as a rule, one is enough. But there are cases when, during risky but necessary operations for a child, doctors demanded the permission of both parents.

So the main advantage of a dash in the “father” column is the absence of bureaucratic problems and the need to spend money on a notary every time.
However, there is one caveat to this state of affairs. According to the civil code, children are considered first-priority heirs, so a child will not be able to inherit property from the actual father if there is no official record of paternity.

Loneliness Guide

The legislation provides a number of benefits and benefits for single mothers. And although there are not so many of them, they still exist. It is also worth noting that a large number of mothers simply do not know about them, but it would be nice to know. In any case, if the mother wants to find out everything in detail, she should contact the social protection committee at her place of residence. Local inspectors are required to tell you about all the procedures, benefits and payments in force in each specific area.

According to the Social Insurance Fund, the state benefit for non-working mothers for each child up to the age of 16 is 1873.10 rubles. regardless of status. For working mothers, the benefit is 40% of average earnings.

To receive a monthly child benefit, you need to write an application, take with you a birth certificate, a certificate from the housing office that the child lives with the mother, a work book, a savings book and the mother’s passport and contact the social protection authorities at the place of residence. Information about family income is indicated in the application in writing. Requiring other documents on income is not permitted by law. However, RUSZN, where all “children’s” benefits are issued, has its own rules: here you must provide a certificate of employment from the accounting department confirming the parents’ income for the last 3 months.

Comprehensive program from the Moscow Government

Each subject of the Russian Federation may adopt additional benefits for single mothers. For example, Moscow has a Comprehensive Program of Social Protection Measures for its residents, including single mothers, for whom separate benefits are provided.

The monthly compensation payment for children to single mothers with an average per capita income below the subsistence level (receiving Russian Federation benefits) is 500 rubles; above the subsistence level - 170 rubles. Plus, single mothers, regardless of their average per capita income, are also entitled to a monthly compensation payment for food for children under 3 years old in the amount of 500 rubles. This also applies to large and student families, families with disabled children, conscripted military personnel, as well as cases where a parent is wanted for non-payment of child support.

In addition to this, Moscow Government Decree No. 199 PP dated April 6, 2004 established an additional one-time benefit for young families in connection with the birth of a child. Single mothers under the age of 30 who are registered at their place of residence in Moscow are also entitled to receive this benefit. The amount of this benefit depends on the number of children in the family. At the birth of the first child, the benefit amount is five times the subsistence minimum (3,611.45 rubles) established by the Moscow Government - 18,057.25 rubles; at the birth of a second child - seven times the subsistence minimum - 25,280.15 rubles; at the birth of the third and subsequent children - ten times the subsistence minimum - 36,114.5 rubles.

Kindergarten and school

Children of single mothers can receive two free school meals (breakfast and lunch).

They are also provided with discounts on tuition fees in children's art schools (music, art, sports and others) of the Moscow Committee for Culture system. The amount of payment for children of a single mother is 30% lower than the usual payment. The benefit applies to art school students up to the age of 18.

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 01.07.95 No. 677 “On approval of the standard regulations on a preschool educational institution” - children of working single parents are first admitted to a preschool educational institution and the payment for the maintenance of children of single mothers in preschool institutions is reduced by 50%. .

The Labor Code states

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a number of “labor” benefits are also provided for single mothers.

First, there are significant differences in the payment of child care benefits. For inpatient treatment, such a benefit is assigned in an amount determined depending on the length of continuous work experience of the person caring for the child. For outpatient treatment - for the first 10 calendar days for single mothers, depending on the length of continuous work experience, and, starting from the 11th day, the benefit is calculated in the amount of 50% of earnings, regardless of the length of continuous work experience. An allowance for caring for a sick child of preschool age is issued to the mother for the entire period of treatment, and an allowance for caring for a sick child aged 7 to 15 years - for a period of no more than 15 days, unless a medical report requires a longer period.

Secondly, the Labor Code provides for some guarantees when terminating an employment contract at the initiative of the employer. Single mothers are not affected by a reduction in the number of employees, dismissal due to inadequacy of the position due to insufficient qualifications or as a result of a change in the owner of the organization’s property, the adoption of an unfounded decision by the head of the organization, his deputies and the chief accountant, which entailed a violation of the safety of property, its unlawful use or other damage property of the organization, termination of access to state secrets.

Thirdly, when an enterprise is liquidated, single mothers, as well as pregnant women, as well as women with children under 3 years of age, are provided with guarantees in the form of mandatory employment, which falls on the shoulders of her current employer.

Fourthly, at the request of a single mother, she must be granted additional annual leave without pay at a convenient time for up to 14 calendar days. Such leave can be added to annual paid leave or used separately - in full or in parts. Transferring this leave to the next working year is not allowed. But this is only if the collective agreement provides for a guarantee of additional annual leave without pay.

And finally, a working single mother who is dependent on a disabled child is provided with 4 additional paid days off per month.

Tax code too

What is noteworthy is that in the Tax Code a single mother is an unmarried mother. It is these mothers who are given a tax deduction. However, as soon as mom gets married again, this raspberry will end. In accordance with paragraphs. 4 paragraphs 1 art. 218 of the Tax Code, taxpayers are provided with a standard tax deduction in the amount of 300 rubles for each month of the tax period for each child of taxpayers who support the child, who are parents or spouses of parents, trustees. For single parents, this deduction is provided in double amount. A single mother has the right to receive a tax deduction for the expenses of raising a child until he or she reaches the age of 18.

But Housing - no

The only code that practically does not address the problems of single mothers is the Housing Code. It equates the rights of single mothers with the rights of two-parent families in one fell swoop. That is, in accordance with paragraph 8 of Article 36 of the Housing Code, residential premises are provided primarily to single mothers, but only if they need improved living conditions.

What is written in the legislation, of course, cannot be cut out with an axe, but we all know that every mother, not just a single mother, has to fight with all her might for her rights. The only difference is that a single mother does not have so much of these forces, and our bureaucratic machine is so bloated that sometimes the constant running around collecting a lot of “necessary” papers may seem simply pointless.

There are single mothers all over the world. Some choose this status out of their own convictions, while others have to take it for granted. Nevertheless, it is difficult for a woman to raise a child alone, without government help. When she receives single mother status, benefits and additional payments, benefits help make her life easier.


Before you apply for benefits and benefits, you need to know who is assigned the status of a single mother. In a legal context, this status is defined as “a woman raising a child without a father and having no information about him.”

The following citizens are recognized as single mothers:

  • Those who gave birth and are raising one or more children out of wedlock. Provided that paternity has not been properly established. That is, the registry office does not have an application with information about the second parent.
  • Those who gave birth to a child in a legal marriage. Provided that the current or former husband is not the father of the baby, and this is established by the court (proved legally).
  • Women who have adopted a child. Provided that such women are not married and the child does not officially have a father.

Who is not legally recognized as a single mother?

According to the law, a woman is not recognized as a single mother if she:

  • He is divorced and does not receive alimony from his ex-spouse, who is listed as the father of the child(ren).
  • Gave birth within 300 days after the death of her husband or divorce. Then the registry office registers the ex-spouse as the father of the child(ren). Even if the ex-husband was not in fact the biological father of the children.
  • She is not married, but it has been proven in court that the child has a father. Even if the man and this woman do not live together.
  • Widow.

Certificate from the registry office

To receive a monthly allowance for a single mother, as well as other payments and benefits provided by law, you must submit a corresponding certificate from the registry office. To complete it correctly, a woman must contact the staff of this institution. In this case, a dash is placed in the column about the second parent. And along with the certificate, the woman is given a certificate in form 25, which proves that the citizen is a single mother.

State payments and benefits that a single mother is entitled to receive

The allowance and some payments and benefits for it are identical to those that full-fledged families have. The difference exists in the amount of money received. For single mothers it is slightly higher. Benefits:

  • for pregnancy and childbirth;
  • one-time at the birth of a baby;
  • care for children under 1.5 and 3 years old;
  • monthly (double amount) up to 16-18 years.

It must be remembered that in order to receive benefits, it is necessary to submit annually to the USZN documents confirming that the woman is a single mother. If changes have occurred over the past year (her child was adopted, his paternity was established, etc.), then payments stop.

Child benefits

For all parents, without exception, including single mothers, there are federal benefits for the birth of a child. Payments can be one-time, monthly and additional (maternity capital, certificates: patrimonial and for the purchase of housing). In addition, there are a number of benefits (free travel, etc.). In this case, the number of children born or adopted is important.

Child care payments are provided to everyone without exception. But there is also an additional benefit for single mothers in Russia, which is assigned regionally, by order of local government. In order to find out exactly what kind of payments exist and in what amount, you need to contact your local USZN.

The procedure and features of payments and benefits at the birth of a child

What other help can a single mother expect? A one-time benefit for those registered early during pregnancy is issued for women who contacted an antenatal clinic during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.

During its course, the woman needs vitamins and some medications (if necessary). Some of them can be obtained free of charge, on a preferential basis.

It must be remembered that child care benefits for single mothers (otherwise known as maternity payments) are received only by officially employed women in a “position” who have an insurance policy. Such expectant mothers can simultaneously receive a lump sum benefit if they register in the early stages of pregnancy. As well as maternity benefits.

After the 30th week of pregnancy, the antenatal clinic issues a certificate of incapacity for work. It must be taken to work for subsequent deductions of maternity benefits, which must be at least 100% of average earnings. The benefit is issued within 10 days after submitting all documents. The benefit amount for single mothers is paid in full on the first day of salary payment.

The amount of a one-time payment for women registered in the early stages of pregnancy is 515 rubles. A certificate of this is submitted along with all documents to receive a monthly allowance.

Along with the certificate of incapacity for work, the antenatal clinic issues a birth certificate consisting of three coupons. The first remains in the antenatal clinic, the second is sent to the maternity hospital, and the third to the children's clinic.

Benefits and payments after the birth of a child

The amount of the one-time benefit is almost 15 thousand rubles. Monthly care payments for up to 1.5 years are paid at the rate of 40% of earnings for the previous 2 years (before pregnancy). A single mother also has the right to them. Benefit:

  • for the first child - 2718 rubles;
  • for the second - 5436 rubles;
  • the maximum is almost 20 thousand rubles.

After the birth of their second and subsequent children, women are given maternity capital, which can only be received by those who gave birth before the age of 35. The state is allowed to spend this money only on the child, and for certain purposes established by law. In some regions of Russia, additional maternity capital is issued.

If a family is considered to have many children, then a number of benefits and benefits apply. And for the third and subsequent children, an additional benefit is paid until they reach the age of 3.

Tariffs for the capital are slightly different. The benefits for single mothers (Moscow) are as follows:

  • One-time payment for the first child - 5,500 rubles; for the second - 14,500 rubles.
  • Additional benefit. It is paid to mothers who gave birth before the age of 30 in the amount of 34,500 rubles.
  • After the birth of a third or more children, 50 thousand rubles are paid. At the same time, other benefits and benefits are not reduced or cancelled.

Labor guarantees

Single women raising children on their own, without a spouse, are provided with child benefits. At the birth of even one child, a single mother has the right to count not only on cash payments, but also on labor guarantees that protect her rights and provide additional benefits (after the woman returns from maternity leave, or when getting a job):

Benefits when teaching a child

There are a number of government benefits when educating a child. Single mothers are entitled to a 50% discount on the cost of children in kindergartens. For such women, a 30% discount is provided for a child’s education in state sports and cultural institutions. Children of single mothers have priority when entering school and are enrolled out of turn. They are provided with two free meals a day.

Housing benefits

Single mothers have the right to receive housing (in case of need) in the first place, just as single mothers are included in a separate list of beneficiaries. The procedure for providing housing is in accordance with the law.

If a single mother with minor children is evicted from service housing, they must be provided with other housing. Without this condition, a single mother with children is not subject to eviction.

Compensation is provided if such a woman lives in a rented apartment. But to receive such payments, you must have a rental agreement in hand. The monthly compensation amount is 6,400 rubles.

Additional social benefits for single mothers

In addition to the above benefits, single mothers have the right:

Increased monthly benefit

Increased monthly child benefits for single mothers are established independently by local authorities for each region of Russia. For example, with a basic payment of 500 rubles, this figure can be 1,500 rubles.

Most often, such payments exist only until reaching adulthood. But in the case of single mothers, they can be extended until the child is 24 years old, provided that he is studying full-time at one of the universities. All payments are processed at the USZN (Department of Social Protection of the Population).

What documents are needed to receive benefits?

To receive child benefits, single mothers must initially provide the following documents to the local regional SZZN:

  • application for additional social benefits or benefits;
  • original and photocopy of passport (necessarily with the page where registration is indicated);
  • child's birth certificate;
  • a certified certificate about the number of people in the family and the age of the children;
  • a document that indicates that the woman is not married.

Social guarantees for single mothers in Moscow

What benefits are available to single mothers? As already mentioned above, they are almost the same everywhere, but they differ in the amounts of payments, depending on the region, which has the right to set a larger amount of payments or assign additional ones.

For example, in Moscow, some benefits can only be issued if the woman’s income is below the subsistence level established by law:

  • Monthly benefit for up to 1.5 years for single mothers with dependent small children. Moreover, the same payments are provided if the children’s age is 3-18 years. The amount is 1,600 rubles for each child in the family.
  • Every month a single mother is paid 3,200 rubles if her children are between one and a half to three years old.

Moreover, if such a woman gets married, but her husband does not adopt a child, then all his income will not be taken into account when calculating the cash benefit.

What other benefits does a single mother receive? Payments that do not depend on family income:

  • Every month, such women are compensated for the increased cost of living. If the child is not yet 16 years old or if he is a student - then until his 18th birthday. The amount of compensation payment is 750 rubles.
  • Single mothers are paid a monthly amount to compensate for rising food prices, provided that the child is no more than three years old. The amount of compensation is 675 rubles.

To receive payments, you must submit a personal income tax certificate for the previous three months to the regional department of social protection of the population. It is best to choose a time to submit it when the income stated in it does not include maternity payments.

Compensation for single mothers raising disabled children

What is the amount of benefit for a single mother in Russia with a dependent disabled child? If he has group 1 (and a child over 3 years of age), then every month his parent is paid an amount of 6 thousand rubles (it may vary depending on the increase in the cost of living, inflation and the characteristics of the social security of the region). But the payment is made only until the child reaches 18 years of age. If children are disabled from birth, then the period of such payments increases to 24 years. But only on the condition that the child does not officially work.

What benefit does a single mother with a large family receive? Such women can receive additional payments for each child. If there are 3 to 4 children in a family, then the amount will be 600 rubles for each. If from 5 or more, then 750 rubles.

Tax deductions

For single mothers, a standard double deduction is provided, which is provided for each child separately. In other words, this is an amount that is not subject to taxes. For the first and second child - 2800 rubles, for the third and subsequent ones - 6000 rubles. These amounts are not taxed until the children turn 18. After this age - only if they study at a university. Then the period of double tax deduction is extended until the children reach the age of 24.

You need to know that such a benefit can be provided to single mothers only before their marriage.

The status of a single mother in the modern world has ceased to shock young women. In this regard, the number of women raising children on their own, without the help of men, is growing all over the world.

Many of them are in great need and here the state comes to their aid, which not only helps financially (for example, in, but also protects the interests of women in many social spheres.

But to benefit from this help, you should learn your rights.

Who is eligible for single mother status?

The state pays benefits to women raising children without husbands. But in order to be able to use them, you should know your rights. First of all, let's consider who is legally classified as a single mother. Namely, women:

  • who gave birth to a baby while married or after 300 days after divorce, but have not established paternity;
  • who gave birth while unmarried;
  • unmarried people who adopted a child from an orphanage;
  • if the paternity of a child is not established as expected, this can be done both voluntarily and in court;
  • having a record of the father in the child’s documents, but in fact paternity has not been established.

“Lawyers advise not to include the father’s name in the child’s documents if the parents do not want to raise him together. This will help in the future to avoid many problems when preparing official documents.”

Many mothers, in the absence of a spouse, have problems with paperwork if they indicate the father's name on the birth certificate. For example, when crossing the border you need to have your father’s permission, when registering, when applying for benefits, etc. Therefore, you should think carefully and decide: maybe it would be better to leave the father column empty if the father does not participate in the child’s fate?

How to properly fill out papers to obtain single mother status

The documents should be completed at the place of registration in the social protection department. The processing time for documents is usually 30 days. If a woman works, then she submits papers to the accounting department at her enterprise. The package of documents includes:

  1. statement;
  2. a certificate from the registry office (form 25) and a birth certificate (if it was issued at the time of submitting documents);
  3. mother's work record;
  4. passport;
  5. income certificate (for the last 3 months).

This is what sample form No. 25 looks like

It should be remembered that in the event of the death of a spouse or divorce, a woman does not fall under the category of a single mother. And she cannot qualify for increased payments and additional regional benefits for a mother raising a child alone.

What can the status of a single mother bring?

A woman who finds herself in a difficult situation due to the father’s abandonment of a child should know all the intricacies of the status of a single mother.

Some positives:

  • receiving small but stable tax and labor benefits;
  • some advantages when enrolling in kindergarten and school;
  • you do not need to have the child's father's permission on some actions that the mother needs to take.

That is, the father’s permission is not required in the following cases:

  1. when applying for benefits as a single mother, you do not need a certificate stating that the father did not receive benefits;
  2. no exit permit required;
  3. when registering a child at the mother’s address;
  4. upon receipt of various benefits and certificates;
  5. when children are adopted by a new father;
  6. there is practically no chance for the father to sue the child;
  7. the father will not be able in the future to force the child, on the basis of kinship, to support and care for him, or to demand alimony.

In our country, many people still condemn women for wanting to have a child without a father, for not wanting to live with the child’s father. It is believed that even if the father is bad, he exists.

Negative aspects of being a single mother:

  • a woman whose father has not recognized the child has no right to alimony. But, since many men try to indicate a minimum income, you should not count on a large amount of alimony;
  • If the father does not recognize the child, then he will not be able to claim the inheritance. But, if the relationship between them is good, the lack of recognition of paternity will not prevent the father from transferring the inheritance to the child;
  • The absence of a father in the family can become a difficult psychological moment in the relationship between mother and child.

What assistance can a single mother expect from the state in 2018?


Apart from mandatory payments, single mothers are not entitled to any other benefits. But some regions use their right to make an independent decision in this matter and provide some financial assistance to single mothers. In addition, the procedure for applying for benefits has been simplified for women raising children without a father.

Maternity benefit

Only a woman who has left the workforce or was dismissed due to the liquidation of the company, who has submitted an application for registration with the employment center within a year, is entitled to such payments. Other mothers are not entitled to these payments, since they are a kind of compensation for wages that the woman did not receive during the period of bearing the child and caring for him after birth.

Cash payments under BiR are paid to mothers:

  • working as civilian personnel in Russian military units in foreign countries;
  • undergoing military service under contract.

This group of citizens must provide an application and a certificate from the hospital, where the doctor is obliged to indicate the exact duration of pregnancy. These benefits are paid at the place of work, study, from the Social Insurance Fund at the place of registration or service.


  1. for those who registered before 12 weeks, an additional payment to the maternity benefit is due. In 2017 it is equal to 613.14 rubles, and from the beginning of February 2018 - 632.76 rubles;
  2. Maternity benefits are received for actual time. Usually this period occurs at 7 months (30 weeks) or with premature birth (22-30 weeks). But there are exceptions, for example, if the birth of twins is expected (28 weeks), or for beneficiaries (Chernobyl victims - 27 weeks). The benefit must be issued within 6 months.

These payments are calculated based on 100% of average income for the last 2 years of work(preceding pregnancy) multiplied by the days spent by the woman on maternity leave. Vacation is:

  • normal pregnancy and childbirth – 70 days before (with standard pregnancy) + 70 days after = 140 days of total leave;
  • in case of complications during childbirth, we add 86 days after birth to the standard number of days before birth. Total 156 days of vacation;
  • When twins are born, 84 days are taken before and after another 110 days. Total 194 days;
  • when adopting children (baby up to 3 months), the mother has the right to leave from the moment of adoption. For one child it will be 70 days, for twins - 110 days.

The amount of the benefit in 2018 with 140 days of vacation cannot be less than 43,615.65 rubles and more than 282,106.70 rubles.

To receive it, you need to provide sick leave from the clinic and write an application. In some cases, you may be required to bring a certificate of income (182n) or an extract from your work record book. In case of dismissal from your main place of work, you are required to bring a certificate from the employment service. They may also require a certificate of non-receipt of benefits at the place of permanent registration if the mother lives elsewhere.

Various regions provide cash assistance to women in addition to these payments. For example, the unemployed, disabled people of groups 1 and 2, university graduates in Chuvashia are paid 326 rubles for a full month of pregnancy (starting from the 12th week), in Volgograd a low-income mother can receive 500 rubles per month during pregnancy, etc.

One-time payments for a single mother

At the birth of children

At the birth of a baby, the mother receives one-time assistance from the state in the amount of 16,873.54 rubles. In case of twins - for each child separately. But if the baby is stillborn, no payment is made.

This benefit must be issued within 6 months after the birth of children at the social security service at the place of residence, at the Social Insurance Fund or at work.

Required to provide:

  1. statement;
  2. certificate from the maternity hospital;
  3. mother's pension insurance certificate;
  4. a certificate certifying that the mother and child live together;
  5. identification document and its copy;
  6. if the mother worked, then an extract from her work record book (where exactly she worked last time);
  7. a certificate from social security indicating that such a payment was not issued.

In addition, one-time benefits include benefits issued when a child is transferred to a new family (upon adoption). Even a single woman can adopt a child before he reaches 18 years of age. At the same time, she receives the status of a single mother. The benefit in 2018 is 16,873.54 rubles. If they want to adopt a child over 7 years old, several children (brothers, sisters) or a disabled child, the amount will be 128,927.58 rubles.

In addition to the documents listed above, you should attach an agreement with the guardianship authorities or a court decision (but only one that has entered into force). Submit data no later than 6 months.

Maternal capital

Similar payments are provided, among others, to single mothers with two or more children. In 2018, the capital is 453,026 rubles.

The documents are submitted to the pension fund (at the place of registration of the mother). In addition to the documents provided for a lump sum payment, an application for a certificate and birth certificates of the remaining children should be attached.

The certificate can be used for:

  • housing improvement. Buy an apartment or other type of property for living, repay the loan for housing. Renovate (with the condition of increasing the square footage) the old housing or build a new one. Compensation for the construction of a house, equity participation in construction, etc. is possible;
  • for education. Payment for accommodation in a hostel. Payment for kindergarten or educational institution services;
  • accumulation of mother's pension;
  • payment for the social adaptation of a disabled child (purchase of technical equipment or costs for services).

You can spend money (with the exception of some cases) only when the child reaches 3 years old.

Monthly payments to single mothers

When a child is born, not all women are able to go to work. The reasons are different for everyone. In some cases, the mother had a difficult time giving birth, in others the child was born weak or was injured during childbirth, thirdly, the adopted child requires a lot of attention and warmth from the new mother at first, and other reasons. In all cases, the state provides resources that can financially support mothers.

Child care allowance up to 1.5 years old

Both working mothers who have gone to work and the unemployed are entitled to receive this benefit. Only the accrual amounts differ. Submit documents for accrual or to. Namely:

  1. statement;
  2. identification;
  3. child's birth certificate;
  4. an extract from the work book about the last place of work;
  5. a copy of the order of dismissal from the last place of work indicated in the extract from the work book;
  6. calculation of maternity benefits, if issued;
  7. certificate of family composition.

The amount of the payment depends on the mother's income before pregnancy. For unemployed and low-income single mothers the benefit amount will be 3163.79 rubles. If there are more children, the amount increases to .

“It should be remembered that if a woman wants to go to work before her child is 1.5 years old, she loses the right to receive a monthly benefit.”

Accrual begins from the end of maternity leave. If the mother’s rights to additional measures of state support are terminated, children (in equal shares) can use the right of maternity capital until they reach the age of 23.

Child care allowance up to 3 years old

Unfortunately, the legislation has not yet made changes to the Law and therefore only is provided for now. It is only 50 rubles per month.

Benefit for a child under 14 years of age

Since 2016, single mothers have received the right to... They are paid no more than once a quarter. This benefit, among others, can be received by a mother raising a child alone, and it does not matter whether she has a job or not. Documents should be submitted to the social security department:

  • statement;
  • passport;
  • birth certificate of children (for guardians, a document confirming the right of guardianship);
  • certificate of family composition;
  • a copy of the work record book and a certificate of income from the tax office for the past year;
  • if the mother works, a salary certificate.

The amount of the benefit varies depending on the region and ranges from 500 to 1300 rubles monthly.

Child benefit (from 16 to 18 years old)

These payments are usually awarded to low-income families for children studying full-time, as well as single mothers. The package of documents is the same as for receiving payments for children under 14 years of age. The benefit amount ranges from 150 to 1000 rubles monthly.

Benefits for disabled children

In addition, mothers are paid until they turn 18 in the amount of 5500 rubles monthly. In this case, a certificate of MSEC establishing the disability group must be attached to the package of documents. Payments are made only to children of the 1st disability group.

The certificate must be updated every 3 years.

Benefits for Chernobyl survivors

It is also necessary to take into account payments due to single mothers living in the Chernobyl zone. Since 2016, innovations have been adopted regarding the period of residence in such a territory. Thus, the minimum stay is established:

  • for zones with special economic conditions – 4 years;
  • for the residential zone in which people receive the right to resettle – 3 years;
  • for resettlement zones – 1 year.

Women living in such territories have the right:

  • receive additional days of maternity leave (plus 20 calendar days);
  • additional cash benefit when a woman registers - 130 rubles;
  • Every month children receive compensation for food costs:
  • schoolchild - from 35 to 180 rubles;
  • child in kindergarten – 180 rubles;
  • for food from the dairy kitchen, up to 3 years. In the amount of 230 rubles during the first year and 200 rubles in subsequent years.
  • monthly payments for child care, in addition to the usual payments to mothers, 3,000 rubles per child up to 1.5 years old and 6,000 rubles up to 3 years old.

Other benefits and compensation

And, of course, it is worth mentioning compensation for kindergarten fees for those who are lucky enough to get into them. To do this, in addition to the standard package of documents, you should attach an application for compensation and information about your bank account.

It should be remembered that you cannot receive money and use it to pay for the kindergarten, since this is precisely payment compensation. Therefore, first you should actually pay for the kindergarten services and only after that receive the required amount of compensation into your account, card or savings book. It depends on the number of children in the family, the actual payment for kindergarten services, as well as established benefits in the given territory.

The minimum payment amount is:

  • for the first child in the family -20%;
  • for the second – 50% of the amount actually paid;
  • for subsequent children – 70%.

In some regions, it is also possible to compensate for visits to private gardens. However, due to the fact that the budget is unlikely to be able to pay even 20% of the cost of a private kindergarten, it is allowed to take into account the compensation calculation an amount equal to the average payment in a public kindergarten. Those. the mother will receive 20% or more (depending on the number of children) of the average cost of a public kindergarten. Visits to music, art and sports schools are not eligible for reimbursement, but in some regions they provide a discount of up to 30%.

Benefits for single mothers

Labor legislation

The benefits provided to single mothers at work are allocated so that she can devote more time to her child. They can be provided in kind or in cash.

In kind, benefits represent some relaxations in the work schedule and working conditions.

  1. A woman who has a child under 5 years of age may refuse to work at night (from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.). But only if she was not hired for the position with the condition of working at that particular time of day.
  2. Women who have children under the age of 3 cannot be sent on business trips. And also involve in work overtime (including on holidays and weekends). But only if she herself did not agree to work under these conditions.
  3. A single mother has the right to apply to work part-time. But only if the child is under 14 years old, and the disabled child is 18 years old. By agreement of the parties, a temporary reduction in the work schedule or an indefinite one is possible.
  4. The employer is obliged to provide (but only if provided for by the collective agreement) 14 days of unpaid leave. A single mother has the right to it until the child reaches the age of 14 years.
  5. Single mothers with a disabled child are entitled to 4 additional days off per month, paid by the employer. They are provided on any days convenient for her and are not carried over to the next month.

Every mother raising a child on her own should know her rights and be able to use them. This also applies to job reductions.

It is strictly prohibited to fire a single mother with a child under 14 years of age, and in the case of a disabled child - up to 18 years of age. But you should remember that you cannot abuse your position.

Cases when a single mother can be fired isolated, but they exist and should be known. So, for example, a single mother is subject to dismissal if:

  • the enterprise is subject to liquidation;
  • a woman periodically fails to fulfill her labor obligations, especially if there are documented penalties;
  • gross violation of duties, even one-time (theft, disclosure of secrets, accident due to violation of labor safety rules, unjustified absenteeism, etc.);
  • when applying for a job, documents were provided that did not correspond to reality;
  • an immoral act was committed that cannot be combined with her work duties and other similar offenses.

However, if a woman believes that the charges against her are not justified, must be taken to court immediately. Then a single mother, if acquitted, can count on reinstatement to her position and compensation for days of forced absence from work.

Tax benefits

Single mothers are provided with a double tax deduction, i.e. the amount of actual earnings received in hand increases. What is a tax deduction? When a salary is calculated, taxes are withheld from it, including personal income tax.

According to the law, the amount of income on which this tax is withheld can be reduced and, accordingly, the amount of actual salary received can be increased. In 2017, the amount to be deducted from taxable income for single mothers raising children under 18 years of age, or up to 24 years of age in the case of full-time study, is:

  • for the first two children – 2800 rubles;
  • on subsequent ones – 6,000 rubles;
  • for a disabled child – 24,000 rubles.

But this tax benefit is valid only until the mother’s annual income exceeds 350 thousand rubles. After which personal income tax will be collected in full.

The package of documents is the same as when receiving other benefits and allowances.

Other benefits

  • The right to use the dairy kitchen free of charge until the child turns 2 years old, and to receive sets of linen for the baby.
  • Children of mothers raising children without a husband have the right to receive vouchers to camps and sanatoriums free of charge.
  • Opportunity to buy medications at a big discount.
  • Children have the right to receive free school meals.
  • The mother does not pay for cleaning services and garbage collection for children under 1.5 years old.
  • Children at the clinic are required to receive massages out of turn and free of charge.

“Payment for sick leave (due to a child’s illness) is made in the usual manner by the Social Insurance Fund, depending on the age of the child. In this case, no benefits are provided for a single mother.”

Housing for single mothers

A woman with single status can apply for an apartment from the state for free. But on the same grounds as ordinary families. Unfortunately, mothers raising a child on their own do not have any special conditions for receiving free housing.

They can use several options for obtaining an apartment:

  1. . It is valid until 2020. Mothers who have not yet reached 35 years of age can take part in it. This program provides cash assistance in the amount of 35% of the cost of housing. It can be spent on the purchase, construction of housing, repayment of a loan or payment for housing. But it is necessary to clarify the conditions for receipt, as they may differ in different regions;
  2. program “Housing for Russian families”. Allows you to obtain a mortgage for an apartment in new buildings. Housing under such programs is called “economy class apartments”;
  3. take out a mortgage with a reduced interest rate, i.e. mortgage with state support.

Based on practice, even if you receive all possible subsidies, not every single mother will be able to buy her own home. And nowadays you shouldn’t even hope to get free housing; not even all large families have their own housing, as required by the law on square meters, let alone the rest.

But if the mother still wants to get on the waiting list to receive housing from the state, she must first submit an application. It should be remembered that the mother and child must have Russian citizenship. If, upon verification, it turns out that the mother has no other housing and that she has been living in the territory of this area for a strictly established time, then she will be allowed to participate in programs for the acquisition of real estate.

Then you should wait for the commission, which will check the conditions in which the mother and child live. After which you need to be patient and wait for the housing commission to make its decision. It is best to sometimes come and clarify whether a decision has been made regarding your particular issue. The document will be issued if the commission determines that:

  • the living space does not meet the standards per person for the territory of the given area;
  • unsanitary living conditions are observed;
  • the family lives in a communal apartment;
  • mother and child live next to a dangerously ill person.

After receiving the commission's permission, you must get on the waiting list for housing.

However, that's not all. A woman raising a child alone must have an income that allows her to repay the loan. For example, a mother and one child must have an income of at least 21,621 rubles. In addition, you need to prepare money for the down payment from personal savings.

But even if the mother manages to get all the papers, it is not a fact that she will receive a mortgage. This is happening because many regions are curtailing housing programs due to the crisis.

Women who have taken upon themselves the courage to raise a child without the participation of a father are constantly in need of help. Many supporting programs, financial and social, are provided by the state, but due to the crisis, many of these programs, payments and benefits are being reduced. Therefore, many women themselves have to cope with financial difficulties.

But it is equally important to change attitudes towards single mothers. Be more tolerant and understanding, remember that in our time it is quite difficult to raise a child without the help of a father. Therefore, we should help and protect these brave women who continue to raise children even in such difficult conditions and at the same time manage to develop and make a career.